From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Sun Jan 1 07:53:43 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 10:53:43 -0500 Subject: About Re-projection inside of a view. In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Bobb, Have you considered making the sub-views of Alaska and Hawaii as iframes that you can position, view, project, etc separate from the main view? -Steve Blammo wrote: > All, > > I'm sure someone has run into this before, I have need to build a map > view with Alaska and Hawaii in the same view as the Continental US. > There will also be the need to rescale both Hawaii (bigger) and Alaska > (smaller) in the composite view. I may even need to rotate Alaska > slightly based on the base projection (Albers) > > My quandary is that I have quite a bit of data to augment if I should > need to go the route of moving/scaling everything for the two States. > Has anyone experimented with re-projecting the same dataset into new > positions on the fly, what are the performance hits etc. with this type > of process, should I even try it, and just reformat the data instead? > Maybe there is another option for viewing things side by side like this, > any thoughts would be appreciated. > Thanks > > bobb > From lucamarle at GMAIL.COM Sun Jan 1 08:10:39 2006 From: lucamarle at GMAIL.COM (luca marletta) Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 17:10:39 +0100 Subject: New code in search frame for pmapper 1.1.0 Message-ID: the new way the code works in ver 1.1.0 is driving me crazy, I cannot find the default search options defined and how it works Could some one give me an hint even if Sunday, holiday and 1 Jan :-)) I know is asking too much but... thanks and Happy new year luca -- luca marletta From lists at NABBLE.COM Sun Jan 1 15:54:30 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (kazan77777 (sent by Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 15:54:30 -0800 Subject: OracleSpatial Message-ID: OS: Windows XP Oracle Version: 9i Webserver: Apache from ms4w distribution I am not able to successfully configure oraclespatial in mapserver and was wondering if someone could help me out. First, I am using Oracle Locator -- not Oracle Spatial. Oracle Locator comes standard in Oracle, but Oracle Spatial is an extension that has to be purchased separately from Oracle. I am assuming the Oracle Locator is sufficient -- correct? I am using the Oracle Spatial example that Oracle provides on their web site: Geometry is enclosed in a table called 'cola_markets' Next, I downloaded the ms4w package and got that running. After that, I downloaded the hobu distribution and replaced the C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin directory with the contents from hobu. This should give me the capability to hookup to OracleSpatial and render data. However, all I can generate is a blank image. Questions: 1) Can someone point me to what I need to get my data to render 2) Is there a way to trace the code; i.e. generate debug statements in a log file 3) Is there anyone who can give me a simple example, including the sql scripts to create necessary schema objects, the associated map file, and the associated PHP file. This is my current MAP file: NAME DEMO DEBUG ON STATUS ON SIZE 400 300 SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.sym UNITS dd SHAPEPATH "../data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 WEB MINSCALE 2000000 MAXSCALE 50000000 IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" LOG "c:/ms4w/gmap.log" END LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END NAME "oilwells" TYPE point CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "scott/tiger!@XXXXXXX" DATA "shape FROM cola_markets USING SRID 8307" DUMP TRUE CLASS STYLE SIZE 10 COLOR 0 128 128 END END END END # Map File This is my current PHP file: setsize(600, 400); $oMap->selectoutputformat("png"); $oImage = $oMap->draw(); header("Content-type: image/gif"); $url = $oImage->saveImage(""); ?> -- Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From umn-ms at HYDROTEC.DE Mon Jan 2 02:22:03 2006 From: umn-ms at HYDROTEC.DE (Benedikt Rothe) Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 11:22:03 +0100 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java Message-ID: Hi list members, From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Mon Jan 2 09:47:04 2006 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 11:47:04 -0600 Subject: OracleSpatial Message-ID: I do not have first-hand experience with Oracle Spatial or Locator, so hopefully someone else will respond to your Oracle-specific points. You said that you obtained the hobu binaries, and then used those to replace the contents of the ms4w cgi-bin directory. However, you did not say whether you also obtained the corresponding PHP/MapScript binaries. Since you are using MapScript to render your map, your MapScript module must also have Oracle Spatial capability compiled into it. Also, did you try using the mapserv CGI instead of MapScript? Try something like: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=map&layers=oilwells&map=c:\ms4w\apps\gmap\htdocs\ I noticed that your "oilwells" layer does not have a STATUS line, and it really should. Your PHP script should probably set the layer's STATUS to ON before the map is drawn, e.g. $oLayer = $oMap->getLayerByName("oilwells"); $oLayer->set("status", MS_ON); To turn on debugging: I'm not sure on that one. I thought that all you would need to do is put DEBUG ON in the MAP and in each LAYER, and have a LOG line in WEB, but it seems you have all those... You might also need to set some environment variable(s) or something. (?) Plus, I'm not sure how DEBUG interacts with MapScript. It may be that DEBUG only works when you run your map through the CGI. (?) (Sorry, not much help here, I know.) HTH, -SM -- On Sun, 1 Jan 2006 15:54:30 -0800, kazan77777 (sent by wrote: > >OS: Windows XP >Oracle Version: 9i >Webserver: Apache from ms4w distribution > >I am not able to successfully configure oraclespatial in mapserver and was >wondering if someone could help me out. > >First, I am using Oracle Locator -- not Oracle Spatial. Oracle Locator >comes standard in Oracle, but Oracle Spatial is an extension that has to be >purchased separately from Oracle. I am assuming the Oracle Locator is >sufficient -- correct? > >I am using the Oracle Spatial example that Oracle provides on their web >site: > >Geometry is enclosed in a table called 'cola_markets' > >Next, I downloaded the ms4w package and got that running. After that, I >downloaded the hobu distribution and replaced the >C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin directory with the contents from hobu. This should >give me the capability to hookup to OracleSpatial and render data. >However, all I can generate is a blank image. > >Questions: >1) Can someone point me to what I need to get my data to render >2) Is there a way to trace the code; i.e. generate debug statements in a >log file >3) Is there anyone who can give me a simple example, including the sql >scripts to create necessary schema objects, the associated map file, and >the associated PHP file. > >This is my current MAP file: > > NAME DEMO > > DEBUG ON > > STATUS ON > SIZE 400 300 > SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.sym > UNITS dd > SHAPEPATH "../data" > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt > > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 > > WEB > MINSCALE 2000000 > MAXSCALE 50000000 > IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" > LOG "c:/ms4w/gmap.log" > END > > LAYER > DEBUG ON > > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > NAME "oilwells" > TYPE point > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "scott/tiger!@XXXXXXX" > DATA "shape FROM cola_markets USING SRID 8307" > > DUMP TRUE > CLASS > STYLE > SIZE 10 > COLOR 0 128 128 > END > END > END > > END # Map File > >This is my current PHP file: > > define("MAPFILE", "c:/ms4w/apps/gmap/htdocs/"); > define("MODULE", "php_mapscript_44.dll"); > if(!extension_loaded("MapScript")) dl(MODULE); > $oMap = ms_newMapObj(MAPFILE); > $oMap->setsize(600, 400); > $oMap->selectoutputformat("png"); > $oImage = $oMap->draw(); > header("Content-type: image/gif"); > $url = $oImage->saveImage(""); > ?> >-- >Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at > > From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Tue Jan 3 04:08:25 2006 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 07:08:25 -0500 Subject: United States City\Town\Village Shape Files??? In-Reply-To: <001001c60c24$55fe4140$0200a8c0@PANASONIULSWMR> Message-ID: Hi If you did not find a solution yet Check the national Atlas Download the following Shapefile layer from "Map Reference" Urban Areas This will give you a polygon layer of the areas of all the towns, villages, cities in the U.S. The only thing that is missing is the unincoorporated townships _____________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Adam Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 10:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] United States City\Town\Village Shape Files??? I've been looking everywhere and can't find shape files for all the towns in the United States. I have found incorporated cities and county subdivisions but that's not quite town\city\village boundaries. Does this dataset exist for free? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Basques" To: Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:50 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Sort of MapServer related . . Stacked, or coincident points . . . > All, > > I need a way to handle a stacked point data set. I'm working with a > Address dataset that has some points that are stacked in the same spot. > A few of them have hundreds of points in the same location, IE Apt. > Buildings, etc. > > Has anyone worked with a similar dataset before from MapServer? > > We have some ideas about how to display the data. Nothing concrete > yet. The current system relies on ImageMaps for the display of the > point data via a MapServer Template. This works for the first (last > ImageMap record) in the imagemap, but how to view the other point > records from the same point. We're in the mode right now to build some > Javascript handlers for a XML stream from MapServer, but this seems like > overkill for some reason. > > The dataset is such that I can't seperate the different points very > easily, nor should they I think. > > Any ideas out there? > > bobb > From hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US Tue Jan 3 07:40:35 2006 From: hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US (Lawrence Hartpence) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 09:40:35 -0600 Subject: Displaying Rasters Message-ID: Hello, I am running MapServer on a windows 2000 machine using IIS. I installed the MS4W build. My goal is to serve rasters in ECW format. I understand that I need GDAL to display ecw files. I thought that everything I need was installed with the MS4W install. Does anyone have any direction for me to display a tiled raster in ecw format? Lawrence Hartpence GIS Coordinator 101 1st St N Newton IA 50208 641-792-3084 hartpence_gis at From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Jan 3 07:47:13 2006 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 16:47:13 +0100 Subject: Displaying Rasters Message-ID: MS4W has ECW support (i.e. the GDAL build of MS4W is linked against the ErMapper ECW libraries). Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> Lawrence Hartpence 3-1-2006 16:40:35 >>> Hello, I am running MapServer on a windows 2000 machine using IIS. I installed the MS4W build. My goal is to serve rasters in ECW format. I understand that I need GDAL to display ecw files. I thought that everything I need was installed with the MS4W install. Does anyone have any direction for me to display a tiled raster in ecw format? Lawrence Hartpence GIS Coordinator 101 1st St N Newton IA 50208 641-792-3084 hartpence_gis at From hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US Tue Jan 3 08:05:13 2006 From: hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US (Lawrence Hartpence) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 10:05:13 -0600 Subject: Displaying Rasters In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I apologize. I left out a very important point. When I tried to add a ecw file to my website, the website doesn't come up anymore. I get a CGI Timeout error. If anyone has an example of a template and mapfile using ecw files, I would appreciate the opportunity to examine them. Thanks! Lawrence Hartpence From lucamarle at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 3 08:25:25 2006 From: lucamarle at GMAIL.COM (luca marletta) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:25:25 +0100 Subject: Labels with variable angle Message-ID: Hi all, here a common topic I guess, but I cannot find easily a solution and maybe a lot of you have already it. I have streets name and angles, as features in dbf of a layer of points. I want to display the labels in the streets follow the angles given for each. How could I reach this? I need to put a variable in the class item ANGLE that extract from dbf the angle of the label is it easy to do just in map file? Thanks a lot luca -- luca marletta From BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL Tue Jan 3 08:28:36 2006 From: BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:28:36 +0100 Subject: Labels with variable angle Message-ID: Use LABELANGLEITEM. See MAP file reference for details. Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden Syncera IT Solutions Postbus 270 2600 AG DELFT 015-7512436 email: BEN at >>> luca marletta 3-1-2006 17:25:25 >>> Hi all, here a common topic I guess, but I cannot find easily a solution and maybe a lot of you have already it. I have streets name and angles, as features in dbf of a layer of points. I want to display the labels in the streets follow the angles given for each. How could I reach this? I need to put a variable in the class item ANGLE that extract from dbf the angle of the label is it easy to do just in map file? Thanks a lot luca -- luca marletta From saengpole at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 3 10:51:11 2006 From: saengpole at YAHOO.COM (Krung Saengpole) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 10:51:11 -0800 Subject: A little with PostGIS Message-ID: Hi all, I just tried mapserver with postgis (PHPMapscript). I always got a message "msPOSTGISLayerRetrievePK: field length = $i". I searched for this in the archieve, no solution. How can I eleminate the message? TIA Krung --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From WAnderson at PBSJ.COM Tue Jan 3 13:25:01 2006 From: WAnderson at PBSJ.COM (ANDERSON, WALTER) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 15:25:01 -0600 Subject: Annotation layer not redisplaying on zoom-in Message-ID: I am having a problem with labels on an annotation layer displaying on the full extents but not displaying when I zoom in. The problem is with the "Route Labels" layer in the map file below. The labels (with shield symbols) shows up fine when the map is zoomed to full extent, but they disappear whenever any level of zoom-in is made. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I am currently testing this map on the latest ms4w mapserver build and using the maplab tool to preview the map. Thanks, Walter Anderson MAP NAME "Highway" STATUS ON EXTENT 2560000 9840000 3465000 10348500 SIZE 600 400 SHAPEPATH "/ms4w/apps/hba/data/" SYMBOLSET "/ms4w/apps/hba/htdocs/symbols.sym" FONTSET "/ms4w/apps/hba/htdocs/fontset.txt" IMAGETYPE JPEG IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 UNITS FEET WEB IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" LOG "/ms4w/apps/hba/err.log" END REFERENCE STATUS ON IMAGE "/ms4w/apps/hba/data/austin_district.gif" SIZE 304 174 EXTENT 2519285.568276 9809279.856313 3508398.761244 10375938.133188 COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 END SCALEBAR STATUS EMBED COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 UNITS MILES INTERVALS 2 SIZE 100 10 STYLE 0 POSITION LL END LAYER NAME "County Boundaries" STATUS ON DATA "AUS_Counties" TYPE POLYGON UNITS FEET SIZEUNITS PIXELS LABELITEM "CNTY_NM" LABELMINSCALE 100000 CLASS LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 8 POSITION CC COLOR 255 0 255 END STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 192 0 255 SIZE 2 END END END LAYER NAME "Major Routes" STATUS ON DATA "AUS_Routes_Centerline" TYPE LINE CLASSITEM "RTE_PRFX_C" UNITS FEET SIZEUNITS PIXELS CLASS NAME "Interstate" EXPRESSION "IH" STYLE SYMBOL "BigLine" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 1 END END CLASS NAME "Highway" EXPRESSION "US" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 1 END END CLASS NAME "Other" EXPRESSION ('[RTE_PRFX_C] ' ne 'US' and '[RTE_PRFX_C] ' ne 'IH') STYLE COLOR 192 192 192 SIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME "Billboards" STATUS ON DATA "billboards" TYPE POINT UNITS FEET SIZEUNITS PIXELS MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 250000 LABELITEM "PERMIT_NO" LABELMINSCALE 1 LABELMAXSCALE 48000 DEBUG On CLASS LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 6 POSITION UR COLOR 255 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL "Circle" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 2 END END END LAYER NAME "credits" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE ANNOTATION TRANSFORM FALSE CLASS LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial-italic" SIZE 8 POSITION UR COLOR 0 0 255 END END FEATURE TEXT "© 2006 AZB" POINTS 535 393 END END END LAYER NAME "Route Labels" STATUS DEFAULT DATA "rte_lbl" TYPE ANNOTATION CLASSITEM "SYS" UNITS FEET SIZEUNITS PIXELS LABELITEM "NUM" DEBUG on CLASS NAME "Interstate Shields" EXPRESSION "IH" MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 12000000 COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 8 POSITION CC MINFEATURESIZE 40 MINDISTANCE 60 COLOR 255 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL 2 COLOR 0 0 0 END END CLASS NAME "US Highways" EXPRESSION "US" MINSCALE 1 MAXSCALE 12000000 COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 6 POSITION CC MINFEATURESIZE 40 MINDISTANCE 40 COLOR 0 0 0 END STYLE SYMBOL 4 COLOR 255 255 255 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END END END -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 3 14:05:14 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:05:14 -0500 Subject: Annotation layer not redisplaying on zoom-in In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Have you tried setting your 'Route Labels' layer to STATUS ON ? (just to rule that out) jeff ANDERSON, WALTER wrote: > I am having a problem with labels on an annotation layer displaying on > the full extents but not displaying when I zoom in. The problem is with > the "Route Labels" layer in the map file below. The labels (with shield > symbols) shows up fine when the map is zoomed to full extent, but they > disappear whenever any level of zoom-in is made. > > Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? > > I am currently testing this map on the latest ms4w mapserver build and > using the maplab tool to preview the map. > > Thanks, > > Walter Anderson > > MAP > NAME "Highway" > STATUS ON > EXTENT 2560000 9840000 3465000 10348500 > SIZE 600 400 > SHAPEPATH "/ms4w/apps/hba/data/" > SYMBOLSET "/ms4w/apps/hba/htdocs/symbols.sym" > FONTSET "/ms4w/apps/hba/htdocs/fontset.txt" > IMAGETYPE JPEG > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > UNITS FEET > WEB > IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" > LOG "/ms4w/apps/hba/err.log" > END > REFERENCE > STATUS ON > IMAGE "/ms4w/apps/hba/data/austin_district.gif" > SIZE 304 174 > EXTENT 2519285.568276 9809279.856313 3508398.761244 10375938.133188 > COLOR -1 -1 -1 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 > END > SCALEBAR > STATUS EMBED > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > UNITS MILES > INTERVALS 2 > SIZE 100 10 > STYLE 0 > POSITION LL > END > LAYER > NAME "County Boundaries" > STATUS ON > DATA "AUS_Counties" > TYPE POLYGON > UNITS FEET > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > LABELITEM "CNTY_NM" > LABELMINSCALE 100000 > CLASS > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial" > SIZE 8 > POSITION CC > COLOR 255 0 255 > END > STYLE > OUTLINECOLOR 192 0 255 > SIZE 2 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME "Major Routes" > STATUS ON > DATA "AUS_Routes_Centerline" > TYPE LINE > CLASSITEM "RTE_PRFX_C" > UNITS FEET > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > CLASS > NAME "Interstate" > EXPRESSION "IH" > STYLE > SYMBOL "BigLine" > COLOR 255 0 0 > SIZE 1 > END > END > CLASS > NAME "Highway" > EXPRESSION "US" > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 0 > SIZE 1 > END > END > CLASS > NAME "Other" > EXPRESSION ('[RTE_PRFX_C] ' ne 'US' and '[RTE_PRFX_C] ' ne 'IH') > STYLE > COLOR 192 192 192 > SIZE 1 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME "Billboards" > STATUS ON > DATA "billboards" > TYPE POINT > UNITS FEET > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > MINSCALE 1 > MAXSCALE 250000 > LABELITEM "PERMIT_NO" > LABELMINSCALE 1 > LABELMAXSCALE 48000 > DEBUG On > CLASS > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial" > SIZE 6 > POSITION UR > COLOR 255 0 0 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL "Circle" > COLOR 255 0 0 > SIZE 2 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME "credits" > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE ANNOTATION > TRANSFORM FALSE > CLASS > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial-italic" > SIZE 8 > POSITION UR > COLOR 0 0 255 > END > END > FEATURE > TEXT "© 2006 AZB" > POINTS > 535 393 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME "Route Labels" > STATUS DEFAULT > DATA "rte_lbl" > TYPE ANNOTATION > CLASSITEM "SYS" > UNITS FEET > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > LABELITEM "NUM" > DEBUG on > CLASS > NAME "Interstate Shields" > EXPRESSION "IH" > MINSCALE 1 > MAXSCALE 12000000 > COLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial" > SIZE 8 > POSITION CC > MINFEATURESIZE 40 > MINDISTANCE 60 > COLOR 255 0 0 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL 2 > COLOR 0 0 0 > END > END > CLASS > NAME "US Highways" > EXPRESSION "US" > MINSCALE 1 > MAXSCALE 12000000 > COLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial" > SIZE 6 > POSITION CC > MINFEATURESIZE 40 > MINDISTANCE 40 > COLOR 0 0 0 > END > STYLE > SYMBOL 4 > COLOR 255 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > END > END > END > END -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From WAnderson at PBSJ.COM Tue Jan 3 14:13:50 2006 From: WAnderson at PBSJ.COM (ANDERSON, WALTER) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 16:13:50 -0600 Subject: Annotation layer not redisplaying on zoom-in Message-ID: I just gave that a try with no change noted. I also changed the color at the same time to verify that it was working with the revised map file. McKENNA, JEFF wrote: >Have you tried setting your 'Route Labels' layer to STATUS ON ? (just >to rule that out) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 3 14:34:42 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:34:42 -0500 Subject: Annotation layer not redisplaying on zoom-in In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: hmm. To rule out any maplab issues, you could use the shp2img.exe in \ms4w\tools\mapserv-utils\, which will create your map image: shp2img -m path\to\ -o test.gif and test your mapfile with different extents... jeff ANDERSON, WALTER wrote: > I just gave that a try with no change noted. I also changed the color > at the same time to verify that it was working with the revised map file. > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From mtrp36 at HOTMAIL.COM Tue Jan 3 15:53:27 2006 From: mtrp36 at HOTMAIL.COM (K Kuo) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 23:53:27 +0000 Subject: street level shape files for united state Message-ID: Hi, I have been looking for the detail road network (street level) shape files for US and can not find it. I am wondering if there is any free data available. Is the commercial street level data like (navteq) much better than tiger files (if I convert tiger file to shapefile)? thanks Kurt From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Jan 3 16:30:09 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 16:30:09 -0800 Subject: street level shape files for united state In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Kurt, Tiger is the only "street level" USA road data set that I am aware of. Tiger data aren't very accurate, and commercial road data are generally much higher quality. The poor quality of Tiger roads is most obvious when you draw them on the same map as better data (like GPS-captured positions). Although there are better road data sets out there (if you pay), Tiger is probably suitable for some applications. What do you need the roads for? Brock K Kuo wrote: > Hi, > I have been looking for the detail road network (street level) shape > files for US and can not find it. I am wondering if there is any free > data available. Is the commercial street level data like (navteq) much > better than tiger files (if I convert tiger file to shapefile)? > thanks > > Kurt From ldtoan at CTU.EDU.VN Wed Jan 4 08:24:07 2006 From: ldtoan at CTU.EDU.VN (Le Duc Toan) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 08:24:07 -0800 Subject: Data file of Mapserver 4.6 Tutorial In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hallo, I try to learn Mapserver 4.6 tutorial! In some steps, I need data file to get deep understanding. Could anyone help me to download the data file? Thanks, Le Duc Toan College of Technology, Can Tho University. From sparkymeister at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 3 18:01:34 2006 From: sparkymeister at GMAIL.COM (Mark Wright) Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 18:01:34 -0800 Subject: Labels with variable angle In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On a similar point, can a label follow a curved line? Mark On 1/3/06, luca marletta wrote: > I want to display the labels in the streets follow the angles given for each. > How could I reach this? > > I need to put a variable in the class item ANGLE that extract from dbf > the angle of the label > > is it easy to do just in map file? > > Thanks a lot > > luca > -- > luca marletta > -- Have fun or die trying - but try not to actually die. Got Mac OS X? Get the AboveCalifornia Sherlock Channel: sherlock:// From info2005 at RAJSINGH.ORG Tue Jan 3 22:41:58 2006 From: info2005 at RAJSINGH.ORG (Raj Singh) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 01:41:58 -0500 Subject: United States City\Town\Village Shape Files??? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Adam did you ever find ?town\city\village boundaries?? I?ve been going crazy searching for the same thing. Gary I tried that National Atlas data set but it isn?t what I expected. For example, here in Massachusetts every town/city is incorporated, so there should be no holes, but there are plenty. Is there some population cutoff to this data set? Also another problem?it groups multiple cities into one shape. For example, Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, etc. all get grouped in a ?Boston Metro? polygon. --Raj -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From olivier.gayte at VEREMES.COM Wed Jan 4 01:07:02 2006 From: olivier.gayte at VEREMES.COM (Olivier Gayte) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 03:07:02 -0600 Subject: Php-mapscript class diagram for version 4.6 Message-ID: Hello, I have just released the php-mapscript class diagram for version 4.6. You will find it on: Olivier From Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR Wed Jan 4 02:38:43 2006 From: Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR (Gambin Dejan) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 11:38:43 +0100 Subject: Georeferencing question Message-ID: Hello, I know it probably belong to gdal list but I'll give it a try here.. I am trying to georeference my scanned paper maps. I have tried using QGIS Georeferencer plugin, it works ok for linear transformation but the resulting georeferenced raster map does not fit vrey well, probably because of deformations etc. I have tried using Helmert transformation but unfortunatelly QGIS crashes (running on Windows). So I tried using gdal_translate and gdalwarp. I took the corner coordinates (only UpperLeft and BottomRight for testing) and run "gdal_translate -gcp 0 0 5409006.4226 4970689.5864 -gcp 7590 5931 5409806.0064 4970064.7150 025-k.jpg 025-k-translated.jpg -of JPEG". But setting output format to JPEG results in unchanged output image. I suppose it is normal and gdal_translate cannot create gc points in this way? Do I have to use default TIFF output format? What to do next with gdalwarp? What type of transform and resampling to use? I would really appreciate some suggestions on this thanks very much dejan From WAnderson at PBSJ.COM Wed Jan 4 05:58:03 2006 From: WAnderson at PBSJ.COM (ANDERSON, WALTER) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 07:58:03 -0600 Subject: Annotation layer not redisplaying on zoom-in Message-ID: Jeff, Here are the results. This command: shp2img -m \ms4w\apps\hba\data\ -o \test1.gif resulted in this image ( and this command: shp2img -m d:\ms4w\apps\hba\data\ -o \test2.gif -e 2950000 9980000 3255000 10205000 resulted in this image ( McKENNA, JEFF wrote: >hmm. To rule out any maplab issues, you could use the shp2img.exe in >\ms4w\tools\mapserv-utils\, which will create your map image: > > shp2img -m path\to\ -o test.gif > >and test your mapfile with different extents... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Wed Jan 4 07:21:10 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 16:21:10 +0100 Subject: Keysize for raster legend Message-ID: Hi all, I'm using mapserver to visualize satellite derived products on a raster format (tif) with a raster legend embedded into the image. Attached is a screen shot visualizing my problem. The screenshot shows a sea surface temperature layer but I'm not getting the color bar legend that I expected. The strange thing is that if I don't specify the LEGEND -> KEYSIZE tag but using the default values "20 10", the color legend looks ok but is too small to read. Attached is also the colorbar jpg that should be embedded as a legend. I am using the KEYIMAGE tag in the map file to include the legend file. Below is an extract of the map file. Another question related: LEGEND -> KEYSIZE gives a general size of the legend. Is it possible specify the size of a layer's legend? It is often necessary/nicer to have different size of legends of different layers. cheers Joern Vegard Roesnes MAP NAME DEMO STATUS ON SIZE 600 600 UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "data" FONTSET "fonts.txt" EXTENT -72493.34 5453045.5 100000 8922059.5 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png PROJECTION "init=epsg:32633" END WEB HEADER demo_header.html TEMPLATE demo.html FOOTER demo_footer.html IMAGEPATH "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END LEGEND STATUS EMBED POSITION UR KEYSIZE 150 150 END LAYER NAME "msgSST" DATA "SST.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS default DEBUG ON OFFSITE 255 255 255 PROJECTION "proj=stere" "lat_0=40" "lon_0=0" END CLASS NAME "" KEYIMAGE 'data/msgSSTcolor.png' END END END ------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: msgSSTcolor.png Type: image/png Size: 7086 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: applet_legen.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 39368 bytes Desc: not available URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Wed Jan 4 07:49:27 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 10:49:27 -0500 Subject: Keysize for raster legend In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/4/06, J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > Attached is also the colorbar jpg that should be embedded as a legend. > I am using the KEYIMAGE tag in the map file to include the legend file. J?rn, I skimmed the mapserver 4.8 code, and it uses the gd function gdImageCopyResampled() to resize the keyimage. Could you let us know which version of MapServer and gd are being used? Also, I see your keyimage is 24bit RGB. If you output image is 8bit PNG, you *might* get better results using an 8bit PNG file for the keymap. I would appreciate your filing a bug on this issue with all the details, and all the data needed to reproduce the problem. Feel free to assign it to me. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Wed Jan 4 08:13:02 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 17:13:02 +0100 Subject: Keysize for raster legend In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Wednesday 04 January 2006 16:49, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 1/4/06, J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > > Attached is also the colorbar jpg that should be embedded as a legend. > > I am using the KEYIMAGE tag in the map file to include the legend file. > > J?rn, > > I skimmed the mapserver 4.8 code, and it uses the gd > function gdImageCopyResampled() to resize the keyimage. > Could you let us know which version of MapServer and > gd are being used? > It's FWTools-linux-0.9.9 with mapserv 4.7, not sure of the GDAL version. > Also, I see your keyimage is 24bit RGB. If you output > image is 8bit PNG, you *might* get better results using > an 8bit PNG file for the keymap. > Thanks! It works with 8bit keymap. > I would appreciate your filing a bug on this issue with all > the details, and all the data needed to reproduce the problem. > Feel free to assign it to me. > I assume I don't have to file a bug... cheers Joern From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Wed Jan 4 08:16:26 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 11:16:26 -0500 Subject: Keysize for raster legend In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/4/06, J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > > I would appreciate your filing a bug on this issue with all > > the details, and all the data needed to reproduce the problem. > > Feel free to assign it to me. > > > I assume I don't have to file a bug... Joern, Well, you don't *have* to file a bug of course, but it would still be useful to us. There is still a bug and if possible we ought to try and fix it. However, there is less time pressure how that you have a work around. The work around also tells us the problem is with the 24bit handling. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Wed Jan 4 08:22:27 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 11:22:27 -0500 Subject: Georeferencing question In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/4/06, Gambin Dejan wrote: > Hello, > > I know it probably belong to gdal list but I'll give it a try here.. > > I am trying to georeference my scanned paper maps. I have tried using > QGIS Georeferencer plugin, it works ok for linear transformation but the > resulting georeferenced raster map does not fit vrey well, probably > because of deformations etc. I have tried using Helmert transformation > but unfortunatelly QGIS crashes (running on Windows). > > So I tried using gdal_translate and gdalwarp. I took the corner > coordinates (only UpperLeft and BottomRight for testing) and run > "gdal_translate -gcp 0 0 5409006.4226 4970689.5864 -gcp 7590 5931 > 5409806.0064 4970064.7150 025-k.jpg 025-k-translated.jpg -of JPEG". But > setting output format to JPEG results in unchanged output image. > > I suppose it is normal and gdal_translate cannot create gc points in > this way? Do I have to use default TIFF output format? Gambin, Only a few formats support GCPs. You would need to write output to a format like TIFF or VRT. > What to do next with gdalwarp? What type of transform and resampling to > use? If you succeed in attaching a fair number of GCPs (at least more than the 3 defining an affine transform) then you could try the -tps switch to use thin plate splines instead of simple polynomials. It may give better results. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US Wed Jan 4 10:20:22 2006 From: hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US (Lawrence Hartpence) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:20:22 -0600 Subject: ECW Support Message-ID: Hello, A day or two ago, I posted a question about ECW support with the MS4W build of MapServer. I have MapServer on a Windows 2000 machine running with IIS. I read a thread stating that on a LINUX machine you need to modify GDAL to make it support ECW files. Is this the case with Windows machines? The only response I received the other day was that this build should support ECW files. Is there anyone out there using ECW files with windows? I try to add the ECW file in my mapfile like I would a TIF and the browser just hangs up when I try to do this and times out. Thanks!! Lawrence Hartpence GIS Coordinator 101 1st St N Newton IA 50208 641-792-3084 hartpence_gis at From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Wed Jan 4 10:25:23 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 19:25:23 +0100 Subject: ECW Support In-Reply-To: <000001c6115b$86c96700$> Message-ID: I have used ECW files on Windows with MS4W in the past. Which version of MS4W are you using? Are you able to read the ECW file with gdalinfo (install fwtools from If so, can you post the output of gdalinfo as well as your LAYER definition in the MAP file? Are you using Mapserver CGI or PHP/Mapscript to render the ECW? How large is the ECW file? Also, try to put debugging on in Mapserver ( and optionally use CONFIG CPL_DEBUG "ON" at the MAP level in your map file to get GDAL to output debug info. Best regards, Bart Lawrence Hartpence wrote: >Hello, > >A day or two ago, I posted a question about ECW support with the MS4W build >of MapServer. I have MapServer on a Windows 2000 machine running with IIS. >I read a thread stating that on a LINUX machine you need to modify GDAL to >make it support ECW files. Is this the case with Windows machines? The >only response I received the other day was that this build should support >ECW files. Is there anyone out there using ECW files with windows? > >I try to add the ECW file in my mapfile like I would a TIF and the browser >just hangs up when I try to do this and times out. > >Thanks!! > >Lawrence Hartpence >GIS Coordinator >101 1st St N >Newton IA 50208 >641-792-3084 >hartpence_gis at > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US Wed Jan 4 11:33:34 2006 From: hartpence_gis at CO.JASPER.IA.US (Lawrence Hartpence) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 13:33:34 -0600 Subject: ECW Support In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I am using MS4W 1.3.0. The output from gdalinfo is: Driver: ECW/ERMapper Compressed Wavelets Size is 5000, 5000 Coordinate System is: LOCAL_CS["LOCAL", UNIT["U.S. Foot",0.3048006]] Origin = (1765000.000000,584500.000000) Pixel Size = (0.50000000,-0.50000000) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 1765000.000, 584500.000) Lower Left ( 1765000.000, 582000.000) Upper Right ( 1767500.000, 584500.000) Lower Right ( 1767500.000, 582000.000) Center ( 1766250.000, 583250.000) Band 1 Block=5000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray Overviews: arbitrary Here is the Layer Definition from the Mapfile: LAYER NAME "ortho" STATUS ON DATA "C:\orthos\orthos2005\6484.ecw" TYPE RASTER END I am using MapServer CGI to render the file. The file is around 5 Megabytes Thanks! Lawrence From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Jan 4 11:41:16 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 14:41:16 -0500 Subject: ECW Support In-Reply-To: <000001c61165$c0fec910$> Message-ID: If you don't mind, you could send me directly the ecw file and your map file and I can give it a try. Later, Lawrence Hartpence wrote: >I am using MS4W 1.3.0. The output from gdalinfo is: >Driver: ECW/ERMapper Compressed Wavelets >Size is 5000, 5000 >Coordinate System is: >LOCAL_CS["LOCAL", > UNIT["U.S. Foot",0.3048006]] >Origin = (1765000.000000,584500.000000) >Pixel Size = (0.50000000,-0.50000000) >Corner Coordinates: >Upper Left ( 1765000.000, 584500.000) >Lower Left ( 1765000.000, 582000.000) >Upper Right ( 1767500.000, 584500.000) >Lower Right ( 1767500.000, 582000.000) >Center ( 1766250.000, 583250.000) >Band 1 Block=5000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray > Overviews: arbitrary > >Here is the Layer Definition from the Mapfile: >LAYER > NAME "ortho" > STATUS ON > DATA "C:\orthos\orthos2005\6484.ecw" > TYPE RASTER > END > >I am using MapServer CGI to render the file. > >The file is around 5 Megabytes > >Thanks! > >Lawrence > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Wed Jan 4 12:10:44 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 14:10:44 -0600 Subject: Oracle and SELECTs with OGR . . Message-ID: All (well actually, those OGR GURUs), Anyone have an example (request Syntax) of using a OGR connection to filter with a Outer Select using MapServers IMGEXT as the inner select? We're trying to run a complicated SELECT statement against a layer in Oracle, but would like to use the MapServer IMGEXT as the inner SELECT and having problems figureing it out. How can the MapServer Spatial filter be used in the inner SELECT before we filter with our Select? What should the MAPFILE elements look like? What we want to do as the "outer select": select * from sewer_permits1 where ogr_fid in (select max(ogr_fid) from sewer_permits1 group by id); We can't seem to get this to be used AFTER the Spatial Select occurs from the MapServer Request. It's rather slow if it's used before the MapServer Spatial Filter, so we need the Spatial aspects to run first, then run this statement on the output from the MapServer Spatial operation instead of the whole DB. Thanks bobb From siki at AGT.BME.HU Wed Jan 4 15:37:21 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 22:37:21 -0100 Subject: ECW Support {Scanned} In-Reply-To: <000001c6115b$86c96700$> Message-ID: Hi Lawrence, I have FW Tools0.9.8 which has gdal 1.2.6, and I have ms4w with the same gdal version. ECW is supported in this version, try to start gdal_translate.exe without any arguments at the command prompt. The supported formats will be listed, look for ecw. In case of my ms4w 1.2.2 you can find gdal utitilities in \ms4w\gdal-ogr-utils dir but the neccessary dlls are in the apache cgi-bin directory. You must copy the gdal_tranlate to the cgi-bin dir or copy the dlls to the windows\system32 dir. I've downloaded an ecw file and I could get gdalinfo on that file. So, first check wheather ecw is supported by gdal, then try gdalinfo. If ecw is supported but gdalinfo fails on your file then your file probably is corrupted. I also use gdal_translate to translate ecw to png without any problem. Bye Zoltan On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Lawrence Hartpence wrote: > Hello, > > A day or two ago, I posted a question about ECW support with the MS4W build > of MapServer. I have MapServer on a Windows 2000 machine running with IIS. > I read a thread stating that on a LINUX machine you need to modify GDAL to > make it support ECW files. Is this the case with Windows machines? The > only response I received the other day was that this build should support > ECW files. Is there anyone out there using ECW files with windows? > > I try to add the ECW file in my mapfile like I would a TIF and the browser > just hangs up when I try to do this and times out. > > Thanks!! > > Lawrence Hartpence > GIS Coordinator > 101 1st St N > Newton IA 50208 > 641-792-3084 > hartpence_gis at > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Wed Jan 4 12:33:56 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 15:33:56 -0500 Subject: Oracle and SELECTs with OGR . . In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/4/06, Bob Basques wrote: > All (well actually, those OGR GURUs), > > Anyone have an example (request Syntax) of using a OGR connection to > filter with a Outer Select using MapServers IMGEXT as the inner select? > > We're trying to run a complicated SELECT statement against a layer in > Oracle, but would like to use the MapServer IMGEXT as the inner SELECT > and having problems figureing it out. > > How can the MapServer Spatial filter be used in the inner SELECT before > we filter with our Select? > > What should the MAPFILE elements look like? > > What we want to do as the "outer select": > > select * from sewer_permits1 where ogr_fid in (select max(ogr_fid) from > sewer_permits1 group by id); > > We can't seem to get this to be used AFTER the Spatial Select occurs > from the MapServer Request. It's rather slow if it's used before the > MapServer Spatial Filter, so we need the Spatial aspects to run first, > then run this statement on the output from the MapServer Spatial > operation instead of the whole DB. Bob, I don't think it is possible to use an accelerated spatial query with a SELECT statement (that is using the ExecuteSQL() entry in the driver) in the OGR OCI driver. If you aren't in a position to use the built-in Oracle support in Mapserver, you may have to start changing code in non-trivial ways. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From work at XWB.COM Wed Jan 4 12:40:49 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:40:49 -0800 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Wed Jan 4 12:49:01 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 14:49:01 -0600 Subject: Oracle and SELECTs with OGR . . In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Frank Warmerdam wrote: >>What we want to do as the "outer select": >> >>select * from sewer_permits1 where ogr_fid in (select max(ogr_fid) from >>sewer_permits1 group by id); >> >>We can't seem to get this to be used AFTER the Spatial Select occurs >>from the MapServer Request. It's rather slow if it's used before the >>MapServer Spatial Filter, so we need the Spatial aspects to run first, >>then run this statement on the output from the MapServer Spatial >>operation instead of the whole DB. >> >> > Bob, > >I don't think it is possible to use an accelerated >spatial query with a SELECT statement (that is using >the ExecuteSQL() entry in the driver) in the OGR OCI >driver. If you aren't in a position to use the built-in >Oracle support in Mapserver, you may have to start >changing code in non-trivial ways. > > What about passing the IMGEXT into the MAPFILE from the CGI request (can't that be done just like a template) and we do the whole thing in the ExecuteSQL in the MapFile. something like: select * from sewer_permits1 where ogr_fid in (select max(ogr_fid) from sewer_permits1 where MDSYS.SDO_RELATE(Table0.GEOMETRY, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (3003, 41072, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY([minx],[miny],0, [minx],[maxy],0, [maxx],[maxy],0, [maxx],[miny],0, [minx],[miny],0) ), 'MASK=ANYINTERACT QUERYTYPE=WINDOW') = 'TRUE' group by id); Will this work ok you think, or can we even pass the IMGEXT into the SQL like this? bobb >Best regards, >-- >---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------= >--- >I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.c= >om >light and sound - activate the windows | >and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > > > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Wed Jan 4 12:51:26 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 15:51:26 -0500 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file Message-ID: AFAIK, you can set everything but the filename. The output filename is based on a combination of a numerical timestamp and type of image ('sb' for scalebar, 'leg' for legend, etc.). Of course, you can use mapscript to do this, but I'm not sure if this is at all possible in CGI mode. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Chip Taylor Sent: Wed 04-Jan-06 15:40 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Creating a designated graphics file Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Jan 4 12:53:05 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 15:53:05 -0500 Subject: ECW Support {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: For the record, if you run \ms4w\gdal-ogr-utils\setenv.bat this will set the path to the necessary dlls, and avoid having to move the dlls. jeff Siki Zoltan wrote: > In case of my ms4w 1.2.2 you can find gdal utitilities in > \ms4w\gdal-ogr-utils dir but the neccessary dlls are in the apache cgi-bin > directory. You must copy the gdal_tranlate to the cgi-bin dir or > copy the dlls to the windows\system32 dir. -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Wed Jan 4 13:03:10 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 22:03:10 +0100 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file In-Reply-To: <007001c6116f$26bd4ca0$0601a8c0@DevChip> Message-ID: Do you need this functionality to be available from the web? Then as Tom said you'll probably need Mapscript. If you don't need it from the web, you could use shp2img and use > to output it to a file. Ofcourse you can write your files to a web-accessible directory. shp2img -m > c:\temp\out.png Best regards, Bart Chip Taylor wrote: >Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) >to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? >For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name >the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ > > > >Chip Taylor > >Prepared Response, Inc > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Wed Jan 4 13:06:58 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 15:06:58 -0600 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file In-Reply-To: Message-ID: You could also run MapServer on the commandline as well and pipe the output to a location, you would need some sort of CGI if you need to pass the instructions via the Web though. bobb Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: >Do you need this functionality to be available from the web? Then as Tom >said you'll probably need Mapscript. > >If you don't need it from the web, you could use shp2img and use > to >output it to a file. Ofcourse you can write your files to a >web-accessible directory. > >shp2img -m > c:\temp\out.png > >Best regards, >Bart > >Chip Taylor wrote: > > > >>Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) >>to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? >>For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name >>the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ >> >> >> >>Chip Taylor >> >>Prepared Response, Inc >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > From work at XWB.COM Wed Jan 4 13:15:06 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 13:15:06 -0800 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Unfortunately I do need the capability from the web and I don't have access to MapScript (yet). We are newly ASP.NET 2.0 and from what I am told SWIG does not play well with C# under 2.0, at least not well enough to work for what we need to do. Here is the scenario I am facing. There may be a better way to do things. Environment: Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0 ASP.NET 2.0 VB.NET preferred, but C# OK SQL Server 2005 1. I create an image using GDI and stream it to a web page. I need to be able to generate a map as a background image for this GDI, passing latitude and longitude to mapserver.exe (along with other params, of course. The resulting image would be imported into GDI using System.Drawing.Image and other graphics drawn on top of that. 2. I need to be able to allow an admin to "design" a map using a web interface, inputting lat and lon, layers, size, etc. When the admin is satisfied with the result, a static map image is generated and stored and the path/name is stored in SQL Server. The static image is then available to a web application and may also be exported for use in a detached VB 6.0 application. Again, all of the above is web-based. Any and all suggestions welcome (except for change in environment...) Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc -----Original Message----- From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:03 PM To: Chip Taylor Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Creating a designated graphics file Do you need this functionality to be available from the web? Then as Tom said you'll probably need Mapscript. If you don't need it from the web, you could use shp2img and use > to output it to a file. Ofcourse you can write your files to a web-accessible directory. shp2img -m > c:\temp\out.png Best regards, Bart Chip Taylor wrote: >Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) >to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? >For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name >the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ > > > >Chip Taylor > >Prepared Response, Inc > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From gdavis at REFRACTIONS.NET Wed Jan 4 13:24:22 2006 From: gdavis at REFRACTIONS.NET (Graham Davis) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 13:24:22 -0800 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: If you do need to do this from the web, you could also use PHP with the CURL and GD libraries compiled into it without any need of mapscript. We are retrieving a mapserv image with CURL from a PHP script, and then cutting it up into smaller tiles using GD functions. I don't think you would need GD if you only want to retrive the mapserv image and save it, PHP should let you do that easily enough. -- Graham Davis Refractions Research Inc. gdavis at Bob Basques wrote: > You could also run MapServer on the commandline as well and pipe the > output to a location, you would need some sort of CGI if you need to > pass the instructions via the Web though. > > bobb > > > Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > >> Do you need this functionality to be available from the web? Then as >> Tom said you'll probably need Mapscript. >> >> If you don't need it from the web, you could use shp2img and use > to >> output it to a file. Ofcourse you can write your files to a >> web-accessible directory. >> >> shp2img -m > c:\temp\out.png >> >> Best regards, >> Bart >> >> Chip Taylor wrote: >> >> >> >>> Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF >>> or JPG) >>> to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS >>> server? >>> For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it >>> to name >>> the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory >>> c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ >>> >>> >>> >>> Chip Taylor >>> >>> Prepared Response, Inc >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> -- Graham Davis Refractions Research Inc. gdavis at From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Jan 4 15:47:50 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:47:50 -0500 Subject: Annotation layer not redisplaying on zoom-in In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: It seems the problem was that the point data for the "Route Labels" layer is actually a measured shapefile, and the phpmapscript build in MS4W was not compiled for this support (a specific flag must be set for measured shapefiles). Not exactly an easy one to debug ha. jeff ANDERSON, WALTER wrote: > Jeff, > > Here are the results. > > This command: > > shp2img -m \ms4w\apps\hba\data\ -o \test1.gif > > resulted in this href="">image > ( > > and this command: > > shp2img -m d:\ms4w\apps\hba\data\ -o \test2.gif -e 2950000 > 9980000 3255000 10205000 > > resulted in this href="">image > ( > > McKENNA, JEFF wrote: >>hmm. To rule out any maplab issues, you could use the shp2img.exe in >>\ms4w\tools\mapserv-utils\, which will create your map image: >> >> shp2img -m path\to\ -o test.gif >> >>and test your mapfile with different extents... > > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 4 16:09:51 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:09:51 -0600 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file Message-ID: Chip: This is probably is possible from MapServer CGI as it sits right now. There is a CGI parameter called "id" that allows you to override the normal computed timestamp. This was added originally so you could mimic something like a session where the id becomes a session id. The output file name is built using the map NAME, the id and the image extension. So, I suppose if you set the map NAME to an empty string and the id to 'thismap' it might just work. The caveat is that MapServer will only write images to disk in browse mode so you could make the call and have MapServer create the image, but you'd get something back- the browse template. That could be just an XML snippet or whatever was in your template file. I've not tried this but it should work. I did check the CGI source just to be sure. Lemme know if you test this. Steve >>> Chip Taylor 01/04/06 2:40 PM >>> Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR Thu Jan 5 00:05:00 2006 From: Dejan.Gambin at PULA.HR (Gambin Dejan) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:05:00 +0100 Subject: Georeferencing question Message-ID: Thanks Frank, I have tried using four corner points, just for testing (I know I have to find more gcp-s): gdal_translate -gcp 0 0 5409006.4226 4970689.5864 -gcp 0 5931 5409006.4226 4970064.7150 -gcp 7590 0 5409806.0064 4970689.5864 -gcp 7590 5931 5409806.0064 4970064.7150 025-k.jpg 025-k-translated.tif gdalinfo on 025-k-translated says: Then I tried: gdalwarp -tps -co "TFW=YES" 025-k-translated.tif 025-k-warped.tif but I get "Creating output file that is 1417111232P x 0L. ERROR 1: Attempt to create 1417111232x0x3 TIFF file, but width, height and bands must be positive. Obviously I am doing something wrong, I am not very familiar with the transformation algorithms (although I would very like to know where can I read something about this), I can only run gdawarp with "order 1". I would appreciate if you can tell me what is wrong and do you maybe have suggestions/advices on how to proprely choose gcps. transformation algorithms, resampling methods, etc. Maybe I can read it somewhere so I can really learn :-)) thanks dejan > -----Original Message----- > From: fwarmerdam at [mailto:fwarmerdam at] On > Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam > Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 5:22 PM > To: Gambin Dejan > Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Georeferencing question > > > On 1/4/06, Gambin Dejan wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I know it probably belong to gdal list but I'll give it a try here.. > > > > I am trying to georeference my scanned paper maps. I have > tried using > > QGIS Georeferencer plugin, it works ok for linear > transformation but > > the resulting georeferenced raster map does not fit vrey well, > > probably because of deformations etc. I have tried using Helmert > > transformation but unfortunatelly QGIS crashes (running on Windows). > > > > So I tried using gdal_translate and gdalwarp. I took the corner > > coordinates (only UpperLeft and BottomRight for testing) and run > > "gdal_translate -gcp 0 0 5409006.4226 4970689.5864 -gcp 7590 5931 > > 5409806.0064 4970064.7150 025-k.jpg 025-k-translated.jpg -of JPEG". > > But setting output format to JPEG results in unchanged output image. > > > > I suppose it is normal and gdal_translate cannot create gc > points in > > this way? Do I have to use default TIFF output format? > > Gambin, > > Only a few formats support GCPs. You would need to write > output to a format like TIFF or VRT. > > > What to do next with gdalwarp? What type of transform and > resampling > > to use? > > If you succeed in attaching a fair number of GCPs (at least > more than the 3 defining an affine transform) then you could > try the -tps switch to use thin plate splines instead of > simple polynomials. It may give better results. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+---------------------- > ---------- > ---------------------------------------+------ > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial > Programmer for Rent > From sylvain.perrinel at AGRICULTURE.GOUV.FR Thu Jan 5 02:24:46 2006 From: sylvain.perrinel at AGRICULTURE.GOUV.FR (Sylvain Perrinel) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 11:24:46 +0100 Subject: SetSymbolSet error Message-ID: Hello, I have a problem with the function SetSymbolSet in phpmapscript. Here is my code: $szSymbolFile ="/geobase/local/web/donnees_mapserver/symbols_and_fonts/symbols.sym"; echo $szSymbolFile; $oMap = ms_newMapObj(""); $oMap->setSymbolSet($szSymbolFile); and the code gives the fatal error : Warning: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbolSet(): Parsing error near (#):(line 0) in /geobase/local/web/geoweb/popup_choix_symbole.php on line 44 Warning: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbolSet(): Parsing error near (#):(line 0) in /geobase/local/web/geoweb/popup_choix_symbole.php on line 44 Warning: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbolSet(): Parsing error near (#):(line 0) in /geobase/local/web/geoweb/popup_choix_symbole.php on line 44 Warning: [MapServer Error]: loadSymbolSet(): Parsing error near (#):(line 0) in /geobase/local/web/geoweb/popup_choix_symbole.php on line 44 Fatal error: Failed loading symbolset from /geobase/local/web/donnees_mapserver/symbols_and_fonts/symbols.sym in /geobase/local/web/geoweb/popup_choix_symbole.php on line 44 The code works well on one server but returns theses errors on another server. However, mapserver read well this file in mapfiles and displays symbols of the symbol file. If someone can help me... Thanks. -- Sylvain Perrinel Minist?re de l'Agriculture et de la P?che SG/SM/SDSI/CERIT D?partement d'Information G?ographique (DIG) BP 12668 31326 Castanet Tolosan France T?l?phone: Web : From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Thu Jan 5 02:30:51 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 02:30:51 -0800 Subject: SLD using 2 NamedLayers (one with default NamedStyle and one with UserStyle) Message-ID: Hi list, is the following SLD supposed to work with Mapserver? I can't get it to work. What I am trying to do is to display a layer with its default style with on top some custom labels for that same layer. I can get it to work using 2 separate WMS client layers, but ofcourse this would be far more efficient in one pass. NL-prov NL-prov #000000 arial 10 Thanks in advance. Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT Thu Jan 5 07:12:16 2006 From: cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT (Paolo Cavallini) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 16:12:16 +0100 Subject: mapscript crash In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Some further info about the crash: on another machine, the crash did not occur, but appeared suddenly today after upgrading, so it must be some new version of one package (perhaps apache itself? 2.0.55-3 where it does not work, 2.0.54-5 where it does). All the best. pc At 15:43, gioved? 29 dicembre 2005, Paolo Cavallini has probably written: > Hi all. > I've reinstalled mapserver and mapscript, but I'm still having problems > with mapscript crashing apache. From /var/log/apache2/error.log I get: > > [Thu Dec 29 15:28:59 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down > [Thu Dec 29 15:29:01 2005] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest > authentication ... > [Thu Dec 29 15:29:01 2005] [notice] Digest: done > [Thu Dec 29 15:29:01 2005] [notice] Apache/2.0.55 (Debian) PHP/4.4.0-4 > mod_ssl/2.0.55 OpenSSL/0.9.8a configured -- resuming normal operations > > and when I switch on and off repeatedly a raster, the program hangs. > Further attempts generate: > [Thu Dec 29 15:37:26 2005] [notice] child pid 10118 exit signal > Segmentation fault (11) > > This is related to window size: with smaller window, I get a crash at the > 3rd or 4th "on", with a larger one, at the second. > > All the best. > pc -- Paolo Cavallini email+jabber: cavallini at Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953 From diegoefe at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 5 07:18:51 2006 From: diegoefe at YAHOO.COM (Diego Efe) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:18:51 -0600 Subject: map->scale Message-ID: Hi everyone, I'm trying to migrate a CGI application of map server to a PHPMapScript driven one, and in the former exists the scale environment variable but in the other, and according to the documentation, there isn't, and the app should set it. Any hints in where can I get that value or how to calculate it? Thanks in advance, Diego. P.S.: excuse my poor english __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! Reg?strate ya - From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 5 07:29:48 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:29:48 -0500 Subject: Georeferencing question In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/5/06, Gambin Dejan wrote: > Thanks Frank, > > I have tried using four corner points, just for testing (I know I have > to find more gcp-s): > > gdal_translate -gcp 0 0 5409006.4226 4970689.5864 -gcp 0 5931 > 5409006.4226 4970064.7150 -gcp 7590 0 5409806.0064 4970689.5864 -gcp > 7590 5931 5409806.0064 4970064.7150 025-k.jpg 025-k-translated.tif > > gdalinfo on 025-k-translated says: > > > Then I tried: > > gdalwarp -tps -co "TFW=YES" 025-k-translated.tif 025-k-warped.tif > > but I get > > "Creating output file that is 1417111232P x 0L. > ERROR 1: Attempt to create 1417111232x0x3 TIFF file, but width, height > and bands must be positive. Gambin, I did: gdal_translate 080003dv_gauss.tif -gcp 0 0 5409006.4226 4970689.5864 -gcp 0 5931 5409006.4226 4970064.7150 -gcp 7590 0 5409806.0064 4970689.5864 -gcp 7590 5931 5409806.0064 4970064.7150 gcps.tif gdalwarp -tps gcps.tif warped.tif After this process, the warped.tif overlays the gcps.tif properly in OpenEV. Egads, I think I have mixed up your bug report, and the data from another fellow! Ignore what I said before about having already downloaded your file. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Doug_Newcomb at FWS.GOV Thu Jan 5 07:23:23 2006 From: Doug_Newcomb at FWS.GOV (Doug Newcomb) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:23:23 -0500 Subject: Fw: GIS & Fisheries Conference Message-ID: Hi Folks, Sorry for the cross-posting. I thought this might be worthwhile for those on the list working with fishery issues. Doug Doug Newcomb USFWS Raleigh, NC 919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newcomb at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The opinions I express are my own and are not representative of the official policy of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service or Dept. of Interior. I left my signature file in /dev/null -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleague, The MIT Sea Grant College Program and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center are pleased to invite you to a conference aimed at coordinating mapping initiatives. This one-day conference, Geographic Information Systems and Ocean Mapping in Support of Fisheries Research and management, will bring together individuals and organizations involved in mapping, GIS, data sharing, and fisheries research and management to share existing work and coordinate future efforts in the northeast regional ecosystem (Cape Hatteras through the Gulf of Maine). The conference will take place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Tuesday April 11, 2006. We encourage you to submit a poster for the poster session, displaying ocean mapping efforts, GIS applications or data sharing technologies which are or could be useful in fisheries applications. Abstracts must be submitted by February 1, 2006. More details are available online, along with registration information and poster abstract submission instructions. Visit: or contact Christiaan Adams (adamscs at, 617-253-9311). Please share this with your organization and any colleagues who might be interested. Sincerely, Dr. Chrys Chryssostomidis, Director, MIT Sea Grant College Program Dr. John Boreman, Director, Northeast Fisheries Science Center ================================================== Christiaan Adams Research Engineer & GIS Specialist Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Sea Grant College Program office: 617-253-9311 lab: 617-253-0511 cell: 617-803-9413 adamscs at AUV Lab: Ctr. for Coastal Resources: ================================================== From hfl at HOME.NL Thu Jan 5 08:31:42 2006 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 17:31:42 +0100 Subject: no legendgraphic for class with (colored) TEXT as a symbol Message-ID: Hi list, I have a points layer that will show as big 14 point orange arial_bold B's if its PROJECTSOORT = 200 This goes allright The problem is that the legendgraphic request doesn't show this B, nor its color, nothing in fact. If I insert a SYMBOL (e.g. a big point) the legendgraphic gives me the symbol but the point will cover the B when showing the layer Could it be that the LABEL keyword interferes with the instruction for the label in the legend CLASS TEXT "B" EXPRESSION ([PROJECTSOORT] = 200) NAME "Bouwlocatie" LABEL SIZE 14 POSITION CC COLOR 255 100 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial_bold ANTIALIAS false BUFFER 0 FORCE true END END Huub From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Thu Jan 5 08:39:20 2006 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:39:20 -0600 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file Message-ID: Chip: How about using the mapserv CGI in "map" mode? From within an ASP script, you should be able to send an HTTP GET request (with all relevant parameters, particularly "mode=map") to the mapserv CGI, and then save its output (the map image) to a file of your choice. HTH, -SM -- On Wed, 4 Jan 2006 13:15:06 -0800, Chip Taylor wrote: >Unfortunately I do need the capability from the web and I don't have access >to MapScript (yet). We are newly ASP.NET 2.0 and from what I am told SWIG >does not play well with C# under 2.0, at least not well enough to work for >what we need to do. > >Here is the scenario I am facing. There may be a better way to do things. > >Environment: > Windows Server 2003 > IIS 6.0 > ASP.NET 2.0 > VB.NET preferred, but C# OK > SQL Server 2005 > >1. I create an image using GDI and stream it to a web page. I need to be >able to generate a map as a background image for this GDI, passing latitude >and longitude to mapserver.exe (along with other params, of course. The >resulting image would be imported into GDI using System.Drawing.Image and >other graphics drawn on top of that. > >2. I need to be able to allow an admin to "design" a map using a web >interface, inputting lat and lon, layers, size, etc. When the admin is >satisfied with the result, a static map image is generated and stored and >the path/name is stored in SQL Server. The static image is then available >to a web application and may also be exported for use in a detached VB 6.0 >application. > >Again, all of the above is web-based. > >Any and all suggestions welcome (except for change in environment...) > >Chip Taylor >Prepared Response, Inc > >-----Original Message----- >From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] >Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:03 PM >To: Chip Taylor >Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Creating a designated graphics file > >Do you need this functionality to be available from the web? Then as Tom >said you'll probably need Mapscript. > >If you don't need it from the web, you could use shp2img and use > to >output it to a file. Ofcourse you can write your files to a >web-accessible directory. > >shp2img -m > c:\temp\out.png > >Best regards, >Bart > >Chip Taylor wrote: > >>Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG) >>to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server? >>For example, I'd like to be able to call mapserver.exe and tell it to name >>the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\ >> >> >> >>Chip Taylor >> >>Prepared Response, Inc >> >> >> >> > > >-- >Bart van den Eijnden >OSGIS, Open Source GIS > From work at XWB.COM Thu Jan 5 09:14:25 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:14:25 -0800 Subject: Creating a designated graphics file In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thank you! That is exactly what I did, except that I streamed the request output directly to a GDI function, and it worked like a champ. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven Monai Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:39 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Creating a designated graphics file Chip: How about using the mapserv CGI in "map" mode? From within an ASP script, you should be able to send an HTTP GET request (with all relevant parameters, particularly "mode=map") to the mapserv CGI, and then save its output (the map image) to a file of your choice. HTH, -SM -- On Wed, 4 Jan 2006 13:15:06 -0800, Chip Taylor wrote: >Unfortunately I do need the capability from the web and I don't have access >to MapScript (yet). We are newly ASP.NET 2.0 and from what I am told SWIG >does not play well with C# under 2.0, at least not well enough to work for >what we need to do. > >Here is the scenario I am facing. There may be a better way to do things. > >Environment: > Windows Server 2003 > IIS 6.0 > ASP.NET 2.0 > VB.NET preferred, but C# OK > SQL Server 2005 > >1. I create an image using GDI and stream it to a web page. I need to be >able to generate a map as a background image for this GDI, passing latitude >and longitude to mapserver.exe (along with other params, of course. The >resulting image would be imported into GDI using System.Drawing.Image and >other graphics drawn on top of that. > >2. I need to be able to allow an admin to "design" a map using a web >interface, inputting lat and lon, layers, size, etc. When the admin is >satisfied with the result, a static map image is generated and stored and >the path/name is stored in SQL Server. The static image is then available >to a web application and may also be exported for use in a detached VB 6.0 >application. > >Again, all of the above is web-based. > >Any and all suggestions welcome (except for change in environment...) > >Chip Taylor >Prepared Response, Inc > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Thu Jan 5 10:01:06 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 19:01:06 +0100 Subject: no legendgraphic for class with (colored) TEXT as a symbol In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Huub, I don't think text is used for legends. How about defining a TRUETYPE symbol with the same font (arial_bold) and specifying the character (B) you want? That should work. Best regards, Bart Huub Fleuren wrote: > Hi list, > > I have a points layer that will show as big 14 point orange arial_bold > B's if its PROJECTSOORT = 200 > > This goes allright > > The problem is that the legendgraphic request doesn't show this B, nor > its color, nothing in fact. > > If I insert a SYMBOL (e.g. a big point) the legendgraphic gives me the > symbol but the point will cover the B when showing the layer > > Could it be that the LABEL keyword interferes with the instruction for > the label in the legend > > CLASS > TEXT "B" > EXPRESSION ([PROJECTSOORT] = 200) > NAME "Bouwlocatie" > LABEL > SIZE 14 > POSITION CC > COLOR 255 100 0 > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT arial_bold > ANTIALIAS false > BUFFER 0 > FORCE true > END > END > > Huub > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG Thu Jan 5 11:15:59 2006 From: tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG (Tim Schaub) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 11:15:59 -0800 Subject: map->scale Message-ID: > I'm trying to migrate a CGI application of map server to a > PHPMapScript driven one, and in the former exists the scale > environment variable but in the other, and according to the > documentation, there isn't, and the app should set it. If you have a reference to your map in PHP (say $theMap), you can get the map scale from $theMap->scale (see The map scale is updated after a drawMap() or preparequery(). If you really wanted to calculate it yourself, I'm guessing you can do something like this: function getScale($theMap) { if($theMap->units == MS_PIXELS) { return 1; } $inchesPerMapUnit = array( MS_INCHES => 1, MS_FEET => 12, MS_MILES => 63360, MS_METERS => 39.370079, MS_KILOMETERS => 39370.07874, MS_DD => 4374720); $mapUnitWidth = $theMap->extent->maxx - $theMap->extent->minx; $mapPixelWidth = $theMap->width; // assuming the map is wider than zero pixels return $inchesPerMapUnit[$theMap->units] * $mapUnitWidth * $theMap->resolution / $mapPixelWidth; } No guarantees that that is how they do it (I didn't test it). But it seems to me like it should work. Tim Schaub > Thanks in advance, > > Diego. > > P.S.: excuse my poor english > > __________________________________________________ > Correo Yahoo! > Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! > Reg?strate ya - > From bryon at PEOPLEGIS.COM Thu Jan 5 12:45:03 2006 From: bryon at PEOPLEGIS.COM (Bryon Kenne) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 15:45:03 -0500 Subject: Unix Installer Instructions Message-ID: There are installers for MS4W and Linux (i.e. FGS), but does any body have any instructions, procedures or install packages for a few of the UNIX flavors. We are writing an application that, if installed on a Unix box, will require a web server, mapserver, and Postgre/PostGIS. Any help would be appreciated! Sincerely, Bryon -- Bryon Kenne PeopleGIS, Inc. Direct/Cell: (917)671-6951 Email: bryon at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Jan 5 13:27:01 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 16:27:01 -0500 Subject: SLD using 2 NamedLayers (one with default NamedStyle and one with UserStyle) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bart, Right now the sld parser would apply the style on your layer using the first NamedLayer found in the SLD and ignore the 2nd one (and susequent). The reason being only that It was not being thought when originally implemented. You should add an enhacement bug on it. Later, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote: >Hi list, > >is the following SLD supposed to work with Mapserver? I can't get it to >work. What I am trying to do is to display a layer with its default style >with on top some custom labels for that same layer. I can get it to work >using 2 separate WMS client layers, but ofcourse this would be far more >efficient in one pass. > > > > NL-prov > > > > > > NL-prov > > > > > > > #000000 > arial > 10 > > > > > > > > >Thanks in advance. > >Best regards, >Bart > > >Disclaimer >************************************************************************ >Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is >uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis >hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te >informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de >volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. > >This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. >This message is intended solely for the addressee. >If you have received this message in error, please delete it and >notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message >is correct or complete, please contact the sender. >************************************************************************ > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From armin.burger at GMX.NET Thu Jan 5 13:41:35 2006 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 22:41:35 +0100 Subject: Unix Installer Instructions In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: for example armin Bryon Kenne wrote: > There are installers for MS4W and Linux (i.e. FGS), but does any body > have any instructions, procedures or install packages for a few of the > UNIX flavors. We are writing an application that, if installed on a > Unix box, will require a web server, mapserver, and Postgre/PostGIS. > > Any help would be appreciated! > > Sincerely, > Bryon > > -- > Bryon Kenne > PeopleGIS, Inc. > Direct/Cell: (917)671-6951 > Email: bryon at From woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM Thu Jan 5 13:45:21 2006 From: woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM (William Kyngesburye) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 15:45:21 -0600 Subject: Unix Installer Instructions In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I have installers and build instructions for Mac OS X (definitely a flavor of UNIX, especially from a webserver/DBMS, that is non-GUI, point of view ^_^) on my site. Includes MapServer, GIS library dependencies, Postgres/PostGIS and PHP (and more coming soon). Build instructions are a bit out of date, since I'm focusing on the installers. On Jan 5, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Bryon Kenne wrote: > There are installers for MS4W and Linux (i.e. FGS), but does any > body have any instructions, procedures or install packages for a > few of the UNIX flavors. We are writing an application that, if > installed on a Unix box, will require a web server, mapserver, and > Postgre/PostGIS. > > Any help would be appreciated! > > Sincerely, > Bryon ----- William Kyngesburye "This is a question about the past, is it? ... How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?" - The Ruler of the Universe From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Thu Jan 5 16:03:43 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 18:03:43 -0600 Subject: EXPRESSIONS/REGEX Message-ID: All, is there a way to express a NOT inside of an EXPRESSION? I want to display more than one type of Highway Shield from a layer, one is : EXPRESSION 'A10' How would I do : EXPRESSION 'A10' Thanks bobb From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Jan 5 16:11:57 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 19:11:57 -0500 Subject: EXPRESSIONS/REGEX In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bob, You have to use this form of expression EXPRESSION ([fieldname] != 'A10') -Steve W. Bob Basques wrote: > All, > > is there a way to express a NOT inside of an EXPRESSION? > > I want to display more than one type of Highway Shield from a layer, one > is : > > EXPRESSION 'A10' > > How would I do : > > EXPRESSION 'A10' > > Thanks > > bobb > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 5 16:15:40 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 18:15:40 -0600 Subject: EXPRESSIONS/REGEX Message-ID: You have to use logical expressions to access not operators. That is: EXPRESSION ('[variable]' != 'A10') Another sneaky way might be to do something like: CLASS EXPRESSION 'A10' END CLASS ...draw everything that is not 'A10'... END I haven't tried that way but the first class should catch all the A10's but won't draw anything since no COLOR is set. The second class would therefore get all the non-A10's with no expression necessary. If it were me I'd use a FILTER to exclude the A10's before shapes are read from disk. Faster that way... Steve >>> Bob Basques 01/05/06 6:03 PM >>> All, is there a way to express a NOT inside of an EXPRESSION? I want to display more than one type of Highway Shield from a layer, one is : EXPRESSION 'A10' How would I do : EXPRESSION 'A10' Thanks bobb From hfl at HOME.NL Fri Jan 6 03:59:05 2006 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 12:59:05 +0100 Subject: no legendgraphic for class with (colored) TEXT as a symbol In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bart, thanks, the following is the correct way to do it adding a symbol SYMBOL NAME B TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial_bold FILLED true ANTIALIAS true CHARACTER 'B' END and changing CLASS EXPRESSION ([PROJECTSOORT] = 200) NAME "Bouwlocatie" STYLE SYMBOL 'B' COLOR 255 100 0 SIZE 14 END END Regards, Huub (geodan) >> >> CLASS >> TEXT "B" >> EXPRESSION ([PROJECTSOORT] = 200) >> NAME "Bouwlocatie" >> LABEL >> SIZE 14 >> POSITION CC >> COLOR 255 100 0 >> TYPE TRUETYPE >> FONT arial_bold >> ANTIALIAS false >> BUFFER 0 >> FORCE true >> END >> END > > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Jan 6 04:02:58 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 13:02:58 +0100 Subject: WCS: error on creating large Geotiff from ECW Message-ID: Hi list, I am trying to create a Geotiff file from an ECW file using Mapserver WCS (Mapserver 4.8beta2, GDAL CVS 04/01/06, ECW SDK 3.3RC1). The request is: http://[ip]:[port]/cgi-bin/mapserv480?map=/data/OGC_UMN_services/,456945,161080,459273&service=WCS&version=1.0.0&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&request=GetCoverage&coverage=AAA154&crs=epsg:28992&resx=.5&resy=.5&format=Geotiff The following error message occurs: error: could not get data: NCScbmReadViewLineBIL failed.: Unable to access file. GDALRasterIO() failed: drawGDAL() The same part of the ECW can be rendered by Mapserver WMS without problems. When I try a smaller WCS request, it does work. Any ideas what could be the problem and how to solve it? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Bart From hfl at HOME.NL Fri Jan 6 07:01:21 2006 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 16:01:21 +0100 Subject: no legendgraphic for class with (colored) TEXT as a symbol In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bart, thanks, the following is the correct way to do it adding a symbol SYMBOL NAME B TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial_bold FILLED true ANTIALIAS true CHARACTER 'B' END and changing CLASS EXPRESSION ([PROJECTSOORT] = 200) NAME "Bouwlocatie" STYLE SYMBOL 'B' COLOR 255 100 0 SIZE 14 END END Regards, Huub (geodan) Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > Huub, > > I don't think text is used for legends. > > How about defining a TRUETYPE symbol with the same font (arial_bold) > and specifying the character (B) you want? That should work. > > Best regards, > Bart > > Huub Fleuren wrote: > >> Hi list, >> >> I have a points layer that will show as big 14 point orange >> arial_bold B's if its PROJECTSOORT = 200 >> >> This goes allright >> >> The problem is that the legendgraphic request doesn't show this B, >> nor its color, nothing in fact. >> >> If I insert a SYMBOL (e.g. a big point) the legendgraphic gives me >> the symbol but the point will cover the B when showing the layer >> >> Could it be that the LABEL keyword interferes with the instruction >> for the label in the legend >> >> CLASS >> TEXT "B" >> EXPRESSION ([PROJECTSOORT] = 200) >> NAME "Bouwlocatie" >> LABEL >> SIZE 14 >> POSITION CC >> COLOR 255 100 0 >> TYPE TRUETYPE >> FONT arial_bold >> ANTIALIAS false >> BUFFER 0 >> FORCE true >> END >> END >> >> Huub >> >> > > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 6 08:00:57 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 11:00:57 -0500 Subject: WCS: error on creating large Geotiff from ECW In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/6/06, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Hi list, > > I am trying to create a Geotiff file from an ECW file using Mapserver WCS > (Mapserver 4.8beta2, GDAL CVS 04/01/06, ECW SDK 3.3RC1). > > The request is: > http://[ip]:[port]/cgi-bin/mapserv480?map=/data/OGC_UMN_services/,456945,161080,459273&service=WCS&version=1.0.0&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&request=GetCoverage&coverage=AAA154&crs=epsg:28992&resx=.5&resy=.5&format=Geotiff > > The following error message occurs: > > error: could not get data: > NCScbmReadViewLineBIL failed.: Unable to access file. GDALRasterIO() > failed: drawGDAL() > > The same part of the ECW can be rendered by Mapserver WMS without > problems. When I try a smaller WCS request, it does work. > > Any ideas what could be the problem and how to solve it? Bart, I can't think of any obvious reason this would be happening. Especially why WCS and WMS would react differently in this regard. I have run into a few bugs in the last few months that relate to unusual access patterns to the ECW SDK from GDAL. Some of these (or all?) all been fixed by ERMapper and should appear in their next release. But I don't know when that will be. You might have some luck fiddling with the config settings that can affect the GDAL ECW drivers low level access. For instance, trying setting the following in your mapfile. CONFIG "GDAL_FORCE_CACHING" "YES" This will generally reduce MapServer performance since the alternative (one big request to the ECW file is usually faster than many smaller block reads for the cache), but it might be more stable. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From armin.burger at GMX.NET Fri Jan 6 09:00:14 2006 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 18:00:14 +0100 Subject: Separation of MapServer and WMS logic Message-ID: Hi everyone, I have a question for the MS developers with regard to the WMS functionality: The way the WMS functionality is set up in Mapserver, there is no clear separation between Mapserver internal logic and WMS capabilities. 2 examples to show that: 1) Groups in Mapserver Groups in Mapserver are well suited for grouping layers to one logical unit that can be visible from the outside as a single layer, even if it is composed of several layers. This makes groups very suitable for * swapping layers at certain scales * merging layers into one logical group. An example: I have a satellite coverage of Landsat data in a big ECW file. For some regions we have VHR images (Ikonos, Quickbird) that are managed through image catalogs (TILEINDEX). Using them together in the same group, it is very easy to provide a user with one single layer that has as base information the lower resolution Landsat dataset, and in some areas the VHR data. The user does not know that the data he sees is actually a dynamic merge of datasets behind the scenes, he just can select one layer. The behaviour of the WMS functionality, however, is that every layer is propagated to the client. So instead of one group like 'Satellite Coverage' the client sees various layers that form the group. This way the very convenient usage of groups in Mapserver internally is not really available any more. Or for the first case, he sees 2 layers but can only switch on one at a time because they swap depending on the scale, not very consistent. Are there any plans to separate more clearly the Mapserver internal handling of groups and the propagation of layers via WMS? If not as a default behaviour, maybe as an optional setting? 2) Every layer in a map file is visble via WMS I would like to use a map file both for a WebGIS application based on Mapscript and as configuration for a WMS service. This way I would only have to maintain one map file. The problem is that I do not want to make all layers that are visible in the application also available via WMS, just a paart of them. The Mapserver WMS however propagates *all* layers of a map file, independent, if the mandatory tag "wms_title" is set or not. And even a bit worse, all missing required tags for WMS cause a "Warning..." entry in the capabilities. Wouldn't it make sense to just display those layers in the capabilities that are explicitely defined for WMS, eg. by checking if the mandatory tag "wms_tite" is set? This way one could avoid maintaining different map files for a web application and the WMS service. I don't know if others have similar problems with the way WMS is working in MS... Any comments? Armin From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Fri Jan 6 13:30:50 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 22:30:50 +0100 Subject: Separation of MapServer and WMS logic In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Armin, I am not a developer but want to react anyway :-) With your first point, I had never noticed this in fact, I just checked now (Mapserver creates a 01 and 02 layer in my test case). I think in the old versions you could GROUP layers together and have them as 1 layer in the WMS interface. I do remember there are many situations in which this can cause problems (GetFeatureInfo, GetLegendGraphic), since Mapserver basically cannot deal with mixed geometry layers, and with the group keyword you can link them together, so I am guessing that's the reason it was changed. But this is mostly true for vector layers and not raster layers. Your second point has been discussed often and there is a bug report for it: Best regards, Bart Armin Burger wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I have a question for the MS developers with regard to the WMS > functionality: > > The way the WMS functionality is set up in Mapserver, there is no > clear separation between Mapserver internal logic and WMS > capabilities. 2 examples to show that: > > 1) Groups in Mapserver > Groups in Mapserver are well suited for grouping layers to one logical > unit that can be visible from the outside as a single layer, even if > it is composed of several layers. This makes groups very suitable for > * swapping layers at certain scales > * merging layers into one logical group. > An example: I have a satellite coverage of Landsat data in a big > ECW file. For some regions we have VHR images (Ikonos, Quickbird) > that are managed through image catalogs (TILEINDEX). Using them > together in the same group, it is very easy to provide a user with > one single layer that has as base information the lower resolution > Landsat dataset, and in some areas the VHR data. The user does not > know that the data he sees is actually a dynamic merge of datasets > behind the scenes, he just can select one layer. > > The behaviour of the WMS functionality, however, is that every layer > is propagated to the client. So instead of one group like 'Satellite > Coverage' the client sees various layers that form the group. This way > the very convenient usage of groups in Mapserver internally is not > really available any more. Or for the first case, he sees 2 layers but > can only switch on one at a time because they swap depending on the > scale, not very consistent. > > Are there any plans to separate more clearly the Mapserver internal > handling of groups and the propagation of layers via WMS? If not as a > default behaviour, maybe as an optional setting? > > > 2) Every layer in a map file is visble via WMS > I would like to use a map file both for a WebGIS application based on > Mapscript and as configuration for a WMS service. This way I would > only have to maintain one map file. The problem is that I do not want > to make all layers that are visible in the application also available > via WMS, just a paart of them. > > The Mapserver WMS however propagates *all* layers of a map file, > independent, if the mandatory tag "wms_title" is set or not. And even > a bit worse, all missing required tags for WMS cause a "Warning..." > entry in the capabilities. > > Wouldn't it make sense to just display those layers in the > capabilities that are explicitely defined for WMS, eg. by checking if > the mandatory tag "wms_tite" is set? This way one could avoid > maintaining different map files for a web application and the WMS > service. > > > I don't know if others have similar problems with the way WMS is > working in MS... Any comments? > > Armin > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From beproject06 at YAHOO.COM Sat Jan 7 08:44:37 2006 From: beproject06 at YAHOO.COM (Apeksha Bhambhani) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 08:44:37 -0800 Subject: Php/Mapscript installation Message-ID: Hiii , We are working on Mapserver , and we have installed Mapserver-4.6.1 . Though Mapserver has been installed successfully and tested , during compilation a message was displayed stating that the Php/Mapscript module was not loaded . We intend to start coding using Php/Mapscript , so how do we load the module correctly . Regards Apeksha Munira --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos ? Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover Photo Books. You design it and we?ll bind it! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From siki at AGT.BME.HU Sat Jan 7 13:13:54 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 20:13:54 -0100 Subject: Php/Mapscript installation {Scanned} In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, You can load php_mapscript automatically changing php.ini or your application should load php_mapscript manually. dl("php_mapscript.dll") on windows or dl("") on linux/unix You can use phpinfo to check loaded modules. You should see Mapscript in the result list with version info. Bye Zoltan On Sat, 7 Jan 2006, Apeksha Bhambhani wrote: > Hiii , > We are working on Mapserver , and we have installed Mapserver-4.6.1 . Though Mapserver has been installed successfully and tested , during compilation a message was displayed stating that the Php/Mapscript module was not loaded . > > We intend to start coding using Php/Mapscript , so how do we load the module correctly . > > Regards > Apeksha > Munira > > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Photos ? Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover > Photo Books. You design it and we?ll bind it! From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Sat Jan 7 13:02:19 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna) Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 15:02:19 -0600 Subject: Mapserver Message-ID: Hi all, i am new to mapserver programming. I have installed ms4w on my windows machine and wrote a small mapfile. I am not sure how to write a php script to generate a map from a mapfile using mapserv. Could anyone please help me out in generating a mapfile with some php script. The following is my mapfile ----------------------------------------------------- MAP NAME "states" SIZE 400 400 STATUS ON EXTENT -120 26.5 -85 61.5 SHAPEPATH "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\data\" WEB TEMPLATE "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\demo.html" IMAGEPATH "C:\temp" IMAGEURL "c:\temp" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END LAYER NAME "states" TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON DATA "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\data\states" FILTERITEM state FILTER "%name%" #passed form querystring CLASS STYLE #TEMPLATE "..\template\template.html" COLOR 110 50 100 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 END END END END --------------------------------------------------------------- I wrote this mapfile with some help from internet. Any help is highly appreciated ......... Bye From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Sun Jan 8 05:45:29 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jeff=20McKenna?=) Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 08:45:29 -0500 Subject: Mapserver Message-ID: Here is document that explains that exactly: jeff > -------Original Message------- > From: krishna > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver > Sent: 07 Jan '06 16:02 > > Hi all, i am new to mapserver programming. I have installed ms4w on my > windows machine and wrote a small mapfile. I am not sure how to write a > php script to generate a map from a mapfile using mapserv. Could anyone > please help me out in generating a mapfile with some php script. The > following is my mapfile > > ----------------------------------------------------- > MAP > NAME "states" > SIZE 400 400 > STATUS ON > EXTENT -120 26.5 -85 61.5 > SHAPEPATH "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\data\" > > WEB > TEMPLATE "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\demo.html" > IMAGEPATH "C:\temp" > IMAGEURL "c:\temp" > END > > QUERYMAP > STATUS ON > STYLE HILITE > COLOR 255 255 0 > END > > > > LAYER > NAME "states" > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > > DATA "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\data\states" > FILTERITEM state > FILTER "%name%" #passed form querystring > CLASS > STYLE > #TEMPLATE "..\template\template.html" > COLOR 110 50 100 > OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 > > END > END > > END > END From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Sun Jan 8 06:47:35 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 15:47:35 +0100 Subject: G-delivery service Message-ID: Hi people, I wanted to report back some info about a project I recently did and share some ideas. The project's purpose was building a G-delivery service, much alike the situation which exists for a few years already in Canada (although the project I did is used in an intranet). The project combines Mapserver, GDAL/OGR and Chameleon. It is based on OGC standards, mostly Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS). The ideas I wrote up are available at: Comments or suggestions are very much welcome. If anybody is interested in more details, let me know. Best regards, Bart -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Sun Jan 8 15:55:23 2006 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 07:55:23 +0800 Subject: G-delivery service Message-ID: Bart, Sounds great. These methods of data requests are popular in Australia too, and are much preferred over having to wait a week (or more) for your data. I'd be careful with having too many controls in the application, though. It appears to have more functionality than it may need for its purpose, which may scare people off a bit, if they are not familiar with it. Maybe you could use tabs to hide the ones less often needed? Also, make sure potential buyers understand that the downloaded data may not look the same (symbolisation,colours, etc.) when downloaded. We get that problem a lot when our draftspeople want to import GIS data. For this reason, our draftspeople are often more satisfied with a rendered image (ECW), looking like the original topographic GIS map. Maybe you want to consider raster as an output format too? I'm sure this application will be very successful. Looks great, too. Regards, Jacob > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bart van > den Eijnden (OSGIS) > Sent: 8 January 2006 22:48 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] G-delivery service > > Hi people, > > I wanted to report back some info about a project I recently did and > share some ideas. The project's purpose was building a G-delivery > service, much alike the situation which exists for a few > years already > in Canada (although the project I did is used in an intranet). > > The project combines Mapserver, GDAL/OGR and Chameleon. It is > based on > OGC standards, mostly Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web > Coverage Service > (WCS). > > The ideas I wrote up are available at: > > > > Comments or suggestions are very much welcome. If anybody is > interested > in more details, let me know. > > Best regards, > Bart > > -- > Bart van den Eijnden > OSGIS, Open Source GIS > > From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Sun Jan 8 18:48:39 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:48:39 +1100 Subject: Map not rendering Message-ID: Hi all, While I hope this is not a silly question, I fear it is, or at least would have a simple solution. I am trying to render a map with ms. If I do the following, the map renders and all is fine: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ However, if I try the following, nothing is rendered - just a solid white square: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ I'm just using a simple map file: MAP NAME TEST IMAGETYPE jpeg EXTENT 140 -40 150 -33 SIZE 600 600 #SHAPEPATH "/home/data/map/Landsat Mosaic TM2000/GDA94LL/" DEBUG ON # TEMPLATEPATTERN 'start' WEB TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' IMAGEURL '/tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4283" #required END LAYER NAME "mymap" DATA "mymap_mosaic_murray_geov2_WGS84.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON END END Is this odd? Shouldn't both URL's work? I've also tried shp2img and the map correctly renders. So why doesn't this work?: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ I'm using map server on redhat. Thanks in advance. _________________________________________________________________ Make your dream car a reality From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Sun Jan 8 19:21:44 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 22:21:44 -0500 Subject: Map not rendering Message-ID: James - Set your layer to STATUS DEFAULT, instead of STATUS ON. The WMS request forces that layer to be displayed, since you must list it explicitly. STATUS ON does not mean what you and 98,274 other new users (myself included) thinks it means! - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of James Net Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 9:49 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map not rendering Hi all, While I hope this is not a silly question, I fear it is, or at least would have a simple solution. I am trying to render a map with ms. If I do the following, the map renders and all is fine: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ RVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=mymap However, if I try the following, nothing is rendered - just a solid white square: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ de=map I'm just using a simple map file: MAP NAME TEST IMAGETYPE jpeg EXTENT 140 -40 150 -33 SIZE 600 600 #SHAPEPATH "/home/data/map/Landsat Mosaic TM2000/GDA94LL/" DEBUG ON # TEMPLATEPATTERN 'start' WEB TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' IMAGEURL '/tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4283" #required END LAYER NAME "mymap" DATA "mymap_mosaic_murray_geov2_WGS84.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON END END Is this odd? Shouldn't both URL's work? I've also tried shp2img and the map correctly renders. So why doesn't this work?: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ de=map I'm using map server on redhat. Thanks in advance. _________________________________________________________________ Make your dream car a reality %2Eau&_t=12345&_r=emailtagline&_m=EXT From H.Viola at BOM.GOV.AU Sun Jan 8 19:17:38 2006 From: H.Viola at BOM.GOV.AU (Hester Jane Viola) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:17:38 +1100 Subject: Map not rendering Message-ID: Hi, The problem is easily solved. Your request does actually work, in that it returns an image, but will not render any layers unless you set them to be drawn by default. using : STATUS DEFAULT Have a look at the following: Copyright layer only (which has STATUS DEFAULT) and,-48.3,158,-4.2&transparent=true versus: Copyright and coast (though copyright is not required in either request, but it is still returned),-48.3,158,-4.2&transparent=true and Hope that makes sense Cheers Hester -- Regards Hester VIOLA IT Officer, Data Management Bureau of Meteorology 700 Collins St, Melbourne Australia, 3008 Email. h.viola at Ph. 61 39669-4403 (w) -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of James Net Sent: Monday, 9 January 2006 1:49 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map not rendering Hi all, While I hope this is not a silly question, I fear it is, or at least would have a simple solution. I am trying to render a map with ms. If I do the following, the map renders and all is fine: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ However, if I try the following, nothing is rendered - just a solid white square: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ I'm just using a simple map file: MAP NAME TEST IMAGETYPE jpeg EXTENT 140 -40 150 -33 SIZE 600 600 #SHAPEPATH "/home/data/map/Landsat Mosaic TM2000/GDA94LL/" DEBUG ON # TEMPLATEPATTERN 'start' WEB TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' IMAGEURL '/tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4283" #required END LAYER NAME "mymap" DATA "mymap_mosaic_murray_geov2_WGS84.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON END END Is this odd? Shouldn't both URL's work? I've also tried shp2img and the map correctly renders. So why doesn't this work?: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ I'm using map server on redhat. Thanks in advance. _________________________________________________________________ Make your dream car a reality From saengpole at YAHOO.COM Sun Jan 8 20:17:26 2006 From: saengpole at YAHOO.COM (Krung Saengpole) Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 20:17:26 -0800 Subject: Compute partial polygon area Message-ID: Hi Steve, Thank you for your advice. I re-tried postgis again, it worked with a little debug message but not the case. I confused with postgresql and postgis geometry features. Could you please show me circleAsPolygon() function (user-defined)? TIA Krung >> I'd like to compute partial area of polygon that intersects with another > polygon. Is there a way to do with PHPMapscript? For example, I want to >> know how many square kilometers of forests that reside in the area of >> 50km-radius circled area. Or where can I get to the example? >If you use PostGIS this is a straight forward SQL query like: >select polyid, area2d(intersection(the_geom, circleAsPolygon(point(x, y), radius, npoints)) as area from mytable where the_geom && expand(point(x, y), radius); >where the_geom is the geometry column for the polygons and x,y is the center of your circle radius = 50000 >and npoints is the number of points to generate for the polygonal circle. >you would need to write a function circleAsPolygon() in pgsql, but that is pretty trivial and most of us that would with PostGIS could post >that >if you needed us to. >-Steve --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Sun Jan 8 22:50:06 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 07:50:06 +0100 Subject: G-delivery service In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Jacob, thanks for the feedback. With respect to rasterization of vector data, I had thought of that as well, but Mapserver WCS currently does not support that. It is also questionable if this is intended by the WCS spec. But anyway, I think it would be a great enhancement for Mapserver, so to not forget about it I have opened up an enhancement bug: Best regards, Bart > Bart, > > Sounds great. These methods of data requests are popular in Australia > too, and are much preferred over having to wait a week (or more) for > your data. > > I'd be careful with having too many controls in the application, though. > It appears to have more functionality than it may need for its purpose, > which may scare people off a bit, if they are not familiar with it. > Maybe you could use tabs to hide the ones less often needed? > > Also, make sure potential buyers understand that the downloaded data may > not look the same (symbolisation,colours, etc.) when downloaded. We get > that problem a lot when our draftspeople want to import GIS data. For > this reason, our draftspeople are often more satisfied with a rendered > image (ECW), looking like the original topographic GIS map. Maybe you > want to consider raster as an output format too? > > I'm sure this application will be very successful. Looks great, too. > > Regards, > > Jacob > > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: UMN MapServer Users List >> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bart van >> den Eijnden (OSGIS) >> Sent: 8 January 2006 22:48 >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] G-delivery service >> >> Hi people, >> >> I wanted to report back some info about a project I recently did and >> share some ideas. The project's purpose was building a G-delivery >> service, much alike the situation which exists for a few >> years already >> in Canada (although the project I did is used in an intranet). >> >> The project combines Mapserver, GDAL/OGR and Chameleon. It is >> based on >> OGC standards, mostly Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web >> Coverage Service >> (WCS). >> >> The ideas I wrote up are available at: >> >> >> >> Comments or suggestions are very much welcome. If anybody is >> interested >> in more details, let me know. >> >> Best regards, >> Bart >> >> -- >> Bart van den Eijnden >> OSGIS, Open Source GIS >> >> > > From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Sun Jan 8 22:50:42 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 22:50:42 -0800 Subject: WCS: error on creating large Geotiff fr om ECW Message-ID: Hi Frank, thanks for the answer. I tried your suggestion, but I did not even get a map back anymore (I waited for more than 2 minutes). The ECW file used is quite large though. Seems like I have to wait for ERMapper's new SDK release ..... Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Frank Warmerdam Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 17:01 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WCS: error on creating large Geotiff from ECW On 1/6/06, Bart van den Eijnden wrote: > Hi list, > > I am trying to create a Geotiff file from an ECW file using Mapserver WCS > (Mapserver 4.8beta2, GDAL CVS 04/01/06, ECW SDK 3.3RC1). > > The request is: > http://[ip]:[port]/cgi-bin/mapserv480?map=/data/OGC_UMN_services/basispakket,456945,161080,459273&service=WCS&version=1.0.0&excepti ons=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&request=GetCoverage&coverage=AAA154&crs=epsg: 28992&resx=.5&resy=.5&format=Geotiff > > The following error message occurs: > > error: could not get data: > NCScbmReadViewLineBIL failed.: Unable to access file. GDALRasterIO() > failed: drawGDAL() > > The same part of the ECW can be rendered by Mapserver WMS without > problems. When I try a smaller WCS request, it does work. > > Any ideas what could be the problem and how to solve it? Bart, I can't think of any obvious reason this would be happening. Especially why WCS and WMS would react differently in this regard. I have run into a few bugs in the last few months that relate to unusual access patterns to the ECW SDK from GDAL. Some of these (or all?) all been fixed by ERMapper and should appear in their next release. But I don't know when that will be. You might have some luck fiddling with the config settings that can affect the GDAL ECW drivers low level access. For instance, trying setting the following in your mapfile. CONFIG "GDAL_FORCE_CACHING" "YES" This will generally reduce MapServer performance since the alternative (one big request to the ECW file is usually faster than many smaller block reads for the cache), but it might be more stable. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ -- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Sun Jan 8 22:53:21 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 22:53:21 -0800 Subject: SLD using 2 NamedLayers (one with defau lt NamedStyle and one with UserStyle) Message-ID: Hi Assefa, thanks for the answer, for reference, I have opened up an enhancement bug as you suggested: Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Yewondwossen Assefa [mailto:assefa at] Verzonden: donderdag 5 januari 2006 22:27 Aan: Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) CC: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD using 2 NamedLayers (one with default NamedStyle and one with UserStyle) Bart, Right now the sld parser would apply the style on your layer using the first NamedLayer found in the SLD and ignore the 2nd one (and susequent). The reason being only that It was not being thought when originally implemented. You should add an enhacement bug on it. Later, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote: >Hi list, > >is the following SLD supposed to work with Mapserver? I can't get it to >work. What I am trying to do is to display a layer with its default style >with on top some custom labels for that same layer. I can get it to work >using 2 separate WMS client layers, but ofcourse this would be far more >efficient in one pass. > > > > NL-prov > > > > > > NL-prov > > > > > > > #000000 > arial > 10 > > > > > > > > >Thanks in advance. > >Best regards, >Bart > > >Disclaimer >************************************************************************ >Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is >uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis >hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te >informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de >volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. > >This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. >This message is intended solely for the addressee. >If you have received this message in error, please delete it and >notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message >is correct or complete, please contact the sender. >************************************************************************ > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 03:18:34 2006 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:18:34 +0000 Subject: converting shp to tab loses projection Message-ID: Hi list, I have a shapefile containing points in the UK. I need the file in MapInfo TAB format. After converting, the projection seems to have been lost. I have tried various ways of reprojecting in the hope the final TAB file will have them, but none seem to work so far. I have created a VRT file for the shapefile, with projection specified as WGS84. Converted to tab file using the command 'ogr2ogr -t_srs "+init=epsg:4326" sample.vrt epsg 4326 is latlong WGS84. This didn't work. Neither did specifying the full datum for latlong WGS84. I then tried to convert from shp to tab and reprojecting at the same time. And then I tried to reproject the shapefile to shape again, then convert this shape to tab. None of these attempts worked. Can anyone shed some light on this please? Cheers, Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 04:57:46 2006 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:57:46 +0000 Subject: ogr2ogr works on Linux, does not on Windows Message-ID: Hi list, I am trying to convert a shapefile to tabfile whilst reprojecting it to LatLong WGS84. This works great on Linux, but doesn't on Windows. The command used is: ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" address.shp -t_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -s_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" I did initially use EPSG codes, but that didn't work on Windows so I thought I'd try the actual datum codes. No luck. There are no error produced on Windows. On opening the TAB file it is not projected. I am using the latest FWTools. If information is greatly appreciated. Cheers, Xin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nhv at CAPE.COM Mon Jan 9 05:15:30 2006 From: nhv at CAPE.COM (Norman Vine) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 08:15:30 -0500 Subject: ogr2ogr works on Linux, does not on Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Xin writes: > I am trying to convert a shapefile to tabfile whilst reprojecting it to LatLong WGS84. > This works great on Linux, but doesn't on Windows. > I am using the latest FWTools. My guess is that Proj isn't finding its 'data files' see the "ReadMe.txt" file in your Top Level FWTools directory This is normally "C:\Program Files\FWTools%VER%" HTH Norman From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 9 05:43:12 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 08:43:12 -0500 Subject: ogr2ogr works on Linux, does not on Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/9/06, Xin wrote: > Hi list, > > I am trying to convert a shapefile to tabfile whilst reprojecting it to > LatLong WGS84. This works great on Linux, but doesn't on Windows. > > The command used is: > ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" address.shp -t_srs "+proj=longlat > +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -s_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 > +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" > > I did initially use EPSG codes, but that didn't work on Windows so I thought > I'd try the actual datum codes. No luck. > > There are no error produced on Windows. On opening the TAB file it is not > projected. Xin, You have told ogr2ogr that the source and target SRS are both WGS84 so there is no reprojection to do. If the source is not already in WGS84 degrees then you should either use a different -s_srs or omit this option and let ogr2ogr pick up the coordinate system from the source file. