Mapserver 4.8.1 linux installation problems

Aniruddha S. Khadkikar as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN
Tue Feb 14 01:35:38 PST 2006

Hi all,
I have been able to compile successfully on fedora core 4. However I am
facing an unusual problem. When I run:
in the /usr/local/mapserv-4.8.1/
it gives the correct message that the script can only be run as a cgi
application. However when I copied the files to /var/www/cgi-bin/ and
did the same thing - nothing.
I have only recently migrated from windows to linux - so please bear
with my ignorance on basic issues too (in case any). Are there any
libraries or other files that need addressing.
Also, in future would it be possible to install mapserver using yum?

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