Linux binary
Kaarigar K
triplederby100-propos at YAHOO.COM
Mon Feb 13 14:50:16 PST 2006
The ISP is and uses Linux (2.4.21-27.0.4.ELsmp), PHP (4.4.1) Unfortunately, the only access I have is via control panel. I am able to upload cgi binaries to the cgi-bin directory, but I a not sure if that would get me mapserver hosted. Hence the question. It would be great though if it could. They have a great support and see if I can "encourage" them to install the RPM.
----- Original Message ----
From: jcradock at
To: Kaarigar <triplederby100-propos at YAHOO.COM>
Cc: mapserver-users at
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 2:38:31 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Linux binary
Which distribution are you using? RPM-based (Fedora, Redhat, Mandrake) or
APT-based (Ubuntu, Debian). For example, binaries are available for Debian
3.1 via APT.
If you have a virtual host account then the hosting provider may need to
be "encouraged" to install it for you.
> Is there a Linux binary for mapserver available for download? Can it be
> anually installed on a webserver to get mapserver up and running? I want
> to
> avoid building mapserver and all the prerequisites, and just get hold of
> the
> binary so that I can deploy it on my website. The ISP where the website is
> hosted allows me to install cgi scripts, php, Apache modules. Will
> appreciate any advice.
> Kaarigar
> ==============
James Cradock, jcradock at
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