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 05:54:44 2006 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:54:44 +0000 Subject: ogr2ogr works on Linux, does not on Windows In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I appreciate it might look a bit strange the way I've got the command written. The idea is to convert from TAB to SHP and have WGS84 projection. Converting with projection tags would result in non-earth projection, as MapInfo would see it. The command seems to work with identical target and source projections. My problem is why does it work on Linux, but not on Windows. I'd love to get your views on it Frank. Cheers, Xin On 09/01/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > On 1/9/06, Xin wrote: > > Hi list, > > > > I am trying to convert a shapefile to tabfile whilst reprojecting it to > > LatLong WGS84. This works great on Linux, but doesn't on Windows. > > > > The command used is: > > ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" address.shp -t_srs "+proj=longlat > > +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -s_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 > > +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" > > > > I did initially use EPSG codes, but that didn't work on Windows so I > thought > > I'd try the actual datum codes. No luck. > > > > There are no error produced on Windows. On opening the TAB file it is > not > > projected. > > Xin, > > You have told ogr2ogr that the source and target SRS are both WGS84 > so there is no reprojection to do. If the source is not already in WGS84 > degrees then you should either use a different -s_srs or omit this option > and let ogr2ogr pick up the coordinate system from the source file. > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 06:01:52 2006 From: umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:01:52 +0100 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Benedikt! On 1/2/06, Benedikt Rothe wrote: > > Hi list members, > > From former threads I got the impression, that there are some folks > interested in the Oracle/Mapserver/Java/Tomcat. > You can count me in. > Therfore I'd like to share experiences I made with using Connection-Pooling > of > Oracle-Connections inside Java/Tomcat. > > Testenvironment: Mapserver 4.6.2; Suse-Linux; Tomcat 4.1.31; Sun-Java 1.4.2 > Simulating 5 Browsers, which produce maps, query features, make selections, > query-legend-pics frequently. > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of Tomcat. > When the jvm crashes it produces a hs_err*.log file where it prints a stack trace of the function in which the crash occurred. Do you still have them? If yes please post the function where the crash occurred. Since it seems that connection pooling is locked the crash should happen in the Oracle connection code. Best regards, Umberto > - Big memory leak: Between the first 5 requests and the next 100 requests > the Tomcat-process became about 400MB bigger. (I use "top" for > watching memory-footprint.) > > - Cleaning the Connection-Pool "by hand". This means: > Opening the function msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced in mappool.c > for use in Java and call it after every request. > > - After this I still have memory leaks: About 100MB for 30.000 requests. > (I also made a test: 25.000 requests without Connection pooling. Memory > increased > and decreased as expected in this case.) > > - Performancecomparison in my testcase: > Without use of connection-pooling: ~ 50 Request per minute > With use of connection-pooling: ~75 Request per minute > > > As a result I have the following encouragements: > - Making msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced availabe for mapscript via swig. > (I made a hack by directly editing mapscript/java/mapscript_wrap.c and > Java-Files in mapscript/java/edu/umn/gis/mapscript.) I > think this > function could be part of the mapscript-Object? > > - Investigations on the memory leaks. Both leaks shouldn't occure. (I'll do > this, if I find time. but ...) > > - Fernando Simon: What about using OCI-Connection-Pooling for oracle > instead the mappool.c? > > > (If you don't have time, I maybe could help coding. But would it become > part uf Mapserver?) > > Happy new year to everybody > Benedikt Rothe From umn-ms at HYDROTEC.DE Mon Jan 9 06:42:49 2006 From: umn-ms at HYDROTEC.DE (Benedikt Rothe) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:42:49 +0100 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ciao Umberto This seemes to be an misunderstanding. Sorry for my poor english. Umberto Nicoletti schrieb am 09.01.2006 15:01:52: > Hi Benedikt! ... > > > > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of Tomcat. > > ... > Do you still have them? I do not have crashes any more. - I used to have crashes in the past - I added "synchronized" - I added even more "synchronized" :-) - The crashes disappeard. I posted "Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java" because 1. It was new to me, that one can use Mapserver inside Tomcat with Connection-Pooling without crashes. I wanted to report it, because I'm proud and happy. 2. I still had these Memory-Leaks, which could solve to some degree. Benedikt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 07:04:58 2006 From: umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 16:04:58 +0100 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/9/06, Benedikt Rothe wrote: > > Ciao Umberto > > This seemes to be an misunderstanding. Sorry for my poor english. > > Umberto Nicoletti schrieb am 09.01.2006 > 15:01:52: > > > Hi Benedikt! > ... > > > > > > > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of Tomcat. > > > > ... > > Do you still have them? > I meant the files. > I do not have crashes any more. > > - I used to have crashes in the past > - I added "synchronized" > - I added even more "synchronized" :-) > - The crashes disappeard. > > I posted "Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java" because > 1. It was new to me, that one can use Mapserver inside Tomcat with > Connection-Pooling > without crashes. I wanted to report it, because I'm proud and happy. You are right to be proud and to be happy, but if we could find were the creashes occurred we cut incorporate the necessary changes in mapserver so that we all be happy (and your name will be remembered among the glorious Mapserver users and devs :-) ). Best regards, Umberto > 2. I still had these Memory-Leaks, which could solve to some degree. > > Benedikt From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 05:41:36 2006 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:41:36 +0000 Subject: ogr2ogr works on Linux, does not on Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I thought this initially too. I'm using fwtool shell, so all the necessary enviromental vars should be already set. What other data files does proj use apart from epsg? I have read the ReadMe.txt, it contain anything on setting correct data files. Appreciate the help. Cheers, Xin On 09/01/06, Norman Vine wrote: > > Xin writes: > > > I am trying to convert a shapefile to tabfile whilst reprojecting it to > LatLong WGS84. > > This works great on Linux, but doesn't on Windows. > > > I am using the latest FWTools. > > My guess is that Proj isn't finding its 'data files' > > see the "ReadMe.txt" file in your Top Level FWTools directory > > This is normally "C:\Program Files\FWTools%VER%" > > HTH > > Norman > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Jan 9 07:44:42 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 10:44:42 -0500 Subject: Mapfile enhancement request {YEAR} Message-ID: Hi, I have to update a bazillion mapfiles to change the Copyright year and I thought it would be a nice feature to have current year as a variable within the map files so one could do something like: TEXT "Copyright {YEAR}, ..." Any thoughts ... -Steve W. From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Mon Jan 9 08:03:49 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:03:49 +0100 Subject: Display WFS LAYER from Geoserver as a Map Message-ID: Hi all, I have configured MapServer as WMS Server and WFS client in order to fetch only one WFS layer from GeoServer. The Map file is : MAP NAME "regioni" STATUS ON SIZE 800 600 WEB IMAGEPATH "\\wolf\Inetpub\wwwroot\applicazioni\temp\" IMAGEURL "//wolf/Inetpub/wwwroot/applicazioni/temp/" METADATA "wms_title" "WMS Demo Server" "wms_onlineresource" "http://localhost/cgi- bin/mapserv?" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4030" END END EXTENT -722566 3.86573e+006 1.3639e+006 5.28367e+006 UNITS meters IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png PROJECTION "init=epsg:4030" END LAYER NAME "regioni" CONNECTIONTYPE WFS CONNECTION "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?request=getfeature&service=wfs&version=1.0.0&typen ame=regioni" METADATA "wms_title" "regioni" END TYPE POLYGON STATUS on CLASS NAME "regioni" COLOR 207 150 123 OUTLINECOLOR 90 229 210 END END END The WMS request I made to the server is : http://localhost/cgi- bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\applicazioni\applicazioni_file\regioni_WFS_GEO and the only thing that the server returns me is a gml file in the IMAGEPATH directory. I want to Know if is it possible and how to display a WFS layer (from GeoServer) as a map on the monitor doing a WMS request to MapServer in the way I have described ?? If NO, how can transalte the gml file in a shape file to display ??? Thank u much ! From umn-ms at HYDROTEC.DE Mon Jan 9 08:02:46 2006 From: umn-ms at HYDROTEC.DE (Benedikt Rothe) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:02:46 +0100 Subject: Antwort: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi The hs_err*.log file show functions in the oracle-libs. (Unfortunately there is no stack-trace, so I cannot say, which function/line in maporacle.c produced this.) Example for a hs_err*.log: An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x9B0025D8 Function=kpufhndl0+0x3E Library=/opt/oracle/OraHome1/lib/ Current Java thread: at edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.mapObj_drawQuery(Native Method) at edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.drawQuery( .... I spent some time to analyse the problem, but in the end I was not able to give a better report than "It crashes". Therefore I didn't post a bug :-( Benedikt UMN MapServer Users List schrieb am 09.01.2006 16:04:58: > On 1/9/06, Benedikt Rothe wrote: > > > > Ciao Umberto > > > > This seemes to be an misunderstanding. Sorry for my poor english. > > > > Umberto Nicoletti schrieb am 09.01.2006 > > 15:01:52: > > > > > Hi Benedikt! > > ... > > > > > > > > > > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of Tomcat. > > > > > > ... > > > Do you still have them? > > > > I meant the files. > > > I do not have crashes any more. > > > > - I used to have crashes in the past > > - I added "synchronized" > > - I added even more "synchronized" :-) > > - The crashes disappeard. > > > > I posted "Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java" because > > 1. It was new to me, that one can use Mapserver inside Tomcat with > > Connection-Pooling > > without crashes. I wanted to report it, because I'm proud and happy. > > You are right to be proud and to be happy, but if we could find were > the creashes occurred we cut incorporate the necessary changes in > mapserver so that we all be happy (and your name will be remembered > among the glorious Mapserver users and devs :-) ). > > Best regards, > Umberto > > > 2. I still had these Memory-Leaks, which could solve to some degree. > > > > Benedikt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 08:43:22 2006 From: umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:43:22 +0100 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: Message-ID: A quick look at maporaclespatial.c reveals the following global variables: /* local status */ static int last_oci_call_ms_status = MS_FAILURE; static text last_oci_call_ms_error[2048] = ""; therefore I think we can mark Oracle spatial support not thread safe. Most importantly to use the OCI libraries in multithreaded environments one *must* explicitly request the multi-threading features by passing a special flag to the OCI init functions. For more see: (requires registration) or search google for OCIEnvCreate. Best regards, Umberto On 1/9/06, umn-ms at wrote: > > Hi > > The hs_err*.log file show functions in the > oracle-libs. (Unfortunately there is no stack-trace, so I cannot > say, which function/line in maporacle.c produced this.) > > Example for a hs_err*.log: > An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. > Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x9B0025D8 > Function=kpufhndl0+0x3E > Library=/opt/oracle/OraHome1/lib/ > > Current Java thread: > at > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.mapObj_drawQuery(Native > Method) > at > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.drawQuery( > .... > > I spent some time to analyse the problem, but in the end I was not able to > give a better > report than "It crashes". Therefore I didn't post a bug :-( > > Benedikt > > > UMN MapServer Users List schrieb am > 09.01.2006 16:04:58: > > > > On 1/9/06, Benedikt Rothe wrote: > > > > > > Ciao Umberto > > > > > > This seemes to be an misunderstanding. Sorry for my poor english. > > > > > > Umberto Nicoletti schrieb am 09.01.2006 > > > 15:01:52: > > > > > > > Hi Benedikt! > > > ... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have crashes of > Tomcat. > > > > > > > > ... > > > > Do you still have them? > > > > > > > I meant the files. > > > > > I do not have crashes any more. > > > > > > - I used to have crashes in the past > > > - I added "synchronized" > > > - I added even more "synchronized" :-) > > > - The crashes disappeard. > > > > > > I posted "Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java" because > > > 1. It was new to me, that one can use Mapserver inside Tomcat with > > > Connection-Pooling > > > without crashes. I wanted to report it, because I'm proud and happy. > > > > You are right to be proud and to be happy, but if we could find were > > the creashes occurred we cut incorporate the necessary changes in > > mapserver so that we all be happy (and your name will be remembered > > among the glorious Mapserver users and devs :-) ). > > > > Best regards, > > Umberto > > > > > 2. I still had these Memory-Leaks, which could solve to some degree. > > > > > > Benedikt > From Philip.Chau at EC.GC.CA Mon Jan 9 09:49:51 2006 From: Philip.Chau at EC.GC.CA (Chau,Philip [PYR]) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 09:49:51 -0800 Subject: SLD http header problem Message-ID: I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem &request=GetMap&layers=ActiveFedProv&SLD= kyw_sld.xml WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I get a CGI error "CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: " Cheers, Phil Philip Chau, PMP Water Quality Monitoring Division Environmental Stewardship Branch Environment Canada 201-401 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 Tel: 604.664.4066 Fax: 604.664.9126 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Mon Jan 9 11:18:43 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:18:43 -0600 Subject: expressions problem with Postgis In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Dear All, I have been running into a problem splitting a postgresql layer into two classes via MapServer expressions and I am hoping someone of you can help me. I have a postgresql table containing roads. There is a column 'name' where you can see the road's status like 'Interstates' or 'State Routes'. So far so good. But (there is always a 'but :-) )... some records are looking like that: Interstate Route 75, State Route 401 I tried to seperate my classes with some MapServer expression. I succeeded in getting the Interstates by: CLASS NAME "Interstates" EXPRESSION ("[name]" =~ /Interstate/) ... Now I want to seperate the State Routes by filtering all records that DO NOT contain the substring "Interstates". CLASS NAME "Interstates" EXPRESSION ("[name]" !=~ /Interstate/) ... It isn't working :-(. The documentation doesn't tell anything about this case. Do you have any tip? Thanks, Carola _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Chau,Philip [PYR] Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:50 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD http header problem I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem uest=GetMap&layers=ActiveFedProv&SLD= xml WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I get a CGI error "CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: " Cheers, Phil Philip Chau, PMP Water Quality Monitoring Division Environmental Stewardship Branch Environment Canada 201-401 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 Tel: 604.664.4066 Fax: 604.664.9126 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 9 12:50:19 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:50:19 -0600 Subject: expressions problem with Postgis Message-ID: You'd really have to ellaborate a bit more on the column content to give a complete answer. If you just have Interstates vs. State Routes then: CLASSITEM 'name' CLASS EXPRESSION /Interstates/ ... END CLASS # no expression .... END Would work. The first class catches the Interstates and the second, everything else. This would run a good bit faster than what you started with. The proper way to do negation would be: EXPRESSION (!('[name]' =~ /Interstates/)) Since you're using PostGIS you may want to use a case statement in postgresql to make this cleaner, where the case statement would return a simple code for each situation. This would allow for simpler MapServer expressions which, again, would be even faster to evaluate. Steve >>> Carola Jesch 01/09/06 1:18 PM >>> Dear All, I have been running into a problem splitting a postgresql layer into two classes via MapServer expressions and I am hoping someone of you can help me. I have a postgresql table containing roads. There is a column 'name' where you can see the road's status like 'Interstates' or 'State Routes'. So far so good. But (there is always a 'but :-) )... some records are looking like that: Interstate Route 75, State Route 401 I tried to seperate my classes with some MapServer expression. I succeeded in getting the Interstates by: CLASS NAME "Interstates" EXPRESSION ("[name]" =~ /Interstate/) ... Now I want to seperate the State Routes by filtering all records that DO NOT contain the substring "Interstates". CLASS NAME "Interstates" EXPRESSION ("[name]" !=~ /Interstate/) ... It isn't working :-(. The documentation doesn't tell anything about this case. Do you have any tip? Thanks, Carola _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Chau,Philip [PYR] Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:50 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD http header problem I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem uest=GetMap&layers=ActiveFedProv&SLD= xml WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I get a CGI error "CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: " Cheers, Phil Philip Chau, PMP Water Quality Monitoring Division Environmental Stewardship Branch Environment Canada 201-401 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 Tel: 604.664.4066 Fax: 604.664.9126 From rgould at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 9 13:44:36 2006 From: rgould at REFRACTIONS.NET (Richard Gould) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:44:36 -0800 Subject: SLD http header problem In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Phil, I would just like to point out that the request you are trying is not a valid request (it is missing many things, such as height/width/bbox). But I am getting the same response with a request that *is* valid.,48.0,-113.0,70.0&WIDTH=558&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&VERSION=1.1.1& Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions for a solution. Cheers, Richard Chau,Philip [PYR] wrote: > > I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol > (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem > > _ > > > WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I get a > CGI error > > "CGI Error > The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set > of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: > > " > > Cheers, > Phil > > > Philip Chau, PMP > Water Quality Monitoring Division > Environmental Stewardship Branch > Environment Canada > 201-401 Burrard Street > Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 > Tel: 604.664.4066 > Fax: 604.664.9126 > From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 15:05:05 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:05:05 +1100 Subject: Map not rendering In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks Hester, Alas that did not fix my problem. My WMS works and has always worked - I'm not asking 'bout that. This renders my map, using a wms: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ So why won't this work (with the same .map file), just to test and debug: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ And I HAVE CHANGED my only layer to status DEFAULT! I have done this before using a .shp file (tiled raster), and it works: http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ So what have I done wrong? James >From: "Hester Jane Viola" >To: "James Net" >CC: >Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map not rendering >Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 14:17:38 +1100 > >Hi, >The problem is easily solved. >Your request does actually work, in that it returns an image, but will not >render any layers unless you set them to be drawn by default. >using : STATUS DEFAULT > >Have a look at the following: >Copyright layer only (which has STATUS DEFAULT) > >and >,-48.3,158,-4.2&transparent=true > >versus: > >Copyright and coast (though copyright is not required in either request, >but it is still returned) >,-48.3,158,-4.2&transparent=true >and > > >Hope that makes sense >Cheers >Hester > > > >-- >Regards >Hester VIOLA > >IT Officer, Data Management >Bureau of Meteorology >700 Collins St, Melbourne >Australia, 3008 >Email. h.viola at >Ph. 61 39669-4403 (w) > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On >Behalf Of James Net >Sent: Monday, 9 January 2006 1:49 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map not rendering > > >Hi all, > >While I hope this is not a silly question, I fear it is, or at least would >have a simple solution. > >I am trying to render a map with ms. > >If I do the following, the map renders and all is fine: > >http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ > >However, if I try the following, nothing is rendered - just a solid white >square: > >http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ > >I'm just using a simple map file: > >MAP > NAME TEST > IMAGETYPE jpeg > EXTENT 140 -40 150 -33 > SIZE 600 600 > #SHAPEPATH "/home/data/map/Landsat Mosaic TM2000/GDA94LL/" > DEBUG ON > ># TEMPLATEPATTERN 'start' > >WEB > TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' > IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/tmp/' >END > >PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4283" #required >END > >LAYER > NAME "mymap" > DATA "mymap_mosaic_murray_geov2_WGS84.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON >END > >END > > >Is this odd? Shouldn't both URL's work? > >I've also tried shp2img and the map correctly renders. > >So why doesn't this work?: > >http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ > >I'm using map server on redhat. > >Thanks in advance. > >_________________________________________________________________ >Make your dream car a reality > _________________________________________________________________ the biggest address in property From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 9 15:32:38 2006 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:32:38 -0800 Subject: Mapfile enhancement request {YEAR} In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This is where the famous "use cpp and make" solution is handy. Manage your mapfiles like they are code. You can have macro expansion neatly fill out things like standard colors, scales, and... years. Paul On Jan 9, 2006, at 7:44 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > Hi, > > I have to update a bazillion mapfiles to change the Copyright year > and I thought it would be a nice feature to have current year as a > variable within the map files so one could do something like: > > TEXT "Copyright {YEAR}, ..." > > Any thoughts ... > > -Steve W. From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Mon Jan 9 15:47:49 2006 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 21:47:49 -0200 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi folks, Sorry for the delay to reply your messages, I'm out from the lab since 20 of december and I go back only next monday. I already used the Mapserver + Oracle Spatial + Java in one project, about it was very unstable, many crashes (in many functions) but after some messages in the list I added the syncronized in my functions and the crashes down 80%, others 15% I solved after I compile my own Mapserver, just with my dependencies (only Oracle and Raster support). The 5% was wrong code, wrong server config.... I never looked the logs to see where the Mapserver crashes, so I can't report the logs, sorry. About what Umberto spoke about the variables, this code was fixed in the bug #1469, that Silke reported: "". This fix will be in the next release, 4.8. How was explained before I believe that the maporaclespatial.c can be improved, and the Pool directly in OCI calls will be better. Actually is core of Mapserver that control the connection pool, the same code for all connections. I will improve the Oracle Connection with the OCI pool, but I don't know when will be finishewd, maybe one ow two months. :) Best regrads. ------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil ------------------------------------------ Citando Umberto Nicoletti : > A quick look at maporaclespatial.c reveals the following global > variables: > > /* local status */ > static int last_oci_call_ms_status = MS_FAILURE; > static text last_oci_call_ms_error[2048] = ""; > > therefore I think we can mark Oracle spatial support not thread > safe. > Most importantly to use the OCI libraries in multithreaded > environments one *must* explicitly request the multi-threading > features by passing a special flag to the OCI init functions. For > more > see: > > > > > (requires registration) > or search google for OCIEnvCreate. > > Best regards, > Umberto > > On 1/9/06, umn-ms at wrote: > > > > Hi > > > > The hs_err*.log file show functions in the > > oracle-libs. (Unfortunately there is no stack-trace, so I cannot > > say, which function/line in maporacle.c produced this.) > > > > Example for a hs_err*.log: > > An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside > the VM. > > Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x9B0025D8 > > Function=kpufhndl0+0x3E > > Library=/opt/oracle/OraHome1/lib/ > > > > Current Java thread: > > at > > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.mapObj_drawQuery(Native > > Method) > > at > > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.drawQuery( > > .... > > > > I spent some time to analyse the problem, but in the end I was > not able to > > give a better > > report than "It crashes". Therefore I didn't post a bug :-( > > > > Benedikt > > > > > > UMN MapServer Users List schrieb > am > > 09.01.2006 16:04:58: > > > > > > > On 1/9/06, Benedikt Rothe wrote: > > > > > > > > Ciao Umberto > > > > > > > > This seemes to be an misunderstanding. Sorry for my poor > english. > > > > > > > > Umberto Nicoletti schrieb am > 09.01.2006 > > > > 15:01:52: > > > > > > > > > Hi Benedikt! > > > > ... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have > crashes of > > Tomcat. > > > > > > > > > > ... > > > > > Do you still have them? > > > > > > > > > > I meant the files. > > > > > > > I do not have crashes any more. > > > > > > > > - I used to have crashes in the past > > > > - I added "synchronized" > > > > - I added even more "synchronized" :-) > > > > - The crashes disappeard. > > > > > > > > I posted "Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java" because > > > > 1. It was new to me, that one can use Mapserver inside > Tomcat with > > > > Connection-Pooling > > > > without crashes. I wanted to report it, because I'm proud > and happy. > > > > > > You are right to be proud and to be happy, but if we could > find were > > > the creashes occurred we cut incorporate the necessary changes > in > > > mapserver so that we all be happy (and your name will be > remembered > > > among the glorious Mapserver users and devs :-) ). > > > > > > Best regards, > > > Umberto > > > > > > > 2. I still had these Memory-Leaks, which could solve to some > degree. > > > > > > > > Benedikt > > > ------------------------------------------------- Univali - Webmail - From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 16:07:34 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 11:07:34 +1100 Subject: Map not rendering In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Problem Solved. It was that darn STATUS: DEFAULT. Thanks again >From: "Ed McNierney" >To: "James Net" >, >Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map not rendering >Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 22:21:44 -0500 > >James - > >Set your layer to STATUS DEFAULT, instead of STATUS ON. The WMS request >forces that layer to be displayed, since you must list it explicitly. >STATUS ON does not mean what you and 98,274 other new users (myself >included) thinks it means! > > - Ed > >Ed McNierney >President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >ed at > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of James Net >Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 9:49 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Map not rendering > >Hi all, > >While I hope this is not a silly question, I fear it is, or at least >would have a simple solution. > >I am trying to render a map with ms. > >If I do the following, the map renders and all is fine: > >http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ >RVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=mymap > >However, if I try the following, nothing is rendered - just a solid >white >square: > >http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ >de=map > >I'm just using a simple map file: > >MAP > NAME TEST > IMAGETYPE jpeg > EXTENT 140 -40 150 -33 > SIZE 600 600 > #SHAPEPATH "/home/data/map/Landsat Mosaic TM2000/GDA94LL/" > DEBUG ON > ># TEMPLATEPATTERN 'start' > >WEB > TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' > IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/tmp/' >END > >PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4283" #required >END > >LAYER > NAME "mymap" > DATA "mymap_mosaic_murray_geov2_WGS84.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON >END > >END > > >Is this odd? Shouldn't both URL's work? > >I've also tried shp2img and the map correctly renders. > >So why doesn't this work?: > >http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/workshop/ >de=map > >I'm using map server on redhat. > >Thanks in advance. > >_________________________________________________________________ >Make your dream car a reality > >%2Eau&_t=12345&_r=emailtagline&_m=EXT _________________________________________________________________ ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) From mharvey at PDX.EDU Mon Jan 9 15:59:12 2006 From: mharvey at PDX.EDU (morgan harvey) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:59:12 -0800 Subject: Problem setting maximum extents Message-ID: Hello. I am using the zoompoint, zoomscale, and zoomrectangle methods within PHP MapScript and am observing some incorrect behavior w/r/t the maximum extent argument. When zooming out of the map, the maximum extents seem only to be bound to a single axis, so that, for instance, the minx and maxx boundaries are met, but the map goes way over the y extents. It will consistently zoom out until the it passes both axis constraints. All other zooming operations work properly for me. Is this a bug within mapserver or mapscript (i couldn't find any known bug within bugzilla) or is this the way this is supposed to work? Here's the applicable code: if ($extent['x1'] && $extent['y1'] && $extent['x2'] && $extent['y2']) { $map->setExtent($extent['x1'], $extent['y1'], $extent ['x2'], $extent['y2']); $extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); $extent_obj->setExtent($extent['x1'], $extent['y1'], $extent['x2'], $extent['y2']); } else { $extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); $extent_obj->setExtent ($map->extent->minx, $map- >extent->miny, $map->extent->maxx, $map->extent->maxy); } $max_extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); $max_extent_obj->setExtent (7510802, 548620, 7827464, 783920); $zoom_factor = -4; $map->zoompoint($zoom_factor,$point_obj,$map->width,$map->height, $extent_obj,$max_extent_obj); ------------------------ Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Mon Jan 9 16:23:49 2006 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:23:49 +0800 Subject: Problem setting maximum extents Message-ID: Morgan, In this line: >> $max_extent_obj->setExtent (7510802, 548620, 7827464, 783920); Is there any chance you mixed up your X and Y (order of arguments is MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY) ? If your coordinates are in UTM, then the Y coordinates has 7 digits, the x has 6. Hope this helps, Jacob > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of morgan harvey > Sent: 10 January 2006 07:59 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem setting maximum extents > > Hello. > > I am using the zoompoint, zoomscale, and zoomrectangle > methods within > PHP MapScript and am observing some incorrect behavior w/r/t the > maximum extent argument. When zooming out of the map, the maximum > extents seem only to be bound to a single axis, so that, for > instance, the minx and maxx boundaries are met, but the map goes way > over the y extents. It will consistently zoom out until the > it passes > both axis constraints. All other zooming operations work > properly for > me. Is this a bug within mapserver or mapscript (i couldn't find any > known bug within bugzilla) or is this the way this is > supposed to work? > > Here's the applicable code: > > if ($extent['x1'] && $extent['y1'] && > $extent['x2'] && $extent['y2']) { > $map->setExtent($extent['x1'], > $extent['y1'], $extent > ['x2'], $extent['y2']); > > $extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); > $extent_obj->setExtent($extent['x1'], > $extent['y1'], > $extent['x2'], $extent['y2']); > } > > else { > $extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); > $extent_obj->setExtent ($map->extent->minx, $map- > >extent->miny, $map->extent->maxx, $map->extent->maxy); > } > > > $max_extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); > $max_extent_obj->setExtent (7510802, 548620, 7827464, 783920); > > $zoom_factor = -4; > $map->zoompoint($zoom_factor,$point_obj,$map->width,$map->height, > $extent_obj,$max_extent_obj); > > > ------------------------ > Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. > From joe at OTSYS.COM Mon Jan 9 16:34:15 2006 From: joe at OTSYS.COM (Joseph Bussell) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 16:34:15 -0800 Subject: street level shape files for united state In-Reply-To: Message-ID: The tiger line files lack geo-correctness as well as network connectivity. All roads are flattened in the tiger data (no overpass or underpass data). Its hard to run a routing application using that data as you end up taking right turns off highways into the subburbs. Ultimately, you get what you pay for. The documentation is decieving though, as it suggests that an elevation code is in the data. Trouble is that the column in unpopulated. According to the folks who are supporting tiger, the data field is present, but its up to the local authorities to populate the values. As near as I can tell no one has any funding to do that work. my $0.02 Joe Bussell On Time Systems K Kuo wrote: > Hi, > I have been looking for the detail road network (street level) shape > files for US and can not find it. I am wondering if there is any free > data available. Is the commercial street level data like (navteq) much > better than tiger files (if I convert tiger file to shapefile)? > thanks > > Kurt > From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Jan 9 16:46:42 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 19:46:42 -0500 Subject: Mapfile enhancement request {YEAR} In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul Ramsey wrote: > This is where the famous "use cpp and make" solution is handy. Manage > your mapfiles like they are code. You can have macro expansion neatly > fill out things like standard colors, scales, and... years. > Paul Thats a great idea. Changing the text is not really the problem I did it we sed in about 2 seconds. The real issue is the fact that the files need to be tested, released, and deployed to about 15 servers and the effort and inherit risk of making changes. Having a time/date like marcos would solve this, but it also might open some interesting possibilities for others to do things like having time dependent layer classifications, etc. Not unlike have time/date function in postgres. I guess, I could change the copyright layer to get it's label text from a postgis connection, but that does seem like overkill and unneeded complexity as none of my mapfiles currently have a postgis connection. -Steve > On Jan 9, 2006, at 7:44 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I have to update a bazillion mapfiles to change the Copyright year >> and I thought it would be a nice feature to have current year as a >> variable within the map files so one could do something like: >> >> TEXT "Copyright {YEAR}, ..." >> >> Any thoughts ... >> >> -Steve W. > > From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 16:26:14 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 11:26:14 +1100 Subject: Mandatory metadata warnings Message-ID: Hi all, I just did a REQUEST=GetCapabilities on my wms map and I got a few mandatory warnings. How and where do I add this metadata? The first warning is: ... OGC:WMS SYSTEM ... Where should I add "wms_title" in my map file? Next warning: ... SYSTEM SYSTEM EPSG:4283 my_map my_map EPSG:4283 ... Why does SYSTEM report as a layer? And where do I add "wms_title" to stop this warning??? And here is my simple map file: MAP NAME SYSTEM IMAGETYPE jpeg EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 SIZE 1024 1024 DEBUG ON IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 # The background Color. WEB LOG 'my_log.txt' # The Debug Log. TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' IMAGEURL '/tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4283" END LAYER NAME "my_map" DATA "/my_map_GDA94.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT METADATA wms_title "my_map" wms_srs "EPSG:4283" END END Thanks heap in advance. _________________________________________________________________ the biggest address in property From gdavis at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 9 17:01:00 2006 From: gdavis at REFRACTIONS.NET (Graham Davis) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:01:00 -0800 Subject: Mandatory metadata warnings In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi James, Try the following: MAP NAME "SYSTEM" IMAGETYPE jpeg EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 SIZE 1024 1024 DEBUG ON IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 # The background Color. WEB LOG 'my_log.txt' # The Debug Log. TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' IMAGEURL '/tmp/' WMS_TITLE "My Title" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4283" END LAYER NAME "my_map" DATA "/my_map_GDA94.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT METADATA wms_title "my_map" wms_srs "EPSG:4283" END END -- Graham Davis Refractions Research Inc. gdavis at James Net wrote: > Hi all, > > I just did a REQUEST=GetCapabilities on my wms map and I got a few > mandatory warnings. How and where do I add this metadata? > > The first warning is: > ... > > > > OGC:WMS > > > SYSTEM > xlink:href="http://test/cgi-bin/mapserv?"/> > > ... > > Where should I add "wms_title" in my map file? > > Next warning: > ... > > SYSTEM > > SYSTEM > EPSG:4283 > > maxy="-33"/> > > my_map > my_map > EPSG:4283 > > ... > > Why does SYSTEM report as a layer? And where do I add "wms_title" to > stop this warning??? > > And here is my simple map file: > > MAP > NAME SYSTEM > IMAGETYPE jpeg > EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 > SIZE 1024 1024 > DEBUG ON > IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 # The background Color. > > WEB > LOG 'my_log.txt' # The Debug Log. > TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' > IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4283" > END > > LAYER > NAME "my_map" > DATA "/my_map_GDA94.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS DEFAULT > METADATA > wms_title "my_map" > wms_srs "EPSG:4283" > END > END > > > Thanks heap in advance. > > _________________________________________________________________ > the biggest address in property > From mharvey at PDX.EDU Mon Jan 9 17:09:48 2006 From: mharvey at PDX.EDU (morgan harvey) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:09:48 -0800 Subject: Problem setting maximum extents In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: All of my extents are correct -- my projection is NAD 83 HARN Oregon North, epsg=2913 in the mapfile. I've checked those numbers several times and they are correct for my map. thanks, -mo ------------------------ As part of the conversion, computer specialists rewrote 1,500 programs; a process that traditionally requires some debugging. --USA Today, referring to the IRS switchover to a new computer system. On Jan 9, 2006, at 4:23 PM, Delfos, Jacob wrote: > Morgan, > > In this line: > >>> $max_extent_obj->setExtent (7510802, 548620, 7827464, 783920); > > Is there any chance you mixed up your X and Y (order of arguments is > MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY) ? > > If your coordinates are in UTM, then the Y coordinates has 7 > digits, the > x has 6. > > Hope this helps, > > Jacob > > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: UMN MapServer Users List >> [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of morgan harvey >> Sent: 10 January 2006 07:59 >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem setting maximum extents >> >> Hello. >> >> I am using the zoompoint, zoomscale, and zoomrectangle >> methods within >> PHP MapScript and am observing some incorrect behavior w/r/t the >> maximum extent argument. When zooming out of the map, the maximum >> extents seem only to be bound to a single axis, so that, for >> instance, the minx and maxx boundaries are met, but the map goes way >> over the y extents. It will consistently zoom out until the >> it passes >> both axis constraints. All other zooming operations work >> properly for >> me. Is this a bug within mapserver or mapscript (i couldn't find any >> known bug within bugzilla) or is this the way this is >> supposed to work? >> >> Here's the applicable code: >> >> if ($extent['x1'] && $extent['y1'] && >> $extent['x2'] && $extent['y2']) { >> $map->setExtent($extent['x1'], >> $extent['y1'], $extent >> ['x2'], $extent['y2']); >> >> $extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); >> $extent_obj->setExtent($extent['x1'], >> $extent['y1'], >> $extent['x2'], $extent['y2']); >> } >> >> else { >> $extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); >> $extent_obj->setExtent ($map->extent->minx, $map- >>> extent->miny, $map->extent->maxx, $map->extent->maxy); >> } >> >> >> $max_extent_obj = ms_newRectObj(); >> $max_extent_obj->setExtent (7510802, 548620, 7827464, 783920); >> >> $zoom_factor = -4; >> $map->zoompoint($zoom_factor,$point_obj,$map->width,$map->height, >> $extent_obj,$max_extent_obj); >> >> >> ------------------------ >> Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. >> > From kenlord at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 17:24:22 2006 From: kenlord at GMAIL.COM (Ken Lord) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:24:22 -0800 Subject: Legend Labels offset down. In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Legend Image label offset problem revisited from December ... The LABEL OFFSET parameter appeared to have helped fix the problem of mis-positioned labels in my legend image however the amount of the erroneous offset depends on how many layers i have turned on. The more layers turned on, the further downward my labels are offset relative to their symbols. So a constant correction value in the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge the labels back up only works up to a point. Are there any other suggestions out there ... or dare I risk submitting another bug report that I may not be able make both transferable and repeatable for our happy developers to dig into? Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 12/13/05, Ken Lord wrote: > Thanks Steve, The offset parameter did the trick. > > I see what you mean by consistancy, the same font behaves fine on my > home system. > > Ken > > > On 12/13/05, Steve Lime wrote: > > You see that offset with some fonts. I'm not sure why and it is not consistent. It could be problems in the way GD is interpreting font metrics or problems with the font file itself (they are not all created equal). Could even be a MapServer bug but if so I would expect a more consistent problem. Anywho there is an easy workaround. Use the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge them up a bit (e.g. OFFSET 0 -2). > > > > Steve > > > > >>> Ken Lord 12/13/05 8:15 PM >>> > > Hi List, > > > > In my legend image (not an html legend), with mapserver 4.8b2 CGI, > > the labels for the features in the legend are being placed to the > > lower right of the legend icon, instead of directly to the right. > > > > This position has the appearance of the default lower right labelling > > position for features on the map, but of course makes the legend > > impossible to read, with all the text offset down, next to the wrong > > legend icon. > > > > I've confirmed this by setting the Y spacing in the legend to a large > > value to space it all apart. > > > > I've tried using POSITION cr within the label object of my legend in > > my mapfile, but it does not help (and was not needed in the past > > versions). > > > > Am I missing something in my settings, or is this possibly a new bug? > > > > Thanks, > > Ken Lord > > Vancouver BC > > > From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 17:01:53 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:01:53 +1100 Subject: Mandatory metadata warnings In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: That's great! It solved 'em all! Thanks again. >From: Graham Davis >Reply-To: Graham Davis >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mandatory metadata warnings >Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:01:00 -0800 > >Hi James, > >Try the following: > >MAP > NAME "SYSTEM" > IMAGETYPE jpeg > EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 > SIZE 1024 1024 > DEBUG ON > IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 # The background Color. > > WEB > LOG 'my_log.txt' # The Debug Log. > TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' > IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/tmp/' > WMS_TITLE "My Title" > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4283" > END > > LAYER > NAME "my_map" > DATA "/my_map_GDA94.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS DEFAULT > METADATA > wms_title "my_map" > wms_srs "EPSG:4283" > END > END > >-- >Graham Davis >Refractions Research Inc. >gdavis at > > > > >James Net wrote: > >>Hi all, >> >>I just did a REQUEST=GetCapabilities on my wms map and I got a few >>mandatory warnings. How and where do I add this metadata? >> >>The first warning is: >>... >> >> >> >>OGC:WMS >> >> >>SYSTEM >> >> >>... >> >>Where should I add "wms_title" in my map file? >> >>Next warning: >>... >> >>SYSTEM >> >>SYSTEM >>EPSG:4283 >> >> >> >>my_map >>my_map >>EPSG:4283 >> >>... >> >>Why does SYSTEM report as a layer? And where do I add "wms_title" to stop >>this warning??? >> >>And here is my simple map file: >> >>MAP >> NAME SYSTEM >> IMAGETYPE jpeg >> EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 >> SIZE 1024 1024 >> DEBUG ON >> IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 # The background Color. >> >> WEB >> LOG 'my_log.txt' # The Debug Log. >> TEMPLATE 'start_template.html' >> IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/' >> IMAGEURL '/tmp/' >> END >> >> PROJECTION >> "init=epsg:4283" >> END >> >> LAYER >> NAME "my_map" >> DATA "/my_map_GDA94.tif" >> TYPE RASTER >> STATUS DEFAULT >> METADATA >> wms_title "my_map" >> wms_srs "EPSG:4283" >> END >> END >> >> >>Thanks heap in advance. >> >>_________________________________________________________________ >> the biggest address in property >> _________________________________________________________________ Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 17:07:12 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:07:12 +1100 Subject: Domain from GetCapabilities Message-ID: Hello list, Why does my domain equal "test" whenever I do a GetCapabilities request, like so: Is this a map server config option? and should I look at my web server for the answer? Cheers, James _________________________________________________________________ Buy now @ From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Mon Jan 9 17:38:14 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 20:38:14 -0500 Subject: Domain from GetCapabilities Message-ID: > Why does my domain equal "test" whenever I do a > GetCapabilities request, > like so: > > xlink:href="http://test/cgi-bin/mapserv?"/> > > Is this a map server config option? and should I look at my > web server for > the answer? > If you check out the mapfile associated with your service (i.e. You'll find a WEB/METADATA setting entitled "wms_onlineresource", or "wfs_onlineresource", or "ows_onlineresource" (you should be using the latter one as it reduces redundant metadata info if you plan to host multiple OGC web services from the same URL. This is where you'll find the string you want to replace. Hope this helps. ..Tom ========================= Tom Kralidis Senior Systems Scientist Environment Canada Tel: +01-905-336-4409 From wandrson at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 9 18:07:21 2006 From: wandrson at YAHOO.COM (Walter Anderson) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 18:07:21 -0800 Subject: Best way to structure large datasets Message-ID: I have a general question on the best way to structure large datasets. I am compiling an internal web application that will server GIS data to a small workgroup (10-20) but the data set covers the entire state of Texas. I have a couple of questions for the experts out there. 1. Specifically the road centerline data is about 1GB in size (1:24k scale centerlines). The centerline files are currently stored as one file per county (254 counties). I want to use Postgresql to store all of my data but am unsure of the whether I can use the tiling index method with postgresql or even if it is needed. 2. Also I would like to filter the roads system so that at the statewide level only the Interstates and US Highways are displayed, then as the user zooms in progressively more information is displayed. Should / can this be accomplished with a single (tiled) vector file or should I preprocess the data to generate subsets suitable for each scale level. Thanks for any input, Walter Anderson Walter Anderson __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Mon Jan 9 18:48:55 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 21:48:55 -0500 Subject: Best way to structure large datasets Message-ID: Walter - It depends on how you define "best". Are you looking for the best performance, the smallest storage space, or the easiest to update and maintain? The answer is different for all three. When in doubt, preprocess - unless your goal is ease of maintenance! If you could fill us in a bit on what your goals are, it would be easier to give more specific advice. Thanks! - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Walter Anderson Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:07 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Best way to structure large datasets I have a general question on the best way to structure large datasets. I am compiling an internal web application that will server GIS data to a small workgroup (10-20) but the data set covers the entire state of Texas. I have a couple of questions for the experts out there. 1. Specifically the road centerline data is about 1GB in size (1:24k scale centerlines). The centerline files are currently stored as one file per county (254 counties). I want to use Postgresql to store all of my data but am unsure of the whether I can use the tiling index method with postgresql or even if it is needed. 2. Also I would like to filter the roads system so that at the statewide level only the Interstates and US Highways are displayed, then as the user zooms in progressively more information is displayed. Should / can this be accomplished with a single (tiled) vector file or should I preprocess the data to generate subsets suitable for each scale level. Thanks for any input, Walter Anderson Walter Anderson __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. From wandrson at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 9 19:06:27 2006 From: wandrson at YAHOO.COM (Walter Anderson) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 19:06:27 -0800 Subject: Best way to structure large datasets In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I am most interested in performance. I am interested in minimizing the end users wait times. I am interested in using Postgresql for the datasets to allow for the geoprocessing capabilities that it offers through SQL. This geoprocessing will be separate from the MAPSERVER portions of the applications. --- Ed McNierney wrote: > Walter - > > It depends on how you define "best". Are you > looking for the best > performance, the smallest storage space, or the > easiest to update and > maintain? The answer is different for all three. > > When in doubt, preprocess - unless your goal is ease > of maintenance! > > If you could fill us in a bit on what your goals > are, it would be easier > to give more specific advice. Thanks! > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > ed at > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Walter Anderson > Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:07 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Best way to structure > large datasets > > I have a general question on the best way to > structure large datasets. > I am compiling an internal web application that will > server GIS data to > a small workgroup (10-20) but the data set covers > the entire state of > Texas. I have a couple of questions for the experts > out there. > > 1. Specifically the road centerline data is about > 1GB in size (1:24k > scale centerlines). The centerline files are > currently stored as one > file per county (254 counties). > I want to use Postgresql to store all of my data but > am unsure of the > whether I can use the tiling index method with > postgresql or even if it > is needed. > 2. Also I would like to filter the roads system so > that at the > statewide level only the Interstates and US Highways > are displayed, then > as the user zooms in progressively more information > is displayed. > Should / can this be accomplished with a single > (tiled) vector file or > should I preprocess the data to generate subsets > suitable for each scale > level. > > Thanks for any input, > > > Walter Anderson > Walter Anderson > > > > __________________________________________ > Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. > Just $16.99/mo. or less. > > __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Jan 9 19:49:41 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 22:49:41 -0500 Subject: Best way to structure large datasets In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Walter Anderson wrote: > I am most interested in performance. I am interested > in minimizing the end users wait times. Then you should put the data in shapefiles with tile indexes. This is the fastest that we have today. I have All the US data in 3300 Counties, and nearly 33,000 shapefiles in about 10 data layers and use tileindexes for it. I also have some polygon data in PostGIS that I use specifically for doing Thematic maps. > I am interested in using Postgresql for the datasets > to allow for the geoprocessing capabilities that it > offers through SQL. This geoprocessing will be > separate from the MAPSERVER portions of the > applications. Load the data that you need from shapefiles into PostGIS. There is a simple tools that lets you copy shapefiles to and from PostGIS. -Steve > --- Ed McNierney wrote: > > >>Walter - >> >>It depends on how you define "best". Are you >>looking for the best >>performance, the smallest storage space, or the >>easiest to update and >>maintain? The answer is different for all three. >> >>When in doubt, preprocess - unless your goal is ease >>of maintenance! >> >>If you could fill us in a bit on what your goals >>are, it would be easier >>to give more specific advice. Thanks! >> >> - Ed >> >>Ed McNierney >>President and Chief Mapmaker >> / Maps a la carte, Inc. >>73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >>North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >>Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >>Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >>ed at >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: UMN MapServer Users List >>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >>Behalf Of Walter Anderson >>Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:07 PM >>To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Best way to structure >>large datasets >> >>I have a general question on the best way to >>structure large datasets. >>I am compiling an internal web application that will >>server GIS data to >>a small workgroup (10-20) but the data set covers >>the entire state of >>Texas. I have a couple of questions for the experts >>out there. >> >> 1. Specifically the road centerline data is about >>1GB in size (1:24k >>scale centerlines). The centerline files are >>currently stored as one >>file per county (254 counties). >>I want to use Postgresql to store all of my data but >>am unsure of the >>whether I can use the tiling index method with >>postgresql or even if it >>is needed. >> 2. Also I would like to filter the roads system so >>that at the >>statewide level only the Interstates and US Highways >>are displayed, then >>as the user zooms in progressively more information >>is displayed. >>Should / can this be accomplished with a single >>(tiled) vector file or >>should I preprocess the data to generate subsets >>suitable for each scale >>level. >> >>Thanks for any input, >> >> >>Walter Anderson >>Walter Anderson >> >> >> >>__________________________________________ >>Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. >>Just $16.99/mo. or less. >> >> > > > > > > __________________________________________ > Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. > Just $16.99/mo. or less. > > From purpureleaf at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 21:52:29 2006 From: purpureleaf at GMAIL.COM (li pan) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:52:29 +0800 Subject: Using Mapserver or other opensource GIS in web-based MIS Message-ID: Hi, I am a newbie to GIS. Our customer is building their simple web-based MIS, and some modules require GIS functions.Basically what they want is to mark some buildings on the map of city(they own many buildings locate on different sides of the city), and to caculate the distance between them, their also want that by clicking a building on the map, they will by linked to the webpage showing their MIS's interface of the building. We was planning to use MapInfo, but only the license expense of MapInfo's webserver will exceed the total budget. So we are trying to find an alternative way. We would prefer a J2EE solution(the MIS is written using J2EE), but since the GIS is an isolated module, it would not be a big problem. Finally I found QGIS, Mapserver and other opensource solutions. I have downloaded Mapserver and installed some Mapserver based applications( MapLab etc.). And my question is, if we try to add simple GIS features(as described above) to our MIS, will Mapserver be the answer? or some Mapserver-based application? Thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 22:35:34 2006 From: abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM (Abe Gillespie) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 01:35:34 -0500 Subject: Using Mapserver or other opensource GIS in web-based MIS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This can certainly be done with MapServer. You'll just have to get over the initial learning curve. Do a search for Java at the MapServer homepage and you'll probably find what you need to get started. And never be afraid to ask specific questions. -Abe On 1/10/06, li pan wrote: > Hi, I am a newbie to GIS. > Our customer is building their simple web-based MIS, and some modules > require GIS functions.Basically what they want is to mark some buildings on > the map of city(they own many buildings locate on different sides of the > city), and to caculate the distance between them, their also want that by > clicking a building on the map, they will by linked to the webpage showing > their MIS's interface of the building. > We was planning to use MapInfo, but only the license expense of MapInfo's > webserver will exceed the total budget. So we are trying to find an > alternative way. We would prefer a J2EE solution(the MIS is written using > J2EE), but since the GIS is an isolated module, it would not be a big > problem. > Finally I found QGIS, Mapserver and other opensource solutions. I have > downloaded Mapserver and installed some Mapserver based applications( MapLab > etc.). And my question is, if we try to add simple GIS features(as described > above) to our MIS, will Mapserver be the answer? or some Mapserver-based > application? > Thanks. From umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 23:41:39 2006 From: umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:41:39 +0100 Subject: Using Mapserver or other opensource GIS in web-based MIS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, The following docs on the mapserver site will certainly be helpful: Regards, Umberto On 1/10/06, li pan wrote: > Hi, I am a newbie to GIS. > Our customer is building their simple web-based MIS, and some modules > require GIS functions.Basically what they want is to mark some buildings on > the map of city(they own many buildings locate on different sides of the > city), and to caculate the distance between them, their also want that by > clicking a building on the map, they will by linked to the webpage showing > their MIS's interface of the building. > We was planning to use MapInfo, but only the license expense of MapInfo's > webserver will exceed the total budget. So we are trying to find an > alternative way. We would prefer a J2EE solution(the MIS is written using > J2EE), but since the GIS is an isolated module, it would not be a big > problem. > Finally I found QGIS, Mapserver and other opensource solutions. I have > downloaded Mapserver and installed some Mapserver based applications( MapLab > etc.). And my question is, if we try to add simple GIS features(as described > above) to our MIS, will Mapserver be the answer? or some Mapserver-based > application? > Thanks. From umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 9 23:57:15 2006 From: umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:57:15 +0100 Subject: Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Fernando, I'm glad to hear directly from the oracle developer! On 1/10/06, Fernando Simon wrote: > Hi folks, > Sorry for the delay to reply your messages, I'm out from the lab > since 20 of december and I go back only next monday. > I already used the Mapserver + Oracle Spatial + Java in one > project, about it was very unstable, many crashes (in many functions) > but after some messages in the list I added the syncronized in my > functions and the crashes down 80%, others 15% I solved after I > compile my own Mapserver, just with my dependencies (only Oracle and > Raster support). The 5% was wrong code, wrong server config.... > I never looked the logs to see where the Mapserver crashes, so I > can't report the logs, sorry. > About what Umberto spoke about the variables, this code was fixed > in the bug #1469, that Silke reported: > "". This fix > will be in the next release, 4.8. This is good news. I have opened a bug for a similar issue in for postgis, hope the patch will be accepted ( > How was explained before I believe that the maporaclespatial.c > can > be improved, and the Pool directly in OCI calls will be better. > Actually is core of Mapserver that control the connection pool, the > same code > for all connections. And IMHO I think it should stay that way or we could end up having pooling (in mapserver) of the pool (in the OCI) which is probably a bad thing. > I will improve the Oracle Connection with the OCI pool, but I > don't know when will be finishewd, maybe one ow two months. :) If I may I'd rather like to see completed the thread safe initialization of the OCI than the OCI native pooling. But, again, this is only my point of view and you are free to ignore it. Best regards, Umberto > Best regrads. > > ------------------------------------------ > Fernando Simon > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer > UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil > ------------------------------------------ > > > Citando Umberto Nicoletti : > > > A quick look at maporaclespatial.c reveals the following global > > variables: > > > > /* local status */ > > static int last_oci_call_ms_status = MS_FAILURE; > > static text last_oci_call_ms_error[2048] = ""; > > > > therefore I think we can mark Oracle spatial support not thread > > safe. > > Most importantly to use the OCI libraries in multithreaded > > environments one *must* explicitly request the multi-threading > > features by passing a special flag to the OCI init functions. For > > more > > see: > > > > > > > > > > > > (requires registration) > > or search google for OCIEnvCreate. > > > > Best regards, > > Umberto > > > > On 1/9/06, umn-ms at wrote: > > > > > > Hi > > > > > > The hs_err*.log file show functions in the > > > oracle-libs. (Unfortunately there is no stack-trace, so I cannot > > > say, which function/line in maporacle.c produced this.) > > > > > > Example for a hs_err*.log: > > > An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside > > the VM. > > > Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x9B0025D8 > > > Function=kpufhndl0+0x3E > > > Library=/opt/oracle/OraHome1/lib/ > > > > > > Current Java thread: > > > at > > > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.mapObj_drawQuery(Native > > > Method) > > > at > > > edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.drawQuery( > > > .... > > > > > > I spent some time to analyse the problem, but in the end I was > > not able to > > > give a better > > > report than "It crashes". Therefore I didn't post a bug :-( > > > > > > Benedikt > > > > > > > > > UMN MapServer Users List schrieb > > am > > > 09.01.2006 16:04:58: > > > > > > > > > > On 1/9/06, Benedikt Rothe wrote: > > > > > > > > > > Ciao Umberto > > > > > > > > > > This seemes to be an misunderstanding. Sorry for my poor > > english. > > > > > > > > > > Umberto Nicoletti schrieb am > > 09.01.2006 > > > > > 15:01:52: > > > > > > > > > > > Hi Benedikt! > > > > > ... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - After using synchronized "enough" I didn't have > > crashes of > > > Tomcat. > > > > > > > > > > > > ... > > > > > > Do you still have them? > > > > > > > > > > > > > I meant the files. > > > > > > > > > I do not have crashes any more. > > > > > > > > > > - I used to have crashes in the past > > > > > - I added "synchronized" > > > > > - I added even more "synchronized" :-) > > > > > - The crashes disappeard. > > > > > > > > > > I posted "Oracle-Connection-Pooling in Java" because > > > > > 1. It was new to me, that one can use Mapserver inside > > Tomcat with > > > > > Connection-Pooling > > > > > without crashes. I wanted to report it, because I'm proud > > and happy. > > > > > > > > You are right to be proud and to be happy, but if we could > > find were > > > > the creashes occurred we cut incorporate the necessary changes > > in > > > > mapserver so that we all be happy (and your name will be > > remembered > > > > among the glorious Mapserver users and devs :-) ). > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > Umberto > > > > > > > > > 2. I still had these Memory-Leaks, which could solve to some > > degree. > > > > > > > > > > Benedikt > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------- > Univali - Webmail - > From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 10 02:38:38 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 11:38:38 +0100 Subject: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Message-ID: Hi Bart and other users, I switched on debugging by placing : DEBUG ON at map level and at layer level in my mapfile. These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any sense of it. Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at] Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30 To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Hoi Erik, Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten. Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object. Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op stderr en herstart server. Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de httpd.conf en herstart Apache. In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info. Groeten, Bart > Hi Bart, > > many thanks for the files and the quick response. > However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe and > the others with your files, but I still don't see anything. > > I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. > > My mapfile looks like: > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > -- > ---------- > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > -- > ---------- > > #============ MAIN MAP > =========================================================== > > MAP > NAME "Spinoffice" > SIZE 400 200 > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" > SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" > WEB > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > > #============ LAYERS > ======================================================= > > LAYER > NAME Gebouwen > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gebouw" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 0 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > END > > The url : > http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/Mapfiles/ > &l > ayer=gebouwen&mode=map > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > greetings, > Erik. > > > ________________________________ > > From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] > Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22 > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Cc: hobu at; pnaciona at > Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > Hi Erik, > > I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle libs. > > You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you with > the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have that > already on your system): > > > > The build info is: > > MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG > OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE > SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER > INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= > MSDEBUG > > Best regards, > Bart > > Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: > > Dear Howard and Bart, > > Please see the mail below from me to Perry? > > I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g. > > Thank in advance. > > Greetings, > Erik. > > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at] > Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06 > Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > Hi Erik, > You might want to send Howard Butler > or Bart van den > Eijnden as they are > the two I know who use Oracle > and Windows. Howard's Windows binaries are available at > > > Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and an > Oracle > 10g server? Give it a test and see if it does what you want. > If it > doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail. > > Good luck with the demo! > -Perry > > > On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote: > > > Hi Perry, > > A very happy new year to you! > > Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but the UMN site > seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the user-list as > someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming up so we're > in a bit of a hurry. > > As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below, we use ms4w > for > > > > > > our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we would like > to > > > > > > visualise, however we don't have experience compiling mapserver (and > we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a version of > mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now we want to > upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe seems to only > support oracle 9i. > Do you have or happen to know someone who has a mapserver binary for > windows with Oracle 10G support? > > Greetings and thanks in advance, > > Erik de Ruiter. > Arcadis Spatial Information. > The Netherlands. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Pericles S. Nacionales > [mailto:pnaciona at] > Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24 > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial > > Erik, > > Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is still in > draft > form but should be working. You can download it at > You will also need > to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at > > > Good luck! > -Perry N. > > On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote: > > > Dear Perry, > > currently we are busy investigating different webmapping > technologies and choose one to use within our web-application. To > get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I would like to > obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows tutorial. > Of course I'm willing to to give you or the forum feedback on my > findings such to contribute to the further development. > > thanks in advance. > > greetings, > > Erik de Ruiter. > Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto). > The Netherlands. > > > -- > Pericles S. Nacionales > > Conservation Biology Program > University of Minnesota > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > [DISCLAIMER] > > Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor > de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we > u > dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele > bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of > op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. > ARCADIS is niet > aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie > per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. > > This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. > It is intended > > > > > > for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended > addressee, > we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, > and > any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using > it > > > > > > in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to > the communication by e-mail of data or documents. > > > > -- > Pericles S. Nacionales > > Conservation Biology Program > University of Minnesota > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > > > > > -- > Bart van den Eijnden > OSGIS, Open Source GIS > > -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: error.log Type: application/octet-stream Size: 188 bytes Desc: error.log URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: access.log Type: application/octet-stream Size: 221 bytes Desc: access.log URL: From hfl at HOME.NL Tue Jan 10 03:17:33 2006 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:17:33 +0100 Subject: TRUETYPE character rotated placement Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: moz-screenshot.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 15139 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: moz-screenshot-1.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 17286 bytes Desc: not available URL: From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Tue Jan 10 04:01:37 2006 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:01:37 -0200 Subject: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G In-Reply-To: <13A5C639FDEBE7479A719909147A522801107938@exbe004.arcadis-nl.local> Message-ID: Hi folks, Sorry for the delay to reply your message, about the Oracle Spatial support in Mapserver you can use since 8i, 9i and 10G versions without problems. About the debug, you need to add "DEBUG ON" in your layer and in your Map. The Mapserver how to for Oracle Spatial connection you can see in this link: "". About your problem, what's happen, any error message or just a blank image? How you imported your data in the database? Using shp2sdo? Are already tried to draw without projection definitions? Last year I did a page that contains some examples of Oracle Spatial connection using Mapserver in CGI mode. This page contains the MAP and QUERY modes. Link: "". Best regards. ------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil ------------------------------------------ Citando "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" : > Hi Bart and other users, > > I switched on debugging by placing : DEBUG ON at map level and at > layer > level in my mapfile. > > These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any > sense of > it. > > Greetings, > Erik. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at] > Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30 > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > Hoi Erik, > > Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten. > > Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object. > > Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op > stderr en > herstart server. > > Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de > httpd.conf > en herstart Apache. > > In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info. > > Groeten, > Bart > > > Hi Bart, > > > > many thanks for the files and the quick response. > > However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe > and > > the others with your files, but I still don't see anything. > > > > I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. > > > > My mapfile looks like: > > > > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > > ---------- > > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > > ---------- > > > > #============ MAIN MAP > > =========================================================== > > > > MAP > > NAME "Spinoffice" > > SIZE 400 200 > > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > > > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" > > SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" > > WEB > > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > > END > > > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:28992" > > END > > > > #============ LAYERS > > ======================================================= > > > > LAYER > > NAME Gebouwen > > TYPE POLYGON > > STATUS ON > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:28992" > > END > > CLASS > > NAME "gebouw" > > SIZE 1 > > STYLE > > COLOR 0 255 255 > > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > > END > > END > > END > > END > > > > The url : > > > http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/Mapfiles/ > > &l > > ayer=gebouwen&mode=map > > > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > > > greetings, > > Erik. > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > > From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] > > Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22 > > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Cc: hobu at; pnaciona at > > Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > > > > Hi Erik, > > > > I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle > libs. > > > > You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you > with > > the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have > that > > already on your system): > > > > > > > > The build info is: > > > > MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG > > OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE > > SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER > > INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= > > MSDEBUG > > > > Best regards, > > Bart > > > > Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: > > > > Dear Howard and Bart, > > > > Please see the mail below from me to Perry? > > > > I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g. > > > > Thank in advance. > > > > Greetings, > > Erik. > > > > > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > > Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at] > > Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06 > > Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > > Hi Erik, > > You might want to send Howard Butler > > or Bart van den > > Eijnden as they > are > > the two I know who use Oracle > > and Windows. Howard's Windows binaries are available at > > > > > > Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and > an > > > Oracle > > 10g server? Give it a test and see if it does what you want. > > If it > > doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail. > > > > Good luck with the demo! > > -Perry > > > > > > On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote: > > > > > > Hi Perry, > > > > A very happy new year to you! > > > > Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but > the UMN site > > seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the > user-list as > > someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming > up so we're > > in a bit of a hurry. > > > > As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below, > we use ms4w > > for > > > > > > > > > > > > our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we > would like > > to > > > > > > > > > > > > visualise, however we don't have experience compiling > mapserver (and > > we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a > version of > > mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now > we want to > > upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe > seems to only > > support oracle 9i. > > Do you have or happen to know someone who has a > mapserver binary for > > windows with Oracle 10G support? > > > > Greetings and thanks in advance, > > > > Erik de Ruiter. > > Arcadis Spatial Information. > > The Netherlands. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Pericles S. Nacionales > > [mailto:pnaciona at] > > Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24 > > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial > > > > Erik, > > > > Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is > still in > > draft > > form but should be working. You can download it at > > You > will also need > > to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at > > > > > > Good luck! > > -Perry N. > > > > On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote: > > > > > > Dear Perry, > > > > currently we are busy investigating different > webmapping > > technologies and choose one to use within our > web-application. To > > get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I > would like to > > obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows > tutorial. > > Of course I'm willing to to give you or the > forum feedback on my > > findings such to contribute to the further > development. > > > > thanks in advance. > > > > greetings, > > > > Erik de Ruiter. > > Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto). > > The Netherlands. > > > > > > -- > > Pericles S. Nacionales > > > > Conservation Biology Program > > University of Minnesota > > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > [DISCLAIMER] > > > > Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend > bestemd voor > > de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, > verzoeken we > > u > > dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en > eventuele > > bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door > te zenden of > > op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. > > ARCADIS is niet > > aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van > communicatie > > per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. > > > > This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. > > It is intended > > > > > > > > > > > > for use by the addressee only. If you are not the > intended > > addressee, > > we request that you notify us immediately and delete > this e-mail, > > and > > any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, > disclosing or using > > it > > > > > > > > > > > > in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage > relating to > > the communication by e-mail of data or documents. > > > > > > > > -- > > Pericles S. Nacionales > > > > Conservation Biology Program > > University of Minnesota > > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Bart van den Eijnden > > OSGIS, Open Source GIS > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------- Univali - Webmail - From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 10 04:12:26 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:12:26 +0100 Subject: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Message-ID: Hi Fernando, I just see a blank image, no more error messages, the error produced by the debug mode in the error.log file is: [Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s\r [Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap() total time: 0.000s\r I've made an export from a oracle 9.2 database and imported it into our oracle 10g database. Also I've already tried several variations of the mapfile, with and without projection definitions. Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Fernando Simon Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:02 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Hi folks, Sorry for the delay to reply your message, about the Oracle Spatial support in Mapserver you can use since 8i, 9i and 10G versions without problems. About the debug, you need to add "DEBUG ON" in your layer and in your Map. The Mapserver how to for Oracle Spatial connection you can see in this link: "". About your problem, what's happen, any error message or just a blank image? How you imported your data in the database? Using shp2sdo? Are already tried to draw without projection definitions? Last year I did a page that contains some examples of Oracle Spatial connection using Mapserver in CGI mode. This page contains the MAP and QUERY modes. Link: " ". Best regards. ------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil ------------------------------------------ Citando "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" : > Hi Bart and other users, > > I switched on debugging by placing : DEBUG ON at map level and at > layer level in my mapfile. > > These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any sense > of it. > > Greetings, > Erik. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at] > Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30 > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > Hoi Erik, > > Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten. > > Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object. > > Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op stderr > en herstart server. > > Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de > httpd.conf en herstart Apache. > > In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info. > > Groeten, > Bart > > > Hi Bart, > > > > many thanks for the files and the quick response. > > However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe > and > > the others with your files, but I still don't see anything. > > > > I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. > > > > My mapfile looks like: > > > > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > > ---------- > > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > > ---------- > > > > #============ MAIN MAP > > =========================================================== > > > > MAP > > NAME "Spinoffice" > > SIZE 400 200 > > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > > > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" > > SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" > > WEB > > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > > END > > > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:28992" > > END > > > > #============ LAYERS > > ======================================================= > > > > LAYER > > NAME Gebouwen > > TYPE POLYGON > > STATUS ON > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:28992" > > END > > CLASS > > NAME "gebouw" > > SIZE 1 > > STYLE > > COLOR 0 255 255 > > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > > END > > END > > END > > END > > > > The url : > > > http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/Mapfiles/ > > &l > > ayer=gebouwen&mode=map > > > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > > > greetings, > > Erik. > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > > From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] > > Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22 > > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Cc: hobu at; pnaciona at > > Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > > > > Hi Erik, > > > > I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle > libs. > > > > You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you > with > > the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have > that > > already on your system): > > > > > > > > The build info is: > > > > MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG > > OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE > > SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER > > INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= > > MSDEBUG > > > > Best regards, > > Bart > > > > Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: > > > > Dear Howard and Bart, > > > > Please see the mail below from me to Perry? > > > > I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g. > > > > Thank in advance. > > > > Greetings, > > Erik. > > > > > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > > Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at] > > Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06 > > Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > > Hi Erik, > > You might want to send Howard Butler > > or Bart van den > > Eijnden as they > are > > the two I know who use Oracle > > and Windows. Howard's Windows binaries are available at > > > > > > Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and > an > > > Oracle > > 10g server? Give it a test and see if it does what you want. > > If it > > doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail. > > > > Good luck with the demo! > > -Perry > > > > > > On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote: > > > > > > Hi Perry, > > > > A very happy new year to you! > > > > Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but > the UMN site > > seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the > user-list as > > someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming > up so we're > > in a bit of a hurry. > > > > As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below, > we use ms4w > > for > > > > > > > > > > > > our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we > would like > > to > > > > > > > > > > > > visualise, however we don't have experience compiling > mapserver (and > > we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a > version of > > mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now > we want to > > upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe > seems to only > > support oracle 9i. > > Do you have or happen to know someone who has a > mapserver binary for > > windows with Oracle 10G support? > > > > Greetings and thanks in advance, > > > > Erik de Ruiter. > > Arcadis Spatial Information. > > The Netherlands. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Pericles S. Nacionales > > [mailto:pnaciona at] > > Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24 > > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial > > > > Erik, > > > > Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is > still in > > draft > > form but should be working. You can download it at > > You > will also need > > to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at > > > > > > Good luck! > > -Perry N. > > > > On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote: > > > > > > Dear Perry, > > > > currently we are busy investigating different > webmapping > > technologies and choose one to use within our > web-application. To > > get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I > would like to > > obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows > tutorial. > > Of course I'm willing to to give you or the > forum feedback on my > > findings such to contribute to the further > development. > > > > thanks in advance. > > > > greetings, > > > > Erik de Ruiter. > > Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto). > > The Netherlands. > > > > > > -- > > Pericles S. Nacionales > > > > Conservation Biology Program > > University of Minnesota > > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > [DISCLAIMER] > > > > Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend > bestemd voor > > de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, > verzoeken we > > u > > dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en > eventuele > > bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door > te zenden of > > op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. > > ARCADIS is niet > > aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van > communicatie > > per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. > > > > This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. > > It is intended > > > > > > > > > > > > for use by the addressee only. If you are not the > intended > > addressee, > > we request that you notify us immediately and delete > this e-mail, > > and > > any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, > disclosing or using > > it > > > > > > > > > > > > in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage > relating to > > the communication by e-mail of data or documents. > > > > > > > > -- > > Pericles S. Nacionales > > > > Conservation Biology Program > > University of Minnesota > > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Bart van den Eijnden > > OSGIS, Open Source GIS > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------- Univali - Webmail - From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 10 04:41:27 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:41:27 +0100 Subject: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Message-ID: Hi list, Now that I've tried several things, I got this error in my browser window. msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'Gebouwen'. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine ORA-13208: internal error while evaluating [window SRID does not match layer SRID] operator ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 391 ORA-06512: at line 1 . Query statement: SELECT rownum, N0320 FROM GEBOUW WHERE SDO_FILTER( N0320, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 90112, NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(122222 .305,425974.862,131384.151,430555.785) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . Check your data statement. Does someone know how to solve this? Greets, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ruiter E. de (Erik) Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:12 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Hi Fernando, I just see a blank image, no more error messages, the error produced by the debug mode in the error.log file is: [Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap(): Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s\r [Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap() total time: 0.000s\r I've made an export from a oracle 9.2 database and imported it into our oracle 10g database. Also I've already tried several variations of the mapfile, with and without projection definitions. Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Fernando Simon Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:02 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Hi folks, Sorry for the delay to reply your message, about the Oracle Spatial support in Mapserver you can use since 8i, 9i and 10G versions without problems. About the debug, you need to add "DEBUG ON" in your layer and in your Map. The Mapserver how to for Oracle Spatial connection you can see in this link: "". About your problem, what's happen, any error message or just a blank image? How you imported your data in the database? Using shp2sdo? Are already tried to draw without projection definitions? Last year I did a page that contains some examples of Oracle Spatial connection using Mapserver in CGI mode. This page contains the MAP and QUERY modes. Link: " ". Best regards. ------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil ------------------------------------------ Citando "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" : > Hi Bart and other users, > > I switched on debugging by placing : DEBUG ON at map level and at > layer level in my mapfile. > > These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any sense > of it. > > Greetings, > Erik. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at] > Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30 > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > Hoi Erik, > > Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten. > > Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object. > > Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op stderr > en herstart server. > > Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de > httpd.conf en herstart Apache. > > In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info. > > Groeten, > Bart > > > Hi Bart, > > > > many thanks for the files and the quick response. > > However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe > and > > the others with your files, but I still don't see anything. > > > > I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. > > > > My mapfile looks like: > > > > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > > ---------- > > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- > > ---------- > > > > #============ MAIN MAP > > =========================================================== > > > > MAP > > NAME "Spinoffice" > > SIZE 400 200 > > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > > > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" > > SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" > > WEB > > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > > END > > > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:28992" > > END > > > > #============ LAYERS > > ======================================================= > > > > LAYER > > NAME Gebouwen > > TYPE POLYGON > > STATUS ON > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:28992" > > END > > CLASS > > NAME "gebouw" > > SIZE 1 > > STYLE > > COLOR 0 255 255 > > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > > END > > END > > END > > END > > > > The url : > > > http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/Mapfiles/ > > &l > > ayer=gebouwen&mode=map > > > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > > > greetings, > > Erik. > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > > From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] > > Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22 > > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Cc: hobu at; pnaciona at > > Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > > > > Hi Erik, > > > > I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle > libs. > > > > You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you > with > > the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have > that > > already on your system): > > > > > > > > The build info is: > > > > MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG > > OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE > > SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER > > INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= > > MSDEBUG > > > > Best regards, > > Bart > > > > Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: > > > > Dear Howard and Bart, > > > > Please see the mail below from me to Perry? > > > > I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g. > > > > Thank in advance. > > > > Greetings, > > Erik. > > > > > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > > Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at] > > Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06 > > Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > > > > Hi Erik, > > You might want to send Howard Butler > > or Bart van den > > Eijnden as they > are > > the two I know who use Oracle > > and Windows. Howard's Windows binaries are available at > > > > > > Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and > an > > > Oracle > > 10g server? Give it a test and see if it does what you want. > > If it > > doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail. > > > > Good luck with the demo! > > -Perry > > > > > > On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote: > > > > > > Hi Perry, > > > > A very happy new year to you! > > > > Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but > the UMN site > > seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the > user-list as > > someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming > up so we're > > in a bit of a hurry. > > > > As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below, > we use ms4w > > for > > > > > > > > > > > > our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we > would like > > to > > > > > > > > > > > > visualise, however we don't have experience compiling > mapserver (and > > we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a > version of > > mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now > we want to > > upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe > seems to only > > support oracle 9i. > > Do you have or happen to know someone who has a > mapserver binary for > > windows with Oracle 10G support? > > > > Greetings and thanks in advance, > > > > Erik de Ruiter. > > Arcadis Spatial Information. > > The Netherlands. > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Pericles S. Nacionales > > [mailto:pnaciona at] > > Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24 > > To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) > > Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial > > > > Erik, > > > > Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is > still in > > draft > > form but should be working. You can download it at > > You > will also need > > to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at > > > > > > Good luck! > > -Perry N. > > > > On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote: > > > > > > Dear Perry, > > > > currently we are busy investigating different > webmapping > > technologies and choose one to use within our > web-application. To > > get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I > would like to > > obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows > tutorial. > > Of course I'm willing to to give you or the > forum feedback on my > > findings such to contribute to the further > development. > > > > thanks in advance. > > > > greetings, > > > > Erik de Ruiter. > > Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto). > > The Netherlands. > > > > > > -- > > Pericles S. Nacionales > > > > Conservation Biology Program > > University of Minnesota > > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > [DISCLAIMER] > > > > Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend > bestemd voor > > de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, > verzoeken we > > u > > dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en > eventuele > > bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door > te zenden of > > op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. > > ARCADIS is niet > > aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van > communicatie > > per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. > > > > This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. > > It is intended > > > > > > > > > > > > for use by the addressee only. If you are not the > intended > > addressee, > > we request that you notify us immediately and delete > this e-mail, > > and > > any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, > disclosing or using > > it > > > > > > > > > > > > in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage > relating to > > the communication by e-mail of data or documents. > > > > > > > > -- > > Pericles S. Nacionales > > > > Conservation Biology Program > > University of Minnesota > > 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH > > St. Paul, MN 55108 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Bart van den Eijnden > > OSGIS, Open Source GIS > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------- Univali - Webmail - From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Tue Jan 10 05:09:01 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:09:01 +0100 Subject: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G In-Reply-To: <13A5C639FDEBE7479A719909147A522801107B1A@exbe004.arcadis-nl.local> Message-ID: Does your Oracle table have SRID 90112? Or does it have a NULL SRID? Otherwise try USING SRID NULL in your DATA statement. Best regards, Bart Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: >Hi list, > >Now that I've tried several things, I got this error in my browser >window. > >msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named >'Gebouwen'. >msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: >ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine ORA-13208: >internal error while evaluating [window SRID does not match layer SRID] >operator ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 391 ORA-06512: >at line 1 . Query statement: SELECT rownum, N0320 FROM GEBOUW WHERE >SDO_FILTER( N0320, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 90112, >NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(122222 >.305,425974.862,131384.151,430555.785) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . >Check your data statement. > >Does someone know how to solve this? > >Greets, >Erik. > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Ruiter E. de (Erik) >Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:12 >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > >Hi Fernando, > >I just see a blank image, no more error messages, the error produced by >the debug mode in the error.log file is: >[Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap(): >Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s\r >[Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap() total >time: 0.000s\r > >I've made an export from a oracle 9.2 database and imported it into our >oracle 10g database. >Also I've already tried several variations of the mapfile, with and >without projection definitions. > >Greetings, >Erik. > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Fernando Simon >Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:02 >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > >Hi folks, > Sorry for the delay to reply your message, about the Oracle Spatial >support in Mapserver you can use since 8i, 9i and 10G versions without >problems. > About the debug, you need to add "DEBUG ON" in your layer and in >your Map. The Mapserver how to for Oracle Spatial connection you can see >in this link: >"". > About your problem, what's happen, any error message or just a blank >image? How you imported your data in the database? Using shp2sdo? Are >already tried to draw without projection definitions? > Last year I did a page that contains some examples of Oracle Spatial >connection using Mapserver in CGI mode. This page contains the MAP and >QUERY modes. Link: >" >". > Best regards. > >------------------------------------------ >Fernando Simon >Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer >UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil >------------------------------------------ > > >Citando "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" : > > > >>Hi Bart and other users, >> >>I switched on debugging by placing : DEBUG ON at map level and at >>layer level in my mapfile. >> >>These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any sense >>of it. >> >>Greetings, >>Erik. >> >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at] >>Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30 >>To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G >> >>Hoi Erik, >> >>Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten. >> >>Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object. >> >>Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op stderr >>en herstart server. >> >>Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de >>httpd.conf en herstart Apache. >> >>In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info. >> >>Groeten, >>Bart >> >> >> >>>Hi Bart, >>> >>>many thanks for the files and the quick response. >>>However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe >>> >>> >>and >> >> >>>the others with your files, but I still don't see anything. >>> >>>I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. >>> >>>My mapfile looks like: >>> >>> >>> >>> >#--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >>>-- >>>---------- >>># MAPFILE Spinoffice >>> >>> >>> >#--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >>>-- >>>---------- >>> >>>#============ MAIN MAP >>>=========================================================== >>> >>>MAP >>> NAME "Spinoffice" >>> SIZE 400 200 >>> EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 >>> >>> >>>IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" >>> SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" >>>WEB >>> TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" >>> IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' >>> IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' >>>END >>> >>>PROJECTION >>> "init=epsg:28992" >>>END >>> >>>#============ LAYERS >>>======================================================= >>> >>>LAYER >>> NAME Gebouwen >>> TYPE POLYGON >>> STATUS ON >>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >>> CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" >>> DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" >>> PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" >>> PROJECTION >>> "init=epsg:28992" >>> END >>> CLASS >>> NAME "gebouw" >>> SIZE 1 >>> STYLE >>> COLOR 0 255 255 >>> OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 >>> END >>> END >>>END >>>END >>> >>>The url : >>> >>> >>> >http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/Mapfiles/ > > >>>&l >>>ayer=gebouwen&mode=map >>> >>>Any help would be greatly appreciated. >>> >>>greetings, >>>Erik. >>> >>> >>>________________________________ >>> >>>From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] >>>Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22 >>>To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>>Cc: hobu at; pnaciona at >>>Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G >>> >>> >>>Hi Erik, >>> >>>I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle >>> >>> >>libs. >> >> >>>You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you >>> >>> >>with >> >> >>>the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have >>> >>> >>that >> >> >>>already on your system): >>> >>> >>> >>>The build info is: >>> >>>MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG >>>OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE >>>SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER >>>INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= >>>MSDEBUG >>> >>>Best regards, >>>Bart >>> >>>Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: >>> >>> Dear Howard and Bart, >>> >>> Please see the mail below from me to Perry? >>> >>> I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g. >>> >>> Thank in advance. >>> >>> Greetings, >>> Erik. >>> >>> >>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- >>> Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at] >>> Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06 >>> Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>> Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G >>> >>> Hi Erik, >>> You might want to send Howard Butler >>> or Bart van den >>> Eijnden as they >>> >>> >>are >> >> >>>the two I know who use Oracle >>> and Windows. Howard's Windows binaries are available at >>> >>> >>> Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and >>> >>> >>an >> >> >> >>>Oracle >>> 10g server? Give it a test and see if it does what you want. >>>If it >>> doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail. >>> >>> Good luck with the demo! >>> -Perry >>> >>> >>> On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote: >>> >>> >>> Hi Perry, >>> >>> A very happy new year to you! >>> >>> Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but >>> >>> >>the UMN site >> >> >>> seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the >>> >>> >>user-list as >> >> >>> someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming >>> >>> >>up so we're >> >> >>> in a bit of a hurry. >>> >>> As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below, >>> >>> >>we use ms4w >> >> >>>for >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we >>> >>> >>would like >> >> >>>to >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> visualise, however we don't have experience compiling >>> >>> >>mapserver (and >> >> >>> we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a >>> >>> >>version of >> >> >>> mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now >>> >>> >>we want to >> >> >>> upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe >>> >>> >>seems to only >> >> >>> support oracle 9i. >>> Do you have or happen to know someone who has a >>> >>> >>mapserver binary for >> >> >>> windows with Oracle 10G support? >>> >>> Greetings and thanks in advance, >>> >>> Erik de Ruiter. >>> Arcadis Spatial Information. >>> The Netherlands. >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>> From: Pericles S. Nacionales >>>[mailto:pnaciona at] >>> Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24 >>> To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>> Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial >>> >>> Erik, >>> >>> Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is >>> >>> >>still in >> >> >>>draft >>> form but should be working. You can download it at >>> You >>> >>> >>will also need >> >> >>> to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at >>> >>> >>> Good luck! >>> -Perry N. >>> >>> On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote: >>> >>> >>> Dear Perry, >>> >>> currently we are busy investigating different >>> >>> >>webmapping >> >> >>> technologies and choose one to use within our >>> >>> >>web-application. To >> >> >>> get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I >>> >>> >>would like to >> >> >>> obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows >>> >>> >>tutorial. >> >> >>> Of course I'm willing to to give you or the >>> >>> >>forum feedback on my >> >> >>> findings such to contribute to the further >>> >>> >>development. >> >> >>> thanks in advance. >>> >>> greetings, >>> >>> Erik de Ruiter. >>> Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto). >>> The Netherlands. >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Pericles S. Nacionales >>> >>> Conservation Biology Program >>> University of Minnesota >>> 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH >>> St. Paul, MN 55108 >>> >>> >>> [DISCLAIMER] >>> >>> Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend >>> >>> >>bestemd voor >> >> >>> de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, >>> >>> >>verzoeken we >> >> >>>u >>> dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en >>> >>> >>eventuele >> >> >>> bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door >>> >>> >>te zenden of >> >> >>> op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. >>>ARCADIS is niet >>> aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van >>> >>> >>communicatie >> >> >>> per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. >>> >>> This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. >>>It is intended >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> for use by the addressee only. If you are not the >>> >>> >>intended >> >> >>>addressee, >>> we request that you notify us immediately and delete >>> >>> >>this e-mail, >> >> >>>and >>> any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, >>> >>> >>disclosing or using >> >> >>>it >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage >>> >>> >>relating to >> >> >>> the communication by e-mail of data or documents. >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Pericles S. Nacionales >>> >>> Conservation Biology Program >>> University of Minnesota >>> 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH >>> St. Paul, MN 55108 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-- >>>Bart van den Eijnden >>>OSGIS, Open Source GIS >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> > > > > >------------------------------------------------- > Univali - Webmail - > > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From wandrson at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 05:28:56 2006 From: wandrson at YAHOO.COM (Walter Anderson) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 07:28:56 -0600 Subject: Best way to structure large datasets Message-ID: Thanks for the replies. It sounds like preprocessing the data and using tiled shapefiles is the way to go. Just seemed like a database with spatial indexes would be faster. Oh well, live and learn. Thanks again for the assistance. Walter Anderson From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 10 05:42:17 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:42:17 +0100 Subject: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Message-ID: Hi Bart, Thanks for your help. I solved the problem by dropping the 'USING SRID etc...' altogether. I'm not sure whether or not this will lead to problems in the future but for the 'time-being' it works. Thanks again! Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 14:09 To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G Does your Oracle table have SRID 90112? Or does it have a NULL SRID? Otherwise try USING SRID NULL in your DATA statement. Best regards, Bart Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: >Hi list, > >Now that I've tried several things, I got this error in my browser >window. > >msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named >'Gebouwen'. >msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: >ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine ORA-13208: >internal error while evaluating [window SRID does not match layer SRID] >operator ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 391 ORA-06512: >at line 1 . Query statement: SELECT rownum, N0320 FROM GEBOUW WHERE >SDO_FILTER( N0320, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 90112, >NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(12222 >2 >.305,425974.862,131384.151,430555.785) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . >Check your data statement. > >Does someone know how to solve this? > >Greets, >Erik. > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] >On Behalf Of Ruiter E. de (Erik) >Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:12 >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > >Hi Fernando, > >I just see a blank image, no more error messages, the error produced by >the debug mode in the error.log file is: >[Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap(): >Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s\r >[Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap() total >time: 0.000s\r > >I've made an export from a oracle 9.2 database and imported it into our >oracle 10g database. >Also I've already tried several variations of the mapfile, with and >without projection definitions. > >Greetings, >Erik. > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] >On Behalf Of Fernando Simon >Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:02 >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G > >Hi folks, > Sorry for the delay to reply your message, about the Oracle Spatial >support in Mapserver you can use since 8i, 9i and 10G versions without >problems. > About the debug, you need to add "DEBUG ON" in your layer and in >your Map. The Mapserver how to for Oracle Spatial connection you can >see in this link: >"". > About your problem, what's happen, any error message or just a >blank image? How you imported your data in the database? Using shp2sdo? >Are already tried to draw without projection definitions? > Last year I did a page that contains some examples of Oracle >Spatial connection using Mapserver in CGI mode. This page contains the >MAP and QUERY modes. Link: >" >/ >". > Best regards. > >------------------------------------------ >Fernando Simon >Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer >UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil >------------------------------------------ > > >Citando "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" : > > > >>Hi Bart and other users, >> >>I switched on debugging by placing : DEBUG ON at map level and at >>layer level in my mapfile. >> >>These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any sense >>of it. >> >>Greetings, >>Erik. >> >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at] >>Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30 >>To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G >> >>Hoi Erik, >> >>Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten. >> >>Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object. >> >>Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op stderr >>en herstart server. >> >>Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de >>httpd.conf en herstart Apache. >> >>In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info. >> >>Groeten, >>Bart >> >> >> >>>Hi Bart, >>> >>>many thanks for the files and the quick response. >>>However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe >>> >>> >>and >> >> >>>the others with your files, but I still don't see anything. >>> >>>I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong. >>> >>>My mapfile looks like: >>> >>> >>> >>> >#--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >>>-- >>>---------- >>># MAPFILE Spinoffice >>> >>> >>> >#--------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >>>-- >>>---------- >>> >>>#============ MAIN MAP >>>=========================================================== >>> >>>MAP >>> NAME "Spinoffice" >>> SIZE 400 200 >>> EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 >>> >>> >>>IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" >>> SYMBOLSET "../symbols/symbols35.sym" >>>WEB >>> TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" >>> IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' >>> IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' >>>END >>> >>>PROJECTION >>> "init=epsg:28992" >>>END >>> >>>#============ LAYERS >>>======================================================= >>> >>>LAYER >>> NAME Gebouwen >>> TYPE POLYGON >>> STATUS ON >>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial >>> CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" >>> DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" >>> PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" >>> PROJECTION >>> "init=epsg:28992" >>> END >>> CLASS >>> NAME "gebouw" >>> SIZE 1 >>> STYLE >>> COLOR 0 255 255 >>> OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 >>> END >>> END >>>END >>>END >>> >>>The url : >>> >>> >>> >http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:/Mapfiles/ > > >>>&l >>>ayer=gebouwen&mode=map >>> >>>Any help would be greatly appreciated. >>> >>>greetings, >>>Erik. >>> >>> >>>________________________________ >>> >>>From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] >>>Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22 >>>To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>>Cc: hobu at; pnaciona at >>>Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G >>> >>> >>>Hi Erik, >>> >>>I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle >>> >>> >>libs. >> >> >>>You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you >>> >>> >>with >> >> >>>the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have >>> >>> >>that >> >> >>>already on your system): >>> >>> >>> >>>The build info is: >>> >>>MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG >>>OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE >>>SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER >>>INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= >>>MSDEBUG >>> >>>Best regards, >>>Bart >>> >>>Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: >>> >>> Dear Howard and Bart, >>> >>> Please see the mail below from me to Perry? >>> >>> I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g. >>> >>> Thank in advance. >>> >>> Greetings, >>> Erik. >>> >>> >>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- >>> Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at] >>> Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06 >>> Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>> Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G >>> >>> Hi Erik, >>> You might want to send Howard Butler >>> or Bart van den >>> Eijnden as they >>> >>> >>are >> >> >>>the two I know who use Oracle >>> and Windows. Howard's Windows binaries are available at >>> >>> >>> Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and >>> >>> >>an >> >> >> >>>Oracle >>> 10g server? Give it a test and see if it does what you want. >>>If it >>> doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail. >>> >>> Good luck with the demo! >>> -Perry >>> >>> >>> On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote: >>> >>> >>> Hi Perry, >>> >>> A very happy new year to you! >>> >>> Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but >>> >>> >>the UMN site >> >> >>> seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the >>> >>> >>user-list as >> >> >>> someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming >>> >>> >>up so we're >> >> >>> in a bit of a hurry. >>> >>> As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below, >>> >>> >>we use ms4w >> >> >>>for >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we >>> >>> >>would like >> >> >>>to >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> visualise, however we don't have experience compiling >>> >>> >>mapserver (and >> >> >>> we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a >>> >>> >>version of >> >> >>> mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now >>> >>> >>we want to >> >> >>> upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe >>> >>> >>seems to only >> >> >>> support oracle 9i. >>> Do you have or happen to know someone who has a >>> >>> >>mapserver binary for >> >> >>> windows with Oracle 10G support? >>> >>> Greetings and thanks in advance, >>> >>> Erik de Ruiter. >>> Arcadis Spatial Information. >>> The Netherlands. >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>> From: Pericles S. Nacionales >>>[mailto:pnaciona at] >>> Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24 >>> To: Ruiter E. de (Erik) >>> Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial >>> >>> Erik, >>> >>> Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is >>> >>> >>still in >> >> >>>draft >>> form but should be working. You can download it at >>> You >>> >>> >>will also need >> >> >>> to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at >>> >>> >>> Good luck! >>> -Perry N. >>> >>> On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote: >>> >>> >>> Dear Perry, >>> >>> currently we are busy investigating different >>> >>> >>webmapping >> >> >>> technologies and choose one to use within our >>> >>> >>web-application. To >> >> >>> get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I >>> >>> >>would like to >> >> >>> obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows >>> >>> >>tutorial. >> >> >>> Of course I'm willing to to give you or the >>> >>> >>forum feedback on my >> >> >>> findings such to contribute to the further >>> >>> >>development. >> >> >>> thanks in advance. >>> >>> greetings, >>> >>> Erik de Ruiter. >>> Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto). >>> The Netherlands. >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Pericles S. Nacionales >>> >>> Conservation Biology Program >>> University of Minnesota >>> 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH >>> St. Paul, MN 55108 >>> >>> >>> [DISCLAIMER] >>> >>> Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend >>> >>> >>bestemd voor >> >> >>> de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, >>> >>> >>verzoeken we >> >> >>>u >>> dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en >>> >>> >>eventuele >> >> >>> bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door >>> >>> >>te zenden of >> >> >>> op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. >>>ARCADIS is niet >>> aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van >>> >>> >>communicatie >> >> >>> per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. >>> >>> This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. >>>It is intended >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> for use by the addressee only. If you are not the >>> >>> >>intended >> >> >>>addressee, >>> we request that you notify us immediately and delete >>> >>> >>this e-mail, >> >> >>>and >>> any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, >>> >>> >>disclosing or using >> >> >>>it >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage >>> >>> >>relating to >> >> >>> the communication by e-mail of data or documents. >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Pericles S. Nacionales >>> >>> Conservation Biology Program >>> University of Minnesota >>> 1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH >>> St. Paul, MN 55108 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>-- >>>Bart van den Eijnden >>>OSGIS, Open Source GIS >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> > > > > >------------------------------------------------- > Univali - Webmail - > > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Tue Jan 10 06:13:40 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:13:40 -0500 Subject: Best way to structure large datasets Message-ID: Walter - I will agree with Steve that you should use shapefiles with tileindexes for your vector data. Why does a database seem faster? The value of a database is that you can select data from it using various queries and criteria, and it offers enormous flexibility. If you are updating your data frequently, then a database also gives you benefits in tracking and managing versions and updates. But there's no reason to think a database does a better job of simply reading data from a disk. I have one specific additional suggestions for you: use all the data you read from disk - if you're not going to draw it, don't read it. That means don't read a shapefile with 100,000 objects so you can draw three of them. That means you should try to break up your shapefiles into geographically distinct subsets. For US street data, for example, data is often organized by counties. That means you've chopped the whole US into several thousand pieces, none of which overlap. The tileindex mechanism will compute the bounding boxes for each of these counties (and those boxes will, of course, overlap). When you request a map image, the tileindex will quickly tell MapServer which county source files could possibly be involved in responding to that request. MapServer will then open those files and read the data. This means you should not only use tileindexes but you also need to be sure your data is organized in a way that lets the tileindex mechanism work well. Putting all your data in one shapefile with a tileindex wrapped around it is useless; putting all your data into 100,000 files is equally useless if you find you need to open 400 files to draw one map. In an ideal tileindex scenario, each map request would open exactly one shapefile (identified by the tileindex) and would draw every object in that file. That never really happens, but that's the design goal you should keep in mind. And always use shptree to create spatial indexes for both your shapefiles and for the tileindex (which is another shapefile). - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Walter Anderson Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:29 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Best way to structure large datasets Thanks for the replies. It sounds like preprocessing the data and using tiled shapefiles is the way to go. Just seemed like a database with spatial indexes would be faster. Oh well, live and learn. Thanks again for the assistance. Walter Anderson From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Tue Jan 10 06:59:43 2006 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:59:43 -0500 Subject: SLD http header problem Message-ID: Phil, you might want to post your SLD here so people can check it out. I briefly looked at your SLD (because I'm internal to your organization) - I would first try to isolate the SLD to deal with JUST the layer that you are trying to style. Also - compare your SLD to others that are out there to double check syntax etc. D. Pagurek -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Chau,Philip [PYR] Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 12:50 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD http header problem I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem &request=GetMap&layers=ActiveFedProv&SLD= kyw_sld.xml WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I get a CGI error "CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: " Cheers, Phil Philip Chau, PMP Water Quality Monitoring Division Environmental Stewardship Branch Environment Canada 201-401 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 Tel: 604.664.4066 Fax: 604.664.9126 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From crazygecko at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 10 04:48:37 2006 From: crazygecko at GMAIL.COM (Xin) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:48:37 +0000 Subject: ogr2ogr works on Linux, does not on Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Keeping you guys up to date, this problem has now been solved. We created a VRT file for the shapefile. Convert VRT to TAB with the following command: ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" address.vrt -s_srs "+proj=longlat+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -s_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" Notice duplicate -s_srs's. This is needed. Not sure why, but doesn't work without it. Cheers, Xin On 09/01/06, Xin wrote: > > I appreciate it might look a bit strange the way I've got the command > written. The idea is to convert from TAB to SHP and have WGS84 projection. > > Converting with projection tags would result in non-earth projection, as > MapInfo would see it. The command seems to work with identical target and > source projections. > > My problem is why does it work on Linux, but not on Windows. I'd love to > get your views on it Frank. > > Cheers, > Xin > > On 09/01/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > > > On 1/9/06, Xin < crazygecko at> wrote: > > > Hi list, > > > > > > I am trying to convert a shapefile to tabfile whilst reprojecting it > > to > > > LatLong WGS84. This works great on Linux, but doesn't on Windows. > > > > > > The command used is: > > > ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" address.shp -t_srs > > "+proj=longlat > > > +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" -s_srs "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 > > > > > +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" > > > > > > I did initially use EPSG codes, but that didn't work on Windows so I > > thought > > > I'd try the actual datum codes. No luck. > > > > > > There are no error produced on Windows. On opening the TAB file it is > > not > > > projected. > > > > Xin, > > > > You have told ogr2ogr that the source and target SRS are both WGS84 > > so there is no reprojection to do. If the source is not already in > > WGS84 > > degrees then you should either use a different -s_srs or omit this > > option > > and let ogr2ogr pick up the coordinate system from the source file. > > > > Best regards, > > -- > > > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > > warmerdam at > > light and sound - activate the windows | > > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 07:12:53 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:12:53 -0600 Subject: Multiple filtering Message-ID: Hi i have a question about setting a filter in a php script, i am able to set the filter to display a single state but how can i display multiple states at the same time. This is how the php script looks like setExtent("-110", "28.5", "-95", "61.5"); $layername = $map->getLayerByName("states"); $layername->setFilter('ND'); $image=$map->draw(); $image_url=$image->saveWebImage(); ?> Example 1: Displaying a map > Thanks for your help ....... From lists at NABBLE.COM Tue Jan 10 07:41:33 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 07:41:33 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Message-ID: Hi Everybody, I am new to the MapServer, my actual problem is in establishing connection between MapServer and Oracle Spatial. When i pass the query(shown below) the empty image is displayed in the browser without any map http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/sdocountry/ I Created .map file (shown below) with the Oracle Spatial Connection. MAP STATUS ON SIZE 800 600 UNITS dd IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 LAYER PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END NAME "CountryMap" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM country USING SRID 8307" CLASS NAME "Country_Class" STYLE COLOR 250 250 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END And Set the environment variable in the apache/conf/httpd.conf file as SetEnv ORACLE_BASE "d:/oracle/product/10.2.0" SetEnv ORACLE_HOME "d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1" SetEnv ORACLE_SID "orcl" SetEnv TNS_ADMIN "d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin" This is the my whole Sample code and configuration, I dont know why the map image is not generating. I am not receving any error message. MapServer for windows (ms4w) binaries is downloaded from "" System configuration Windows 2000 Advanced Server Oracle 10g MapServer 4.6.1 Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) I am waiting for the some solution, from you to over come this problem. Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Tue Jan 10 08:46:35 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 17:46:35 +0100 Subject: SLD http header problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Debbie, Phil, I don't know what this says about your organization's security :-) , but I can access the SLD (and could already before) at: without any problems. Could not see anything obviously wrong though. Best regards, Bart Pagurek,Debbie [NCR] wrote: > Phil, you might want to post your SLD here so people can check it out. > I briefly looked at your SLD (because I'm internal to your > organization) - I would first try to isolate the SLD to deal with JUST > the layer that you are trying to style. Also - compare your SLD to > others that are out there to double check syntax etc. > > D. Pagurek > > -----Original Message----- > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On Behalf Of *Chau,Philip > [PYR] > *Sent:* Monday, January 09, 2006 12:50 PM > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD http header problem > > > I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol > (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem > > _ > > > WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I > get a CGI error > > "CGI Error > The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a > complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: > > " > > Cheers, > Phil > > > Philip Chau, PMP > Water Quality Monitoring Division > Environmental Stewardship Branch > Environment Canada > 201-401 Burrard Street > Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 > Tel: 604.664.4066 > Fax: 604.664.9126 > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Tue Jan 10 08:48:32 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 17:48:32 +0100 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, Try to put debugging on, that might give us some clues. See: Best regards, Bart Prema Selvam (sent by wrote: > Hi Everybody, > > I am new to the MapServer, my actual problem is in establishing > connection between MapServer and Oracle Spatial. > > When i pass the query(shown below) the empty image is displayed in > the browser without any map > /http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/sdocountry/ > / > > > I Created .map file (shown below) with the Oracle Spatial Connection. > > MAP > STATUS ON > SIZE 800 600 > UNITS dd > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 > > LAYER > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > NAME "CountryMap" > TYPE POLYGON > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" > DATA "shape FROM country USING SRID 8307" > > CLASS > NAME "Country_Class" > STYLE > COLOR 250 250 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > END > > And Set the environment variable in the apache/conf/httpd.conf file as > SetEnv ORACLE_BASE "d:/oracle/product/10.2.0" > SetEnv ORACLE_HOME "d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1" > SetEnv ORACLE_SID "orcl" > SetEnv TNS_ADMIN "d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin" > > This is the my whole Sample code and configuration, I dont know why > the map image is not generating. > I am not receving any error message. > > MapServer for windows (ms4w) binaries is downloaded from "" > > System configuration > Windows 2000 Advanced Server > Oracle 10g > MapServer 4.6.1 > Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) > > I am waiting for the some solution, from you to over come this problem. > > Thanks & Regards, > Prema Selvam. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > View this message in context: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - > Empty Image > > Sent from the Mapserver - User > forum at -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Tue Jan 10 08:50:35 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:50:35 -0600 Subject: SLDs (not those SLDs), "Straight Line Diagrams" Message-ID: All, Anyone done any work with outputting something like this From MapServer? If you Don't know what I'm talking about, Don't worry about it. I would be interested to hear about your experiences. Thanks bobb From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 10 10:13:59 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:13:59 -0600 Subject: Legend Labels offset down. Message-ID: I do think there is a bug present. Probably a counter not being reset properly as layers are looped through. Please file a bug with a couple of image samples that show the progressive shift downward. Steve >>> Ken Lord 01/09/06 7:24 PM >>> Legend Image label offset problem revisited from December ... The LABEL OFFSET parameter appeared to have helped fix the problem of mis-positioned labels in my legend image however the amount of the erroneous offset depends on how many layers i have turned on. The more layers turned on, the further downward my labels are offset relative to their symbols. So a constant correction value in the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge the labels back up only works up to a point. Are there any other suggestions out there ... or dare I risk submitting another bug report that I may not be able make both transferable and repeatable for our happy developers to dig into? Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 12/13/05, Ken Lord wrote: > Thanks Steve, The offset parameter did the trick. > > I see what you mean by consistancy, the same font behaves fine on my > home system. > > Ken > > > On 12/13/05, Steve Lime wrote: > > You see that offset with some fonts. I'm not sure why and it is not consistent. It could be problems in the way GD is interpreting font metrics or problems with the font file itself (they are not all created equal). Could even be a MapServer bug but if so I would expect a more consistent problem. Anywho there is an easy workaround. Use the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge them up a bit (e.g. OFFSET 0 -2). > > > > Steve > > > > >>> Ken Lord 12/13/05 8:15 PM >>> > > Hi List, > > > > In my legend image (not an html legend), with mapserver 4.8b2 CGI, > > the labels for the features in the legend are being placed to the > > lower right of the legend icon, instead of directly to the right. > > > > This position has the appearance of the default lower right labelling > > position for features on the map, but of course makes the legend > > impossible to read, with all the text offset down, next to the wrong > > legend icon. > > > > I've confirmed this by setting the Y spacing in the legend to a large > > value to space it all apart. > > > > I've tried using POSITION cr within the label object of my legend in > > my mapfile, but it does not help (and was not needed in the past > > versions). > > > > Am I missing something in my settings, or is this possibly a new bug? > > > > Thanks, > > Ken Lord > > Vancouver BC > > > From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 10:32:37 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:32:37 -0600 Subject: Label the states on a map Message-ID: Hello all, Can anyone please tell me how to label a Map with state names on it. I guess it will be done in a mapfile right, but i am not sure how to do it. Thanks in advance ...... From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 10 11:11:21 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:11:21 -0500 Subject: SLD http header problem In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Philip, I have also tried the sld and could not find anything wrong with it (I have used the ActiveFedProv named layer styling with local data and It displayed properly). If It can be isolated and you could provide map/data please file a bug and I will look at it. I have used 4.8 and 4.6.1 for testing. Later, Chau,Philip [PYR] wrote: > > I'm trying to display the layer and using SLD to change the symbol > (ActiveFedProv) and it seems to be giving me a problem > > _ > > > WMS GetCapabilities seems to say that it supports SLD however I get a > CGI error > > "CGI Error > The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete > set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: > > " > > Cheers, > Phil > > > Philip Chau, PMP > Water Quality Monitoring Division > Environmental Stewardship Branch > Environment Canada > 201-401 Burrard Street > Vancouver, BC V6C 3S5 > Tel: 604.664.4066 > Fax: 604.664.9126 > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 10 11:21:51 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:21:51 -0500 Subject: Domain from GetCapabilities In-Reply-To: Message-ID: James, You should set the wms_onlineresource. Please refer to the following documenetation for more explanation Later, James Net wrote: > Hello list, > > Why does my domain equal "test" whenever I do a GetCapabilities > request, like so: > > xlink:href="http://test/cgi-bin/mapserv?"/> > > Is this a map server config option? and should I look at my web server > for the answer? > > Cheers, > > James > > _________________________________________________________________ > Buy now @ > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Jan 10 11:55:49 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:55:49 -0500 Subject: Label the states on a map In-Reply-To: Message-ID: krishna S wrote: > Hello all, > Can anyone please tell me how to label a Map with state names on it. > I guess it will be done in a mapfile right, but i am not sure how to do it. > > Thanks in advance ...... > Try adding a LABEL block to you state polygon layer. -Steve W. From dps1 at UALBERTA.CA Tue Jan 10 11:53:51 2006 From: dps1 at UALBERTA.CA (David Shorthouse) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:53:51 -0700 Subject: jBox setimage howto? Message-ID: Hello folks, I am attempting to implement jBox and setimage since I have some pan and zoom javascripts and am wondering how to go about passing the url query strings as described in the jBox howto: var url; url = ";";+ ";?mode=map"; + ";&map="; + mapfile + ";&mapext="; + extent.join(";+";) + ";&mapsize="; + width + ";+"; + height + ";&layers="; + layerlist; document.jBox.setimage(url); Is this the correct format? How do I implement "extent.join"? If anyone has a working html example template they would like to share, I would greatly appreciate it. David P. Shorthouse From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Tue Jan 10 12:10:45 2006 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:10:45 -0500 Subject: Label the states on a map In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: In the mapfile ## U.S. States Layers # LAYER NAME "states" DATA "d:\mapdata\boundaries/statesp030" STATUS default TYPE Polygon MINSCALE 4000000 LABELCACHE on CLASS NAME 'U.S. States' STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 242 245 181 END END END LAYER NAME "states" DATA "d:\mapdata\boundaries/statesp020" STATUS default TYPE annotation LABELCACHE on LABELITEM "STATE" LABELMINSCALE 4000000 CLASSITEM "FEATURE" CLASS LABEL TYPE truetype FONT 'arial' SIZE 8 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 COLOR 255 0 0 MINDISTANCE 500 END END END ______________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:56 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Label the states on a map krishna S wrote: > Hello all, > Can anyone please tell me how to label a Map with state names on it. > I guess it will be done in a mapfile right, but i am not sure how to do it. > > Thanks in advance ...... > Try adding a LABEL block to you state polygon layer. -Steve W. From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 12:12:54 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:12:54 -0600 Subject: Label the states on a map Message-ID: Thanks for your reply ..... This is how i defined a label block in the mapfile, LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END But i couldnt find how to set the text that needs to be displayed. Any help is highly appreciated ......... Thanks again From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 12:29:57 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:29:57 -0600 Subject: Label the states on a map Message-ID: Thanks for your reply and help, its working .......... Bye From beproject06 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 12:39:09 2006 From: beproject06 at YAHOO.COM (Apeksha Bhambhani) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 12:39:09 -0800 Subject: Shapefiles doubts Message-ID: Hiii all , These are the few doubts that we have , could somebody please help us . 1.While writing the mapfile , we need to specify the extent of the map . The background map chosen being in PNG image type , how do we get the extent of this image , so as to enter this data in the mapfile . 2.In interactive web-mapping , do we need MySql to store the data of the various points being plotted on the map or are the shapefiles sufficient . 3. We are working on an online project and when a new point needs to be plotted on the map and displayed , how can this data be entered into the shapefiles . We have read somewhere that Mapscripting can be used to convert textfiles to shapefiles . Can you please direct us as to how can that be done ??? 4. We have got to know about this book "Web mapping illustrated - By Tyler Mitchell , O'reilly Publications " . Has anyone used used it for developing an online interactive web-mapping apllication (example editing of maps ). Thanks in advance ................... Regards Apeksha --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Tue Jan 10 12:49:58 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 21:49:58 +0100 Subject: Shapefiles doubts In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, many questions :-), some answers inline. Best regards, Bart Apeksha Bhambhani wrote: > Hiii all , > > These are the few doubts that we have , could somebody please help us . > > 1.While writing the mapfile , we need to specify the extent of the map > . The background map chosen being in PNG image type , how do we get > the extent of this image , so as to enter this data in the mapfile . Normally raster files have a file associated with them which contains the georeference information. For instance a tiff file is often associated with a tfw file. These files are also known as world files. If you just have a PNG file, there is no way to find out the extent from the file itself. Maybe the person who created the file knows, otherwise try to overlay the raster file with a vector file (roads, rivers etc. from the area) and determine common points, these are called GCP's or ground control points. If you have enough GCP's you can georeference the image using e.g. FWTools. > > 2.In interactive web-mapping , do we need MySql to store the data of > the various points being plotted on the map or are the > shapefiles sufficient . > What is your definition of interactive web-mapping? If your data is static, shapefiles are sufficient. If you need transactions, I would recommend using PostGIS as the datastore. > 3. We are working on an online project and when a new point needs to > be plotted on the map and displayed , how can this data be entered > into the shapefiles . We have read somewhere that Mapscripting can be > used to convert textfiles to shapefiles . > Can you please direct us as to how can that be done ??? As I said before, I would recommend using PostGIS instead and then you might use Geoserver on top as a transactional Web Feature Service (WFS). I don't know if this is within the scope of your project though. There is also a project in PHP which provides access directly to the PostGIS functions which can be found here: > > 4. We have got to know about this book "Web mapping illustrated - By > Tyler Mitchell , O'reilly Publications " . Has anyone used used it for > developing an online interactive web-mapping apllication (example > editing of maps ). I am a bit biased since I was one of the technical reviewers :-). It is a hands-on book which will teach you the basics for sure, but the main focus is not on Mapscript. Please note Mapserver is not focussed on editing, so the book is also not. > > Thanks in advance ................... > > Regards > Apeksha > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Yahoo! Photos > Got holiday prints? See all the ways > > to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Tue Jan 10 13:40:27 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:40:27 -0600 Subject: About PNG output. Uncompressed PNG. Message-ID: All, I don't really know what I'm asking here, but here goes. What Compression value does MapServer use for outputting PNG images? Can this be adjusted. I'm interested in outputting PNG's with 0 (zero) compression. Is there a setting somewhere for this? bobb From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Tue Jan 10 13:59:25 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:59:25 -0500 Subject: About PNG output. Uncompressed PNG. Message-ID: Bob - What is it you're trying to accomplish? All PNG images are compressed, in that they all use deflate compression on the data stream. The data stream is filtered first to optimize it for compression; while you can control the choice of filter, I do not believe there is any control over the compression. The compression is completely lossless, so there is absolutely no degradation of the image (as opposed to JPEG, for example). Saying you want "PNG with 0 compression" is sort of like saying "I would like EXACTLY the same image in this file, just puff up the file to make it bigger". If you are simply trying to get the best quality PNG image, you've already got it. If you're looking for something else, let us know. Thanks! - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Bob Basques Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:40 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] About PNG output. Uncompressed PNG. All, I don't really know what I'm asking here, but here goes. What Compression value does MapServer use for outputting PNG images? Can this be adjusted. I'm interested in outputting PNG's with 0 (zero) compression. Is there a setting somewhere for this? bobb From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Tue Jan 10 14:06:26 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:06:26 -0600 Subject: About PNG output. Uncompressed PNG. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Ed McNierney wrote: >Bob - > >What is it you're trying to accomplish? All PNG images are compressed, >in that they all use deflate compression on the data stream. The data >stream is filtered first to optimize it for compression; while you can >control the choice of filter, I do not believe there is any control over >the compression. > >The compression is completely lossless, so there is absolutely no >degradation of the image (as opposed to JPEG, for example). Saying you >want "PNG with 0 compression" is sort of like saying "I would like >EXACTLY the same image in this file, just puff up the file to make it >bigger". > >If you are simply trying to get the best quality PNG image, you've >already got it. If you're looking for something else, let us know. >Thanks! > > Ed, I'm experimenting with dissecting the PNG image with Javascript. The idea is to try and pull the Image Pixel data (color values) into a Javascript Array in the Client, a Browser in this case. I'm still doing some of the research on it at the moment. I'm just checking on the notion of setting the Compression level on the server is all. bobb > - Ed > >Ed McNierney >President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >ed at >(978) 251-4242 =20 > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Bob Basques >Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:40 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] About PNG output. Uncompressed PNG. > >All, > >I don't really know what I'm asking here, but here goes. > >What Compression value does MapServer use for outputting PNG images? =20 >Can this be adjusted. I'm interested in outputting PNG's with 0 (zero)=20 >compression. Is there a setting somewhere for this? > >bobb > > > From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 15:27:02 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 17:27:02 -0600 Subject: arcSDE support for ms4w Message-ID: Hello all, I installed ms4w mapserver and its working fine. I want to make a connection with ARCSDE so i installed ARCSDE 9.1 client APIs. When i include the connection steps in the mapfile i get the following error ======================================================================= Warning: [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerOpen(): SDE support is not available. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\test.php on line xx Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\test.php on line xx ========================================================================== I am not sure about the cause of this error. Does ms4w support ARCSDE, if so can anyone please tell me how to compile it to make ARCSDE work. If MS4W does not support arcsde can you suggest some other version of mapserver which is available (Please provide the link ....) Thanks for all your help .... From condit at SDSC.EDU Tue Jan 10 15:46:44 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:46:44 -0800 Subject: arcSDE support for ms4w Message-ID: Hi- MS4W doesn't support ArcSDE out of the box. If you don't want to build MapServer from source, you can grab binaries with ArcSDE support here: -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of krishna S Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:27 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] arcSDE support for ms4w Hello all, I installed ms4w mapserver and its working fine. I want to make a connection with ARCSDE so i installed ARCSDE 9.1 client APIs. When i include the connection steps in the mapfile i get the following error ======================================================================= Warning: [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerOpen(): SDE support is not available. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\test.php on line xx Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserverdata\test.php on line xx ======================================================================== === I am not sure about the cause of this error. Does ms4w support ARCSDE, if so can anyone please tell me how to compile it to make ARCSDE work. If MS4W does not support arcsde can you suggest some other version of mapserver which is available (Please provide the link ....) Thanks for all your help .... From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 10 15:53:33 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 17:53:33 -0600 Subject: arcSDE support for ms4w Message-ID: Thanks for your reply, but the hobu's kitchen sink has the libraries for ARCSDE 9.0, i have arcGIS 9.1 and arcSDE 9.1 and i dont think arcSDE 9.0 will be compatiable with arcGIS 9.1 server. Is there a possible way out ... Thanks again for your help .... From dps1 at UALBERTA.CA Tue Jan 10 16:26:27 2006 From: dps1 at UALBERTA.CA (David Shorthouse) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 17:26:27 -0700 Subject: jBox convert imgbox to coordinates Message-ID: Hello folks, I gave up on the jBox setimage() function and will just stick with submit(). However, I hope to run some spatial queries using the imgbox boundaries minx, miny, maxx, and maxy and was wondering how one goes about converting these to real world coordinates. What I intend to do is pass these four (converted) variables as stored procedure variables as decimal degrees but the conversion has me hung-up. Any advice much appreciated, David P. Shorthouse From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 10 18:55:49 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 20:55:49 -0600 Subject: Mapfile enhancement request {YEAR} Message-ID: Not a bad idea. I could see supporting a couple of substitutions for timestamps of some sort (or even the entire URL for debugging). Please file a bug. Now that we have a 4.9 branch I can start on some of these... Steve >>> Stephen Woodbridge 01/09/06 9:44 AM >>> Hi, I have to update a bazillion mapfiles to change the Copyright year and I thought it would be a nice feature to have current year as a variable within the map files so one could do something like: TEXT "Copyright {YEAR}, ..." Any thoughts ... -Steve W. From lists at NABBLE.COM Tue Jan 10 20:28:52 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 20:28:52 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, Thanks for the fast reply. Still the problem is existing, I added debug in the map file, there is no error message, only the empty image is displaying. Map file MAP DEBUG ON STATUS ON SIZE 800 600 UNITS dd IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END NAME "CountryMap" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM country USING SRID 8307" CLASS NAME "Country_Class" STYLE COLOR 250 250 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. GISbiz -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Bonnie.Stewart at DLI.WA.GOV.AU Tue Jan 10 21:08:59 2006 From: Bonnie.Stewart at DLI.WA.GOV.AU (Bonnie Stewart) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 13:08:59 +0800 Subject: Legend Labels offset down. Message-ID: I was having the same problem - what worked for me was to reduce the KEYSIZE for the legend down to the same size as my point symbols (10 x 10 pixels). My legend is very simple though (not many symbols and all roughly the same size), so I'm not sure if it would do the trick in a more complex situation. Cheers, Bonnie __________________________________ Bonnie Stewart Research Officer Satellite Remote Sensing Services Information Access Division Department of Land Information 65 Brockway Road, FLOREAT WA 6014 Ph. (08) 9387 0342 | Fx. (08) 9383 7142 bonnie.stewart at ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Ken Lord Sent: Tue 10/01/2006 9:24 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Legend Labels offset down. Legend Image label offset problem revisited from December ... The LABEL OFFSET parameter appeared to have helped fix the problem of mis-positioned labels in my legend image however the amount of the erroneous offset depends on how many layers i have turned on. The more layers turned on, the further downward my labels are offset relative to their symbols. So a constant correction value in the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge the labels back up only works up to a point. Are there any other suggestions out there ... or dare I risk submitting another bug report that I may not be able make both transferable and repeatable for our happy developers to dig into? Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 12/13/05, Ken Lord wrote: > Thanks Steve, The offset parameter did the trick. > > I see what you mean by consistancy, the same font behaves fine on my > home system. > > Ken > > > On 12/13/05, Steve Lime wrote: > > You see that offset with some fonts. I'm not sure why and it is not consistent. It could be problems in the way GD is interpreting font metrics or problems with the font file itself (they are not all created equal). Could even be a MapServer bug but if so I would expect a more consistent problem. Anywho there is an easy workaround. Use the LABEL OFFSET parameter to nudge them up a bit (e.g. OFFSET 0 -2). > > > > Steve > > > > >>> Ken Lord 12/13/05 8:15 PM >>> > > Hi List, > > > > In my legend image (not an html legend), with mapserver 4.8b2 CGI, > > the labels for the features in the legend are being placed to the > > lower right of the legend icon, instead of directly to the right. > > > > This position has the appearance of the default lower right labelling > > position for features on the map, but of course makes the legend > > impossible to read, with all the text offset down, next to the wrong > > legend icon. > > > > I've confirmed this by setting the Y spacing in the legend to a large > > value to space it all apart. > > > > I've tried using POSITION cr within the label object of my legend in > > my mapfile, but it does not help (and was not needed in the past > > versions). > > > > Am I missing something in my settings, or is this possibly a new bug? > > > > Thanks, > > Ken Lord > > Vancouver BC > > > This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended only for the use of the addressee(s). It may contain information that is confidential and privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, any use, interference with, disclosure, distribution or copying of this material is unauthorised and prohibited. If you receive this in error, please notify the author by Return email to the sender. Information in this message not relating to the official business of DLI shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it. While every care is taken, it is recommended that you scan any attachments for viruses. DLI liability is limited to re-supplying affected attachments. ********************** PLEASE NOTE: All and email addresses will soon be decommissioned. These have been replaced by addresses. Please ensure that your records are updated to reflect this change. Further information can be obtained by contacting our service desk on 92737533 or emailing Servicedesk at ********************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mh at SVAJ.DK Tue Jan 10 23:56:49 2006 From: mh at SVAJ.DK (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Martin_H=F8gh?=) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 08:56:49 +0100 Subject: New version of AppForMap Message-ID: Hi list, I've released a new version of AppForMap - the web-based client for wms, mapserver and postgis. Check it out on /Martin From laura.diaz at IVER.ES Wed Jan 11 00:46:20 2006 From: laura.diaz at IVER.ES (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Laura_D=EDaz?=) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:46:20 +0100 Subject: layer grouping Message-ID: Hi there, i am trying to configure some available layers in mapserver, i would like to group some of them, i found no problem creating just one grouping level: for this i just add the TAG GROUP to the layers i want to group, the problem comes when i want to configure two or more levels like this: My problem comes because the layer that groups a set of layers is not a layer itself so i cant make a reference to it, if i create a layer as a LAYER to be the GROUP of some sublayers, then this layer appears two times in the capabilities. any ideas to create this second level of layer grouping?? here part of the layers definition on my map file: #LAYER # NAME ProtectedAreas # METADATA # "wms_title" "Protected Areas" # END # STATUS OFF # TYPE ANNOTATION #END LAYER NAME zepa GROUP ProtectedAreas METADATA "wms_title" "Zepa zones" "wms_group_title" "Protected Areas" gml_include_items "all" END STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON DUMP TRUE PROJECTION "init=epsg:23030" END CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=***** password=***** dbname=costas host=" DATA "the_geom from (select * from zepa) as foo using unique gid = using SRID=23030" TOLERANCE 3 CLASS NAME "zepa" TEMPLATE 'gmap/htdocs/templates/popplace.html' COLOR 0 240 240 OUTLINECOLOR 199 199 199 END END LAYER NAME mreservas GROUP ProtectedAreas METADATA "wms_title" "Microreservas" gml_include_items "all" END STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON DUMP TRUE PROJECTION "init=epsg:23030" END CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=***** password=***** dbname=costas host=" DATA "the_geom from (select * from mreservas) as foo using unique gid = using SRID=23030" TOLERANCE 3 CLASS NAME "mreservas" TEMPLATE 'gmap/htdocs/templates/popplace.html' COLOR 0 240 240 OUTLINECOLOR 199 199 199 END END thanks, Laura. From Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI Wed Jan 11 01:23:53 2006 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 11:23:53 +0200 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Message-ID: Hi, Is it really so, that you ask this: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/sdocountry/ but in your map file there is: NAME "CountryMap" Have you tried with "&layers=CountryMap", or adding STATUS DEFAULT to your LAYER definition? Regards, Jukka Rahkonen ________________________________ L?hett?j?: UMN MapServer Users List puolesta: Prema Selvam (sent by L?hetetty: ke 11.1.2006 6:28 Vastaanottaja: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Aihe: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Hi, Thanks for the fast reply. Still the problem is existing, I added debug in the map file, there is no error message, only the empty image is displaying. Map file MAP DEBUG ON STATUS ON SIZE 800 600 UNITS dd IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END NAME "CountryMap" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM country USING SRID 8307" CLASS NAME "Country_Class" STYLE COLOR 250 250 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. GISbiz ________________________________ View this message in context: Re: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Wed Jan 11 03:29:30 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:29:30 +0100 Subject: WFS LIMITATION OF MAPSERVER Message-ID: Hi all, I'd like to compare WFS Capabilities of Mapserver and GeoServer. I know that Geoserver is better because MapServer doesn't support WFS-T but supports only Base WFS. So, respect to Base WFS, wich is the difference with GeoServer ? How many functionalities Geoserver has that MapServer hasn't ?? Than u. Fabio. From fportaneri.ext at RD.FRANCETELECOM.COM Wed Jan 11 04:20:02 2006 From: fportaneri.ext at RD.FRANCETELECOM.COM (zze-SIGALE PORTANERI F ext RD-BIZZ-SOP) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 13:20:02 +0100 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Message-ID: Hi all, I have a set of WGS84 data points that come from GPS system in decimal degree longitude/latitude coordinates. I would like to display them with mapserver using a mapfile which already define several layers in Lambert II. I did specified the global projection in the mapfile for Lambert II etendu : PROJECTION "init=epsg:27582" END The GPS LAYER describing the WGS84 data includes the projection definition for the WGS84 : LAYER NAME "GPS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END ... END But points are not displayed at the right place (at about 200km far away) :-( Apparently, the 4326 epsg definition considers longitude/latitude coordinates in Degree/Minute/Second, while my data are in Decimal Degrees. So I tried to specify the following in the GPS layer : PROJECTION "proj=longlat" "ellps=WGS84" "datum=WGS84" "units=dd" END but mapserver returns: "Error in msProcessProjection(): unknown unit conversion id" The prog -lu command doesn't list the "dd" unit... How to display longlat data in Decimal Degree under Mapserver? Regards FP -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lists at NABBLE.COM Wed Jan 11 05:17:03 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 05:17:03 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. I tried your method by passing the countrymap in the query as given below and added the status of the layer as default in the map file. http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/sdocountry/ Now an error message is generated while running the above query as msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'countrymap'. msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. OracleSpatial is not supported Please support me to solve the problem. Waiting for the Reply. Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Wed Jan 11 05:45:29 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:45:29 +0100 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Message-ID: Hi, you probably downloaded the standard ms4w binaries. You need binaries compiled against oracle's oci.dll for oraclespatial support. You can download them here : You can also check what your version supports by running the mapserv.exe with the -v option so: mapserv -v through a command prompt. With thanks to Bart van den Eijnden! greetings, Erik. ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Prema Selvam (sent by Sent: woensdag 11 januari 2006 14:17 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. I tried your method by passing the countrymap in the query as given below and added the status of the layer as default in the map file. http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/sdocountry/sdocountr Now an error message is generated while running the above query as msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'countrymap'. msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. OracleSpatial is not supported Please support me to solve the problem. Waiting for the Reply. Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. ________________________________ View this message in context: Re: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Wed Jan 11 05:55:15 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:55:15 +0100 Subject: WMS MAPSERVER Message-ID: Hi all, can u answer me why MapServer is better than Geoserver in implementation of OGC WMS Server? Thank u much ! Fabio From hydromap at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 11 06:00:24 2006 From: hydromap at GMAIL.COM (Shoaib Burq) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 01:00:24 +1100 Subject: Display WFS LAYER from Geoserver as a Map In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Fabio, have u tried: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe map=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\applicazioni\applicazioni_file\regioni_WFS_GEO if this doesn't work try changing ur STATUS ON to STATUS DEFAULT On 1/10/06, Fabio D' Ovidio wrote: > Hi all, > I have configured MapServer as WMS Server and WFS client > in order to fetch only one WFS layer from GeoServer. The Map file is : > MAP > NAME "regioni" > STATUS ON > SIZE 800 600 > WEB > IMAGEPATH "\\wolf\Inetpub\wwwroot\applicazioni\temp\" > IMAGEURL "//wolf/Inetpub/wwwroot/applicazioni/temp/" > METADATA > "wms_title" "WMS Demo Server" > "wms_onlineresource" "http://localhost/cgi- > bin/mapserv?" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4030" > END > END > EXTENT -722566 3.86573e+006 1.3639e+006 5.28367e+006 > UNITS meters > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGETYPE png > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4030" > END > LAYER > NAME "regioni" > CONNECTIONTYPE WFS > CONNECTION > "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?request=getfeature&service=wfs&version=1.0.0&typen > ame=regioni" > METADATA > "wms_title" "regioni" > END > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS on > CLASS > NAME "regioni" > COLOR 207 150 123 > OUTLINECOLOR 90 229 210 > END > END > END > > The WMS request I made to the server is : > > http://localhost/cgi- > bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\applicazioni\applicazioni_file\regioni_WFS_GEO > > > and the only thing that the server returns me is a gml file in the IMAGEPATH directory. > > I want to Know if is it possible and how to display a WFS layer (from GeoServer) as a map > on the monitor doing a WMS request to MapServer in the way I have described ?? > > If NO, how can transalte the gml file in a shape file to display ??? > > Thank u much ! > From carlo.calvino at EMAIL.IT Wed Jan 11 06:28:15 2006 From: carlo.calvino at EMAIL.IT (Carlo Calvino) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 08:28:15 -0600 Subject: Legend with both Individual layers and layer groups Message-ID: Hello everybody, I make use of Mapserver 4.6 and Maplab 2.2. Thanks to GmapFactory, i was able to create a webgis application. But I am not satisfied with the legend. Let's suppose to have ten layers, I want to organize them in 5 individual layers, and the other five inside a group. That is something like this: [ ] Layer 1 [ ] Layer 2 [x] Layer 3 [x] Layer 4 [x] Layer 5 [x] Group layer #1 [ ] Layer 6 [x] Layer 7 [ ] Layer 8 [x] Layer 9 [ ] Layer 10 Checkboxes can be off [ ] or on [x]. Any ideas how to achieve this aim? From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 11 06:38:14 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:38:14 -0500 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Message-ID: FP - Your first GPS layer definition should be fine. You don't say what data source you are using for your GPS data, but if it is a shapefile or inline features you will be using decimal degrees and those will work fine with the "init=epsg:4326" definition. The first thing I would suggest is that you confirm that the EPSG:27582 projection is in fact correct. The related Paris / Lambert projections (27581-27584, for example) are all rather similar and can certainly look the same. Can you check the coordinates of a few points to make sure they're accurate? An error of 200km is far too large to be a datum error, but could easily be due to the different false easting/northing values used in these similar projections. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of zze-SIGALE PORTANERI F ext RD-BIZZ-SOP Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:20 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Hi all, I have a set of WGS84 data points that come from GPS system in decimal degree longitude/latitude coordinates. I would like to display them with mapserver using a mapfile which already define several layers in Lambert II. I did specified the global projection in the mapfile for Lambert II etendu : PROJECTION "init=epsg:27582" END The GPS LAYER describing the WGS84 data includes the projection definition for the WGS84 : LAYER NAME "GPS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END ... END But points are not displayed at the right place (at about 200km far away) :-( Apparently, the 4326 epsg definition considers longitude/latitude coordinates in Degree/Minute/Second, while my data are in Decimal Degrees. So I tried to specify the following in the GPS layer : PROJECTION "proj=longlat" "ellps=WGS84" "datum=WGS84" "units=dd" END but mapserver returns: "Error in msProcessProjection(): unknown unit conversion id" The prog -lu command doesn't list the "dd" unit... How to display longlat data in Decimal Degree under Mapserver? Regards FP -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM Wed Jan 11 06:49:17 2006 From: tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM (Travis Kirstine GIS Tech) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:49:17 -0500 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom Message-ID: Can anyone provide a link to any demo sites using Mapserver with Ajax Thanks Trav From vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT Wed Jan 11 07:05:11 2006 From: vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT (Vito Meuli) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:05:11 +0100 Subject: POSTLABELCACHE with BACKGROUNDCOLOR bug? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I have a problem using "POSTLABELCACHE true" in a LAYER, because it doesn't draw the billboard around labels anymore, which should display using the BACKGROUNDCOLOR directive. I send data to the layer via an url (it works well, displaying the billboard, if I comment the POSTLABELCACHE directive out). I can let the label become more evident using OUTLINECOLOR, but it's not the same as the BACKGROUNDCOLOR. The layer is as follows: LAYER # layer delle scritte fisse sulla mappa NAME "scritta" METADATA cliccabile "NO" visibilita "" END TYPE annotation STATUS default TRANSFORM false POSTLABELCACHE true CLASS LABEL COLOR 188 0 44 #OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT trebuchet_ms SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS TRUE POSITION ur PARTIALS true BUFFER 2 FORCE true END # end of label END END # layer delle scritte fisse sulla mappa I guess it is a bug. Is there any workaround? Thank you in advance! Vito From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Wed Jan 11 07:16:28 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:16:28 -0500 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/11/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > > FP - > > Your first GPS layer definition should be fine. You don't say what data > source you are using for your GPS data, but if it is a shapefile or inline > features you will be using decimal degrees and those will work fine with the > "init=epsg:4326" definition. > > The first thing I would suggest is that you confirm that the EPSG:27582 > projection is in fact correct. The related Paris / Lambert projections > (27581-27584, for example) are all rather similar and can certainly look the > same. Can you check the coordinates of a few points to make sure they're > accurate? An error of 200km is far too large to be a datum error, but could > easily be due to the different false easting/northing values used in these > similar projections. FP, I would add to Ed's comments that the PROJ definitions files for EPSG zones with alternate prime meridians are often messed up, and a horizontal offset of 250km is approximately the distance of the paris meridian from greenwich. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 11 07:34:22 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:34:22 -0600 Subject: help with ARCSDE 9.1 Message-ID: Hello all, From my previous posts i got to know that ms4w doesnt support arcsde. So i was suggested to use hobu's binaries for arcsde but the are for arcsde9.0 where as the arcgis server which my org has is 9.1. So i guess i should use arcsde 9.1 client api's. I am compiling mapserver 4.6.2 on my windows machine. I dont know if this supports arcsde 9.1. Did anyone previously work with mapserver and arcsde. If you have worked can you please suggest me the steps to compile mapserver 4.6.2 for arcsde9.1. Hope i get some possible answers .... Thanka for your help ..... From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 11 07:47:09 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:47:09 -0500 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Message-ID: Frank & FP - Good catch, Frank - that's an excellent possibility. FP, make sure your EPSG file contains an accurate definition of <27582>, including the prime meridian (primem) of 2.337229166666667. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: fwarmerdam at [mailto:fwarmerdam at] On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:16 AM To: Ed McNierney Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection WGS84 in decimal degree On 1/11/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > > FP - > > Your first GPS layer definition should be fine. You don't say what > data source you are using for your GPS data, but if it is a shapefile > or inline features you will be using decimal degrees and those will > work fine with the "init=epsg:4326" definition. > > The first thing I would suggest is that you confirm that the > EPSG:27582 projection is in fact correct. The related Paris / Lambert > projections (27581-27584, for example) are all rather similar and can > certainly look the same. Can you check the coordinates of a few > points to make sure they're accurate? An error of 200km is far too > large to be a datum error, but could easily be due to the different > false easting/northing values used in these similar projections. FP, I would add to Ed's comments that the PROJ definitions files for EPSG zones with alternate prime meridians are often messed up, and a horizontal offset of 250km is approximately the distance of the paris meridian from greenwich. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Cristina_Bories at RAYTHEON.COM Wed Jan 11 07:45:27 2006 From: Cristina_Bories at RAYTHEON.COM (Cristina Bories) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:45:27 -0500 Subject: Please unsubscribe to list MAPSERVER Message-ID: Sorry, I failed retrieving my username so I cannot do it myself. BUt you should have this email address and from there, you can help me. thanks Cristina Bories Synergy VI Sub IPT Lead 301 925 0547 301 883 4070 (FAX) Cristina_Bories at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lists at NABBLE.COM Wed Jan 11 07:51:03 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 07:51:03 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image In-Reply-To: <13A5C639FDEBE7479A719909147A52280114C7B1@exbe004.arcadis-nl.local> Message-ID: Hi, Thanks, When i run the mapserv.exe in the command mode as mapserv - v i found that there is no support for the Oracle Spatial as given below C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin>mapserv -v MapServer version 4.6.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SWF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPO RTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT =JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG I downloaded the from as per your suggestion when i unzipped i found the following files (7 files) in alphabetical order 1. bgd.dll 2. gdal13.dll 3. libmap.dll 4. mapserv.exe 5. msvcp80.dll 6. msvcr80.dll 7. proj.dll When i run the downloaded mapserv.exe in the command mode as mapserv - v i found support for the Oracle Spatial in INPUT C:\MapServer\arcadis>mapserv -v MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= MSDEBUG Now my Question is where i need to put all the 7 files which i downloaded, whether i need to overwrite the existing with new file. And proj.dll file was not in the ..\apache\cgi-bin folder it was in the ..\ms4w\proj whether i need to ovewrite that file also or i need to put the new proj.dll in the ..\apache\cgi-bin . And there are four new files which is bgd.dll libmap.dll msvcp80.dll msvcr80.dll where i need to put all these four files and the remaining three files. Please give me a some solution Waiting for the reply. Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Wed Jan 11 08:01:46 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 10:01:46 -0600 Subject: Radians for rotation Message-ID: All, Can radians be used for rotation for symbol rotation? bobb From chris at CENTRALFRONTENAC.COM Wed Jan 11 08:07:15 2006 From: chris at CENTRALFRONTENAC.COM (Chris Matheson) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 11:07:15 -0500 Subject: phpmapscript - query caching? Message-ID: Hi Folks, I'm using postGIS (v1.04), postgreSQL (v7.4.8) and phpmapscript (from mapserver 4.4). I need a bit of help. I think I am using the wrong approach to this problem... I'm creating a map with a report attached using php. I'm creating a dynamic layer using postGIS & mapscript using a function like $layer->set("data", $statement). Later I run the same statement using pg_query($connection, $statement) to get the attributes. Everything works, but, because the query is big, and I'm running it twice, my script is really slow. It's got to be a bad way to do it, it feels wrong, even to me. Is there a way to avoid running the query against the db twice? P.S. - I've tried using the attributes from the mapscript layer object, but I didn't have much luck and fell back to running it with pg_query. I want to run some php against the data to sort, filter and format it. Chris M. From fbfilter329 at OPTONLINE.NET Wed Jan 11 08:11:17 2006 From: fbfilter329 at OPTONLINE.NET (F Baltazar) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 11:11:17 -0500 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom In-Reply-To: Message-ID: ----- Original Message ----- From: Travis Kirstine GIS Tech Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:49 am Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom > Can anyone provide a link to any demo sites using Mapserver with > Ajax > Thanks > > Trav > DM Solutions has one at: There's also Mapbuilder: Those are ones I know of. Any more out there? Paco From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Wed Jan 11 08:08:53 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 17:08:53 +0100 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Message-ID: Hi, you should place the dll's in /ms4w/apache/cgi-bin directory overwriting when necessary. About the proj.dll I'm not sure but I placed it in cgi-bin as wel as in the proj directory. It works for me... Also I have copied (I read somewhere this is needed) the proj directory placing it my root (C:), again, I'm not sure this is needed... good luck! Erik. ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Prema Selvam (sent by Sent: woensdag 11 januari 2006 16:51 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Hi, Thanks, When i run the mapserv.exe in the command mode as mapserv - v i found that there is no support for the Oracle Spatial as given below C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin>mapserv -v MapServer version 4.6.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SWF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPO RTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT =JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG I downloaded the from as per your suggestion when i unzipped i found the following files (7 files) in alphabetical order 1. bgd.dll 2. gdal13.dll 3. libmap.dll 4. mapserv.exe 5. msvcp80.dll 6. msvcr80.dll 7. proj.dll When i run the downloaded mapserv.exe in the command mode as mapserv - v i found support for the Oracle Spatial in INPUT C:\MapServer\arcadis>mapserv -v MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT =SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUP PORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG= MSDEBUG Now my Question is where i need to put all the 7 files which i downloaded, whether i need to overwrite the existing with new file. And proj.dll file was not in the ..\apache\cgi-bin folder it was in the ..\ms4w\proj whether i need to ovewrite that file also or i need to put the new proj.dll in the ..\apache\cgi-bin . And there are four new files which is bgd.dll libmap.dll msvcp80.dll msvcr80.dll where i need to put all these four files and the remaining three files. Please give me a some solution Waiting for the reply. Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam. ________________________________ View this message in context: Re: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lluisgarcia at TECNICS.ORG Wed Jan 11 09:29:51 2006 From: lluisgarcia at TECNICS.ORG (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs_Garcia_i_Mestres?=) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 18:29:51 +0100 Subject: WMS client from 4.4.1 to 4.6.1 Message-ID: Hi list, I upgraded my mapserver cgi in order to fix a wms error related before (Re: mapserver error with wms layer [solved]). I fixed using "wms_exceptions_format" "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml". But now I can't put different wms layers from different provider together. For example two layer from Demis works ok but if I mixed with others provider it fails. With the 4.4.1 it worked fine but now the same layer description is failing in 4.6.1 In my log file I'm getting the following error: Wed Jan 11 18:18:28 2006,2956,,catalunya,3,321842.499866 4595729.381984 332098.797118 4603055.308592,-1.000000 -1.000000,comarques_shp Bathymetry2 topo_spain ,msHTTPExecuteRequests(): HTTP request error. Can't open output file c:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapserver\dades\catalunya\tmp\K1.img.tmp.
Anyone has figure out this point? Regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Llu?s Garcia i Mestres ?rea de Sistemes d'Informaci? Geogr?fica lluisgarcia at - Centre tecnol?gic i solucions integrals Pl?. Maria Aur?lia Capmany n?m.3 Telf. 973 84 46 23 25005 Lleida - Catalunya -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 11 07:32:55 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:32:55 -0600 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom In-Reply-To: Message-ID: allows you to view/query flight tracks and noise events around MSP international airport in Minnesota. Ajax techniques are used for all queries, geocoding, date selection, and map drawing. This is highly customized, but you can use view source to see all the javascript/css/html for the app. I won't vouch for the clarity of the code. On 1/11/06, Travis Kirstine GIS Tech wrote: > Can anyone provide a link to any demo sites using Mapserver with Ajax > Thanks > > Trav > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 11 10:34:39 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:34:39 -0600 Subject: Radians for rotation Message-ID: No. Angles are given in degrees... >>> Bob Basques 01/11/06 10:01 AM >>> All, Can radians be used for rotation for symbol rotation? bobb From Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV Wed Jan 11 11:01:16 2006 From: Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV (Danna Dowdy) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:01:16 -0500 Subject: wfs layer not displaying... Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ahodson at XTRA.CO.NZ Wed Jan 11 11:44:11 2006 From: ahodson at XTRA.CO.NZ (Andrew Hodson) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:44:11 +1300 Subject: MapServer/MapScript Installation Help : Newbie question Message-ID: I'm trying to install MapServer and MapScript a shared hosting account with the following setup : Linux Apache v1.3.33, Perl 5.8.1, Php 4.4.1 I've looked at the documentation and installation help system but haven't had any luck so far. Can somebody point me in the right direction please? Thanks in advance Regards Andrew Hodson -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From src176 at PSU.EDU Wed Jan 11 12:01:45 2006 From: src176 at PSU.EDU (Stephen Crawford) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 15:01:45 -0500 Subject: Conference? Message-ID: Does anyone know if there will be a Open Source Geospatial '06, and if so when and where? Or at least when there might be some kind of an announcement? Thanks, Steve Stephen Crawford Center for Environmental Informatics GeoVISTA Center The Pennsylvania State University 814.865.9905 src176 at From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Wed Jan 11 12:05:06 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 15:05:06 -0500 Subject: Conference? Message-ID: See: > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Stephen Crawford > Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:02 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Conference? > > > Does anyone know if there will be a Open Source Geospatial > '06, and if so when and where? Or at least when there might > be some kind of an announcement? > > Thanks, > Steve > > Stephen Crawford > Center for Environmental Informatics > GeoVISTA Center > The Pennsylvania State University > 814.865.9905 > src176 at > From lists at NABBLE.COM Wed Jan 11 12:56:59 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (lex_berman (sent by Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:56:59 -0800 Subject: mapscript - map query based on points from mysql Message-ID: hi folks, i've used the mapserver cgi for about 4 years, and only started using mapscript recently. although i managed to grab some points from a mysql table and throw them on top of a map (along with labels from the same table), i have no idea how to save that query for subsequent zooming in / out / panning or trying to do an nquery. what i did was to cobble together the mapscript call to mysql and draw new objects then put them into the old CGI template along with JBOX. needless to say, I can draw the first map with my points retreived from mysql, but if i click on the map to zoom or query the database points are lost. there must be a sort of mapscript - integrated way of doing this, isn't there? can anyone help me to get to the next step? what i am hoping to do somehow is to be able to query both the items from mysql points layer and the shapefiles called from the mapfile at the same time, or if that is impossible then at least to preserve and to SEE the layer from the database for reference purposes while being able to browse and query the shapefiles in the mapserver. >>>apologies for code that follows (& "img src" is changed to "image src")>>> $beg_yr and end_yr<$end_yr "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); /* fire up mapscript */ dl(''); /* set default variables */ $val_zsize=3; $check_pan="CHECKED"; $map_path="/path/to/mapfile/"; $host=""; /* start up the mapscript process */ $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.""); $image=$map->draw(); $this_layer = $map->getLayerByName('sites'); $this_layer->set('status', MS_ON); while ($site = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $mypoint = ms_newPointObj(); $mypoint->setXY($site['point_x_coord'],$site['point_y_coord']); $pt_id = $site['point_id']; $mypoint->draw($map, $this_layer, $image, 0, "$pt_id"); } mysql_free_result($result); /* get the extents and set up drawing objects*/ if ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["mapa_x"]) && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["mapa_y"]) && !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["full"]) ) { $extent_to_set = explode(" ",$HTTP_POST_VARS["extent"]); $map->setextent($extent_to_set[0],$extent_to_set[1], $extent_to_set[2],$extent_to_set[3]); $my_point = ms_newpointObj(); $my_point->setXY($HTTP_POST_VARS["mapa_x"],$HTTP_POST_VARS["mapa_y"]); $my_extent = ms_newrectObj(); $my_extent->setextent($extent_to_set[0],$extent_to_set[1], $extent_to_set[2],$extent_to_set[3]); $zoom_factor = $HTTP_POST_VARS["zoom"]*$HTTP_POST_VARS["zsize"]; if ($zoom_factor == 0) { $zoom_factor = 1; $check_pan = "CHECKED"; $check_zout = ""; $check_zin = ""; } else if ($zoom_factor < 0) { $check_pan = ""; $check_zout = "CHECKED"; $check_zin = ""; } else { $check_pan = ""; $check_zout = ""; $check_zin = "CHECKED"; } $val_zsize = abs($zoom_factor); $map->zoompoint($zoom_factor,$my_point,$map->width,$map->height, $my_extent); } /* draw the images to cache */ $map->drawLabelCache($image); $image_url=$image->saveWebImage(); $extent_to_html = $map->extent->minx." ".$map->extent->miny." " .$map->extent->maxx." ".$map->extent->maxy; $scale_img = $map->drawScaleBar(); $scale_url = $scale_img->saveWebImage(); $ref_img = $map->drawReferenceMap(); $ref_url = $ref_img->saveWebImage(); $leg_img = $map->drawLegend(); $leg_url = $leg_img->saveWebImage(); ?> point mapping from database /* set up jbox */ /* falling back on CGI template */ "> "> "> scalebar: "> select mode: zoom query feature select zoom factors: Recenter (click on map) [zoomdir_0_check]> Zoom In (click or drag box) [zoomdir_1_check]> Zoom Out [zoomdir_-1_check]> Zoom Size "> "> "> -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Jan 11 12:59:50 2006 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 15:59:50 -0500 Subject: MapServer 4.8.0-rc2 available Message-ID: The second MapServer 4.8.0 release candidate is not available. Unless we find mjor issues with it then we should have our final release next week. You can get the source package from: The list of fixes/changes since 4.8.0-rc1 is included below Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.8.0-rc2 (2006-01-09) ------------------------------ - Commit fix for GD on win32 when different heaps are in use. (Bug 1513) - Correct bound reprojection issue with ogc filer (Bug 1600) - Correct mapscript windows build problem when flag USE_WMS_SVR was not set (Bug 1529) - Fix up allocation of the SDE ROW_ID columns and how the functions that call it were using it. (bug 1605) - Fixed crash with 3D polygons in Oracle Spatial (bug 1593) From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Jan 11 13:01:26 2006 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:01:26 -0500 Subject: MapServer 4.8.0-rc2 available In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Daniel Morissette wrote: > The second MapServer 4.8.0 release candidate is not available. Of course I meant that it is *now* available ... damn keyboard! ;) Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From Brent.Lund at STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 11 13:17:30 2006 From: Brent.Lund at STATE.MN.US (Brent Lund) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 15:17:30 -0600 Subject: leg_class_html block (using mapserv 4.6.2) Message-ID: I've set up a road layer with class definitions that vary the line type based on the viewing scale. shows the following "e.g. opt_flag=14 (shown below) means do not show classes in the legend that are out of scale." This is not true. opt_flag=14 means do not show LAYERS in the legend that are out of scale. Something like the following won't work. (Both or neither class appear in the leg_class_html block, depending on the layer's maxscale/minscale definition) ... CLASSITEM "csah_hwy" CLASS NAME "County Road" MAXSCALE 1000000 MINSCALE 150000 SYMBOL 'circle' COLOR 102 102 102 END CLASS NAME "County Road" MAXSCALE 150000 STYLE COLOR 102 102 102 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 6 END STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 SYMBOL 'rectangle-train' SIZE 2 END END ... To get around this, one needs to split the class definitions into 2 layers and set the maxscale/minscale for the layers. Brent -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 11 14:01:23 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:01:23 -0600 Subject: regex-0.12 install help Message-ID: Hello all, can anyone tell how to install regex-0.12 on a windows machine. The install help file given with the download has a linux installation. Thanks for your help ...... From rafeh at DREAMSCAPEIT.COM Wed Jan 11 14:17:06 2006 From: rafeh at DREAMSCAPEIT.COM (Rafe Hargrove) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:17:06 -0600 Subject: LABELITEM Using Variable Substitution Message-ID: I am having problems dynamically setting the column used by the LABELITEM property. MapServer is not substituting the parameter passed in the WMS call. Instead, it is using the parameter name as the column name and MapServer returns an error stating that the columnParameter column is not found. The format of the LABELITEM definition is: LABELITEM '%columnParameter%' I am using Windows, MapServer 4.6.1, and have been able to successfully use variable substition with the MapServer FILTER command. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rafe From claude-mapserver at SKIRANDO.CH Wed Jan 11 14:12:46 2006 From: claude-mapserver at SKIRANDO.CH (Claude Philipona) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 23:12:46 +0100 Subject: Conference? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Yes it will be taking place in Lausanne Switzerland, September 12-15th 2006 ( The new site will be launched soon with all the information about (submitting abstract, transportation and accomodation, sponsorship opportunities, ..) Claude On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 03:01:45PM -0500, Stephen Crawford wrote: > Does anyone know if there will be a Open Source Geospatial '06, and if so > when and where? Or at least when there might be some kind of an > announcement? > > Thanks, > Steve From condit at SDSC.EDU Wed Jan 11 15:27:58 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 15:27:58 -0800 Subject: regex-0.12 install help Message-ID: Has detailed information on building MapServer for windows. Download the regex package from that link and point your nmake.opt toward it. I had to comment out line 481 to get it to build correctly extern void printchar(); Perhaps that should be added to the howto. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of krishna S Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:01 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] regex-0.12 install help Hello all, can anyone tell how to install regex-0.12 on a windows machine. The install help file given with the download has a linux installation. Thanks for your help ...... From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 11 15:39:23 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 17:39:23 -0600 Subject: LABELITEM Using Variable Substitution Message-ID: Labelitem is not one of the parameters that support runtime substitution. Those that do are typically of the type where you would only want to replace a portion of the variable such as a FILTER. For a labelitem you can use syntax like: map_layername_labelitem=... Steve >>> Rafe Hargrove 01/11/06 4:17 PM >>> I am having problems dynamically setting the column used by the LABELITEM property. MapServer is not substituting the parameter passed in the WMS call. Instead, it is using the parameter name as the column name and MapServer returns an error stating that the columnParameter column is not found. The format of the LABELITEM definition is: LABELITEM '%columnParameter%' I am using Windows, MapServer 4.6.1, and have been able to successfully use variable substition with the MapServer FILTER command. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rafe From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Wed Jan 11 16:00:09 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 01:00:09 +0100 Subject: layer grouping In-Reply-To: <43C4D3EC.3279.514934@localhost> Message-ID: Hi Laura, have a look at the *wms_layer_group *metadata, which can take an xpath like expression for you to define a hierarchy, see also: Best regards, Bart Laura D?az wrote: >Hi there, >i am trying to configure some available layers in mapserver, i would like to group some >of them, i found no problem creating just one grouping level: > > > > > > >for this i just add the TAG GROUP to the layers i want to group, the problem comes >when i want to configure two or more levels like this: > > > > > > > > >My problem comes because the layer that groups a set of layers is not a layer itself so i >cant make a reference to it, if i create a layer as a LAYER to be the GROUP of some >sublayers, then this layer appears two times in the capabilities. >any ideas to create this second level of layer grouping?? >here part of the layers definition on my map file: > >#LAYER ># NAME ProtectedAreas ># METADATA ># "wms_title" "Protected Areas" ># END ># STATUS OFF ># TYPE ANNOTATION >#END > >LAYER > NAME zepa > GROUP ProtectedAreas > METADATA > "wms_title" "Zepa zones" > "wms_group_title" "Protected Areas" > gml_include_items "all" > END > STATUS ON > TYPE POLYGON > DUMP TRUE > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:23030" > END > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > CONNECTION "user=***** password=***** dbname=costas host=" > DATA "the_geom from (select * from zepa) as foo using unique gid = using >SRID=23030" > TOLERANCE 3 > CLASS > NAME "zepa" > TEMPLATE 'gmap/htdocs/templates/popplace.html' > COLOR 0 240 240 > OUTLINECOLOR 199 199 199 > END >END > >LAYER > NAME mreservas > GROUP ProtectedAreas > METADATA > "wms_title" "Microreservas" > gml_include_items "all" > END > STATUS ON > TYPE POLYGON > DUMP TRUE > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:23030" > END > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > CONNECTION "user=***** password=***** dbname=costas host=" > DATA "the_geom from (select * from mreservas) as foo using unique gid = using >SRID=23030" > TOLERANCE 3 > CLASS > NAME "mreservas" > TEMPLATE 'gmap/htdocs/templates/popplace.html' > COLOR 0 240 240 > OUTLINECOLOR 199 199 199 > END >END > > >thanks, > >Laura. > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Wed Jan 11 16:10:04 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 01:10:04 +0100 Subject: WFS LIMITATION OF MAPSERVER In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: The main difference is IMHO that Geoserver is more efficient using database sources like Oracle Spatial or PostGIS. Mapserver runs a query for each feature to be retrieved, whereas Geoserver will use more "smart" SQL to retrieve the features in 1 pass to the DB. Best regards, Bart Fabio D' Ovidio wrote: >Hi all, >I'd like to compare WFS Capabilities of Mapserver and GeoServer. >I know that Geoserver is better because MapServer doesn't support WFS-T but supports >only Base WFS. So, respect to Base WFS, wich is the difference with GeoServer ? >How many functionalities Geoserver has that MapServer hasn't ?? >Than u. >Fabio. > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From bengt.nilsson at AEROTECHTELUB.SE Wed Jan 11 17:33:20 2006 From: bengt.nilsson at AEROTECHTELUB.SE (Bengt Nilsson) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 19:33:20 -0600 Subject: Mapserver as a WMS server and reprojections Message-ID: Hi, I'm struggeling with mapserver and reprojections. I've set up mapserver as a WMS server and want to serve WMS clients with a couple of layers, most of them in 'epsg:4326' format, ie data are in a spat. DB in lat-long format. But, one layer is served via WMS calls to another server which only can deliver maps in 'equidistant cylindrical projection', epsg:9823 (which is in my epsg-file). The problem is that I can't get the 9823-layer to align with the other layers. I've tried 'everything' and am stuck. Maybe I misunderstand a lot about mapservers abilities about reprojections and therefore I have a couple of questions: But first - my configuration is: MapServer version 4.6.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=GEOS INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE 1. Suppose I have a couple of layers in different projections. Each of the layers has a 'PROJECTION'-clause, defining the actual projection and the 'wms_srs' parameter is the same as in the 'PROJECTION'-clause. Is it then possible to have a Map-layer 'PROJECTION' of a specific projection (and a corresponding metadata wms_srs)and get 'on-the-fly' reprojection by mapserver to this Map-layer projection? 2. Given the same situation as in 1) - is it possible to serve clients with more than one projection? How do you specify that in the map file then? 3. My mapfile definition right now is like this: .. WEB From bengt.nilsson at AEROTECHTELUB.SE Wed Jan 11 18:05:02 2006 From: bengt.nilsson at AEROTECHTELUB.SE (Bengt Nilsson) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 20:05:02 -0600 Subject: Mapserver as a WMS server and reprojections -ctd (sorry) Message-ID: Hi, I'm so sorry. It's late and I slipped on the keys so the previous msg was posted before I finished it... question 3 would be 3. My mapfile definition right now is like this: .. WEB . "wms_srs" "epsg:4326" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END LAYER NAME "L1" TYPE RASTER PROJECTION "init=epsg:9823" ##required END .. CONNECTION "http://xxxxx/yy?" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:9823" "wms_format" "image/gif" .. END END LAYER NAME "L2" METADATA .. "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxx dbname=xxx host=xxxx" DATA 'the_geom from k92_strandlin_polygon' PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" ##recommended END .. END .. .. More layers like "L2" The problem is that, if I request both layers "L1" and "L2", layer "L1" doesn't get repreojected to epsg:4326. What am I doing wrong? I don't get any errrors, both layers shows up. They are close to each other but obviously not in the same projection. /Regards Bengt From H.Viola at BOM.GOV.AU Wed Jan 11 18:59:29 2006 From: H.Viola at BOM.GOV.AU (Hester Jane Viola) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 13:59:29 +1100 Subject: WFS LIMITATION OF MAPSERVER Message-ID: Hi Fabio, The people responsible for CANRI did a lot of investigation on this topic. Perhaps you should contact them to discuss their findings. They use (a modified) GeoServer. Hope that helps -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Fabio D' Ovidio Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2006 10:30 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WFS LIMITATION OF MAPSERVER Hi all, I'd like to compare WFS Capabilities of Mapserver and GeoServer. I know that Geoserver is better because MapServer doesn't support WFS-T but supports only Base WFS. So, respect to Base WFS, wich is the difference with GeoServer ? How many functionalities Geoserver has that MapServer hasn't ?? Than u. Fabio. From bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM Wed Jan 11 19:43:25 2006 From: bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM (Fischer, Brian) Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:43:25 -0600 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom Message-ID: Travis - here is a user interface powered by MapServer using AJAX techniques that we are continually developing. Feel free to grab the js files, but it might not be the easiest to decipher. Brian -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Travis Kirstine GIS Tech Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:49 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom Can anyone provide a link to any demo sites using Mapserver with Ajax Thanks Trav From lists at NABBLE.COM Wed Jan 11 20:09:55 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 20:09:55 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image In-Reply-To: <13A5C639FDEBE7479A719909147A52280114C9E1@exbe004.arcadis-nl.local> Message-ID: Hi Everyboody, Very........ Thanks.............. I got the Map image on the browser. Hi Erik i done the same manner you described, Its working. For the beginners like me Map file and Query is given below, which i got the map image from Oracle Spatial MAP DEBUG ON STATUS ON SIZE 800 600 UNITS dd IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END EXTENT -180 -45 180 45 LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END NAME "CountryMap" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM country USING SRID 8307" CLASS NAME "Country_Class" STYLE COLOR 250 250 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END Query is http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/sdocountry/ If any suggestion and imporvement in the Map file please Reply I am waiting... Once again Thanks to all Regards, Prema Selvam. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Wed Jan 11 20:55:22 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 15:55:22 +1100 Subject: Group / Scale Message-ID: Hello all, I have a high res raster map of a fixed extent. I want to do the following, but don't know how: I want to group my high res raster with JPL bue marble so that when I zoom out I see the JPL blue marbe map, but when I zoom into my extent I render my high res raster map. With my mapserver map file, I'm stuck here: LAYER NAME "marble" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" MAXSCALE ??? MINSCALE ??? CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "BMNG" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END END LAYER NAME "my_high_res_map" DATA "data/my_mosaic.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" TRANSPARENCY ALPHA OFFSITE 0 0 0 MAXSCALE 4000000.0 MINSCALE ??? #0.0 METADATA wms_title "base_map" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" END END Any help would be great, I've been at it all day without luck! Many thanks, James _________________________________________________________________ ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) From nbarker at RSINC.COM Thu Jan 12 01:18:36 2006 From: nbarker at RSINC.COM (Norman Barker) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:18:36 -0000 Subject: Conference? Message-ID: Hi, How do we go about submitting abstracts for Presentations for Lausanne? I would quite like to present on GALEON, MapServer WCS for serving netCDF temporal data and a few of the research type projects we are doing here as well are all using MapServer. thanks, Norman -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Claude Philipona Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:13 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Conference? Yes it will be taking place in Lausanne Switzerland, September 12-15th 2006 ( The new site will be launched soon with all the information about (submitting abstract, transportation and accomodation, sponsorship opportunities, ..) Claude On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 03:01:45PM -0500, Stephen Crawford wrote: > Does anyone know if there will be a Open Source Geospatial '06, and if so > when and where? Or at least when there might be some kind of an > announcement? > > Thanks, > Steve From fportaneri.ext at RD.FRANCETELECOM.COM Thu Jan 12 01:52:13 2006 From: fportaneri.ext at RD.FRANCETELECOM.COM (zze-SIGALE PORTANERI F ext RD-BIZZ-SOP) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:52:13 +0100 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Message-ID: Hi Frank & Ed, Thanks for your prompt and efficient answers!!! You're right, the pbm seems to come from the prime meridiam mismatch (and not decimal degree conversion issue as I thought before). I was able to confim this by manually doing some conversion tests using the Convers useful little tool ( ). As per example, for a WGS84 GPS point in Paris: longitude=2.38388 latitude=48.85562 In Lambert II Etendu, I have today (wrong value) : X=775063.135566471 Y=2431242.54750943 which is given using "Paris" as origin in Convers and which corresponds to the postgis transform call : psql> select public.transform(GeometryFromText('POINT (2.38388 48.85562)', 4326), 27582); SRID=27582;POINT(775063.135566471 2431242.54750943) So I have to find other EPSG values to get the correct X/Y that should be: X=603478.33780249 Y=2428587.76696934. I didn't find it yet, but I keep investigating in the spatial_ref_sys postgis (0.9.1) table!!! Regards, FP -----Message d'origine----- De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Ed McNierney Envoy? : mercredi 11 janvier 2006 16:47 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Frank & FP - Good catch, Frank - that's an excellent possibility. FP, make sure your EPSG file contains an accurate definition of <27582>, including the prime meridian (primem) of 2.337229166666667. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: fwarmerdam at [mailto:fwarmerdam at] On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:16 AM To: Ed McNierney Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection WGS84 in decimal degree On 1/11/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > > FP - > > Your first GPS layer definition should be fine. You don't say what > data source you are using for your GPS data, but if it is a shapefile > or inline features you will be using decimal degrees and those will > work fine with the "init=epsg:4326" definition. > > The first thing I would suggest is that you confirm that the > EPSG:27582 projection is in fact correct. The related Paris / Lambert > projections (27581-27584, for example) are all rather similar and can > certainly look the same. Can you check the coordinates of a few > points to make sure they're accurate? An error of 200km is far too > large to be a datum error, but could easily be due to the different > false easting/northing values used in these similar projections. FP, I would add to Ed's comments that the PROJ definitions files for EPSG zones with alternate prime meridians are often messed up, and a horizontal offset of 250km is approximately the distance of the paris meridian from greenwich. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From luca76 at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 12 02:36:00 2006 From: luca76 at GMAIL.COM (Luca Manganelli) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:36:00 +0100 Subject: TIF or ECW: which is faster? Message-ID: Hi, I want to know which of TIF or ECW is faster. -- "An algorithm must be seen to be believed." -- Donald Knuth, in "Fundamental Algorithms" From m.cave-ayland at WEBBASED.CO.UK Thu Jan 12 02:44:39 2006 From: m.cave-ayland at WEBBASED.CO.UK (Mark Cave-Ayland) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:44:39 -0000 Subject: phpmapscript - query caching? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Chris Matheson > Sent: 11 January 2006 16:07 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] phpmapscript - query caching? > > Hi Folks, > > I'm using postGIS (v1.04), postgreSQL (v7.4.8) and phpmapscript (from > mapserver 4.4). > > I need a bit of help. I think I am using the wrong approach to this > problem... > > I'm creating a map with a report attached using php. I'm creating a > dynamic layer using postGIS & mapscript using a function like > $layer->set("data", $statement). Later I run the same statement using > pg_query($connection, $statement) to get the attributes. > > Everything works, but, because the query is big, and I'm running it > twice, my script is really slow. It's got to be a bad way to do it, it > feels wrong, even to me. Is there a way to avoid running the query > against the db twice? > > P.S. - I've tried using the attributes from the mapscript layer object, > but I didn't have much luck and fell back to running it with pg_query. > I want to run some php against the data to sort, filter and format it. > > > Chris M. Hi Chris, I don't think the list received the copy of your attached PHP - you might like to paste a simplified version of what you are trying to do into the message body and repost. In terms of sorting, filtering, and formatting the data, there is a good chance you can get PostgreSQL to do all this for you as part of your data statement using subselects, instead of having process it with PHP a second time. But until we can see your sample code, it's almost impossible to help. Also, it is worth checking your database schema and indices to see if your original query can be sped up. Bad query plans can often mean the difference between a 30 minutes query time and a sub-second query time. Kind regards, Mark. ------------------------ WebBased Ltd 17 Research Way Plymouth PL6 8BT T: +44 (0)1752 797131 F: +44 (0)1752 791023 This email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please delete it from your system and notify the sender. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose or distribute its contents to any other person. From Gail.Millin at MANCHESTER.AC.UK Thu Jan 12 02:45:03 2006 From: Gail.Millin at MANCHESTER.AC.UK (Gail Millin) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 04:45:03 -0600 Subject: GDAL support the reading of ERS and ASAR data in tiff format? Message-ID: Dear MapServer Users, I would like to use MapServer to serve ERS1&2, ASAR (AP,IM&WS) data in a WMS format. At present I have created WMS that serve landsat, spot data etc. I have tried to do the same for ERS and ASAR (see Mapfile syntax below ASAR AP example)however when I go to view the data in my web client all I see is a black box in the viewer? I am wondering if GDAL supports the ERS and ASAR radar data types? LAYER # apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil_geo (tiff) NAME "apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil_geo" GROUP "apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil_geo" STATUS ON TYPE RASTER TILEINDEX "apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil.shp" TILEITEM "Location" TRANSPARENCY 100 UNITS Meters #MINSCALE 1700001 #MAXSCALE 20000000 OFFSITE 255 255 255 TRANSFORM TRUE PROCESSING "BANDS=1" DEBUG ON METADATA "wms_title" "apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil_geo" "wms_name" "apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil_geo" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_srs" "EPSG:27700" "wms_onlineresource" " perability.htm" "wms_format" "image/png image/jpeg" "wms_group_title" "AP 040808 Frost VV" "wms_abstract" "Web Map Service powered by MapServer, maintained by MIMAS Team @ The Universty of Manchester" "wms_extent" "0 0 700005 1050000" "wms_metadataurl_href" "" "wms_dataurl_href" "" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:27700" END END #apv040808_Frost_vv_pwr_fil_geo (tiff) I would appreciate any suggestions or help from someone who has previously achieved serving ASAR and ERS data using MapServer. Many thanks Gail From nicolas.fortin at EC.GC.CA Thu Jan 12 06:00:11 2006 From: nicolas.fortin at EC.GC.CA (Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:00:11 -0500 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale Message-ID: Hi I have many layers that act like this, you only have to modify your MINSCALE and MAXSCALE within the group: For the high res, something like for example MAXSCALE 500000 For the marble MINSCALE 500000 MAXSCALE 5000000 # if any Hope this help Nicolas -----Message d'origine----- De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de James Net Envoy? : 11 janvier 2006 23:55 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale Hello all, I have a high res raster map of a fixed extent. I want to do the following, but don't know how: I want to group my high res raster with JPL bue marble so that when I zoom out I see the JPL blue marbe map, but when I zoom into my extent I render my high res raster map. With my mapserver map file, I'm stuck here: LAYER NAME "marble" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" MAXSCALE ??? MINSCALE ??? CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "BMNG" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END END LAYER NAME "my_high_res_map" DATA "data/my_mosaic.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" TRANSPARENCY ALPHA OFFSITE 0 0 0 MAXSCALE 4000000.0 MINSCALE ??? #0.0 METADATA wms_title "base_map" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" END END Any help would be great, I've been at it all day without luck! Many thanks, James _________________________________________________________________ ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) From hobu at IASTATE.EDU Thu Jan 12 06:47:03 2006 From: hobu at IASTATE.EDU (Howard Butler) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:47:03 -0600 Subject: TIF or ECW: which is faster? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Chris Hodgson of Refractions had a great presentation at MUM3 about serving large scale raster using compressed and uncompressed data. The short answer is if you've got the space, TIF is going to be faster. Howard At 11:36 AM +0100 1/12/06, Luca Manganelli wrote: >Hi, I want to know which of TIF or ECW is faster. > >-- >"An algorithm must be seen to be believed." > -- Donald Knuth, in "Fundamental Algorithms" > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 12 06:57:48 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:57:48 -0500 Subject: TIF or ECW: which is faster? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/12/06, Howard Butler wrote: > Chris Hodgson of Refractions had a great presentation at MUM3 about > serving large scale raster using compressed and uncompressed data. > The short answer is if you've got the space, TIF is going to be > faster. Luca, Note that some of Chris' problems were specific to the GDAL implementation of the file formats at that time. But nevertheless, as Howard suggests, for MapServer purposes, if you can spare the space a properly tiled TIFF with overviews will give better render speed than the various wavelet compressed formats. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 12 07:04:20 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:04:20 -0500 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/12/06, zze-SIGALE PORTANERI F ext RD-BIZZ-SOP wrote: > Hi Frank & Ed, > > Thanks for your prompt and efficient answers!!! > > You're right, the pbm seems to come from the prime meridiam mismatch (and not decimal degree conversion issue as I thought before). > I was able to confim this by manually doing some conversion tests using the Convers useful little tool ( ). > > As per example, for a WGS84 GPS point in Paris: longitude=2.38388 latitude=48.85562 > > In Lambert II Etendu, I have today (wrong value) : X=775063.135566471 Y=2431242.54750943 > which is given using "Paris" as origin in Convers and which corresponds to the postgis transform call : > > psql> select public.transform(GeometryFromText('POINT (2.38388 48.85562)', 4326), 27582); > SRID=27582;POINT(775063.135566471 2431242.54750943) > > So I have to find other EPSG values to get the correct X/Y that should be: > X=603478.33780249 Y=2428587.76696934. > > I didn't find it yet, but I keep investigating in the spatial_ref_sys postgis (0.9.1) table!!! FP, I think what you will need to do is correct the PROJ.4 definition in the spatial_ref_sys table. If you examine the +pm and +lon_0 settings you should be able to adjust things. Generally the problem generating the proj.4 was that the +pm setting was made *and* the +lon_0 was offset by the prime meridian (or something like that). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 12 07:06:30 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:06:30 -0500 Subject: GDAL support the reading of ERS and ASAR data in tiff format? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/12/06, Gail Millin wrote: > Dear MapServer Users, > > I would like to use MapServer to serve ERS1&2, ASAR (AP,IM&WS) data in a > WMS format. At present I have created WMS that serve landsat, spot data > etc. I have tried to do the same for ERS and ASAR (see Mapfile syntax below > ASAR AP example)however when I go to view the data in my web client all I > see is a black box in the viewer? I am wondering if GDAL supports the ERS > and ASAR radar data types? Gail, I am not familiar with distribution of ASAR data in GeoTIFF format, but I would guess it is 16bit data and so you will need to apply some scaling to it for visualization purposes. You could start adding the line: PROCESSING "SCALING=AUTO" But you may later want to specifically control the scaling. Read up on scaling in the raster howto. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Thu Jan 12 07:08:34 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:08:34 -0500 Subject: TIF or ECW: which is faster? Message-ID: Luca - It is very dangerous to make general statements like "ECW is faster". It's like saying "which is faster, a Lamborghini or a Trabant?" - if the Lamborghini's out of fuel, the Trabant is faster! Generally speaking, however, a well-organized set of TIFF images will be the fastest route. All else being equal, a compressed format like ECW lets you (when reading images) read less data and spend more time processing it. TIFF = more disk I/O, less CPU, while ECW = less disk I/O, more CPU. In general, that tradeoff favors the TIFF approach. For most disk systems, the slowest task is locating the file on disk and moving the read head to it. After that, reading data is pretty fast. So reading twice as much data from a file certainly does NOT take twice as long. If you used a compression scheme that reduced the data to 10% of its original size, you're going to seek for that file (in both cases) and in one case read 10X as much data as the other. But reading 10X as much data will not take 10X as long and may, in fact, not take any longer at all! The tradeoff is that decompression requires CPU and memory space. If you are serving multiple users, you are likely to get VERY quickly bogged down by these requirements, and if you start swapping you're in big trouble. Disk space is cheap; use TIFFs if possible, and spend your time thinking about how to organize them well and learning how your disk system behaves. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Luca Manganelli Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:36 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] TIF or ECW: which is faster? Hi, I want to know which of TIF or ECW is faster. -- "An algorithm must be seen to be believed." -- Donald Knuth, in "Fundamental Algorithms" From vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT Thu Jan 12 07:57:15 2006 From: vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT (Vito Meuli) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 16:57:15 +0100 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 Message-ID: Hello, I posted this question a month ago but I riceived no reply. I submit it again. I have a problem with the HTML legend: I have a mapfile with a HTML legend, and everything went fine until now. My mapfile is becoming larger, and it seems that when the number of group of layers in the mapfile grows (I guess more than 12 groups), then the map is generated but not the legend any more, without giving any error, so I don't understand what the problem is. In the source code I can't find anything like #MAXGROUPS or the like. An other user (thanks Ken Lord!) suggested me to leave statements like ANTIALIAS TRUE out of cartoline styles, but I have no cartoline style at all! I only have ANTIALIAS TRUE statements for labels. Do you have any idea? Many thanks in advance! Vito From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 12 08:26:06 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:26:06 -0600 Subject: Linker error Message-ID: Hi all, i was compiling mapserver 4.6.2 and i got this linker error cannot open file c:\Program.obj. I have searched the arhcives about this and i found out that this error could be caused if there is a space in the folders like program files. But i put all my related stuff in c:\Projects. Any suggestions please ....... From hfl at HOME.NL Thu Jan 12 08:35:28 2006 From: hfl at HOME.NL (Huub Fleuren) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 17:35:28 +0100 Subject: TRUETYPE character rotated placement In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: created bug for this nothing serious really Regards, Huub From fportaneri.ext at RD.FRANCETELECOM.COM Thu Jan 12 08:59:56 2006 From: fportaneri.ext at RD.FRANCETELECOM.COM (zze-SIGALE PORTANERI F ext RD-BIZZ-SOP) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 17:59:56 +0100 Subject: Projection WGS84 in decimal degree Message-ID: Hi Frank, Actually, I am able to get points almost OK by forcing a new pm definition in my Layer PROJECTION definition to cancel the Postgis one: LAYER NAME "GPS" PROJECTION "proj=longlat" "ellps=WGS84" "pm=-2.33722917" END ... END I say almost, because it looks like the GPS points appear at about 6 or 7 meters from the position they should... I am not familiar enough with projections and I don't know from where comes this light difference, but I guess that this can be fixed by tuning the some params of the proj: In postgis 0.9.1, the EPSG 27582 proj details are: +proj=lcc +lat_1=46.8 +lat_0=46.8 +lon_0=-2.33722917 +k_0=0.99987742 +x_0=600000 +y_0=2200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515 +towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0 +pm=paris +units=m +no_defs In any case, this is ok for me. Thanks again for your time, Regards Franck -----Message d'origine----- De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Frank Warmerdam Envoy? : jeudi 12 janvier 2006 16:04 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection WGS84 in decimal degree On 1/12/06, zze-SIGALE PORTANERI F ext RD-BIZZ-SOP wrote: > Hi Frank & Ed, > > Thanks for your prompt and efficient answers!!! > > You're right, the pbm seems to come from the prime meridiam mismatch (and not decimal degree conversion issue as I thought before). > I was able to confim this by manually doing some conversion tests using the Convers useful little tool ( ). > > As per example, for a WGS84 GPS point in Paris: longitude=2.38388 latitude=48.85562 > > In Lambert II Etendu, I have today (wrong value) : X=775063.135566471 > Y=2431242.54750943 which is given using "Paris" as origin in Convers and which corresponds to the postgis transform call : > > psql> select public.transform(GeometryFromText('POINT (2.38388 48.85562)', 4326), 27582); > SRID=27582;POINT(775063.135566471 2431242.54750943) > > So I have to find other EPSG values to get the correct X/Y that should be: > X=603478.33780249 Y=2428587.76696934. > > I didn't find it yet, but I keep investigating in the spatial_ref_sys postgis (0.9.1) table!!! FP, I think what you will need to do is correct the PROJ.4 definition in the spatial_ref_sys table. If you examine the +pm and +lon_0 settings you should be able to adjust things. Generally the problem generating the proj.4 was that the +pm setting was made *and* the +lon_0 was offset by the prime meridian (or something like that). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From kappu72 at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 12 09:01:50 2006 From: kappu72 at GMAIL.COM (Andrea Cappugi) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:01:50 -0600 Subject: Problem with ECW Message-ID: Hi, I have compiled ECW SDK 3.3 on debian linux, then i have recompiled gdal and I'm able to use ecw file. When I try to use ecw image in mapfile, shp2img gives error segmentation fault. So I have recompiled mapserver 4.6.1, but nothing change always segmentation fault sig. I have used valgrind to debug: valgrind shp2img -m -o pippo ==5501== Memcheck, a memory error detector. ==5501== Copyright (C) 2002-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==5501== Using LibVEX rev 1367, a library for dynamic binary translation. ==5501== Copyright (C) 2004-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP. ==5501== Using valgrind-3.0.1-Debian, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework. ==5501== Copyright (C) 2000-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==5501== For more details, rerun with: -v ==5501== --5501-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50 --5501-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50 --5501-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50 --5501-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50 ==5501== Thread 2: ==5501== Invalid read of size 4 ==5501== at 0x1C9EF94A: NCSThreadLSSetValue (in /usr/lib/ ==5501== by 0x1C9EFC78: (within /usr/lib/ ==5501== by 0x1C04BCFC: start_thread (in /lib/tls/ ==5501== by 0x1C129F1D: clone (in /lib/tls/ ==5501== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd ==5501== ==5501== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ==5501== Access not within mapped region at address 0x0 ==5501== at 0x1C9EF94A: NCSThreadLSSetValue (in /usr/lib/ ==5501== by 0x1C9EFC78: (within /usr/lib/ ==5501== by 0x1C04BCFC: start_thread (in /lib/tls/ ==5501== by 0x1C129F1D: clone (in /lib/tls/ ==5501== ==5501== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 117 from 1) ==5501== malloc/free: in use at exit: 753207 bytes in 1168 blocks. ==5501== malloc/free: 193455 allocs, 192287 frees, 32573846 bytes allocated. ==5501== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v ==5501== searching for pointers to 1168 not-freed blocks. ==5501== checked 11946920 bytes. ==5501== ==5501== LEAK SUMMARY: ==5501== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. ==5501== possibly lost: 1400 bytes in 68 blocks. ==5501== still reachable: 751807 bytes in 1100 blocks. ==5501== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. ==5501== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown. ==5501== To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes Killed Any idea. Thank Andrea From kenlord at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 12 09:30:18 2006 From: kenlord at GMAIL.COM (Ken Lord) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:30:18 -0800 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Vito, I updated bug #1370 recently with my observations on how using ANTIALIAS TRUE makes the HTML legend fail consistantly for me .... within a STYLE that draws the outlines of polygons in a polygon layer, using a cartoline symbol. ... Otherwise I can only suggest downgrading to MapServer 4.4.2 Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 1/12/06, Vito Meuli wrote: > Hello, I posted this question a month ago but I riceived no reply. > I submit it again. > > I have a problem with the HTML legend: > > I have a mapfile with a HTML legend, and everything went fine until now. > > My mapfile is becoming larger, and it seems that when the number of group of > layers in the mapfile grows (I guess more than 12 groups), then the map is > generated but not the legend any more, without giving any error, so I don't > understand what the problem is. > > In the source code I can't find anything like #MAXGROUPS or the like. > > An other user (thanks Ken Lord!) suggested me to leave statements like > ANTIALIAS TRUE out of cartoline styles, but I have no cartoline style at all! > > I only have ANTIALIAS TRUE statements for labels. > > Do you have any idea? > > Many thanks in advance! > Vito > > From LESSARDST at DFO-MPO.GC.CA Thu Jan 12 09:35:14 2006 From: LESSARDST at DFO-MPO.GC.CA (Stephane Lessard) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:35:14 -0500 Subject: NGA DNC Support? Message-ID: Hello list, Are there any plans to support Nautical Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's (NGA) Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) products in MapServer? Does anybody use those products? The format itself is called Vector Product Format (VPF). Thanks ! St?phane Lessard Canadian Coast Guard From work at XWB.COM Thu Jan 12 09:35:40 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:35:40 -0800 Subject: Interesting conference coming up In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) will present its 29th Annual Conference?No Barriers: Connected. Responsive. Prepared.?at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, April 23-26, 2006 Has anyone attended one of these? Is it worthwhile? Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 12 09:38:09 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:38:09 -0600 Subject: install using configure file Message-ID: Hello all, i was wondering how do we install a package for example proj- 4.4.9 using the configure file in it , i now that i linux its ./configure make make install and so on but whats the procedure in windows. Can anyone help me out in this please ...... From rvillaflor at ISPATECHNOLOGY.COM Thu Jan 12 09:39:02 2006 From: rvillaflor at ISPATECHNOLOGY.COM (Reuel Villaflor) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:39:02 -0500 Subject: MapServer/SSL/Certificates Message-ID: Hello. I've got MapServer 4.6.1 installed on a Windows 2k3 box. The installation was the binary installation, downloaded from MapServer website. I'm trying to grab a layer from a WMS which requires authentication using a digital certificate. My browser has the CA and client certificates installed, but it looks as though that's not good enough for MapServer - my guess is that MapServer's use of libcurl precludes any certificate registration done in the browser? Anyway, has anyone been able to use MapServer to access a WMS that requires certificates, and if so, could you point me to some additional information? Would this be as simple as fixing a *.map file, or would it be much more involved, such as recompiling, etc.? Thanks for any help. -R -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Thu Jan 12 09:54:27 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:54:27 +0100 Subject: MapServer/SSL/Certificates In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, check this page: Maybe setting the following environment variable to your certifcates directory might do the trick, I haven't tried this though. Are you using IIS? Then set the system environment variable and restart the server. If you are using Apache use SetEnv in the conf file and restart Apache. CURL_CA_BUNDLE Best regards, Bart Reuel Villaflor wrote: > Hello. > > I?ve got MapServer 4.6.1 installed on a Windows 2k3 box. The > installation was the binary installation, downloaded from MapServer > website. I?m trying to grab a layer from a WMS which requires > authentication using a digital certificate. > > My browser has the CA and client certificates installed, but it looks > as though that?s not good enough for MapServer ? my guess is that > MapServer?s use of libcurl precludes any certificate registration done > in the browser? > > Anyway, has anyone been able to use MapServer to access a WMS that > requires certificates, and if so, could you point me to some > additional information? Would this be as simple as fixing a *.map > file, or would it be much more involved, such as recompiling, etc.? > > Thanks for any help. > > -R > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 12 10:01:28 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:01:28 -0600 Subject: install using configure file Message-ID: I got it working guys ..... Anyways thanks for the group for all your previous help .... From aaronkoning at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 12 10:11:44 2006 From: aaronkoning at GMAIL.COM (Aaron Koning) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:11:44 -0800 Subject: install using configure file In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Aaron On 1/12/06, krishna S wrote: > > Hello all, i was wondering how do we install a package for example proj- > 4.4.9 using the configure file in it , i now that i linux its > ./configure > make > make install and so on but whats the procedure in windows. > > Can anyone help me out in this please ...... > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 12 10:33:13 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:33:13 -0600 Subject: regex-0.12 install help Message-ID: Thanks for your reply chris, i tried to nmake it but there was no in the regex folder instead there was a and it gave me some error if i build it with nmake. So what i did was i thought of building it with vc++ and so opened it in vc++ and built it but got this error. Cannot open include file: 'strings.h' one more i wanna let you know, i am in last stages of mapserver compilation and this is what error i get mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regcomp mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regerror mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regexec mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regfree Could you gimme any suggestions ..... Thanks for your help .... From rvillaflor at ISPATECHNOLOGY.COM Thu Jan 12 11:25:00 2006 From: rvillaflor at ISPATECHNOLOGY.COM (R. Villaflor) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 13:25:00 -0600 Subject: MapServer/SSL/Certificates Message-ID: Hi Bart, I tried the setEnv in Apache, and it did not work. Anyway, if I find anything, I'll post it. Thanks for the help. -R From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Thu Jan 12 14:25:24 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:25:24 +1100 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Again, So I tried the following without luck: Any Ideas? Help? LAYER NAME "earth" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON METADATA wms_title "earth" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" END END LAYER NAME "marble" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" MINSCALE 4000000.0 CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA wms_title "marble" # DO I NEED THIS HERE? "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "BMNG" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END END LAYER NAME "my_map" DATA "data/my_map.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" TRANSPARENCY ALPHA OFFSITE 0 0 0 MAXSCALE 4000000.0 # MINSCALE 100000000.0 METADATA wms_title "my_map" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" wms_abstract "The map" END END Thanks, James >From: "Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]" >To: "James Net" >, >Subject: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale >Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:00:11 -0500 > >Hi > >I have many layers that act like this, you only have to modify your >MINSCALE and MAXSCALE within the group: > >For the high res, something like for example >MAXSCALE 500000 > >For the marble >MINSCALE 500000 >MAXSCALE 5000000 # if any > >Hope this help >Nicolas > >-----Message d'origine----- >De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la >part de James Net >Envoy? : 11 janvier 2006 23:55 >? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > > >Hello all, > >I have a high res raster map of a fixed extent. I want to do the following, >but don't know how: I want to group my high res raster with JPL bue marble >so that when I zoom out I see the JPL blue marbe map, but when I zoom into >my extent I render my high res raster map. > >With my mapserver map file, I'm stuck here: > > LAYER > NAME "marble" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > GROUP "earth" > MAXSCALE ??? > MINSCALE ??? > CONNECTION "" > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > METADATA > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > "wms_name" "BMNG" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > END > END > > LAYER > NAME "my_high_res_map" > DATA "data/my_mosaic.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > GROUP "earth" > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > MAXSCALE 4000000.0 > MINSCALE ??? #0.0 > METADATA > wms_title "base_map" > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > END > END > >Any help would be great, I've been at it all day without luck! > > >Many thanks, > >James > >_________________________________________________________________ >ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > _________________________________________________________________ Make your dream car a reality From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 12 14:31:46 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 17:31:46 -0500 Subject: NGA DNC Support? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/12/06, Stephane Lessard wrote: > Hello list, > > Are there any plans to support Nautical Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's > (NGA) Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) products in MapServer? Does anybody use > those products? The format itself is called Vector Product Format (VPF). > > > St?phane, I have successfully used some DNC products through OGR using the OGDI bridge. OGDI includes a general VPF driver. If you want to experiment a bit with this, the FWTools builds include OGDI support. The tricky part is getting the right datasource name, and layer name. For my tests I used the following DNC datasource name: gltp:/vrf/home/warmerda/dnc13/h1316010 The gltp:/vrf/ part tells the system that the OGDI (gltp protocol) bridge should be used, and through that bridge the OGDI VRF (VPF) driver is used. When I use ogrinfo I get the following list of layers: [guest at gdal2200 guest]$ ogrinfo -ro gltp:/vrf/home/warmerda/dnc13/h1316010 INFO: Open of `gltp:/vrf/home/warmerda/dnc13/h1316010' using driver `OGDI' successful. 1: buildnga at cul(*)_area (Polygon) 2: industa at cul(*)_area (Polygon) 3: landmrka at cul(*)_area (Polygon) 4: transa at cul(*)_area (Polygon) 5: fencel at cul(*)_line (Line String) 6: railrdl at cul(*)_line (Line String) 7: transl at cul(*)_line (Line String) 8: buildngp at cul(*)_point (Point) 9: commp at cul(*)_point (Point) 10: industp at cul(*)_point (Point) 11: landmrkp at cul(*)_point (Point) 12: ecrarea at ecr(*)_area (Polygon) 13: foreshoa at ecr(*)_area (Polygon) 14: adminl at ecr(*)_line (Line String) 15: coastl at ecr(*)_line (Line String) 16: foreshol at ecr(*)_line (Line String) 17: islandp at ecr(*)_point (Point) 18: ecrtext at ecr(*)_text (Point) 19: tidep at env(*)_point (Point) 20: hydarea at hyd(*)_area (Polygon) 21: hydline at hyd(*)_line (Line String) 22: botcharp at hyd(*)_point (Point) 23: soundp at hyd(*)_point (Point) 24: canala at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) 25: lakea at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) 26: misciwya at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) 27: rivera at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) 28: canall at iwy(*)_line (Line String) 29: riverl at iwy(*)_line (Line String) 30: embanka at lcr(*)_area (Polygon) 31: lcrline at lcr(*)_line (Line String) 32: limbndya at lim(*)_area (Polygon) 33: limbndya at lim(*)_area (Polygon) 34: maritima at lim(*)_area (Polygon) 35: maritima at lim(*)_area (Polygon) 36: distl at lim(*)_line (Line String) 37: distl at lim(*)_line (Line String) 38: limbndyl at lim(*)_line (Line String) 39: limbndyl at lim(*)_line (Line String) 40: maritiml at lim(*)_line (Line String) 41: maritiml at lim(*)_line (Line String) 42: routel at lim(*)_line (Line String) 43: routel at lim(*)_line (Line String) 44: limbndyp at lim(*)_point (Point) 45: leadingl at nav(*)_line (Line String) 46: buoybcnp at nav(*)_point (Point) 47: lightsp at nav(*)_point (Point) 48: markerp at nav(*)_point (Point) 49: bridgea at obs(*)_area (Polygon) 50: dangera at obs(*)_area (Polygon) 51: hazarda at obs(*)_area (Polygon) 52: obstruca at obs(*)_area (Polygon) 53: reefa at obs(*)_area (Polygon) 54: ruinsa at obs(*)_area (Polygon) 55: bridgel at obs(*)_line (Line String) 56: hazardl at obs(*)_line (Line String) 57: pipelinl at obs(*)_line (Line String) 58: dangerp at obs(*)_point (Point) 59: hazardp at obs(*)_point (Point) 60: loadingp at obs(*)_point (Point) 61: obstrucp at obs(*)_point (Point) 62: ruinsp at obs(*)_point (Point) 63: piera at por(*)_area (Polygon) 64: structra at por(*)_area (Polygon) 65: pierl at por(*)_line (Line String) 66: seawalll at por(*)_line (Line String) 67: structrl at por(*)_line (Line String) 68: berthp at por(*)_point (Point) 69: mooringp at por(*)_point (Point) 70: relline at rel(*)_line (Line String) 71: dqyarea at dqy(*)_area (Polygon) 72: tileref at tileref(*)_area (Polygon) 73: libref at libref(*)_line (Line String) The layer names are pretty funky, but it should work. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From condit at SDSC.EDU Thu Jan 12 15:26:00 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 15:26:00 -0800 Subject: ArcInfo Ascii Grid Message-ID: I gave up on using Oracle Spatial to generate raster images from SDO points on the fly. Instead - I pull the proper information from the database into an ArcInfo ASCII Grid file. This much is working fine - however I'm running into some issues when attempting to display the .txt file through MapServer: *) How to use the CLASS in the layer to change the raster classification. Right now it just ranges from black to gray. The information is there but almost impossible to see. How do I change this to range from red to blue - and be stratified automatically? *) Does the NODATA_Value in the ASCII Grid file mess up the classification scheme? Thanks for your time, Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 12 17:02:28 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 19:02:28 -0600 Subject: unresolved error Message-ID: Hello all, i am comiling mapserver 4.6.2 with php and mapscript, i am getting a few errors, if anyone is aware of it could you please let me know. I got help from others in the group before and it really helped me a lot. mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regcomp mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regfree mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regexec mapregex.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _regfree Thanks for your help guys .... From beproject06 at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 13 00:52:00 2006 From: beproject06 at YAHOO.COM (Apeksha Bhambhani) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 00:52:00 -0800 Subject: Shapefiles doubts In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Bill , Thanks for your informative reply. Firstly , let me explain to u what are we doing in our project .We are working on the LAMP platform. We are creating an interactive web application . Users will be provided with a map , on which they can make their own additions and deletions.For example , when a certain user wants to landmark a certain city . Could u help us out with a few of r doubts . Firstly as the input to the Mapserver will be shapefiles , we will be creating our layers , (EG. Point , Polygon , etc,) with the help of OpenEV.This input will be given to the Mapfile of the Mapserver , which willl in turn give a complete image comprising of all the layers. This map can then be displayed using Php/Mapscript. However , we were wondering as to , how would the changes be rendered dynamically to the map using the shapefiles. When the user enters a certain point , the point details need to be added to MySql. But at the same time to reflect the changes online , dont the changes need to be made even to the shapefile. How else will this point be plotted ? Also , we were initially planning on buying Web Mapping Illustrated . However , your book seems to be more relevant , do u think so ( keeping in mind of what our project deals with ) ? Would it be possible for you to mail us the table-of-contents of your book. We tried searching it online , but the site somehow doesnt open properly. Thanks once again , Apeksha Bill Kropla wrote: Hi Apeksha I take from the questions you are asking that your experience with digital mapping and GIS is limited. (If I'm mistaken, many apologies.) I have addressed your questions below: ************************** 1.While writing the mapfile , we need to specify the extent of the map . The background map chosen being in PNG image type , how do we get the extent of this image , so as to enter this data in the mapfile . There are 2 types of spatial data: vector and raster. Shapefile data is an example of vector data; each shapefile contains position information that allows an application to actually draw lines, points and polygons. Raster data is essentially an image that is drawn pixel by pixel and line by line. However, in order to be drawn as a layer in a map, raster data needs to be "geo-referenced", that is, it must contain spatial information that allows the application to coordinate the raster image with vector data. Unfortunately, the PNG format does not allow this - it contains no spatial data. GeoTiff images do contain this spatial info and this is the format used for spatial applications. You can use FWTools to do the geo-referencing if you have enough ground control points and create your own geoTiff, but this is a fairly advanced topic. ************************** 2.In interactive web-mapping , do we need MySql to store the data of the various points being plotted on the map or are the shapefiles sufficient . It is not exactly clear what your trying to accomplish, but if you have a set of location coordinates and wish to plot these on a map, there are a number of ways to do this. If you spatial data is already located in a shapefile, use that. But if you just have a list of locations (in a text file for example) and if the set is small, you can use MapServer's inline feature capability. A map file that does this looks like this (note the point layer) NAME "Hello World" SIZE 400 300 IMAGECOLOR 249 245 186 IMAGETYPE png EXTENT -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 WEB TEMPLATE "/var/www/htdocs/hello.html" IMAGEPATH "/var/www/htdocs/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END LAYER STATUS default TYPE point FEATURE POINTS 0.00 0.00 END TEXT "Hello World" END # end feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 END LABEL TYPE bitmap END END END END If your set contains more than a single point, just replace the points line with something like the following: POINTS 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 END which will draw 3 points. If you have a large set of points, you are better off using the MapServer API (called MapScript) that is exposed in various languages like Perl, PHP and Python. You can then use a MySQL database containing location information and use MapScript to create the application in one of the supported languages. A 3rd option is to use ogr2ogr to convert a text file in CSV format to shapefile format. This is easier to do than learning MapScript but limits the power of your application. ************************** 3. We are working on an online project and when a new point needs to be plotted on the map and displayed , how can this data be entered into the shapefiles . We have read somewhere that Mapscripting can be used to convert textfiles to shapefiles . Can you please direct us as to how can that be done ??? The remarks to question 2 apply here. ************************** 4. We have got to know about this book "Web mapping illustrated - By Tyler Mitchell , O'reilly Publications " . Has anyone used used it for developing an online interactive web-mapping apllication (example editing of maps ). I can't really speak to the quality of Tyler Mitchell's book, I haven't read it, but the reviews are very good. However, get ready for a shameles plug :^), my book Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS Development deals exclusively with MapServer and MapScript issues. It begins with the installation of MapServer, discusses basic concepts of GIS and provides a comprehensive introduction to using MapServer including Perl MapScript, Python MapScript and PHP/MapScript. Finally, it includes a complete, interactive mapping application coded in PHP/MapScript that uses MySQL to store the dynamic spatial information used to draw symbols on a map. The source code is available at: It is available is an e-book at the same location or from at: I hope this helps. regards, Bill Kropla --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT Fri Jan 13 02:00:02 2006 From: vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT (Vito Meuli) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 11:00:02 +0100 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ken, this is an interesting piece of information added to my understanding of the problem. I have no cartoline symbol, but I have lots of layers that draws outlines of polygons! I've tryed leaving out ALL my ANTIALIAS TRUE from my mapfile, but the problem remains. I can let the legend come back only removing layers one after the other. At a certain point, the legend comes back. But if I put in again the last layer removed, I can let the legend come back removing a class after the other. The classes are all similar to this one: CLASS NAME "Edilizia esistente" EXPRESSION "B" STYLE #symbol 0 COLOR 224 166 166 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # CLASS The layer that actually triggers the problem on (having removed a lot of other ones) is the following: LAYER # layer delle subaree del PRG - urb primaria NAME "urb_prg_subaree" METADATA cliccabile "SI" visibilita "da 1:25.000" END DATA "the_geom from prg_subcomp" GROUP "Piano di Fabbricazione" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=sanpancrazio password=sanpancrazi0 dbname=sanpancrazio host=localhost port=5432" PROJECTION "proj=tmerc" "lon_0=15" # longitudine dell"origine "x_0=2520000" # falsa x "k=0.9996" # fattore di riduzione di scala "ellps=intl" # espressione dell"ellissoide terrestre END CLASSITEM sottozona CLASS NAME "Strada di P.R.G." EXPRESSION "_S" STYLE #symbol 0 COLOR 240 240 240 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME "Centro Storico" EXPRESSION "A1" STYLE #symbol 0 COLOR 200 200 200 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # CLASS CLASS NAME "Edilizia esistente" EXPRESSION "B" STYLE #symbol 0 COLOR 224 166 166 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # CLASS END However my colleague says the problem seems to come out randomly when he adds layers to a mapfile. I really can't understand what triggers the problem on, so I can only try to come back to Mapserver 4.4.2 and hope... Should I add this email to Bugzilla? How does it work? Thanks a lot for the help. Cheers, Vito Alle 18:30, gioved? 12 gennaio 2006, Ken Lord ha scritto: > Hi Vito, > > I updated bug #1370 recently with my observations on how using > ANTIALIAS TRUE makes the HTML legend fail consistantly for me .... > within a STYLE that draws the outlines of polygons in a polygon layer, > using a cartoline symbol. > > ... Otherwise I can only suggest downgrading to MapServer 4.4.2 > > Cheers, > Ken Lord > Vancouver BC > From girgink at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 13 02:13:14 2006 From: girgink at GMAIL.COM (Serkan Girgin) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:13:14 +0200 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Travis, I'm working for a JavaScript interface to Mapserver for a while, which uses Ajax. It is not complete yet, but has basic features like zoom, pan, selection and it is in a windowed environment, i.e. can be resized freely. With docking window function one can dock map window to any html element (e.g. div) and undock it to resize and move to any location in the web page. Below is a link to the code in action. Press 'Harita' button to switch to MapViewer (web site is in Turkish, sorry for that) A demo with selection support is also available, but currently it works only with Firefox. There should be a small bug with IE, but I couldn't find time to deal with it. --- Serkan Girgin girgink at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Fischer, Brian Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:43 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom Travis - here is a user interface powered by MapServer using AJAX techniques that we are continually developing. Feel free to grab the js files, but it might not be the easiest to decipher. Brian -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Travis Kirstine GIS Tech Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:49 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom Can anyone provide a link to any demo sites using Mapserver with Ajax Thanks Trav From girgink at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 13 02:14:46 2006 From: girgink at GMAIL.COM (Serkan Girgin) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:14:46 +0200 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom Message-ID: Sorry for incomplete post. Link to the demo is: Regards, --- Serkan Girgin girgink at -----Original Message----- From: Serkan Girgin [mailto:girgink at] Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 12:13 PM To: 'mapserver-users at' Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom Hi Travis, I'm working for a JavaScript interface to Mapserver for a while, which uses Ajax. It is not complete yet, but has basic features like zoom, pan, selection and it is in a windowed environment, i.e. can be resized freely. With docking window function one can dock map window to any html element (e.g. div) and undock it to resize and move to any location in the web page. Below is a link to the code in action. Press 'Harita' button to switch to MapViewer (web site is in Turkish, sorry for that) A demo with selection support is also available, but currently it works only with Firefox. There should be a small bug with IE, but I couldn't find time to deal with it. --- Serkan Girgin girgink at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Fischer, Brian Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:43 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom Travis - here is a user interface powered by MapServer using AJAX techniques that we are continually developing. Feel free to grab the js files, but it might not be the easiest to decipher. Brian -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Travis Kirstine GIS Tech Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:49 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] AJAX sites Ka-boom Can anyone provide a link to any demo sites using Mapserver with Ajax Thanks Trav From mgleahy at GOLDEN.NET Fri Jan 13 01:21:08 2006 From: mgleahy at GOLDEN.NET (Mike Leahy) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 04:21:08 -0500 Subject: WKT with PHP/MapScript? Message-ID: Hello list, I noticed an RFC on the MapServer website ( that discusses adding WKT to mapscript - this RFC's status is set to 'completed', but the functionality has not been added to the MapScript dll for PHP (as far as I can tell). Is this likely to be added in the (relatively) near future? I'm asking because we're putting together tools that will store shapes from a query result in PostGIS tables, as well as using shapes from PostGIS to query layers with MapScript. For now, it appears that the only way to do this is by parsing through the shape objects in MapScript to create WKT strings, and vice versa. Clearly, support for direct conversion of WKT to/from MapScript shapes would be very handy in our case, and I imagine it would execute a bit faster as part of a dll rather than in PHP. I briefly had my hopes up when I saw that RFC saying that WKT support had been added...just not for PHP - oh well. Regards, Mike From Gail.Millin at MANCHESTER.AC.UK Fri Jan 13 05:35:10 2006 From: Gail.Millin at MANCHESTER.AC.UK (Gail Millin) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:35:10 +0000 Subject: GDAL support the reading of ERS and ASAR data in tiff format? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, I have added the PROCESSING "SCALE=AUTO" in the mapfile however still no luck. Taken a look at the raster howto and the data I am trying to serve is unsigned 8bit data. I am confused on how I classify unsigned 8bit data and is it MapServer that would generate a look up table? Thanks for your help Gail > Gail, > > I am not familiar with distribution of ASAR data in GeoTIFF > format, but I would guess it is 16bit data and so you will > need to apply some scaling to it for visualization purposes. > > You could start adding the line: > > PROCESSING "SCALING=AUTO" > > But you may later want to specifically control the scaling. > Read up on scaling in the raster howto. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+---------------------------------- > ---- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT Fri Jan 13 06:23:46 2006 From: vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT (Vito Meuli) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 15:23:46 +0100 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ken, bad news! Unfortunately Mapserver 4.4.2 has the problem as well! I'm using the Mapserver 4.6.1 CGI-BIN on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4. I have compiled almost everything (well, it was a colleague of mine who did it), from PostgreSQL/PostGIS to the graphic libraries. The only version I know to work is 4.2.3, but unfortunately it has another bug... I'd like to try some other old versions, but the restyled website of Mapserver hasn't the page of previous versions yet. Any ideas? Thanks a lot. Cheers, Vito Meuli From nicolas.fortin at EC.GC.CA Fri Jan 13 06:40:45 2006 From: nicolas.fortin at EC.GC.CA (Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:40:45 -0500 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale Message-ID: Hi James, You can't have a both a GROUP and a LAYER with the same name. What's the purpose of the first layer?? Here's an example I have that works well (oraclespatial): LAYER GROUP "RIV6P" NAME "RIV6PFULL_LINE" TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "****/****@odyssee" DATA "LINE FROM (SELECT LINE, SHORELINE_ID FROM USR_SHORELINE.V_SHORELINE_6P) USING UNIQUE SHORELINE_ID SRID 82196" STATUS ON DUMP TRUE MAXSCALE 500000 METADATA "wms_group_title" "Ligne de Rivage du fleuve St-Laurent" "wms_group_abstract" "blablabla..." "wms_title" "Ligne de rivage d?taill?e" "wms_abstract" "blablabla" "wms_extent" "198000 4983000 384000 5139000" "wms_srs" "EPSG:2145" "wms_metadataurl_href" "" "wms_metadataurl_format" "text/xml" "wms_metadataurl_type" "FGDC" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:2145" #NAD83 MTM Zone8 END CLASS NAME "Ligne de rivage d?taill?" COLOR 0 51 255 SYMBOL 'CIRCLE' SIZE 1 END END LAYER GROUP "RIV6P" NAME "RIV6PLIGHT_LINE" TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "****/****@odyssee" DATA "LINE FROM (SELECT LINE, LINE_ID FROM USR_SHORELINE.V_SHORELINE_L) USING UNIQUE LINE_ID SRID 82196" STATUS ON DUMP TRUE MINSCALE 500000 MAXSCALE 1000000 METADATA "wms_group_title" "Ligne de Rivage du fleuve St-Laurent" "wms_group_abstract" "blablabla..." "wms_title" "Ligne de rivage all?g?e" "wms_abstract" "blablabla" "wms_extent" "198000 4983000 384000 5139000" "wms_srs" "EPSG:2145" "wms_metadataurl_href" "" "wms_metadataurl_format" "text/xml" "wms_metadataurl_type" "FGDC" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:2145" #NAD83 MTM Zone8 END CLASS NAME "Ligne de rivage all?g?e" COLOR 0 51 255 SYMBOL 'CIRCLE' SIZE 1 END END Nicolas -----Message d'origine----- De : James Net [mailto:james_marsnett at] Envoy? : 12 janvier 2006 17:25 ? : Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : RE: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale Hi Again, So I tried the following without luck: Any Ideas? Help? LAYER NAME "earth" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON METADATA wms_title "earth" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" END END LAYER NAME "marble" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" MINSCALE 4000000.0 CONNECTION "" CONNECTIONTYPE WMS METADATA wms_title "marble" # DO I NEED THIS HERE? "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "BMNG" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_format" "image/jpeg" END END LAYER NAME "my_map" DATA "data/my_map.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON GROUP "earth" TRANSPARENCY ALPHA OFFSITE 0 0 0 MAXSCALE 4000000.0 # MINSCALE 100000000.0 METADATA wms_title "my_map" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" wms_abstract "The map" END END Thanks, James >From: "Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]" >To: "James Net" >, >Subject: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale >Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:00:11 -0500 > >Hi > >I have many layers that act like this, you only have to modify your >MINSCALE and MAXSCALE within the group: > >For the high res, something like for example >MAXSCALE 500000 > >For the marble >MINSCALE 500000 >MAXSCALE 5000000 # if any > >Hope this help >Nicolas > >-----Message d'origine----- >De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De >la >part de James Net >Envoy? : 11 janvier 2006 23:55 >? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > > >Hello all, > >I have a high res raster map of a fixed extent. I want to do the >following, but don't know how: I want to group my high res raster with >JPL bue marble so that when I zoom out I see the JPL blue marbe map, >but when I zoom into my extent I render my high res raster map. > >With my mapserver map file, I'm stuck here: > > LAYER > NAME "marble" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > GROUP "earth" > MAXSCALE ??? > MINSCALE ??? > CONNECTION "" > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > METADATA > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > "wms_name" "BMNG" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > END > END > > LAYER > NAME "my_high_res_map" > DATA "data/my_mosaic.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > GROUP "earth" > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > MAXSCALE 4000000.0 > MINSCALE ??? #0.0 > METADATA > wms_title "base_map" > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > END > END > >Any help would be great, I've been at it all day without luck! > > >Many thanks, > >James > >_________________________________________________________________ >ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > >F&_t=752129232&_r=Hotmail_tagline_23Nov05&_m=EXT _________________________________________________________________ Make your dream car a reality From LESSARDST at DFO-MPO.GC.CA Fri Jan 13 07:37:58 2006 From: LESSARDST at DFO-MPO.GC.CA (Stephane Lessard) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:37:58 -0500 Subject: NGA DNC Support? Message-ID: Frank, Thank you very much, it works like a charm. In case anyone was wondering, in Windows it looks like: ogrinfo -ro gltp:/vrf/c:/temp/dnc18/A1807250 Best regards, St?phane > -----Message d'origine----- > De : fwarmerdam at [mailto:fwarmerdam at] De la > part de Frank Warmerdam > Envoy? : 12 janvier 2006 17:32 > ? : LESSARDST at > Cc : MAPSERVER-USERS at > Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] NGA DNC Support? > > On 1/12/06, Stephane Lessard wrote: > > Hello list, > > > > Are there any plans to support Nautical Geospatial-Intelligence > > Agency's > > (NGA) Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) products in MapServer? > Does anybody > > use those products? The format itself is called Vector > Product Format (VPF). > > > > > > > > St?phane, > > I have successfully used some DNC products through OGR using > the OGDI bridge. OGDI includes a general VPF driver. > If you want to experiment a bit with this, the FWTools builds > include OGDI support. > > The tricky part is getting the right datasource name, and > layer name. For my tests I used the following DNC datasource > name: > > gltp:/vrf/home/warmerda/dnc13/h1316010 > > The gltp:/vrf/ part tells the system that the OGDI (gltp > protocol) bridge should be used, and through that bridge the > OGDI VRF (VPF) driver is used. > > When I use ogrinfo I get the following list of layers: > > [guest at gdal2200 guest]$ ogrinfo -ro > gltp:/vrf/home/warmerda/dnc13/h1316010 > INFO: Open of `gltp:/vrf/home/warmerda/dnc13/h1316010' > using driver `OGDI' successful. > 1: buildnga at cul(*)_area (Polygon) > 2: industa at cul(*)_area (Polygon) > 3: landmrka at cul(*)_area (Polygon) > 4: transa at cul(*)_area (Polygon) > 5: fencel at cul(*)_line (Line String) > 6: railrdl at cul(*)_line (Line String) > 7: transl at cul(*)_line (Line String) > 8: buildngp at cul(*)_point (Point) > 9: commp at cul(*)_point (Point) > 10: industp at cul(*)_point (Point) > 11: landmrkp at cul(*)_point (Point) > 12: ecrarea at ecr(*)_area (Polygon) > 13: foreshoa at ecr(*)_area (Polygon) > 14: adminl at ecr(*)_line (Line String) > 15: coastl at ecr(*)_line (Line String) > 16: foreshol at ecr(*)_line (Line String) > 17: islandp at ecr(*)_point (Point) > 18: ecrtext at ecr(*)_text (Point) > 19: tidep at env(*)_point (Point) > 20: hydarea at hyd(*)_area (Polygon) > 21: hydline at hyd(*)_line (Line String) > 22: botcharp at hyd(*)_point (Point) > 23: soundp at hyd(*)_point (Point) > 24: canala at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) > 25: lakea at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) > 26: misciwya at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) > 27: rivera at iwy(*)_area (Polygon) > 28: canall at iwy(*)_line (Line String) > 29: riverl at iwy(*)_line (Line String) > 30: embanka at lcr(*)_area (Polygon) > 31: lcrline at lcr(*)_line (Line String) > 32: limbndya at lim(*)_area (Polygon) > 33: limbndya at lim(*)_area (Polygon) > 34: maritima at lim(*)_area (Polygon) > 35: maritima at lim(*)_area (Polygon) > 36: distl at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 37: distl at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 38: limbndyl at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 39: limbndyl at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 40: maritiml at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 41: maritiml at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 42: routel at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 43: routel at lim(*)_line (Line String) > 44: limbndyp at lim(*)_point (Point) > 45: leadingl at nav(*)_line (Line String) > 46: buoybcnp at nav(*)_point (Point) > 47: lightsp at nav(*)_point (Point) > 48: markerp at nav(*)_point (Point) > 49: bridgea at obs(*)_area (Polygon) > 50: dangera at obs(*)_area (Polygon) > 51: hazarda at obs(*)_area (Polygon) > 52: obstruca at obs(*)_area (Polygon) > 53: reefa at obs(*)_area (Polygon) > 54: ruinsa at obs(*)_area (Polygon) > 55: bridgel at obs(*)_line (Line String) > 56: hazardl at obs(*)_line (Line String) > 57: pipelinl at obs(*)_line (Line String) > 58: dangerp at obs(*)_point (Point) > 59: hazardp at obs(*)_point (Point) > 60: loadingp at obs(*)_point (Point) > 61: obstrucp at obs(*)_point (Point) > 62: ruinsp at obs(*)_point (Point) > 63: piera at por(*)_area (Polygon) > 64: structra at por(*)_area (Polygon) > 65: pierl at por(*)_line (Line String) > 66: seawalll at por(*)_line (Line String) > 67: structrl at por(*)_line (Line String) > 68: berthp at por(*)_point (Point) > 69: mooringp at por(*)_point (Point) > 70: relline at rel(*)_line (Line String) > 71: dqyarea at dqy(*)_area (Polygon) > 72: tileref at tileref(*)_area (Polygon) > 73: libref at libref(*)_line (Line String) > > The layer names are pretty funky, but it should work. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+---------------------- > ---------- > ---------------------------------------+------ > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial > Programmer for Rent > From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 13 08:09:37 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:09:37 -0600 Subject: PHP Mapscript hep Message-ID: Hello all, i was previousy trying to compile mapserver 4.6.2 on windows 2000 but was unsuccesfull as i got a bunch of errors and i couldnt figure out what they are. So i downloaded the Mapserver and phpmapscript 4.8.0 for php5.1.1 and copied the phpmapscript dll to the extensions directory and mapserver to the webserver cgi-bin dir. But now i get a new error when i run my phpscript to generate map, its Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Not supported in multithreaded Web servers - use extension=php_mapscript_48.dll in your php.ini Then i included the line extension=php_mapscript_48.dll in the php.ini file and even copied the php_mapscript_48.dll to system32 folder but then the webserver doesnt start. This is what i use in php script to load the dll dl('php_mapscript_48.dll'); and i get the error here. I know this is not really a mapserver question but was just trying my luck out .. From saengpole at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 13 09:04:40 2006 From: saengpole at YAHOO.COM (Krung Saengpole) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:04:40 -0800 Subject: PostGIS problem Message-ID: Hi all, I'm a newbie with postgis and postgresql. I'd like to convert circle '((x,y),r)' in postgresql to geometry for using with postgis functions. How can I do it? Please give me an example or some function scripts to start with. Thank you. Krung --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos ? Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover Photo Books. You design it and we?ll bind it! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jl.cardoso at SGSMAP.COM Fri Jan 13 08:57:09 2006 From: jl.cardoso at SGSMAP.COM (Juan Luis Cardoso) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 17:57:09 +0100 Subject: HTML Legend with PHP Message-ID: Hi list I am new with Mapserver. I am developing a MapServer application with PHP MapScript I have the standard leyend using: global $map; $image3=$map->drawLegend(); $image_ley=$image3->saveWebImage(); echo ""; I would like to use a template, like i see at: But this document don't tell how to put html legend in a .php page. Am i missing something? Any idea?? Thanks in advance Juan Luis Cardoso Santos SGSmap Ingenieros Consultores. From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Fri Jan 13 09:32:10 2006 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 09:32:10 -0800 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting Message-ID: Dear Community Members, In order to help move along the process of starting an "open source geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting in Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by Autodesk. In conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will continue to try) to follow these principles: - Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source projects have been invited (see the list so far below) and Autodesk has offered to pay the travel costs of some of these invitees in order to ensure they can attend if they cannot afford it otherwise. Anyone else is also welcome to attend physically or virtually (see below). - Transparency. The agenda for the meeting will be public, and will be revised based on comments and input prior to the meeting. The minutes of the meeting will also be public. Planning materials (backgrounders, attendee lists, agenda) for the meeting on will be on a public site. The whole meeting will be transcribed into IRC in real time, and IRC users will be able to participate via an interlocutor at the meeting. The following are some general goals for the meeting (subject to revision/addition/subtraction), which should provide enough certainty that present investments into the starting of the foundation are not wasted on concepts that people are not interested in for the long term future. - Agreement in principle on a mission statement or short charter. - Agreement in principle on a governance model for the foundation. Deciding whether the foundation should "look like" Eclipse, or Apache, or The Open Group, or some other model entirely. - Agreement in principle on a founding Board of Directors. A founding BoD can start to make concrete decisions on things like a name, logo and branding, domains, and so on. - Agreement in principle on an acceptable short list of foundation names, to be subjected to further legal research. In general, the goal is to establish enough solid agreement on basic issues that a founding BoD can proceed confidently in managing the details in getting the foundation up and running. The proposed agenda follows: a. Opening statements and introductions b. Q/A ? ~20 min - from IRC, email c. Foundation Goals ? what should they be? What should the name be? d. Q/A ? ~20 min - from IRC, email e. Foundation Operations ? the givens (governance, legal protection, IPR, licenses, funding, community management) f. Q/A ? ~20 min - from IRC, email g. Foundation charter, tentative board membership, and action plan established h. Q/A ? 20 min - from IRC, email i. Breakout groups: Governance, Legal Issues, Community Management, Funding j. Breakout groups regroup and present their findings k. Results will be gathered and enumerated for the creation of a draft document rolling up the decisions and next steps. The minutes of this meeting will be published on the web site within a few days after the meeting adjourns. We will then work hard to publish the final results of the meeting within two weeks of the meeting. An attorney who has worked with the creators of Mozilla and other foundations to establish non profits for housing an open source foundation will be present. Establishing an open source foundation is now almost formulaic in Silicon Valley, and we would like to take advantage of those formulas. The participants in the meeting thus far are: Brian Behlendorf (O'Reilly & CollabNet) Chris Holmes (GeoServer/Open Planning Project) Claude Philipona (FOSS4GIS Conference/Camptocamp) Dave McIlhagga (Mapserver/DM) Frank Warmerdam (OGR/GDAL) Gary Lang (Tux/Autodesk) Gary Sherman (QGIS) Gordon Luckett (User/Autodesk) Howard Butler (MapServer/UIowa) Mark Lucas (OSSIM) Paul Ramsey (PostGIS/uDig/Refractions) Pericles Nacionales (Mapserver/UMN) Robert Bray (Tux/Autodesk) Rich Steele (Tux/Autodesk) Paul Spencer (Ka-Map/DM) Steve Lime (Mapserver) Tom Burk (Mapserver/UMN) Tyler Mitchell (O?Reilly Author, long-time MapServer Foundation advocate) We therefore have room for more on-site attendees. If you are interested in attending to represent one of these communities as a user or you want to propose adding a project to this list, please send an email to: chicago When we reach 25 on-site attendees, we will be at our budget limit for this meeting and have reached a size that we feel comfortable managing. Everyone else can participate through the virtual mechanisms described above. Everyone wants to ensure the foundation has a long and successful future, and we know that this requires getting lots of input up front, so the organization starts out heading in the right direction. We hope that many of you can join us in Chicago, and that the rest will join us virtually as well to take part in this process. We will soon start posting Chicago location information (a hotel near the airport is the goal) and information for discussion publicly. We will use as the hosting place for virtual connection information, discussion documents, agenda modifications, and other documents associated with the foundation until such time as the name of the foundation is chosen and a site dedicated to it has been established. Paul Ramsey Gary Lang From rhow at I3.COM Fri Jan 13 09:51:13 2006 From: rhow at I3.COM (Randy How) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:51:13 -0700 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? Message-ID: Greetings, I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 layers in a map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for QC'ing a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not surprisingly MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the limit, then I found out that it was 50! I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 layers. These layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the same way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a problem in the short term. Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to accomplish these needs? Thanks, Randy ________________________________________________ Randy How Geospatial Applications Developer Voice: +1-970-482-4400 Fax: +1-970-482-4499 Web: i-cubed 201 Linden, Third Floor Fort Collins, CO 80524 From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Jan 13 10:09:51 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:09:51 -0500 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Randy, The limit is set in map.h You can change the limit and recompile More resent version have a higher limit I think, but I'm not sure what. -Steve W. Randy How wrote: > > Greetings, > > I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 layers in a > map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for QC'ing > a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not surprisingly > MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the limit, > then I found out that it was 50! > > I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 layers. These > layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference > (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. > > We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the same > way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a problem > in the short term. > > Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to > accomplish these needs? > > Thanks, Randy > > ________________________________________________ > Randy How > > Geospatial Applications Developer > Voice: +1-970-482-4400 > Fax: +1-970-482-4499 > Web: > > i-cubed > 201 Linden, Third Floor > Fort Collins, CO 80524 > From jeff2005 at SVS.GSFC.NASA.GOV Fri Jan 13 10:09:25 2006 From: jeff2005 at SVS.GSFC.NASA.GOV (Jeff de La Beaujardiere) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:09:25 -0500 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Randy How wrote: > I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 layers in a > map file. > > ... is there a work around in place Edit the line #define MS_MAXLAYERS in map.h and recompile. -Jeff DLB From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Fri Jan 13 10:09:37 2006 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:09:37 -0800 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: It's a fact that there is a limit, but it is a compile-time option, so it is trivial to change. Edit map.h and change MS_MAX_LAYERS to the number you want, then recompile. Oddly, looking at the CVS HEAD of mapserver, I see that: #define MS_MAXLAYERS 200 What version are you using? Perhaps someone upped the maximum in a more recent version. P. On 13-Jan-06, at 9:51 AM, Randy How wrote: > > Greetings, > > I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 > layers in a > map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer > for QC'ing > a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not > surprisingly > MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is > the limit, > then I found out that it was 50! > > I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 > layers. These > layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial > reference > (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. > > We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented > the same > way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a > problem > in the short term. > > Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to > accomplish these needs? > > Thanks, Randy > > ________________________________________________ > Randy How > > Geospatial Applications Developer > Voice: +1-970-482-4400 > Fax: +1-970-482-4499 > Web: > > i-cubed > 201 Linden, Third Floor > Fort Collins, CO 80524 From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Fri Jan 13 10:23:13 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 11:23:13 -0700 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? Message-ID: Randy, I've done some work with global datasets as well. I made a few changes to (my own copy of) mapraster.c to use a Lat/Lon tileindex along with automatically using the SRS of the underlying raster files. This allowed me to have one layer for 60 zones worth of raster data. I wsa reluctant to submit the changes since I didn't do the changes for vector tiles, and the testing was minimal. But I'm open to it if other people would find it useful.... Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc Calgary, Alberta ----- Original Message ----- From: "Randy How" To: Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 10:51 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? > > Greetings, > > I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 layers in a > map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for QC'ing > a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not surprisingly > MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the limit, > then I found out that it was 50! > > I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 layers. These > layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference > (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. > > We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the same > way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a problem > in the short term. > > Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to > accomplish these needs? > > Thanks, Randy > > ________________________________________________ > Randy How > > Geospatial Applications Developer > Voice: +1-970-482-4400 > Fax: +1-970-482-4499 > Web: > > i-cubed > 201 Linden, Third Floor > Fort Collins, CO 80524 From Nick at STONE-ENV.COM Fri Jan 13 10:31:48 2006 From: Nick at STONE-ENV.COM (Nick Floersch) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:31:48 -0500 Subject: WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue Message-ID: I am trying to use Queryable WMS with MapServer as my WMS server. After some initial confusion, it would seem I have my basic toolset working, because I can issue a query and get a response. However, my response lacks useful feature data. This is what has confounded me. From the tutorials/documentatation/e-mail lists I've read, it seems like MapServer lacks any sort of way to control what feature data is returned... you turn on DUMP TRUE and you just get everything under the point you queried. I look at the shape file which is the data source for my query layer, and the shape file DBF has roughly 20 different attributes... strings, integers, and floats. Lots of stuff. The layer is a polygon layer. If the point I query does not hit a polygon, no data is returned (well, the GML returned is an empty shell). If I hit a point, I get the GML coordinates and that is it. --- snip --- 6351230.073489,1837213.999341 6351887.175583,1837921.120908 --- snip --- (for example) SO, that is my output. My MapFile looks like: --- snip --- [.. typical Map header stuff ..] WEB METADATA "wms_title" "Malibu-IWIMS-GIS" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" END LOG "/httpd/Malibu/logs/mslog" END ######################################################################## ###### PROJECTION "init=epsg:26945" END [..More layers and stuff..] ######################################################################## ###### LAYER # THIS IS THE DYNAMICALLY SETUP LAYER NAME "ParcelsBySystemTypeAndInstallDate" STATUS ON DATA "TempShape" TYPE POLYGON TEMPLATE "Blank.html" HEADER "Blank.html" FOOTER "Blank.html" DUMP TRUE METADATA "wms_title" "Parcels with Systems where System Type is Conventional, shaded by Install Date" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:26945" END CLASSITEM 'INSTALLDAT' CLASS NAME "No Classification" EXPRESSION '' STYLE COLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME 'Unspecified Date' EXPRESSION '' STYLE COLOR 100 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '2002-06-03 -> 1997-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '2002-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1997-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 255 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1997-06-03 -> 1992-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1997-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1992-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 128 255 128 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1992-06-03 -> 1987-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1992-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1987-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 128 128 255 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1987-06-03 -> 1982-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1987-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' ge '1979-01-01')) STYLE COLOR 96 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END END --- snip --- Note that, I have tried adding TEMPLATE entries inside of each class, and it has not changed the output result. I am using Mapserver 4.6.1 So... how do I get my layer to return more attribute data than just coordinates? Here is a list of the attributes in the shapefile. --- snip --- $> dbfdump --info TempShape.dbf Filename: TempShape.dbf Version: 0x03 (ver. 3) Num of records: 756 Header length: 865 Record length: 1362 Last change: 1995/7/26 Num fields: 26 Field info: Num Name Type Len Decimal 1. APN C 20 0 2. TRA C 11 0 3. EDITORNAME C 35 0 4. DISCHARGET C 31 0 5. USECODE C 11 0 6. UNIT C 11 0 7. UDATE C 16 0 8. PHASE C 11 0 9. MOVED C 11 0 10. PARCELIDST C 255 0 11. BLOCK C 11 0 12. PARCELID N 11 0 13. SYSTEMTYPE C 255 0 14. PCLTYPE C 11 0 15. INSTALLDAT C 255 0 16. SHAPE_AREA N 19 0 17. SUBDTYPE C 11 0 18. SHAPE_LEN N 19 0 19. PERIMETER N 19 0 20. AREA N 19 0 21. LOT C 11 0 22. AIN C 11 0 23. OID_ N 11 0 24. TRACT C 20 0 25. OBJECTID N 11 0 26. SYSTEMID C 255 0 --- snip --- and here is a sample record: --- snip --- OGRFeature(TempShape):335 APN (String) = 4452-011-033 TRA (String) = (null) EDITORNAME (String) = (null) DISCHARGET (String) = Small Commercial USECODE (String) = (null) UNIT (String) = (null) UDATE (String) = 0 PHASE (String) = (null) MOVED (String) = (null) PARCELIDST (String) = 4452011033 BLOCK (String) = (null) PARCELID (Integer) = 204481 SYSTEMTYPE (String) = Conventional PCLTYPE (String) = (null) INSTALLDAT (String) = (null) SHAPE_AREA (Integer) = 22868 SUBDTYPE (String) = (null) SHAPE_LEN (Integer) = 596 PERIMETER (Integer) = 596 AREA (Integer) = 22868 LOT (String) = (null) AIN (String) = 4452011033 OID_ (Integer) = 1792 TRACT (String) = (null) OBJECTID (Integer) = 900225 SYSTEMID (String) = 205760 POLYGON ((6354269.883 1835660.066,6354143.342 1835646.922,6354142.028 1835646.739,6354141.200 1835646.661,6354140.371 1835646.613,6354139.540 1835646.594,6354138.709 1835646.603,6354137.878 1835646.641,6354137.050 1835646.709,6354136.224 1835646.805,6354135.403 1835646.930,6354134.586 1835647.084,6354133.775 1835647.266,6354132.971 1835647.476,6354132.174 1835647.714,6354131.387 1835647.980,6354130.609 1835648.273,6354129.842 1835648.594,6354129.087 1835648.940,6354128.344 1835649.313,6354127.614 1835649.712,6354126.899 1835650.136,6354126.199 1835650.584,6354125.516 1835651.056,6354124.849 1835651.553,6354124.200 1835652.072,6354123.569 1835652.614,6354122.958 1835653.176,6354122.367 1835653.760,6354121.796 1835654.365,6354121.247 1835654.989,6354120.720 1835655.632,6354120.216 1835656.293,6354119.735 1835656.971,6354119.278 1835657.665,6354118.845 1835658.375,6354118.439 1835659.100,6354118.056 1835659.838,6354117.701 1835660.589,6354117.371 1835661.352,6354117.068 1835662.126,6354116.793 1835662.911,6354116.545 1835663.704,6354116.325 1835664.505,6354116.133 1835665.315,6354115.970 1835666.129,6354115.835 1835666.949,6354115.729 1835667.774,6354115.651 1835668.602,6354115.603 1835669.431,6354102.028 1835793.535,6354116.428 1835795.234,6354252.761 1835811.328,6354269.883 1835660.066)) --- snip --- Thank you in advance for your reponse, Nick -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Fri Jan 13 10:41:41 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:41:41 -0500 Subject: WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue Message-ID: As of MapServer 4.6 (I believe), you must explicitly cite that you want to include the fieldnames in the output GML response. If you want to include all your fields, you would put: "gml_include_items" "all" your LAYER/METADATA block. If you don't want to include all fields, you would put: "gml_include_items" "myid,iname" ...type of thing. See for more details. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Nick Floersch Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:32 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue I am trying to use Queryable WMS with MapServer as my WMS server. After some initial confusion, it would seem I have my basic toolset working, because I can issue a query and get a response. However, my response lacks useful feature data. This is what has confounded me. From the tutorials/documentatation/e-mail lists I've read, it seems like MapServer lacks any sort of way to control what feature data is returned... you turn on DUMP TRUE and you just get everything under the point you queried. I look at the shape file which is the data source for my query layer, and the shape file DBF has roughly 20 different attributes... strings, integers, and floats. Lots of stuff. The layer is a polygon layer. If the point I query does not hit a polygon, no data is returned (well, the GML returned is an empty shell). If I hit a point, I get the GML coordinates and that is it. --- snip --- 6351230.073489,1837213.999341 6351887.175583,1837921.120908 --- snip --- (for example) SO, that is my output. My MapFile looks like: --- snip --- [.. typical Map header stuff ..] WEB METADATA "wms_title" "Malibu-IWIMS-GIS" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" END LOG "/httpd/Malibu/logs/mslog" END ######################################################################## ###### PROJECTION "init=epsg:26945" END [..More layers and stuff..] ######################################################################## ###### LAYER # THIS IS THE DYNAMICALLY SETUP LAYER NAME "ParcelsBySystemTypeAndInstallDate" STATUS ON DATA "TempShape" TYPE POLYGON TEMPLATE "Blank.html" HEADER "Blank.html" FOOTER "Blank.html" DUMP TRUE METADATA "wms_title" "Parcels with Systems where System Type is Conventional, shaded by Install Date" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:26945" END CLASSITEM 'INSTALLDAT' CLASS NAME "No Classification" EXPRESSION '' STYLE COLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME 'Unspecified Date' EXPRESSION '' STYLE COLOR 100 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '2002-06-03 -> 1997-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '2002-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1997-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 255 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1997-06-03 -> 1992-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1997-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1992-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 128 255 128 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1992-06-03 -> 1987-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1992-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1987-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 128 128 255 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1987-06-03 -> 1982-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1987-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' ge '1979-01-01')) STYLE COLOR 96 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END END --- snip --- Note that, I have tried adding TEMPLATE entries inside of each class, and it has not changed the output result. I am using Mapserver 4.6.1 So... how do I get my layer to return more attribute data than just coordinates? Here is a list of the attributes in the shapefile. --- snip --- $> dbfdump --info TempShape.dbf Filename: TempShape.dbf Version: 0x03 (ver. 3) Num of records: 756 Header length: 865 Record length: 1362 Last change: 1995/7/26 Num fields: 26 Field info: Num Name Type Len Decimal 1. APN C 20 0 2. TRA C 11 0 3. EDITORNAME C 35 0 4. DISCHARGET C 31 0 5. USECODE C 11 0 6. UNIT C 11 0 7. UDATE C 16 0 8. PHASE C 11 0 9. MOVED C 11 0 10. PARCELIDST C 255 0 11. BLOCK C 11 0 12. PARCELID N 11 0 13. SYSTEMTYPE C 255 0 14. PCLTYPE C 11 0 15. INSTALLDAT C 255 0 16. SHAPE_AREA N 19 0 17. SUBDTYPE C 11 0 18. SHAPE_LEN N 19 0 19. PERIMETER N 19 0 20. AREA N 19 0 21. LOT C 11 0 22. AIN C 11 0 23. OID_ N 11 0 24. TRACT C 20 0 25. OBJECTID N 11 0 26. SYSTEMID C 255 0 --- snip --- and here is a sample record: --- snip --- OGRFeature(TempShape):335 APN (String) = 4452-011-033 TRA (String) = (null) EDITORNAME (String) = (null) DISCHARGET (String) = Small Commercial USECODE (String) = (null) UNIT (String) = (null) UDATE (String) = 0 PHASE (String) = (null) MOVED (String) = (null) PARCELIDST (String) = 4452011033 BLOCK (String) = (null) PARCELID (Integer) = 204481 SYSTEMTYPE (String) = Conventional PCLTYPE (String) = (null) INSTALLDAT (String) = (null) SHAPE_AREA (Integer) = 22868 SUBDTYPE (String) = (null) SHAPE_LEN (Integer) = 596 PERIMETER (Integer) = 596 AREA (Integer) = 22868 LOT (String) = (null) AIN (String) = 4452011033 OID_ (Integer) = 1792 TRACT (String) = (null) OBJECTID (Integer) = 900225 SYSTEMID (String) = 205760 POLYGON ((6354269.883 1835660.066,6354143.342 1835646.922,6354142.028 1835646.739,6354141.200 1835646.661,6354140.371 1835646.613,6354139.540 1835646.594,6354138.709 1835646.603,6354137.878 1835646.641,6354137.050 1835646.709,6354136.224 1835646.805,6354135.403 1835646.930,6354134.586 1835647.084,6354133.775 1835647.266,6354132.971 1835647.476,6354132.174 1835647.714,6354131.387 1835647.980,6354130.609 1835648.273,6354129.842 1835648.594,6354129.087 1835648.940,6354128.344 1835649.313,6354127.614 1835649.712,6354126.899 1835650.136,6354126.199 1835650.584,6354125.516 1835651.056,6354124.849 1835651.553,6354124.200 1835652.072,6354123.569 1835652.614,6354122.958 1835653.176,6354122.367 1835653.760,6354121.796 1835654.365,6354121.247 1835654.989,6354120.720 1835655.632,6354120.216 1835656.293,6354119.735 1835656.971,6354119.278 1835657.665,6354118.845 1835658.375,6354118.439 1835659.100,6354118.056 1835659.838,6354117.701 1835660.589,6354117.371 1835661.352,6354117.068 1835662.126,6354116.793 1835662.911,6354116.545 1835663.704,6354116.325 1835664.505,6354116.133 1835665.315,6354115.970 1835666.129,6354115.835 1835666.949,6354115.729 1835667.774,6354115.651 1835668.602,6354115.603 1835669.431,6354102.028 1835793.535,6354116.428 1835795.234,6354252.761 1835811.328,6354269.883 1835660.066)) --- snip --- Thank you in advance for your reponse, Nick From Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV Fri Jan 13 10:51:56 2006 From: Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV (Danna Dowdy) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:51:56 -0500 Subject: help with gml reader xerces Message-ID: An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Fri Jan 13 11:02:55 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:02:55 -0500 Subject: help with gml reader xerces Message-ID: This might have something to do with your path and whether gdal-config is in your PATH on your system. When I build, I cite the paths, i.e.: ./configure --enable-debug --with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config --with -zlib=/usr/local/ --with-png=/usr/local/ --with-jpeg=/usr/local/ --with-xpm=/usr /local/ --with-gd=/usr/local --with-pdf=/usr/local --with-eppl --with-proj=/usr/ local --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-conf ig --without-tiff --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config --with-wfs --wit h-wcs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-curl-config=/usr/local/bin/curl-c onfig --with-php=/usr/local/src/php/php-5.0.5 Hope this helps. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Danna Dowdy Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:52 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] help with gml reader xerces Apache error log: PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileOpen(): Open failed for OGR connection `/tmp/ms_tmp//11b0c7e4a83456a8a699b878cf95b349.tmp.gml'. File /tmp/ms_tmp//11b0c7e4a83456a8a699b878cf95b349.tmp.gml appears to be GML but the GML reader can't be instantiated, likely because Xerces support wasn't configured in. GDAL 1.3.1 configure options: -./configure --with-mrsid=/usr/local/Geo_DSDK- -with-xerces -with-ogr - with-xerces-lib="-L /usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/lib -lxerces-c -lpthread"--with-xerces-inc=/usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/include/xerces c Mapserver 4.6.1 configure options: sudo ./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-libwww --with-gdal --enable-runpath --with-php=../php-4.3.8 --with-gd --with-freetype=/usr/local --enable-internal-ld-detect --with-postgis --with-wfsclient --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-curl-config=/usr/local/curl-7.12.1/curl-config --with-tiff=/usr/local/tiff-3.7.1 --with-ogr From Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV Fri Jan 13 11:16:56 2006 From: Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV (Danna Dowdy) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:16:56 -0500 Subject: help with gml reader xerces In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: yeah, I thought so too and tried it this way but no difference?? Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: >This might have something to do with your path and whether gdal-config >is in your PATH on your system. When I build, I cite the paths, i.e.: > >./configure --enable-debug >--with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config --with >-zlib=/usr/local/ --with-png=/usr/local/ --with-jpeg=/usr/local/ >--with-xpm=/usr >/local/ --with-gd=/usr/local --with-pdf=/usr/local --with-eppl >--with-proj=/usr/ >local --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config >--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-conf >ig --without-tiff --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config >--with-wfs --wit >h-wcs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient >--with-curl-config=/usr/local/bin/curl-c >onfig --with-php=/usr/local/src/php/php-5.0.5 > >Hope this helps. > >..Tom > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Danna Dowdy >Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:52 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] help with gml reader xerces > > >Apache error log: >PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileOpen(): Open failed for OGR >connection `/tmp/ms_tmp//11b0c7e4a83456a8a699b878cf95b349.tmp.gml'. File >/tmp/ms_tmp//11b0c7e4a83456a8a699b878cf95b349.tmp.gml appears to be GML >but the GML reader can't be instantiated, likely because Xerces support >wasn't configured in. > >GDAL 1.3.1 configure options: >-./configure --with-mrsid=/usr/local/Geo_DSDK- -with-xerces >-with-ogr - with-xerces-lib="-L /usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/lib >-lxerces-c >-lpthread"--with-xerces-inc=/usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/include/xerces >c > > >Mapserver 4.6.1 configure options: >sudo ./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-libwww >--with-gdal --enable-runpath --with-php=../php-4.3.8 --with-gd >--with-freetype=/usr/local --enable-internal-ld-detect --with-postgis >--with-wfsclient --with-wfs --with-wcs >--with-curl-config=/usr/local/curl-7.12.1/curl-config >--with-tiff=/usr/local/tiff-3.7.1 --with-ogr > > > From Nick at STONE-ENV.COM Fri Jan 13 11:38:23 2006 From: Nick at STONE-ENV.COM (Nick Floersch) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:38:23 -0500 Subject: WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue Message-ID: Mr. Kralidis, Ask and ye shall receive, apparently! Thanks much. I don't usually look at the comments at the end of the tutorials/articles on the Mapserver page... But in this case, my answer was there all along, I just never scrolled down past the end of the article :) Out of curiosity, why does it say [Burlington] in your user name? Which Burlington? Thanks much! Nick -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:42 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue As of MapServer 4.6 (I believe), you must explicitly cite that you want to include the fieldnames in the output GML response. If you want to include all your fields, you would put: "gml_include_items" "all" your LAYER/METADATA block. If you don't want to include all fields, you would put: "gml_include_items" "myid,iname" ...type of thing. See for more details. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Nick Floersch Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:32 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue I am trying to use Queryable WMS with MapServer as my WMS server. After some initial confusion, it would seem I have my basic toolset working, because I can issue a query and get a response. However, my response lacks useful feature data. This is what has confounded me. From the tutorials/documentatation/e-mail lists I've read, it seems like MapServer lacks any sort of way to control what feature data is returned... you turn on DUMP TRUE and you just get everything under the point you queried. I look at the shape file which is the data source for my query layer, and the shape file DBF has roughly 20 different attributes... strings, integers, and floats. Lots of stuff. The layer is a polygon layer. If the point I query does not hit a polygon, no data is returned (well, the GML returned is an empty shell). If I hit a point, I get the GML coordinates and that is it. --- snip --- 6351230.073489,1837213.999341 6351887.175583,1837921.120908 --- snip --- (for example) SO, that is my output. My MapFile looks like: --- snip --- [.. typical Map header stuff ..] WEB METADATA "wms_title" "Malibu-IWIMS-GIS" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" END LOG "/httpd/Malibu/logs/mslog" END ######################################################################## ###### PROJECTION "init=epsg:26945" END [..More layers and stuff..] ######################################################################## ###### LAYER # THIS IS THE DYNAMICALLY SETUP LAYER NAME "ParcelsBySystemTypeAndInstallDate" STATUS ON DATA "TempShape" TYPE POLYGON TEMPLATE "Blank.html" HEADER "Blank.html" FOOTER "Blank.html" DUMP TRUE METADATA "wms_title" "Parcels with Systems where System Type is Conventional, shaded by Install Date" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:26945" END CLASSITEM 'INSTALLDAT' CLASS NAME "No Classification" EXPRESSION '' STYLE COLOR 128 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME 'Unspecified Date' EXPRESSION '' STYLE COLOR 100 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '2002-06-03 -> 1997-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '2002-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1997-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 255 128 128 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1997-06-03 -> 1992-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1997-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1992-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 128 255 128 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1992-06-03 -> 1987-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1992-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt '1987-06-03')) STYLE COLOR 128 128 255 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END CLASS NAME '1987-06-03 -> 1982-06-03' EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1987-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' ge '1979-01-01')) STYLE COLOR 96 255 0 OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 ANTIALIAS true END END END --- snip --- Note that, I have tried adding TEMPLATE entries inside of each class, and it has not changed the output result. I am using Mapserver 4.6.1 So... how do I get my layer to return more attribute data than just coordinates? Here is a list of the attributes in the shapefile. --- snip --- $> dbfdump --info TempShape.dbf Filename: TempShape.dbf Version: 0x03 (ver. 3) Num of records: 756 Header length: 865 Record length: 1362 Last change: 1995/7/26 Num fields: 26 Field info: Num Name Type Len Decimal 1. APN C 20 0 2. TRA C 11 0 3. EDITORNAME C 35 0 4. DISCHARGET C 31 0 5. USECODE C 11 0 6. UNIT C 11 0 7. UDATE C 16 0 8. PHASE C 11 0 9. MOVED C 11 0 10. PARCELIDST C 255 0 11. BLOCK C 11 0 12. PARCELID N 11 0 13. SYSTEMTYPE C 255 0 14. PCLTYPE C 11 0 15. INSTALLDAT C 255 0 16. SHAPE_AREA N 19 0 17. SUBDTYPE C 11 0 18. SHAPE_LEN N 19 0 19. PERIMETER N 19 0 20. AREA N 19 0 21. LOT C 11 0 22. AIN C 11 0 23. OID_ N 11 0 24. TRACT C 20 0 25. OBJECTID N 11 0 26. SYSTEMID C 255 0 --- snip --- and here is a sample record: --- snip --- OGRFeature(TempShape):335 APN (String) = 4452-011-033 TRA (String) = (null) EDITORNAME (String) = (null) DISCHARGET (String) = Small Commercial USECODE (String) = (null) UNIT (String) = (null) UDATE (String) = 0 PHASE (String) = (null) MOVED (String) = (null) PARCELIDST (String) = 4452011033 BLOCK (String) = (null) PARCELID (Integer) = 204481 SYSTEMTYPE (String) = Conventional PCLTYPE (String) = (null) INSTALLDAT (String) = (null) SHAPE_AREA (Integer) = 22868 SUBDTYPE (String) = (null) SHAPE_LEN (Integer) = 596 PERIMETER (Integer) = 596 AREA (Integer) = 22868 LOT (String) = (null) AIN (String) = 4452011033 OID_ (Integer) = 1792 TRACT (String) = (null) OBJECTID (Integer) = 900225 SYSTEMID (String) = 205760 POLYGON ((6354269.883 1835660.066,6354143.342 1835646.922,6354142.028 1835646.739,6354141.200 1835646.661,6354140.371 1835646.613,6354139.540 1835646.594,6354138.709 1835646.603,6354137.878 1835646.641,6354137.050 1835646.709,6354136.224 1835646.805,6354135.403 1835646.930,6354134.586 1835647.084,6354133.775 1835647.266,6354132.971 1835647.476,6354132.174 1835647.714,6354131.387 1835647.980,6354130.609 1835648.273,6354129.842 1835648.594,6354129.087 1835648.940,6354128.344 1835649.313,6354127.614 1835649.712,6354126.899 1835650.136,6354126.199 1835650.584,6354125.516 1835651.056,6354124.849 1835651.553,6354124.200 1835652.072,6354123.569 1835652.614,6354122.958 1835653.176,6354122.367 1835653.760,6354121.796 1835654.365,6354121.247 1835654.989,6354120.720 1835655.632,6354120.216 1835656.293,6354119.735 1835656.971,6354119.278 1835657.665,6354118.845 1835658.375,6354118.439 1835659.100,6354118.056 1835659.838,6354117.701 1835660.589,6354117.371 1835661.352,6354117.068 1835662.126,6354116.793 1835662.911,6354116.545 1835663.704,6354116.325 1835664.505,6354116.133 1835665.315,6354115.970 1835666.129,6354115.835 1835666.949,6354115.729 1835667.774,6354115.651 1835668.602,6354115.603 1835669.431,6354102.028 1835793.535,6354116.428 1835795.234,6354252.761 1835811.328,6354269.883 1835660.066)) --- snip --- Thank you in advance for your reponse, Nick From Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV Fri Jan 13 11:38:40 2006 From: Danna.Dowdy at NOAA.GOV (Danna Dowdy) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:38:40 -0500 Subject: help with gml reader xerces In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I even get this error when trying to use ogrinfo in the gdal distribution so the problem obviously goes back to gdal?? Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote: >This might have something to do with your path and whether gdal-config >is in your PATH on your system. When I build, I cite the paths, i.e.: > >./configure --enable-debug >--with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config --with >-zlib=/usr/local/ --with-png=/usr/local/ --with-jpeg=/usr/local/ >--with-xpm=/usr >/local/ --with-gd=/usr/local --with-pdf=/usr/local --with-eppl >--with-proj=/usr/ >local --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config >--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-conf >ig --without-tiff --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config >--with-wfs --wit >h-wcs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient >--with-curl-config=/usr/local/bin/curl-c >onfig --with-php=/usr/local/src/php/php-5.0.5 > >Hope this helps. > >..Tom > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of Danna Dowdy >Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:52 PM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] help with gml reader xerces > > >Apache error log: >PHP Warning: [MapServer Error]: msOGRFileOpen(): Open failed for OGR >connection `/tmp/ms_tmp//11b0c7e4a83456a8a699b878cf95b349.tmp.gml'. File >/tmp/ms_tmp//11b0c7e4a83456a8a699b878cf95b349.tmp.gml appears to be GML >but the GML reader can't be instantiated, likely because Xerces support >wasn't configured in. > >GDAL 1.3.1 configure options: >-./configure --with-mrsid=/usr/local/Geo_DSDK- -with-xerces >-with-ogr - with-xerces-lib="-L /usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/lib >-lxerces-c >-lpthread"--with-xerces-inc=/usr/local/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/include/xerces >c > > >Mapserver 4.6.1 configure options: >sudo ./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-libwww >--with-gdal --enable-runpath --with-php=../php-4.3.8 --with-gd >--with-freetype=/usr/local --enable-internal-ld-detect --with-postgis >--with-wfsclient --with-wfs --with-wcs >--with-curl-config=/usr/local/curl-7.12.1/curl-config >--with-tiff=/usr/local/tiff-3.7.1 --with-ogr > > > From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Jan 13 12:25:05 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 15:25:05 -0500 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Vito, I'm not sure either what is going on in your case (although i'm not a developer). The best i can offer is to test it for you, so if you make your test as streamlined as possible (create the smallest mapfile that you can to reproduce your problem, with the fewest amount of layers/classes/groups) i can try it for you. jeff Vito Meuli wrote: > Hi Ken, > > bad news! > Unfortunately Mapserver 4.4.2 has the problem as well! > > I'm using the Mapserver 4.6.1 CGI-BIN on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4. > > I have compiled almost everything (well, it was a colleague of mine who did > it), from PostgreSQL/PostGIS to the graphic libraries. > > The only version I know to work is 4.2.3, but unfortunately it has another > bug... > > I'd like to try some other old versions, but the restyled website of Mapserver > hasn't the page of previous versions yet. > > Any ideas? > > Thanks a lot. > Cheers, > Vito Meuli > > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 13 12:56:34 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:56:34 -0600 Subject: PostGIS problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: If you are going to be doing much work with PostGIS, this question is better suited to the PostGIS users list that can be found along with documentation for PostGIS at To create a circle with an x,y, and radius all you will need to do is a buffer of an x,y coordinate. For example: buffer(makepoint(x,y),r) On 1/13/06, Krung Saengpole wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm a newbie with postgis and postgresql. I'd like to convert circle > '((x,y),r)' in postgresql to geometry for using with postgis functions. How > can I do it? Please give me an example or some function scripts to start > with. > > Thank you. > Krung > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! Photos ? Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover > Photo Books. You design it and we'll bind it! > > From Nick at STONE-ENV.COM Fri Jan 13 13:22:31 2006 From: Nick at STONE-ENV.COM (Nick Floersch) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 16:22:31 -0500 Subject: Shapefiles doubts Message-ID: Hi Apeksha, I have no idea of your budget, but I've found that both books are quite useful. Web Mapping illustrated has a lot of nice information which is not in the MapServer book, AND vice-versa. The Mapserver book is great and very focused on Mapserver and Mapscript. Web Mapping Illustrated, however, contains some information on how to use WMS/WFS with Mapserver, which is no really in the Mapserver Book. Web Mapping Illustrated talks about OpenEV a bunch, and some other tools. I think they complement each other. We bought both books and have not regretted it. Amazon even gives you a bit of deal when you buy both together. -Nick Floersch ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Apeksha Bhambhani Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 3:52 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Shapefiles doubts Hi Bill , [other stuff] Also , we were initially planning on buying Web Mapping Illustrated . However , your book seems to be more relevant , do u think so ( keeping in mind of what our project deals with ) ? Would it be possible for you to mail us the table-of-contents of your book. We tried searching it online , but the site somehow doesnt open properly. Thanks once again , Apeksha -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Jan 13 15:44:03 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 18:44:03 -0500 Subject: WMS GetFeatureInfo response question/issue In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I've added the details of the GetFeatureInfo GML requirements to the main part of the wms-server doc ( thanks for pointing that out. jeff Nick Floersch wrote: > Mr. Kralidis, > > Ask and ye shall receive, apparently! > > Thanks much. I don't usually look at the comments at the end of the > tutorials/articles on the Mapserver page... But in this case, my answer > was there all along, I just never scrolled down past the end of the > article :) > > Out of curiosity, why does it say [Burlington] in your user name? Which > Burlington? > > Thanks much! > > Nick > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] > Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:42 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS GetFeatureInfo response > question/issue > > As of MapServer 4.6 (I believe), you must explicitly cite that you want > to include the fieldnames in the output GML response. > > If you want to include all your fields, you would put: > > "gml_include_items" "all" > > your LAYER/METADATA block. If you don't want to include all > fields, you would put: > > "gml_include_items" "myid,iname" > > ...type of thing. > > See for more details. > > ..Tom > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Nick Floersch > Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:32 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS GetFeatureInfo response > question/issue > > > I am trying to use Queryable WMS with MapServer as my WMS server. > > After some initial confusion, it would seem I have my basic toolset > working, because I can issue a query and get a response. > > However, my response lacks useful feature data. This is what has > confounded me. From the tutorials/documentatation/e-mail lists I've > read, it seems like MapServer lacks any sort of way to control what > feature data is returned... you turn on DUMP TRUE and you just get > everything under the point you queried. I look at the shape file which > is the data source for my query layer, and the shape file DBF has > roughly 20 different attributes... strings, integers, and floats. Lots > of stuff. The layer is a polygon layer. > > If the point I query does not hit a polygon, no data is returned (well, > the GML returned is an empty shell). > If I hit a point, I get the GML coordinates and that is it. > > --- snip --- > > > > > > > 6351230.073489,1837213.999341 6351887.175583,1837921.120908 > > > > > --- snip --- > (for example) > > SO, that is my output. My MapFile looks like: > --- snip --- > [.. typical Map header stuff ..] > WEB > METADATA > "wms_title" "Malibu-IWIMS-GIS" > "wms_onlineresource" > " >" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" > END > LOG "/httpd/Malibu/logs/mslog" > END > > ######################################################################## > ###### > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:26945" > END > [..More layers and stuff..] > > ######################################################################## > ###### > LAYER # THIS IS THE DYNAMICALLY SETUP LAYER > NAME "ParcelsBySystemTypeAndInstallDate" > STATUS ON > DATA "TempShape" > TYPE POLYGON > TEMPLATE "Blank.html" > HEADER "Blank.html" > FOOTER "Blank.html" > DUMP TRUE > METADATA > "wms_title" "Parcels with Systems where System Type is > Conventional, shaded by Install Date" > "wms_onlineresource" > " >" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:26945" > END > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:26945" > END > CLASSITEM 'INSTALLDAT' > CLASS > NAME "No Classification" > EXPRESSION '' > STYLE > COLOR 128 128 128 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 > ANTIALIAS true > END > END > CLASS > NAME 'Unspecified Date' > EXPRESSION '' > STYLE > COLOR 100 100 100 > OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 > ANTIALIAS true > END > END > CLASS > NAME '2002-06-03 -> 1997-06-03' > EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '2002-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt > '1997-06-03')) > STYLE > COLOR 255 128 128 > OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 > ANTIALIAS true > END > END > CLASS > NAME '1997-06-03 -> 1992-06-03' > EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1997-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt > '1992-06-03')) > STYLE > COLOR 128 255 128 > OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 > ANTIALIAS true > END > END > CLASS > NAME '1992-06-03 -> 1987-06-03' > EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1992-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' gt > '1987-06-03')) > STYLE > COLOR 128 128 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 > ANTIALIAS true > END > END > CLASS > NAME '1987-06-03 -> 1982-06-03' > EXPRESSION (('[INSTALLDAT]' le '1987-06-03') and ('[INSTALLDAT]' ge > '1979-01-01')) > STYLE > COLOR 96 255 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 16 16 16 > ANTIALIAS true > END > END > END > --- snip --- > Note that, I have tried adding TEMPLATE entries inside of each class, > and it has not changed the output result. > > I am using Mapserver 4.6.1 > > So... how do I get my layer to return more attribute data than just > coordinates? > > Here is a list of the attributes in the shapefile. > --- snip --- > $> dbfdump --info TempShape.dbf > Filename: TempShape.dbf > Version: 0x03 (ver. 3) > Num of records: 756 > Header length: 865 > Record length: 1362 > Last change: 1995/7/26 > Num fields: 26 > Field info: > Num Name Type Len Decimal > 1. APN C 20 0 > 2. TRA C 11 0 > 3. EDITORNAME C 35 0 > 4. DISCHARGET C 31 0 > 5. USECODE C 11 0 > 6. UNIT C 11 0 > 7. UDATE C 16 0 > 8. PHASE C 11 0 > 9. MOVED C 11 0 > 10. PARCELIDST C 255 0 > 11. BLOCK C 11 0 > 12. PARCELID N 11 0 > 13. SYSTEMTYPE C 255 0 > 14. PCLTYPE C 11 0 > 15. INSTALLDAT C 255 0 > 16. SHAPE_AREA N 19 0 > 17. SUBDTYPE C 11 0 > 18. SHAPE_LEN N 19 0 > 19. PERIMETER N 19 0 > 20. AREA N 19 0 > 21. LOT C 11 0 > 22. AIN C 11 0 > 23. OID_ N 11 0 > 24. TRACT C 20 0 > 25. OBJECTID N 11 0 > 26. SYSTEMID C 255 0 > --- snip --- > and here is a sample record: > --- snip --- > OGRFeature(TempShape):335 > APN (String) = 4452-011-033 > TRA (String) = (null) > EDITORNAME (String) = (null) > DISCHARGET (String) = Small Commercial > USECODE (String) = (null) > UNIT (String) = (null) > UDATE (String) = 0 > PHASE (String) = (null) > MOVED (String) = (null) > PARCELIDST (String) = 4452011033 > BLOCK (String) = (null) > PARCELID (Integer) = 204481 > SYSTEMTYPE (String) = Conventional > PCLTYPE (String) = (null) > INSTALLDAT (String) = (null) > SHAPE_AREA (Integer) = 22868 > SUBDTYPE (String) = (null) > SHAPE_LEN (Integer) = 596 > PERIMETER (Integer) = 596 > AREA (Integer) = 22868 > LOT (String) = (null) > AIN (String) = 4452011033 > OID_ (Integer) = 1792 > TRACT (String) = (null) > OBJECTID (Integer) = 900225 > SYSTEMID (String) = 205760 > POLYGON ((6354269.883 1835660.066,6354143.342 1835646.922,6354142.028 > 1835646.739,6354141.200 1835646.661,6354140.371 1835646.613,6354139.540 > 1835646.594,6354138.709 1835646.603,6354137.878 1835646.641,6354137.050 > 1835646.709,6354136.224 1835646.805,6354135.403 1835646.930,6354134.586 > 1835647.084,6354133.775 1835647.266,6354132.971 1835647.476,6354132.174 > 1835647.714,6354131.387 1835647.980,6354130.609 1835648.273,6354129.842 > 1835648.594,6354129.087 1835648.940,6354128.344 1835649.313,6354127.614 > 1835649.712,6354126.899 1835650.136,6354126.199 1835650.584,6354125.516 > 1835651.056,6354124.849 1835651.553,6354124.200 1835652.072,6354123.569 > 1835652.614,6354122.958 1835653.176,6354122.367 1835653.760,6354121.796 > 1835654.365,6354121.247 1835654.989,6354120.720 1835655.632,6354120.216 > 1835656.293,6354119.735 1835656.971,6354119.278 1835657.665,6354118.845 > 1835658.375,6354118.439 1835659.100,6354118.056 1835659.838,6354117.701 > 1835660.589,6354117.371 1835661.352,6354117.068 1835662.126,6354116.793 > 1835662.911,6354116.545 1835663.704,6354116.325 1835664.505,6354116.133 > 1835665.315,6354115.970 1835666.129,6354115.835 1835666.949,6354115.729 > 1835667.774,6354115.651 1835668.602,6354115.603 1835669.431,6354102.028 > 1835793.535,6354116.428 1835795.234,6354252.761 1835811.328,6354269.883 > 1835660.066)) > --- snip --- > > Thank you in advance for your reponse, > Nick > > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Fri Jan 13 16:14:52 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:14:52 +1100 Subject: Labeling example help Message-ID: What are the minimum layer attributes for supporting labels? Do I need the CLASSITEM attribute, and if so where do I get its value from? I have my *.shp and *.dbf files in the same directory and with the same names. And I can open my *.dbf in open office calc to see the header ?name?. Here was my failed attempt: LAYER NAME "landmark" DATA "data/landmark_pt.shp" TYPE POINT STATUS ON LABELITEM "name" # MAXSCALE 100000.0 # MINSCALE 0.000001 # SYMBOLSCALE 1.0 CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 255 0 SYMBOL 'star' SIZE 7 END END METADATA wms_title "landmark" wms_srs "EPSG:4283" END END I can see my point stars just fine, but they have no labels... help... Thanks heaps in advance! Jim _________________________________________________________________ Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! From dfuhry at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 13 17:19:14 2006 From: dfuhry at GMAIL.COM (Dave Fuhry) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 20:19:14 -0500 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale In-Reply-To: Message-ID: James, I happen to have an example of this very thing set up here: If this what you see there is the behavior you want, type 'marbles3' in the "Administer Site" login in the upper-right of the screen. Click on the red "control panel" link that appears, and click the "Show Map File" tab. If you want to change the behavior (min/max scale, opacity, etc.) of the layers, change the values on the "Modify Layer" tab, update the layer, then head back to the "Show Map File" tab. Let me know if you find that useful; I am looking for ideas on how to improve the app. Thanks, Dave Fuhry On 1/12/06, James Net wrote: > Hi Again, > > So I tried the following without luck: Any Ideas? Help? > > LAYER > NAME "earth" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > METADATA > wms_title "earth" > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > END > END > > LAYER > NAME "marble" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > GROUP "earth" > MINSCALE 4000000.0 > CONNECTION "" > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > METADATA > wms_title "marble" # DO I NEED THIS HERE? > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > "wms_name" "BMNG" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > END > END > > > LAYER > NAME "my_map" > DATA "data/my_map.tif" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > GROUP "earth" > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > MAXSCALE 4000000.0 > # MINSCALE 100000000.0 > METADATA > wms_title "my_map" > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > wms_abstract "The map" > END > END > > Thanks, > > James > > > > >From: "Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]" > >To: "James Net" > >, > >Subject: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > >Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:00:11 -0500 > > > >Hi > > > >I have many layers that act like this, you only have to modify your > >MINSCALE and MAXSCALE within the group: > > > >For the high res, something like for example > >MAXSCALE 500000 > > > >For the marble > >MINSCALE 500000 > >MAXSCALE 5000000 # if any > > > >Hope this help > >Nicolas > > > >-----Message d'origine----- > >De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la > >part de James Net > >Envoy? : 11 janvier 2006 23:55 > >? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > > > > > >Hello all, > > > >I have a high res raster map of a fixed extent. I want to do the following, > >but don't know how: I want to group my high res raster with JPL bue marble > >so that when I zoom out I see the JPL blue marbe map, but when I zoom into > >my extent I render my high res raster map. > > > >With my mapserver map file, I'm stuck here: > > > > LAYER > > NAME "marble" > > TYPE RASTER > > STATUS ON > > GROUP "earth" > > MAXSCALE ??? > > MINSCALE ??? > > CONNECTION "" > > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > > METADATA > > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > > "wms_name" "BMNG" > > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > > END > > END > > > > LAYER > > NAME "my_high_res_map" > > DATA "data/my_mosaic.tif" > > TYPE RASTER > > STATUS ON > > GROUP "earth" > > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > > MAXSCALE 4000000.0 > > MINSCALE ??? #0.0 > > METADATA > > wms_title "base_map" > > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > > END > > END > > > >Any help would be great, I've been at it all day without luck! > > > > > >Many thanks, > > > >James > > > >_________________________________________________________________ > >ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Make your dream car a reality > > From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Fri Jan 13 17:36:21 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 12:36:21 +1100 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Sorry to butt in, but does changing the max limit in "map.h" (to say 1000) and then recompiling have any effect on the speed / efficiency of mapserver if you have have a map file wth only 1 - 5 layers? >From: Stephen Woodbridge >Reply-To: Stephen Woodbridge >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? >Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:09:51 -0500 > >Randy, > >The limit is set in map.h >You can change the limit and recompile >More resent version have a higher limit I think, but I'm not sure what. > >-Steve W. > >Randy How wrote: >> Greetings, >> I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 layers >>in a >>map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for >>QC'ing >>a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not >>surprisingly >>MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the >>limit, >>then I found out that it was 50! >> I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 layers. >>These >>layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference >>(i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. >> We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the >>same >>way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a >>problem >>in the short term. >> Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to >>accomplish these needs? >> Thanks, Randy ________________________________________________ >>Randy How >> >>Geospatial Applications Developer >>Voice: +1-970-482-4400 >>Fax: +1-970-482-4499 >>Web: >> >>i-cubed >>201 Linden, Third Floor >>Fort Collins, CO 80524 >> _________________________________________________________________ ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Jan 13 19:15:25 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 22:15:25 -0500 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: James Net wrote: > Sorry to butt in, but does changing the max limit in "map.h" (to say > 1000) and then recompiling have any effect on the speed / efficiency of > mapserver if you have have a map file wth only 1 - 5 layers? I should not effect speed, but it does effect memory consumed as the number of layers is staticly allocated. This might indirectly effect speed but making less memory available for system buffers, but probably not. -Steve W. >> From: Stephen Woodbridge >> Reply-To: Stephen Woodbridge >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? >> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:09:51 -0500 >> >> Randy, >> >> The limit is set in map.h >> You can change the limit and recompile >> More resent version have a higher limit I think, but I'm not sure what. >> >> -Steve W. >> >> Randy How wrote: >> >>> Greetings, >>> I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 >>> layers in a >>> map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for >>> QC'ing >>> a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not >>> surprisingly >>> MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the >>> limit, >>> then I found out that it was 50! >>> I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 >>> layers. These >>> layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference >>> (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. >>> We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the >>> same >>> way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a >>> problem >>> in the short term. >>> Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to >>> accomplish these needs? >>> Thanks, Randy ________________________________________________ >>> Randy How >>> >>> Geospatial Applications Developer >>> Voice: +1-970-482-4400 >>> Fax: +1-970-482-4499 >>> Web: >>> >>> i-cubed >>> 201 Linden, Third Floor >>> Fort Collins, CO 80524 >>> > > _________________________________________________________________ > ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > > > From saengpole at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 13 21:42:45 2006 From: saengpole at YAHOO.COM (Krung Saengpole) Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 21:42:45 -0800 Subject: PostGIS problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you for your help. Actually, I had a problem calculating area of forest inside any circle area and draw map with mapserver with this circle. But I didn't know how to start with postgis instead of postgis and postgresql documents. Thank you again. Krung David Bitner wrote: If you are going to be doing much work with PostGIS, this question is better suited to the PostGIS users list that can be found along with documentation for PostGIS at To create a circle with an x,y, and radius all you will need to do is a buffer of an x,y coordinate. For example: buffer(makepoint(x,y),r) On 1/13/06, Krung Saengpole wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm a newbie with postgis and postgresql. I'd like to convert circle > '((x,y),r)' in postgresql to geometry for using with postgis functions. How > can I do it? Please give me an example or some function scripts to start > with. > > Thank you. > Krung > > ________________________________ > Yahoo! Photos ? Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover > Photo Books. You design it and we'll bind it! > > --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From siki at AGT.BME.HU Sat Jan 14 03:47:31 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 10:47:31 -0100 Subject: Labeling example help {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, James Net wrote: > What are the minimum layer attributes for supporting labels? Do I need the > CLASSITEM attribute, and if so where do I get its value from? I have my > *.shp and *.dbf files in the same directory and with the same names. And I > can open my *.dbf in open office calc to see the header ?name?. Try ogrinfo. > > Here was my failed attempt: > > LAYER > NAME "landmark" > DATA "data/landmark_pt.shp" > TYPE POINT > STATUS ON > LABELITEM "name" > # MAXSCALE 100000.0 > # MINSCALE 0.000001 > # SYMBOLSCALE 1.0 > CLASS > STYLE > COLOR 255 255 0 > SYMBOL 'star' > SIZE 7 > END > END > METADATA > wms_title "landmark" > wms_srs "EPSG:4283" > END > END > > I can see my point stars just fine, but they have no labels... help... Add LABEL section to your class. Bye Zoltan From pf at MAPMEDIA.DE Sat Jan 14 05:44:35 2006 From: pf at MAPMEDIA.DE (Peter Freimuth) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 14:44:35 +0100 Subject: use LABEL POSITION=AUTO with SLD Message-ID: Hi Mapserver Community, has anybody an idea of how to use the advanced Label-Collision-Management of UMN through an SLD. There is a snippet how it works with degree mapserver. GEOM Arial Sans-Serif italic 10 #222222 ... The problem is that seems not to be part of sld definition. I can change the Code in mapogcsld.c in void ParseTextPointPlacement(CPLXMLNode *psRoot, classObj *psClass) to archieve the same behaviour, but maybe somebody out there has an more common idea of how to solve this. Best regards, Peter -- Mit freundlichem Gru? Peter Freimuth MapMedia Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Heilbronner Stra?e 10 D-10711 Berlin Charlottenburg fon: +49.(0)30.89 06 82 70 fax: +49.(0)30.89 06 82 73 mail: pf at net: pgp: on demand _________________________________________________ From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Sat Jan 14 06:43:31 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:43:31 -0600 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Jan 13, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote: > Dear Community Members, > > In order to help move along the process of starting an "open source > geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting in > Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by Autodesk. In > conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will continue to try) > to follow these principles: > > - Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source projects > have been invited (see the list so far below) and Autodesk has offered > to pay the travel costs of some of these invitees in order to ensure > they can attend if they cannot afford it otherwise. Anyone else is > also welcome to attend physically or virtually (see below). Thanks to everyone for making this possible. There is a potential problem with the above (note: I have said "potential," hence, it is entirely possible that there may be no problem at all). The meeting is hosted by Autodesk, and Autodesk will also pay for some of the attendees to attend the meeting. Most of the negative reaction to the initial announcement stemmed from a feeling of a free/open source project and its name and goodwill being usurped by a for-profit, closed source, publicly held corporation. Most everyone welcomed Autodesk, but most everyone did not want to have the MapServer Enterprise name applied to their product. I hope Autodesk's financial underwriting of the above event will not create a conflict of interest of any sort. Would it be worthwhile publicly announcing the event so other private corporations have an equal opportunity to attend/sponsor/represent at the event? Personally, I am happy that the meeting is at a place that I can attend. Well, it is 150 miles from here, but I can drive there on my own steam without feeling obligated to anyone. But, it would have been nicer to have the meeting at a "neutral" location and perhaps even at a neutral event. For example, the meeting could be held at UMN, or even at a "rented" meeting room at O'Hare -- I would be happy to chip in toward the cost from my pocket if the expense is reasonable. In any case, I believe this is an important and concrete step forward, and I welcome and support it. As long as we come to the meeting with an open and constructive mind, there shouldn't be any issue. Thanks again, to all those who made it possible (and that includes Autodesk). -- Puneet Kishor From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Jan 14 08:27:35 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:27:35 -0500 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/14/06, Puneet Kishor wrote: > The meeting is hosted by Autodesk, and Autodesk will also pay for some > of the attendees to attend the meeting. ... > I hope Autodesk's financial underwriting of the above event will not > create a conflict of interest of any sort. Would it be worthwhile > publicly announcing the event so other private corporations have an > equal opportunity to attend/sponsor/represent at the event? Puneet, There are lots of folks going that are not sponsored. I'm sure some of them would be happy to be sponsored by other companies. I have also felt a bit concerned about the sponsorship by Autodesk, but mainly from the point of view that those who have to pay their own way may not be able to attend. But please understand that the sponsorship is mainly being done to get a decent degree of representation by various projects. As for equal opportunity to attend, there is a concern that having too many people present may make it difficult to get work done in the meeting. I'm not sure how much meeting space there is, I do know there is a limited amount of time available. So if additional people are attending we will have to be very careful about actually getting decisions made in a timely fashion. I, for one, can not afford the time to attend more of these meetings in person this winter/spring, so this one needs to count. > Personally, I am happy that the meeting is at a place that I can > attend. Well, it is 150 miles from here, but I can drive there on my > own steam without feeling obligated to anyone. But, it would have been > nicer to have the meeting at a "neutral" location and perhaps even at a > neutral event. What isn't neutral about Chicago? It was selected because it was central, and more easily reachable by plane than Phoenix. > For example, the meeting could be held at UMN, I can't see how having it at UMN would have been more neutral. > or even > at a "rented" meeting room at O'Hare It is at a rented room at an O'Hare hotel. > -- I would be happy to chip in > toward the cost from my pocket if the expense is reasonable. Hold onto that money, and consider contributing it to the foundation once setup! Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Sat Jan 14 09:24:44 2006 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 09:24:44 -0800 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Puneet, Starting from the bottom, the meeting will be at a neutral location, the Westin O'Hare, about 2km from O'Hare airport. To give you a flavor of the event participants will be engaging in, my own itinerary involves leaving my family at noon on Friday, arriving at 8pm in Chicago, transferring to the hotel, sleeping, spending the day meeting, and getting on a plane first thing Sunday morning arriving home at 2pm. It is a good thing I like planes. Regarding "conflict of interest", whose? As influence peddling goes, muffins and a day in a conference room at an airport Westin is pretty paltry fare. Autodesk wants to get their open source offering out, and they need a foundation to put it in. They will make one regardless, to put it in. To their credit, they are bending over backwards to ensure that the foundation they establish is as welcoming to as many other open source projects as possible. They are ensuring the foundation is welcoming by soliciting the input of as many other projects as possible. At the end of the day, this will not be Autodesk's foundation, it will be the larger community's, and you will be able to tell by looking at the makeup of the BoD (I have no advance knowledge here, I am merely guessing). Corporations are not generous for fun, they are generous in the pursuit of their interests and, in this case, it is in Autodesk's interest to ensure the foundation their project is managed within is vital, self-sustaining, and legitimate to the larger open source community. That is the backdrop of their generosity in paying travel costs for some of the participants, and for the room in Chicago. Finally, since much of this mistrust of intentions seems to flow solely from the "Mapserver Enterprise" (MSE) naming issue, it is worth reminding everyone that MSE was considered acceptable by everyone who signed the open letter, a group that was largely composed of people from the Mapserver community itself. They were *wrong*, but their mistake was an honest one made with the best intentions, and no one from that group has since stood up and said "Autodesk made us do it": in fact they have stood up and said the opposite, that the suggestion came from their side of the table originally. So while the MSE naming debacle was a mistake, it can not be used as some token of Autodesk's malign intent in assisting in setting up this foundation. The lesson of the MSE episode is that many eyes make mistakes like MSE impossible, hence the emphasis on openness for this meeting. Autodesk wants a strong, independent foundation with a broad membership to put their product. We also want a strong independent foundation with a broad membership. We all have the same destination in mind, and are motives for getting there are the same too. Let's go. Paul On Jan 14, 2006, at 6:43 AM, Puneet Kishor wrote: > On Jan 13, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote: > >> In order to help move along the process of starting an "open >> source geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting >> in Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by >> Autodesk. In conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will >> continue to try) to follow these principles: >> >> - Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source >> projects have been invited (see the list so far below) and >> Autodesk has offered to pay the travel costs of some of these >> invitees in order to ensure they can attend if they cannot afford >> it otherwise. Anyone else is also welcome to attend physically or >> virtually (see below). > > Thanks to everyone for making this possible. There is a potential > problem with the above (note: I have said "potential," hence, it is > entirely possible that there may be no problem at all). > > The meeting is hosted by Autodesk, and Autodesk will also pay for > some of the attendees to attend the meeting. Most of the negative > reaction to the initial announcement stemmed from a feeling of a > free/open source project and its name and goodwill being usurped by > a for-profit, closed source, publicly held corporation. Most > everyone welcomed Autodesk, but most everyone did not want to have > the MapServer Enterprise name applied to their product. > > I hope Autodesk's financial underwriting of the above event will > not create a conflict of interest of any sort. Would it be > worthwhile publicly announcing the event so other private > corporations have an equal opportunity to attend/sponsor/represent > at the event? > > Personally, I am happy that the meeting is at a place that I can > attend. Well, it is 150 miles from here, but I can drive there on > my own steam without feeling obligated to anyone. But, it would > have been nicer to have the meeting at a "neutral" location and > perhaps even at a neutral event. For example, the meeting could be > held at UMN, or even at a "rented" meeting room at O'Hare -- I > would be happy to chip in toward the cost from my pocket if the > expense is reasonable. > > In any case, I believe this is an important and concrete step > forward, and I welcome and support it. As long as we come to the > meeting with an open and constructive mind, there shouldn't be any > issue. Thanks again, to all those who made it possible (and that > includes Autodesk). > > -- > Puneet Kishor > From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Sat Jan 14 09:29:39 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:29:39 -0600 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: <6D2F9A38-5042-4D53-AB3C-5BD0D1083E57@REFRACTIONS.NET> Message-ID: On Jan 14, 2006, at 11:24 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote: > Puneet, > > ..Autodesk wants a strong, independent foundation with a broad > membership to put their product. We also want a strong independent > foundation with a broad membership. We all have the same destination > in mind, and are motives for getting there are the same too. Let's > go. > Cool. See y'all on Feb 4. I hate driving, but for love and the foundation... > On Jan 14, 2006, at 6:43 AM, Puneet Kishor wrote: > >> On Jan 13, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote: >> >>> In order to help move along the process of starting an "open source >>> geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting in >>> Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by Autodesk. In >>> conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will continue to try) >>> to follow these principles: >>> >>> - Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source projects >>> have been invited (see the list so far below) and Autodesk has >>> offered to pay the travel costs of some of these invitees in order >>> to ensure they can attend if they cannot afford it otherwise. Anyone >>> else is also welcome to attend physically or virtually (see below). >> >> Thanks to everyone for making this possible. There is a potential >> problem with the above (note: I have said "potential," hence, it is >> entirely possible that there may be no problem at all). >> >> The meeting is hosted by Autodesk, and Autodesk will also pay for >> some of the attendees to attend the meeting. Most of the negative >> reaction to the initial announcement stemmed from a feeling of a >> free/open source project and its name and goodwill being usurped by a >> for-profit, closed source, publicly held corporation. Most everyone >> welcomed Autodesk, but most everyone did not want to have the >> MapServer Enterprise name applied to their product. >> >> I hope Autodesk's financial underwriting of the above event will not >> create a conflict of interest of any sort. Would it be worthwhile >> publicly announcing the event so other private corporations have an >> equal opportunity to attend/sponsor/represent at the event? >> >> Personally, I am happy that the meeting is at a place that I can >> attend. Well, it is 150 miles from here, but I can drive there on my >> own steam without feeling obligated to anyone. But, it would have >> been nicer to have the meeting at a "neutral" location and perhaps >> even at a neutral event. For example, the meeting could be held at >> UMN, or even at a "rented" meeting room at O'Hare -- I would be happy >> to chip in toward the cost from my pocket if the expense is >> reasonable. >> >> In any case, I believe this is an important and concrete step >> forward, and I welcome and support it. As long as we come to the >> meeting with an open and constructive mind, there shouldn't be any >> issue. Thanks again, to all those who made it possible (and that >> includes Autodesk). >> >> -- >> Puneet Kishor >> >> -- Puneet Kishor From kenlord at GMAIL.COM Sat Jan 14 12:23:46 2006 From: kenlord at GMAIL.COM (Ken Lord) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 12:23:46 -0800 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Would it be possible to make the max layers value a parameter that is set at the top of your map file? ... compiled with a default value, but settable to a higher value when needed? Or would that introduce inefficencies into the memory management? I think those of us who live in the Windows world and are 'compile challenged' tend to bump into this problem ... in a less trivial way, and this seems to pop up on the list every few months. Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 1/13/06, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > James Net wrote: > > Sorry to butt in, but does changing the max limit in "map.h" (to say > > 1000) and then recompiling have any effect on the speed / efficiency of > > mapserver if you have have a map file wth only 1 - 5 layers? > > I should not effect speed, but it does effect memory consumed as the > number of layers is staticly allocated. This might indirectly effect > speed but making less memory available for system buffers, but probably not. > > -Steve W. > > >> From: Stephen Woodbridge > >> Reply-To: Stephen Woodbridge > >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? > >> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:09:51 -0500 > >> > >> Randy, > >> > >> The limit is set in map.h > >> You can change the limit and recompile > >> More resent version have a higher limit I think, but I'm not sure what. > >> > >> -Steve W. > >> > >> Randy How wrote: > >> > >>> Greetings, > >>> I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 > >>> layers in a > >>> map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for > >>> QC'ing > >>> a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not > >>> surprisingly > >>> MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the > >>> limit, > >>> then I found out that it was 50! > >>> I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 > >>> layers. These > >>> layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference > >>> (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. > >>> We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the > >>> same > >>> way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a > >>> problem > >>> in the short term. > >>> Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to > >>> accomplish these needs? > >>> Thanks, Randy ________________________________________________ > >>> Randy How > >>> > >>> Geospatial Applications Developer > >>> Voice: +1-970-482-4400 > >>> Fax: +1-970-482-4499 > >>> Web: > >>> > >>> i-cubed > >>> 201 Linden, Third Floor > >>> Fort Collins, CO 80524 > >>> > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > > ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > > > > > > > From dfuhry at GMAIL.COM Sat Jan 14 13:41:42 2006 From: dfuhry at GMAIL.COM (Dave Fuhry) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 16:41:42 -0500 Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale In-Reply-To: Message-ID: James, If you close & reopen your browser and go to the 'geauga' service, it will let you go to geauga's control panel, and from there see the mapfile. It is an administrative example but you just can't be logged into that and bluemarble at the same time. You'll see there that the LABELITEM and LABEL ... END section control labeling. Post your mapfile fragment if you continue to have problems. If you want an individualized example and your data is not confidential, you can make a .zip file of your shapefiles and submit them to the site using the "Create a Service" page. You can turn on labels and such in your own control panel then, and look at the generated mapfile. You would still have to do a little work on your end to change the data source to shapefiles (instead of postgis) and maybe repoint some fonts. Thanks, Dave Fuhry On 1/14/06, James Net wrote: > > Thanks, that helped. And now mine works. Thanks heaps!!! > > Now, what I am more interested in is the map file from the "geauge" example. > I just can't seem to get my labels displaying - and I am using *.shp and > *.dbf files so I know there are labels. Plus I have got them working via > geoserver, but I would mush rather serve them with mapserver! Any help, > ideas, examples??? > > I seem to learn best from examples. > > Thanks in advance, > > James > > >From: Dave Fuhry > >Reply-To: Dave Fuhry > >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > >Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 20:19:14 -0500 > > > >James, > > > > I happen to have an example of this very thing set up here: > > > > > > If this what you see there is the behavior you want, type > >'marbles3' in the "Administer Site" login in the upper-right of the > >screen. Click on the red "control panel" link that appears, and click > >the "Show Map File" tab. > > > > If you want to change the behavior (min/max scale, opacity, etc.) > >of the layers, change the values on the "Modify Layer" tab, update the > >layer, then head back to the "Show Map File" tab. > > > > Let me know if you find that useful; I am looking for ideas on how > >to improve the app. > > > >Thanks, > > > >Dave Fuhry > > > > > >On 1/12/06, James Net wrote: > > > Hi Again, > > > > > > So I tried the following without luck: Any Ideas? Help? > > > > > > LAYER > > > NAME "earth" > > > TYPE RASTER > > > STATUS ON > > > METADATA > > > wms_title "earth" > > > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > > > END > > > END > > > > > > LAYER > > > NAME "marble" > > > TYPE RASTER > > > STATUS ON > > > GROUP "earth" > > > MINSCALE 4000000.0 > > > CONNECTION "" > > > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > > > METADATA > > > wms_title "marble" # DO I NEED THIS HERE? > > > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > > > "wms_name" "BMNG" > > > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > > > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > > > END > > > END > > > > > > > > > LAYER > > > NAME "my_map" > > > DATA "data/my_map.tif" > > > TYPE RASTER > > > STATUS ON > > > GROUP "earth" > > > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > > > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > > > MAXSCALE 4000000.0 > > > # MINSCALE 100000000.0 > > > METADATA > > > wms_title "my_map" > > > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > > > wms_abstract "The map" > > > END > > > END > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > James > > > > > > > > > > > > >From: "Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]" > > > >To: "James Net" > > > >, > > > >Subject: RE : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > > > >Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:00:11 -0500 > > > > > > > >Hi > > > > > > > >I have many layers that act like this, you only have to modify your > > > >MINSCALE and MAXSCALE within the group: > > > > > > > >For the high res, something like for example > > > >MAXSCALE 500000 > > > > > > > >For the marble > > > >MINSCALE 500000 > > > >MAXSCALE 5000000 # if any > > > > > > > >Hope this help > > > >Nicolas > > > > > > > >-----Message d'origine----- > > > >De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De > >la > > > >part de James Net > > > >Envoy? : 11 janvier 2006 23:55 > > > >? