Can you help me with this map file?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Feb 2 10:24:10 PST 2006

are you missing an END for the "Geonet names" layer?


Jeremy Stocks wrote:
> Hi there to the list.
> I have succeeded in downloading SRTM and Landsat from the GLCF, VMAP 
> Level 0 from the web and processing them in GRASS. I have done the same 
> with Geonet names from NIMA with the help of a pythin script an internet 
> buddy wrote for me.
> I am now trying to incorporate the label names into my Mapserver 
> application. Can anyone help? I have a problem with the below MAP file. 
> When I run Mapserver on my PC (standard Windows download version) I 
> receive this message:
> loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (LAYER):(line 88)
> Is the MAP script wrong here? I am a newbie to MAPserver.
> For whatever help anyone gives I will be very grateful.
> Regards,
> Jeremy Stocks.
> Here is the script. The problem area is the bold italic section.......
> # The annotated map file (sort of)
> # Created by Pericles S. Nacionales for the MapServer tutorial
> # 20050408
> #
> # MapServer map file uses the pound sign (#) to denote the start of a line
> # comment--each line that needs to be commented has to be prepended with 
> a "#".
> #
> # Map files begin with MAP keyword to signify the start of the map object.
> # Well, the entire map file is THE map object.  Enclosed between MAP and END
> # at the very bottom of this map file, are keyword/value pairs and other
> # objects.
>   EXTENT          658768.76306283  5255756.95394429 742048.26144778 
> 5330768.35385309
>   SIZE           700 500
>   SHAPEPATH      "\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\bayern"
>   IMAGECOLOR     255 255 255
>     FONTSET                 "\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\bayern\fonts.list"    
>     WEB
>         TEMPLATE "c:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\bayern\bayern.html"
>         IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"
>         IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
> END        
>   # Layer objects are defined beneath the map object.  You need at least one
>   # layer defined in your map file before you can display a map...  You can
>   # define as many layers as you'd like although a limit is typically 
> hard-coded
>   # in map.h in the MapServer source.  The default limit is set at 100.  
> You'd
>   # have to have a very specialized application to need more than 100 
> layers in
>   # your application.
>   # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------
> LAYER # Brovey raster layer begins here
>   NAME         "brov_rgb_composite"
>   DATA         "brov_rgb_composite.tif"
>   STATUS       OFF
>   TYPE         RASTER
> END # Brovey raster layer ends here
> LAYER # SRTM raster layer begins here
>   NAME         "srtm_u03_p193r027_2ndattemptimport"
>   DATA         "srtm_u03_p193r027_2ndattemptimport.tif"
>   STATUS       OFF
>   TYPE         RASTER
> END # SRTM raster layer ends here
> HERE begin the problems.......! from HERE.....
> */LAYER # Geonet names
>     NAME                    popl_anno
>     STATUS                 DEFAULT
>     DATA                     "GNS_subset.shp"
>     TYPE                     POINT
>     CLASSITEM "fc"
>     LABELITEM "fnamend"
>     NAME       "Populated places"
>     STYLE
>       COLOR        232 20 20
>     END
>     LABEL
>       COLOR 132 31 31
>       SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218
>       SHADOWSIZE 2 2
>       FONT arial
>       SIZE 12
>       MINDISTANCE 300
>       BUFFER 4
>     END # end of label
> END # Label layer ends here/*
> ......................................TO HERE!
> LAYER     # Lakes
>   NAME         bavaria_lakes
>   DATA         hydro_inwatera_lakes
>   STATUS       ON
>   TYPE         POLYGON
>   # The class object is defined within the layer object.  You can define as
>   # many classes as you need (well, there are limits as with layers, but 
> it's
>   # senseless to define more than ten on a "normal" layer.  There are
>   # situations, however, where you might have to do it.)
>     NAME       "Bavaria Lakes"
>     # There are styles in a class, just like there are classes in a layer,
>     # just like there are layers in a map.  You can define multiple 
> styles in
>     # a class just as you can define multiple classes in a layer and 
> multiple
>     # layers in a map.
>     STYLE
>       COLOR        20 20 232
>       OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32
>     END
>   END
> END # Bavaria lakes polygon layer ends here
>   NAME         bavaria_rivers
>   DATA         hydro_watrcrsl_river
>   STATUS       ON
>   TYPE         LINE
>     NAME       "Bavaria Rivers"
>     STYLE
>       COLOR    20 20 232
>     END
>   END
> END # States line layer ends here
> # End of LAYER DEFINITIONS -------------------------------
> END # All map files must come to an end just as all other things must 
> come to...

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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