ogrtindex and directory structure

Hunter, David - St. Louis Park, MN David.Hunter at FNF.COM
Fri Feb 17 15:11:28 PST 2006

I need to tile index several layers for 50 states.  If my directory
structure looks like this:








                        /wy001/Parks.shp, water.shp, etc.




                        /wy045/Parks.shp, water.shp, etc.


Is there any way to create tile index files at the /mapdata/ directory
that point to all the /state/county subdirectories?  The ogrtindex
utility doesn't seem to have the ability to recurse the directory tree.
I could copy all park files into a /mapdata/parks/ directory, I suppose,
and then index all the files in the directory, but that would put
several thousand files into a single directory, which is a bit
unmanageable and ugly.  Anybody else come up with a solution to this


David S. Hunter
Sr. Software Engineer
Fidelity National Geographic Solutions
division of Fidelity National Financial
5353 Gamble Drive, Suite 201
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
* Email: david.hunter at fnf.com
' Phone: 952.542.1440 ext. 256
* Fax: 952.542.3859


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