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > > >Objet : [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Group / Scale > > > > > > > > > > > >Hello all, > > > > > > > >I have a high res raster map of a fixed extent. I want to do the > >following, > > > >but don't know how: I want to group my high res raster with JPL bue > >marble > > > >so that when I zoom out I see the JPL blue marbe map, but when I zoom > >into > > > >my extent I render my high res raster map. > > > > > > > >With my mapserver map file, I'm stuck here: > > > > > > > > LAYER > > > > NAME "marble" > > > > TYPE RASTER > > > > STATUS ON > > > > GROUP "earth" > > > > MAXSCALE ??? > > > > MINSCALE ??? > > > > CONNECTION "" > > > > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > > > > METADATA > > > > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > > > > "wms_name" "BMNG" > > > > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > > > > "wms_format" "image/jpeg" > > > > END > > > > END > > > > > > > > LAYER > > > > NAME "my_high_res_map" > > > > DATA "data/my_mosaic.tif" > > > > TYPE RASTER > > > > STATUS ON > > > > GROUP "earth" > > > > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > > > > OFFSITE 0 0 0 > > > > MAXSCALE 4000000.0 > > > > MINSCALE ??? #0.0 > > > > METADATA > > > > wms_title "base_map" > > > > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > > > > END > > > > END > > > > > > > >Any help would be great, I've been at it all day without luck! > > > > > > > > > > > >Many thanks, > > > > > > > >James > > > > > > > >_________________________________________________________________ > > > >ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > > > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > > > Make your dream car a reality > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > > > From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Sat Jan 14 19:26:39 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 21:26:39 -0600 Subject: ArcInfo Ascii Grid In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This is a question I am very interested in, so has anybody an answer? thanks, Carola _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Christopher Condit Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:26 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ArcInfo Ascii Grid I gave up on using Oracle Spatial to generate raster images from SDO points on the fly. Instead - I pull the proper information from the database into an ArcInfo ASCII Grid file. This much is working fine - however I'm running into some issues when attempting to display the .txt file through MapServer: *) How to use the CLASS in the layer to change the raster classification. Right now it just ranges from black to gray. The information is there but almost impossible to see. How do I change this to range from red to blue - and be stratified automatically? *) Does the NODATA_Value in the ASCII Grid file mess up the classification scheme? Thanks for your time, Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Sat Jan 14 08:27:35 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 11:27:35 -0500 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/14/06, Puneet Kishor wrote: > The meeting is hosted by Autodesk, and Autodesk will also pay for some > of the attendees to attend the meeting. . > I hope Autodesk's financial underwriting of the above event will not > create a conflict of interest of any sort. Would it be worthwhile > publicly announcing the event so other private corporations have an > equal opportunity to attend/sponsor/represent at the event? Puneet, There are lots of folks going that are not sponsored. I'm sure some of them would be happy to be sponsored by other companies. I have also felt a bit concerned about the sponsorship by Autodesk, but mainly from the point of view that those who have to pay their own way may not be able to attend. But please understand that the sponsorship is mainly being done to get a decent degree of representation by various projects. As for equal opportunity to attend, there is a concern that having too many people present may make it difficult to get work done in the meeting. I'm not sure how much meeting space there is, I do know there is a limited amount of time available. So if additional people are attending we will have to be very careful about actually getting decisions made in a timely fashion. I, for one, can not afford the time to attend more of these meetings in person this winter/spring, so this one needs to count. > Personally, I am happy that the meeting is at a place that I can > attend. Well, it is 150 miles from here, but I can drive there on my > own steam without feeling obligated to anyone. But, it would have been > nicer to have the meeting at a "neutral" location and perhaps even at a > neutral event. What isn't neutral about Chicago? It was selected because it was central, and more easily reachable by plane than Phoenix. > For example, the meeting could be held at UMN, I can't see how having it at UMN would have been more neutral. > or even > at a "rented" meeting room at O'Hare It is at a rented room at an O'Hare hotel. > -- I would be happy to chip in > toward the cost from my pocket if the expense is reasonable. Hold onto that money, and consider contributing it to the foundation once setup! Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From kenlord at GMAIL.COM Sat Jan 14 12:23:46 2006 From: kenlord at GMAIL.COM (Ken Lord) Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 12:23:46 -0800 Subject: Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Would it be possible to make the max layers value a parameter that is set at the top of your map file? ... compiled with a default value, but settable to a higher value when needed? Or would that introduce inefficencies into the memory management? I think those of us who live in the Windows world and are 'compile challenged' tend to bump into this problem ... in a less trivial way, and this seems to pop up on the list every few months. Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 1/13/06, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > James Net wrote: > > Sorry to butt in, but does changing the max limit in "map.h" (to say > > 1000) and then recompiling have any effect on the speed / efficiency of > > mapserver if you have have a map file wth only 1 - 5 layers? > > I should not effect speed, but it does effect memory consumed as the > number of layers is staticly allocated. This might indirectly effect > speed but making less memory available for system buffers, but probably not. > > -Steve W. > > >> From: Stephen Woodbridge > >> Reply-To: Stephen Woodbridge > >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile - 50 Layers Maximum ? > >> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 13:09:51 -0500 > >> > >> Randy, > >> > >> The limit is set in map.h > >> You can change the limit and recompile > >> More resent version have a higher limit I think, but I'm not sure what > >> > >> -Steve W. > >> > >> Randy How wrote: > >> > >>> Greetings, > >>> I've come across this rumor/fact, that there is a maximum of 50 > >>> layers in a > >>> map file. Unknowingly I was experimenting the use of MapServer for > >>> QC'ing > >>> a project, that I put in 2,500 layers into a mapfile. Yes, not > >>> surprisingly > >>> MapServer baucked about this. Then the first question is what is the > >>> limit, > >>> then I found out that it was 50! > >>> I looked in to an existing mapfile that we have and it has 45 > >>> layers. These > >>> layers are represented at different scales, and/or by spatial reference > >>> (i.e. Indices for different UTM zones), then a watermark. > >>> We are moving into more global datasets which may be represented the > >>> same > >>> way. There's 60 UTM zones. So the 50 layer limit is going to be a > >>> problem > >>> in the short term. > >>> Can anyone verify this fact? And is there a work around in place to > >>> accomplish these needs? > >>> Thanks, Randy ________________________________________________ > >>> Randy How > >>> > >>> Geospatial Applications Developer > >>> Voice: +1-970-482-4400 > >>> Fax: +1-970-482-4499 > >>> Web: > >>> > >>> i-cubed > >>> 201 Linden, Third Floor > >>> Fort Collins, CO 80524 > >>> > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > > ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) > > > > > > > From armin.burger at GMX.NET Sun Jan 15 09:20:27 2006 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 18:20:27 +0100 Subject: PHP Mapscript and PHP 5.1.2 Message-ID: Hello everybody, I compiled Mapscript with PHP 5.1.2 and the compilation worked fine (the system was Ubuntu 5.10 with GCC 4, and PHP compiled as Apache 1.3 module). When I try to load the module, however, I get the error /usr/sbin/apache: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ undefined symbol: php_sprintf This happens for both Mapserver 4.6.2 and 4.8rc2. Everything works fine if I use PHP 5.0.5 instead. Did anybody ran into the same problem? Armin From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Sun Jan 15 11:37:00 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 13:37:00 -0600 Subject: negative values and colors in Ascii Grids Message-ID: Hi, I have an contineous ASCII GRID (floating values) that I would like to display in MapServer. This grid shows bathymetry (ocean) and elevation (land) data. There are a lot of negative values for the ocean, starting from -1500 to 0 and only a small range for the land (0 to 20). When I am trying to display the grid, the entire image is black. Does MapServer support negative values? How can I display the grid with colors? I have tried to convert the Ascii file to a binary grid, but I don't know how to create a colormap (*.clr). ArcGIS doesn't seem to support this or does anyone of you how to do that? Any help is welcome. Thanks, Carola ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carola Jesch Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana State University 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA,70803 e-mail: cjesch at From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Sun Jan 15 11:55:30 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 11:55:30 -0800 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu Message-ID: Hey folks, I'm installing mapserver 4.6.2 from source on ubuntu breezy and I'm running into some errors. I built most dependencies with "apt-get build-dep mapserver-bin", built my own gdal cvs (from 01/11/06) in /usr/local and configured with: ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config But make is giving me the following errors: gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lidn -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ -o shp2img ./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRFileWhichShapes(layer_obj*, rectObj, ms_ogr_file_info_t*)': mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x52e): undefined reference to `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x582): undefined reference to `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 I've tried this on two other installations of Ubuntu and get the exact same error even when compiling against older versions of gdal which I know to be stable. If i compile without gdal/ogr it works fine. Does anyone have any hints about where I can begin debugging this? -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Sun Jan 15 14:39:09 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 16:39:09 -0600 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Matt, What happens if you run configure with this: ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-proj (Don't pass the path to "--with-ogr" parameter). -Perry Matthew Perry wrote: >Hey folks, > > I'm installing mapserver 4.6.2 from source on ubuntu breezy and I'm >running into some errors. I built most dependencies with "apt-get >build-dep mapserver-bin", built my own gdal cvs (from 01/11/06) in >/usr/local and configured with: > >./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient >--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj >--with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config > >But make is giving me the following errors: > >gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT >-DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR >-DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT >-DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL > -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include > shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype >-lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 >-lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lidn >-lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ >-o shp2img >./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRFileWhichShapes(layer_obj*, >rectObj, ms_ogr_file_info_t*)': >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x52e): undefined reference to >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x582): undefined reference to >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > >I've tried this on two other installations of Ubuntu and get the exact >same error even when compiling against older versions of gdal which I >know to be stable. If i compile without gdal/ogr it works fine. Does >anyone have any hints about where I can begin debugging this? >-- >Matt Perry >perrygeo at > > >. > > > From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Sun Jan 15 15:49:23 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 15:49:23 -0800 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Perry, On 1/15/06, Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: > What happens if you run configure with this: > > ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-proj > > (Don't pass the path to "--with-ogr" parameter). Same error. I tried without specifying any paths and tried specifying the the official ubuntu gdal binaries in /usr/bin with the same results. matt > Matthew Perry wrote: > > >Hey folks, > > > > I'm installing mapserver 4.6.2 from source on ubuntu breezy and I'm > >running into some errors. I built most dependencies with "apt-get > >build-dep mapserver-bin", built my own gdal cvs (from 01/11/06) in > >/usr/local and configured with: > > > >./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient > >--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj > >--with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config > > > >But make is giving me the following errors: > > > >gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT > >-DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR > >-DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT > >-DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL > > -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include > > shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype > >-lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 > >-lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lidn > >-lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ > >-o shp2img > >./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRFileWhichShapes(layer_obj*, > >rectObj, ms_ogr_file_info_t*)': > >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to > >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x52e): undefined reference to > >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to > >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to > >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x582): undefined reference to > >`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > >make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > > >I've tried this on two other installations of Ubuntu and get the exact > >same error even when compiling against older versions of gdal which I > >know to be stable. If i compile without gdal/ogr it works fine. Does > >anyone have any hints about where I can begin debugging this? > >-- > >Matt Perry > >perrygeo at > > > > > >. > > > > > > > > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From bengt.nilsson at AEROTECHTELUB.SE Sun Jan 15 15:38:22 2006 From: bengt.nilsson at AEROTECHTELUB.SE (Nilsson Bengt) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 00:38:22 +0100 Subject: No reprojection done Message-ID: Hi, I've set up a WMS server with an initial singe layer to test reprojection. However , I can't get the projection to work. Whatever output projection i try I get the same geographical (4326) back. For example, when I make a WMS request with SRS=EPSG:54004 (Mercator) and bounding box in that projection I get an 4326-map back. I do not get any errors. Here is my map-file: MAP NAME WMS-test STATUS ON SHAPEPATH "shp" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET ../etc/fontset.txt DEBUG ON WEB LOG "/tmp/mapserv.log" IMAGEPATH "/srv/www/htdocs/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "wms_title" "Test" "wms_onlineresource" "http://hhhhhhhhh/mapserv/wt?service=WMS" "wms_srs" "epsg:9823 epsg:4326 epsg:54004" END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:54004" END LAYER NAME k92_strandlinje DEBUG ON METADATA "wms_title" "k92_strandlinje" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxx dbname=xxx host=localhost" DATA 'the_geom from k92_strandlin_polygon' PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "strandlin-pgx" COLOR 255 251 237 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END /Regards Bengt From john.hagstrand at INTERAGERESEARCH.COM Sun Jan 15 17:41:53 2006 From: john.hagstrand at INTERAGERESEARCH.COM (John Hagstrand) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 17:41:53 -0800 Subject: portugal Message-ID: Hi, I need a street database and geocoder for Portugal. Any suggestions? John ___________________ John Hagstrand 847 838 5371 From tylermitchell at SHAW.CA Sun Jan 15 22:27:42 2006 From: tylermitchell at SHAW.CA (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 22:27:42 -0800 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul Ramsey wrote: > The whole meeting will be transcribed into IRC in real > time, and IRC users will be able to participate via an interlocutor > at the meeting. I have registered the IRC channel: #geofoundation at - as a potential place for our discussions during the meeting. In the meantime it is suitable for those who want to chat about the foundation ideas in real-time before the meeting. I'll gladly answer questions there as I am able over the days/weeks leading up to the meeting. Tyler From candalt at ONLINE.NO Sun Jan 15 23:46:05 2006 From: candalt at ONLINE.NO (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Sture_Dings=F8yr?=) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:46:05 +0100 Subject: MS_MAXSYMBOLS and symbolfile Message-ID: Hello everybody. I have an application and are in need of using more symbols than what is set as MS_MAXSYMBOLS in mapsymbol.h file (64). If I say increases this number to 128 and recompile, what implications does this have? Just use of more memory? Anybody got any experience in using the MS_MAXSYMBOLS? Regards, Sture From adams at TERRESTRIS.DE Mon Jan 16 00:22:00 2006 From: adams at TERRESTRIS.DE (Till Adams) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:22:00 +0100 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Dear Perry, we love Ubuntu because we never got less errors while compiling UMN (none). We take all the libs from breezy (also libgdal and libgdal-dev) and compile like this: # ./configure --with-gd -- with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-wms... and all the rest we want without giving any pathes. If you make # find -name gdal-config it is located in "/usr/bin/" Everything Works. Did you take any of the libs (gdal, gd, freetype, ..) from sources and not as package? Till Matthew Perry schrieb: >Perry, > >On 1/15/06, Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: > > >>What happens if you run configure with this: >> >>./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-proj >> >>(Don't pass the path to "--with-ogr" parameter). >> >> > >Same error. I tried without specifying any paths and tried specifying >the the official ubuntu gdal binaries in /usr/bin with the same >results. > >matt > > > > > > > >>Matthew Perry wrote: >> >> >> >>>Hey folks, >>> >>> I'm installing mapserver 4.6.2 from source on ubuntu breezy and I'm >>>running into some errors. I built most dependencies with "apt-get >>>build-dep mapserver-bin", built my own gdal cvs (from 01/11/06) in >>>/usr/local and configured with: >>> >>>./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient >>>--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj >>>--with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config >>> >>>But make is giving me the following errors: >>> >>>gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT >>>-DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR >>>-DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT >>>-DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL >>>-DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include >>> shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype >>>-lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 >>>-lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lidn >>>-lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ >>>-o shp2img >>>./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRFileWhichShapes(layer_obj*, >>>rectObj, ms_ogr_file_info_t*)': >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x52e): undefined reference to >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x582): undefined reference to >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >>>make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 >>> >>>I've tried this on two other installations of Ubuntu and get the exact >>>same error even when compiling against older versions of gdal which I >>>know to be stable. If i compile without gdal/ogr it works fine. Does >>>anyone have any hints about where I can begin debugging this? >>>-- >>>Matt Perry >>>perrygeo at >>> >>> >>>. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> > > >-- >Matt Perry >perrygeo at > > > -- ****************************************** * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * * * ****************************************** ------------------------------------------ Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 info at * From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 00:47:47 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 00:47:47 -0800 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Till, Thanks for the input. i'll respond inline... On 1/16/06, Till Adams wrote: > we love Ubuntu because we never got less errors while compiling UMN (none). Really? I have tried this on four installations of Ubuntu now including a completely fresh installation. Same error every time... > We take all the libs from breezy (also libgdal and libgdal-dev) and > compile like this: > > # ./configure --with-gd -- with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr > --with-wms... > > and all the rest we want without giving any pathes. If you make > > # find -name gdal-config > > it is located in "/usr/bin/" > I have the ubuntu gdal package installed in /usr plus a compiled version in /usr/local which I need to support some extra formats. As far as I can tell, both versions of gdal are functioning 100% I have tried compiling --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-gdal --with-ogr No luck. I tried linking with the precompiled gdal just to make sure it wasn't my gdal build --with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr Still no luck. The only way I can get mapserver to compile is by ommitting gdal/ogr support which is not going to work for me. I'll keep working at it and see what I can come up with. matt > Matthew Perry schrieb: > > >Perry, > > > >On 1/15/06, Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: > > > > > >>What happens if you run configure with this: > >> > >>./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-proj > >> > >>(Don't pass the path to "--with-ogr" parameter). > >> > >> > > > >Same error. I tried without specifying any paths and tried specifying > >the the official ubuntu gdal binaries in /usr/bin with the same > >results. > > > >matt > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >>Matthew Perry wrote: > >> > >> > >> > >>>Hey folks, > >>> > >>> I'm installing mapserver 4.6.2 from source on ubuntu breezy and I'm > >>>running into some errors. I built most dependencies with "apt-get > >>>build-dep mapserver-bin", built my own gdal cvs (from 01/11/06) in > >>>/usr/local and configured with: > >>> > >>>./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient > >>>--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj > >>>--with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config > >>> > >>>But make is giving me the following errors: > >>> > >>>gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT > >>>-DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR > >>>-DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT > >>>-DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL > >>>-DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include > >>> shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype > >>>-lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 > >>>-lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lidn > >>>-lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ > >>>-o shp2img > >>>./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRFileWhichShapes(layer_obj*, > >>>rectObj, ms_ogr_file_info_t*)': > >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to > >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x52e): undefined reference to > >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to > >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to > >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >>>mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x582): undefined reference to > >>>`OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' > >>>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > >>>make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > >>> > >>>I've tried this on two other installations of Ubuntu and get the exact > >>>same error even when compiling against older versions of gdal which I > >>>know to be stable. If i compile without gdal/ogr it works fine. Does > >>>anyone have any hints about where I can begin debugging this? > >>>-- > >>>Matt Perry > >>>perrygeo at > >>> > >>> > >>>. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> > >> > > > > > >-- > >Matt Perry > >perrygeo at > > > > > > > > -- > ****************************************** > * released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN * > * LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD' * > * * > ****************************************** > > ------------------------------------------ > > Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams > terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR > Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn > Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57 > info at * > > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From purpureleaf at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 01:24:42 2006 From: purpureleaf at GMAIL.COM (li pan) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:24:42 +0800 Subject: (newbie question) Create object on the map using web ui? Message-ID: Hi, I am new to Mapserver, so this question may sounds silly:-) After reading some documents, I have a question. How could I add an object(river, road, building etc) to the map through Mapserver's web gui? It seems to me that all the datas are reading from vector or raster files, and there is no way to modify the data on the fly? If the user are supposed to draw their own maps, how could they do ? Do they need other GIS software? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mazlanman at PERAK.GOV.MY Mon Jan 16 01:19:45 2006 From: mazlanman at PERAK.GOV.MY (Lanzx Man) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 03:19:45 -0600 Subject: Query Attribute Ala Mapinfo SQL Selection Message-ID: Hi there! Is there any way on how to perform joined table query similar in Mapinfo where we have several operator like within,intersect, obj in MAPSCRIPT Thanks From luca76 at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 01:58:23 2006 From: luca76 at GMAIL.COM (Luca Manganelli) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:58:23 +0100 Subject: [OT] Problems converting DGN to SHP file Message-ID: Hi, I am trying to convert DGN to SHP. DGN is composed by ANNOTATION (text with coordinates AND viewing angle). I can do this: ogr2ogr -nlt POINT -skipfailures -f "ESRI Shapefile" dir S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn but the new shp does not have any information about angles: #> ogrinfo -summary S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn elements INFO: Open of `S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn' using driver `DGN' successful. Layer name: elements Geometry: Unknown (any) Feature Count: 59817 Extent: (1656335.478654, 5093641.729797) - (1669699.215614, 5113109.826557) Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) Type: Integer (2.0) Level: Integer (2.0) GraphicGroup: Integer (4.0) ColorIndex: Integer (3.0) Weight: Integer (2.0) Style: Integer (1.0) EntityNum: Integer (0.0) MSLink: Integer (0.0) Text: String (0.0) any idea? -- "An algorithm must be seen to be believed." -- Donald Knuth, in "Fundamental Algorithms" From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Mon Jan 16 02:09:29 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:09:29 +0100 Subject: Nautical charts Message-ID: Hi all, does anyone know about free digital charts of northern Europe's coast and harbours? For example, DNC only has public charts for US. cheers Joern From mjdelafuente at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 05:27:13 2006 From: mjdelafuente at GMAIL.COM (Miguel de la Fuente) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:27:13 -0300 Subject: Symbols scaling crash Message-ID: Hello everybody, I've got a problem, I've a layer defined as Line with simbology, that doesn`t appear as I've expected to, only looks like I want when I zoom in very much. I've defined the layer as follow LAYER NAME "Secciones Lineas" STATUS ON DATA "new_geom FROM (select OID,* from seccion) as foo using unique OID using srid=-1" TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "user=xxx password=*** dbname=xxx host=**.**.**.** port=5432" MAXSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "Secciones" STYLE SYMBOL "secciones" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 5 END END END And its symbology: SYMBOL NAME 'secciones' TYPE ellipse POINTS 1 1 END FILLED TRUE STYLE 1 10 20 10 1 10 END END Why when I zoom out does this layer crashes??? I've atteched two images as example, as you see in 'muestra1' the same layer (non-continuos black line) doesn't even seems regular, and in 'muestra2' is when I zoom in and the layer is well drawn. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: muestra1.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 32171 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: muestra2.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 6286 bytes Desc: not available URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 16 05:29:14 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:29:14 -0500 Subject: negative values and colors in Ascii Grids In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/15/06, Carola Jesch wrote: > Hi, > > I have an contineous ASCII GRID (floating values) that I would like to > display in MapServer. This grid shows bathymetry (ocean) and elevation > (land) data. There are a lot of negative values for the ocean, starting from > -1500 to 0 and only a small range for the land (0 to 20). When I am trying > to display the grid, the entire image is black. Does MapServer support > negative values? How can I display the grid with colors? > I have tried to convert the Ascii file to a binary grid, but I don't know > how to create a colormap (*.clr). ArcGIS doesn't seem to support this or > does anyone of you how to do that? Carola, By default Mapserver will read the grid values directly, and clip any values outside the range 0 to 255 the bounds. So all your negative values are cliipped to zero, and the top value is 20 (out of 255) which would appear nearly black. The first step I would suggest is enabling autoscaling with the layer directive: PROCESSING "SCALE=AUTO" Beyond that I would suggest you review the raster howto. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 16 05:39:09 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:39:09 -0500 Subject: [OT] Problems converting DGN to SHP file In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/16/06, Luca Manganelli wrote: > Hi, I am trying to convert DGN to SHP. > DGN is composed by ANNOTATION (text with coordinates AND viewing angle). > I can do this: > > ogr2ogr -nlt POINT -skipfailures -f "ESRI Shapefile" dir S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn > > but the new shp does not have any information about angles: > > #> ogrinfo -summary S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn elements > > INFO: Open of `S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn' > using driver `DGN' successful. > > Layer name: elements > Geometry: Unknown (any) > Feature Count: 59817 > Extent: (1656335.478654, 5093641.729797) - (1669699.215614, 5113109.826557) > Layer SRS WKT: > (unknown) > Type: Integer (2.0) > Level: Integer (2.0) > GraphicGroup: Integer (4.0) > ColorIndex: Integer (3.0) > Weight: Integer (2.0) > Style: Integer (1.0) > EntityNum: Integer (0.0) > MSLink: Integer (0.0) > Text: String (0.0) Luca, This is really an OGR question and would be better addressed to the gdal-dev list. The short answer is that there is no easy way to do what you want. The rotation information is kept in the "style string" which is not a normal attribute, and so isn't translated to shapefile format. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 16 05:49:57 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:49:57 -0500 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/16/06, Matthew Perry wrote: > I have the ubuntu gdal package installed in /usr plus a compiled > version in /usr/local which I need to support some extra formats. As > far as I can tell, both versions of gdal are functioning 100% Matt, This is almost certainly the cause of your problem. The error is basically indicating that MapServer was compiled using include files with one definition of the Set methods, but you linked against a shared library with a different definition. These methods had a "const correctness" change that is normally invisible to applications, but does change the ABI (the mangled internal names of methods). My suggestion is that you uninstall the package from /usr, if you are installing your own custom build in /usr/local. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Mon Jan 16 06:12:44 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:12:44 +0100 Subject: generating imagemaps using shpxy, cutting off at the map edge? Message-ID: Hi list, when generating imagemaps using shpxy templating, it appears that features which are partly in the map are fully represented in the imagemap. Is there a way to cut off the features at the edge of the map? This can get really expensive with the very long thin features I have in my map. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Bart -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR Mon Jan 16 07:13:42 2006 From: xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR (Xavier mauclaire) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 16:13:42 +0100 Subject: Mapserver and Mono Message-ID: Hi, I'd like to know if there is any mapserver server running under mono on linux ou windows ? I found the windows c# compilation version of the mapscript (thanks to Howard Butler :-) ). Can this version running with mono ? regards xavier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 07:19:47 2006 From: n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM (Neil Saunders) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:19:47 +0000 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile Message-ID: Hi Folks, I've got a map of England as a shapefile, containing regions for each county. What I'd like to do is merge selected regions in to a larger region (E.g Devon, Somerset, Cornwall etc into "Westcountry"). Does any one know a simple (Preferably GUI based) way of achieving this? Thanks in advance, Neil. From arovira at NGEOGRAFICS.COM Mon Jan 16 07:42:13 2006 From: arovira at NGEOGRAFICS.COM (Albert Rovira) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:42:13 -0600 Subject: Bug in msSaveSymbolSet Message-ID: Hi all, I found a litte bug in function msSaveSymbolSet. It don't close the file stream, so data about symbols are lost. int msSaveSymbolSet(symbolSetObj *symbolset, const char *filename) { FILE *stream; int retval; if (!filename || strlen(filename) == 0) { msSetError(MS_SYMERR, "Invalid filename.", "msSaveSymbolSet()"); return MS_FAILURE; } stream = fopen(filename, "w"); retval = msSaveSymbolSetStream(symbolset, stream); return retval; } From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Mon Jan 16 08:01:37 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:01:37 +0100 Subject: MapServer GetFeature Request Message-ID: How can I do if i want to send a GetFeature (WFS) request to MapServer using an HTML template form in which I can write the Request in XML, like in GeoServer?? (I don't want to submit the request only by URL and QUERY_STRING) Thank u much ! Fabio D'Ovidio Planetek Italia Srl via Massaua 12, Bari -70123 Italy e-mail : dovidio at From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Mon Jan 16 08:07:05 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:07:05 +0100 Subject: MapServer GetFeature Request In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Just the same way as you do with Geoserver. The URL you would post to would be something like: http://myhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/tmp/ Best regards, Bart Fabio D' Ovidio wrote: >How can I do if i want to send a GetFeature (WFS) request to >MapServer using an HTML template form in which I can write the Request >in XML, like in GeoServer?? >(I don't want to submit the request only by URL and QUERY_STRING) >Thank u much ! > >Fabio D'Ovidio >Planetek Italia Srl >via Massaua 12, Bari -70123 Italy >e-mail : dovidio at > > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Mon Jan 16 09:36:47 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:36:47 -0600 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Greetings, Till! I was just about to pull out my laptop with Ubuntu... haven't used it in quite sometime. I've compiled MapServer, GRASS, and GDAL/OGR in Ubuntu before without any problems so I'm curious to see what Matt's problem is all about. It could be that he's missing some header files... Matt, did you download the "dev" packages for GDAL and other dependencies? -Perry Till Adams wrote: > Dear Perry, > > we love Ubuntu because we never got less errors while compiling UMN > (none). > We take all the libs from breezy (also libgdal and libgdal-dev) and > compile like this: > > # ./configure --with-gd -- with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr > --with-wms... > > and all the rest we want without giving any pathes. If you make > > # find -name gdal-config > > it is located in "/usr/bin/" > > Everything Works. Did you take any of the libs (gdal, gd, freetype, > ..) from sources and not as > package? > > Till > > Matthew Perry schrieb: > >> Perry, >> >> On 1/15/06, Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: >> >> >>> What happens if you run configure with this: >>> >>> ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient >>> --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr --with-proj >>> >>> (Don't pass the path to "--with-ogr" parameter). >>> >> >> >> Same error. I tried without specifying any paths and tried specifying >> the the official ubuntu gdal binaries in /usr/bin with the same >> results. >> >> matt >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>> Matthew Perry wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>>> Hey folks, >>>> >>>> I'm installing mapserver 4.6.2 from source on ubuntu breezy and I'm >>>> running into some errors. I built most dependencies with "apt-get >>>> build-dep mapserver-bin", built my own gdal cvs (from 01/11/06) in >>>> /usr/local and configured with: >>>> >>>> ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient >>>> --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-proj >>>> --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config >>>> >>>> But make is giving me the following errors: >>>> >>>> gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DNEED_STRLCAT >>>> -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_WFS_LYR >>>> -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT >>>> -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL >>>> -DUSE_ICONV -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include >>>> shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype >>>> -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 >>>> -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lcurl -lidn >>>> -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz -lc -lz -lm -lstdc++ >>>> -o shp2img >>>> ./libmap.a(mapogr.o): In function `msOGRFileWhichShapes(layer_obj*, >>>> rectObj, ms_ogr_file_info_t*)': >>>> mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to >>>> `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>> mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x52e): undefined reference to >>>> `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>> mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to >>>> `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>> mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to >>>> `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>> mapogr.cpp:(.text+0x582): undefined reference to >>>> `OGRLineString::setPoint(int, double, double)' >>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status >>>> make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 >>>> >>>> I've tried this on two other installations of Ubuntu and get the exact >>>> same error even when compiling against older versions of gdal which I >>>> know to be stable. If i compile without gdal/ogr it works fine. Does >>>> anyone have any hints about where I can begin debugging this? >>>> -- >>>> Matt Perry >>>> perrygeo at >>>> >>>> >>>> . >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> -- >> Matt Perry >> perrygeo at >> >> >> > From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 16 11:05:07 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:05:07 -0800 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Neil, I tend to use Postgres/PostGIS for this kind of processing. For example: Load the data into postgres like this: shp2pgsql england.shp england_table | psql Then dump it out again into several shapefiles. Use an SQL statement to select the regions to include in each file: pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." Brock Neil Saunders wrote: >Hi Folks, > >I've got a map of England as a shapefile, containing regions for each >county. What I'd like to do is merge selected regions in to a larger >region (E.g Devon, Somerset, Cornwall etc into "Westcountry"). > >Does any one know a simple (Preferably GUI based) way of achieving this? > >Thanks in advance, > >Neil. > > From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 11:18:34 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:18:34 -0800 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank, There is no way for Mapserver to differentiate between coexisting versions of gdal? This is disappointing since removing the /usr version will mean removing a whole stack of software that depends on it then recompiling them all from scratch. Is there no other option? matt On 1/16/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 1/16/06, Matthew Perry wrote: > > I have the ubuntu gdal package installed in /usr plus a compiled > > version in /usr/local which I need to support some extra formats. As > > far as I can tell, both versions of gdal are functioning 100% > > Matt, > > This is almost certainly the cause of your problem. The error > is basically indicating that MapServer was compiled using include > files with one definition of the Set methods, but you linked against > a shared library with a different definition. These methods had > a "const correctness" change that is normally invisible to > applications, but does change the ABI (the mangled internal > names of methods). > > My suggestion is that you uninstall the package from > /usr, if you are installing your own custom build in /usr/local. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From Bruce.Tonkin at GOV.BC.CA Mon Jan 16 11:44:18 2006 From: Bruce.Tonkin at GOV.BC.CA (Tonkin, Bruce CSD:EX) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:44:18 -0800 Subject: Online Resource URL Message-ID: I have multiple map services that I would like to publish. Using the suggested approach in the documentation, I have only one MS_MAPFILE environment variable to play with. ie. SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mywms" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ How can I create additional services like the following? SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mywms" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ and SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mywms3" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ Thanks, ____________________________________________________________ Bruce Tonkin Information Management Branch Corporate Services Division 3rd Floor, 395 Waterfront Crescent, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 9M3 Mail: PO Box 9364, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9M3 Phone: (250) 356-0108 Fax: (250) 387-1085 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Mon Jan 16 11:46:54 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:46:54 -0600 Subject: negative values and colors in Ascii Grids In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, I had a look to the raster-howto and the sources as well, but was unsure, because I can't imagine that most users have grids that exactly have values between 0 and 255 in it. So sorry fot the questions. Do you plan to implement a colormap for ascii grids like the clr for binary grids? What would you suggest to display the negative values? Thanks, Carola > -----Original Message----- > From: fwarmerdam at [mailto:fwarmerdam at] On > Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam > Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 7:29 AM > To: Carola Jesch > Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] negative values and colors > in Ascii Grids > > On 1/15/06, Carola Jesch wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I have an contineous ASCII GRID (floating values) that I > would like to > > display in MapServer. This grid shows bathymetry (ocean) > and elevation > > (land) data. There are a lot of negative values for the ocean, > > starting from -1500 to 0 and only a small range for the land (0 to > > 20). When I am trying to display the grid, the entire image > is black. > > Does MapServer support negative values? How can I display > the grid with colors? > > I have tried to convert the Ascii file to a binary grid, > but I don't > > know how to create a colormap (*.clr). ArcGIS doesn't seem > to support > > this or does anyone of you how to do that? > > Carola, > > By default Mapserver will read the grid values directly, and > clip any values outside the range 0 to 255 the bounds. So > all your negative values are cliipped to zero, and the top > value is 20 (out of 255) which would appear nearly black. > > The first step I would suggest is enabling autoscaling with > the layer directive: > > PROCESSING "SCALE=AUTO" > > Beyond that I would suggest you review the raster howto. > > > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+---------------------- > ---------- > ---------------------------------------+------ > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial > Programmer for Rent > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 16 12:03:02 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:03:02 -0500 Subject: negative values and colors in Ascii Grids In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/16/06, Carola Jesch wrote: > Hi Frank, > I had a look to the raster-howto and the sources as well, but was unsure, > because I can't imagine that most users have grids that exactly have values > between 0 and 255 in it. Carola, Well, most folks are working with simple 8bit images where scaling is not required. > So sorry fot the questions. > Do you plan to implement a colormap for ascii grids like the clr for binary > grids? I wasn't planning to do so, but it looks like it wouldn't be too hard. Note that ASCII grids are a terrible format to run mapserver from due to the amount of processing required when reading it. > What would you suggest to display the negative values? If you want detailed control of the colors then create a series of classes. If a greyscale is fine then just use automatic or explicit scaling values. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From sgillies at FRII.COM Mon Jan 16 12:11:54 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:11:54 -0700 Subject: Bug in msSaveSymbolSet In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Jan 16, 2006, at 8:42 AM, Albert Rovira wrote: > Hi all, > > I found a litte bug in function msSaveSymbolSet. It don't close the > file > stream, so data about symbols are lost. > > int msSaveSymbolSet(symbolSetObj *symbolset, const char *filename) { > FILE *stream; > int retval; > if (!filename || strlen(filename) == 0) { > msSetError(MS_SYMERR, "Invalid filename.", "msSaveSymbolSet > ()"); > return MS_FAILURE; > } > stream = fopen(filename, "w"); > retval = msSaveSymbolSetStream(symbolset, stream); > return retval; > } Good catch, Albert. It's fixed for 4.8 and 4.9. --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Mon Jan 16 12:38:10 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:38:10 -0600 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank Warmerdam wrote: >On 1/16/06, Matthew Perry wrote: > > >>I have the ubuntu gdal package installed in /usr plus a compiled >>version in /usr/local which I need to support some extra formats. As >>far as I can tell, both versions of gdal are functioning 100% >> >> > >Matt, > >This is almost certainly the cause of your problem. The error >is basically indicating that MapServer was compiled using include >files with one definition of the Set methods, but you linked against >a shared library with a different definition. These methods had >a "const correctness" change that is normally invisible to >applications, but does change the ABI (the mangled internal >names of methods). > >My suggestion is that you uninstall the package from >/usr, if you are installing your own custom build in /usr/local. > > > Oops, didn't catch that one. What Frank said! ;) -Perry From n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 12:40:06 2006 From: n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM (Neil Saunders) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 20:40:06 +0000 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Brock, Thanks for your reply; However I've tried using PostGIS but could't get the shapes to actually "merge" together. Ideally what I'd like to do is have a tool such as OpenEV in to which I could load my shapefile, select a given number of *adjacent* regions, and merge selected regions to a single region, if you catch my drift. I'm beginning to think that it may not be possible... :( Thanks once again for you input! Cheers, Neil On 1/16/06, Brock Anderson wrote: > Neil, > > I tend to use Postgres/PostGIS for this kind of processing. > > For example: > > Load the data into postgres like this: > > shp2pgsql england.shp england_table | psql > > Then dump it out again into several shapefiles. Use an SQL statement to > select the regions to include in each file: > > pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." > pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." > pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." > > Brock > > Neil Saunders wrote: > > >Hi Folks, > > > >I've got a map of England as a shapefile, containing regions for each > >county. What I'd like to do is merge selected regions in to a larger > >region (E.g Devon, Somerset, Cornwall etc into "Westcountry"). > > > >Does any one know a simple (Preferably GUI based) way of achieving this? > > > >Thanks in advance, > > > >Neil. > > > > > > From condit at SDSC.EDU Mon Jan 16 13:12:28 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:12:28 -0800 Subject: negative values and colors in Ascii Grids Message-ID: Hi Frank- I'm also very interested in this topic and have been trying to efficiently create raster images from continuous oracle point sources. Currently, I write the Oracle points to a ArcInfo ASCII grid and create all of my own CLASS directives for MapServer. Do you know of a better way to do this? Problem is: I need the raster to come from a DB query input by the user, so I can't create static images ahead of time... Thanks! Chris -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 12:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] negative values and colors in Ascii Grids On 1/16/06, Carola Jesch wrote: > Hi Frank, > I had a look to the raster-howto and the sources as well, but was unsure, > because I can't imagine that most users have grids that exactly have values > between 0 and 255 in it. Carola, Well, most folks are working with simple 8bit images where scaling is not required. > So sorry fot the questions. > Do you plan to implement a colormap for ascii grids like the clr for binary > grids? I wasn't planning to do so, but it looks like it wouldn't be too hard. Note that ASCII grids are a terrible format to run mapserver from due to the amount of processing required when reading it. > What would you suggest to display the negative values? If you want detailed control of the colors then create a series of classes. If a greyscale is fine then just use automatic or explicit scaling values. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Mon Jan 16 13:15:35 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:15:35 +0100 Subject: generating imagemaps using shpxy, cutting off at the map edge? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Please ignore this post, I wasn't paying attention when I looked at the coordinates, the features are clipped at the map edges ... Best regards, Bart Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > Hi list, > > when generating imagemaps using shpxy templating, it appears that > features which are partly in the map are fully represented in the > imagemap. Is there a way to cut off the features at the edge of the > map? This can get really expensive with the very long thin features I > have in my map. > > Thanks in advance. > > Best regards, > Bart > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 13:17:41 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:17:41 -0800 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank, On 1/16/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > Of course it is possible to differentiate, but it can be > pretty tricky. And I don't know the details of how > things get installed on Ubuntu, or how you built things > for the /usr/local install. > ... > What does "ldd /usr/bin/gdalinfo" report? > Ahhh. This might be a problem.. => /usr/local/lib/ (0xb7beb000) So the /usr version is looking to the /usr/local libs. I'm doing all the library paths through You're right... this will get tricky! I'm thinking that removing the /usr version of gdal is probably the best bet since ideally I'd like all my apps running off the /usr/local version anyways. I'll go this route for now. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 16 13:26:15 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:26:15 -0600 Subject: Mapscript not working Message-ID: Hello all, after so much of effort i was able to compile mapserver 4.6.2 with SDE support. After then when i tried to install php mapscript i am getting a few errors from the web browser. I am using Apache 2.0.55 and php 5.1.2. I downloaded the php mapscript win32 binaries from I copied the php_mapscript_48.dll to the extensions folder of php and even included extensions=php_mapscript_48.dll in the php.ini file, but i get the error Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Not supported in multithreaded Web servers - use extension=php_mapscript_48.dll from the web browser i guess. Any suggestions about this ...... From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 16 13:29:05 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 13:29:05 -0800 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Neil, I can't say much about OpenEV, but you may be able to use one of the geometry constructors to group your region polygons together. Perhaps the "collect" function would do it? Docs here: Brock Neil Saunders wrote: >Hi Brock, > >Thanks for your reply; However I've tried using PostGIS but could't >get the shapes to actually "merge" together. Ideally what I'd like to >do is have a tool such as OpenEV in to which I could load my >shapefile, select a given number of *adjacent* regions, and merge >selected regions to a single region, if you catch my drift. I'm >beginning to think that it may not be possible... :( > >Thanks once again for you input! > >Cheers, > >Neil > >On 1/16/06, Brock Anderson wrote: > > >>Neil, >> >>I tend to use Postgres/PostGIS for this kind of processing. >> >>For example: >> >>Load the data into postgres like this: >> >> shp2pgsql england.shp england_table | psql >> >>Then dump it out again into several shapefiles. Use an SQL statement to >>select the regions to include in each file: >> >> pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." >> pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." >> pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." >> >>Brock >> >>Neil Saunders wrote: >> >> >> >>>Hi Folks, >>> >>>I've got a map of England as a shapefile, containing regions for each >>>county. What I'd like to do is merge selected regions in to a larger >>>region (E.g Devon, Somerset, Cornwall etc into "Westcountry"). >>> >>>Does any one know a simple (Preferably GUI based) way of achieving this? >>> >>>Thanks in advance, >>> >>>Neil. >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> From RMcCulley at COUNTY24.COM Mon Jan 16 14:19:51 2006 From: RMcCulley at COUNTY24.COM (Rob McCulley) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 15:19:51 -0700 Subject: OT: Create Districts Message-ID: Hi All, This is completely off topic, but I figure if I can an answer to this question anywhere, it is here! I have a series of ~16,000 parcels with a certain attribute (Gas metres on the parcel with a total of ~3,000 metres) which ranges from 0 to 5 per parcel. I'm looking to divide the parcels up into 30 districts with around 100 metres per district. Is there any way to automate this? I've looked at the ESRI Districting add on, but it requires my to manually select the districts. I looked at v.apply.census in grass, but I can't seem to get it to work with shapefile data instead of STF1 data (I'm not familiar with STF1 at all). What I'm looking for is a way to run something on the parcel shapefile that automatically groups the data in spatial groups of around 100 total metres. Anyone know of anything that will do that for me? Rob McCulley GIS Coordinator County of Vermilion River No. 24 (780) 846-2244 From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Mon Jan 16 14:22:42 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:22:42 -0500 Subject: Online Resource URL Message-ID: You can define multiple MS_MAPFILE settings just like you have below. Each setting is relative to the SetEnvIf directive. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Tonkin, Bruce CSD:EX Sent: Mon 16-Jan-06 14:44 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Online Resource URL I have multiple map services that I would like to publish. Using the suggested approach in the documentation, I have only one MS_MAPFILE environment variable to play with. ie. SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mywms" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ How can I create additional services like the following? SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mywms" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ and SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/mywms3" MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ Thanks, ____________________________________________________________ Bruce Tonkin Information Management Branch Corporate Services Division 3rd Floor, 395 Waterfront Crescent, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 9M3 Mail: PO Box 9364, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9M3 Phone: (250) 356-0108 Fax: (250) 387-1085 From ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX Mon Jan 16 14:38:59 2006 From: ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX (Luis Trevi=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F1o?=) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 16:38:59 -0600 Subject: object localization Message-ID: Does anubody know how can I put a symbol (or symbols) on the map based on GPS position? any help or examples will be apresiated. Thanks in advance Luis. From aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 16 14:43:51 2006 From: aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET (Adam Quiney) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:43:51 -0800 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Neil, You could also accomplish this using FME, with a PolygonDissolveFactory. FME *is* a proprietary application, with a reasonably hefty pricetag. However, you can download a 15 day trial version from SAFE ( and give it a shot. This will merge together your geometries very quickly, but if this is the only processing you need to do on your data, and FME license would likely be overkill. --Adam Brock Anderson wrote: > Neil, > > I can't say much about OpenEV, but you may be able to use one of the > geometry constructors to group your region polygons together. Perhaps > the "collect" function would do it? > > Docs here: > > Brock > > Neil Saunders wrote: > >> Hi Brock, >> >> Thanks for your reply; However I've tried using PostGIS but could't >> get the shapes to actually "merge" together. Ideally what I'd like to >> do is have a tool such as OpenEV in to which I could load my >> shapefile, select a given number of *adjacent* regions, and merge >> selected regions to a single region, if you catch my drift. I'm >> beginning to think that it may not be possible... :( >> >> Thanks once again for you input! >> >> Cheers, >> >> Neil >> >> On 1/16/06, Brock Anderson wrote: >> >> >>> Neil, >>> >>> I tend to use Postgres/PostGIS for this kind of processing. >>> >>> For example: >>> >>> Load the data into postgres like this: >>> >>> shp2pgsql england.shp england_table | psql >>> >>> Then dump it out again into several shapefiles. Use an SQL statement to >>> select the regions to include in each file: >>> >>> pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." >>> pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." >>> pgsql2shp england_table "select * where ..." >>> >>> Brock >>> >>> Neil Saunders wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>>> Hi Folks, >>>> >>>> I've got a map of England as a shapefile, containing regions for each >>>> county. What I'd like to do is merge selected regions in to a larger >>>> region (E.g Devon, Somerset, Cornwall etc into "Westcountry"). >>>> >>>> Does any one know a simple (Preferably GUI based) way of achieving >>>> this? >>>> >>>> Thanks in advance, >>>> >>>> Neil. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> > -- Adam Quiney Analyst Refractions Research Inc. (250) 383-3022 From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 16 16:10:54 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:10:54 -0500 Subject: negative values and colors in Ascii Grids In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/16/06, Christopher Condit wrote: > Hi Frank- > I'm also very interested in this topic and have been trying to > efficiently create raster images from continuous oracle point sources. > Currently, I write the Oracle points to a ArcInfo ASCII grid and create > all of my own CLASS directives for MapServer. Do you know of a better > way to do this? Problem is: I need the raster to come from a DB query > input by the user, so I can't create static images ahead of time... Chris, I do not know of a better way of handling this currently, though I find Arc/Info ascii grids an odd choice of intermediate format. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From vaz.luiz at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 16 21:46:01 2006 From: vaz.luiz at GMAIL.COM (Luiz Vaz) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 03:46:01 -0200 Subject: No reprojection done In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Well, it seems that there no perceptual changes each other: # World Mercator <54004> +proj=merc +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +k=1.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # World Plate Carree <54001> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # World Equidistant Cylindrical <54002> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # WGS 84 <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs no_defs <> Best Regards, Luiz Vaz 2006/1/15, Nilsson Bengt : > > Hi, > I've set up a WMS server with an initial singe layer to test reprojection. > However , I can't get the projection to work. Whatever output projection i > try I get the same geographical (4326) back. For example, when I make a WMS > request with SRS=EPSG:54004 (Mercator) and bounding box in that projection > I get an 4326-map back. I do not get any errors. Here is my map-file: > > MAP > NAME WMS-test > STATUS ON > SHAPEPATH "shp" > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > FONTSET ../etc/fontset.txt > > DEBUG ON > WEB > LOG "/tmp/mapserv.log" > IMAGEPATH "/srv/www/htdocs/ms_tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" > METADATA > "wms_title" "Test" > "wms_onlineresource" "http://hhhhhhhhh/mapserv/wt?service=WMS" > "wms_srs" "epsg:9823 epsg:4326 epsg:54004" > END > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:54004" > END > > LAYER > NAME k92_strandlinje > DEBUG ON > METADATA > "wms_title" "k92_strandlinje" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > END > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxx dbname=xxx host=localhost" > DATA 'the_geom from k92_strandlin_polygon' > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > CLASS > NAME "strandlin-pgx" > COLOR 255 251 237 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > > END > > > /Regards Bengt > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From walter at FAUNALIA.COM Tue Jan 17 01:53:29 2006 From: walter at FAUNALIA.COM (Walter Lorenzetti) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:53:29 +0100 Subject: label on road Message-ID: Hi all, i'm working on road shape files. I'd like to have labels on roads that can stay inside roads and follow road's curves Someone can help me? In particular if possible follow road's curves? Bye Walter -- Walter Lorenzetti email+jabber: walter at Piazza Garibaldi 5 56025 Pontedera (PI) Italy Tel: (+39)347-6597931 From xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR Tue Jan 17 02:06:07 2006 From: xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR (Xavier mauclaire) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:06:07 +0100 Subject: Mapserver and Mono In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ive seen the monogis project and it sounds good but at this time, i would prefer MapServer. regards Xavier MAUCLAIRE Conseils et d?veloppements en SIG STRATEGIS S.A. Parc 2000 19, rue Joe Dassin 34184 Montpellier Cedex 4 T?l. +33 (0) Fax +33 (0) -----Message d'origine----- De : J. Parapar [mailto:listario at] Envoy? : lundi 16 janvier 2006 18:34 ? : Xavier mauclaire Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver and Mono Hi Xavier Perhaps monoGIS could be interesting for you. Best regards, Jorge 2006/1/16, Xavier mauclaire : > > Hi, > I'd like to know if there is any mapserver server running under mono > on linux ou windows ? > > I found the windows c# compilation version of the mapscript (thanks to > Howard Butler :-) ). Can this version running with mono ? > > regards > > xavier > > From flavio at TYDAC.CH Tue Jan 17 02:41:28 2006 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:41:28 +0100 Subject: label on road In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: ciao walter with MapServer itself it is not possible. You'd have to pre-process the data with a tool that can do that. We used MapInfo and SmartLabel ( to achieve what you want. See the results on (search i.e. for Chur and zoom in). Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ ? ? ?Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############? ? ? ? ? ? ?mailto:flavio at ############ ? ? ? ? TYDAC AG - #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ?Geographic Information Solutions #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ? Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ ? Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Tue Jan 17 04:05:24 2006 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:05:24 -0500 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: For what my opinion is worth This is the way we should be headed. I am glad to see people from the open source desktop community there as well. We are starting to teach open source software as an viable option to commercial software. This semester as a no-cost, uncredited course but hope to eventually as a accredited course. Right now we have it in a post-graduate course at FSU and will be used in an Undergraduate course at FAMU. Two of the softwares we are discussing are Quantum GIS and UDIG. So we have a vested interest in the success of the Open Source Foundation. ______________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Paul Ramsey Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 12:32 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting Dear Community Members, In order to help move along the process of starting an "open source geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting in Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by Autodesk. In conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will continue to try) to follow these principles: - Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source projects have been invited (see the list so far below) and Autodesk has offered to pay the travel costs of some of these invitees in order to ensure they can attend if they cannot afford it otherwise. Anyone else is also welcome to attend physically or virtually (see below). - Transparency. The agenda for the meeting will be public, and will be revised based on comments and input prior to the meeting. The minutes of the meeting will also be public. Planning materials (backgrounders, attendee lists, agenda) for the meeting on will be on a public site. The whole meeting will be transcribed into IRC in real time, and IRC users will be able to participate via an interlocutor at the meeting. The following are some general goals for the meeting (subject to revision/addition/subtraction), which should provide enough certainty that present investments into the starting of the foundation are not wasted on concepts that people are not interested in for the long term future. - Agreement in principle on a mission statement or short charter. - Agreement in principle on a governance model for the foundation. Deciding whether the foundation should "look like" Eclipse, or Apache, or The Open Group, or some other model entirely. - Agreement in principle on a founding Board of Directors. A founding BoD can start to make concrete decisions on things like a name, logo and branding, domains, and so on. - Agreement in principle on an acceptable short list of foundation names, to be subjected to further legal research. In general, the goal is to establish enough solid agreement on basic issues that a founding BoD can proceed confidently in managing the details in getting the foundation up and running. The proposed agenda follows: a. Opening statements and introductions b. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email c. Foundation Goals - what should they be? What should the name be? d. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email e. Foundation Operations - the givens (governance, legal protection, IPR, licenses, funding, community management) f. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email g. Foundation charter, tentative board membership, and action plan established h. Q/A - 20 min - from IRC, email i. Breakout groups: Governance, Legal Issues, Community Management, Funding j. Breakout groups regroup and present their findings k. Results will be gathered and enumerated for the creation of a draft document rolling up the decisions and next steps. The minutes of this meeting will be published on the web site within a few days after the meeting adjourns. We will then work hard to publish the final results of the meeting within two weeks of the meeting. An attorney who has worked with the creators of Mozilla and other foundations to establish non profits for housing an open source foundation will be present. Establishing an open source foundation is now almost formulaic in Silicon Valley, and we would like to take advantage of those formulas. The participants in the meeting thus far are: Brian Behlendorf (O'Reilly & CollabNet) Chris Holmes (GeoServer/Open Planning Project) Claude Philipona (FOSS4GIS Conference/Camptocamp) Dave McIlhagga (Mapserver/DM) Frank Warmerdam (OGR/GDAL) Gary Lang (Tux/Autodesk) Gary Sherman (QGIS) Gordon Luckett (User/Autodesk) Howard Butler (MapServer/UIowa) Mark Lucas (OSSIM) Paul Ramsey (PostGIS/uDig/Refractions) Pericles Nacionales (Mapserver/UMN) Robert Bray (Tux/Autodesk) Rich Steele (Tux/Autodesk) Paul Spencer (Ka-Map/DM) Steve Lime (Mapserver) Tom Burk (Mapserver/UMN) Tyler Mitchell (O'Reilly Author, long-time MapServer Foundation advocate) We therefore have room for more on-site attendees. If you are interested in attending to represent one of these communities as a user or you want to propose adding a project to this list, please send an email to: chicago When we reach 25 on-site attendees, we will be at our budget limit for this meeting and have reached a size that we feel comfortable managing. Everyone else can participate through the virtual mechanisms described above. Everyone wants to ensure the foundation has a long and successful future, and we know that this requires getting lots of input up front, so the organization starts out heading in the right direction. We hope that many of you can join us in Chicago, and that the rest will join us virtually as well to take part in this process. We will soon start posting Chicago location information (a hotel near the airport is the goal) and information for discussion publicly. We will use as the hosting place for virtual connection information, discussion documents, agenda modifications, and other documents associated with the foundation until such time as the name of the foundation is chosen and a site dedicated to it has been established. Paul Ramsey Gary Lang From ing.elgawhary at TISCALI.IT Tue Jan 17 05:05:26 2006 From: ing.elgawhary at TISCALI.IT (O. El Gawhary) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:05:26 -0600 Subject: Blank and ecw files. Message-ID: Hi everyone, I have some problems with ecw raster images. I work on Linux Fedora Core 4, Apache 2, PHP 5.1.1 (Fast/Cgi), Mapserver-4.6.2 (PHP/Mapscript). I installed all the required software and some of Highly Recommended Software (i.e. Proj-4.4.9 and Gdal-1.3.1). To make works gdal with .ecw files I compiled first libecw as follows: $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local $ make $ make install and then I compiled gdal with: $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-ecw=/usr/local $ make $ make install The result of this step is visible with the gdal_translate command: The following format drivers are configured and support output: VRT: Virtual Raster GTiff: GeoTIFF NITF: National Imagery Transmission Format HFA: Erdas Imagine Images (.img) ELAS: ELAS AAIGrid: Arc/Info ASCII Grid DTED: DTED Elevation Raster PNG: Portable Network Graphics JPEG: JPEG JFIF MEM: In Memory Raster GIF: Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) XPM: X11 PixMap Format BMP: MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap PCIDSK: PCIDSK Database File PCRaster: PCRaster Raster File ILWIS: ILWIS Raster Map PNM: Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm) ENVI: ENVI .hdr Labelled EHdr: ESRI .hdr Labelled PAux: PCI .aux Labelled MFF: Atlantis MFF Raster MFF2: Atlantis MFF2 (HKV) Raster BT: VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format IDA: Image Data and Analysis ECW: ERMapper Compressed Wavelets JP2ECW: ERMapper JPEG2000 FIT: FIT Image RMF: Raster Matrix Format USGSDEM: USGS Optional ASCII DEM (and CDE) A this point I compiled Mapserver. The output of ./mapserv -v is: MapServer version 4.6.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Now, if I try to load an .ecw file I obtain a blank, but any error!! gdal work fine as I created an ecw. file from a .tif one. Does someone have suggestions? Thank in advance. Omar From ari.jolma at TKK.FI Tue Jan 17 06:56:26 2006 From: ari.jolma at TKK.FI (Ari Jolma) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 16:56:26 +0200 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: <001701c61b5e$52669c50$> Message-ID: I second Gary. If I want to say something to the founding meeting it is that please remember the education world. I believe how lecturers and professors present software to students and what software is used has a very important effect on how they view them in the future. Also if research results are implemented as FOSS (e.g., add-ons to QGIS for example), that is important from the point of view of advancing the whole culture of FOSS. Regards, Ari Jolma Gary Watry wrote: > For what my opinion is worth > > This is the way we should be headed. > > I am glad to see people from the open source desktop community there as > well. > > We are starting to teach open source software as an viable option to > commercial software. This semester as a no-cost, uncredited course but hope > to eventually as a accredited course. Right now we have it in a > post-graduate course at FSU and will be used in an Undergraduate course at > FAMU. Two of the softwares we are discussing are Quantum GIS and UDIG. > > So we have a vested interest in the success of the Open Source Foundation. > > ______________________________________________________________ > Gary L. Watry > > GIS Coordinator > Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies > FSU / COAPS > Johnson Building, RM 215 > 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive > Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 > > E-Mail: watry at > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Paul Ramsey > Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 12:32 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting > > Dear Community Members, > > In order to help move along the process of starting an "open source > geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting in > Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by Autodesk. In > conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will continue to try) > to follow these principles: > > - Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source projects > have been invited (see the list so far below) and Autodesk has > offered to pay the travel costs of some of these invitees in order to > ensure they can attend if they cannot afford it otherwise. Anyone > else is also welcome to attend physically or virtually (see below). > > - Transparency. The agenda for the meeting will be public, and will > be revised based on comments and input prior to the meeting. The > minutes of the meeting will also be public. Planning materials > (backgrounders, attendee lists, agenda) for the meeting on will be on > a public site. The whole meeting will be transcribed into IRC in real > time, and IRC users will be able to participate via an interlocutor > at the meeting. > > The following are some general goals for the meeting (subject to > revision/addition/subtraction), which should provide enough certainty > that present investments into the starting of the foundation are not > wasted on concepts that people are not interested in for the long > term future. > > - Agreement in principle on a mission statement or short charter. > > - Agreement in principle on a governance model for the foundation. > Deciding whether the foundation should "look like" Eclipse, or > Apache, or The Open Group, or some other model entirely. > > - Agreement in principle on a founding Board of Directors. A founding > BoD can start to make concrete decisions on things like a name, logo > and branding, domains, and so on. > > - Agreement in principle on an acceptable short list of foundation > names, to be subjected to further legal research. > > In general, the goal is to establish enough solid agreement on basic > issues that a founding BoD can proceed confidently in managing the > details in getting the foundation up and running. > > The proposed agenda follows: > > a. Opening statements and introductions > b. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email > c. Foundation Goals - what should they be? What should the name be? > d. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email > e. Foundation Operations - the givens (governance, legal > protection, IPR, licenses, funding, community management) > f. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email > g. Foundation charter, tentative board membership, and action > plan established > h. Q/A - 20 min - from IRC, email > i. Breakout groups: Governance, Legal Issues, Community > Management, Funding > j. Breakout groups regroup and present their findings > k. Results will be gathered and enumerated for the creation of a > draft document rolling up the decisions and next steps. > > The minutes of this meeting will be published on the web site within > a few days after the meeting adjourns. We will then work hard to > publish the final results of the meeting within two weeks of the > meeting. > > An attorney who has worked with the creators of Mozilla and other > foundations to establish non profits for housing an open source > foundation will be present. Establishing an open source foundation is > now almost formulaic in Silicon Valley, and we would like to take > advantage of those formulas. > > The participants in the meeting thus far are: > > Brian Behlendorf (O'Reilly & CollabNet) > Chris Holmes (GeoServer/Open Planning Project) > Claude Philipona (FOSS4GIS Conference/Camptocamp) > Dave McIlhagga (Mapserver/DM) > Frank Warmerdam (OGR/GDAL) > Gary Lang (Tux/Autodesk) > Gary Sherman (QGIS) > Gordon Luckett (User/Autodesk) > Howard Butler (MapServer/UIowa) > Mark Lucas (OSSIM) > Paul Ramsey (PostGIS/uDig/Refractions) > Pericles Nacionales (Mapserver/UMN) > Robert Bray (Tux/Autodesk) > Rich Steele (Tux/Autodesk) > Paul Spencer (Ka-Map/DM) > Steve Lime (Mapserver) > Tom Burk (Mapserver/UMN) > Tyler Mitchell (O'Reilly Author, long-time MapServer Foundation > advocate) > > We therefore have room for more on-site attendees. If you are > interested in attending to represent one of these communities as a > user or you want to propose adding a project to this list, please > send an email to: > > chicago > > When we reach 25 on-site attendees, we will be at our budget limit > for this meeting and have reached a size that we feel comfortable > managing. Everyone else can participate through the virtual > mechanisms described above. > > Everyone wants to ensure the foundation has a long and successful > future, and we know that this requires getting lots of input up > front, so the organization starts out heading in the right direction. > We hope that many of you can join us in Chicago, and that the rest > will join us virtually as well to take part in this process. > > We will soon start posting Chicago location information (a hotel near > the airport is the goal) and information for discussion publicly. We > will use as the hosting place for virtual > connection information, discussion documents, agenda modifications, > and other documents associated with the foundation until such time as > the name of the foundation is chosen and a site dedicated to it has > been established. > > Paul Ramsey > Gary Lang -- Prof. Ari Jolma Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology tel: +358 9 451 3886 address: POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland Email: ari.jolma at URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 17 07:33:37 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:33:37 -0600 Subject: Mapserver.exe not getting initiated as a cgi process Message-ID: Hello, i have a question about mapserver.exe as a cgi process. I was succesfull in compiling mapserver and now my mapscript is also working. But i want to generate a map using mapserv.exe but not through phpmapscript. So i wrote a small html file which gives as input the mapfile to mapserv.exe. But when i call in from my local host instead to executing the mapserv.exe program a small dialouge box opened and it asks me to save mapserv.exe. I dont know the reason for this problem but i guess it could be a problem with permissions in Apache. I do not know how to set the permissions in Apache. Any lead please ........ From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Tue Jan 17 07:46:18 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:46:18 -0500 Subject: No reprojection done Message-ID: Luiz & Bengt - I would expect that if Bengt is working with maps of Scandinavian countries, the difference between Plat Carree and Mercator should be noticeable (Mercator will "stretch" things north/south by quite a bit compared to a "geographic" or Plat Carree projection). Bengt, are you sure you have a good PROJ installation and that MapServer is compiled with PROJ support (run mapserv -v and look for "SUPPORTS=PROJ")? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Luiz Vaz Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:46 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] No reprojection done Well, it seems that there no perceptual changes each other: # World Mercator <54004> +proj=merc +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +k=1.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # World Plate Carree <54001> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # World Equidistant Cylindrical <54002> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # WGS 84 <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs no_defs <> Best Regards, Luiz Vaz 2006/1/15, Nilsson Bengt : Hi, I've set up a WMS server with an initial singe layer to test reprojection. However , I can't get the projection to work. Whatever output projection i try I get the same geographical (4326) back. For example, when I make a WMS request with SRS=EPSG:54004 (Mercator) and bounding box in that projection I get an 4326-map back. I do not get any errors. Here is my map-file: MAP NAME WMS-test STATUS ON SHAPEPATH "shp" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET ../etc/fontset.txt DEBUG ON WEB LOG "/tmp/mapserv.log" IMAGEPATH "/srv/www/htdocs/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "wms_title" "Test" "wms_onlineresource" "http://hhhhhhhhh/mapserv/wt?service=WMS " "wms_srs" "epsg:9823 epsg:4326 epsg:54004" END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:54004" END LAYER NAME k92_strandlinje DEBUG ON METADATA "wms_title" "k92_strandlinje" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxx dbname=xxx host=localhost" DATA 'the_geom from k92_strandlin_polygon' PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "strandlin-pgx" COLOR 255 251 237 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END /Regards Bengt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From gdavis at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Jan 17 08:26:15 2006 From: gdavis at REFRACTIONS.NET (Graham Davis) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:26:15 -0800 Subject: Mapserver.exe not getting initiated as a cgi process In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Krishna, It sounds like you don't have Apache setup to execute files in the directory where mapserv.exe is located, so it is trying to make you download it by default. Usually you would place the exe in your cgi-bin directory, because it is already setup to execute files. Or you can configure Apache to execute files that are in the directory where you currently have mapserv. Find your config.conf file (Apache config file, usually in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf for Linux) and modify it so that it executes files in that directory. The Apache documentation will show you how. You also want to make sure the file has execute permissions on it if you are in a Linux environment. But as I mentioned, the easiest way is probably just to put the mapserv file in your cgi-bin and try it from there. -- Graham Davis Refractions Research Inc. gdavis at krishna S wrote: >Hello, i have a question about mapserver.exe as a cgi process. >I was succesfull in compiling mapserver and now my mapscript is also >working. But i want to generate a map using mapserv.exe but not through >phpmapscript. So i wrote a small html file which gives as input the mapfile >to mapserv.exe. But when i call in from my local host instead to executing >the mapserv.exe program a small dialouge box opened and it asks me to save >mapserv.exe. I dont know the reason for this problem but i guess it could >be a problem with permissions in Apache. I do not know how to set the >permissions in Apache. > >Any lead please ........ > > From joanvp at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 17 08:34:26 2006 From: joanvp at YAHOO.COM (joanvp) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 08:34:26 -0800 Subject: Postgis error with mapserver Message-ID: Hi!! I've tried to show a postgis layer with UMN Mapserver. I've installed last version of postgresql with postgis (8.1). I've imported a shapefile with FME. I've tried this layer with Quantum GIS and all works fine. The problem is with UMN Mapserver (v4.6). This is the error log ---------------------------------------------- Warning: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from public.Inun_RiscAlt WHERE geom && setSRID('BOX3D(326607 4245586.875,627250 4471069.125)'::BOX3D, find_srid('','public.Inun_RiscAlt','geom') )' Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: relation "inun_riscalt" does not exist ' More Help: Error with POSTGIS data variable. You specified ''. Standard ways of specifiying are : (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' (2) 'geometry_column from () as foo using unique using SRID=' Make sure you put in the 'using unique ' and 'using SRID=#' clauses in. For more help, please see ------------------------ This is my mapfile (....) LAYER NAME inun_riscalt TYPE POLYGON STATUS On CONNECTION "user=xxx password=xxxx dbname=bdmapserver host=localhost port=5432" CONNECTIONTYPE postgis DATA "geom from Inun_RiscAlt" CLASS NAME "Inun_RiscAlt " COLOR 182 131 78 OUTLINECOLOR 4 24 93 END END (...) Any solution? Thank you in advanced --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mjdelafuente at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 17 08:49:19 2006 From: mjdelafuente at GMAIL.COM (Miguel de la Fuente) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:49:19 -0300 Subject: Symbols help Message-ID: On 1/16/06, Miguel de la Fuente wrote: > > Hello everybody, I've got a problem, I've a layer defined as Line with > simbology, that doesn`t appear as I've expected to, only looks like I want > when I zoom in very much. > > I've defined the layer as follow > > LAYER > NAME "Secciones Lineas" > STATUS ON > DATA "new_geom FROM (select OID,* from seccion) as foo using unique > OID using srid=-1" > TYPE LINE > CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS > CONNECTION "user=xxx password=*** dbname=xxx host=**.**.**.** > port=5432" > MAXSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME "Secciones" > STYLE > SYMBOL "secciones" > COLOR 0 0 0 > SIZE 5 > END > END > END > > And its symbology: > > SYMBOL > NAME 'secciones' > TYPE ellipse > POINTS > 1 1 > END > FILLED TRUE > STYLE > 1 10 20 10 1 10 > END > END > > Why when I zoom out does this layer crashes??? > > I've atteched two images as example, as you see in 'muestra1' the same > layer (non-continuos black line) doesn't even seems regular, and in > 'muestra2' is when I zoom in and the layer is well drawn. > > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: muestra1.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 32171 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: muestra2.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 6286 bytes Desc: not available URL: From djisgitt at SOUNDENERGY.COM Tue Jan 17 07:55:51 2006 From: djisgitt at SOUNDENERGY.COM (Don Isgitt) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:55:51 -0600 Subject: Postgis error with mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: joanvp wrote: > *Hi!! > > I've tried to show a postgis layer with UMN Mapserver. I've installed > last version of postgresql with postgis (8.1). I've imported a > shapefile with FME. > > I've tried this layer with Quantum GIS and all works fine. The problem > is with UMN Mapserver (v4.6). This is the error log > > ---------------------------------------------- > Warning*: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing > POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY > CURSOR FOR SELECT > asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from > public.Inun_RiscAlt WHERE geom && setSRID('BOX3D(326607 > 4245586.875,627250 4471069.125)'::BOX3D, > find_srid('','public.Inun_RiscAlt','geom') )' > > Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: relation "inun_riscalt" does > not exist ' > > More Help: > > Error with POSTGIS data variable. You specified ''. > Standard ways of specifiying are : > (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' > (2) 'geometry_column from () as foo using unique name> using SRID=' > > Make sure you put in the 'using unique ' and 'using > SRID=#' clauses in. > > For more help, please see > > > ------------------------ > This is my mapfile > (....) > LAYER > NAME inun_riscalt > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS On > CONNECTION "user=xxx password=xxxx dbname=bdmapserver host=localhost > port=5432" > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > DATA "geom from Inun_RiscAlt" > CLASS > NAME "Inun_RiscAlt " > COLOR 182 131 78 > OUTLINECOLOR 4 24 93 > END > END > (...) > > Any solution? > > Thank you in advanced > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Yahoo! Photos > Got holiday prints? See all the ways > > to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. Joanvp, Notice the public.Inun_RiscAlt versus inun_riscalt. Postgres forces names to lowercase unless they are enclosed in quotes. Don From siberjunk at COMCAST.NET Tue Jan 17 09:12:01 2006 From: siberjunk at COMCAST.NET (Adam J Siber) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:12:01 -0600 Subject: php5 Linux Message-ID: I am trying to configure mapserver with php5 on linux as a DSO but not having much success? I have searched the boards/lists for instructions, hints, etc but have only seen a couple listings which are limited. Could someone please post a "how to" or some notes on this subject. Thank you, Adam From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 17 10:46:38 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:46:38 -0800 Subject: Mapserver compile error on Ubuntu (solved... sort of) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks everybody for the help. The problem was the two conflicting versions of gdal in /usr and /usr/local . By removing the ubuntu "libgdal1c2" package, I was able to compile mapserver fine. Of course removing the packaged ubunut gdal libs means you can't use the qgis, thuban or grass packages so these must be compiled against the local gdal as well. sudo apt-get build-dep mapserver sudo apt-get install flex bison ./configure --with-tiff --with-jpeg --with-png --with-freetype --with-zlib --with-threads --with-proj --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config --with-wcs --with-ogr --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --without-pdf --with-geos --enable-debug make sudo make install Thanks again, On 1/16/06, Matthew Perry wrote: > Frank, > > On 1/16/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > > > Of course it is possible to differentiate, but it can be > > pretty tricky. And I don't know the details of how > > things get installed on Ubuntu, or how you built things > > for the /usr/local install. > > ... > > What does "ldd /usr/bin/gdalinfo" report? > > > > Ahhh. This might be a problem.. > > => /usr/local/lib/ (0xb7beb000) > > So the /usr version is looking to the /usr/local libs. I'm doing all > the library paths through You're right... this will get > tricky! > > I'm thinking that removing the /usr version of gdal is probably the > best bet since ideally I'd like all my apps running off the /usr/local > version anyways. I'll go this route for now. > -- > Matt Perry > perrygeo at > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 17 11:28:32 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:28:32 -0600 Subject: generating imagemaps using shpxy, cutting off at the map edge? Message-ID: We'd need to tweak the shpxy tag code to clip features if the requested coordinate system is image coordinates. I would've thought I'd done that originally but I guess not. If you file a bug I will take care of it... Steve >>> "Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)" 01/16/06 8:12 AM >>> Hi list, when generating imagemaps using shpxy templating, it appears that features which are partly in the map are fully represented in the imagemap. Is there a way to cut off the features at the edge of the map? This can get really expensive with the very long thin features I have in my map. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Bart -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 17 11:31:02 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:31:02 -0600 Subject: Symbols scaling crash Message-ID: Which version? >>> Miguel de la Fuente 01/16/06 7:27 AM >>> Hello everybody, I've got a problem, I've a layer defined as Line with simbology, that doesn`t appear as I've expected to, only looks like I want when I zoom in very much. I've defined the layer as follow LAYER NAME "Secciones Lineas" STATUS ON DATA "new_geom FROM (select OID,* from seccion) as foo using unique OID using srid=-1" TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "user=xxx password=*** dbname=xxx host=**.**.**.** port=5432" MAXSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "Secciones" STYLE SYMBOL "secciones" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 5 END END END And its symbology: SYMBOL NAME 'secciones' TYPE ellipse POINTS 1 1 END FILLED TRUE STYLE 1 10 20 10 1 10 END END Why when I zoom out does this layer crashes??? I've atteched two images as example, as you see in 'muestra1' the same layer (non-continuos black line) doesn't even seems regular, and in 'muestra2' is when I zoom in and the layer is well drawn. From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 17 12:11:38 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:11:38 -0600 Subject: Mapserver.exe not getting initiated as a cgi process Message-ID: Thanks for your reply, i have to give the execute permissions for mapserver.exe on the apache web server, so i changed the httpd.conf file so that it can assign the execute permissions to the mapserver.exe. Thanks for your help again ... From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 17 12:19:16 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:19:16 -0600 Subject: Does arcSDE work with php Mapscript Message-ID: Hello all, i was wondering if anyone worked with ARCSDE and php mapscript,are they both compatiable. I got the folowing error when i tried to generate a map with mapscript and arcsde. Warning: [MapServer Error]: msSDELayerOpen(): SDE support is not available. Could anyone please help me out in this .... From nemo at IRONCOUNTYFOREST.ORG Tue Jan 17 12:18:04 2006 From: nemo at IRONCOUNTYFOREST.ORG (Neil "Nemo" Martinko) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:18:04 -0600 Subject: Serving MrSidd images Message-ID: """ You can download the LizardTech MrSID Decode program and make your MrSID files into GeoTIFFs. """ Yes, you can... But remember, MrSIDs are COMPRESSED. I have a MrSID of my county that is almost 1GB. I wanted to serve it with MapServer, so I came up with "the plan"... 1) Break the MrSID into sixteen GeoTIFFs with mrsiddecode. 2) Create an index with gdaltindex. 3) Add the index to a mapfile. I created a small Python script to complete step 1... And wound up with sixteen GeoTIFFs that totaled nearly 15GB. ---- Nemo -- Iron County Forestry and Parks Dept From girgink at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 17 13:49:14 2006 From: girgink at GMAIL.COM (Serkan Girgin) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 23:49:14 +0200 Subject: Serving MrSidd images In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi! If you want you can re-compress GeoTIFF into ECW (directly supported by MapServer) using gdal_translate to save space. Even without break down to smaller tiles the performance is also very good, at least for my case (1.5Gb single file, 135093x67205 pixels). Regards, --- Serkan Girgin girgink at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Neil "Nemo" Martinko Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:18 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Serving MrSidd images """ You can download the LizardTech MrSID Decode program and make your MrSID files into GeoTIFFs. """ Yes, you can... But remember, MrSIDs are COMPRESSED. I have a MrSID of my county that is almost 1GB. I wanted to serve it with MapServer, so I came up with "the plan"... 1) Break the MrSID into sixteen GeoTIFFs with mrsiddecode. 2) Create an index with gdaltindex. 3) Add the index to a mapfile. I created a small Python script to complete step 1... And wound up with sixteen GeoTIFFs that totaled nearly 15GB. ---- Nemo -- Iron County Forestry and Parks Dept From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Tue Jan 17 17:17:25 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:17:25 +1100 Subject: Generated scale Message-ID: I'm viewing a satellite map of a large area and my mapserver generated scale seems a little wrong. Viewing a whole state (of Australia) mapserver generates a scale ranging from 0 ---> 0.001km (see attached). And when I zoom-in the scale bar goes to 0 ---> 0. Any ideas? I thought my scale should be like 1 ---> 1000km. Am I not reading it right? Am I missing or have I stuffed up a map file config option / setting? My Map file: MAP NAME WEX IMAGETYPE jpeg EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 SIZE 600 600 DEBUG ON TRANSPARENT ON IMAGECOLOR 239 242 248 # The background Color. WEB LOG "mylog.log" # The Debug Log. TEMPLATE "template.html" IMAGEPATH "/var/web/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" METADATA wms_title "WEX" wms_srs "EPSG:4283" wms_onlineresource "http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?" END MAXSCALE 50.0 MINSCALE 0.1 END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4283" END ... SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 LABEL COLOR 255 255 255 SIZE TINY END STYLE 1 SIZE 100 2 COLOR 255 255 255 UNITS kilometers INTERVALS 1 TRANSPARENT TRUE STATUS ON END ... LAYER stuff ... END # EOF Thanks in advance! _________________________________________________________________ Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sb11375463746959.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 1050 bytes Desc: not available URL: From pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 17 17:31:11 2006 From: pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Paul Spencer) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:31:11 -0500 Subject: Generated scale In-Reply-To: Message-ID: try adding UNITS DD to the MAP object Paul On 17-Jan-06, at 8:17 PM, James Net wrote: > I'm viewing a satellite map of a large area and my mapserver > generated scale seems a little wrong. Viewing a whole state (of > Australia) mapserver generates a scale ranging from 0 ---> 0.001km > (see attached). And when I zoom-in the scale bar goes to 0 ---> 0. > Any ideas? I thought my scale should be like 1 ---> 1000km. Am I > not reading it right? Am I missing or have I stuffed up a map file > config option / setting? > > My Map file: > > MAP > NAME WEX > IMAGETYPE jpeg > EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 > SIZE 600 600 > DEBUG ON > TRANSPARENT ON > IMAGECOLOR 239 242 248 # The background Color. > > WEB > LOG "mylog.log" # The Debug Log. > TEMPLATE "template.html" > IMAGEPATH "/var/web/tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/tmp/" > METADATA > wms_title "WEX" > wms_srs "EPSG:4283" > wms_onlineresource "http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv? >" > END > MAXSCALE 50.0 > MINSCALE 0.1 > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4283" > END > > ... > > SCALEBAR > IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > COLOR 255 255 255 > SIZE TINY > END > STYLE 1 > SIZE 100 2 > COLOR 255 255 255 > UNITS kilometers > INTERVALS 1 > TRANSPARENT TRUE > STATUS ON > END > > ... > LAYER stuff > ... > END # EOF > > > Thanks in advance! > > _________________________________________________________________ > Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! http:// > > mode=click&clientID=667&referral=HotmailTaglineNov&URL=http:// > > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Paul Spencer pspencer at | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Applications & Software Development | |DM Solutions Group Inc| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Tue Jan 17 17:26:24 2006 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 09:26:24 +0800 Subject: Generated scale Message-ID: As attribute of the map object, put: UNITS dd So you could put that below your EXTENT. I think it must default to metres, whereas your projection is in degrees. So it thinks that each degree is only a metre, causing the scale to go wrong. Regards, Jacob > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of James Net > Sent: 18 January 2006 09:17 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Generated scale > > I'm viewing a satellite map of a large area and my mapserver > generated scale > seems a little wrong. Viewing a whole state (of Australia) mapserver > generates a scale ranging from 0 ---> 0.001km (see > attached). And when I > zoom-in the scale bar goes to 0 ---> 0. Any ideas? I thought > my scale should > be like 1 ---> 1000km. Am I not reading it right? Am I > missing or have I > stuffed up a map file config option / setting? > > My Map file: > > MAP > NAME WEX > IMAGETYPE jpeg > EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 > SIZE 600 600 > DEBUG ON > TRANSPARENT ON > IMAGECOLOR 239 242 248 # The background Color. > > WEB > LOG "mylog.log" # The Debug Log. > TEMPLATE "template.html" > IMAGEPATH "/var/web/tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/tmp/" > METADATA > wms_title "WEX" > wms_srs "EPSG:4283" > wms_onlineresource > "http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv?" > END > MAXSCALE 50.0 > MINSCALE 0.1 > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4283" > END > > ... > > SCALEBAR > IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > COLOR 255 255 255 > SIZE TINY > END > STYLE 1 > SIZE 100 2 > COLOR 255 255 255 > UNITS kilometers > INTERVALS 1 > TRANSPARENT TRUE > STATUS ON > END > > ... > LAYER stuff > ... > END # EOF > > > Thanks in advance! > > _________________________________________________________________ > Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! > > tID=667&referral=HotmailTaglineNov&URL= > au/startsomething > From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Tue Jan 17 17:56:17 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:56:17 +1100 Subject: Generated scale In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks, it worked. >From: Paul Spencer >To: James Net >CC: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Generated scale >Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:31:11 -0500 > >try adding UNITS DD to the MAP object > >Paul > >On 17-Jan-06, at 8:17 PM, James Net wrote: > >>I'm viewing a satellite map of a large area and my mapserver generated >>scale seems a little wrong. Viewing a whole state (of Australia) >>mapserver generates a scale ranging from 0 ---> 0.001km (see attached). >>And when I zoom-in the scale bar goes to 0 ---> 0. Any ideas? I thought >>my scale should be like 1 ---> 1000km. Am I not reading it right? Am I >>missing or have I stuffed up a map file config option / setting? >> >>My Map file: >> >>MAP >> NAME WEX >> IMAGETYPE jpeg >> EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 >> SIZE 600 600 >> DEBUG ON >> TRANSPARENT ON >> IMAGECOLOR 239 242 248 # The background Color. >> >> WEB >> LOG "mylog.log" # The Debug Log. >> TEMPLATE "template.html" >> IMAGEPATH "/var/web/tmp/" >> IMAGEURL "/tmp/" >> METADATA >> wms_title "WEX" >> wms_srs "EPSG:4283" >> wms_onlineresource "http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv? >>" >> END >> MAXSCALE 50.0 >> MINSCALE 0.1 >> END >> >> PROJECTION >> "init=epsg:4283" >> END >> >>... >> >> SCALEBAR >> IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 >> LABEL >> COLOR 255 255 255 >> SIZE TINY >> END >> STYLE 1 >> SIZE 100 2 >> COLOR 255 255 255 >> UNITS kilometers >> INTERVALS 1 >> TRANSPARENT TRUE >> STATUS ON >> END >> >>... >>LAYER stuff >>... >>END # EOF >> >> >>Thanks in advance! >> >>_________________________________________________________________ >>Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! http:// >> >>mode=click&clientID=667&referral=HotmailTaglineNov&URL=http:// >> >> > >+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ >|Paul Spencer pspencer at | >+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ >|Applications & Software Development | >|DM Solutions Group Inc| >+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > > > > _________________________________________________________________ ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) From schuyler at NOCAT.NET Tue Jan 17 18:31:42 2006 From: schuyler at NOCAT.NET (Schuyler Erle) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 18:31:42 -0800 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: * On 16-Jan-2006 at 12:40PM PST, Neil Saunders said: > > Thanks for your reply; However I've tried using PostGIS but could't > get the shapes to actually "merge" together. Ideally what I'd like to > do is have a tool such as OpenEV in to which I could load my > shapefile, select a given number of *adjacent* regions, and merge > selected regions to a single region, if you catch my drift. I'm > beginning to think that it may not be possible... :( You can totally do this in GRASS, if you have the patience to learn GRASS. We describe how in hack #77 from Mapping Hacks ( If you have a recent PostGIS built with a recent GEOS, you might try the BuildArea() function from GEOS: SDE From dfuhry at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 17 18:50:31 2006 From: dfuhry at GMAIL.COM (Dave Fuhry) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 21:50:31 -0500 Subject: php5 Linux In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Adam, It worked for me with Apache 2.2.0, PHP 5.1.1 and mapserver 4.8.0-rc1. After building and installing the first two from source, I ran mapserver's ./configure with the following flags: --with-php=/usr/local --with-php-regex-dir=/home/dfuhry/php-5.1.1/regex --with-httpd=/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd in addition to the usual. You can likely get away with installing your distro's binary and source (-dev or -devel) packages for PHP5 and Apache instead of building from source. Basically use the "PHP/Mapscript HOWTO" at as a reference and assume PHP mapscript works with php5 despite the documentation being out-of-date. -Dave Fuhry On 1/17/06, Adam J Siber wrote: > I am trying to configure mapserver with php5 on linux as a DSO but not > having much success? I have searched the boards/lists for instructions, > hints, etc but have only seen a couple listings which are limited. Could > someone please post a "how to" or some notes on this subject. > > Thank you, > Adam > From bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM Tue Jan 17 18:57:57 2006 From: bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM (Bob Basques) Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:57:57 -0600 Subject: New MapServer Based Site. Message-ID: All, Working in Partnership with Excensus LLC, GRI Technologies is pleased to (finally) announce to the list, the public launching of our latest MapServer based endeavor. Some of you saw it in it's raw form at the last Open Source GeoSpatial Conference in Minnesota. It's come a ways since then. "LED ON THE MAP" is a U.S. Census Bureau site. A Startup Guide is available here: (about 2meg) The site is here: An article in this mornings Newspaper about our Site and a Similar regional effort in Minnesota is here: bobb From ing.elgawhary at TISCALI.IT Wed Jan 18 02:27:09 2006 From: ing.elgawhary at TISCALI.IT (O. El Gawhary) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:27:09 +0100 Subject: php5 Linux In-Reply-To: Message-ID: >-- Messaggio Originale -- >Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:12:01 -0600 >Reply-To: Adam J Siber >From: Adam J Siber >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] php5 Linux >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > >I am trying to configure mapserver with php5 on linux as a DSO but not >having much success? I have searched the boards/lists for instructions, >hints, etc but have only seen a couple listings which are limited. Could >someone please post a "how to" or some notes on this subject. > >Thank you, >Adam Adam, You can install Apache2 with --enable-modules=so option: $ ./configure --enable-modules=so $ make $ make install and PHP (as module) in this way: $ ./configure --with-apxs2=/path/to/apxs/executable $ make $ make install The procedure generates a loadable module ( is necessary to change the Apache configuration file httpd.conf as the following: LoadModule php5_module /path/to/module/ (if not present) Addtype application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml (obviously if you want that PHP manage .php and .phtml files) to allow Apache load the module. After that you can install Mapserver. But, if I'm not in error, Mascript is supported as CGI and not as DSO, so with the previous installation you can have some problems. Regards. Omar _________________________________________________________________ TISCALI ADSL Web&Mail Solo con Tiscali Adsl navighi e telefoni senza canone Telecom a partire da 14,95 Euro/mese. Attivala subito! Per te 500 MB inclusi per navigare, inviare e ricevere messaggi e-mail, foto ed mp3. From viperp at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 18 03:05:53 2006 From: viperp at GMAIL.COM (Bruno) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 09:05:53 -0200 Subject: How to get the color from a class Message-ID: Hi, my code is: ( ... ) LAYER NAME Depois_de_1995 STATUS DEFAULT DATA "the_geom from constructmapasconselho using unique id_municipio" TYPE POLYGON CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION "user=consulta password=consulta dbname=sipeas host=" UNITS METERS SIZEUNITS METERS CLASSITEM "data_cr" LABELITEM "data_cr" CLASS NAME "Depois de 1995" EXPRESSION '1.00000' OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 204 7 62 TEMPLATE "data_cr.html" END END # Layer ( ... ) I would like to know how to get the COLOR ( R G B ) content from a class, using phpmapscript. Does anyone knows any function? tks, bruno -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Wed Jan 18 05:23:10 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 14:23:10 +0100 Subject: WFS client for MapServer Message-ID: Is there any client that is able to fetch features from MapServer as WFS Server using http POST and giving the request in XML ? THere is something about this for GeoServer or other Open Source projects in Java like Deegree but nothing I have found for MapServer. THanks. Fabio D' Ovidio Planetek Italia Srl via Massaua 12, Bari -70123 Italy e-mail : dovidio at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 18 06:18:22 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 09:18:22 -0500 Subject: Generated scale Message-ID: James - No, it actually didn't work. You cannot put a scalebar in kilometers on a map using a geographic coordinate system (i.e. where the units on the map are "degrees"). Or, rather, you cannot put an ACCURATE scalebar in kilometers on such a map. Unfortunately, MapServer will fudge this for you and make you think it worked, but it didn't. On your map, an area that is one degree of longitude wide and one degree of latitude high will appear as a square. If the center of your map (from your EXTENT) is at -37 degrees latitude and 145 degrees latitude, then that "square" will be 110.978 kilometers high and 89.012 kilometers wide. The top horizontal side of that "square", at -36.5 degrees latitude, will be 89.591 kilometers long, while the bottom horizontal side at -37.5 degrees will be 88.425 kilometers. So you've got a square with four sides on the map, each of which is exactly the same length (since it's a square). The two vertical sides are 110.978 kilometers, the top is 89.591 kilometers, and the bottom is 88.425 kilometers. You can't put a scalebar on that. You cannot measure scales in kilometers on a "geographic" projection, because distances are not constant, and vary with the latitude and with the orientation of the line being measured. If you want accurate measurements on such a map you need to either create a measurement tool that takes the latitude and longitude of two endpoints and calculates the geodetic distance between them, or you need to use a projected coordinate system that has a constant scale across the map. - Ed (resident curmudgeon objecting to Web mappers completely forgetting that the Earth is not flat) Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of James Net Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:56 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Generated scale Thanks, it worked. >From: Paul Spencer >To: James Net >CC: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Generated scale >Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:31:11 -0500 > >try adding UNITS DD to the MAP object > >Paul > >On 17-Jan-06, at 8:17 PM, James Net wrote: > >>I'm viewing a satellite map of a large area and my mapserver >>generated scale seems a little wrong. Viewing a whole state (of >>Australia) mapserver generates a scale ranging from 0 ---> 0.001km (see attached). >>And when I zoom-in the scale bar goes to 0 ---> 0. Any ideas? I >>thought my scale should be like 1 ---> 1000km. Am I not reading it >>right? Am I missing or have I stuffed up a map file config option / setting? >> >>My Map file: >> >>MAP >> NAME WEX >> IMAGETYPE jpeg >> EXTENT 140 -41 150 -33 >> SIZE 600 600 >> DEBUG ON >> TRANSPARENT ON >> IMAGECOLOR 239 242 248 # The background Color. >> >> WEB >> LOG "mylog.log" # The Debug Log. >> TEMPLATE "template.html" >> IMAGEPATH "/var/web/tmp/" >> IMAGEURL "/tmp/" >> METADATA >> wms_title "WEX" >> wms_srs "EPSG:4283" >> wms_onlineresource "http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv? >>" >> END >> MAXSCALE 50.0 >> MINSCALE 0.1 >> END >> >> PROJECTION >> "init=epsg:4283" >> END >> >>... >> >> SCALEBAR >> IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 >> LABEL >> COLOR 255 255 255 >> SIZE TINY >> END >> STYLE 1 >> SIZE 100 2 >> COLOR 255 255 255 >> UNITS kilometers >> INTERVALS 1 >> TRANSPARENT TRUE >> STATUS ON >> END >> >>... >>LAYER stuff >>... >>END # EOF >> >> >>Thanks in advance! >> >>_________________________________________________________________ >>Start something musical - 15 free ninemsn Music downloads! http:// >> >>mode=click&clientID=667&referral=HotmailTaglineNov&URL=http:// >> >> > >+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ >|Paul Spencer pspencer at | >+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ >|Applications & Software Development | >|DM Solutions Group Inc| >+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ > > > > _________________________________________________________________ ASUS M5 Ultra-slim lightweight is Now $1999 (was $2,999) &_t=752129232&_r=Hotmail_tagline_23Nov05&_m=EXT From n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 18 06:20:18 2006 From: n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM (Neil Saunders) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 14:20:18 +0000 Subject: Merging Regions of a shapefile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Lots of interesting ideas that I wasn't aware of - Thank you everybody for your input; I'll let you know how it goes! On 1/18/06, Schuyler Erle wrote: > * On 16-Jan-2006 at 12:40PM PST, Neil Saunders said: > > > > Thanks for your reply; However I've tried using PostGIS but could't > > get the shapes to actually "merge" together. Ideally what I'd like to > > do is have a tool such as OpenEV in to which I could load my > > shapefile, select a given number of *adjacent* regions, and merge > > selected regions to a single region, if you catch my drift. I'm > > beginning to think that it may not be possible... :( > > You can totally do this in GRASS, if you have the patience to learn > GRASS. We describe how in hack #77 from Mapping Hacks > ( > > If you have a recent PostGIS built with a recent GEOS, you might try > the BuildArea() function from GEOS: > > > > SDE > From sgillies at FRII.COM Wed Jan 18 06:53:17 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 07:53:17 -0700 Subject: New MapServer Based Site. