Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerGetShape():

ruth schÿfffff6nbuchner ruthschoenbuchner at YAHOO.DE
Wed Feb 22 04:47:40 PST 2006

Dear people, 
  I have got a problem querying a layer with ArcSDE and a created 
  In my mapfile I definded the correct parameters for the 
ArcSDE-Connection because I can display the layers without any problems.
  When I want to query a layer, it says:
  Fatal error:  [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerGetShape(): 
SE_stream_fetch_row(): Invalid pointer argument to function. (-65)   in 
/../../webgis.php on line 142
  Line 142 of my webgis.php says the following:
  $Shape = $Abfragelayer->getShape($ti,$si);
  bevor line 142 I defined the queryable layer and the results:
  //create point object and querybypoint
  $punkt ->setXY($x_real,$y_real);
  @$map ->queryByPoint($punkt, MS_SINGLE, -1);
  //test, if query was succesful
  if((@$map ->queryByPoint($punkt, MS_SINGLE, -1))==MS_SUCCESS){
  $Abfrage="Abfrage hat geklappt";
  //find queryable layer
  for($iLayer=0; $iLayer < $map->numlayers; $iLayer++)
          $Abfragelayer = $map->GetLayer($iLayer);
          $numResults = $Abfragelayer ->getNumResults();
          if ($numResults == 0)
  //open table of queryable layer and read row
  $Spalte=explode(" ",$Abfragelayer->getMetaData("RESULT_FIELDS"));
  //read entry of row
  //define specific object of shape
  $Shape = $Abfragelayer->getShape($ti,$si);
  Surely I made something wrong with correct options and  parameters 
regarding to ArcSDE in my php-script, because I am newbie to  MapScript
  Can anybody help? Regards, Ruth
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