Web Map Context interoperability problems

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Tue Feb 28 06:48:03 PST 2006

Hi list,

I am trying to use a WMC document generated by Ionic in Mapserver, but
cannot get it to work (no layers in map object). The Ionic context
validates in Oxygen.

First problem, Ionic does not use a XML header for the context, so
Mapserver comes back with:

PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msLoadMapContext(): Invalid XML file
 in /data/geoservices/apps/geoservices/htdocs/wmc_ionic.php on line 5

So I added the XML header by hand. Then the following problem occurs:

PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: msLoadMapContext(): Unable to set units
for projection ''

Could it be that the Mapserver code assumes a 5 letter SRS EPSG code? If I
use e.g. 28992 it runs fine.

sprintf(pszProj, "init=epsg:%s", pszValue+5);

I have seen a few other potential problems in the Mapserver code:

1) the parsing code for queryable etc. assumes to get a 0 or 1, whereas
true or false are also valid values for xs:boolean

2) when outputting a WMC, Mapserver uses WMS for the value of the service
attribute of Server, whereas the OGC example (on schemas.opengis.net) as
well as Ionic use OGC:WMS

<Server service="OGC:WMS"

I have attached the context if somebody is interested to try this out.

Best regards,
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