Calculating real coordinates from pixed coordinates

Baris YILMAZ baris_999 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Feb 21 11:59:14 PST 2006


I have mapserver, maplab 2.2.1 and the rosa applet installed. I have a mapfile, which has a layer, which i can show in the rosa applet. 

My question is, is it correct to calculate the real coordinates from the input_coordinates (which is the pixed coordinates if you click) by simply proportioning them according to the extent coordinates?

I mean,

Real X Coordinate = (Difference in Real Extent Coordinates)/(Width of Rosa in pixel)*(clicked pixel X- coordinate) + Minx Real extent Coordinate

(Same for the Real Y Coordinate.)

Or is there another way to do this ? I read of maplat and maplon attributes but I don't know how to apply this within my package..

I hope I could clarify what I mean. Thank you in Advance.


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