Expanding a polygon
lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Tue Feb 28 07:04:46 PST 2006
Chip Taylor writes:
> I need a tool that can take a shape file with a polygon, such as a state
> boundary, and expand it x amount in all directions. For example, take a
> shapefile of the boundary of the State of Tennessee and expand the polygon
> .5 degrees in all directions. Anyone know of such a tool?
I'm not sure about buffering by degrees but that could just depend on the
projection. Mapscript does have GEOS buffering built-in now so you could
open the shapefile and loop through each polygon performing a buffer on each
then write each back out into a new shapefile. Because shapefiles are more
like areas than polygons there shouldn't be any problem with the resulting
shapes overlapping in the new shapefile.
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