UMN Mapserver on mobile devices

blaise bpicinbono at WORLDONLINE.FR
Thu Feb 23 13:18:27 PST 2006

On Thursday 23 February 2006 20:21, Rainer Spittel wrote:
> Hi there,
>   It just came in my mind: I wonder if is might be possible to setup a UMN
> Mapserver environment on a mobile/handheld device (cellphone, PocketPC
> etc.)? So the MapServer runs on the PocketPC including core geospatial
> datasets (contours etc.) and accesses a WMS through the internet
> connection. May there is a "ms4mob" ? ;-)
>   Does anyone has experience with that? Is there a documentation available?
> Cheers
> Rainer

I tried to setup MapServer into a Zaurus last year. The Zauri are nice because 
of their linux distros. Apache was ok, Php and MySql were availables although 
I did not try them. But I did not manage to compile MapServer. Troubles with 
different versions of gcc, I think. But it might be solved with cross 
compilation. I haven't been that far.
(The aim was to consult and digitize new features on a mobile device without 
internet connection).

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