Zoom to maximum bounding extent of selected features (PostGIS)

Jennifer Shanks jennifer at GREENINFO.ORG
Mon Feb 13 14:21:24 PST 2006


I'm attempting to customize a query tool written in PHP/Mapscript 
that selects features from a PostGIS database and highlights them on 
the map.  I'd like to also zoom to the maximum bounding extents of 
the selected features.

Does anyone have any code samples that I could look at?

Would I use the PostGIS extent function to get the maximum extent of 
selected features?  Once I have the extent, could I then use the 
zoomrectangle method of the MapObj class?

It seems as though I will need to do some calculations in order to 
get the correct parameters for zoomrectangle.

Any guidance or code snippets would be much appreciated.


Jennifer Shanks
GreenInfo Network
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