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Jan 17, 2006, at 7:57 PM, Bob Basques wrote: > All, > > Working in Partnership with Excensus LLC, GRI Technologies is > pleased to > (finally) announce to the list, the public launching of our latest > MapServer based endeavor. Some of you saw it in it's raw form at the > last Open Source GeoSpatial Conference in Minnesota. It's come a ways > since then. > > "LED ON THE MAP" is a U.S. Census Bureau site. > > A Startup Guide is available here: > > > (about 2meg) > > The site is here: > > > An article in this mornings Newspaper about our Site and a Similar > regional effort in Minnesota is here: > > 13640992.htm > > > > bobb Great work, Bob. I just used it to see where Colorado State employees are coming from. I gotta say that it is great to see our little MapServer powering yet another "enterprise" class application. cheers, Sean --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Wed Jan 18 07:11:21 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (P Kishor) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 09:11:21 -0600 Subject: New MapServer Based Site. Message-ID: Bob Basques wrote: > All, > > Working in Partnership with Excensus LLC, GRI Technologies is pleased to > (finally) announce to the list, the public launching of our latest > MapServer based endeavor. Some of you saw it in it's raw form at the > last Open Source GeoSpatial Conference in Minnesota. It's come a ways > since then. > > "LED ON THE MAP" is a U.S. Census Bureau site. > very nice, and a tasteful homage to Aqua. This should be added to the galleria. -- Puneet Kishor From beproject06 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 18 07:24:44 2006 From: beproject06 at YAHOO.COM (Apeksha Bhambhani) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 07:24:44 -0800 Subject: No reprojection done In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: hii, It seems that you have a lot of knowledge about projections in the mapfile . Could you please help us out . We have a few basic doubts. Here's what we are doing .... We are working on the LAMP platform. We are creating an interactive web application . Users will be provided with a map , on which they can make their own additions and deletions.For example , when a certain user wants to landmark a certain city . Could u help us out with a few of r doubts . Firstly as the input to the Mapserver will be shapefiles , we will be creating our layers , (Eg. Point , Polygon , etc,) with the help of OpenEV.When the shapfiles are created in OpenEV (for e.g the points layer ) the points are saved on the basis of their line and column value This input will be given to the Mapfile of the Mapserver , which willl in turn give a complete image comprising of all the layers. This map can then be displayed using Php/Mapscript. When the user enters a certain point , the point details need to be added to MySql. We wanted to proceed step by step. Now , as we first need a base map ( on which the user will make his/her changes ) , which will be a raster image ( .png or .tif ). We have created a map file for this( the raster image as a raster layer) as follows: MAP NAME first EXTENT 0 0 40 40 SIZE 600 600 IMAGECOLOR 200 255 255 SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/data1" WEB IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END LAYER NAME "base" TYPE raster DATA "/var/www/html/india.tif" STATUS ON END END This is not getting plotted , what could be the problem ? Also , what exactly is the use of extent , because no matter what extent we give for another mapfile to plot a simple rectangle , the size of the rectangle remains the same . Is projection mandatory in the mapfile ? And how can it be used . When the shapfiles are created in OpenEV (for e.g the points layer ) the points are saved on the basis of their line and column value . Does this require the use of projection.How can these points be saved in their latitude/longitude values. We are unable to understand the use of Projection ...Plz can u help us . Awating your reply , Apeksha Ed McNierney wrote: Luiz & Bengt - I would expect that if Bengt is working with maps of Scandinavian countries, the difference between Plat Carree and Mercator should be noticeable (Mercator will "stretch" things north/south by quite a bit compared to a "geographic" or Plat Carree projection). Bengt, are you sure you have a good PROJ installation and that MapServer is compiled with PROJ support (run mapserv -v and look for "SUPPORTS=PROJ")? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 --------------------------------- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Luiz Vaz Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:46 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] No reprojection done Well, it seems that there no perceptual changes each other: # World Mercator <54004> +proj=merc +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +k=1.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # World Plate Carree <54001> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # World Equidistant Cylindrical <54002> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> # WGS 84 <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs no_defs <> Best Regards, Luiz Vaz 2006/1/15, Nilsson Bengt : Hi, I've set up a WMS server with an initial singe layer to test reprojection. However , I can't get the projection to work. Whatever output projection i try I get the same geographical (4326) back. For example, when I make a WMS request with SRS=EPSG:54004 (Mercator) and bounding box in that projection I get an 4326-map back. I do not get any errors. Here is my map-file: MAP NAME WMS-test STATUS ON SHAPEPATH "shp" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 FONTSET ../etc/fontset.txt DEBUG ON WEB LOG "/tmp/mapserv.log" IMAGEPATH "/srv/www/htdocs/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "wms_title" "Test" "wms_onlineresource" "http://hhhhhhhhh/mapserv/wt?service=WMS " "wms_srs" "epsg:9823 epsg:4326 epsg:54004" END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:54004" END LAYER NAME k92_strandlinje DEBUG ON METADATA "wms_title" "k92_strandlinje" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxx dbname=xxx host=localhost" DATA 'the_geom from k92_strandlin_polygon' PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASS NAME "strandlin-pgx" COLOR 255 251 237 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END /Regards Bengt --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Wed Jan 18 07:49:42 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 10:49:42 -0500 Subject: No reprojection done In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Your map is EXTENT 0 0 40 40, how does this compare to the extents of you geotiff /var/www/html/india.tif. It is a geotiff or a tiff with a wld file right? -Steve W. Apeksha Bhambhani wrote: > hii, > It seems that you have a lot of knowledge about projections in the > mapfile . Could you please help us out . We have a few basic doubts. > Here's what we are doing .... > > We are working on the LAMP platform. We are creating an interactive web > application . Users will be provided with a map , on which they can make > their own additions and deletions.For example , when a certain user > wants to landmark a certain city . > Could u help us out with a few of r doubts . > > Firstly as the input to the Mapserver will be shapefiles , we will be > creating our layers , (Eg. Point , Polygon , etc,) with the help of > OpenEV.When the shapfiles are created in OpenEV (for e.g the points > layer ) the points are saved on the basis of their line and column value > This input will be given to the Mapfile of the Mapserver , which willl > in turn give a complete image comprising of all the layers. This map can > then be displayed using Php/Mapscript. > When the user enters a certain point , the point details need to be > added to MySql. > > We wanted to proceed step by step. Now , as we first need a base map ( > on which the user will make his/her changes ) , which will be a raster > image ( .png or .tif ). We have created a map file for this( the raster > image as a raster layer) as follows: > > MAP > > NAME first > EXTENT 0 0 40 40 > SIZE 600 600 > IMAGECOLOR 200 255 255 > SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/data1" > > WEB > IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/tmp/" > END > > LAYER > NAME "base" > TYPE raster > DATA "/var/www/html/india.tif" > STATUS ON > END > END > > This is not getting plotted , what could be the problem ? > Also , what exactly is the use of extent , because no matter what extent > we give for another mapfile to plot a simple rectangle , the size of the > rectangle remains the same . > Is projection mandatory in the mapfile ? And how can it be used . > When the shapfiles are created in OpenEV (for e.g the points layer ) the > points are saved on the basis of their line and column value . Does > this require the use of projection.How can these points be saved in > their latitude/longitude values. > We are unable to understand the use of Projection ...Plz can u help us . > > Awating your reply , > Apeksha > */Ed McNierney /* wrote: > > Luiz & Bengt - > > I would expect that if Bengt is working with maps of Scandinavian > countries, the difference between Plat Carree and Mercator should be > noticeable (Mercator will "stretch" things north/south by quite a > bit compared to a "geographic" or Plat Carree projection). > > Bengt, are you sure you have a good PROJ installation and that > MapServer is compiled with PROJ support (run mapserv -v and look for > "SUPPORTS=PROJ")? > > - Ed > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > ed at > (978) 251-4242 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On Behalf Of *Luiz Vaz > *Sent:* Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:46 AM > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Subject:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] No reprojection done > > Well, > > it seems that there no perceptual changes each other: > > # World Mercator > <54004> +proj=merc +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +k=1.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 > +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> > > # World Plate Carree > <54001> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> > # World Equidistant Cylindrical > <54002> +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <> > > # WGS 84 > <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs no_defs <> > > > Best Regards, > Luiz Vaz > > 2006/1/15, Nilsson Bengt >: > > Hi, > I've set up a WMS server with an initial singe layer to test > reprojection. However , I can't get the projection to work. > Whatever output projection i try I get the same geographical > (4326) back. For example, when I make a WMS > request with SRS=EPSG:54004 (Mercator) and bounding box in > that projection I get an 4326-map back. I do not get any errors. > Here is my map-file: > > MAP > NAME WMS-test > STATUS ON > SHAPEPATH "shp" > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > FONTSET ../etc/fontset.txt > > DEBUG ON > WEB > LOG "/tmp/mapserv.log" > IMAGEPATH "/srv/www/htdocs/ms_tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" > METADATA > "wms_title" "Test" > "wms_onlineresource" > "http://hhhhhhhhh/mapserv/wt?service=WMS > " > "wms_srs" "epsg:9823 epsg:4326 epsg:54004" > END > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:54004" > END > > LAYER > NAME k92_strandlinje > DEBUG ON > METADATA > "wms_title" "k92_strandlinje" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > END > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxx dbname=xxx host=localhost" > DATA 'the_geom from k92_strandlin_polygon' > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > CLASS > NAME "strandlin-pgx" > COLOR 255 251 237 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > > END > > > /Regards Bengt > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Yahoo! Photos > Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars > . > Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. From lists at NABBLE.COM Wed Jan 18 07:56:05 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 07:56:05 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery Message-ID: Hi All, Thanks all for the solution of my previous query ( Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image). Now I got new query, Please give me some solution. I am able to establish connection between MapServer and Oracle Spatial 10g, and we can get the Map Image prefectly ( refer Subject Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image ) I am unable to get the any Query Function in MapServer with Oracle Spatial , but i can able to do the query operation with Shapefiles. The Mapfile, quey and Error is give below, Mapfile MAP DEBUG ON NAME World_Country EXTENT -180 -90 180 83.60415649414 SIZE 800 400 SHAPEPATH '/ms4w/apps/zap/data/' IMAGETYPE GIF STATUS ON WEB TEMPLATE 'templates/ZapTemp.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM world USING SRID 8307" NAME world_poly STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON DUMP TRUE TEMPLATE "templates/ZapTemp.html" TOLERANCE 5 CLASS NAME 'The_World' STYLE COLOR 0 200 0 END END END END Query http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/ Error Message msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: ORA-00920: invalid relational operator . Query statement: SELECT rownum, cntry_name, shape FROM world WHERE india AND SDO_FILTER( shape, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180,-90,180,83.6041565) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . Check your data statement. Spatial data in Oracle SQL> describe world Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- SHAPEID NOT NULL NUMBER(38) FIPS_CNTRY VARCHAR2(2) GMI_CNTRY VARCHAR2(3) ISO_2DIGIT VARCHAR2(2) ISO_3DIGIT VARCHAR2(3) CNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2(254) LONG_NAME VARCHAR2(40) SOVEREIGN VARCHAR2(40) POP_CNTRY NUMBER CURR_TYPE VARCHAR2(16) CURR_CODE VARCHAR2(4) LANDLOCKED VARCHAR2(1) SQKM NUMBER SQMI NUMBER COLORMAP NUMBER SHAPE MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Please give me a some solution Waiting for the reply Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam GISbiz -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Wed Jan 18 08:18:44 2006 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 17:18:44 +0100 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery Message-ID: Hi Prema, Did you tried to add field name in the URL? http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/'CNTRY_NAME=india' I also think you should add this field name into your layer definition: DATA "shape,cntry_name FROM world USING SRID 8307" Regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From: Prema Selvam (sent by To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:56 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery Hi All, Thanks all for the solution of my previous query ( Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image). Now I got new query, Please give me some solution. I am able to establish connection between MapServer and Oracle Spatial 10g, and we can get the Map Image prefectly ( refer Subject Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image) I am unable to get the any Query Function in MapServer with Oracle Spatial , but i can able to do the query operation with Shapefiles. The Mapfile, quey and Error is give below, Mapfile MAP DEBUG ON NAME World_Country EXTENT -180 -90 180 83.60415649414 SIZE 800 400 SHAPEPATH '/ms4w/apps/zap/data/' IMAGETYPE GIF STATUS ON WEB TEMPLATE 'templates/ZapTemp.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM world USING SRID 8307" NAME world_poly STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON DUMP TRUE TEMPLATE "templates/ZapTemp.html" TOLERANCE 5 CLASS NAME 'The_World' STYLE COLOR 0 200 0 END END END END Query http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/ Error Message msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: ORA-00920: invalid relational operator . Query statement: SELECT rownum, cntry_name, shape FROM world WHERE india AND SDO_FILTER( shape, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180,-90,180,83.6041565) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . Check your data statement. Spatial data in Oracle SQL> describe world Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- SHAPEID NOT NULL NUMBER(38) FIPS_CNTRY VARCHAR2(2) GMI_CNTRY VARCHAR2(3) ISO_2DIGIT VARCHAR2(2) ISO_3DIGIT VARCHAR2(3) CNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2(254) LONG_NAME VARCHAR2(40) SOVEREIGN VARCHAR2(40) POP_CNTRY NUMBER CURR_TYPE VARCHAR2(16) CURR_CODE VARCHAR2(4) LANDLOCKED VARCHAR2(1) SQKM NUMBER SQMI NUMBER COLORMAP NUMBER SHAPE MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Please give me a some solution Waiting for the reply Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam GISbiz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ View this message in context: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Wed Jan 18 08:18:45 2006 From: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Sears, Jeremy) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:18:45 -0500 Subject: Graticule projection troubles Message-ID: Good Day all, Im working on a graticule layer in a map file. All of the data included in the map are using the projection "epsg:42304". However mapserver doesnt seem to want to draw the graticule layer with this projection. Within my layer definition in the map file I am under the impression that the following should work: PROJECTION "init=epsg:42304" END However, Mapserver hangs when I use that. It would seem that that the only way I can get a grid to be drawn is to use somthing like .. PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "datum=NAD83" END Perhaps I am missing a fundamental concept here? Why does the first block of code cause mapserver to hang? How can I make it work? Also, what are the acceptable parameters that can be specified with "proj=??". On examining the definition for espg 42304 in the espg file I notice that its defined as: ## NAD83 LCC for Canada <42304> +proj=lcc +ellps=GRS80 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 +lat_1=49 +lat_2=77 +datum=NAD83 +units=m no_defs <> So I have tried to use the following, with out success: PROJECTION "proj=lcc" "datum=NAD83" "ellps=GRS80" END mapserver/php respond with the following errors when using the above code: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): conic lat_1 = -lat_2 in \ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php on line 215 Warning: Failed to open map file D:\cwfis2\htdocs/../map/ in \ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\wrapper\map_session.php on line 215 Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in \ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\KeyMapDHTML\KeyMapDHTML.widget.php on line 115 I have poked around the mailing list archives and documentation, but am unable to find simmilar situations. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks Jeremy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Wed Jan 18 09:04:40 2006 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 15:04:40 -0200 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, To execute query mode/functions you need to specify the USING UNIQUE in your data definition. In your case: DATA "shape FROM world USING UNIQUE shapeid SRID 8307" I will investigate why the qitem is not working, so in your case you need to define the qitem inside of qstring, like: *http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/'india*' Best regards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prema Selvam (sent by wrote: > Hi All, > > Thanks all for the solution of my previous query ( Problem in Oracle > Spatial Connection - Empty Image). > > Now I got new query, Please give me some solution. > > I am able to establish connection between MapServer and Oracle > Spatial 10g, and we can get the Map Image prefectly ( refer Subject > /Problem in Oracle Spatial Connection - Empty Image/) > > I am unable to get the any *Query * Function in MapServer with Oracle > Spatial , but i can able to do the query operation with Shapefiles. > > The Mapfile, quey and Error is give below, > > *Mapfile* > > MAP > DEBUG ON > NAME World_Country > EXTENT -180 -90 180 83.60415649414 > SIZE 800 400 > SHAPEPATH '/ms4w/apps/zap/data/' > IMAGETYPE GIF > STATUS ON > > WEB > TEMPLATE 'templates/ZapTemp.html' > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > QUERYMAP > STATUS ON > STYLE HILITE > COLOR 255 255 0 > END > > LAYER > DEBUG ON > > PROJECTION > "proj=latlong" > "ellps=WGS84" > END > > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" > DATA "shape FROM world USING SRID 8307" > > NAME world_poly > STATUS ON > TYPE POLYGON > > > DUMP TRUE > > TEMPLATE "templates/ZapTemp.html" > > TOLERANCE 5 > > CLASS > NAME 'The_World' > STYLE > COLOR 0 200 0 > END > END > END > END > > > *Query* > > *http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/ > * > > > > *Error Message* > > msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: > ORA-00920: invalid relational operator . Query statement: SELECT > rownum, cntry_name, shape FROM world WHERE india AND SDO_FILTER( > shape, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 8307, > NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-180,-90,180,83.6041565) > ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . Check your data statement. > > *Spatial data in Oracle* > > SQL> describe world > > Name Null? Type > ----------------------------------------- -------- > ---------------------------- > > SHAPEID NOT NULL NUMBER(38) > FIPS_CNTRY VARCHAR2(2) > GMI_CNTRY VARCHAR2(3) > ISO_2DIGIT VARCHAR2(2) > ISO_3DIGIT VARCHAR2(3) > CNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2(254) > LONG_NAME VARCHAR2(40) > SOVEREIGN VARCHAR2(40) > POP_CNTRY NUMBER > CURR_TYPE VARCHAR2(16) > CURR_CODE VARCHAR2(4) > LANDLOCKED VARCHAR2(1) > SQKM NUMBER > SQMI NUMBER > COLORMAP NUMBER > SHAPE MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY > > > Please give me a some solution > > Waiting for the reply > > Thanks & Regards, > Prema Selvam > GISbiz > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > View this message in context: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer > in ItemnQuery > > Sent from the Mapserver - User > forum at From peterh at IVS90.NL Wed Jan 18 08:59:36 2006 From: peterh at IVS90.NL (Peter Huis in 't Veld) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 17:59:36 +0100 Subject: QUERYMAP and postgis Message-ID: Hello I've the question: How can I show the attributes of a a postgis query using mapserver. At the moment I've GIS layer showing me all the object in the spatial database, so the query isn't isn't the problem. Changing the mode into query mode Ik get the following message: msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found. I've seen the remark on the mapserver web-site by Bart vd Eijnden, but this doesn't give me any additional info. I made the following changes to the code in order to query the Map file by clicking on the map item: *QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 0 255 0 END * LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS CONNECTION .... DATA "object_geom from (SELECT a, b, c, object_geom from table) as myquery using unique object_geom" *TOLERANCE 5* CLASS LABEL ... END END * TEMPLATE "query_result.html"* PROJECTION ...... END END The query_result.html looks like:
[lrn] [a] [b] [c]
Should the query_result.html be in a specific directory? I've places it in htdocs where my index.html is present. Thanks for any help! Peter From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 18 09:55:45 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:55:45 -0600 Subject: Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements Message-ID: What would be the appropriate place (is there an appropriate place) on the mapserver site to create a library of little pieces from a mapfile that could be reused by others. I am thinking things like Styles, Class Definitions, Font Files, etc.. I would love to see a place where someone could find examples of code with either screenshots or links to an application using that code for styling so that anyone looking to start with the creation of mapfiles could just grab some pieces from the snippet library and get on thier way. Alternately, with a commenting system, all the great cartographers that are part of this community could give input and we could potentially get some collaboratively developed cartography. As an example, I would love to see a section dedicated to roads. As part of this, I would love to see font files for symbols if anyone has developed any, any particular styles people have come to use and then the sections of code displaying all the classes for both lines and annotation. I know that there are some really slick looking roads definitions using both "centerline" style roads as well as "curb to curb" ie google maps style roads. I know that designing styles is not difficult per se, but it can definitely take a lot of futzing around to get something that looks good and looking through all the apps out there, there are obviously some folks who have done more futzing than others. I think something like this could leverage the abilities (and tastes) of the whole community to try to raise the bar for visual appearance of Mapserver output. Any Comments? Anyone else willing to add to a library like this? David From David.Fawcett at PCA.STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 18 10:18:12 2006 From: David.Fawcett at PCA.STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:18:12 -0600 Subject: Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements Message-ID: Great idea David. I have long thought that it would be great to have a repository for symbol definition, sample symbol files, etc. Your idea of adding images or screenshots makes it a lot better! David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of David Bitner Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:56 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements What would be the appropriate place (is there an appropriate place) on the mapserver site to create a library of little pieces from a mapfile that could be reused by others. I am thinking things like Styles, Class Definitions, Font Files, etc.. I would love to see a place where someone could find examples of code with either screenshots or links to an application using that code for styling so that anyone looking to start with the creation of mapfiles could just grab some pieces from the snippet library and get on thier way. Alternately, with a commenting system, all the great cartographers that are part of this community could give input and we could potentially get some collaboratively developed cartography. As an example, I would love to see a section dedicated to roads. As part of this, I would love to see font files for symbols if anyone has developed any, any particular styles people have come to use and then the sections of code displaying all the classes for both lines and annotation. I know that there are some really slick looking roads definitions using both "centerline" style roads as well as "curb to curb" ie google maps style roads. I know that designing styles is not difficult per se, but it can definitely take a lot of futzing around to get something that looks good and looking through all the apps out there, there are obviously some folks who have done more futzing than others. I think something like this could leverage the abilities (and tastes) of the whole community to try to raise the bar for visual appearance of Mapserver output. Any Comments? Anyone else willing to add to a library like this? David From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Wed Jan 18 10:20:55 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:20:55 +0100 Subject: QUERYMAP and postgis In-Reply-To: <20060118165900.k0IGwxRb016119@bics.lok> Message-ID: Peter, I would never suggest using the geometry column as the unique column. The default used is oid, but as you might know as of PostgreSQL 8.1 this is not created anymore automatically. Older PostgreSQL versions do have it standard, so just leave out your USING UNIQUE in that case from the DATA statement. Is there not a primary key on your table which you can use otherwise instead of the geometry column? I would suggest getting some debug information out of Mapserver using the practices described here: or just log the queries which Mapserver sends at the PostgreSQL level (PostgreSQL logging). In order to solve this, tt might help also providing some version info (which Mapserver version, which PostgreSQL version, which PostGIS version etc.). Best regards, Bart Peter Huis in 't Veld wrote: > Hello > > I've the question: How can I show the attributes of a a postgis query > using mapserver. At the moment I've GIS layer showing me all the > object in the spatial database, so the query isn't isn't the problem. > Changing the mode into query mode Ik get the following message: > > msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) > found. > > I've seen the remark on the mapserver web-site by Bart vd Eijnden, but > this doesn't give me any additional info. I made the following changes > to the code in order to query the Map file by clicking on the map item: > > *QUERYMAP > STATUS ON > STYLE HILITE > COLOR 0 255 0 > END > * > > LAYER > CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS > CONNECTION .... > DATA "object_geom from (SELECT a, b, c, object_geom from table) > as myquery using unique object_geom" > *TOLERANCE 5* > CLASS > LABEL > ... > END END > * TEMPLATE "query_result.html"* > PROJECTION > ...... > END > END > > The query_result.html looks like: > > > > > > > > >
> > Should the query_result.html be in a specific directory? I've places > it in htdocs where my index.html is present. > > Thanks for any help! > > Peter > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU Wed Jan 18 10:25:51 2006 From: gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU (Gerry Creager) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:25:51 -0600 Subject: Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Weather? We can contribute something to the library there... gerry David Bitner wrote: > What would be the appropriate place (is there an appropriate place) on > the mapserver site to create a library of little pieces from a mapfile > that could be reused by others. I am thinking things like Styles, > Class Definitions, Font Files, etc.. > > I would love to see a place where someone could find examples of code > with either screenshots or links to an application using that code for > styling so that anyone looking to start with the creation of mapfiles > could just grab some pieces from the snippet library and get on thier > way. Alternately, with a commenting system, all the great > cartographers that are part of this community could give input and we > could potentially get some collaboratively developed cartography. > > As an example, I would love to see a section dedicated to roads. As > part of this, I would love to see font files for symbols if anyone has > developed any, any particular styles people have come to use and then > the sections of code displaying all the classes for both lines and > annotation. I know that there are some really slick looking roads > definitions using both "centerline" style roads as well as "curb to > curb" ie google maps style roads. > > I know that designing styles is not difficult per se, but it can > definitely take a lot of futzing around to get something that looks > good and looking through all the apps out there, there are obviously > some folks who have done more futzing than others. I think something > like this could leverage the abilities (and tastes) of the whole > community to try to raise the bar for visual appearance of Mapserver > output. > > Any Comments? Anyone else willing to add to a library like this? > > David -- Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX 979.862.3983 MAIL: AATLT, 3139 TAMU Physical: 1700 Research Parkway, Suite 160, College Station, TX 77843-3139 From Daniel.Avramov at EC.GC.CA Wed Jan 18 10:57:25 2006 From: Daniel.Avramov at EC.GC.CA (Avramov,Daniel [Ontario]) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:57:25 -0500 Subject: Focus Testing wrt Web Mapping and Usability?? Message-ID: Good day, Has anyone performed focus-group testing and/or usability research with respect to Web Mapping Applications? Thanks in advance. Apologies for cross-posting. Daniel Avramov Geomatics Specialist Information Technology - Development - Ontario Chief Information Officer Branch Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4 Tel: (416) 739-4402 Fax: (416) 739-4721 Office/Bureau: 2N116 daniel.avramov at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 18 11:08:08 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:08:08 -0600 Subject: Focus Testing wrt Web Mapping and Usability?? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: If anyone has and can make the key points from the studies available, could we set up a section on the website to collect this information. On 1/18/06, Avramov,Daniel [Ontario] wrote: > > > Good day, > Has anyone performed focus-group testing and/or usability research with > respect to Web Mapping Applications? > > Thanks in advance. > > Apologies for cross-posting. > > > > > Daniel Avramov > > Geomatics Specialist > Information Technology - Development ? Ontario > > Chief Information Officer Branch > Environment Canada > 4905 Dufferin Street > Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4 > Tel: (416) 739-4402 Fax: (416) 739-4721 > Office/Bureau: 2N116 > daniel.avramov at From hobu at IASTATE.EDU Wed Jan 18 11:14:58 2006 From: hobu at IASTATE.EDU (Howard Butler) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:14:58 -0600 Subject: Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I also think this would be a great idea. A "Code Snippets" section of the website would be very useful. I was thinking it could go right in the "Documentation" area as just another section. I'm pretty busy these days, but I plan to get back to doing some MapServer website development soon. No hard promises, but look for something over the next couple of months (I'll give you a heads up when something is there). Anyone who really wants to make this happen faster and isn't afraid to get their hands *really* dirty with plone should contact me off-list. Howard At 12:18 PM 1/18/2006, Fawcett, David wrote: >Great idea David. =20 > >I have long thought that it would be great to have a repository for >symbol definition, sample symbol files, etc. =20 > >Your idea of adding images or screenshots makes it a lot better! > >David. > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >Behalf Of David Bitner >Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:56 AM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source >Cartographic Elements > > >What would be the appropriate place (is there an appropriate place) on >the mapserver site to create a library of little pieces from a mapfile >that could be reused by others. I am thinking things like Styles, Class >Definitions, Font Files, etc.. > >I would love to see a place where someone could find examples of code >with either screenshots or links to an application using that code for >styling so that anyone looking to start with the creation of mapfiles >could just grab some pieces from the snippet library and get on thier >way. Alternately, with a commenting system, all the great cartographers >that are part of this community could give input and we could >potentially get some collaboratively developed cartography. > >As an example, I would love to see a section dedicated to roads. As >part of this, I would love to see font files for symbols if anyone has >developed any, any particular styles people have come to use and then >the sections of code displaying all the classes for both lines and >annotation. I know that there are some really slick looking roads >definitions using both "centerline" style roads as well as "curb to >curb" ie google maps style roads. > >I know that designing styles is not difficult per se, but it can >definitely take a lot of futzing around to get something that looks good >and looking through all the apps out there, there are obviously some >folks who have done more futzing than others. I think something like >this could leverage the abilities (and tastes) of the whole community to >try to raise the bar for visual appearance of Mapserver output. > >Any Comments? Anyone else willing to add to a library like this? > >David From arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE Wed Jan 18 12:52:43 2006 From: arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE (Arnulf Christl) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 21:52:43 +0100 Subject: "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ari Jolma wrote: > I second Gary. If I want to say something to the founding meeting it is > that please remember the education world. I believe how lecturers and > professors present software to students and what software is used has a > very important effect on how they view them in the future. > > Also if research results are implemented as FOSS (e.g., add-ons to QGIS > for example), that is important from the point of view of advancing the > whole culture of FOSS. > > Regards, > > Ari Jolma Thank you Ari and Gary. This should be something that the foundation can help foster. In return a group of universities could provide for a distributed network of geospatial services and give the developers access to maintain the code. Basically this is already happening a grassroots processes all over the place and a foundation would only help to make it a lot more efficient. Please consider of subscribing to this list and further discussion there. Best regards, Arnulf Christl. > Gary Watry wrote: > >>For what my opinion is worth >> >>This is the way we should be headed. >> >>I am glad to see people from the open source desktop community there as >>well. >> >>We are starting to teach open source software as an viable option to >>commercial software. This semester as a no-cost, uncredited course but hope >>to eventually as a accredited course. Right now we have it in a >>post-graduate course at FSU and will be used in an Undergraduate course at >>FAMU. Two of the softwares we are discussing are Quantum GIS and UDIG. >> >>So we have a vested interest in the success of the Open Source Foundation. >> >>______________________________________________________________ >>Gary L. Watry >> >>GIS Coordinator >>Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies >>FSU / COAPS >>Johnson Building, RM 215 >>2035 East Paul Dirac Drive >>Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 >> >>E-Mail: watry at >> >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >>Behalf Of Paul Ramsey >>Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 12:32 PM >>To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] "Geospatial Foundation" Meeting >> >>Dear Community Members, >> >>In order to help move along the process of starting an "open source >>geospatial foundation" there will be a face-to-face meeting in >>Chicago, Westin O'Hare, on February 4, 2006, hosted by Autodesk. In >>conceiving of this meeting, we have tried (and will continue to try) >>to follow these principles: >> >>- Inclusion. Members from a number of different open source projects >>have been invited (see the list so far below) and Autodesk has >>offered to pay the travel costs of some of these invitees in order to >>ensure they can attend if they cannot afford it otherwise. Anyone >>else is also welcome to attend physically or virtually (see below). >> >>- Transparency. The agenda for the meeting will be public, and will >>be revised based on comments and input prior to the meeting. The >>minutes of the meeting will also be public. Planning materials >>(backgrounders, attendee lists, agenda) for the meeting on will be on >>a public site. The whole meeting will be transcribed into IRC in real >>time, and IRC users will be able to participate via an interlocutor >>at the meeting. >> >>The following are some general goals for the meeting (subject to >>revision/addition/subtraction), which should provide enough certainty >>that present investments into the starting of the foundation are not >>wasted on concepts that people are not interested in for the long >>term future. >> >>- Agreement in principle on a mission statement or short charter. >> >>- Agreement in principle on a governance model for the foundation. >>Deciding whether the foundation should "look like" Eclipse, or >>Apache, or The Open Group, or some other model entirely. >> >>- Agreement in principle on a founding Board of Directors. A founding >>BoD can start to make concrete decisions on things like a name, logo >>and branding, domains, and so on. >> >>- Agreement in principle on an acceptable short list of foundation >>names, to be subjected to further legal research. >> >>In general, the goal is to establish enough solid agreement on basic >>issues that a founding BoD can proceed confidently in managing the >>details in getting the foundation up and running. >> >>The proposed agenda follows: >> >>a. Opening statements and introductions >>b. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email >>c. Foundation Goals - what should they be? What should the name be? >>d. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email >>e. Foundation Operations - the givens (governance, legal >>protection, IPR, licenses, funding, community management) >>f. Q/A - ~20 min - from IRC, email >>g. Foundation charter, tentative board membership, and action >>plan established >>h. Q/A - 20 min - from IRC, email >>i. Breakout groups: Governance, Legal Issues, Community >>Management, Funding >>j. Breakout groups regroup and present their findings >>k. Results will be gathered and enumerated for the creation of a >>draft document rolling up the decisions and next steps. >> >>The minutes of this meeting will be published on the web site within >>a few days after the meeting adjourns. We will then work hard to >>publish the final results of the meeting within two weeks of the >>meeting. >> >>An attorney who has worked with the creators of Mozilla and other >>foundations to establish non profits for housing an open source >>foundation will be present. Establishing an open source foundation is >>now almost formulaic in Silicon Valley, and we would like to take >>advantage of those formulas. >> >>The participants in the meeting thus far are: >> >>Brian Behlendorf (O'Reilly & CollabNet) >>Chris Holmes (GeoServer/Open Planning Project) >>Claude Philipona (FOSS4GIS Conference/Camptocamp) >>Dave McIlhagga (Mapserver/DM) >>Frank Warmerdam (OGR/GDAL) >>Gary Lang (Tux/Autodesk) >>Gary Sherman (QGIS) >>Gordon Luckett (User/Autodesk) >>Howard Butler (MapServer/UIowa) >>Mark Lucas (OSSIM) >>Paul Ramsey (PostGIS/uDig/Refractions) >>Pericles Nacionales (Mapserver/UMN) >>Robert Bray (Tux/Autodesk) >>Rich Steele (Tux/Autodesk) >>Paul Spencer (Ka-Map/DM) >>Steve Lime (Mapserver) >>Tom Burk (Mapserver/UMN) >>Tyler Mitchell (O'Reilly Author, long-time MapServer Foundation >>advocate) >> >>We therefore have room for more on-site attendees. If you are >>interested in attending to represent one of these communities as a >>user or you want to propose adding a project to this list, please >>send an email to: >> >> chicago >> >>When we reach 25 on-site attendees, we will be at our budget limit >>for this meeting and have reached a size that we feel comfortable >>managing. Everyone else can participate through the virtual >>mechanisms described above. >> >>Everyone wants to ensure the foundation has a long and successful >>future, and we know that this requires getting lots of input up >>front, so the organization starts out heading in the right direction. >>We hope that many of you can join us in Chicago, and that the rest >>will join us virtually as well to take part in this process. >> >>We will soon start posting Chicago location information (a hotel near >>the airport is the goal) and information for discussion publicly. We >>will use as the hosting place for virtual >>connection information, discussion documents, agenda modifications, >>and other documents associated with the foundation until such time as >>the name of the foundation is chosen and a site dedicated to it has >>been established. >> >>Paul Ramsey >>Gary Lang > > > From work at XWB.COM Wed Jan 18 13:18:06 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 13:18:06 -0800 Subject: Terraserver WMS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I am trying to create a group of layers using WMS on Microsoft Terraserver. I run MapServer on an IIS6 web site as a CGI app. I cannot seem to get this to work correctly. Here is my Mapfile (at least the pertinent sections: # This is the site map file NAME "sitemap" UNITS DD EXTENT -127.00 43.00 -115.00 50.00 SIZE 475 475 IMAGECOLOR 189 202 222 IMAGETYPE GIF SHAPEPATH "../Shape_Files" FONTSET "../fontset.txt" ##################################### # Web object # WEB TEMPLATE "../HTML_Files/sitemap_eval.html" IMAGEPATH 'd:/wwwroot/tmp/' IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END ##################################### # TerraServer WMS # LAYER NAME "TSOrtho1" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26918" #NAD83 UTM zone 18N "wms_extent" "-78 0 -72 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26918" #NAD83 UTM zone 18N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho2" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26917" #NAD83 UTM zone 17N\ "wms_extent" "-84 0 -78 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26917" #NAD83 UTM zone 17N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho3" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26916" #NAD83 UTM zone 16N\ "wms_extent" "-90 0 -84 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26916" #NAD83 UTM zone 16N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho4" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26915" #NAD83 UTM zone 15N\ "wms_extent" "-96 0 -90 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26915" #NAD83 UTM zone 15N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho5" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26914" #NAD83 UTM zone 14N\ "wms_extent" "-102 0 -96 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26914" #NAD83 UTM zone 14N END END END Here is the error I get when I try to render the map: msDrawMap(): WMS connection error. Failed to draw WMS layer named 'ortho-18'. This most likely happened because the remote WMS server returned an invalid image, and XML exception or another unexpected result in response to the GetMap request. Also check and make sure that the layer's connection URL is valid. msDrawRaster(): Image handling error. Unrecognized or unsupported image format drawEPP(): Image handling error. EPPL7 support is not available. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From peterh at IVS90.NL Wed Jan 18 13:49:52 2006 From: peterh at IVS90.NL (Peter Huis in 't Veld) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 22:49:52 +0100 Subject: QUERYMAP and postgis In-Reply-To: <20060118182203.k0IIM3GC023129@bics.lok> Message-ID: Bart, Your right about the oid column, this is part of my dataset. I replaced the geom column by the oid. The result is still the same. Postgis 1.0.4 Postgres 8.03 MapServer 4.6 The problem I encounter are related to selecting the right coordinates on the map. I have debugged the queries and I did forget to provide the tablename with a schema prefix (public). So, I only have to resolve the problem of pin pointing the right poi. Any suggestions? Can I switch on the display of the coordinates in my browser? Peter Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > Peter, > > I would never suggest using the geometry column as the unique column. > The default used is oid, but as you might know as of PostgreSQL 8.1 > this is not created anymore automatically. Older PostgreSQL versions > do have it standard, so just leave out your USING UNIQUE in that case > from the DATA statement. Is there not a primary key on your table > which you can use otherwise instead of the geometry column? > > I would suggest getting some debug information out of Mapserver using > the practices described here: > > > > or just log the queries which Mapserver sends at the PostgreSQL level > (PostgreSQL logging). > > In order to solve this, tt might help also providing some version info > (which Mapserver version, which PostgreSQL version, which PostGIS > version etc.). > > Best regards, > Bart > > Peter Huis in 't Veld wrote: > >> Hello >> >> I've the question: How can I show the attributes of a a postgis query >> using mapserver. At the moment I've GIS layer showing me all the >> object in the spatial database, so the query isn't isn't the problem. >> Changing the mode into query mode Ik get the following message: >> >> msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) >> found. >> >> I've seen the remark on the mapserver web-site by Bart vd Eijnden, >> but this doesn't give me any additional info. I made the following >> changes >> to the code in order to query the Map file by clicking on the map item: >> >> *QUERYMAP >> STATUS ON >> STYLE HILITE >> COLOR 0 255 0 >> END >> * >> >> LAYER >> CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS >> CONNECTION .... >> DATA "object_geom from (SELECT a, b, c, object_geom from table) >> as myquery using unique object_geom" >> *TOLERANCE 5* >> CLASS >> LABEL >> ... >> END END >> * TEMPLATE "query_result.html"* >> PROJECTION >> ...... >> END >> END >> >> The query_result.html looks like: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
>> >> Should the query_result.html be in a specific directory? I've places >> it in htdocs where my index.html is present. >> >> Thanks for any help! >> >> Peter >> >> > > From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 18 13:57:54 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 16:57:54 -0500 Subject: Terraserver WMS Message-ID: Chip - Are you certain that's the map file you're really using for the request that produces that error? The error message refers to a layer named "ortho-18", and your map file has no layer of that name. The Microsoft TerraServer WMS services do not support GIF image requests - the only image type supported is JPEG. Be sure to check the GetCapabilities document carefully so you don't request things the server can't provide. Your EXTENT seems to indicate that you want the output map to be in some sort of "geographic" projection, but you do not have a PROJECTION block in your map file to specify the output projection you want. If you use this technique you should realize that you will have problems at UTM zone edges, as the TerraServer UTM layers will not match properly at zone boundaries. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Chip Taylor Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:18 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Terraserver WMS I am trying to create a group of layers using WMS on Microsoft Terraserver. I run MapServer on an IIS6 web site as a CGI app. I cannot seem to get this to work correctly. Here is my Mapfile (at least the pertinent sections: # This is the site map file NAME "sitemap" UNITS DD EXTENT -127.00 43.00 -115.00 50.00 SIZE 475 475 IMAGECOLOR 189 202 222 IMAGETYPE GIF SHAPEPATH "../Shape_Files" FONTSET "../fontset.txt" ##################################### # Web object # WEB TEMPLATE "../HTML_Files/sitemap_eval.html" IMAGEPATH 'd:/wwwroot/tmp/' IMAGEURL "/tmp/" END ##################################### # TerraServer WMS # LAYER NAME "TSOrtho1" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26918" #NAD83 UTM zone 18N "wms_extent" "-78 0 -72 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26918" #NAD83 UTM zone 18N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho2" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26917" #NAD83 UTM zone 17N\ "wms_extent" "-84 0 -78 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS DEFAULT TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26917" #NAD83 UTM zone 17N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho3" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26916" #NAD83 UTM zone 16N\ "wms_extent" "-90 0 -84 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26916" #NAD83 UTM zone 16N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho4" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26915" #NAD83 UTM zone 15N\ "wms_extent" "-96 0 -90 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26915" #NAD83 UTM zone 15N END END LAYER NAME "TSOrtho5" METADATA "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/gif" "wms_format" "image/gif" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_srs" "EPSG:26914" #NAD83 UTM zone 14N\ "wms_extent" "-102 0 -96 90" END OFFSITE 255 255 255 GROUP "ORTHODATA" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER MINSCALE 1500 MAXSCALE 80000 CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26914" #NAD83 UTM zone 14N END END END Here is the error I get when I try to render the map: msDrawMap(): WMS connection error. Failed to draw WMS layer named 'ortho-18'. This most likely happened because the remote WMS server returned an invalid image, and XML exception or another unexpected result in response to the GetMap request. Also check and make sure that the layer's connection URL is valid. msDrawRaster(): Image handling error. Unrecognized or unsupported image format drawEPP(): Image handling error. EPPL7 support is not available. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From work at XWB.COM Wed Jan 18 14:05:41 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 14:05:41 -0800 Subject: Terraserver WMS In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Sorry, I renamed the layer from ortho-18 to TSOrtho1 after running the map and before sending the message. My bad. I think the JPEG issue is the problem. I totally missed that. As for the projection, I know that will be a problem and will be addressed before production. I don't think that will prevent the map from displaying. I'll try changing the wms-format to jpeg. Thanks for the help. Chip -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ed McNierney Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:58 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Terraserver WMS Chip - Are you certain that's the map file you're really using for the request that produces that error? The error message refers to a layer named "ortho-18", and your map file has no layer of that name. The Microsoft TerraServer WMS services do not support GIF image requests - the only image type supported is JPEG. Be sure to check the GetCapabilities document carefully so you don't request things the server can't provide. Your EXTENT seems to indicate that you want the output map to be in some sort of "geographic" projection, but you do not have a PROJECTION block in your map file to specify the output projection you want. If you use this technique you should realize that you will have problems at UTM zone edges, as the TerraServer UTM layers will not match properly at zone boundaries. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ierickson at ANALYGIS.COM Wed Jan 18 14:46:31 2006 From: ierickson at ANALYGIS.COM (Ian Erickson) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 15:46:31 -0700 Subject: Example of usage of ECW in a Map file... Message-ID: Can anyone provide an example of using ECW files in a Map file? I've got a few I need to throw into an application, just need an example of how it should be put together... -- Ian Erickson AnalyGIS, LLC Gold Canyon, AZ 85218 http:// From work at XWB.COM Wed Jan 18 15:22:28 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 15:22:28 -0800 Subject: WMS Source for Orthoimages In-Reply-To: <026b01c61c7b$532e82b0$0601a8c0@DevChip> Message-ID: Can anyone tell me a good WMS for Ortho imagery / DOQ besides Terraserver? The higher the resolution the better. Thanks in advance. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 18 16:10:15 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:10:15 -0500 Subject: WMS Source for Orthoimages In-Reply-To: <027701c61c86$0d452af0$0601a8c0@DevChip> Message-ID: Chip - Well, I think ours is rather good . TopoZone provides WMS services for complete USGS DOQQ and High-Resolution Urban Area orthoimagery (topo maps, too). All the imagery is uncompressed and is served at the full original resolution, in the full original color depth (black and white, true color, or color infrared). We serve the data in any popular projection, seamlessly across UTM zones, to a variety of clients. This is a production-level imagery service, and is not free. If you?re interested in more information, please contact me off-list. I am not aware of any other free WMS service (other than TerraServer, that is) that provides DOQQ imagery on a nationwide basis. There are some state-level services out there. - Ed Ed McNierney On 1/18/06 6:22 PM, "Chip Taylor" wrote: > Can anyone tell me a good WMS for Ortho imagery / DOQ besides Terraserver? > The higher the resolution the better. > > Thanks in advance. > Chip Taylor > Prepared Response, Inc > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mike.and.kerry at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 18 17:27:37 2006 From: mike.and.kerry at GMAIL.COM (Mike Davis) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 16:27:37 -0900 Subject: Example of usage of ECW in a Map file... In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: It is pretty much like any other image layer, here is an example from one of our sites: LAYER NAME fraortho # DESCRIPTION " _____ and vicinity" DATA "//Rpw-edms/Shape/train/FRA/photos/ortho.ecw" TYPE raster MAXSCALE 500000 MINSCALE 250000 STATUS on OFFSITE 0 0 0 END On 1/18/06, Ian Erickson wrote: > > Can anyone provide an example of using ECW files in a Map file? I've > got a few I need to throw into an application, just need an example of > how it should be put together... > > -- > Ian Erickson > AnalyGIS, LLC > Gold Canyon, AZ 85218 > http:// > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bill at BINKO.NET Wed Jan 18 22:13:26 2006 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 01:13:26 -0500 Subject: Kernel Density Mapping? Message-ID: Hi everyone, [I've been sidelined recently battling some painful bugs in GDAL, Mapserver, and several raster libs, so I've been putting off some more general questions I'd love to pose to the list. This is my first, but I'll probably send several tonight (sorry to flood).] I'm interested in creating "kernel method" density maps using vector point data. I know there is probably a very well known name for these and I suspect that there's an open source tool available that can help produce them. However, I'm a computer engineer, not a GIS expert, and I have to claim some ignorance on this one. Here's the description I have of them from a Business Geography book by Dr. Grant Thrall (from U.F., my alma mater :): "Describing the Kernel Function. The kernel is a three-dimentional function that moves across a map. The kernel has a radius referred to as a /bandwidth/. The kernel is said to visit each of [the] mapped customer locations and weighs the area surrounding the ccustomer proportioanlly to its distance to other customers. The kernel value for each customer within the study regious is threby calculated. A smoothed surface is then produced of those values (Sabel 1998). The kernel function is a measurement of the average proximity of customers to one antoher...." In this case, he's looking for customer density, but that's irrelavent to the technical approach. The map physically looks like a contour map (similar to one generated by gdal_contour or the like). I would prefer the output of this to be vector-based, but I'm not picky, as I can generate a high-resolution version and serve it via GDAL if rasters are all I'm going to get. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Bill From pcreso at PCRESO.COM Wed Jan 18 23:33:50 2006 From: pcreso at PCRESO.COM (Brent Wood) Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 23:33:50 -0800 Subject: Kernel Density Mapping? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: --- Bill Binko wrote: > Hi everyone, > > [I've been sidelined recently battling some painful bugs in GDAL, > Mapserver, and several raster libs, so I've been putting off some more > general questions I'd love to pose to the list. This is my first, but > I'll probably send several tonight (sorry to flood).] > > I'm interested in creating "kernel method" density maps using vector > point data. Look at R for this sort of thing, I know several fisheries modellers using R for kernel density analyses. R/PostGIS/GRASS/QGIS/mapserver (with Proj.4, GDAL, GEOS, etc...) all work pretty well together to support such work as an Open Source suite. See: For a more general list of R functions, and for general R spatial packages/info, Hope this helps.... Brent Wood From flavio at TYDAC.CH Thu Jan 19 02:20:16 2006 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:20:16 +0100 Subject: Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: > that could be reused by others. I am thinking things like Styles, > Class Definitions, Font Files, etc.. we put samples and all kind of free font files on ... feel free to grab it and put it anywhere. ciao flavio From flavio at TYDAC.CH Thu Jan 19 02:31:09 2006 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:31:09 +0100 Subject: Focus Testing wrt Web Mapping and Usability?? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Daniel > Has anyone performed focus-group testing and/or usability research > with respect to Web Mapping Applications? a client of ours did, basically with people "off the street", see the result on: what basically turned out, were the very prominent tips on how to use the application (which can be turned off for experienced users), and a prominent legend explaining the content of the map. Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ ? ? ?Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############? ? ? ? ? ? ?mailto:flavio at ############ ? ? ? ? TYDAC AG - #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ?Geographic Information Solutions #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ? Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ ? Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From lists at NABBLE.COM Thu Jan 19 02:40:14 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 02:40:14 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery In-Reply-To: <014501c61c4a$da7c3a90$2d01a8c0@newsviluppo> Message-ID: Hi Francesco, Thanks for the Quick Reply , I made the Changes as you described, but the problem is still existing Thanks & Regards, Prema Selvam GISbiz -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lists at NABBLE.COM Thu Jan 19 02:44:32 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 02:44:32 -0800 Subject: Problem in Oracle Spatial with MapServer in ItemnQuery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Everybody, Very Thanks for all . Thanks Fernando Simon , Its working, I made the correction in the Map file as you described (given below) In Mapfile DATA "shape FROM world USING UNIQUE shapeid SRID 8307" In Query http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/ qstring=cntry_name='India' Once again Thanks to all Regards, Prema Selvam GISbiz -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM Thu Jan 19 02:49:59 2006 From: e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM (Eduard Witteveen) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:49:59 +0100 Subject: Using C#: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. Message-ID: Hello list, While i tried to create an application which uses mapserver ( i get the error that it cannot load the DLL 'mapscript'. I following steps were taken by me: - Download - Create a Console application in MS VS 2005 C# - Add the csharp/examples/drawmap.cs to the project - Add the csharp/mapscript_csharp.dll as reference to the project The project builds succesfull When i try to run the executable i get the following error: > System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'mapscriptPINVOKE' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SWIGExceptionHelper' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) > at mapscriptPINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper.SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_mapscript(ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate, ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate, ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate, ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate, ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate, ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate, ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate, ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate, ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate, ExceptionDelegate systemExceptionDelegate) > at mapscriptPINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper..cctor() > --- End of inner exception stack trace --- > at mapscriptPINVOKE.SWIGExceptionHelper..ctor() > at mapscriptPINVOKE..cctor() > --- End of inner exception stack trace --- > at mapscriptPINVOKE.new_mapObj(String jarg1) > at mapObj..ctor(String filename) Which clearly contains the message: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) I tried placing the csharpt/mapscript.dll in the \bin\Debug\ folder and i placed it inside the c:\windows\system32\ folder, but i still receive the error. I've tried to find more information about this message, but my best friend couldnt find anything about it. How can i make this application run succesfully / where do i have to place the mapscript.dll(or more files?) ? mvg, -- Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen Software Engineer Hawar Information Technology bv lid Dijkoraad Groep De Wymerts 7 8701 WT Bolsward Tel: +31 (0)515 570333 Fax: +31 (0)515 570335 nl_NL fy_NL en_US From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Thu Jan 19 03:24:37 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:24:37 +0100 Subject: Web Processing Service Message-ID: Hi all, are there plans for MapServer to support OGC Web Processing Service spec? Do you know about opensource implementations? cheers Joern From listuser at HERZSYS.DE Thu Jan 19 03:49:26 2006 From: listuser at HERZSYS.DE (listuser HH) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:49:26 +0100 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: Hello all, I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript also has buffer and convexhull. Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS functions are? Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the mapfile? Are there any docs that give some more information? Regards Norbert From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Thu Jan 19 04:54:22 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 06:54:22 -0600 Subject: getting the URL for Message-ID: Hi, I am trying to figure out how to get query results displayed in a second window and to give this new window some parameters like size and scrollbars. I found Javascript for new.window() function and it works well, but I haven't been able to figure out how the javascript fits with MapServer. How can I get the dynamic MapServer URL that is needed to display the query results in that new window? I can do queries with ="_blank" but then I am not able to give this window the look I want. Has anyone of you run into the same problem and can anybody point me to a simple example? Thanks, Carola ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carola Jesch Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana State University 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA,70803 e-mail: cjesch at From luca76 at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 05:15:21 2006 From: luca76 at GMAIL.COM (Luca Manganelli) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:15:21 +0100 Subject: Shape Optimization Message-ID: hi, which optimizations are available for shapefiles? I have one big shape of 17MB. I made: shptree bigshape.shp 8 it created a new .qix file (but I should insert it anywhere in my map file?), but the performance is same as before... Is there any tool such 'gdaladoo' for shapefiles? From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 19 05:23:46 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:23:46 -0500 Subject: Shape Optimization In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/19/06, Luca Manganelli wrote: > hi, which optimizations are available for shapefiles? > > I have one big shape of 17MB. Luca, I am correct that this is a 17MB shapefile with just a single shape in it? That's a big shape! > I made: > > shptree bigshape.shp 8 > > it created a new .qix file (but I should insert it anywhere in my map file?), > > but the performance is same as before... > > Is there any tool such 'gdaladoo' for shapefiles? I would suggest what you need is "feature generalization" to produce a version of this feature with less vertices, suitable for use at lower resolutions. You might also consider whether it would be appropriate to break your feature into tiles, though whether this is practical depends on your use of the feature, and how you want it rendered. It is also quite possible that there are points in the shape reading code, or the rendering code that are not really adapted optimally to handling very large single features. There may be things that could be done to optimize the code, though I can't think of any obvious issues off hand. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From work at XWB.COM Thu Jan 19 05:51:33 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 05:51:33 -0800 Subject: Terraserver Help needed In-Reply-To: Message-ID: am having much trouble trying to integrate a WMS layer from Terraservice into my map file (straight CGI - no PHP). If someone has an example Map File where a DOQQ layer from Terraserver is used and could post it I'd be most grateful. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Thu Jan 19 05:53:37 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:53:37 +0100 Subject: Layer failed to draw Message-ID: Hi list, When I try to draw my Oracle layer 'Verblijfobjecten' from mapfile below it doesn't work! However layer 'Gebouwen' does work. Anyone any idea how to solve this? Thanks in advance. Greetings, Erik de Ruiter. P.s. STATUS ON or OFF doesn't make a difference! #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols/symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 #SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Thu Jan 19 06:20:08 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:20:08 +0100 Subject: Layer failed to draw Message-ID: Hi again, In addition to my last mail... When I set the status to default I get the following message: msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'Verblijfsobjecten'. msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error: ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine ORA-13208: internal error while evaluating [window SRID does not match layer SRID] operator ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 391 ORA-06512: at line 1 . Query statement: SELECT rownum, A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT WHERE SDO_FILTER( A5620, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 90112, NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(122210 .853,424841.084,131372.699,429422.007) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' . Check your data statement. Does this look familiar to anyone? Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ruiter E. de (Erik) Sent: donderdag 19 januari 2006 14:54 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer failed to draw Hi list, When I try to draw my Oracle layer 'Verblijfobjecten' from mapfile below it doesn't work! However layer 'Gebouwen' does work. Anyone any idea how to solve this? Thanks in advance. Greetings, Erik de Ruiter. P.s. STATUS ON or OFF doesn't make a difference! #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols/symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 #SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. From siki at AGT.BME.HU Thu Jan 19 09:38:55 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:38:55 -0100 Subject: Shape Optimization {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Luca, What did you write in your map file in the DATA parameter for the layer. If you put DATA my_shape.shp then mapserver will search for my_shape.shp.qix If you put DATA my_shape then mapserver will search for my_shape.qix Zoltan On Thu, 19 Jan 2006, Luca Manganelli wrote: > hi, which optimizations are available for shapefiles? > > I have one big shape of 17MB. > > I made: > > shptree bigshape.shp 8 > > it created a new .qix file (but I should insert it anywhere in my map file?), > > but the performance is same as before... > > Is there any tool such 'gdaladoo' for shapefiles? > From taatuut at PLANET.NL Thu Jan 19 06:22:30 2006 From: taatuut at PLANET.NL (Emil Zegers) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:22:30 +0100 Subject: Layer failed to draw Message-ID: Hello Erik, What TYPE is your LAYER Verblijfsobjecten? In the mapfile POINT is declared is this correct? And the 'SYMBOLSCALE 10000'. If you can provide more (debug) info (do you get an error when trying to draw this layer) it might be easier to solve your problem. If you want a layer to be always drawn, use STATUS DEFAULT. When using STATUS ON it will only bedrawn when requested. regards, Emil ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht ----- Van: "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" Datum: donderdag, januari 19, 2006 2:53 pm Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer failed to draw > Hi list, > > When I try to draw my Oracle layer 'Verblijfobjecten' from mapfile > belowit doesn't work! However layer 'Gebouwen' does work. > > Anyone any idea how to solve this? > > Thanks in advance. > > Greetings, > > Erik de Ruiter. > > P.s. STATUS ON or OFF doesn't make a difference! > > > > #------------------------------------------------------------------ > ----- > ---------- > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > #------------------------------------------------------------------ > ----- > ---------- > > #============ MAIN MAP > =========================================================== > > MAP > NAME "Spinoffice" > SIZE 400 200 > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGETYPE png > SHAPEPATH "shapes" > SYMBOLSET "symbols/symbols35.sym" > WEB > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > > > #============ LAYERS > ======================================================= > > LAYER > NAME Gebouwen > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gebouw" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Verblijfsobjecten > TYPE POINT > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > SYMBOLSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME "verblijfsobject" > STYLE > SYMBOL "circle" > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > #SIZE 7 > MAXSIZE 20 > MINSIZE 1 > END > END > END > > END From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 07:15:53 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:15:53 -0600 Subject: Mapfile Snippet Library / Open Source Cartographic Elements In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Flavio -- I love the font files! Do you mind if they are also modified. I'd love to use those fonts as the basis for some multi-color symbols (ie an interstate shield would use the existing shield that you have in white and then would add a symbol for the red and a symbol for the blue). David On 1/19/06, Flavio Hendry wrote: > > that could be reused by others. I am thinking things like Styles, > > Class Definitions, Font Files, etc.. > > we put samples and all kind of free font files on > ... feel free to grab it and put it anywhere. > > ciao > flavio > > > From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Jan 19 07:21:51 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:21:51 -0500 Subject: Shape Optimization {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Good point Zoltan. I've added a note on that to at the bottom. jeff Siki Zoltan wrote: > Hi Luca, > > What did you write in your map file in the DATA parameter for the layer. > If you put > DATA my_shape.shp > then mapserver will search for my_shape.shp.qix > If you put > DATA my_shape > then mapserver will search for my_shape.qix > > Zoltan > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From donovan at FUNCTIONFOUR.CA Thu Jan 19 07:26:53 2006 From: donovan at FUNCTIONFOUR.CA (Donovan J Donovan) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:26:53 -0600 Subject: Using C#: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. Message-ID: I had this problem a few weeks ago. The error mentions mapscript.dll but means all the mapserver dlls. I think the mapscript_csharp.dll should be referenced and in the application's bin directory. The mapscript.dll and all the other mapserver dlls (about 20) go into the windows/system32 directory. Hope that helps... Donovan From e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM Thu Jan 19 08:01:19 2006 From: e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM (Eduard Witteveen) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 17:01:19 +0100 Subject: Dynamic values in the layer (from database) for label definition Message-ID: Hello list, While making a layer, i wanted to create dynamic labels in my pointlayer. For this i used the following layer definition: > LAYER > NAME annotation_text_ > TYPE ANNOTATION > STATUS DEFAULT > > CONNECTION "user=postgres password=xxxx dbname=postgres host=localhost port=5432" > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > DATA "the_geom from annotation_text" > > #database fields to use > LABELITEM "message" > LABELANGLEITEM "angle" > LABELSIZEITEM "size" > #LABELCOLORITEM "color" > #LABELFONTITEM "font" > > CLASS > # Style required before label? > STYLE > END > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "vera" > SIZE 12 > ANTIALIAS TRUE > COLOR 120 20 20 > #POSITION lc > POSITION uc > PARTIALS ON > END > END > END As you can notice, i want to change the color and the font also from data stored in my database. How can i accomplish this? During my search for a sollution i also found some information about WMS SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface of Mapserver, but i dont know if this can help me to accomplish my task? -- Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen Software Engineer Hawar Information Technology bv lid Dijkoraad Groep De Wymerts 7 8701 WT Bolsward Tel: +31 (0)515 570333 Fax: +31 (0)515 570335 nl_NL fy_NL en_US From biz.king at MAC.COM Thu Jan 19 08:10:22 2006 From: biz.king at MAC.COM (Biz King) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:10:22 +0000 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi All. Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we can do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying sizes. The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated with 'on the fly' image creation. Any help will be welcomed! cheers Biz From lists at NABBLE.COM Thu Jan 19 08:13:03 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:13:03 -0800 Subject: Problem in MapServer with Oracle Spatial - More than one image is Loaded Message-ID: Hi Everybody, Again its Me, I can able to Connect to Oracle Spatial with MapServer and i can fire the Itemnquery function. But the problem , when i fire the ItemQuery only one record is hilited thats the default it return only first match record. When I fire Itemnquery more than one image is generated that is if 50 records is matched 50 same image is loaded . Please give me a some solution for this problem, below I am give the Mapfile, Template, Query and Output. Mapfile MAP DEBUG ON NAME world_city EXTENT -180 -90 180 83.60415649414 SIZE 800 400 SHAPEPATH '/ms4w/apps/zap/data/' IMAGETYPE GIF STATUS ON SYMBOL NAME "circle" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 1 1 END END WEB TEMPLATE 'templates/ZapTemp.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM world USING UNIQUE shapeid SRID 8307" NAME world_point STATUS ON TYPE POINT DUMP TRUE TEMPLATE "templates/ZapTemp.html" TOLERANCE 5 CLASS NAME 'World_Class' SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 7 COLOR 128 64 64 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # World polygon layer ends here END Template Query http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/'pondicherry' ploc is the Filed name Output file ... ... ... Thanks & Regards Prema Selvam GISbiz -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From David.Fawcett at PCA.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 19 08:18:01 2006 From: David.Fawcett at PCA.STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:18:01 -0600 Subject: Problem in MapServer with Oracle Spatial - More than one image is Loaded Message-ID: Prema, A quick solution is to put your image tag in the header or footer template and take it out of the main template. The header and footer get processed only once per query. The main query template gets processed once for each record. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Prema Selvam (sent by Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:13 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem in MapServer with Oracle Spatial - More than one image is Loaded Hi Everybody, Again its Me, I can able to Connect to Oracle Spatial with MapServer and i can fire the Itemnquery function. But the problem , when i fire the ItemQuery only one record is hilited thats the default it return only first match record. When I fire Itemnquery more than one image is generated that is if 50 records is matched 50 same image is loaded. Please give me a some solution for this problem, below I am give the Mapfile, Template, Query and Output. Mapfile MAP DEBUG ON NAME world_city EXTENT -180 -90 180 83.60415649414 SIZE 800 400 SHAPEPATH '/ms4w/apps/zap/data/' IMAGETYPE GIF STATUS ON SYMBOL NAME "circle" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 1 1 END END WEB TEMPLATE 'templates/ZapTemp.html' IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END QUERYMAP STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 255 0 END LAYER DEBUG ON PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "ellps=WGS84" END CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "world/land at orcl" DATA "shape FROM world USING UNIQUE shapeid SRID 8307" NAME world_point STATUS ON TYPE POINT DUMP TRUE TEMPLATE "templates/ZapTemp.html" TOLERANCE 5 CLASS NAME 'World_Class' SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 7 COLOR 128 64 64 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # World polygon layer ends here END Template Query http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/ p&mode=itemnquery&layer=world_point&qlayer=world_point&qitem=ploc&qstrin g=ploc='pondicherry' ploc is the Filed name Output file ... ... ... Thanks & Regards Prema Selvam GISbiz ________________________________ View this message in context: Problem in MapServer with Oracle Spatial - More than one image is Loaded Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 19 08:34:39 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:34:39 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there specific operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me know if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators that work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via the PROCESSING block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way you could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular layer as they are read from the data source- for any data source. Steve >>> listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> Hello all, I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript also has buffer and convexhull. Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS functions are? Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the mapfile? Are there any docs that give some more information? Regards Norbert From adam.hill at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 08:40:44 2006 From: adam.hill at GMAIL.COM (Adam Hill) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:40:44 -0600 Subject: Using C#: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. In-Reply-To: <43CF6ED7.8090709@HAWARIT.COM> Message-ID: Some good tools to help you hunt down problems like this: Depends ( - Run against a EXE to see what normal DLL's it depends on. FusLogViewer ( Lets you specifically watch .NET exes as they execute to see what and where they are trying to load. adam... From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 08:47:24 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:47:24 -0600 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Without getting into any clustering, there is probably a lot of optimization that you could do to your datasets. There are a number of posts in the archives for this list and documentation on on doing things like creating overviews at different resolutions and tiling for rasters that could likely help speed up the process. On 1/19/06, Biz King wrote: > Hi All. > > Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) > running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? > > We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope > with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes > 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) > to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we can > do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on > a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on > these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying sizes. > > The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated > with 'on the fly' image creation. > > Any help will be welcomed! > > cheers > > Biz > From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Thu Jan 19 08:51:20 2006 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:51:20 -0800 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: You have not really explained your issues in a detail sufficient to give any practical advice. As always, analyze the problem for areas of parallelism. There is no built-in mechanism for MPI in Mapserver, but if you wanted to really bust up the code, the obvious place of inefficiency is the fact that all layers are drawn serially. A hack to get around that is to bust up your mapping file, into one layer per map file. Then give each layer to a different machine. Then write a new "master" map file that reads from all the children as WMS layers. Put that on yet another machine. Because Mapserver sends out the WMS requests in parallel you can get all the layers rendered simultaneously on your farm, and then assembled at the end on the master. Paul On Jan 19, 2006, at 8:10 AM, Biz King wrote: > Hi All. > > Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) > running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? > > We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope > with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes > 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) > to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we > can do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of > nodes on a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery > based on these items and outputting them to graphics formats in > varying sizes. > > The results get fed to users on demand without the delays > associated with 'on the fly' image creation. > > Any help will be welcomed! > > cheers > > Biz From at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 09:32:13 2006 From: at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Keon) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:32:13 -0800 Subject: Terraserver Help needed In-Reply-To: <02d701c61cff$760030c0$0601a8c0@DevChip> Message-ID: On 01/19/2006 05:51 AM Chip Taylor wrote the following: > am having much trouble trying to integrate a WMS layer from Terraservice > into my map file (straight CGI ? no PHP). If someone has an example Map > File where a DOQQ layer from Terraserver is used and could post it I?d > be most grateful. Chip, This layer is still working for me: If you need the full mapfile, let me know. --Dylan From jerry.pisk at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 09:43:14 2006 From: jerry.pisk at GMAIL.COM (Jerry Pisk) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:43:14 -0800 Subject: Postgis error with mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This is actually a problem with the PostGIS connector not properly separating the schema from the table name. find_srids parameters are (schema, table, column) so the call should've been find_srid('public', Inun_RiscAlt', 'geom'). There's more that the PostGIS code does not recognize, such as quoted table and column names (it will think the quotes are part of the name). I'll file a bug and fix this since it's holding up my current work as well. Unfortunately due to the timing this probably won't make it to 4.8 as it is going to be somewhat of a major change. For now you can work around it by using USING SRID in your query so mapserver does not generate that find_srid call. Jerry On 1/17/06, Don Isgitt wrote: > joanvp wrote: > > > *Hi!! > > > > I've tried to show a postgis layer with UMN Mapserver. I've installed > > last version of postgresql with postgis (8.1). I've imported a > > shapefile with FME. > > > > I've tried this layer with Quantum GIS and all works fine. The problem > > is with UMN Mapserver (v4.6). This is the error log > > > > ---------------------------------------------- > > Warning*: [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing > > POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY > > CURSOR FOR SELECT > > asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(geom)),'NDR'),OID::text from > > public.Inun_RiscAlt WHERE geom && setSRID('BOX3D(326607 > > 4245586.875,627250 4471069.125)'::BOX3D, > > find_srid('','public.Inun_RiscAlt','geom') )' > > > > Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR: relation "inun_riscalt" does > > not exist ' > > > > More Help: > > > > Error with POSTGIS data variable. You specified ''. > > Standard ways of specifiying are : > > (1) 'geometry_column from geometry_table' > > (2) 'geometry_column from () as foo using unique > name> using SRID=' > > > > Make sure you put in the 'using unique ' and 'using > > SRID=#' clauses in. > > > > For more help, please see > > > > > > ------------------------ > > This is my mapfile > > (....) > > LAYER > > NAME inun_riscalt > > TYPE POLYGON > > STATUS On > > CONNECTION "user=xxx password=xxxx dbname=bdmapserver host=localhost > > port=5432" > > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > > DATA "geom from Inun_RiscAlt" > > CLASS > > NAME "Inun_RiscAlt " > > COLOR 182 131 78 > > OUTLINECOLOR 4 24 93 > > END > > END > > (...) > > > > Any solution? > > > > Thank you in advanced > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Yahoo! Photos > > Got holiday prints? See all the ways > > > > to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. > > Joanvp, > > Notice the public.Inun_RiscAlt versus inun_riscalt. Postgres forces > names to lowercase unless they are enclosed in quotes. > > Don > From armin.burger at GMX.NET Thu Jan 19 10:26:55 2006 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:26:55 +0100 Subject: [Pmapper-users] Re: mapscript crash In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paolo, I think the today's posting on GDAL-DEV tackles the same problem. And they provide a workaround for it. Armin Paolo Cavallini wrote: > Some further info about the crash: on another machine, the crash did not > occur, but appeared suddenly today after upgrading, so it must be some new > version of one package (perhaps apache itself? 2.0.55-3 where it does not > work, 2.0.54-5 where it does). > All the best. > pc > > At 15:43, gioved? 29 dicembre 2005, Paolo Cavallini has probably written: >> Hi all. >> I've reinstalled mapserver and mapscript, but I'm still having problems >> with mapscript crashing apache. From /var/log/apache2/error.log I get: >> >> [Thu Dec 29 15:28:59 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down >> [Thu Dec 29 15:29:01 2005] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest >> authentication ... >> [Thu Dec 29 15:29:01 2005] [notice] Digest: done >> [Thu Dec 29 15:29:01 2005] [notice] Apache/2.0.55 (Debian) PHP/4.4.0-4 >> mod_ssl/2.0.55 OpenSSL/0.9.8a configured -- resuming normal operations >> >> and when I switch on and off repeatedly a raster, the program hangs. >> Further attempts generate: >> [Thu Dec 29 15:37:26 2005] [notice] child pid 10118 exit signal >> Segmentation fault (11) >> >> This is related to window size: with smaller window, I get a crash at the >> 3rd or 4th "on", with a larger one, at the second. >> >> All the best. >> pc > From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Thu Jan 19 10:59:26 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:59:26 +0100 Subject: Mapserver WCS memory consumption Message-ID: Hi list, we are having a bit of troubles with the memory Mapserver WCS consumes when making e.g. a MrSID file of around 15.000 by 15.000 pixels. The memory consumption reaches up to 1.5 Gb. Are there ways around this, or is this to be expected of generating such a big raster? Best regards, Bart -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From condit at SDSC.EDU Thu Jan 19 11:15:16 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:15:16 -0800 Subject: mapscript query question Message-ID: I'm using C# MapScript to build my MapFile. This is working great. Now I want to query the MapFile programmatically - but can't seem to figure out how to do it. Is there a tutorial that I'm not seeing? Here's my code snippet: layerObj queryLayer = map.getLayerByName("myLayer"); if (null != queryLayer) { int count = queryLayer.queryByPoint(myMap, new pointObj(-82, 25, 0, 0), mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 5.0d); if (count > 0) {; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { resultCacheMemberObj result = queryLayer.getResult(i); shapeObj shape = obisLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, result.tileindex); } queryLayer.close(); } } The resultCacheMemberObj never gets a value, even when query by point returns > 0. Here's my layer definition: LAYER CONNECTION "user/pass" CONNECTIONTYPE ORACLESPATIAL DATA "SHAPE FROM (SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE NAME LIKE 'S%') USING UNIQUE ROWNUM" DUMP TRUE METADATA "wfs_title" "SimpleWFSTest" "gml_include_items" "all" END NAME "myLayer" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END SIZEUNITS PIXELS STATUS DEFAULT TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS TRANSPARENCY 100 TYPE POINT UNITS DD CLASS METADATA END STYLE ANGLE 360 COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 SIZE 8 SYMBOL "circle" END END END Thanks, Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Jan 19 11:16:21 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:16:21 -0500 Subject: Mapserver WCS memory consumption In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > Hi list, > > we are having a bit of troubles with the memory Mapserver WCS consumes > when making e.g. a MrSID file of around 15.000 by 15.000 pixels. The > memory consumption reaches up to 1.5 Gb. > > Are there ways around this, or is this to be expected of generating such > a big raster? 15.000 x 15.000 = 225.000.000 pixels x 24 bits/pixel = 675.000.000 bytes if the MrSID uses 16 bits per color then that will double the amount needed above. Assume you need this much space to decompress the MrSid into AND you need space for you mapserver image. So it is likely that this is just the amount needed, but Frank or Ed might know more about the internal workings of the raster code. To my naive eye this does not look unreasonable. -Steve W. From jerry.pisk at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 12:12:37 2006 From: jerry.pisk at GMAIL.COM (Jerry Pisk) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:12:37 -0800 Subject: mapscript query question In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Chris, the layer is already open when you query it, the second opening might clear out the results. Try to take that call out and move your close call one block out. Jerry On 1/19/06, Christopher Condit wrote: > > > I'm using C# MapScript to build my MapFile. This is working great. Now I > want to query the MapFile programmatically ? but can't seem to figure out > how to do it. Is there a tutorial that I'm not seeing? > > Here's my code snippet: > > layerObj queryLayer = map.getLayerByName("myLayer"); > > if (null != queryLayer) > > { > > int count = queryLayer.queryByPoint(myMap, new pointObj(-82, 25, 0, 0), > mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 5.0d); > > if (count > 0) > > { > >; > > for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) > > { > > resultCacheMemberObj result = queryLayer.getResult(i); > > shapeObj shape = obisLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, result.tileindex); > > } > > > queryLayer.close(); > > } > > } > > > > The resultCacheMemberObj never gets a value, even when query by point > returns > 0. Here's my layer definition: > > LAYER > > CONNECTION "user/pass" > > CONNECTIONTYPE ORACLESPATIAL > > DATA "SHAPE FROM (SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE NAME LIKE 'S%') USING > UNIQUE ROWNUM" > > DUMP TRUE > > METADATA > > "wfs_title" "SimpleWFSTest" > > "gml_include_items" "all" > > END > > NAME "myLayer" > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:4326" > > END > > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > > STATUS DEFAULT > > TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS > > TRANSPARENCY 100 > > TYPE POINT > > UNITS DD > > CLASS > > METADATA > > END > > STYLE > > ANGLE 360 > > COLOR 255 0 0 > > OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 > > SIZE 8 > > SYMBOL "circle" > > END > > END > > END > > > > Thanks, > > > > Chris From donovan at FUNCTIONFOUR.CA Thu Jan 19 12:25:19 2006 From: donovan at FUNCTIONFOUR.CA (Donovan) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:25:19 -0600 Subject: mapscript query question Message-ID: I think the mapserver (for historical reasons, according to the mapscript docs) only searches layers where the template field is non-null. Perhaps you could try something like queryLayer.Template="xyz"; From beproject06 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 19 12:56:04 2006 From: beproject06 at YAHOO.COM (Apeksha Bhambhani) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:56:04 -0800 Subject: Projection problem Message-ID: hiii all, We first installed PROJ.4 library in "/var/www/html/" , and all the subdirectories like :bin , include , etc exist now in the path specified above . Then we configured mapserver with projection as follows : ./configure --with-proj=/var/www/html/ Then we include the Projection parameters in our mapfile like : Projection init:epsg=26915 END And when we run the mapfile on the browser , we get this error : loadProjection(): Projection library error. Projection support is not available. Plz help us out with this . Thanks in advance Regards Apeksha --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Thu Jan 19 13:01:03 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 22:01:03 +0100 Subject: Projection problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Maybe you should set the PROJ_LIB environment variable to the root dir of your PROJ install. If you use Apache, use SetEnv in the httpd.conf. You can also use the following in the MAP file (as of Mapserver 4.4 I think) at the MAP object: CONFIG PROJ_LIB /ms4w/apps/stragisweb/proj Your PROJECTION object should look like: PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END Best regards, Bart Apeksha Bhambhani wrote: > hiii all, > We first installed PROJ.4 library in "/var/www/html/" , and all the > subdirectories like :bin , include , etc exist now in the path > specified above . > Then we configured mapserver with projection as follows : > > ./configure --with-proj=/var/www/html/ > > Then we include the Projection parameters in our mapfile like : > > Projection > init:epsg=26915 > END > > And when we run the mapfile on the browser , we get this error : > > loadProjection(): Projection library error. Projection support is not > available. > > Plz help us out with this . > Thanks in advance > > Regards > Apeksha > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Yahoo! Photos > Got holiday prints? See all the ways > > to get quality prints in your hands ASAP. -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Thu Jan 19 13:33:45 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:33:45 -0600 Subject: query results in new window Message-ID: Does nobody know an answer? Please help. Carola > -----Original Message----- > From: Carola Jesch [mailto:cjesch at] > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:54 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: getting the URL for > > Hi, > I am trying to figure out how to get query results displayed > in a second window and to give this new window some > parameters like size and scrollbars. I found Javascript for > new.window() function and it works well, but I haven't been > able to figure out how the javascript fits with MapServer. > How can I get the dynamic MapServer URL that is needed to > display the query results in that new window? I can do > queries with ="_blank" but then I am not able to > give this window the look I want. Has anyone of you run into > the same problem and can anybody point me to a simple example? > > Thanks, Carola > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Carola Jesch > Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute > Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana > State University > 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. > Baton Rouge, LA,70803 > e-mail: cjesch at > From moran at PLACE-BASE.COM Thu Jan 19 13:38:13 2006 From: moran at PLACE-BASE.COM (Moran Ben-David) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:38:13 -0500 Subject: FW: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver Message-ID: My mistake... I sent this to Paul and not the list. > -----Original Message----- > From: Moran Ben-David [mailto:moran at] > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:13 PM > To: 'Paul Ramsey' > Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of > Mapserver > > Paul, > > Forgive my ignorance, but I'm wondering exactly what you mean by > "assembled at the end". > > Specifically, I am wondering if your implying that the images created by > the farm would need to be transparent PNG's? And therefore, the "master" > would then stack these images up much like ka-map does in a browser. > > Thanks, > Moran > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > > Behalf Of Paul Ramsey > > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:51 AM > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of > > Mapserver > > > > You have not really explained your issues in a detail sufficient to > > give any practical advice. As always, analyze the problem for areas > > of parallelism. There is no built-in mechanism for MPI in Mapserver, > > but if you wanted to really bust up the code, the obvious place of > > inefficiency is the fact that all layers are drawn serially. > > > > A hack to get around that is to bust up your mapping file, into one > > layer per map file. Then give each layer to a different machine. > > Then write a new "master" map file that reads from all the children > > as WMS layers. Put that on yet another machine. Because Mapserver > > sends out the WMS requests in parallel you can get all the layers > > rendered simultaneously on your farm, and then assembled at the end > > on the master. > > > > Paul > > > > On Jan 19, 2006, at 8:10 AM, Biz King wrote: > > > > > Hi All. > > > > > > Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) > > > running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? > > > > > > We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope > > > with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes > > > 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) > > > to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we > > > can do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of > > > nodes on a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery > > > based on these items and outputting them to graphics formats in > > > varying sizes. > > > > > > The results get fed to users on demand without the delays > > > associated with 'on the fly' image creation. > > > > > > Any help will be welcomed! > > > > > > cheers > > > > > > Biz From condit at SDSC.EDU Thu Jan 19 13:44:34 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 13:44:34 -0800 Subject: mapscript query question Message-ID: I added this, but still no luck. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Donovan Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:25 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapscript query question I think the mapserver (for historical reasons, according to the mapscript docs) only searches layers where the template field is non-null. Perhaps you could try something like queryLayer.Template="xyz"; From condit at SDSC.EDU Thu Jan 19 13:45:25 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 13:45:25 -0800 Subject: mapscript query question Message-ID: If I move the call to open the layer, I receive an error that the layer is not open... -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jerry Pisk Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:13 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapscript query question Chris, the layer is already open when you query it, the second opening might clear out the results. Try to take that call out and move your close call one block out. Jerry On 1/19/06, Christopher Condit wrote: > > > I'm using C# MapScript to build my MapFile. This is working great. Now I > want to query the MapFile programmatically - but can't seem to figure out > how to do it. Is there a tutorial that I'm not seeing? > > Here's my code snippet: > > layerObj queryLayer = map.getLayerByName("myLayer"); > > if (null != queryLayer) > > { > > int count = queryLayer.queryByPoint(myMap, new pointObj(-82, 25, 0, 0), > mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 5.0d); > > if (count > 0) > > { > >; > > for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) > > { > > resultCacheMemberObj result = queryLayer.getResult(i); > > shapeObj shape = obisLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, result.tileindex); > > } > > > queryLayer.close(); > > } > > } > > > > The resultCacheMemberObj never gets a value, even when query by point > returns > 0. Here's my layer definition: > > LAYER > > CONNECTION "user/pass" > > CONNECTIONTYPE ORACLESPATIAL > > DATA "SHAPE FROM (SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE NAME LIKE 'S%') USING > UNIQUE ROWNUM" > > DUMP TRUE > > METADATA > > "wfs_title" "SimpleWFSTest" > > "gml_include_items" "all" > > END > > NAME "myLayer" > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:4326" > > END > > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > > STATUS DEFAULT > > TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS > > TRANSPARENCY 100 > > TYPE POINT > > UNITS DD > > CLASS > > METADATA > > END > > STYLE > > ANGLE 360 > > COLOR 255 0 0 > > OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 > > SIZE 8 > > SYMBOL "circle" > > END > > END > > END > > > > Thanks, > > > > Chris From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 19 14:02:30 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:02:30 -0600 Subject: MrSid image error Message-ID: Hello all, i compiled GDAL with MrSid support and then i compiled mapserver with GDAL support, when i give the path of the sid file in my mapfile it gives me the following errors. msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'RASTER'. msDrawRaster(): Image handling error. Unrecognized or unsupported image format drawEPP(): Image handling error. EPPL7 support is not available. The following is my mapfile MAP NAME "mrsid" STATUS ON EXTENT 57889 5280262 661701 5340760 SIZE 400 400 IMAGETYPE PNG WEB TEMPLATE "C:\Apache2\htdocs\demo.html" IMAGEPATH "C:\Apache2\tmp\ms_tmp\" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" END LAYER NAME "RASTER" TYPE RASTER #PROJECTION # "init=epsg:26914" #END DATA "C:\mrsid\gf.sid" STATUS DEFAULT END END Any lead please .... --Kris From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Thu Jan 19 14:12:04 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:12:04 -0600 Subject: Source for TrueType font for Road Signs. Message-ID: All, Anyone know of a pointer to a TT font for Road Signs? Warning, Informational, Regulatory. Failing that, how about a pointer to a Symbol set that I can possibly convert to a TT font. Thanks bobb From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 19 14:21:42 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:21:42 -0600 Subject: MrSid image error Message-ID: Hello all, when searched the mapserver website i got to know that this is avery confusing error and is displayed when mapserver tries to draw a layer and attempts to use all the drivers it knows and eppl7 driver is the last driver it will try. So i guess when i compiled GDAL with Mrsid it didnt get compiled properly or something, can anyone tell me how to know if GDAL is compiled properly with Mrsid support. Thanks for your time. --Kris From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Thu Jan 19 14:49:07 2006 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:49:07 -0600 Subject: Using C#: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. Message-ID: I recommend that all of the dll-s belonging to your app. to be placed into your application's directory ie bin/Debug due to avoid further problems. It is not alien from the philosophy of the .NET stuff. Tamas On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:26:53 -0600, Donovan J Donovan wrote: >I had this problem a few weeks ago. The error mentions mapscript.dll but >means all the mapserver dlls. I think the mapscript_csharp.dll should be >referenced and in the application's bin directory. The mapscript.dll and >all the other mapserver dlls (about 20) go into the windows/system32 directory. > >Hope that helps... >Donovan From dylan.beaudette at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 15:31:50 2006 From: dylan.beaudette at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Beaudette) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:31:50 -0800 Subject: ideas on load testing Message-ID: Greetings: I am looking into a couple ways of load testing my mapserver application. I have tried using 'flood' from the apache set of tools, however I cannot seem to get it to work properly... Any thoughts on other load testing apps? thanks! -- Dylan Beaudette Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group University of California at Davis 530.754.7341 From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Thu Jan 19 15:28:55 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 18:28:55 -0500 Subject: ideas on load testing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Siege is my favorite and use it with bombard. Very easy to setup can use. -Steve W. Dylan Beaudette wrote: > Greetings: > > I am looking into a couple ways of load testing my mapserver application. I > have tried using 'flood' from the apache set of tools, however I cannot seem > to get it to work properly... > > Any thoughts on other load testing apps? > > thanks! From dylan.beaudette at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 15:58:34 2006 From: dylan.beaudette at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Beaudette) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:58:34 -0800 Subject: ideas on load testing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks Steve, I downloaded siege, and it seems to be functioning much in the same way that flood and openload are... however - none of these testing tools causes mapserver to actually draw any images! thoughts on this? thanks! On Thursday 19 January 2006 03:28 pm, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Siege is my favorite and use it with bombard. > > Very easy to setup can use. > > -Steve W. > > Dylan Beaudette wrote: > > Greetings: > > > > I am looking into a couple ways of load testing my mapserver application. > > I have tried using 'flood' from the apache set of tools, however I cannot > > seem to get it to work properly... > > > > Any thoughts on other load testing apps? > > > > thanks! -- Dylan Beaudette Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group University of California at Davis 530.754.7341 From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Thu Jan 19 16:10:17 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:10:17 -0800 Subject: ideas on load testing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Dylan, I suggest JMeter. It was designed to load test resources, including HTTP resources like Mapserver. In fact, I have used it several times for precisely that purpose. It's open source, and written in Java. You can get it here: JMeter has lots of neat features built in, but it's not too hard to add custom functionality if required. Brock Dylan Beaudette wrote: >Greetings: > >I am looking into a couple ways of load testing my mapserver application. I >have tried using 'flood' from the apache set of tools, however I cannot seem >to get it to work properly... > >Any thoughts on other load testing apps? > >thanks! > > From dylan.beaudette at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 19 16:53:47 2006 From: dylan.beaudette at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Beaudette) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:53:47 -0800 Subject: ideas on load testing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks Brock, I downloaded jmeter, and it works well. however i am having the same problem where a stress test to a mapserver application: performs as expected, however mapserver generates no images in its temp directory... am i doing something wrong here? thanks! On Thursday 19 January 2006 04:10 pm, Brock Anderson wrote: > Dylan, > > I suggest JMeter. It was designed to load test resources, including > HTTP resources like Mapserver. In fact, I have used it several times > for precisely that purpose. It's open source, and written in Java. You > can get it here: > > > > JMeter has lots of neat features built in, but it's not too hard to add > custom functionality if required. > > Brock > > Dylan Beaudette wrote: > >Greetings: > > > >I am looking into a couple ways of load testing my mapserver application. > > I have tried using 'flood' from the apache set of tools, however I cannot > > seem to get it to work properly... > > > >Any thoughts on other load testing apps? > > > >thanks! -- Dylan Beaudette Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group University of California at Davis 530.754.7341 From markadams at CUESTASYS.COM Thu Jan 19 17:21:26 2006 From: markadams at CUESTASYS.COM (Mark Adams) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:21:26 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: This is a timely discussion for me. I urgently need to provide support for a "contains" query specifically in an application I am developing (other GEOS supported operators would be great, but the contains query is critical). What would it take to add this functionality into mapserver and mapscript? (We use PHP Mapscript here.) Thanks. ------------------------------ Mark Adams Senior Analyst & Project Manager Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 Fax: 905-333-0455 Email: mark.adams at On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:34:39 -0600, Steve Lime wrote: >The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there specific >operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me know >if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. > >A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at > >As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators that >work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via the PROCESSING >block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way you >could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular layer as >they are read from the data source- for any data source. > >Steve > >>>> listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >Hello all, > >I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >also has buffer and convexhull. > >Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >functions are? > >Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the mapfile? > >Are there any docs that give some more information? > >Regards > >Norbert From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Thu Jan 19 17:27:07 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:27:07 -0500 Subject: MrSid image error In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/19/06, krishna S wrote: > Hello all, when searched the mapserver website i got to know that this is > avery confusing error and is displayed when mapserver tries to draw a layer > and attempts to use all the drivers it knows and eppl7 driver is the last > driver it will try. So i guess when i compiled GDAL with Mrsid it didnt get > compiled properly or something, can anyone tell me how to know if GDAL is > compiled properly with Mrsid support. Kris, "gdalinfo --format mrsid" This will either report details on the mrsid driver, or else tell you that it isn't found. "gdalinfo --formats" will report all formats built in. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 19 20:19:13 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 22:19:13 -0600 Subject: Source for TrueType font for Road Signs. Message-ID: There is one available here at Haven't looked at it closely though... Steve >>> Bob Basques 01/19/06 4:12 PM >>> All, Anyone know of a pointer to a TT font for Road Signs? Warning, Informational, Regulatory. Failing that, how about a pointer to a Symbol set that I can possibly convert to a TT font. Thanks bobb From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 19 20:31:14 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 22:31:14 -0600 Subject: query results in new window Message-ID: Assuming you are using the CGI version of MapServer you need to do something when the form is submitted, that is use the onSubmit handler. That would simply call a bit of javascript that would detect whether the user was in a query mode or not. If in query mode then open a new window with (you can set scollbars, size and all that with that method) and set the to the window you just created. The MapServer demo does something similar but with a framed interface: Choose the "adds frames" example and view the source for the upper frame and checkout the submit_form() function. It's pretty close to what you need. Just open the window first and set the form target appropriately. Steve >>> Carola Jesch 01/19/06 3:33 PM >>> Does nobody know an answer? Please help. Carola > -----Original Message----- > From: Carola Jesch [mailto:cjesch at] > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:54 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: getting the URL for > > Hi, > I am trying to figure out how to get query results displayed > in a second window and to give this new window some > parameters like size and scrollbars. I found Javascript for > new.window() function and it works well, but I haven't been > able to figure out how the javascript fits with MapServer. > How can I get the dynamic MapServer URL that is needed to > display the query results in that new window? I can do > queries with ="_blank" but then I am not able to > give this window the look I want. Has anyone of you run into > the same problem and can anybody point me to a simple example? > > Thanks, Carola > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Carola Jesch > Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute > Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana > State University > 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. > Baton Rouge, LA,70803 > e-mail: cjesch at > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 19 22:28:48 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Stephen Lime) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 00:28:48 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: Well, a nice bottle of scotch would be a good start. ;-) For grins I added the conains operator to the geos wrapper and to Swig-based mapscript. That support is in CVS head (not 4.8, too late for that, sorry). I hesitate to touch the PHP wrapper though. You'll have to convince one of the other developers to make that change (or have them ok me doing it). Anyway in a language like Perl you can do: shape1 = mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT('POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 2.0, 2.0 2.0, 2.