Problem with Legend Template (URGENT)
Ishrar Hussain
ishrarh at YAHOO.COM
Tue Feb 28 21:28:05 PST 2006
I am having problem using the legend template.
I have all my layers distrubuted in some groups in my
map file. And I only want the group names to appear in
the legend. Therefore, I am using the following legend
[leg_group_html opt_flag=7]
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFCC"
<td align="center"><input type="checkbox"
name="layer_status[]" value="[leg_group_name]" [if
name=layer_status oper=eq value=1]CHECKED[/if][if
name=layer_status oper=eq value=2]CHECKED[/if]></td>
<td><img src="[leg_icon height=10 width=20]"
height=10 width=20></td>
Now, the problem is, when I use this, one group
containing only one annotation layer also appear in
the legend, which I do not want. I set opt_flag=7, but
it still shows the same thing.
Can anyone of you please help?
I also need some specific layer-groups to stop
appearing in the legend. Can any of you tell me how
this can be done, that is, what conditional tags
should I put?
Thank you.
- Ishrar
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