MapServer, PostGIS, Subquery with JOIN, WMS GetFeatureInfo / Followup Question - Ah ha
Nick Floersch
Sun Feb 26 10:46:23 PST 2006
Thank you Assefa and Paul.
I *think* life has just become good. By setting the FEATURE_COUNT to
'2', and submitting my query, it seems to be returning all appropriate
information... in both HTML or GML formats. Since what I really need s
GML, this is perfect. Now I just need to set my GetFeatureInfo client to
put a higher FEATURE_COUNT number into the request string, and life
should be sweet. Interestingly, the number given to FEATURE_COUNT seems
to have nothing to do with how many features are returned once the query
becomes an NQUERY... I set it to '2' for my example, and '7' unique and
correct and appropriate records were returned. I'll do more testing over
the next few days, and report any further information as I find it.
I'll try to find an appropriate place to comment on this in the
MapServer wiki manual.
Thanks thanks!
Nick Floersch
-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Yewondwossen Assefa
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer, PostGIS, Subquery with
JOIN, WMS GetFeatureInfo / Followup Question
Nick Floersch wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks so much for looking into this. I was trying to dig through the
> code as well. I noticed the "FEATURE_COUNT" parameter, and also a
> different mode setting ... i.e. mode = MS_SINGLE vs MS_MULTIPLE, but I
> couldn't really grasp the details enough to know if that had anything
> to do with my situation. It sounds like you are saying it does.
> Are you also suggesting that, in theory, if I use text/html as my
> output format, and have a one-to-many type relationship, as a JOIN
> might, the HTML generated from the templates will have one body entry
> per record (as a one-to-many JOIN might)?
> Assefa, are you the query maintainer? Or query guru? What is your role
> in all this? Who would I e-mail to discuss/propose changes to the GML
> output so that the records returned via GML are the same as returned
> via HTML or Text?
From looking into the code, the template processing code seemd to
kick in when those circumstances that I described are statisfied. I am
not really familiar with the query/template precessing/join logic. I am
assuming that if you manage to make things work with regular mapserver
query by defining your join and templates properly, It should also work
when doing a GetFeatureInfo.
Steve Lime would be the autorite on the query stuff and also for the
GML output. I am more familiar with the wms code. I think you should
adress your propositions/changes to the list.
> Thank you again! I will let you know how this turns out.
> Nick Floersch
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yewondwossen Assefa [mailto:assefa at]
> Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:56 PM
> To: Nick Floersch
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer, PostGIS, Subquery with
> JOIN, WMS GetFeatureInfo / Followup Question
> Hi There,
> From what I can see in the code, here is what you should do :
> * when doing the GetFeatureInfo use the request parametetr
> FEATURE_COUNT and set it to be above 1. The default is 1. This would
> trigger the nquery.
> * define on your server FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE metadata to
> something like text/html
> * do your wms request with info_format=test/html (same mime type
> that the one defined in the map)
> This conditions should normally trigger all the logic used when
> doing regular query with the mapserver cgi (with the template
> Give it a try and let me know. If It does not work, I can dig more
> into it.
> Later,
> Paul Ramsey wrote:
>>The answer to this takes either Assefa's input, or a browse of the
>>source code to find out what the GetFeatureInfo is going. It is
>>probably doing a 'query' rather than an 'nquery', so having a multi-
>>item template may make no difference at all. The WMS spec is silent
>>on what the actual behavior of the GetFeatureInfo should be, so it is
>>very much an implementation question.
>>On 24-Feb-06, at 12:59 PM, Nick Floersch wrote:
>>>I thought of a way to rephrase/reask the question I am now stuck
> with.
>>>I was reading through my MapServer book ('Beginning MapServer') on
>>>Queries and Joins, to see if mr. Kropla had any suggestions.
>>>He wrote that, in doing regular MapServer JOINs, if you want to have
>>>a JOIN produce one-to-many results, you need to specify a template
>>>for the JOIN to format each record beyond the first one that is
>>>returned into the final HTML result. Otherwise, only the first
>>>record will be returned.
>>>How does this principal apply to the GML generated by GetFeatureInfo
>>>requests? Obviously we don't need to define a valid HTML template to
>>>output the data... but how do GetFeatureInfo requests deal with
>>>one-to-many situations, and does the output format make any
>>>difference on how it is handled? If I have my GetFeatureInfo request
>>>return HTML rather than GML, can I use templates and have it handle
>>>a one-to-many arrangement succesfully?
>>>Thoughts, ideas?
>>>Nick Floersch
>>>From: Nick Floersch
>>>Hello Paul, Steve, Jeff, and other MapServer users,
>>>Thanks for the replies.
>>>By adding an appropriate 'using unique' clause to my DATA entry in
>>>the mapfile, I got my layer based on a view to draw. I am glad that
>>>views can be used.
>>>There is a trick that had to be realized. At first, I put in a 'using
>>>unique the_geom' clause which of course assumed that my geometry
>>>field was unique. But, because the source of my layer is a view (or a
>>>subquery in its previous life) which has a left outer join in it, the
>>>geometry column is far from unique. This is what I thought I wanted -
>>>to generate a layer which had multiple points at the same locations
>>>with different attributes... a series of attributes for a given point
>>>location. In my case, the idea is that the feature point can have
>>>images associated with it from a table of
>>>images. So, a left outer join on that table gives me a layer with
>>>duplicate points that have different values for the image name
> attribute.
>>>Anyway, initially, after I realized that 'the_geom' is not a unique
>>>field for me, I switched to using a field that is unique in my view,
>>>and things came to life. My GetFeatureInfo requests suddenly started
>>>returning attributes, and life looked good.
>>>But no. Not perfect. What I had in mind has not worked quite right -
>>>my GetFeatureInfo tool clicks on a point feature, and I get a list
>>>of attributes, by layer, for each feature under the pointer. Except,
>>>not all the duplicate point features are returned. The best I can
>>>think to describe it is this: I have a stack of points all defined
>>>in the same layer, and I click on the stack, and only the top point
>>>in that stack is returned. I was hoping it would return data for
>>>each of those points in the stack.
>>>So, is there some way I can make this work better? Am I totally
>>>barking up the wrong tree? I have one GetFeatureInfo request that
>>>needs to return multiple values for the same field of a given
>>>feature, based on a join...
>>>Thanks for any thoughts and help!
>>>Nick Floersch
>>>If you have the option, please don't use oid, use a primary key
> (like
>>>the 'gid' created by shp2pgsql) as your unique key. Primary keys
>>>already have indexes, oids do not. Primary keys show up
> automatically
>>>in a "select *" query, oids do not. oids are
>>>deprecated in pgsql and not available by default in pgsql 8.1.
>>>Basically oid is now a deadend, and we need to start erasing all
> uses
>>>of them.
>>>I seem to remember a post from one of the postGIS guys awile back
> the
>>>you needed to add an entry in the geometry_columns table for the
> view.
>>>-Steve W.
>>>This is on my "figure out some day myself" list, too. I'm doing the
>>>view thing right now, but I'd like to not have to create views for
>>>>The only thing I can think of is... does the PostGIS connector
> require
>>>>the table to have OIDs? It looks that way.
>>>Yes. It needs some unique field in order to randomly access an
>>>individual rows, it just so happens that OID is a convenient way to
>>>get that in most cases. You can also specify your own unique column
>>>name with "using unique <column name>" if your view doesn't have an
>>>OID column but you have some other key you can use. I just pull in
>>>the OID from the main geometry-containing table when I define the
> view.
>>>Jeff Hoffmann
Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst
Email: assefa at
Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax: (613) 565-0925
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