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0))') or die("Shape 1: ". mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n") ."\n"); $shape2 = mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT('POLYGON((0.5 0.5,0.5 1.5,1.5 1.5,1.5 0.5,0.5 0.5))') or die("Shape 2:". mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n") ."\n"); print $shape1->contains($shape2) ."\n"; print $shape2->contains($shape1) ."\n"; print $shape2->contains($shape2) ."\n"; Which outputs: 1 0 1 as expected. This is only exposing the operator. Nothing is itegrated into the MapServer query functions. However, in MapScript you could: 1) use the bounds of shape 1 to do a rect-based query and then 2) loop through the result set doing contains I'm not going to do a full implementation of GEOS until I convert the cpp interface to c (sometime soon). However, it seems like contains might be interesting to folks in the meantime so... Steve On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:21:26 -0600, Mark Adams wrote: >This is a timely discussion for me. I urgently need to provide support for >a "contains" query specifically in an application I am developing (other >GEOS supported operators would be great, but the contains query is >critical). What would it take to add this functionality into mapserver and >mapscript? (We use PHP Mapscript here.) > >Thanks. > >------------------------------ >Mark Adams >Senior Analyst & Project Manager >Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) >5230 South Service Road >Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 >Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 >Fax: 905-333-0455 >Email: mark.adams at > > >On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:34:39 -0600, Steve Lime > wrote: > >>The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >>want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >>that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there >specific >>operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me know >>if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. >> >>A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at > >> >>As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators that >>work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via the >PROCESSING >>block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way you >>could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular >layer as >>they are read from the data source- for any data source. >> >>Steve >> >>>>> listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >>Hello all, >> >>I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >>already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >>only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >>also has buffer and convexhull. >> >>Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >>functions are? >> >>Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the >mapfile? >> >>Are there any docs that give some more information? >> >>Regards >> >>Norbert From lists at NABBLE.COM Thu Jan 19 22:28:51 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (Prema Selvam (sent by Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 22:28:51 -0800 Subject: Problem in MapServer with Oracle Spatial - More than one image is Loaded In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi David, Thanks for the quick reply, Know I can get Single Map image but the in the HTML Source the main template is repeated for same number of times (as 50 records the template is processed for 50 times), because i put the result information in the template file. I included the Footer and Header in the Map File. Here I given the Template, Footer, Header files nad template file. Header MapServer - Oracle Spatial MapServer - Oracle Spatial I pass the same query Query http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/zap/htdocs/'pondicherry' Output Source html> MapServer - Oracle Spatial MapServer - Oracle Spatial Please Send me some solution I am waiting for the reply Regards, Prema Selvam GISbiz -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From flavio at TYDAC.CH Thu Jan 19 23:08:39 2006 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:08:39 +0100 Subject: Source for TrueType font for Road Signs. In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Bob > Anyone know of a pointer to a TT font for Road Signs? Warning, > Informational, Regulatory. there is one signs font file on Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ ? ? ?Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############? ? ? ? ? ? ?mailto:flavio at ############ ? ? ? ? TYDAC AG - #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ?Geographic Information Solutions #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ? Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ ? Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From warren at PLACE-BASE.COM Fri Jan 20 00:28:08 2006 From: warren at PLACE-BASE.COM (Warren Freitag) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 03:28:08 -0500 Subject: shptreetst problems -- mapserver 4.6.2 Message-ID: Just wondering if anybody could provide some pointers for me ... it's quite likely I'm doing something wrong here with trying to use "shptreetst" (i.e. the msSearchDiskTree() function) to query a shape index for features in a given envelope. I have a spatial index, us_water.qix, generated from an ESRI shapefile of the same name using the "shptree" tool. I know this shape file is accurate because it was used successfully to generate maps using both ArcGIS and Mapserver. However, when I run the following query: shptreetst us_water -79.00002 38.00002 -79.00002 38.00002 (the lat/lon envelope is a point somewhere on dry land in Virginia) it gives me the following output: This new LSB index supports a shapefile with 107931 shapes, 15 depth shapes 3, node 3, -179.231086,17.831509,179.859680,71.441059 shapes 16, node 4, -179.231086,17.831509,-70.606129,71.441059 shapes 11, node 4, -179.231086,17.831509,-146.372037,71.441059 shapes 0, node 1, -179.231086,17.831509,-161.158609,47.316761 shapes 0, node 1, -171.098471,17.831509,-161.158609,34.048398 shapes 0, node 2, -166.625533,17.831509,-161.158609,26.750798 shapes 0, node 1, -164.165417,21.845189,-161.158609,26.750798 shapes 0, node 1, -162.812353,21.845189,-161.158609,24.543274 shapes 0, node 1, -162.812353,21.845189,-161.902794,23.329136 shapes 0, node 1, -162.403052,22.512965,-161.902794,23.329136 shapes 0, node 1, -162.177936,22.880242,-161.902794,23.329136 shapes 0, node 1, -162.054122,22.880242,-161.902794,23.127133 shapes 0, node 1, -161.986024,22.991343,-161.902794,23.127133 shapes 0, node 1, -161.948571,22.991343,-161.902794,23.066028 shapes 1, node 0, -161.927971,23.024951,-161.902794,23.066028 shapes 0, node 1, -166.625533,21.845189,-163.618725,26.750798 shapes 0, node 1, -165.272469,21.845189,-163.618725,24.543274 shapes 0, node 1, -165.272469,23.059327,-164.362910,24.543274 shapes 0, node 1, -164.863168,23.059327,-164.362910,23.875498 shapes 0, node 1, -164.863168,23.426604,-164.588026,23.875498 read entire file now at quad box rec 20 file pos 1020 result of rectangle search was 400, 606, 607, 2415, 2595, 2596, 4279, 4357, 4359, 4377, 4382, 4394, 4444, 4446, 4502, 4570, 4588, 4638, 4643, 40451, 74431, 75359, 81934, 94864, 94874, 94916, 94918, 95277, 95418, 95904, 96178, 96348, 96349, 96350, 99862, 99944, 99955, 100015, Now, if I read this correctly, it's telling me that this single point intersects with some 3 dozen bodies of water. I know that can't be the case! I was expecting to see no matches at all. How do these numbers match up to shape IDs in the shapefile's corresponding DBF? or do they match at all? Any help or guidance would be appreciated!! Many thanks, Warren From biz.king at MAC.COM Fri Jan 20 01:53:04 2006 From: biz.king at MAC.COM (Biz King) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:53:04 +0000 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing that the code requires substantial optimisation, I think I have arrived at a reasonably logical process that allows me to create a limited parallelization of the serial process of drawing maps. I intend to segment (tile?) the extents of the parameters being rendered by different machines into a series of proportional grids, send these parallel requests to cluster/Xgrid members, get the results back (probably as a stream) and then join the stream images back together into one coherent image and save that to the central file system which the web servers access. We're actually having to produce live feedback of item locations (they can move, but can also remain static!) AND item activity (We're subject to NDA, and cannot give enough detail to explain clearly! Which is irritating.) which we then have to place into a graphical format (map with colour-coded dots indicating location, activity and status). Just to make things interesting, the extents of the data being displayed changes over time, so a series of pre-defined layer images just won't work as there are no 'standard' coordinate extents that we can work to. The client wants as near real-time feedback as is possible, which compounds things even more! I'll report back with more information as soon as I can. cheers Biz On 19 Jan 2006, at 16:47, David Bitner wrote: > Without getting into any clustering, there is probably a lot of > optimization that you could do to your datasets. There are a number > of posts in the archives for this list and documentation on > on doing things like creating overviews at > different resolutions and tiling for rasters that could likely help > speed up the process. > > > On 1/19/06, Biz King wrote: >> Hi All. >> >> Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) >> running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? >> >> We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope >> with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes >> 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) >> to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we can >> do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on >> a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on >> these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying sizes. >> >> The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated >> with 'on the fly' image creation. >> >> Any help will be welcomed! >> >> cheers >> >> Biz >> From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Fri Jan 20 04:33:09 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:33:09 -0500 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver Message-ID: Biz - We were all talking about optimization of the data sets, not the code. It is not clear that your "parallelism" approach described below will help very much. It is quite possible that it will make things worse. There are quite a few high-performance MapServer implementations in existence already; you seem to be under the impression that your application is quite unusual, and that may not be the case. But if you really can't provide any more information about your application, it's very difficult for us to provide any help. Please remember, however, that whether you are working on one server or multiple servers, well-organized data will help you considerably. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Biz King Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:53 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing that the code requires substantial optimisation, I think I have arrived at a reasonably logical process that allows me to create a limited parallelization of the serial process of drawing maps. I intend to segment (tile?) the extents of the parameters being rendered by different machines into a series of proportional grids, send these parallel requests to cluster/Xgrid members, get the results back (probably as a stream) and then join the stream images back together into one coherent image and save that to the central file system which the web servers access. We're actually having to produce live feedback of item locations (they can move, but can also remain static!) AND item activity (We're subject to NDA, and cannot give enough detail to explain clearly! Which is irritating.) which we then have to place into a graphical format (map with colour-coded dots indicating location, activity and status). Just to make things interesting, the extents of the data being displayed changes over time, so a series of pre-defined layer images just won't work as there are no 'standard' coordinate extents that we can work to. The client wants as near real-time feedback as is possible, which compounds things even more! I'll report back with more information as soon as I can. cheers Biz On 19 Jan 2006, at 16:47, David Bitner wrote: > Without getting into any clustering, there is probably a lot of > optimization that you could do to your datasets. There are a number > of posts in the archives for this list and documentation on > on doing things like creating overviews at > different resolutions and tiling for rasters that could likely help > speed up the process. > > > On 1/19/06, Biz King wrote: >> Hi All. >> >> Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) >> running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? >> >> We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope >> with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes >> 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) >> to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we can >> do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on >> a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on >> these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying sizes. >> >> The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated >> with 'on the fly' image creation. >> >> Any help will be welcomed! >> >> cheers >> >> Biz >> From mstangeh.foros at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 05:35:54 2006 From: mstangeh.foros at GMAIL.COM (Mauricio Stange H.) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:35:54 -0300 Subject: to color a raster image Message-ID: Hello, It is possible to color a gray scale raster image with mapserver?? Mauricio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 05:46:24 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:46:24 -0500 Subject: to color a raster image In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/20/06, Mauricio Stange H. wrote: > It is possible to color a gray scale raster image with mapserver?? Mauricio, This can be accomplished by setting up a set of descrete classes for the layer. See the raster howto for information on doing this. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From jukka.sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM Fri Jan 20 05:52:49 2006 From: jukka.sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM (Jukka Sirvi=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F6?=) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:52:49 -0600 Subject: gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment Message-ID: Hello! Our customer have raster material stored in centralized place on their network. One of the material's that will be used among others in our project contains ~4.5 gb tif files residing on multiple subdirectories. How can I make only ONE shp indexfile for mapserver from this material without copying the whole dataset into one single folder? Does gdaltindex understand any wildcard options for subdirectories? gdaltindex drive:/??/*.tif From biz.king at MAC.COM Fri Jan 20 05:58:06 2006 From: biz.king at MAC.COM (Biz King) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 13:58:06 +0000 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ed. I did understand the difference between data sets and the additional data that is being added. Unfortunately, other than the shapefiles we have for our actual topological and feature maps, the data is simply a series of coordinates that require placing on the maps. There can be any number of coordinates, from one to several thousand. We have no control whatsoever about that data. We're reporting back on locations and events which may be changing every second. These coordinates are generated by the activity that the item(s) carry out. We are required to display that information back to the user(s). I have reduced the time to create individual images down to an average of around 2 seconds from 8 seconds originally by extended fiddling with the map file(s). Empty data is considerably quicker. It may therefore (taking into account everyone's comments) be both simpler and easier to simply use one machine per image, but to have a 'master' machine allocating the work to one machine from a pool of available machines and writing the images out to a central file system. Thanks for all your help and advice, I'm probably just as frustrated as you guys by being unable to detail the exact situation we are in! We're hoping our budget is going to expand and let us recruit a full- time mapserver specialist/consultant for this project in the next few weeks. Anyone UK based (Sheffield area?) please drop me a line off list if interested. Mac experience not required if experienced Unix/Linux user/developer. cheers Biz On 20 Jan 2006, at 12:33, Ed McNierney wrote: > Biz - > > We were all talking about optimization of the data sets, not the code. > > It is not clear that your "parallelism" approach described below will > help very much. It is quite possible that it will make things worse. > There are quite a few high-performance MapServer implementations in > existence already; you seem to be under the impression that your > application is quite unusual, and that may not be the case. > > But if you really can't provide any more information about your > application, it's very difficult for us to provide any help. Please > remember, however, that whether you are working on one server or > multiple servers, well-organized data will help you considerably. > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > ed at > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER- > USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Biz King > Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:53 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC > variants of > Mapserver > > Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing that the code requires substantial > optimisation, I think I have arrived at a reasonably logical process > that allows me to create a limited parallelization of the serial > process > of drawing maps. > I intend to segment (tile?) the extents of the parameters being > rendered > by different machines into a series of proportional grids, send these > parallel requests to cluster/Xgrid members, get the results back > (probably as a stream) and then join the stream images back together > into one coherent image and save that to the central file system which > the web servers access. > > We're actually having to produce live feedback of item locations (they > can move, but can also remain static!) AND item activity (We're > subject > to NDA, and cannot give enough detail to explain clearly! > Which is irritating.) which we then have to place into a graphical > format (map with colour-coded dots indicating location, activity and > status). Just to make things interesting, the extents of the data > being > displayed changes over time, so a series of pre-defined layer images > just won't work as there are no 'standard' coordinate extents that we > can work to. > > The client wants as near real-time feedback as is possible, which > compounds things even more! > > I'll report back with more information as soon as I can. > > cheers > Biz > On 19 Jan 2006, at 16:47, David Bitner wrote: > >> Without getting into any clustering, there is probably a lot of >> optimization that you could do to your datasets. There are a number >> of posts in the archives for this list and documentation on >> on doing things like creating overviews at >> different resolutions and tiling for rasters that could likely help >> speed up the process. >> >> >> On 1/19/06, Biz King wrote: >>> Hi All. >>> >>> Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) >>> running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? >>> >>> We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope >>> with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes >>> 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) >>> to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we >>> can > >>> do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on >>> a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on >>> these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying >>> sizes. >>> >>> The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated >>> with 'on the fly' image creation. >>> >>> Any help will be welcomed! >>> >>> cheers >>> >>> Biz >>> From ajfrank at ALICE.IT Fri Jan 20 06:04:27 2006 From: ajfrank at ALICE.IT (Gianfranco Brescia) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:04:27 -0600 Subject: How to remove a point from a shape file Message-ID: There is a method to remove a point from a shape file, using phpmapscript? From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 06:04:30 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:04:30 -0500 Subject: gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/20/06, Jukka Sirvi? wrote: > Hello! > Our customer have raster material stored in centralized place on their > network. One of the material's that will be used among others in our > project contains ~4.5 gb tif files residing on multiple subdirectories. > How can I make only ONE shp indexfile for mapserver from this material > without copying the whole dataset into one single folder? > > Does gdaltindex understand any wildcard options for subdirectories? > gdaltindex drive:/??/*.tif Jukka, The wildcarding is not part of gdaltindex itself. On Unix it is done by the commandline shell, and could handle this. On Windows, you can optionally built the Microsoft wildcard handling into the program (which I do for FWTools), but I see it can't handle wildcards of this sophistication. Only wildcards at the filename portion of the path. You could download cygwin and invoke the normal windows gdaltindex from that as Cygwin will expand command line arguments for the program in the normal fashion. eg. gdaltindex n:/data/*/*.tif Alternatively, you could invoke gdaltindex manually for each directory as it will append to an existing index if invoked multiple times. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM Fri Jan 20 06:09:32 2006 From: e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM (Eduard Witteveen) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:09:32 +0100 Subject: Using C#: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Tamas Szekeres wrote: > I recommend that all of the dll-s belonging to your app. to be placed into > your application's directory ie bin/Debug due to avoid further problems. It > is not alien from the philosophy of the .NET stuff. Which version is the best version to use for .NET development? didn't work for me, however worked without any problems. (is there also a release build of this version?) Thanks for all the quick responses! I can now continue development! -- Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen Software Engineer Hawar Information Technology bv lid Dijkoraad Groep De Wymerts 7 8701 WT Bolsward Tel: +31 (0)515 570333 Fax: +31 (0)515 570335 nl_NL fy_NL en_US From bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM Fri Jan 20 06:09:44 2006 From: bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:09:44 -0600 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: If I'm reading between the lines correctly :c) You could combine the static data (some background map that can be tuned to run very quickly with optimization) and then combine the dynamic data at the client with an overlay image. The dynamic data wouldn't even need to go through MapServer necessarily, you could use GD and construct a new image overlay for the client to view directly. You would essentially seperate the processes into descrete services this way, and combine them at the client. I've donw the same thing for a number of past projects. I believe I know what you're attemptinf to do here with regard to the data collection constraints. Maybe I said too much . . . :c), I can eleaborate more if asked. bobb Biz King wrote: > Hi Ed. > > I did understand the difference between data sets and the additional > data that is being added. > Unfortunately, other than the shapefiles we have for our actual > topological and feature maps, the data is simply a series of > coordinates that require placing on the maps. > There can be any number of coordinates, from one to several thousand. > We have no control whatsoever about that data. We're reporting back > on locations and events which may be changing every second. > These coordinates are generated by the activity that the item(s) > carry out. We are required to display that information back to the > user(s). > > I have reduced the time to create individual images down to an > average of around 2 seconds from 8 seconds originally by extended > fiddling with the map file(s). Empty data is considerably quicker. > It may therefore (taking into account everyone's comments) be both > simpler and easier to simply use one machine per image, but to have a > 'master' machine allocating the work to one machine from a pool of > available machines and writing the images out to a central file system. > > Thanks for all your help and advice, I'm probably just as frustrated > as you guys by being unable to detail the exact situation we are in! > > We're hoping our budget is going to expand and let us recruit a full- > time mapserver specialist/consultant for this project in the next few > weeks. > > Anyone UK based (Sheffield area?) please drop me a line off list if > interested. Mac experience not required if experienced Unix/Linux > user/developer. > > > cheers > > Biz > > On 20 Jan 2006, at 12:33, Ed McNierney wrote: > >> Biz - >> >> We were all talking about optimization of the data sets, not the code. >> >> It is not clear that your "parallelism" approach described below will >> help very much. It is quite possible that it will make things worse. >> There are quite a few high-performance MapServer implementations in >> existence already; you seem to be under the impression that your >> application is quite unusual, and that may not be the case. >> >> But if you really can't provide any more information about your >> application, it's very difficult for us to provide any help. Please >> remember, however, that whether you are working on one server or >> multiple servers, well-organized data will help you considerably. >> >> - Ed >> >> Ed McNierney >> President and Chief Mapmaker >> / Maps a la carte, Inc. >> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >> North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >> Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >> Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >> ed at >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER- >> USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >> Behalf Of Biz King >> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:53 AM >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC >> variants of >> Mapserver >> >> Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing that the code requires substantial >> optimisation, I think I have arrived at a reasonably logical process >> that allows me to create a limited parallelization of the serial >> process >> of drawing maps. >> I intend to segment (tile?) the extents of the parameters being >> rendered >> by different machines into a series of proportional grids, send these >> parallel requests to cluster/Xgrid members, get the results back >> (probably as a stream) and then join the stream images back together >> into one coherent image and save that to the central file system which >> the web servers access. >> >> We're actually having to produce live feedback of item locations (they >> can move, but can also remain static!) AND item activity (We're subject >> to NDA, and cannot give enough detail to explain clearly! >> Which is irritating.) which we then have to place into a graphical >> format (map with colour-coded dots indicating location, activity and >> status). Just to make things interesting, the extents of the data being >> displayed changes over time, so a series of pre-defined layer images >> just won't work as there are no 'standard' coordinate extents that we >> can work to. >> >> The client wants as near real-time feedback as is possible, which >> compounds things even more! >> >> I'll report back with more information as soon as I can. >> >> cheers >> Biz >> On 19 Jan 2006, at 16:47, David Bitner wrote: >> >>> Without getting into any clustering, there is probably a lot of >>> optimization that you could do to your datasets. There are a number >>> of posts in the archives for this list and documentation on >>> on doing things like creating overviews at >>> different resolutions and tiling for rasters that could likely help >>> speed up the process. >>> >>> >>> On 1/19/06, Biz King wrote: >>> >>>> Hi All. >>>> >>>> Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) >>>> running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? >>>> >>>> We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope >>>> with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes >>>> 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) >>>> to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we can >>> >> >>>> do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on >>>> a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on >>>> these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying sizes. >>>> >>>> The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated >>>> with 'on the fly' image creation. >>>> >>>> Any help will be welcomed! >>>> >>>> cheers >>>> >>>> Biz >>>> > From tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM Fri Jan 20 06:17:20 2006 From: tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM (Travis Kirstine GIS Tech) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:17:20 -0500 Subject: gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Frank As a side, does the unix build of FWTools work on cygwin? -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 9:05 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment On 1/20/06, Jukka Sirvi? wrote: > Hello! > Our customer have raster material stored in centralized place on their > network. One of the material's that will be used among others in our > project contains ~4.5 gb tif files residing on multiple subdirectories. > How can I make only ONE shp indexfile for mapserver from this material > without copying the whole dataset into one single folder? > > Does gdaltindex understand any wildcard options for subdirectories? > gdaltindex drive:/??/*.tif Jukka, The wildcarding is not part of gdaltindex itself. On Unix it is done by the commandline shell, and could handle this. On Windows, you can optionally built the Microsoft wildcard handling into the program (which I do for FWTools), but I see it can't handle wildcards of this sophistication. Only wildcards at the filename portion of the path. You could download cygwin and invoke the normal windows gdaltindex from that as Cygwin will expand command line arguments for the program in the normal fashion. eg. gdaltindex n:/data/*/*.tif Alternatively, you could invoke gdaltindex manually for each directory as it will append to an existing index if invoked multiple times. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ -- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 06:17:43 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:17:43 -0500 Subject: shptreetst problems -- mapserver 4.6.2 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/20/06, Warren Freitag wrote: > result of rectangle search was > 400, 606, 607, 2415, 2595, 2596, 4279, 4357, 4359, 4377, 4382, 4394, > 4444, 4446, 4502, 4570, 4588, 4638, 4643, 40451, 74431, 75359, 81934, > 94864, 94874, 94916, 94918, 95277, 95418, 95904, 96178, 96348, 96349, > 96350, 99862, 99944, 99955, 100015, > > Now, if I read this correctly, it's telling me that this single point > intersects with some 3 dozen bodies of water. I know that can't be the > case! I was expecting to see no matches at all. Warren, What this tells you is that this point falls into quadtree nodes that contain 3 dozen bodies of water. In normal processing in mapserver, each of these shapes would be read and then the bounding rectangle of the shapes tested again against the point before they were considered "selected". > How do these numbers match up to shape IDs in the shapefile's > corresponding DBF? or do they match at all? They should be the shape indexes (zero based # of shape). This is the same as the zero based dbf record index. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 06:23:22 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:23:22 -0500 Subject: gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/20/06, Travis Kirstine GIS Tech wrote: > Frank > As a side, does the unix build of FWTools work on cygwin? Travis, No. Cygwin provides unix-like commandline and environment services on win32, but it still only runs valid win32 programs. FWTools (for windows) can be used under cygwin, but to it can be a bit tricky because of the need to setup the FWTools environment within the cygwin shell. Often this is easiest to accomplish by running cygwin.bat from within the FWTools shell. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI Fri Jan 20 06:24:58 2006 From: Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI (Rahkonen Jukka) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:24:58 +0200 Subject: VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment Message-ID: Hi, Is it sure that gdaltindex passes the full file paths to .dbf file? I have done something like this only once, but then I had to edit .dbf file manually to put a full and valid path there. I suppose that if the IMAGEPATH in the map-file is something else than where the images actually are, then you need to have a full path to images in shape file properties. Regards, -Jukka Rahkonen- ________________________________ L?hett?j?: UMN MapServer Users List puolesta: Frank Warmerdam L?hetetty: pe 20.1.2006 16:04 Vastaanottaja: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Aihe: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment On 1/20/06, Jukka Sirvi? wrote: > Hello! > Our customer have raster material stored in centralized place on their > network. One of the material's that will be used among others in our > project contains ~4.5 gb tif files residing on multiple subdirectories. > How can I make only ONE shp indexfile for mapserver from this material > without copying the whole dataset into one single folder? > > Does gdaltindex understand any wildcard options for subdirectories? > gdaltindex drive:/??/*.tif Jukka, The wildcarding is not part of gdaltindex itself. On Unix it is done by the commandline shell, and could handle this. On Windows, you can optionally built the Microsoft wildcard handling into the program (which I do for FWTools), but I see it can't handle wildcards of this sophistication. Only wildcards at the filename portion of the path. You could download cygwin and invoke the normal windows gdaltindex from that as Cygwin will expand command line arguments for the program in the normal fashion. eg. gdaltindex n:/data/*/*.tif Alternatively, you could invoke gdaltindex manually for each directory as it will append to an existing index if invoked multiple times. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 06:29:08 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:29:08 -0500 Subject: VS: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/20/06, Rahkonen Jukka wrote: > Hi, > > Is it sure that gdaltindex passes the full file paths to .dbf file? I have done something like this only once, but then I had to edit .dbf file manually to put a full and valid path there. I suppose that if the IMAGEPATH in the map-file is something else than where the images actually are, then you need to have a full path to images in shape file properties. Jukka, gdaltindex will write full paths, if you gave it full paths on the commandline. In theory mapserver will evaluate relative paths as relative to the index file, but this area often seems to cause problems, so if you don't need to move stuff using full paths is often simpliest. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM Fri Jan 20 06:30:46 2006 From: tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM (Travis Kirstine GIS Tech) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:30:46 -0500 Subject: Label Class with expressions Message-ID: Hi, I'm having some issues when trying to label one layer that has 2 classes with the same expression one for drawing and one for labeling. Below are two examples the first show how if I use two layers everything works fine but when I combine the labels and the lines the label aren't drawn When you combine them into two layers the labeling works #EXAMPLE 1 ######################## #<<<<<<<<<<<<-------- ROADS---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAYER #DATA test/map_app_data/road_web DATA umap_display_data/road_web NAME "Roads" METADATA DESCRIPTION "Roads" RESET "ON" END TYPE LINE STATUS off MAXSCALE 1500000 MINSCALE 50001 CLASS NAME "Major Roads" # HIGHWAYS/MAJOR ROADS MAXSCALE 1000000 MINSCALE 50001 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=1) SYMBOL 0 COLOR 100 100 100 #SIZE 2 END CLASS NAME "Secondary Roads" # SECONDARY ROADS MAXSCALE 300000 MINSCALE 50001 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=2) SYMBOL 0 COLOR 120 120 120 #SIZE 2 END CLASS NAME "Local Roads" # LOCAL ROADS MAXSCALE 100000 MINSCALE 50001 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=3) SYMBOL 0 COLOR 140 140 140 #SIZE 1 END END #<<<<<<<<<<<-----ROAD LABELS--------->>>>>>>>> LAYER #DATA test/map_app_data/road_web DATA umap_display_data/road_web NAME "Road Labels" METADATA DESCRIPTION "no display" RESET "ON" END TYPE ANNOTATION STATUS ON MAXSCALE 1000000 MINSCALE 500 LABELMAXSCALE 1000000 LABELMINSCALE 500 LABELITEM "STREETNAME" CLASS MAXSCALE 125000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=1) LABEL MINDISTANCE 300 TYPE truetype COLOR 125 15 25 OUTLINECOLOR 253 253 253 FONT verdana SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS true ANGLE Auto POSITION cc END END CLASS MAXSCALE 50000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=2) LABEL MINDISTANCE 300 ANTIALIAS true TYPE truetype COLOR 125 15 25 OUTLINECOLOR 253 253 253 FONT verdana SIZE 8 ANGLE Auto POSITION cc BUFFER 10 END END CLASS MAXSCALE 10000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=3) LABEL MINDISTANCE 300 TYPE truetype ANTIALIAS true COLOR 125 15 25 OUTLINECOLOR 253 253 253 FONT verdana SIZE 8 ANGLE Auto POSITION cc END END END # EXAMPLE 2 ############################## #<<<<<<<<<<<<-------- ROADS With LABELS---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAYER #DATA test/map_app_data/road_web DATA umap_display_data/road_web NAME "Roads" METADATA DESCRIPTION "Roads" RESET "ON" END TYPE LINE STATUS off MAXSCALE 1500000 MINSCALE 500 LABELMAXSCALE 1000000 LABELMINSCALE 500 LABELITEM "STREETNAME" CLASS NAME "Major Roads" # HIGHWAYS/MAJOR ROADS MAXSCALE 1000000 MINSCALE 50001 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=1) SYMBOL 0 COLOR 100 100 100 #SIZE 2 END CLASS MAXSCALE 125000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=1) LABEL MINDISTANCE 300 TYPE truetype COLOR 125 15 25 OUTLINECOLOR 253 253 253 FONT verdana SIZE 8 ANTIALIAS true ANGLE Auto POSITION cc END END CLASS NAME "Secondary Roads" # SECONDARY ROADS MAXSCALE 300000 MINSCALE 50001 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=2) SYMBOL 0 COLOR 120 120 120 #SIZE 2 END CLASS MAXSCALE 50000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=2) LABEL MINDISTANCE 300 ANTIALIAS true TYPE truetype COLOR 125 15 25 OUTLINECOLOR 253 253 253 FONT verdana SIZE 8 ANGLE Auto POSITION cc BUFFER 10 END END CLASS NAME "Local Roads" # LOCAL ROADS MAXSCALE 100000 MINSCALE 50001 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=3) SYMBOL 0 COLOR 140 140 140 #SIZE 1 END CLASS MAXSCALE 10000 MINSCALE 500 EXPRESSION ([RD_CLASS]=3) LABEL MINDISTANCE 300 TYPE truetype ANTIALIAS true COLOR 125 15 25 OUTLINECOLOR 253 253 253 FONT verdana SIZE 8 ANGLE Auto POSITION cc END END END Travis From Jukka.Sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM Fri Jan 20 06:34:54 2006 From: Jukka.Sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM (Jukka =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sirvi=F6?=) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:34:54 +0200 Subject: gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello! Thank's Frank, I did it with appending files from each folder separately to existing shp. These raster's are now working fine through Mapserver. -Jukka- Frank Warmerdam Sent by: fwarmerdam at 20/01/2006 16:04 To: Jukka Sirvi? cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] gdaltindex for tif files residing on multiple subdirectories in windows enviroment On 1/20/06, Jukka Sirvi? wrote: > Hello! > Our customer have raster material stored in centralized place on their > network. One of the material's that will be used among others in our > project contains ~4.5 gb tif files residing on multiple subdirectories. > How can I make only ONE shp indexfile for mapserver from this material > without copying the whole dataset into one single folder? > > Does gdaltindex understand any wildcard options for subdirectories? > gdaltindex drive:/??/*.tif Jukka, The wildcarding is not part of gdaltindex itself. On Unix it is done by the commandline shell, and could handle this. On Windows, you can optionally built the Microsoft wildcard handling into the program (which I do for FWTools), but I see it can't handle wildcards of this sophistication. Only wildcards at the filename portion of the path. You could download cygwin and invoke the normal windows gdaltindex from that as Cygwin will expand command line arguments for the program in the normal fashion. eg. gdaltindex n:/data/*/*.tif Alternatively, you could invoke gdaltindex manually for each directory as it will append to an existing index if invoked multiple times. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From adam.hill at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 06:29:18 2006 From: adam.hill at GMAIL.COM (Adam Hill) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:29:18 -0600 Subject: Graticule projection troubles In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I too have had no luck with any other projections other than epsg:4326 / latlon. Mapserver hanging is always the end result. adam... From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Jan 20 06:44:10 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:44:10 -0500 Subject: Source for TrueType font for Road Signs. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Bob, I thought I saw one at the USGS also there is a Recreate.ttf font which has some signs in it. See below. Also see esri_1.ttf -Steve W. Flavio Hendry wrote: > Hi Bob > > >>Anyone know of a pointer to a TT font for Road Signs? Warning, >>Informational, Regulatory. > > > there is one signs font file on > > Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards > Flavio Hendry > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > TYDAC NEWS > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > ############ Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards > ############ mailto:flavio at > ############ TYDAC AG - > #### #### Geographic Information Solutions > #### #### Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern > ############ Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 06:49:27 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:49:27 -0500 Subject: Projection problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/19/06, Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > > CONFIG PROJ_LIB /ms4w/apps/stragisweb/proj Note: I think you need quotes around the arguments to CONFIG. eg. CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/ms4w/apps/stragisweb/proj" Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 06:53:46 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:53:46 -0600 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: How are you storing these point coordinates that continually change? With the details that I am seeing, it looks like some of your issues could really be helped through using a spatial database like PostgreSQL/PostGIS. That way the database can do the heavy lifting of selecting which points are to be displayed and then mapserver can just do the easy draw. Mapserver is really quite efficient at drawing if you feed it well thought out datasets that are indexed, tiled, generalized if appropriate. Also if you are using any background datasets where you are only using part of the features in the dataset (for example if at a certain scale you are only displaying interstates, there is no reason to filter through all the local roads when you could just pre-make a shapefile with well generalized interstates). There are folks like Ed who has been replying to this thread who are serving up many Terrabytes of data. My impression is that even at that level (Ed correct me if I'm wrong), most of the optimization is done to make sure that Mapserver gets as close to only the data that it needs to display as possible. On 1/20/06, Biz King wrote: > Hi Ed. > > I did understand the difference between data sets and the additional > data that is being added. > Unfortunately, other than the shapefiles we have for our actual > topological and feature maps, the data is simply a series of > coordinates that require placing on the maps. > There can be any number of coordinates, from one to several thousand. > We have no control whatsoever about that data. We're reporting back > on locations and events which may be changing every second. > These coordinates are generated by the activity that the item(s) > carry out. We are required to display that information back to the > user(s). > > I have reduced the time to create individual images down to an > average of around 2 seconds from 8 seconds originally by extended > fiddling with the map file(s). Empty data is considerably quicker. > It may therefore (taking into account everyone's comments) be both > simpler and easier to simply use one machine per image, but to have a > 'master' machine allocating the work to one machine from a pool of > available machines and writing the images out to a central file system. > > Thanks for all your help and advice, I'm probably just as frustrated > as you guys by being unable to detail the exact situation we are in! > > We're hoping our budget is going to expand and let us recruit a full- > time mapserver specialist/consultant for this project in the next few > weeks. > > Anyone UK based (Sheffield area?) please drop me a line off list if > interested. Mac experience not required if experienced Unix/Linux > user/developer. > > > cheers > > Biz > > On 20 Jan 2006, at 12:33, Ed McNierney wrote: > > > Biz - > > > > We were all talking about optimization of the data sets, not the code. > > > > It is not clear that your "parallelism" approach described below will > > help very much. It is quite possible that it will make things worse. > > There are quite a few high-performance MapServer implementations in > > existence already; you seem to be under the impression that your > > application is quite unusual, and that may not be the case. > > > > But if you really can't provide any more information about your > > application, it's very difficult for us to provide any help. Please > > remember, however, that whether you are working on one server or > > multiple servers, well-organized data will help you considerably. > > > > - Ed > > > > Ed McNierney > > President and Chief Mapmaker > > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > > ed at > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER- > > USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > > Behalf Of Biz King > > Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:53 AM > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC > > variants of > > Mapserver > > > > Whilst wholeheartedly agreeing that the code requires substantial > > optimisation, I think I have arrived at a reasonably logical process > > that allows me to create a limited parallelization of the serial > > process > > of drawing maps. > > I intend to segment (tile?) the extents of the parameters being > > rendered > > by different machines into a series of proportional grids, send these > > parallel requests to cluster/Xgrid members, get the results back > > (probably as a stream) and then join the stream images back together > > into one coherent image and save that to the central file system which > > the web servers access. > > > > We're actually having to produce live feedback of item locations (they > > can move, but can also remain static!) AND item activity (We're > > subject > > to NDA, and cannot give enough detail to explain clearly! > > Which is irritating.) which we then have to place into a graphical > > format (map with colour-coded dots indicating location, activity and > > status). Just to make things interesting, the extents of the data > > being > > displayed changes over time, so a series of pre-defined layer images > > just won't work as there are no 'standard' coordinate extents that we > > can work to. > > > > The client wants as near real-time feedback as is possible, which > > compounds things even more! > > > > I'll report back with more information as soon as I can. > > > > cheers > > Biz > > On 19 Jan 2006, at 16:47, David Bitner wrote: > > > >> Without getting into any clustering, there is probably a lot of > >> optimization that you could do to your datasets. There are a number > >> of posts in the archives for this list and documentation on > >> on doing things like creating overviews at > >> different resolutions and tiling for rasters that could likely help > >> speed up the process. > >> > >> > >> On 1/19/06, Biz King wrote: > >>> Hi All. > >>> > >>> Is anyone aware of anywhere (or better still, has experience of) > >>> running Mapserver via an MPI/Grid interface or as a cluster? > >>> > >>> We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope > >>> with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes > >>> 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) > >>> to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! There's not much we > >>> can > > > >>> do to cut down the load as we're creating a whole series of nodes on > >>> a layer via a database and we're then creating the imagery based on > >>> these items and outputting them to graphics formats in varying > >>> sizes. > >>> > >>> The results get fed to users on demand without the delays associated > >>> with 'on the fly' image creation. > >>> > >>> Any help will be welcomed! > >>> > >>> cheers > >>> > >>> Biz > >>> > From Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Fri Jan 20 06:53:51 2006 From: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Sears, Jeremy) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:53:51 -0500 Subject: Graticule projection troubles Message-ID: Indeed, Ive tried many variations and still no luck. I think my best bet may be just to use a raster with a grid. I wonder if we've been missing some essential documentation on the matter. Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Adam Hill [mailto:adam.hill at] Sent: January 20, 2006 9:29 AM To: Sears, Jeremy Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Graticule projection troubles I too have had no luck with any other projections other than epsg:4326 / latlon. Mapserver hanging is always the end result. adam... From rick at INNIS.CA Fri Jan 20 07:05:06 2006 From: rick at INNIS.CA (Rick Innis) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:05:06 -0500 Subject: Cluster/Supercomputer/HPC variants of Mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > > We're trying to develop a high-performance mapserver that can cope > with the load we're going to be throwing at it! Currently it takes > 298 seconds (on a Mac OSX Server, 3.5 Gb Ram, dual 2Ghz processors) > to do what we need done on under 60 seconds! Biz, In casual conversation with an Apple systems engineer yesterday, he mentioned that in many cases building code with the standard GCC flags may not fully exploit the capabilities of the Altivec processor. I didn't have an opportunity to discuss this any further, and I'm not sure if the OS X build of Mapserver takes this into account already, but it may be an avenue worth exploring. One other thing I've discovered recently in various rounds of testing is that OS X's disk I/O performance is slow compared to Linux. Apparently the G5 architecture gives higher priority to memory I/O. --Rick. From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 07:07:37 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:07:37 -0500 Subject: Mapserver WCS memory consumption In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/19/06, Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote: > Hi list, > > we are having a bit of troubles with the memory Mapserver WCS consumes > when making e.g. a MrSID file of around 15.000 by 15.000 pixels. The > memory consumption reaches up to 1.5 Gb. > > Are there ways around this, or is this to be expected of generating such > a big raster? Bart, It is inherent in the way that MapServer handles WCS (or any raster rendering) that the result image is completely assembled in RAM. As Steve notes, 15000x15000x3 is already 675MB. If the raster goes through mapresample.c (ie. to resample or reproject) then a potentially larger copy of the image will be read from the source file before resampling into the output array in RAM. Generally I would assume memory use in MapServer for rendering a large raster, from a large raster with resampling will consume up to about 3times the size of the uncompressed result raster. Having the source imagery come from many smaller tiled files will use less memory as each source image will be no larger than one of the source files, and they are discarded before the next source image is processed. I would add that I would expect it very hard to process such a large request in a reasonble period of time as a web action. MapServer won't start streaming back data till all the processing and compression to mrsid is complete. I would expect you would need a very long timeout to keep your connection alive. Overall, I just don't think MapServer's WCS is very suitable for processing and returning very large requests. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 20 07:07:43 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:07:43 -0600 Subject: MrSid image error Message-ID: Hi Frank, thanks for your reply, when i typed the command 'gdalinfo --format mrsid' it said that it couldnt found any such format, so i guess its the problem with my GDAL configure with mrsid support. This how my nmake.opt file looks like for mrsid support MRSID_DIR = C:\projects\Geo_DSDK- MRSID_INCLUDE = -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\base -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\support \ -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\metadata \ -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\mrsid_readers \ -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\j2k_readers MRSID_LIB = $(MRSID_DIR)\lib\Release_md\lti_dsdk_dll.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib Is there anything else i should add to make it work, if you want i can send the whole nmake.opt file. Thanks for your time ... Kris From alexia81 at EMAIL.IT Fri Jan 20 07:07:53 2006 From: alexia81 at EMAIL.IT (Alexia81) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:07:53 +0100 Subject: raster maps and mapserver Message-ID: Hi! How can i view raster map with mapserver directly from grass location without creating GEOTIF images? My rasters are contains float data. Configuration: - Fedora core 3 - grass60 and 61 installed from binary package - mapserver-4.6 installed from binary package N.B. mapserver examples are running, but ./mapserv -v did not produce any output --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: Sponsor: Per i progetti che rimandi da tempo, Findomestic ti offre la soluzione ideale per te, con semplicit? e senza anticipi! Clicca e scopri come Clicca qui: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Jan 20 07:19:54 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:19:54 -0500 Subject: GEOS integration questions In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I Updated the php wrapper for this support. Details in for more details. example of usage : containsShape($shape2)) echo "1\n"; else echo "0\n"; if ($shape2->containsShape($shape1)) echo "1\n"; else echo "0\n"; if ($shape2->containsShape($shape2)) echo "1\n"; else echo "0\n"; ?> Later, Stephen Lime wrote: >Well, a nice bottle of scotch would be a good start. ;-) > >For grins I added the conains operator to the geos wrapper and to Swig-based >mapscript. That support is in CVS head (not 4.8, too late for that, sorry). >I hesitate to touch the PHP wrapper though. You'll have to convince one of >the other developers to make that change (or have them ok me doing it). > >Anyway in a language like Perl you can do: > >shape1 = mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT('POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 2.0, 2.0 2.0, >2.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0))') or die("Shape 1: ". mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n") >."\n"); >$shape2 = mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT('POLYGON((0.5 0.5,0.5 1.5,1.5 1.5,1.5 >0.5,0.5 0.5))') or die("Shape 2:". mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n") ."\n"); > >print $shape1->contains($shape2) ."\n"; >print $shape2->contains($shape1) ."\n"; >print $shape2->contains($shape2) ."\n"; > >Which outputs: > >1 >0 >1 > >as expected. This is only exposing the operator. Nothing is itegrated into >the MapServer query functions. However, in MapScript you could: > >1) use the bounds of shape 1 to do a rect-based query and then >2) loop through the result set doing contains > >I'm not going to do a full implementation of GEOS until I convert the cpp >interface to c (sometime soon). However, it seems like contains might be >interesting to folks in the meantime so... > >Steve > >On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:21:26 -0600, Mark Adams wrote: > > > >>This is a timely discussion for me. I urgently need to provide support for >>a "contains" query specifically in an application I am developing (other >>GEOS supported operators would be great, but the contains query is >>critical). What would it take to add this functionality into mapserver and >>mapscript? (We use PHP Mapscript here.) >> >>Thanks. >> >>------------------------------ >>Mark Adams >>Senior Analyst & Project Manager >>Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) >>5230 South Service Road >>Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 >>Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 >>Fax: 905-333-0455 >>Email: mark.adams at >> >> >>On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:34:39 -0600, Steve Lime >> wrote: >> >> >> >>>The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >>>want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >>>that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there >>> >>> >>specific >> >> >>>operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me know >>>if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. >>> >>>A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at >>> >>> >> >> >> >>>As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators that >>>work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via the >>> >>> >>PROCESSING >> >> >>>block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way you >>>could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular >>> >>> >>layer as >> >> >>>they are read from the data source- for any data source. >>> >>>Steve >>> >>> >>> >>>>>>listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>Hello all, >>> >>>I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >>>already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >>>only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >>>also has buffer and convexhull. >>> >>>Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >>>functions are? >>> >>>Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the >>> >>> >>mapfile? >> >> >>>Are there any docs that give some more information? >>> >>>Regards >>> >>>Norbert >>> >>> -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 20 07:34:01 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:34:01 -0500 Subject: MrSid image error In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/20/06, krishna S wrote: > Hi Frank, > thanks for your reply, when i typed the command 'gdalinfo --format > mrsid' it said that it couldnt found any such format, so i guess its the > problem with my GDAL configure with mrsid support. > > This how my nmake.opt file looks like for mrsid support > > MRSID_DIR = C:\projects\Geo_DSDK- > MRSID_INCLUDE = -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\base -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\support \ > -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\metadata \ > -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\mrsid_readers \ > -I$(MRSID_DIR)\include\j2k_readers > MRSID_LIB = $(MRSID_DIR)\lib\Release_md\lti_dsdk_dll.lib advapi32.lib > user32.lib > > Is there anything else i should add to make it work, if you want i can send > the whole nmake.opt file. Kris, The makefile entries seem ok. My guess is that you aren't using the GDAL DLL you just built, or you changed the nmake.opt file but didn't do a completely clean build (ie. nmake /f clean first). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 20 07:49:15 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:49:15 -0600 Subject: MrSid image error Message-ID: Hi Frank, I did a nmake /f clean before i compiled it. After my compilation is done when i check for mrsid format it says the format is not recognized. And when i compile the mapserver with gdal it gives me the errors which i told before. Is there anything else i need to check .... Thanks for your time .. Hari From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Fri Jan 20 08:20:48 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:20:48 -0800 Subject: ideas on load testing In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Dylan, I don't know know if it's possible to force Mapserver to save temporary copies of all its images. Perhaps someone else knows... Anyway, wouldn't it adversely affect Mapserver's performance if you saved images server side? I suspect that would skew the results of your benchmarking. You can use JMeter to save the images it receives from Mapserver. To the "Thread Group", add a "Post Processor" called "Save Responses to a file". Done. Brock Dylan Beaudette wrote: >Thanks Brock, > >I downloaded jmeter, and it works well. however i am having the same problem >where a stress test to a mapserver application: > > > >performs as expected, however mapserver generates no images in its temp >directory... > >am i doing something wrong here? > >thanks! > >On Thursday 19 January 2006 04:10 pm, Brock Anderson wrote: > > >>Dylan, >> >>I suggest JMeter. It was designed to load test resources, including >>HTTP resources like Mapserver. In fact, I have used it several times >>for precisely that purpose. It's open source, and written in Java. You >>can get it here: >> >> >> >>JMeter has lots of neat features built in, but it's not too hard to add >>custom functionality if required. >> >>Brock >> >>Dylan Beaudette wrote: >> >> >>>Greetings: >>> >>>I am looking into a couple ways of load testing my mapserver application. >>>I have tried using 'flood' from the apache set of tools, however I cannot >>>seem to get it to work properly... >>> >>>Any thoughts on other load testing apps? >>> >>>thanks! >>> >>> > > > From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 20 08:25:05 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:25:05 -0600 Subject: Source for TrueType font for Road Signs. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I found this one too, but I'm actually looking for these types of signs for an Inventory/Maintenance layer: Looks like I may need to make my own set. bobb Flavio Hendry wrote: >Hi Bob > > > >>Anyone know of a pointer to a TT font for Road Signs? Warning, >>Informational, Regulatory. >> >> > >there is one signs font file on > >Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards >Flavio Hendry > >---------------------------------------------------------------- >TYDAC NEWS >---------------------------------------------------------------- >############ Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards >############ mailto:flavio at >############ TYDAC AG - >#### #### Geographic Information Solutions >#### #### Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern >############ Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 >---------------------------------------------------------------- > > > From holmand24 at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 08:34:16 2006 From: holmand24 at GMAIL.COM (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Holmand_Dar=EDo_Villalba_Barajas?=) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:34:16 -0500 Subject: help with full extend Message-ID: how do the full extend in my aplication. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Jan 20 08:36:26 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:36:26 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: Thanks for doing that Assefa! >>> Yewondwossen Assefa 01/20/06 9:19 AM >>> I Updated the php wrapper for this support. Details in for more details. example of usage : containsShape($shape2)) echo "1\n"; else echo "0\n"; if ($shape2->containsShape($shape1)) echo "1\n"; else echo "0\n"; if ($shape2->containsShape($shape2)) echo "1\n"; else echo "0\n"; ?> Later, Stephen Lime wrote: >Well, a nice bottle of scotch would be a good start. ;-) > >For grins I added the conains operator to the geos wrapper and to Swig-based >mapscript. That support is in CVS head (not 4.8, too late for that, sorry). >I hesitate to touch the PHP wrapper though. You'll have to convince one of >the other developers to make that change (or have them ok me doing it). > >Anyway in a language like Perl you can do: > >shape1 = mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT('POLYGON((0.0 0.0, 0.0 2.0, 2.0 2.0, >2.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0))') or die("Shape 1: ". mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n") >."\n"); >$shape2 = mapscript::shapeObj::fromWKT('POLYGON((0.5 0.5,0.5 1.5,1.5 1.5,1.5 >0.5,0.5 0.5))') or die("Shape 2:". mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n") ."\n"); > >print $shape1->contains($shape2) ."\n"; >print $shape2->contains($shape1) ."\n"; >print $shape2->contains($shape2) ."\n"; > >Which outputs: > >1 >0 >1 > >as expected. This is only exposing the operator. Nothing is itegrated into >the MapServer query functions. However, in MapScript you could: > >1) use the bounds of shape 1 to do a rect-based query and then >2) loop through the result set doing contains > >I'm not going to do a full implementation of GEOS until I convert the cpp >interface to c (sometime soon). However, it seems like contains might be >interesting to folks in the meantime so... > >Steve > >On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:21:26 -0600, Mark Adams wrote: > > > >>This is a timely discussion for me. I urgently need to provide support for >>a "contains" query specifically in an application I am developing (other >>GEOS supported operators would be great, but the contains query is >>critical). What would it take to add this functionality into mapserver and >>mapscript? (We use PHP Mapscript here.) >> >>Thanks. >> >>------------------------------ >>Mark Adams >>Senior Analyst & Project Manager >>Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) >>5230 South Service Road >>Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 >>Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 >>Fax: 905-333-0455 >>Email: mark.adams at >> >> >>On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 10:34:39 -0600, Steve Lime >> wrote: >> >> >> >>>The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >>>want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >>>that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there >>> >>> >>specific >> >> >>>operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me know >>>if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. >>> >>>A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at >>> >>> >> >> >> >>>As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators that >>>work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via the >>> >>> >>PROCESSING >> >> >>>block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way you >>>could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular >>> >>> >>layer as >> >> >>>they are read from the data source- for any data source. >>> >>>Steve >>> >>> >>> >>>>>>listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>Hello all, >>> >>>I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >>>already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >>>only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >>>also has buffer and convexhull. >>> >>>Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >>>functions are? >>> >>>Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the >>> >>> >>mapfile? >> >> >>>Are there any docs that give some more information? >>> >>>Regards >>> >>>Norbert >>> >>> -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Fri Jan 20 08:56:28 2006 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:56:28 -0600 Subject: Help Please on Map File Message-ID: Here is what I have I have a database with the following Fields Values Category 'TS' 'H1' 'H2' 'H3' 'H4' 'H5' ENSOPhase 'El Nino' 'La Nina' 'Neutral' Major 'Major' 'Minor' I know how to filter using the CLASSITEM "CATERGORY" CLASS EXPRESSION /H1/ What I need to do is filter by ENSOPhase and Major as well as by Category ie.layer #1 'TS' 'El Nino' 'Minor' 'H2' 'El Nino' 'Minor' or layer #2 'H4' 'La Nina' 'Major' 'H3' 'La Nina' 'Major' I build my symbology off the Category Column From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Jan 20 09:02:35 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:02:35 -0600 Subject: How to remove a point from a shape file Message-ID: Shapefiles really aren't built for transactional use. I believe you have to basically write a new file without the point you want to remove. Steve >>> Gianfranco Brescia 01/20/06 8:04 AM >>> There is a method to remove a point from a shape file, using phpmapscript? From vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT Fri Jan 20 09:14:21 2006 From: vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT (Vito Meuli) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 18:14:21 +0100 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Jeff! I'd really appreciate your help! I'm sending you an archive with the most streamlined mapfile I can write that still reproduce my problem, along with the shapefiles and other stuff it needs to work (the mailing list will not get the attached file). The mapfile is almos 400 lines long, so I'll post it on the list only if needed. It seems that even if I modify a single character in the mapfile, the problem goes away! Even the IMAGEURL seems to trigger the problem! If I let it be IMAGEURL "/tmp/" then the problems goes away! It seems to be somewhat random... The map file is named and I use a strange couple of files as templates, one for the map, template.xml, and one for the HTML legend, legenda.html. They are needed for a J2EE application that encapsulates Mapserver. Normally I test the problem executing directly mapserver from the browser with an address like: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv-4.6.1?map=/varGIS/sanpancraziotest/ and I should get from the template a long list of text and tiny images that will go in the legend, like: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11377746807088 /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377746807088.png /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_ref11377746807088.png /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377746807088.png 76496.163158 2749173.047250 4470954.175000 2770761.952750 4487125.825000 800 600 -1.000000 -1.000000 Piano di Fabbricazione Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strada di P.R.G. [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Centro Storico [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Edilizia esistente [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Semintensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Direzionale [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Estensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona per Artigianato [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Industriale [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Agricola [metadata name=visibilita] Edifici e costruzioni Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Albero isolato [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Punti quotati a terra [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota colmo tetto [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota colmo tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota gronda tetto [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota gronda tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto piano [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto piano manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto torrino [metadata name=visibilita] Sistema mobilita' Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Rete ferroviaria FSE [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade provinciali [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade statali [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade comunali [metadata name=visibilita] Elementi cartografici Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Marciapiedi [metadata name=visibilita] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Instead, when there is the problem, I do not get the legend part, like the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11377736317029 /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377736317029.png /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_ref11377736317029.png /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377736317029.png 76305.159315 2749200.000000 4470964.375000 2770735.000000 4487115.625000 800 600 -1.000000 -1.000000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- and no error message. I get the same problem with the CGI-BIN mapserver 4.6.1 and 4.4.2. No problem with 4.2.3 and 4.2.5, that unfortunately have other bugs. I compiled mapserver 4.6.1 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, and I compiled all these libraries and programs: zlib-1.2.3 proj-4.4.9 libpng-1.2.8-config jpeg-6b tiff-3.7.4 libgeotiff-1.2.2 freetype-2.1.10 gd-2.0.33 geos-2.1.4 postgresql-8.0.4 postgis-1.0.4 ecwsdk-3.1.25 (not compiled by me) gdal-1.3.1 fcgi-2.4.0 mod_fastcgi-2.4.2 The configure command was like this: ./configure \ --with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config \ --with-zlib=/usr/local \ --with-png=/usr/local \ --with-jpeg=/usr/local \ --with-gd=/usr/local \ --with-proj=/usr/local \ --with-threads \ --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config \ --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ --with-tiff=/usr/local \ --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config \ --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ --with-wfs \ --with-wcs \ --with-wmsclient \ --with-wfsclient \ --with-fastcgi=/usr/local I hope you can manage to discover the cause of this problem. Thanks a lot! Cheers, Vito Meuli Alle 21:25, venerd? 13 gennaio 2006, hai scritto: > Hi Vito, > > I'm not sure either what is going on in your case (although i'm not a > developer). The best i can offer is to test it for you, so if you make > your test as streamlined as possible (create the smallest mapfile that > you can to reproduce your problem, with the fewest amount of > layers/classes/groups) i can try it for you. > > jeff > From bpederse at NATURE.BERKELEY.EDU Fri Jan 20 09:34:37 2006 From: bpederse at NATURE.BERKELEY.EDU (Brent Pedersen) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:34:37 -0800 Subject: adjacent poly's overlap Message-ID: hi, i'm trying to display the outline's of a polygon layer where each polygon is color code by a CLASS type. the problem is that most of these polygons share a border. the problem is visible here: >> >> (ignore the circle) i tried (after some postgis help) to use buffer, but that is slow and not exactly what i want. is there a way to get the inner boundary of a polygon to display in mapserver to avoid this overlap? thanks, -brent From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Fri Jan 20 09:35:22 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:35:22 -0600 Subject: Help Please on Map File In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Gary, You'll need to use logical expressions to use multiple fields from your table: LAYER #1 ... CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'TS' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'El Nino' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Minor') END CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'H2' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'El Nino' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Minor') END END # Layer 1 LAYER #2 ... CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'H4' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'La Nina' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Major') END CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'H3' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'La Nina' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Major') END END # Layer 2 More info on expressions here: Cheers! Perry On Friday 20 January 2006 10:56, Gary Watry wrote: > Here is what I have > I have a database with the following > Fields Values > Category 'TS' 'H1' 'H2' 'H3' 'H4' 'H5' > ENSOPhase 'El Nino' 'La Nina' 'Neutral' > Major 'Major' 'Minor' > > I know how to filter using the > > CLASSITEM "CATERGORY" > > CLASS > EXPRESSION /H1/ > > What I need to do is filter by ENSOPhase and Major as well as by Category > ie.layer #1 > 'TS' 'El Nino' 'Minor' > 'H2' 'El Nino' 'Minor' > > or layer #2 > 'H4' 'La Nina' 'Major' > 'H3' 'La Nina' 'Major' > > I build my symbology off the Category Column -- Pericles S. Nacionales Conservation Biology Program University of Minnesota e-mail: naci0002 at From markadams at CUESTASYS.COM Fri Jan 20 09:55:36 2006 From: markadams at CUESTASYS.COM (Mark Adams) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:55:36 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: Steve and Assefa, Thanks both of you for the very prompt support! In "selling" mapserver to potential users and clients the most common fear I have to address is that the mapserver community can't provide the kind of support that big commercial companies provide. This exchange goes to prove that the opposite is true.... Cheers. ------------------------------ Mark Adams Senior Analyst & Project Manager Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 Fax: 905-333-0455 Email: mark.adams at From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 10:19:20 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:19:20 -0800 Subject: raster maps and mapserver In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Yes it is possible to set up direct grass raster support in mapserver. Grass support is obtained through GDAL so if gdal supports grass, then mapserver will too. You might be able to find an rpm for the gdal-grass plugin. If you type "gdalinfo --formats" and you see GRASS, you'll know its working. You can access the rasters in mapserver by setting your DATA parameter to "/location/mapset/cellhd/rastername" matt On 1/20/06, Alexia81 wrote: > Hi! > > How can i view raster map with mapserver directly from grass location > without creating GEOTIF images? > My rasters are contains float data. > > Configuration: > - Fedora core 3 > - grass60 and 61 installed from binary package > - mapserver-4.6 installed from binary package > > N.B. mapserver examples are running, but ./mapserv -v did not produce any > output > -- >, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: > > Sponsor: > Per i progetti che rimandi da tempo, Findomestic ti offre la soluzione > ideale per te, con semplicit? e senza anticipi! Clicca e scopri come > Clicca qui: > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Jan 20 10:38:44 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:38:44 -0600 Subject: adjacent poly's overlap Message-ID: There is a modification submitted by MapMedia that may be what you need. It allows for inside vs. outside symbolization. I have not committed this to CVS as yet (it was part of a larger package of additions) so it is not in 4.8. I will be included in 4.10. I can try to add that to CVS over the weekend but no promises. Steve >>> Brent Pedersen 01/20/06 11:34 AM >>> hi, i'm trying to display the outline's of a polygon layer where each polygon is color code by a CLASS type. the problem is that most of these polygons share a border. the problem is visible here: >> >> (ignore the circle) i tried (after some postgis help) to use buffer, but that is slow and not exactly what i want. is there a way to get the inner boundary of a polygon to display in mapserver to avoid this overlap? thanks, -brent From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Fri Jan 20 10:40:00 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:40:00 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: You're quite welcome. Please let us know how it works, since as you can tell our test case was very, very simple. Steve >>> Mark Adams 01/20/06 11:55 AM >>> Steve and Assefa, Thanks both of you for the very prompt support! In "selling" mapserver to potential users and clients the most common fear I have to address is that the mapserver community can't provide the kind of support that big commercial companies provide. This exchange goes to prove that the opposite is true.... Cheers. ------------------------------ Mark Adams Senior Analyst & Project Manager Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada) 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 Phone: 905-333-4544 x14 Fax: 905-333-0455 Email: mark.adams at From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 11:31:23 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:31:23 -0800 Subject: to color a raster image In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Mauricio, On 1/20/06, Mauricio Stange H. wrote: > It is possible to color a gray scale raster image with mapserver?? As Frank said, you can use raster CLASSES to colorize a greyscale raster. I would add, though, that if you have a significant number of classes, it can be really slow. If you just want to do 5 or 10 color ranges, you can use classes just fine. Any more than that and I would suggest pre-processing by creating a colorized tiff. I have used GRASS to colorize the raster with r.colors then export to tiff with good results. -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From kevin at PEOPLEGIS.COM Fri Jan 20 12:32:36 2006 From: kevin at PEOPLEGIS.COM (Kevin Flanders) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:32:36 -0500 Subject: mapping xy tables directly Message-ID: Can anyone provide a quick description of how I can map xy tables directly? Kevin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM Fri Jan 20 12:53:24 2006 From: bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM (Fischer, Brian) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 14:53:24 -0600 Subject: mapping xy tables directly Message-ID: Hi Kevin, we are using an access database with the OGR OVF support to display points out of a database table. Simply create an OBDC System DSN connection to the dateabase, create your layer in the mapfile and .ovf file. Then you use the layer just like you normally would with MapServer. I provided an example of the layer in the mapfile and ovf file. How this helps. Brian Here is the layer file: LAYER NAME permits_062405 STATUS OFF TYPE POINT CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "permits.ovf" DATA "permits_062405" HEADER permitheader.html TEMPLATE permitresults.html FOOTER permitfooter.html MAXSCALE 1250000 SYMBOLSCALE 50000 LABELMAXSCALE 100000 LABELITEM 'PERMIT_NUM' CLASSITEM 'YEAR' CLASS NAME "2005 Permits" EXPRESSION '2005' SYMBOL 'star' COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 9 MINSIZE 9 MAXSIZE 12 END END Here is the ovf file: ODBC:RLWDPERMITS,RLWD_Permits RLWD_Permits wkbPoint Brian Fischer Houston Engineering, Inc. Maple Grove, MN (763) 493-4522 ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Kevin Flanders Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 2:33 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapping xy tables directly Can anyone provide a quick description of how I can map xy tables directly? Kevin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Fri Jan 20 13:08:49 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:08:49 -0600 Subject: MAPSERVER-USERS Digest In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Kari, all, I reserved room 220a in Green Hall for this meeting. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. What better way to start the TCMUG year than to talk about bug things. ;) See you all on Tuesday, 5:00pm in 220a Green Hall. -Perry On Wednesday 21 December 2005 09:05, Kari Geurts wrote: > Hello MapServer Users, > > I would also like to give a big THANK YOU to Howard and Jeff for making > the new website possible and so terrific! This effort took a tremendous > amount of their time. Thanks also to all those who contributed to this > effort. I believe the new site will benefit the user community and > foster greater community involvement. > > Have a happy holiday. > Kari -- Pericles S. Nacionales Conservation Biology Program University of Minnesota e-mail: naci0002 at From bill at BINKO.NET Fri Jan 20 13:57:16 2006 From: bill at BINKO.NET (Bill Binko) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:57:16 -0500 Subject: Kernel Density Mapping? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Brent, Thanks for the info. I will certainly look at the R tools: I was unaware of an S replacement (it's been years since I've seen S). It does seem (from what little research I've done) that these R tools will generate images, and not shapefiles. I am primarily like to take Point datasets, and generate polygon datasets. I suppose I could take R, generate rasters, and then use gdal_contour to generate the vectors? However, I am willing (and probably capable) of writing a tool that can process the points, run the kernel function and generate the resulting contours directly. Does anyone know where I can find a good description of the algorithm and/or some sample code for it? Perhaps one of the professors out there? Of course, if I did so, I'd be happy to push it back to the community. Bill Brent Wood wrote: >--- Bill Binko wrote: > > > >>Hi everyone, >> >>[I've been sidelined recently battling some painful bugs in GDAL, >>Mapserver, and several raster libs, so I've been putting off some more >>general questions I'd love to pose to the list. This is my first, but >>I'll probably send several tonight (sorry to flood).] >> >>I'm interested in creating "kernel method" density maps using vector >>point data. >> >> > >Look at R for this sort of thing, I know several fisheries modellers using R >for kernel density analyses. R/PostGIS/GRASS/QGIS/mapserver (with Proj.4, GDAL, >GEOS, etc...) all work pretty well together to support such work as an Open >Source suite. > >See: > > >For a more general list of R functions, > > >and for general R spatial packages/info, > > > > >Hope this helps.... > > Brent Wood > > > > From kevin at PEOPLEGIS.COM Fri Jan 20 13:58:12 2006 From: kevin at PEOPLEGIS.COM (Kevin Flanders) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:58:12 -0500 Subject: xy table Message-ID: Can a simple dbf table with xy values be mapped directly in Mapserver? Kevin Flanders, Pres. PeopleGIS Inc. Creators of MapsOnline 281 Summer Street Somerville, MA 02144 p 617.625.3608 f 617.947.9479 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lucamarle at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 20 14:22:47 2006 From: lucamarle at GMAIL.COM (luca marletta) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 23:22:47 +0100 Subject: How to include text from a shape into the dbf of onother shape Message-ID: Hi List. I have this problem and I'd like to receive your good advises and suggestions. I have a polygon shape and another shape just with number of area (as text). I'd like to find a way to join the text into the area that contains it as dbf field. It's a common problem I guess when you have some areas and codes as labels on them. I could also use postresql if it needs. In your opinion what is the easy and quick way to perform this transformation for a lot of areas? thanks a lot luca -- luca marletta From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Fri Jan 20 14:53:53 2006 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:53:53 -0600 Subject: Using C#: Unable to load DLL 'mapscript': The specified module could not be found. Message-ID: It is highly recommended to compile MapServer and MapScript for yourself in order to have full control over the code. If you are targeting windows I suggest to compile MapServer and MapScript (and all of the subsequent libraries) with the same development environment ie VS2003, otherwise you may run into problems like The build process should be started at Visual Studio .NET command prompt by using nmake -f at the mapserver and mapscript/csharp directory. Otherwise you may have to use vcvars32.bat to set your VC environment variables. Release (optimized) builds can be obtained by changing the compiler options by editing nmake.opt and respectively. I couldn't find out the compilation method for the files you mentioned, but I suppose some of the recent issues like typemaps for gdBuffer were missing during compilation. You should be aware of the threading issues during the development especially when creating ASP.NET applications. I think it's time to work on a more detailed howto for c# including the creation of the sample apps and debugging issues as well. Tamas On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:09:32 +0100, Eduard Witteveen wrote: >Tamas Szekeres wrote: >> I recommend that all of the dll-s belonging to your app. to be placed into >> your application's directory ie bin/Debug due to avoid further problems. It >> is not alien from the philosophy of the .NET stuff. >Which version is the best version to use for .NET development? > > >didn't work for me, however > > worked without any problems. > >(is there also a release build of this version?) > >Thanks for all the quick responses! I can now continue development! > >-- >Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen Software Engineer >Hawar Information Technology bv lid Dijkoraad Groep >De Wymerts 7 8701 WT Bolsward >Tel: +31 (0)515 570333 Fax: +31 (0)515 570335 > nl_NL fy_NL en_US From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 20 15:09:15 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 17:09:15 -0600 Subject: Data Discovery . . . Message-ID: All, Is there any way to query MapServer CGI about what scale a layer turns on/off for display? Othere than a blank image, is there a method to ask mapServer when a layer is visible (based on scale). we haven't done any of the WMS stuff yet (It's coming, but we're not there yet), I was just wondering about a short term solution to this with just MapServer. Could I use some sort of User variable in the CGI call, or possibly fake something together easily in the Mapfile to clue the client in on whether a Layer should be visible or not at a particular scale. Thanks bobb From mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU Fri Jan 20 17:18:27 2006 From: mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU (Mark Brooks) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 20:18:27 -0500 Subject: queryByPoint() on a dynamic layer Message-ID: I'm trying to queryByPoint on a dynamic point layer. The points in the layer are added from a mysql database. When I queryByPoint on this dynamic layer, the resulting shapeindex and tileindex are both -1, which is not what is expected. Here is how I ADD the points to the layer: $query = mysql_query(" mysql query... "); while ($site = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ // this draws the dynamic point $mypoint = ms_newPointObj() $mypoint -> setXY($site['lon'],$site['lat']); $mypoint->draw($map,$layer,$image,0,'name'); // this adds the feature to the layer so that it // can be queried. No results are found from a query // by only drawing it above. // Probably not the most efficient and perhaps // where I'm going wrong? $mypoint_shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $mypoint_line = ms_newLineObj(); $mypoint_line->add($mypoint); $mypoint_shape->add($mypoint_line); $stations_layer->addFeature($mypoint_shape); } Then later in my php script, this is how I query: // get coordinates to query $myclick = ms_newPointObj(); $myclick -> setXY($geo_lon,$geo_lat); // set the click point // do the query $layer -> queryByPoint($myclick,MS_MULTIPLE,100); for ($i=0; $i<$layer->getNumResults(); $i++){ $result = $layer->getResult($i); // output below shows 'shapeindex' and 'tileindex' are both -1 print_r($result); } What am I doing wrong? If I queryByPoint on any static layer, tileindex and shapeindex are good values. But on this dynamic layer, they are always -1. Any ideas? -- Mark Brooks Environmental Meteorologist State Climate Office of North Carolina Box 7236, NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7236 E-mail: mark_brooks at Phone: 919.515.1446 Fax: 919.515.1441 From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 20 21:17:30 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Blammo) Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 23:17:30 -0600 Subject: Source for TrueType font for Road Signs. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I found all these too. I did mange to come up with a partial font for Warning signs, but that's it so far. bobb Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Bob, > >I thought I saw one at the USGS also there is a Recreate.ttf font which >has some signs in it. See below. Also see esri_1.ttf > > > > >-Steve W. > >Flavio Hendry wrote: > > >>Hi Bob >> >> >> >> >>>Anyone know of a pointer to a TT font for Road Signs? Warning, >>>Informational, Regulatory. >>> >>> >>there is one signs font file on >> >>Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards >>Flavio Hendry >> >>---------------------------------------------------------------- >>TYDAC NEWS >>---------------------------------------------------------------- >>############ Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards >>############ mailto:flavio at >>############ TYDAC AG - >>#### #### Geographic Information Solutions >>#### #### Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern >>############ Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 >>---------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> >> > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ari.jolma at TKK.FI Sat Jan 21 05:35:36 2006 From: ari.jolma at TKK.FI (Ari Jolma) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 15:35:36 +0200 Subject: Kernel Density Mapping? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bill Binko kirjoitti: > Brent, > > Thanks for the info. I will certainly look at the R tools: I was > unaware of an S replacement (it's been years since I've seen S). > > It does seem (from what little research I've done) that these R tools > will generate images, and not shapefiles. > > I am primarily like to take Point datasets, and generate polygon > datasets. I suppose I could take R, generate rasters, and then use > gdal_contour to generate the vectors? > > However, I am willing (and probably capable) of writing a tool that > can process the points, run the kernel function and generate the > resulting contours directly. Does anyone know where I can find a good > description of the algorithm and/or some sample code for it? Perhaps > one of the professors out there? I have no experience with this (despite my status :-) but I believe the idea at its simplest is that the effect of the points (e.g., location of an incident, which has no area) are "spread out" using the kernel function (which has a value over some area), and thus you get a continuous function of incidents/unit area. The parameters of the kernel function are of course subjective, so visualization is used to select "the best" values. Google gave me this URL on doing spatial kernel density estimation with R: but I'd go to some handbooks to learn more. I think the use of rasters for computing the density map on is a practical thing. It is easy to compute the density at any given point but it is much more difficult to find the points where the density gets a specific value (which you would need to do if you want to compute the contours directly). Ari > > Of course, if I did so, I'd be happy to push it back to the community. > > Bill > > Brent Wood wrote: > >> --- Bill Binko wrote: >> >> >> >>> Hi everyone, >>> >>> [I've been sidelined recently battling some painful bugs in GDAL, >>> Mapserver, and several raster libs, so I've been putting off some >>> more general questions I'd love to pose to the list. This is my >>> first, but I'll probably send several tonight (sorry to flood).] >>> >>> I'm interested in creating "kernel method" density maps using vector >>> point data. >>> >> >> >> Look at R for this sort of thing, I know several fisheries modellers >> using R >> for kernel density analyses. R/PostGIS/GRASS/QGIS/mapserver (with >> Proj.4, GDAL, >> GEOS, etc...) all work pretty well together to support such work as >> an Open >> Source suite. >> >> See: >> >> >> >> For a more general list of R functions, >> >> >> and for general R spatial packages/info, >> >> >> >> >> Hope this helps.... >> >> Brent Wood >> >> >> >> -- Prof. Ari Jolma Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland Email: ari.jolma at URL: From janeks.kamerovskis at SILVA.LV Sat Jan 21 07:00:50 2006 From: janeks.kamerovskis at SILVA.LV (Janeks Kamerovskis) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 17:00:50 +0200 Subject: xy table In-Reply-To: Message-ID: It is possible to put in map with Mapserver almoust any table, by using with the OGR OVF support and ODBC. Some of table types OGR uses directly, others throught ODBC. OGR is part of Mapserver. Janeks _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Kevin Flanders Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 11:58 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] xy table Can a simple dbf table with xy values be mapped directly in Mapserver? Kevin Flanders, Pres. PeopleGIS Inc. Creators of MapsOnline 281 Summer Street Somerville, MA 02144 p 617.625.3608 f 617.947.9479 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jukka.sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM Sat Jan 21 07:24:48 2006 From: jukka.sirvio at ARBONAUT.COM (Jukka Sirvi=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F6?=) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 09:24:48 -0600 Subject: Mapserver native oracle connection should not use ORACLE_HOME -parameter Message-ID: Hello! MapServer native oracle connection uses ORACLE_HOME enviroment variable, variable should point to client installation directory. If the main database (and probaply also other oracle software, for example AS and/or Oracle Lite) reside in same hardware then this kind of use of this specific enviroment variable can cause problems. My opinion is that Mapserver should work independently from ORACLE_HOME - enviroment variable? Comment's? -Jukka S- From mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU Sat Jan 21 07:38:03 2006 From: mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU (Mark Brooks) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:38:03 -0500 Subject: queryByPoint() on a dynamic layer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Nicol, Thanks for the reply. I'm running mapserver version 4.6.1 which should not be afflicted with the bug you referenced. Maybe I'm not correctly adding the dynamic points to the layer? Mark Nicol Hermann wrote: > Hi Mark, > > what version of mapserver do you use? > Your description sound to me like bug 806 > ( > which was fixed on 2005-03-07. Is it possible that you use an older > version of mapserver? > > Nicol > > Am Freitag, den 20.01.2006, 20:18 -0500 schrieb Mark Brooks: > >>I'm trying to queryByPoint on a dynamic point layer. The points in the >>layer are added from a mysql database. When I queryByPoint on this >>dynamic layer, the resulting shapeindex and tileindex are both -1, which >>is not what is expected. >> >>Here is how I ADD the points to the layer: >>$query = mysql_query(" mysql query... "); >>while ($site = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ >> // this draws the dynamic point >> $mypoint = ms_newPointObj() >> $mypoint -> setXY($site['lon'],$site['lat']); >> $mypoint->draw($map,$layer,$image,0,'name'); >> >> // this adds the feature to the layer so that it >> // can be queried. No results are found from a query >> // by only drawing it above. >> // Probably not the most efficient and perhaps >> // where I'm going wrong? >> $mypoint_shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); >> $mypoint_line = ms_newLineObj(); >> $mypoint_line->add($mypoint); >> $mypoint_shape->add($mypoint_line); >> $stations_layer->addFeature($mypoint_shape); >>} >> >> >>Then later in my php script, this is how I query: >>// get coordinates to query >>$myclick = ms_newPointObj(); >>$myclick -> setXY($geo_lon,$geo_lat); // set the click point >> >>// do the query >>$layer -> queryByPoint($myclick,MS_MULTIPLE,100); >>for ($i=0; $i<$layer->getNumResults(); $i++){ >> $result = $layer->getResult($i); >> // output below shows 'shapeindex' and 'tileindex' are both -1 >> print_r($result); >>} >> >> >>What am I doing wrong? If I queryByPoint on any static layer, tileindex >>and shapeindex are good values. But on this dynamic layer, they are >>always -1. Any ideas? From id_maggie at YAHOO.COM Sat Jan 21 12:59:53 2006 From: id_maggie at YAHOO.COM (Maggie Ma) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 12:59:53 -0800 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows Message-ID: Dear all, I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with Unix or Windows MapServer. The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I have always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make sure that it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference then I will just stay with Windows. So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux MapServer + Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? What's the best way to start? Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions and thoughts! Maggie --------------------------------- Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Sat Jan 21 13:48:45 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 15:48:45 -0600 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Jan 21, 2006, at 2:59 PM, Maggie Ma wrote: > Dear all, > > I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a > few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look > into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with > Unix or Windows MapServer. > > The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am > not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I > have always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make > sure that it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference then > I will just stay with Windows. > > So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux MapServer > + Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? > > What's the best way to start? Unless you have any reason to switch (a specific tech that is available on one OS but not on the other; pointy-haired-boss, etc.), stay with the operating system that you know and are comfortable with. That way you will not make your life more complicated than it has to be. You will notice that MapServer runs equally competently on whatever platform you choose, albeit some aspects of it (SWIG/MapScript) might be hobbled on Windows. Most Windows folks seem to go with PHP anyway, and there is a pretty active following of that. That said, you are mixing some technologies here. Are you planning to leverage ArcGIS somehow? I am curious as to why you are mentioning ArcGIS and MapServer in the same sentence. -- Puneet Kishor From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Sat Jan 21 17:02:20 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 19:02:20 -0600 Subject: query results in new window In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Steve, Thanks a lot, it is working ! Carola > -----Original Message----- > From: Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:31 PM > To: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] query results in new window > > Assuming you are using the CGI version of MapServer you need > to do something when the form is submitted, that is use the > onSubmit handler. That would simply call a bit of javascript > that would detect whether the user was in a query mode or > not. If in query mode then open a new window with > (you can set scollbars, size and all that with that method) > and set the to the window you just created. The > MapServer demo does something similar but with a framed interface: > > > > Choose the "adds frames" example and view the source for the > upper frame and checkout the submit_form() function. It's > pretty close to what you need. Just open the window first and > set the form target appropriately. > > Steve > > >>> Carola Jesch 01/19/06 3:33 PM >>> > Does nobody know an answer? Please help. > > Carola > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Carola Jesch [mailto:cjesch at] > > Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:54 AM > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Subject: getting the URL for > > > > Hi, > > I am trying to figure out how to get query results displayed in a > > second window and to give this new window some parameters like size > > and scrollbars. I found Javascript for > > new.window() function and it works well, but I haven't been able to > > figure out how the javascript fits with MapServer. > > How can I get the dynamic MapServer URL that is needed to > display the > > query results in that new window? I can do queries with > > ="_blank" but then I am not able to give this window the > look I want. > > Has anyone of you run into the same problem and can anybody > point me > > to a simple example? > > > > Thanks, Carola > > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Carola Jesch > > Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute > > Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana State > > University > > 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. > > Baton Rouge, LA,70803 > > e-mail: cjesch at > > > From id_maggie at YAHOO.COM Sat Jan 21 17:03:16 2006 From: id_maggie at YAHOO.COM (Maggie Ma) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 17:03:16 -0800 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hello Puneet, Thank you very much for your advice. The reason why I mentioned ArcGIS is because most of my spatial data, in the future, will still be generated by ArcGIS. And as I understand, MapServer is only something that will help me to display the map online. (I dont have enough knowledge about MapServer at this moment to be 100% sure about this statement tho :P) My current understanding is that I will generate maps and spatial data using ArcGIS and let MapServer to display them on the web. So I may work switching between ArcGIS and MapServer a lot. Please correct me if I am wrong. So I want to choose an OS where both ArcGIS and MapServer are installed and both work efficiently. It'd be a pain to change the platform later on, I think. Any thought? Thanks, Maggie Puneet Kishor wrote: On Jan 21, 2006, at 2:59 PM, Maggie Ma wrote: > Dear all, > > I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a > few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look > into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with > Unix or Windows MapServer. > > The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am > not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I > have always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make > sure that it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference then > I will just stay with Windows. > > So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux MapServer > + Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? > > What's the best way to start? Unless you have any reason to switch (a specific tech that is available on one OS but not on the other; pointy-haired-boss, etc.), stay with the operating system that you know and are comfortable with. That way you will not make your life more complicated than it has to be. You will notice that MapServer runs equally competently on whatever platform you choose, albeit some aspects of it (SWIG/MapScript) might be hobbled on Windows. Most Windows folks seem to go with PHP anyway, and there is a pretty active following of that. That said, you are mixing some technologies here. Are you planning to leverage ArcGIS somehow? I am curious as to why you are mentioning ArcGIS and MapServer in the same sentence. -- Puneet Kishor --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Sat Jan 21 17:10:19 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 19:10:19 -0600 Subject: Scale in querymaps Message-ID: Hi, I have an application showing about 150,000 grid cells. Every cell represents an elevation value. When you click on a cell a new window comes up showing the elevation for this cell. I implemented a querymap in this new window and everything works fine, but the selected cell in the querymap is to small to be visible. I was wondering if there is any way to make the querymap scalable? What I mean is that I can see my selected cell in a zoomed extent. I can't find any parameters in the mapfile reference. Can anybody tell me whether there is a solution? Thanks, Carola ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carola Jesch Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana State University 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA,70803 e-mail: cjesch at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Sat Jan 21 17:20:28 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 19:20:28 -0600 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Jan 21, 2006, at 7:03 PM, Maggie Ma wrote: > Hello Puneet, > > Thank you very much for your advice. > > The reason why I mentioned ArcGIS is because most of my spatial data, > in the future, will still be generated by ArcGIS. And as I understand, > MapServer is only something that will help me to display the map > online. (I dont have enough knowledge about MapServer at this moment > to be 100% sure about this statement tho :P) I thought so, and you are correct about your assumptions vis a vis MapServer. > > My current understanding is that I will generate maps and spatial > data using ArcGIS and let MapServer to display them on the web. So I > may work switching between ArcGIS and MapServer a lot. You are mostly correct. You would generate spatial data using ArcGIS. Once you have done so, you can also generate maps using ArcGIS, especially complicated cartographic products. But you will need MapServer (or, heaven forbid, that other map server) to display that data on the web. If your GIS data are in Shapefile format, you can use them with MapServer on Windows or *nix or Mac OS X without any problem. If your data are in some other format (ArcSDE, GeoDatabase), you would have to change your approach accordingly. > > So I want to choose an OS where both ArcGIS and MapServer are > installed and both work efficiently. It'd be a pain to change the > platform later on, I think. > My original advice still stands. The biggest source of inefficiency is going to be you, the author/manager/administrator of the system. You can minimize that inefficiency by working with the operating system and platform that you are most comfortable with, unless some special circumstances dictate your choice. Windows should be just as fine as any other platform as long as you are aware of its limitations -- unless you are comfortable with compiling, and have a compiler, you will likely depend on binaries compiled by others. They are usually freely available, and if you have special needs, probably someone somewhere will happily help you. Also, keep in mind, MapScript support may be limited, but as I said, most Windows folks seem to work with PHP for creating their web apps. Of course, you can create pretty good web apps without a stitch of MapScript -- the galleria has some fine examples of pure CGI apps, with some very clever DHTML/CSS front-ends. The *nix world brings its own goodies. Every machine has all the compilers you usually need, you are expected to "roll your own," and you have generally more control over how things work. Stay with what you know, learn the ins and outs, create smashing applications, and you can always migrate later. > Puneet Kishor wrote: >> >> > Dear all, >> > >> > I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a >> > few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to >> look >> > into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with >> > Unix or Windows MapServer. >> > >> > The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am >> > not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I >> > have always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make >> > sure that it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference >> then >> > I will just stay with Windows. >> > >> > So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux >> MapServer >> > + Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? >> > >> > What's the best way to start? >> >> Unless you have any reason to switch (a specific tech that is >> available >> on one OS but not on the other; pointy-haired-boss, etc.), stay with >> the operating system that you know and are comfortable with. That way >> you will not make your life more complicated than it has to be. You >> will notice that MapServer runs equally competently on whatever >> platform you choose, albeit some aspects of it (SWIG/MapScript) might >> be hobbled on Windows. Most Windows folks seem to go with PHP anyway, >> and there is a pretty active following of that. >> >> That said, you are mixing some technologies here. Are you planning to >> leverage ArcGIS somehow? I am curious as to why you are mentioning >> ArcGIS and MapServer in the same sentence. -- Puneet Kishor From kenlord at GMAIL.COM Sat Jan 21 18:23:18 2006 From: kenlord at GMAIL.COM (Ken Lord) Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 18:23:18 -0800 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: If it suits your needs, you can also use ESRI Personal Geodatabases as a spatial data source with the recent versions of mapserver (with GDAL1.3.1), through the OGR connection, thanks to additions to the code by Frank Warmerdam a few months ago. Cheers, Ken On 1/21/06, Puneet Kishor wrote: > On Jan 21, 2006, at 7:03 PM, Maggie Ma wrote: > > > Hello Puneet, > > > > Thank you very much for your advice. > > > > The reason why I mentioned ArcGIS is because most of my spatial data, > > in the future, will still be generated by ArcGIS. And as I understand, > > MapServer is only something that will help me to display the map > > online. (I dont have enough knowledge about MapServer at this moment > > to be 100% sure about this statement tho :P) > > I thought so, and you are correct about your assumptions vis a vis > MapServer. > > > > > My current understanding is that I will generate maps and spatial > > data using ArcGIS and let MapServer to display them on the web. So I > > may work switching between ArcGIS and MapServer a lot. > > You are mostly correct. You would generate spatial data using ArcGIS. > Once you have done so, you can also generate maps using ArcGIS, > especially complicated cartographic products. But you will need > MapServer (or, heaven forbid, that other map server) to display that > data on the web. If your GIS data are in Shapefile format, you can use > them with MapServer on Windows or *nix or Mac OS X without any problem. > If your data are in some other format (ArcSDE, GeoDatabase), you would > have to change your approach accordingly. > > > > > So I want to choose an OS where both ArcGIS and MapServer are > > installed and both work efficiently. It'd be a pain to change the > > platform later on, I think. > > > > My original advice still stands. The biggest source of inefficiency is > going to be you, the author/manager/administrator of the system. You > can minimize that inefficiency by working with the operating system and > platform that you are most comfortable with, unless some special > circumstances dictate your choice. > > Windows should be just as fine as any other platform as long as you are > aware of its limitations -- unless you are comfortable with compiling, > and have a compiler, you will likely depend on binaries compiled by > others. They are usually freely available, and if you have special > needs, probably someone somewhere will happily help you. Also, keep in > mind, MapScript support may be limited, but as I said, most Windows > folks seem to work with PHP for creating their web apps. Of course, you > can create pretty good web apps without a stitch of MapScript -- the > galleria has some fine examples of pure CGI apps, with some very clever > DHTML/CSS front-ends. > > The *nix world brings its own goodies. Every machine has all the > compilers you usually need, you are expected to "roll your own," and > you have generally more control over how things work. > > Stay with what you know, learn the ins and outs, create smashing > applications, and you can always migrate later. > > > > Puneet Kishor wrote: > >> > >> > Dear all, > >> > > >> > I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a > >> > few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to > >> look > >> > into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with > >> > Unix or Windows MapServer. > >> > > >> > The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am > >> > not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I > >> > have always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make > >> > sure that it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference > >> then > >> > I will just stay with Windows. > >> > > >> > So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux > >> MapServer > >> > + Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? > >> > > >> > What's the best way to start? > >> > >> Unless you have any reason to switch (a specific tech that is > >> available > >> on one OS but not on the other; pointy-haired-boss, etc.), stay with > >> the operating system that you know and are comfortable with. That way > >> you will not make your life more complicated than it has to be. You > >> will notice that MapServer runs equally competently on whatever > >> platform you choose, albeit some aspects of it (SWIG/MapScript) might > >> be hobbled on Windows. Most Windows folks seem to go with PHP anyway, > >> and there is a pretty active following of that. > >> > >> That said, you are mixing some technologies here. Are you planning to > >> leverage ArcGIS somehow? I am curious as to why you are mentioning > >> ArcGIS and MapServer in the same sentence. > > > -- > Puneet Kishor > From holzmeier at CONTERRA.DE Sun Jan 22 00:39:48 2006 From: holzmeier at CONTERRA.DE (Richard Holzmeier) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 02:39:48 -0600 Subject: WFS GetFeature (Post) - error: no template Message-ID: Hi, my WFS always returns an error message [mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided] to valid (Post) GetFeature requests. The same server creates valid responses to (Get) GetFeature requests. The problem occurs wether the url-param "map" is set or not (hidden via wrapper script). Any idea? Regards, Richard Server error message: MapServer Message mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided.
