static legend image in mapfile

Steven M. Ottens steven.ottens at GEODAN.NL
Fri Feb 17 08:18:23 PST 2006

Hi all,

I want to use a static legend image as legend for a map. Is it possible
to define such an image in a mapfile, so it will be served as the
getLegendUrl in a getCapabilities request. The problem is that I have
two layers which don't show a legend in the normal way:
One anti-aliased GeoTIFF (so can't use pixel values)
One grouped layer (I can get the legend of each of the children
separately but I want it as one image)
I need to get them from the getCapabilities doc since the layers are
added in a webmapping client (mapbuilder) by the user. The client parses
the getCapabilities doc to get all the info required to get a WMS map,
including the legend from the getLegendGraphicUrl.

Anyone knows a solution to this?

Thanks in advance


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