Variable Substitution in Postgis Query
Puneet Kishor
punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Thu Feb 16 06:46:07 PST 2006
On Feb 16, 2006, at 8:45 AM, Maurizio Esposito wrote:
> Ciao Umberto
> hi list
> this is the query where substitution doesn't work:
> DATA "the_geom from buildings"
> FILTER "buildings.pk_id NOT IN (SELECT feat_id FROM feat_vis WHERE
> feat_vis.ruolo='%ruolo%' AND feat_vis.layer='buildings')"
> The table feat_vis is used as an exclusion list with the following
> attributes:
> ruolo
> layer
> feat_id
> and if I substitute %ruolo% with a string value, i.e. 'technician' the
> query works fine
when using %..%, you have to use LIKE. Try
SELECT feat_id
FROM feat_vis
WHERE feat_vis.ruolo LIKE '%ruolo%' AND
feat_vis.layer = 'buildings'
Puneet Kishor
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