Specifying MINDISTANCE for point features of a shapefile???

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Feb 20 12:55:46 PST 2006

If you use an an ANNOTATION layer type instead of a POINT you should be ok. ANNOTATION layers link the point symbol with the text so the MINDISTANCE set in the text label is honored. You may want to pre-sort your city shapefile based on population if possible (in ascending order) so that the largest cities gain preference.


>>> "Hudson, Mark (xwave)" <Mark.Hudson at XWAVE.COM> 02/20/06 2:22 PM >>>

  I have a shapefile of cities (represented by points obviously), and I
want to tell Mapserver to draw features a minimum distance apart - just
like the MINDISTANCE parameter of the LABEL object.  The cities
shapefile covers a large area, so I want to display the layer at small
scales.  However, at this scale some cities appear very close to one
another  - and actually overlap.  Can I tell Mapserver to not do this
and only draw them when there is a specified distance between features?


Thanks, Mark Hudson.

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