Making a wms layer available through a map file

Puneet Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Sun Feb 19 13:06:39 PST 2006


Given the way your question stands, I have no idea what you are talking 
about. You have not quoted the earlier emails, you have not referred to 
the question whose reply you are referring to... generally, I have no 
idea what this is about. Yet, it has landed in my email because it is 
on the list.

If you include the entire thread, not only will someone else be able to 
answer possibly, but others may also learn from your experience. Once 
it gets archived, your experience will be there and continue to educate 

I attach "'How To Ask Questions The Smart Way' by Eric Steven Raymond" 
that may help --

On Feb 19, 2006, at 2:21 PM, Steven De Vriendt wrote:

> Hi, thanks for answering my question.
>  Do I've to integrate those parameters in the CONNECTION tag or where 
> do
>  I have to set those parameters Ross ? It's not my
>  purpose to see the layer by using it in the url but to make an extra
>  WMS layer in the map-file...

Many thanks,

Puneet Kishor

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