MapServer WFS Client: POST body is short

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Tue Feb 7 02:42:13 PST 2006

Isn't this just something that was corrected to version 4.8.1? See some 
postings with title "MapServer 4.8.1 released" to check that.


Lähettäjä: UMN MapServer Users List puolesta: mvexel (sent by
Lähetetty: ti 7.2.2006 12:32
Aihe: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer WFS Client: POST body is short

Hi mapserver-users, 

This might be more of a MapInfo-related problem than anything else, but I can't really pin it to MapInfo so here it goes; 

I'm using MapInfo 8.0 to try and connect to my Mapserver 4.6.1-based WFS Server. 
I feed MapInfo the URL: 


MapInfo successfully performs and parses a GetCapabilities request. I get the one layer I defined in the layers list. But when I click on that layer I get a 

POST body is short 

MapInfo suggests it has something to do with a failed DescribeFeatureType request. Is this a MapServer-related thing or is the MapInfo client still flaky? 


Martijn van Exel 
Bridgis BV 


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