Two-level Query

Maurizio Esposito m.esposito at SOFTEC-SRL.COM
Fri Feb 10 07:56:03 PST 2006

Hi list
I'm trying to solve this problem:
map server uses a layer "buildings" from Postgres, queryable and query
works fine.
I would query an element in the layer, a single building, and besides the
building_id and parcel number
I would like to query an other table in Postgres, say "homeowner" , with
columns building_id, homeowner_name,home_value
and show results in mapserver query.If possible not as a joined table, I'd
prefer a separate result with header and footer.

Any suggestion?
Another question: when using query map with option HILITE, selected items
are hilighted if are polygons but if are lines they don't. Why?
Missing something in mapfile?

Any help much appreciated, ty

Maurizio Esposito

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