From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Sun Jan 22 06:50:24 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jeff=20McKenna?=) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 09:50:24 -0500 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows Message-ID: For a new user here's what I recommend: a) try styling the MapServer map (called a .map file) right in ArcGIS with the Amein! extension: If you have ArcView 3.x use the GIX export tool ( to export your View as a .map file. Otherwise you will be styling your data in a text editor (most of us do that but it's not easy for a beginner) b) If you're on Windows, use MS4W ( - it will get you going easy. jeff > -------Original Message------- > From: Maggie Ma > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows > Sent: 21 Jan '06 15:59 > > Dear all, > > I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a few > years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look into > MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with Unix or > Windows MapServer. > > The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am not > afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I have always > been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make sure that it worths > it to switch. If it wont make much difference then I will just stay with > Windows. > > So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux MapServer + > Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? > > What's the best way to start? > > Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions and thoughts! > > Maggie > > From abernatj at COX.NET Sun Jan 22 08:02:53 2006 From: abernatj at COX.NET (Andy Bernat) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 11:02:53 -0500 Subject: Workshop demos not working Message-ID: Greetings, I just installed mapserver 4.6.2 (on SuSE 9.3) and I'm having trouble getting the Workshop demos running. When I select the first four demos (basic, add second scale bar, add pan controls, and add frames, the page I get has a big grey box where the map should be. However, the last demo, dhtml rubber-band box, works just fine. Any suggestions will be gratefully appreciated. Andy From kenlord at GMAIL.COM Sun Jan 22 17:22:18 2006 From: kenlord at GMAIL.COM (Ken Lord) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 17:22:18 -0800 Subject: [MSF-Discuss] "MapGuide Open Source" is the new name for MapServerEnterprise In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you Gary and Autodesk. I appreciate that you have been able to make the name change. I think the new name for the Autodesk product better reflects it's lineage and where you are taking it. Now we can move onwards and upwards with the new foundation, to everyone's benefit. Cheers, Ken Lord Vancouver BC On 1/22/06, Bill Binko wrote: > Gary, > > Thank you for making this change. I think you will find that the > community will be very receptive and appreciative of the effort you've > gone through on this. I know that (for what it's worth), I will now be > downloading you new contributions and seeing how they will fit into our > goals. > > Thanks again, > Bill > > > A few weeks ago I mentioned that Autodesk would change the name of our > web mapping server. > > > > We are formally changing the name of our open source project to > > "MapGuide Open Source" in response to feedback from the community. Our > commercial software products will also leverage the MapGuide name. > > > > Thanks, > > > > Gary > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > discuss mailing list > discuss at > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Sun Jan 22 19:13:48 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 21:13:48 -0600 Subject: Mapserver native oracle connection should not use ORACLE_HOME -parameter Message-ID: In my experience (of 2 days) the Oracle Spatial support build process works best with it but with a quick hack of the Makefile you can work around that. The build problem is a known issue and there's bug related to this already filed (1470). That bug contains the build workaround. Once built the support doesn't need ORACLE_HOME. Steve >>> Jukka Sirvi? 01/21/06 9:24 AM >>> Hello! MapServer native oracle connection uses ORACLE_HOME enviroment variable, variable should point to client installation directory. If the main database (and probaply also other oracle software, for example AS and/or Oracle Lite) reside in same hardware then this kind of use of this specific enviroment variable can cause problems. My opinion is that Mapserver should work independently from ORACLE_HOME - enviroment variable? Comment's? -Jukka S- From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Sun Jan 22 19:17:59 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 21:17:59 -0600 Subject: Data Discovery . . . Message-ID: Actually HTML legends now expose that information for the same purpose. You can get at layer and class minscale/maxscale values through the HTML layer template. We've been using them to write javascript for use with AJAX to build DHTML legends. You could certainly write out more general metadata (XML or whatever). This is new as of 4.8 and Jeff has kindly updated the documentation to reflect these new tags. Steve >>> Bob Basques 01/20/06 5:09 PM >>> All, Is there any way to query MapServer CGI about what scale a layer turns on/off for display? Othere than a blank image, is there a method to ask mapServer when a layer is visible (based on scale). we haven't done any of the WMS stuff yet (It's coming, but we're not there yet), I was just wondering about a short term solution to this with just MapServer. Could I use some sort of User variable in the CGI call, or possibly fake something together easily in the Mapfile to clue the client in on whether a Layer should be visible or not at a particular scale. Thanks bobb From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Sun Jan 22 19:26:58 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 21:26:58 -0600 Subject: Scale in querymaps Message-ID: I'm sure this is fixable, but it's hard to make a suggestion without seeing the application. Typically, instead of using the query map directly you would request a new map within the query template (in an image tag) with the extent or scale you wanted based on the selected cell. There are ways to do this without even using query maps, especially if you where not hilighting the selected feature. Any chance your application is publically available. Steve >>> Carola Jesch 01/21/06 7:10 PM >>> Hi, I have an application showing about 150,000 grid cells. Every cell represents an elevation value. When you click on a cell a new window comes up showing the elevation for this cell. I implemented a querymap in this new window and everything works fine, but the selected cell in the querymap is to small to be visible. I was wondering if there is any way to make the querymap scalable? What I mean is that I can see my selected cell in a zoomed extent. I can't find any parameters in the mapfile reference. Can anybody tell me whether there is a solution? Thanks, Carola ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carola Jesch Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana State University 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA,70803 e-mail: cjesch at From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Sun Jan 22 19:30:52 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 21:30:52 -0600 Subject: WFS GetFeature (Post) - error: no template Message-ID: Richard: That's the general CGI error you get when MapServer thinks it's in browse mode but has no template to present results with. To get to that point the WFS handler must think you request was not a WFS request, so that's where I'd start. Make sure your request is valid or that the CGI is compiled with WFS server support. Feel free to post a sample request... Steve >>> Richard Holzmeier 01/22/06 2:39 AM >>> Hi, my WFS always returns an error message [mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided] to valid (Post) GetFeature requests. The same server creates valid responses to (Get) GetFeature requests. The problem occurs wether the url-param "map" is set or not (hidden via wrapper script). Any idea? Regards, Richard Server error message: MapServer Message mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided.
From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Sun Jan 22 22:10:23 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 22:10:23 -0800 Subject: WFS GetFeature (Post) - error: no templ ate Message-ID: For POST requests I always use the following type of URL to post to: http://myserver/mapserv? to make sure Mapserver sees it's WFS. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Steve Lime Verzonden: maandag 23 januari 2006 4:31 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WFS GetFeature (Post) - error: no template Richard: That's the general CGI error you get when MapServer thinks it's in browse mode but has no template to present results with. To get to that point the WFS handler must think you request was not a WFS request, so that's where I'd start. Make sure your request is valid or that the CGI is compiled with WFS server support. Feel free to post a sample request... Steve >>> Richard Holzmeier 01/22/06 2:39 AM >>> Hi, my WFS always returns an error message [mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided] to valid (Post) GetFeature requests. The same server creates valid responses to (Get) GetFeature requests. The problem occurs wether the url-param "map" is set or not (hidden via wrapper script). Any idea? Regards, Richard Server error message: MapServer Message mapserv(): Web application error. No template provided.
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When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From sparkymeister at GMAIL.COM Sun Jan 22 22:52:14 2006 From: sparkymeister at GMAIL.COM (Mark Wright) Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 22:52:14 -0800 Subject: scaling maps Message-ID: I'm having issues with the image quality of my maps. I am using topo maps which come in indexed color tiffs (from casil - When zooming in the maps lose quality as the fine lines become dotted and the text becomes nearly unreadable. This is because it resizes the tiffs without first converting them to rgb color. If I take one of the tiffs and put it into a graphics program, convert it to rgb and then scale it down the image qualty is very good (of course the geographic headers are lost). Is there anything I can do in mapserver to get these results? Mark From flavio at TYDAC.CH Mon Jan 23 01:24:27 2006 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:24:27 +0100 Subject: scaling maps In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Mark You can use the resampling function, be sure to output to JPEG or PNG24: LAYER NAME "Raster Sample" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON MAXSCALE 2500 DATA 'raster.tif' PROCESSING "RESAMPLE=AVERAGE" END Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ ? ? ?Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############? ? ? ? ? ? ?mailto:flavio at ############ ? ? ? ? TYDAC AG - #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ?Geographic Information Solutions #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ? Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ ? Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 23 02:04:45 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 02:04:45 -0800 Subject: WMS capabilities from file? Message-ID: Hi list, we all know a WMS GetCapabilities response can take a long time to be generated, which can be problematic for client applications working real-time on the GetCapabilities interface. Therefore a lot of vendors (ESRI, Ionic) store the WMS capabilities response on file. I think it would be a good idea for Mapserver to support this as well. It could be as simple as adding a new METADATA at the WEB level called wms_capabilities_file (or maybe also include the WMS version in the name of the metadata?). If this exists, Mapserver will return the file, if it does not exist, it will generate dynamically. What do others think? Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From mh at SVAJ.DK Mon Jan 23 02:11:19 2006 From: mh at SVAJ.DK (Martin Hoegh) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 04:11:19 -0600 Subject: AJAX sites Ka-boom Message-ID: Hi, Just saw this post now. I'm the developer of the wms/mapserver/postgis/wfs interface AppForMap and the next version uses ajax. You can see a preliminary demo here: It uses ajax to all map functions including editing of features. There is still some bugs in this demo version and it is not released yet but is available form cvs at /martin From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 23 02:39:00 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 02:39:00 -0800 Subject: WMS ScaleHint precision Message-ID: Hi list, we are having some issues with the precision of the ScaleHint values. For instance, we have defined a scale of 35000 in the MAP file, but when calculating scalehints back to meters (this is done in a utility which comes with Chameleon called wmsparse), we get: 34998,99841 Is there a way to fix this so the "reverse-engineered" values become more precise? Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 23 02:41:48 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 02:41:48 -0800 Subject: WMS ScaleHint precision Message-ID: Please ignore this post, the value defined in the MAP file was 34999 (and not 35000 as I thought it was) so the returned value is acceptable. Best regards, Bart > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) > Verzonden: maandag 23 januari 2006 11:39 > Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS (E-mail) > Onderwerp: WMS ScaleHint precision > > Hi list, > > we are having some issues with the precision of the ScaleHint values. For > instance, we have defined a scale of 35000 in the MAP file, but when > calculating scalehints back to meters (this is done in a utility which > comes with Chameleon called wmsparse), we get: > > 34998,99841 > > Is there a way to fix this so the "reverse-engineered" values become more > precise? > > Best regards, > Bart > > Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 23 02:58:33 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 02:58:33 -0800 Subject: mixed geometry layers Message-ID: Hi list, are there any plans for Mapserver to support mixed geometry layers (eg points, lines and polygons), assuming the attributes are the same so they belong to the same featuretype? We have a lot of datasets in which there are points, lines and polygons, and now they all have to be treated as separate layers which is very confusing for users. Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Mon Jan 23 03:12:49 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:12:49 +0100 Subject: Preferred client Message-ID: Hi all, just wanna know what's your preferred WMS (/Mapserver) client? cheers Joern From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Mon Jan 23 03:25:59 2006 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:25:59 -0200 Subject: Mapserver native oracle connection should not use ORACLE_HOME -parameter In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi folks, The environment variable is a good way how to define where the files can be found, you don't need to define a long parameter. But in Mapserver you can use two ways: ORACLE_HOME environment, or the direct path for Oracle home/libs. So you can compile the native connection without the ORACLE_HOME environment. The ORACLE_HOME can indicate Database server, Oracle Client, or IAS. For native connection you need to have, in the system, the Oracle Call Interfaces (OCI). Here in my computer I have the database and Mapserver without problems. The OCI can be found in Client, Database server, and IAS. The error that Steve related is with the Oracle Instant Client, some libraries in Instant Client is not the same as a normal (Client/Server) installation. Best regards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Lime wrote: > In my experience (of 2 days) the Oracle Spatial support build process > works best with it but with a quick hack of the Makefile you can work around that. The build problem is a known issue and there's bug related to this already filed (1470). That bug contains the build workaround. > > Once built the support doesn't need ORACLE_HOME. > > Steve > > >>>> Jukka Sirvi? 01/21/06 9:24 AM >>> >>>> > Hello! > MapServer native oracle connection uses ORACLE_HOME enviroment variable, > variable should point to client installation directory. If the main > database (and probaply also other oracle software, for example AS and/or > Oracle Lite) reside in same hardware then this kind of use of this > specific enviroment variable can cause problems. > > My opinion is that Mapserver should work independently from ORACLE_HOME - > enviroment variable? Comment's? > > -Jukka S- > > From stephane.riff at CERENE.FR Mon Jan 23 03:51:24 2006 From: stephane.riff at CERENE.FR (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane_RIFF?=) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:51:24 +0100 Subject: JPEG2000 Message-ID: Hi, Does mapserver can send JPEG2000 file to client ??? Thanks. Stephane From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 23 04:18:29 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 07:18:29 -0500 Subject: JPEG2000 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME jpeg2000 > DRIVER "JPWECW" > MIMETYPE "image/jpeg2000" > IMAGEMODE RGB > END Stephane, One correction - driver should be "GDAL/JP2ECW". Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 23 04:17:31 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 07:17:31 -0500 Subject: JPEG2000 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/23/06, St?phane RIFF wrote: > Hi, > > Does mapserver can send JPEG2000 file to client ??? Stefane, Yes, this is possible with a suitably defined outputformat declaration in your mapfile. It is also necessary that MapServer be built with GDAL support, and that GDAL be built with one of the JPEG2000 drivers that supports output. I haven't actually tested it, but I imagine a declaration like this would do the trick if you had built in the ECW SDK (as in FWTools for instance): OUTPUTFORMAT NAME jpeg2000 DRIVER "JPWECW" MIMETYPE "image/jpeg2000" IMAGEMODE RGB END I would add that most browsers do not directly support jpeg2000 yet, so having a WMS produce jpeg2000 is of limited value. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From manfred.zerndl at BVV.BAYERN.DE Mon Jan 23 04:32:21 2006 From: manfred.zerndl at BVV.BAYERN.DE (Manfred Zerndl) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 13:32:21 +0100 Subject: define outline color in dbf-file ?! Message-ID: I am looking for a way to define the outline (drawing) color of a vector layer in the DBF-File. For Labeling it is an easy task, by using the LABELITEM keyword in the mapfile. So the value of the attribute in that row is used for annotation/labeling. Is there such a way to define the color too ?! I do not want to define a long list of Expressions in the CLASS-Section, because theoretically every row in the SHP/DBF-File could have a different color and I do not want do change my map file if the shp-File changes. Thank?s a lot, Manfred From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Mon Jan 23 06:27:55 2006 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:27:55 -0500 Subject: Help Please on Map File In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: This works, I could not see the trees because the forest was blocking my view. Thanks ______________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:naci0002 at] Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 12:35 PM To: Gary Watry Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Help Please on Map File Gary, You'll need to use logical expressions to use multiple fields from your table: LAYER #1 ... CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'TS' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'El Nino' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Minor') END CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'H2' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'El Nino' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Minor') END END # Layer 1 LAYER #2 ... CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'H4' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'La Nina' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Major') END CLASS ... EXPRESSION ('[CATEGORY]' eq 'H3' and '[ENSOPHASE]' eq 'La Nina' and '[MAJOR]' eq 'Major') END END # Layer 2 More info on expressions here: Cheers! Perry On Friday 20 January 2006 10:56, Gary Watry wrote: > Here is what I have > I have a database with the following > Fields Values > Category 'TS' 'H1' 'H2' 'H3' 'H4' 'H5' > ENSOPhase 'El Nino' 'La Nina' 'Neutral' > Major 'Major' 'Minor' > > I know how to filter using the > > CLASSITEM "CATERGORY" > > CLASS > EXPRESSION /H1/ > > What I need to do is filter by ENSOPhase and Major as well as by Category > ie.layer #1 > 'TS' 'El Nino' 'Minor' > 'H2' 'El Nino' 'Minor' > > or layer #2 > 'H4' 'La Nina' 'Major' > 'H3' 'La Nina' 'Major' > > I build my symbology off the Category Column -- Pericles S. Nacionales Conservation Biology Program University of Minnesota e-mail: naci0002 at From ruthschoenbuchner at YAHOO.DE Mon Jan 23 06:37:19 2006 From: ruthschoenbuchner at YAHOO.DE (=?iso-8859-1?q?ruth=20sch=FFfffff6nbuchner?=) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:37:19 +0100 Subject: Referenzkarte Message-ID: Liebe Mapscripter und PHP-Experten, ich m?chte gerne die kleine ?bersichtskarte in meiner WebGIS-Anwendung navigierbar machen. Das hei?t, wenn man in die Referenzkarte klickt, soll sich in der gro?en Karte was ?ndern. (auf den Ausschnitt gehen oder zoomen?) Ich habe aus dem GMap herausgelesen, dass bei Klick in die Referenzkarte (?hnlich wie beim Klick in die grosse Karte) zwei Variablen (keymap_x/keymap_y) ?bergeben werden, die dann den neuen (Haupt-) Kartenmittelpunkt definieren. Hat jemand zuf?llig schonmal diesen Vorgang programmiert und kann mir Tips geben? Ich finde das Gmap-Skript n?mlich sehr un?bersichtlich und kann da nicht sehr viel rausholen? Braucht man z.B. ein extra Mapfile (laut Gmap schon) f?r die Referenzkarte und wenn ja, wie wird das, neben dem Hauptmapfile in das MapScript eingebettet? Vielen Dank f?r Anregungen...Ruth --------------------------------- Telefonieren Sie ohne weitere Kosten mit Ihren Freunden von PC zu PC! Jetzt Yahoo! Messenger installieren! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 23 06:44:44 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 08:44:44 -0600 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows Message-ID: Hi maggie, If you are going to use ArcGis and mapserver then as far as i know you might retrieve the data from the arcSDE database right (even i am a new bie to GIS stuff). If you plan on using mapserver with arcSDE them ms4w doesnt support arcSDE, you would have to build your own mapserver on a windows/linux environment and all the required prerequisites. I had a really pain full experience and a very hard time compiling mapserver on windows 2000, but after all the efforts and all the support i got i was able to compile mapserver with all the required prerequsites and was able to display the map from the arcSDE database data. I made a documentation of mapserver compile on windows, if you need it i can send it to you. --Hari From stephane.riff at CERENE.FR Mon Jan 23 07:02:23 2006 From: stephane.riff at CERENE.FR (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane_RIFF?=) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:02:23 +0100 Subject: JPEG2000 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I get JPEG2000 to work with mapserver, but by using the JASPER driver because I can't get ECW SDK to compile on redhat RS4. (I saw on ECW distrib that they suggest gcc/g++ 3.4 or higher but I only have gcc/g++ 3.3.3 : maybe that's the problem) To view the .JP2 file in mozilla/firefox/ie I have download the Morgan JPEG2000 plug-in on . Another question : Is it normal that my .jp2 files files are larger than my .png fies or do I missed some parameters ? (png ~ 400ko <-> jp2 ~ 700ko) Unfortunaly is sounds great to deal with JPEG2000 files :) Thanks Stephane Frank Warmerdam wrote: >On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > >>OUTPUTFORMAT >> NAME jpeg2000 >> DRIVER "JPWECW" >> MIMETYPE "image/jpeg2000" >> IMAGEMODE RGB >>END >> >> > >Stephane, > >One correction - driver should be "GDAL/JP2ECW". > >Best regards, >-- >---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- >I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at >light and sound - activate the windows | >and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > > > From mbrown at AL1CALL.COM Mon Jan 23 07:03:56 2006 From: mbrown at AL1CALL.COM (Matt Brown) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:03:56 -0600 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Linux ArcGIS? I thought they only had linux support for server products. I have been running mapserver and arcgis under windows for a couple of years no problem. If you are using shapefiles try ms4w, makes life easy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Maggie Ma Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:00 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows Dear all, I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with Unix or Windows MapServer. The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I have always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make sure that it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference then I will just stay with Windows. So shall I go : Windows MapServer + Windows ArcGIS or Linux MapServer + Linux ArcGIS or even Linux MapServer + Windows ArcGIS? What's the best way to start? Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions and thoughts! Maggie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 23 07:13:11 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:13:11 -0500 Subject: JPEG2000 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/23/06, St?phane RIFF wrote: > I get JPEG2000 to work with mapserver, but by using the JASPER driver > because I can't get ECW SDK to compile > on redhat RS4. (I saw on ECW distrib that they suggest gcc/g++ 3.4 or > higher but I only have gcc/g++ 3.3.3 : maybe that's the problem) Stephane, JasPer would be a good solution for "screen sized" images generally returned by WMS. > To view the .JP2 file in mozilla/firefox/ie I have download the Morgan > JPEG2000 plug-in on . > > Another question : > Is it normal that my .jp2 files files are larger than my .png fies or do > I missed some parameters ? (png ~ 400ko <-> jp2 ~ 700ko) It depends alot on the nature of the image. If there are large areas of constant value then PNG will do very well. Also, the jpeg2000 will generally be RGB while PNG may be 8bit. It looks like you can control the desired compression rate for the Jasper based JPEG2000 driver by adding a line like: FORMATOPTION "RATE=0.05" The above should (I think) attempt 95% compression making the result 0.05 times the size of the uncompressed data. By the way, I have enabled JPEG2000 support on my South American Landsat server from This is using the ECW SDK (an older FWTools). The returned results seem rather slow to me (2-3s results). I imagine that is due to the CPU time required to do the ECW compression which I believe to be substantial. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From adoyle at EOGEO.ORG Mon Jan 23 07:11:14 2006 From: adoyle at EOGEO.ORG (Allan Doyle) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:11:14 -0500 Subject: WMS capabilities from file? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bart, Try this: 1. Set up your configuration the way you want it. 2. Request a Capabilities from the WMS 3. Put that file on your web server in such a way that it is at a different URL but that the URL still looks like a Capabilities URL. 4. Advertise that new URL. All subsequent access to that URL is by file access, but it will contain the proper GET addressing so that clients will be able to access the WMS Alternate version of this: 1. Repeat 1-3 2. Set up an httpd rewrite rule that catches the Capabilities URL and redirects it to the file based one. This way any clients that are not able to access the GetMap from a different address than the GetCapabilities will still work. (This method makes it easier to catch variations on the request. You can use a regular expression that matches GetCapabilities but ignores other things) Then you can set up a cron job to update the static file using wget or curl periodically. Allan On 1/23/06, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote: > Hi list, > > we all know a WMS GetCapabilities response can take a long time to be > generated, which can be problematic for client applications working > real-time on the GetCapabilities interface. Therefore a lot of vendors > (ESRI, Ionic) store the WMS capabilities response on file. > > I think it would be a good idea for Mapserver to support this as well. It > could be as simple as adding a new METADATA at the WEB level called > wms_capabilities_file (or maybe also include the WMS version in the name of > the metadata?). If this exists, Mapserver will return the file, if it does > not exist, it will generate dynamically. > > What do others think? > > Best regards, > Bart > > > Disclaimer > ************************************************************************ > Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is > uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis > hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te > informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de > volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. > > This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. > This message is intended solely for the addressee. > If you have received this message in error, please delete it and > notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message > is correct or complete, please contact the sender. > ************************************************************************ > From svidal at SAREA.ES Mon Jan 23 08:12:43 2006 From: svidal at SAREA.ES (Salvador Vidal) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:12:43 +0100 Subject: Resolution of SWF Message-ID: Well, I want to send to flash the cartograpy of all a town (in a time), and in flash, zoom out, in and pan, without connection to the server. (The first time is a lot of information, but no more) Ok, but I have a doubt. The "resolution" that i give to the movie clip. A) I SEND MAP SIZE 500, 500 MAP EXTEND 600000 700000 602000 702000 B) A MAP MORE BIG WHIT the same coordinates (I better resolution in SWF) MAP SIZE 2000, 2000 MAP EXTEND 600000 700000 602000 702000 and scale in flash? I think that no, , and the resolution is the same, but i need a response qualified. Understand me? Many thanks. From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Mon Jan 23 08:53:56 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:53:56 -0500 Subject: Resolution of SWF In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi There, I am not sure I undestand fully the request but I will try any way. If you want to get a full resolutionfor the swf output, there is a setting that needs to be set up called FORMATOPTION "FULL_RESOLUTION=FALSE" that you need to put inside your output format. That ensures that all the points (nodes) of your data are transferred into the flash movie without any filtering applied due to resolution or scale. Please check this document for more details ( If it does not adress your question please give more details. Later, Salvador Vidal wrote: >Well, > I want to send to flash the cartograpy of all a town (in a time), and in > flash, zoom out, in and pan, without connection to the server. > > (The first time is a lot of information, but no more) > > Ok, but I have a doubt. > The "resolution" that i give to the movie clip. > A) I SEND > MAP SIZE 500, 500 > MAP EXTEND 600000 700000 602000 702000 > > B) A MAP MORE BIG WHIT the same coordinates (I better resolution in SWF) > MAP SIZE 2000, 2000 > MAP EXTEND 600000 700000 602000 702000 > > and scale in flash? > I think that no, , and the resolution is the same, > but i need a response qualified. > > > Understand me? > > Many thanks. > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 23 09:03:07 2006 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:03:07 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: Hello, I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... Any ideas? Thanks! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Mon Jan 23 09:07:35 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:07:35 -0500 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Vito, To get your mapfile to work I had to add a symbol for all point classes, such as: STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 3 END Plus you had them set to display with a white colour, so they would never show up in the map or legend. jeff Vito Meuli wrote: > Hi Jeff! > > I'd really appreciate your help! > > I'm sending you an archive with the most streamlined mapfile I can write that > still reproduce my problem, along with the shapefiles and other stuff it > needs to work (the mailing list will not get the attached file). > The mapfile is almos 400 lines long, so I'll post it on the list only if > needed. > > It seems that even if I modify a single character in the mapfile, the problem > goes away! > > Even the IMAGEURL seems to trigger the problem! > If I let it be > IMAGEURL "/tmp/" > then the problems goes away! > > It seems to be somewhat random... > > The map file is named and I use a > strange couple of files as templates, one for the map, template.xml, and one > for the HTML legend, legenda.html. They are needed for a J2EE application > that encapsulates Mapserver. > > Normally I test the problem executing directly mapserver from the browser with > an address like: > http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv-4.6.1?map=/varGIS/sanpancraziotest/ > and I should get from the template a long list of text and tiny images that > will go in the legend, like: > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > 11377746807088 /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377746807088.png > /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_ref11377746807088.png > /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377746807088.png 76496.163158 > 2749173.047250 4470954.175000 2770761.952750 4487125.825000 800 600 > -1.000000 -1.000000 Piano di Fabbricazione Visibilita' [if > name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strada di P.R.G. [metadata name=visibilita] > [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Centro Storico [metadata > name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Edilizia esistente > [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona > Semintensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] > Zona Direzionale [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] > [/if] Zona Estensiva [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile > value=SI] [/if] Zona per Artigianato [metadata name=visibilita] [if > name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Industriale [metadata name=visibilita] > [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Zona Agricola [metadata name=visibilita] > Edifici e costruzioni Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] > Albero isolato [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] > Punti quotati a terra [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile > value=SI] [/if] Quota colmo tetto [metadata name=visibilita] [if > name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota colmo tetto manufatto minore [metadata > name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota gronda tetto > [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota gronda > tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile > value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto manufatto minore [metadata name=visibilita] [if > name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto piano [metadata name=visibilita] > [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto piano manufatto minore > [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Quota tetto > torrino [metadata name=visibilita] Sistema mobilita' Visibilita' [if > name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Rete ferroviaria FSE [metadata > name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade provinciali > [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Strade > statali [metadata name=visibilita] [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] > Strade comunali [metadata name=visibilita] Elementi cartografici > Visibilita' [if name=cliccabile value=SI] [/if] Marciapiedi [metadata > name=visibilita] > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Instead, when there is the problem, I do not get the legend part, like the > following: > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > 11377736317029 /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_11377736317029.png > /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_ref11377736317029.png > /sanpancrazio_data/tmp/SPANCRAZIO_sb11377736317029.png 76305.159315 > 2749200.000000 4470964.375000 2770735.000000 4487115.625000 800 600 > -1.000000 -1.000000 > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > and no error message. > > I get the same problem with the CGI-BIN mapserver 4.6.1 and 4.4.2. > No problem with 4.2.3 and 4.2.5, that unfortunately have other bugs. > > I compiled mapserver 4.6.1 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, and I compiled > all these libraries and programs: > > zlib-1.2.3 > proj-4.4.9 > libpng-1.2.8-config > jpeg-6b > tiff-3.7.4 > libgeotiff-1.2.2 > freetype-2.1.10 > gd-2.0.33 > geos-2.1.4 > postgresql-8.0.4 > postgis-1.0.4 > ecwsdk-3.1.25 (not compiled by me) > gdal-1.3.1 > fcgi-2.4.0 > mod_fastcgi-2.4.2 > > The configure command was like this: > > ./configure \ > --with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config \ > --with-zlib=/usr/local \ > --with-png=/usr/local \ > --with-jpeg=/usr/local \ > --with-gd=/usr/local \ > --with-proj=/usr/local \ > --with-threads \ > --with-geos=/usr/local/bin/geos-config \ > --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ > --with-tiff=/usr/local \ > --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config \ > --with-ogr=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \ > --with-wfs \ > --with-wcs \ > --with-wmsclient \ > --with-wfsclient \ > --with-fastcgi=/usr/local > > I hope you can manage to discover the cause of this problem. > > Thanks a lot! > Cheers, > Vito Meuli > > Alle 21:25, venerd? 13 gennaio 2006, hai scritto: > >>Hi Vito, >> >>I'm not sure either what is going on in your case (although i'm not a >>developer). The best i can offer is to test it for you, so if you make >>your test as streamlined as possible (create the smallest mapfile that >>you can to reproduce your problem, with the fewest amount of >>layers/classes/groups) i can try it for you. >> >>jeff >> -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Mon Jan 23 09:42:50 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:42:50 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: JF - That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Hello, I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... Any ideas? Thanks! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 23 10:16:46 2006 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 13:16:46 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: Here you go Ed ... I'm at a loss! Right now I have to think there's a bizarre issue with the data, or maybe it's the fact I set the expression and symbol via the URL? I 'll look into that last one ... The MAP PROJECTION: PROJECTION "init=epsg:42304" END The LAYER: LAYER NAME featureannotate TYPE point STATUS off DATA geo_np PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END METADATA LEGEND_GROUP "theme" GROUP_CONTROLLER "0" LAY_TITLE "Annotation layer for feature" CHECKABLE "0" LEGEND_ORDER "-1" END LABELITEM "FEATURE_NA" CLASSITEM "UNIQUE_KEY" CLASS EXPRESSION "w8g9q7regc87ctr8743tbca084ytc" SYMBOL -1 SIZE 30 COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 14 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 226 226 226 POSITION ur FORCE TRUE END END END J.F. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: January 23, 2006 12:43 PM To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem JF - That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Hello, I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... Any ideas? Thanks! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 23 10:28:29 2006 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 13:28:29 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: Aha! It looks like the combination of cgi map_layer_class_expression and the projection causes MS to generate an error! This is a bug :( J.F. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: January 23, 2006 1:17 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Here you go Ed ... I'm at a loss! Right now I have to think there's a bizarre issue with the data, or maybe it's the fact I set the expression and symbol via the URL? I 'll look into that last one ... The MAP PROJECTION: PROJECTION "init=epsg:42304" END The LAYER: LAYER NAME featureannotate TYPE point STATUS off DATA geo_np PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END METADATA LEGEND_GROUP "theme" GROUP_CONTROLLER "0" LAY_TITLE "Annotation layer for feature" CHECKABLE "0" LEGEND_ORDER "-1" END LABELITEM "FEATURE_NA" CLASSITEM "UNIQUE_KEY" CLASS EXPRESSION "w8g9q7regc87ctr8743tbca084ytc" SYMBOL -1 SIZE 30 COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 14 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 226 226 226 POSITION ur FORCE TRUE END END END J.F. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: January 23, 2006 12:43 PM To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem JF - That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Hello, I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... Any ideas? Thanks! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 23 11:15:52 2006 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 14:15:52 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: Problem solved! Turns out it was nother problem with point vs. annotation layers, and how some combinations of configurations make mapserver die silently ... J.F. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: January 23, 2006 1:28 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Aha! It looks like the combination of cgi map_layer_class_expression and the projection causes MS to generate an error! This is a bug :( J.F. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: January 23, 2006 1:17 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Here you go Ed ... I'm at a loss! Right now I have to think there's a bizarre issue with the data, or maybe it's the fact I set the expression and symbol via the URL? I 'll look into that last one ... The MAP PROJECTION: PROJECTION "init=epsg:42304" END The LAYER: LAYER NAME featureannotate TYPE point STATUS off DATA geo_np PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END METADATA LEGEND_GROUP "theme" GROUP_CONTROLLER "0" LAY_TITLE "Annotation layer for feature" CHECKABLE "0" LEGEND_ORDER "-1" END LABELITEM "FEATURE_NA" CLASSITEM "UNIQUE_KEY" CLASS EXPRESSION "w8g9q7regc87ctr8743tbca084ytc" SYMBOL -1 SIZE 30 COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 14 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 226 226 226 POSITION ur FORCE TRUE END END END J.F. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: January 23, 2006 12:43 PM To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem JF - That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Hello, I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... Any ideas? Thanks! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Mon Jan 23 11:55:27 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 14:55:27 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: Good job - I never would have figured that one out! - Ed -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:16 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Problem solved! Turns out it was nother problem with point vs. annotation layers, and how some combinations of configurations make mapserver die silently ... J.F. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: January 23, 2006 1:28 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Aha! It looks like the combination of cgi map_layer_class_expression and the projection causes MS to generate an error! This is a bug :( J.F. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: January 23, 2006 1:17 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Here you go Ed ... I'm at a loss! Right now I have to think there's a bizarre issue with the data, or maybe it's the fact I set the expression and symbol via the URL? I 'll look into that last one ... The MAP PROJECTION: PROJECTION "init=epsg:42304" END The LAYER: LAYER NAME featureannotate TYPE point STATUS off DATA geo_np PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END METADATA LEGEND_GROUP "theme" GROUP_CONTROLLER "0" LAY_TITLE "Annotation layer for feature" CHECKABLE "0" LEGEND_ORDER "-1" END LABELITEM "FEATURE_NA" CLASSITEM "UNIQUE_KEY" CLASS EXPRESSION "w8g9q7regc87ctr8743tbca084ytc" SYMBOL -1 SIZE 30 COLOR 0 0 0 LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 14 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 226 226 226 POSITION ur FORCE TRUE END END END J.F. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: January 23, 2006 12:43 PM To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem JF - That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem Hello, I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... Any ideas? Thanks! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Mon Jan 23 12:03:33 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:03:33 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: J.F., Did you write a bug up on this? I think it would worth while as this sounds like a nasty problem to diagnose and it might not be so easy to find for the next unsuspecting user. -Steve W. Ed McNierney wrote: > Good job - I never would have figured that one out! > > - Ed > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:16 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Problem solved! > > Turns out it was nother problem with point vs. annotation layers, and how some combinations of configurations make mapserver die silently ... > > J.F. > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: January 23, 2006 1:28 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Aha! > > It looks like the combination of cgi map_layer_class_expression and the projection causes MS to generate an error! > > This is a bug :( > > J.F. > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: January 23, 2006 1:17 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Here you go Ed ... I'm at a loss! Right now I have to think there's a bizarre issue with the data, or maybe it's the fact I set the expression and symbol via the URL? I 'll look into that last one ... > > The MAP PROJECTION: > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:42304" > END > > The LAYER: > > LAYER > NAME featureannotate > TYPE point > STATUS off > DATA geo_np > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > METADATA > LEGEND_GROUP "theme" > GROUP_CONTROLLER "0" > LAY_TITLE "Annotation layer for feature" > CHECKABLE "0" > LEGEND_ORDER "-1" > END > LABELITEM "FEATURE_NA" > CLASSITEM "UNIQUE_KEY" > CLASS > EXPRESSION "w8g9q7regc87ctr8743tbca084ytc" > SYMBOL -1 > SIZE 30 > COLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial" > SIZE 14 > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 226 226 226 > POSITION ur > FORCE TRUE > END > END > END > > J.F. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] > Sent: January 23, 2006 12:43 PM > To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > JF - > > That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > ed at > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Hello, > > I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... > > I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). > > This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. > > If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line definitions, which also didn't help :( > > I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... > > I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... > > Any ideas? > > Thanks! > > Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada > Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 > Fax: (613) 947-2410 > From Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 23 12:12:27 2006 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:12:27 -0500 Subject: Reprojection problem Message-ID: Stephen, I really should do that huh? :) Steve is aware of it, but yes, I'll whip something up. The problem is that the circusmtances under which this happens aren't always very clear ... I guess I'll use this last example as a base. J.F. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge Sent: January 23, 2006 3:04 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem J.F., Did you write a bug up on this? I think it would worth while as this sounds like a nasty problem to diagnose and it might not be so easy to find for the next unsuspecting user. -Steve W. Ed McNierney wrote: > Good job - I never would have figured that one out! > > - Ed > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:16 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Problem solved! > > Turns out it was nother problem with point vs. annotation layers, and how some combinations of configurations make mapserver die silently ... > > J.F. > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: January 23, 2006 1:28 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Aha! > > It looks like the combination of cgi map_layer_class_expression and the projection causes MS to generate an error! > > This is a bug :( > > J.F. > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: January 23, 2006 1:17 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Here you go Ed ... I'm at a loss! Right now I have to think there's a bizarre issue with the data, or maybe it's the fact I set the expression and symbol via the URL? I 'll look into that last one ... > > The MAP PROJECTION: > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:42304" > END > > The LAYER: > > LAYER > NAME featureannotate > TYPE point > STATUS off > DATA geo_np > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > METADATA > LEGEND_GROUP "theme" > GROUP_CONTROLLER "0" > LAY_TITLE "Annotation layer for feature" > CHECKABLE "0" > LEGEND_ORDER "-1" > END > LABELITEM "FEATURE_NA" > CLASSITEM "UNIQUE_KEY" > CLASS > EXPRESSION "w8g9q7regc87ctr8743tbca084ytc" > SYMBOL -1 > SIZE 30 > COLOR 0 0 0 > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT "arial" > SIZE 14 > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 226 226 226 > POSITION ur > FORCE TRUE > END > END > END > > J.F. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] > Sent: January 23, 2006 12:43 PM > To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > JF - > > That sounds very strange! Can you post the LAYER definition for the troublesome layer, or at least the PROJECTION block for it? > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > ed at > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > On Behalf Of Doyon, Jean-Francois > Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:03 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Reprojection problem > > Hello, > > I recently upgraded from 3.6.6 to 4.6.1, and now I'm having problems with a map that reprojects a single layer ... > > I have a MAP level PROJECTION object, and one layer with a different PROJECTION than the others ... (The map is in an LCC projection, and the layer in geographic). > > This used to work fine in 3.6.6, but now I get "msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'featureannotate'." ... That layer being the one in geographic that should be getting reprojected. > > If I take out the PROJECTION parameter of the layer, no errors! I > tried moving it's definition with the layer, which didn't change > anything ... I also tried using both epsg codes and in-line > definitions, which also didn't help :( > > I was using PROJ 4.4.5 ... Upgraded to 4.4.9 ... That didn't help. I re-compiled MS just to be safe, the problem remains ... > > I have a WMS server running off the same setup without complaints (including reprojection). The shapefile looks ok, shpdump/shptest and dbfdump didn't produce anything out of the ordinary ... > > Any ideas? > > Thanks! > > Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Sp?cialiste de > d?veloppements internet et soutien technique Canada Centre for Remote > Sensing/Centre Canadien de t?l?d?tection Natural Resources > Canada/Ressources Naturelles Canada > Tel./T?l.: (613) 992-4902 > Fax: (613) 947-2410 > From pcreso at PCRESO.COM Mon Jan 23 12:44:54 2006 From: pcreso at PCRESO.COM (Brent Wood) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:44:54 -0800 Subject: New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > Dear all, > > I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a > few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look > into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with Unix > or Windows MapServer. > > The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am > not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I have > always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make sure that > it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference then I will just > stay with Windows. > I'm no mapserver expert, but have used a wide range of Open Source GIS for some years now. Generally I believe Open Source GIS/mapping tools are better supported under Linux, although more packages are providing native Windows ports, instead of relying on Cygwin. I don't think it makes much difference from a purely mapserver perspective, as it seems to work well under both platforms. However, if your potential use of OpenSource mapping software is likely to grow beyond mapserver, and you look to replace ArcGIS with an Open Source GIS suite (it can pretty much be done), then moving to Linux may have some advantages. Cheers, Brent Wood From dgadoury at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Mon Jan 23 12:45:31 2006 From: dgadoury at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Dean Gadoury) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:45:31 -0500 Subject: epsg code for Robinson projection Message-ID: Has anyone had any experience using Robinson projection in MapServer? If so is there an epsg definition around? I don't have one in my proj files. Dean From Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA Mon Jan 23 12:52:47 2006 From: Debbie.Pagurek at EC.GC.CA (Pagurek,Debbie [NCR]) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:52:47 -0500 Subject: epsg code for Robinson projection Message-ID: I don't have an epsg code for you, but this is the projection definition that I used a couple of years ago in a project: EXTENT -17005833.3305 -8625154.47185 17005833.3305 8625154.47185 PROJECTION "proj=robin" "lon_0=0" "x_0=0" "y_0=0" "nodefs" END I used this to project the Demis wms layers from epsg:4326 to robinson and it worked fine. Hope this helps. Debbie -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Dean Gadoury Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 3:46 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] epsg code for Robinson projection Has anyone had any experience using Robinson projection in MapServer? If so is there an epsg definition around? I don't have one in my proj files. Dean From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 23 14:53:58 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:53:58 -0600 Subject: Set the background color Message-ID: Hello all, i want to set the background color, boundary color using a php mapscript function/method, but i couldnt find anyhelp full method which sets the background color and the boundary color. Could anyone please help me out in this .... Kris From at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 23 15:54:53 2006 From: at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Keon) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:54:53 -0800 Subject: Set the background color In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 01/23/2006 02:53 PM, krishna S wrote: > Hello all, i want to set the background color, boundary color using a php > mapscript function/method, but i couldnt find anyhelp full method which > sets the background color and the boundary color. Could anyone please help > me out in this .... Do you mean for a layer? This is the general procedure: $layer = $map->getLayerByName('layer_name'); //$map is map object $class = $layer->getClass(0); //0 is first class in layer $style = ms_newStyleObj($class); $style->color->setRGB(220,220,220); //background color $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(255,255,0); //boundary color --Dylan From tadamcz at AE.KATOWICE.PL Mon Jan 23 17:27:31 2006 From: tadamcz at AE.KATOWICE.PL (Tomasz Adamczewski) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 19:27:31 -0600 Subject: New to the List Message-ID: Dear Friends, My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a Research Faculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information Technology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics in Katowice, Poland. My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New Applications of DM Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon the application of the software developed by your Community as an interface supporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as index analysis, asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning GIS-DWH integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of scientists and IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a cooperative project between Technical University Vienna, Czech Technical University Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, University GH Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). It is especially in the context of the application and implementation of Open Source tools for such purposes that very little has been published. I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming acquainted with what has been done in the field by Community members; I will appreciate any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e-mail exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in conferences organized by Community members as well as instructions on how to contribute projects to the future Foundation. New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance concerning the netiquette and customs of the Community. With all my best regards, Tomash (Tomasz Adamczewski) Department of Information Technology Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics ul. 1 MAJA 50 40-287 KATOWICE POLAND tadamcz at From bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM Mon Jan 23 17:41:24 2006 From: bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM (Bob Basques) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 19:41:24 -0600 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Tomasz, First off, what is "DHW" , I get a couple of hit in GOOGLE about it concerning Housing and Health & Welfare. But that's it. What type of data is it that you are trying to render? bobb Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: >Dear Friends, > >My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a Research >Faculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information >Technology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics in Katowice, >Poland. > >My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool >Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New Applications of DM >Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon the >application of the software developed by your Community as an interface >supporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as index analysis, >asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning GIS-DWH >integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of scientists and >IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a cooperative >project between Technical University Vienna, Czech Technical University >Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, University GH >Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). It is >especially in the context of the application and implementation of Open >Source tools for such purposes that very little has been published. > >I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming acquainted >with what has been done in the field by Community members; I will appreciate >any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e-mail >exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in conferences >organized by Community members as well as instructions on how to contribute >projects to the future Foundation. > >New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance concerning >the netiquette and customs of the Community. > >With all my best regards, > >Tomash >(Tomasz Adamczewski) >Department of Information Technology >Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics >ul. 1 MAJA 50 >40-287 KATOWICE >POLAND >tadamcz at > > > From pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Mon Jan 23 17:57:12 2006 From: pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Paul Spencer) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:57:12 -0500 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: perhaps he meant DWF? DWH seems like a typo On 23-Jan-06, at 8:41 PM, Bob Basques wrote: > Tomasz, > > First off, what is "DHW" , I get a couple of hit in GOOGLE about it > concerning Housing and Health & Welfare. But that's it. > > What type of data is it that you are trying to render? > > bobb > > > > Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: > >> Dear Friends, >> >> My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a >> Research >> Faculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information >> Technology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics in >> Katowice, >> Poland. >> >> My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool >> Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New >> Applications of DM >> Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon >> the >> application of the software developed by your Community as an >> interface >> supporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as index >> analysis, >> asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning >> GIS-DWH >> integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of >> scientists and >> IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a >> cooperative >> project between Technical University Vienna, Czech Technical >> University >> Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, >> University GH >> Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). >> It is >> especially in the context of the application and implementation of >> Open >> Source tools for such purposes that very little has been published. >> >> I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming >> acquainted >> with what has been done in the field by Community members; I will >> appreciate >> any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e- >> mail >> exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in >> conferences >> organized by Community members as well as instructions on how to >> contribute >> projects to the future Foundation. >> >> New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance >> concerning >> the netiquette and customs of the Community. >> >> With all my best regards, >> >> Tomash >> (Tomasz Adamczewski) >> Department of Information Technology >> Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics >> ul. 1 MAJA 50 >> 40-287 KATOWICE >> POLAND >> tadamcz at >> >> > +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Paul Spencer pspencer at | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Applications & Software Development | |DM Solutions Group Inc| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Mon Jan 23 18:05:14 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:05:14 -0600 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Paul Spencer wrote: > perhaps he meant DWF? DWH seems like a typo > .. >>> GIS-DWH .. Data Ware House From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Mon Jan 23 18:12:03 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:12:03 -0600 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: .. > My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool > Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New Applications of DM > Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," MapServer is not a "DM Solutions Open Source ... " software. MapServer is an open source software, and DM Solutions is one of the most important contributors to it. So, perhaps correcting that title would be the first thing. > focuses upon the > application of the software developed by your Community as an interface > supporting the analysis of DWH data I know that some of the more traditional "data" companies have varying levels of interest in GIS. SAS, for example, is making quite an effort trying to integrate its data mining and intelligence tools with GIS analysis. You might want to start from the data warehouse side. Go to the web sites of the various dwh companies and scouring their sites for literature. .. > > New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance concerning > the netiquette and customs of the Community. > > there really is no specific netiquette other than the usual. Do your due-diligence, help, and be helped. Everyone is very friendly and helpful here. However, this is really a "do-ers" group with most folks with technical problems, and others trying to help them solve those problems. Hopefully you will want to install MapServer and work on dwh problems with it. That way we will all learn from you. Welcome. Make yourself comfortable. ;-) From bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM Mon Jan 23 18:20:23 2006 From: bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM (Bob Basques) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:20:23 -0600 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Depending on the type of data and how you want to visualize it, I've found MapServer to be an excellent tool. If designed correctly inside of a larger system, it's quite capable of operating as the main integration piece as far as visualization of the data. Adding in other services to the visualization aspect would be the way I would advise you to add in other data functionalities. Without know what sort of data you are trying to distribute and/or visualize, it's hard to tell you much more than this. There are a lot of pieces to a Datawarehouse for example, are you interested in: * The backend Data Mainatenance * The Visualization of the data o Either as a map, or . . o As a Map Overlay o Or even as a Graph of some sort * The spatialization of data (geocoding like functions, assigning locations to exsiting data) * Spatial Query Mechanisms * Client Access Tools, o Web Browsers o Application Extensions o Static output, reports, etc. I'm problably not getting everything, but you get the idea. bobb tadamcz at wrote: >Dear Bob, dear Paul, >I apologize for not having decoded the DWH abbreviation I used in my posting. > >DWH means DataWareHouse. > >Yours, >Tomash > > > > >>Tomasz, >> >>First off, what is "DHW" , I get a couple of hit in GOOGLE about it >>concerning Housing and Health & Welfare. But that's it. >> >>What type of data is it that you are trying to render? >> >>bobb >> >> >> >>Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: >> >> >> >>>Dear Friends, >>> >>>My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a Research >>>Faculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information >>>Technology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics in Katowice, >>>Poland. >>> >>>My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool >>>Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New Applications of >>>DM >>>Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon the >>>application of the software developed by your Community as an interface >>>supporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as index analysis, >>>asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning GIS-DWH >>>integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of scientists >>>and >>>IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a >>>cooperative >>>project between Technical University Vienna, Czech Technical University >>>Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, University GH >>>Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). It is >>>especially in the context of the application and implementation of Open >>>Source tools for such purposes that very little has been published. >>> >>>I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming acquainted >>>with what has been done in the field by Community members; I will >>>appreciate >>>any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e-mail >>>exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in >>>conferences >>>organized by Community members as well as instructions on how to >>>contribute >>>projects to the future Foundation. >>> >>>New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance >>>concerning >>>the netiquette and customs of the Community. >>> >>>With all my best regards, >>> >>>Tomash >>>(Tomasz Adamczewski) >>>Department of Information Technology >>>Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics >>>ul. 1 MAJA 50 >>>40-287 KATOWICE >>>POLAND >>>tadamcz at >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 23 18:59:53 2006 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:59:53 -0600 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Message-ID: Greetings All, We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images look pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what they should be) when added to our MapServer application. For instance, from TerraServer (, USGS Digital Ortho Quads are virtually useless regardless of scale, while USGS DRGs look decent. Daily MODIS imagery from NASA JPL World Map Service ( has also typically been a problem. And there are others... I have recently been playing with GDAL to display our own rasters, but also partially with the hope that it might somehow magically fix this problem (of course it hasn't). I am wondering whether the display problem is local or if it is on the data custodian's end, and whether this is typically the case. Is there any way to correct it? If it is at the custodial end, what might be done differently to increase the display resolution for WMS clients (so that we don't make the same mistake)? I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer. Thanks much! Jennifer Zeisloft UW Sea Grant -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tadamcz at AE.KATOWICE.PL Mon Jan 23 18:03:56 2006 From: tadamcz at AE.KATOWICE.PL (Tomasz Adamczewski) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 03:03:56 +0100 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Dear Bob, dear Paul, I apologize for not having decoded the DWH abbreviation I used in my posting. DWH means DataWareHouse. Yours, Tomash > Tomasz, > > First off, what is "DHW" , I get a couple of hit in GOOGLE about it > concerning Housing and Health & Welfare. But that's it. > > What type of data is it that you are trying to render? > > bobb > > > > Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: > >>Dear Friends, >> >>My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a Research >>Faculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information >>Technology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics in Katowice, >>Poland. >> >>My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool >>Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New Applications of >> DM >>Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon the >>application of the software developed by your Community as an interface >>supporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as index analysis, >>asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning GIS-DWH >>integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of scientists >> and >>IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a >> cooperative >>project between Technical University Vienna, Czech Technical University >>Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, University GH >>Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). It is >>especially in the context of the application and implementation of Open >>Source tools for such purposes that very little has been published. >> >>I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming acquainted >>with what has been done in the field by Community members; I will >> appreciate >>any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e-mail >>exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in >> conferences >>organized by Community members as well as instructions on how to >> contribute >>projects to the future Foundation. >> >>New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance >> concerning >>the netiquette and customs of the Community. >> >>With all my best regards, >> >>Tomash >>(Tomasz Adamczewski) >>Department of Information Technology >>Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics >>ul. 1 MAJA 50 >>40-287 KATOWICE >>POLAND >>tadamcz at >> >> >> > From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Mon Jan 23 19:17:17 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:17:17 -0500 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Message-ID: Jennifer - You don't give us much information to go on, other than your dislike of the results! If you're consistently seeing poor-quality results, then there may well be something systematic you're doing in your map files or MapServer configuration. I'm assuming you're using MapServer to generate these "horrible-looking" images. If you are, for example, requesting low-color output from high-color images, you're going to see blotchy output. DRGs are low-color images (only 13 unique colors) so they are not as prone to being affected by a low-color output request. Could you provide an example of the map file and configuration you're using to retrieve and display these images? There's nothing special about the WMS interface that inherently limits image quality - you can get a perfect reproduction of the source imagery in many cases. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jennifer Zeisloft Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:00 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Greetings All, We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images look pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what they should be) when added to our MapServer application. For instance, from TerraServer (, USGS Digital Ortho Quads are virtually useless regardless of scale, while USGS DRGs look decent. Daily MODIS imagery from NASA JPL World Map Service ( has also typically been a problem. And there are others... I have recently been playing with GDAL to display our own rasters, but also partially with the hope that it might somehow magically fix this problem (of course it hasn't). I am wondering whether the display problem is local or if it is on the data custodian's end, and whether this is typically the case. Is there any way to correct it? If it is at the custodial end, what might be done differently to increase the display resolution for WMS clients (so that we don't make the same mistake)? I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer. Thanks much! Jennifer Zeisloft UW Sea Grant -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From tadamcz at AE.KATOWICE.PL Mon Jan 23 19:17:37 2006 From: tadamcz at AE.KATOWICE.PL (Tomasz Adamczewski) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 04:17:37 +0100 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Dear Puneet, dear Bob, Thank you very much for your kind and most useful replies. Clearly, my joining the Community was one of the best steps I could take. Of course, I'm going to change the title of my dissertation ;-). Needless to say, I have been browsing for materials, but apart from technical documentation I've found very little scientific and/or theoretical texts on the subject. Should you know of any such text, whether in electronic or paper form, I would very much appreciate your letting me know. I desperately need to known whether or not I am about to force open doors... and this is why I need to compile as full a bibliography as possible. When it comes to the specificity of my project, I will certainly address some of the issues Bob has mentioned. First, I intend to visualize charts (indices) on the map to help users to analyze DWH output, so I need to get to know Application Extensions. The next step will be the supply of DWH spatial data (but whether this works out is the question only the future may solve). The ultimate goal of my work would be demonstrating the existent possibilities of such an integration and exploring new ones. Should you know of anyone within this Community who shares my research interests, or would be willing to share their practical experience in solving particular problems within this field – or perhaps has published texts dedicated to related issues – please, please, please let me know. Well, it is 4 a.m. in the morning in Poland and much as I would love to explore my new Community further, I must go to bed ;-) Thank you so much and I.ll see you in a few hours. Tomash From sgillies at FRII.COM Mon Jan 23 19:20:03 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:20:03 -0700 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Jan 23, 2006, at 7:12 PM, Puneet Kishor wrote: > Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: > .. >> My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool >> Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New >> Applications of DM >> Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," > > MapServer is not a "DM Solutions Open Source ... " software. MapServer > is an open source software, and DM Solutions is one of the most > important contributors to it. So, perhaps correcting that title > would be > the first thing. > Puneet, Some say MapServer was actually written by Chuck Norris. In one night. Sean --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 23 20:39:24 2006 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:39:24 -0600 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you for responding, Ed. Actually, these raster data sets are displayed as part of Chameleon contexts (so there is no mapfile). I added the USGS orthos to a mapfile to see if the result was any different and it wasn't (the mapfile code for this layer is pasted below in any case). The application can be found at The example data sets I am referring to can be found in the Wisconsin: Imagery context. I have read through the documentation on rasters in MapServer, as well as searched list archives and have not been able to determine how I would go about specifying low or high -color output. So, perhaps this is part of the problem? Again, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! Jennifer Zeisloft LAYER NAME DOQ STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE WMS TYPE RASTER CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # Projection METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_name" "DOQ" "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_abstract" "NA - test" "wms_keywordlist" "NA -test" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_formatlist" "image/png,image/jpeg,image/wbmp" "wms_format" "image/png" END # Metadata END # layer On 1/23/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > > Jennifer - > > You don't give us much information to go on, other than your dislike of > the results! > > If you're consistently seeing poor-quality results, then there may well be > something systematic you're doing in your map files or MapServer > configuration. I'm assuming you're using MapServer to generate these > "horrible-looking" images. If you are, for example, requesting low-color > output from high-color images, you're going to see blotchy output. DRGs are > low-color images (only 13 unique colors) so they are not as prone to being > affected by a low-color output request. > > Could you provide an example of the map file and configuration you're > using to retrieve and display these images? There's nothing special about > the WMS interface that inherently limits image quality - you can get a > perfect reproduction of the source imagery in many cases. > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > ed at > > ------------------------------ > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On > Behalf Of *Jennifer Zeisloft > *Sent:* Monday, January 23, 2006 10:00 PM > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery > > Greetings All, > > We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images look > pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what they should be) > when added to our MapServer application. For instance, from TerraServer ( >, USGS Digital Ortho Quads are > virtually useless regardless of scale, while USGS DRGs look decent. Daily > MODIS imagery from NASA JPL World Map Service ( > has also typically been a problem. And > there are others... > > I have recently been playing with GDAL to display our own rasters, but > also partially with the hope that it might somehow magically fix this > problem (of course it hasn't). > > I am wondering whether the display problem is local or if it is on the > data custodian's end, and whether this is typically the case. Is there any > way to correct it? If it is at the custodial end, what might be done > differently to increase the display resolution for WMS clients (so that we > don't make the same mistake)? > > I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer. > > Thanks much! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > UW Sea Grant > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bpederse at NATURE.BERKELEY.EDU Mon Jan 23 20:48:00 2006 From: bpederse at NATURE.BERKELEY.EDU (Brent Pedersen) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:48:00 -0800 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: have you tried using image/jpeg? On Jan 23, 2006, at 8:39 PM, Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > Thank you for responding, Ed. > > Actually, these raster data sets are displayed as part of Chameleon > contexts (so there is no mapfile). I added the USGS orthos to a > mapfile to see if the result was any different and it wasn't (the > mapfile code for this layer is pasted below in any case). > > The application can be found at > viewmaps.phtml. The example data sets I am referring to can be > found in the Wisconsin: Imagery context. > > I have read through the documentation on rasters in MapServer, as > well as searched list archives and have not been able to determine > how I would go about specifying low or high -color output. So, > perhaps this is part of the problem? > > Again, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > LAYER > NAME DOQ > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > TYPE RASTER > CONNECTION "" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END # Projection > METADATA > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > "wms_name" "DOQ" > "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" > "wms_onlineresource" "" > "wms_abstract" "NA - test" > "wms_keywordlist" "NA -test" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_formatlist" "image/png,image/jpeg,image/wbmp" > "wms_format" "image/png" > END # Metadata > END # layer > > > On 1/23/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > Jennifer - > > You don't give us much information to go on, other than your > dislike of the results! > > If you're consistently seeing poor-quality results, then there may > well be something systematic you're doing in your map files or > MapServer configuration. I'm assuming you're using MapServer to > generate these "horrible-looking" images. If you are, for example, > requesting low-color output from high-color images, you're going to > see blotchy output. DRGs are low-color images (only 13 unique > colors) so they are not as prone to being affected by a low-color > output request. > > Could you provide an example of the map file and configuration > you're using to retrieve and display these images? There's nothing > special about the WMS interface that inherently limits image > quality - you can get a perfect reproduction of the source imagery > in many cases. > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > ed at > > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER- > USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jennifer Zeisloft > Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:00 PM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery > > Greetings All, > > We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images > look pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what > they should be) when added to our MapServer application. For > instance, from TerraServer (, > USGS Digital Ortho Quads are virtually useless regardless of scale, > while USGS DRGs look decent. Daily MODIS imagery from NASA JPL > World Map Service ( has also > typically been a problem. And there are others... > > I have recently been playing with GDAL to display our own rasters, > but also partially with the hope that it might somehow magically > fix this problem (of course it hasn't). > > I am wondering whether the display problem is local or if it is on > the data custodian's end, and whether this is typically the case. > Is there any way to correct it? If it is at the custodial end, > what might be done differently to increase the display resolution > for WMS clients (so that we don't make the same mistake)? > > I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer. > > Thanks much! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > UW Sea Grant > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 23 20:57:43 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 23:57:43 -0500 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen wrote: > have you tried using image/jpeg? In addition to fetching data from the remote WMSes as JPEG, it is also necessary for mapserver to generate 24bit output (JPEG or PNG24 for instance). I don't know how to do that with Chameleon myself, but I'm sure there is a setting somewhere. I think Ed is right that the problem is 24bit to 8bit color conversion with correspondingly poor color resolution. Given sufficient blotchiness from this conversion it can even appear that spatial resolution is degraded (though it isn't actually). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 23 20:59:53 2006 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:59:53 -0600 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Brent, Thanks for the suggestion. I switched the output from png to jpeg - but no change (the jpeg might have looked a little worse??). Still, the crux of the matter is, I suppose, that these images are displayed through a context file. The rasters are coming straight from their "original" (perhaps) source, which doesn't allow me to specify how the image is displayed, but merely that an image is displayed (furthermore, the context file is automatically generated by the "Save Context" widget in Chameleon). And an addendum to my last message: I did find output specifications in the documentation (, but I don't have the opportunity in this instance to specify the output in this sense. Jennifer On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen wrote: > > have you tried using image/jpeg? > > On Jan 23, 2006, at 8:39 PM, Jennifer Zeisloft wrote: > > Thank you for responding, Ed. > > Actually, these raster data sets are displayed as part of Chameleon > contexts (so there is no mapfile). I added the USGS orthos to a mapfile to > see if the result was any different and it wasn't (the mapfile code for this > layer is pasted below in any case). > > The application can be found at > The example data sets I > am referring to can be found in the Wisconsin: Imagery context. > > I have read through the documentation on rasters in MapServer, as well as > searched list archives and have not been able to determine how I would go > about specifying low or high -color output. So, perhaps this is part of the > problem? > > Again, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > LAYER > NAME DOQ > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > TYPE RASTER > CONNECTION "" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END # Projection > METADATA > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > "wms_name" "DOQ" > "wms_title" "USGS Digital Ortho-Quadrangles" > "wms_onlineresource" "" > "wms_abstract" "NA - test" > "wms_keywordlist" "NA -test" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_formatlist" "image/png,image/jpeg,image/wbmp" > "wms_format" "image/png" > END # Metadata > END # layer > > > On 1/23/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > > > > Jennifer - > > > > You don't give us much information to go on, other than your dislike of > > the results! > > > > If you're consistently seeing poor-quality results, then there may well > > be something systematic you're doing in your map files or MapServer > > configuration. I'm assuming you're using MapServer to generate these > > "horrible-looking" images. If you are, for example, requesting low-color > > output from high-color images, you're going to see blotchy output. DRGs are > > low-color images (only 13 unique colors) so they are not as prone to being > > affected by a low-color output request. > > > > Could you provide an example of the map file and configuration you're > > using to retrieve and display these images? There's nothing special about > > the WMS interface that inherently limits image quality - you can get a > > perfect reproduction of the source imagery in many cases. > > > > - Ed > > > > Ed McNierney > > President and Chief Mapmaker > > / Maps a la carte, Inc. > > 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 > > North Chelmsford, MA 01863 > > Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 > > Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 > > ed at > > > > ------------------------------ > > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > > *On Behalf Of *Jennifer Zeisloft > > *Sent:* Monday, January 23, 2006 10:00 PM > > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery > > > > Greetings All, > > > > We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images look > > pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what they should be) > > when added to our MapServer application. For instance, from TerraServer ( > >, USGS Digital Ortho Quads are > > virtually useless regardless of scale, while USGS DRGs look decent. Daily > > MODIS imagery from NASA JPL World Map Service ( > > has also typically been a problem. > > And there are others... > > > > I have recently been playing with GDAL to display our own rasters, but > > also partially with the hope that it might somehow magically fix this > > problem (of course it hasn't). > > > > I am wondering whether the display problem is local or if it is on the > > data custodian's end, and whether this is typically the case. Is there any > > way to correct it? If it is at the custodial end, what might be done > > differently to increase the display resolution for WMS clients (so that we > > don't make the same mistake)? > > > > I really appreciate any hints or ideas you can offer. > > > > Thanks much! > > > > Jennifer Zeisloft > > UW Sea Grant > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 23 21:04:23 2006 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 23:04:23 -0600 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Frank, Thanks for the response, Frank. It is sounding more and more like this is a question I ought to forward to the chameleon list - because I am also not sure how to generate 24bit output with chameleon! I appreciate the much needed direction! Thanks all! Jennifer On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen wrote: > > have you tried using image/jpeg? > > In addition to fetching data from the remote WMSes as > JPEG, it is also necessary for mapserver to generate 24bit > output (JPEG or PNG24 for instance). I don't know how to > do that with Chameleon myself, but I'm sure there is a setting > somewhere. > > I think Ed is right that the problem is 24bit to 8bit color > conversion with correspondingly poor color resolution. > Given sufficient blotchiness from this conversion it can > even appear that spatial resolution is degraded (though it > isn't actually). > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 23 21:11:34 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 23:11:34 -0600 Subject: mixed geometry layers Message-ID: Hi Bart: No, there are no plans to do so. I'm not sure it's worth the effort since at some level you have to differentiate between feature types to symbolize them, and a layer seems a reasonable place to do that. Many of the newer client development environments (and even MapServer HTML legends) allow you to take advantage of MapServer groups and there's no limitation there on mixing layer types within a group. So it should be easy to have a checkbox or radio button to toggle multiple layers with different types. Steve >>> "Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)" 01/23/06 4:58 AM >>> Hi list, are there any plans for Mapserver to support mixed geometry layers (eg points, lines and polygons), assuming the attributes are the same so they belong to the same featuretype? We have a lot of datasets in which there are points, lines and polygons, and now they all have to be treated as separate layers which is very confusing for users. Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From pcreso at PCRESO.COM Mon Jan 23 21:38:15 2006 From: pcreso at PCRESO.COM (Brent Wood) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 21:38:15 -0800 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Jennifer, > > Greetings All, > > We have been noticing that some (but not all) WMS raster images look > pretty terrible (extremely low resolution compared to what they should > be) when added to our MapServer application. For instance, from > TerraServer (, USGS Digital Ortho > Quads are virtually useless regardless of scale, while USGS DRGs look > decent. Daily MODIS imagery from NASA JPL World Map Service > ( has also typically been a problem. > And there are others... A couple of issues I noticed when starting out with mapserver a few weeks ago... If your source images are 24 bit, & mapserver is outputting 8 bit, expect losses. Have you tried mapserver set to png24 as its output format? Also, (though this applies more to vectors & text in my very limited experience) if your mapserver set output size is not the same as that in your html template where you display the image, you can get some poor quality output when the browser scales the image to fit the hole you set for it. As an OS GIS & learning mapserver user in a primarily maritime (fisheries/ biodiversity/oceanography) environment, I'm particularly interested in others also using these tools in a maritime environment. Any chance of letting me know (off list?) what you are doing where?? Cheers, Brent Wood From tylermitchell at SHAW.CA Mon Jan 23 22:29:16 2006 From: tylermitchell at SHAW.CA (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:29:16 -0800 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: > Needless to say, I have been browsing for materials, but apart from > technical documentation I've found very little scientific and/or > theoretical texts on the subject. Should you know of any such text, > whether in electronic or paper form, I would very much appreciate your > letting me know. Hi Tomasz, I don't know if you'd classify my book as too technical or not, but I do theorise a little bit :) It introduces MapServer and other related open source geospatial applications/tools/libraries. Hope that helps. Tyler From taatuut at PLANET.NL Mon Jan 23 23:45:29 2006 From: taatuut at PLANET.NL (Emil Zegers) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:45:29 +0100 Subject: New to the List Message-ID: Hello Tomash, Check out the free Handbuch from CCGIS at Not free but very nice to read is the MapServer Handbuch from MapMedia And take a look at the tutorial at All books are in german. Regards, Emil Zegers ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht ----- Van: Tomasz Adamczewski Datum: dinsdag, januari 24, 2006 2:27 am Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] New to the List > Dear Friends, > > My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a > ResearchFaculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of > InformationTechnology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of > Economics in Katowice, > Poland. > > My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool > Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New > Applications of DM > Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon the > application of the software developed by your Community as an > interfacesupporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as > index analysis, > asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning > GIS-DWH > integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of > scientists and > IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a > cooperativeproject between Technical University Vienna, Czech > Technical University > Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, > University GH > Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). > It is > especially in the context of the application and implementation of > OpenSource tools for such purposes that very little has been > published. > I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming > acquaintedwith what has been done in the field by Community > members; I will appreciate > any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e- mail > exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in > conferencesorganized by Community members as well as instructions > on how to contribute > projects to the future Foundation. > > New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance > concerningthe netiquette and customs of the Community. > > With all my best regards, > > Tomash > (Tomasz Adamczewski) > Department of Information Technology > Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics > ul. 1 MAJA 50 > 40-287 KATOWICE > POLAND > tadamcz at > From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 23 22:23:13 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:23:13 -0800 Subject: mixed geometry layers Message-ID: Hi Steve, but what about the OGC interfaces? I don't think you can mix there right now. Also, if you look at the OGC model, it does take into account mixed geometry layers. For instance with SLD, you have different symbolizers (PointSymbolizer, PolygonSymbolizer etc.) which can be applied to the same layer. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 6:12 Aan: Eijnden, B. van den (Bart); MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mixed geometry layers Hi Bart: No, there are no plans to do so. I'm not sure it's worth the effort since at some level you have to differentiate between feature types to symbolize them, and a layer seems a reasonable place to do that. Many of the newer client development environments (and even MapServer HTML legends) allow you to take advantage of MapServer groups and there's no limitation there on mixing layer types within a group. So it should be easy to have a checkbox or radio button to toggle multiple layers with different types. Steve >>> "Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)" 01/23/06 4:58 AM >>> Hi list, are there any plans for Mapserver to support mixed geometry layers (eg points, lines and polygons), assuming the attributes are the same so they belong to the same featuretype? We have a lot of datasets in which there are points, lines and polygons, and now they all have to be treated as separate layers which is very confusing for users. Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 23 23:07:31 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 23:07:31 -0800 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Message-ID: Jennifer, try to use PNG24 for the parameter named image_type in chameleon.xml. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Jennifer Zeisloft Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 6:04 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Hi Frank, Thanks for the response, Frank. It is sounding more and more like this is a question I ought to forward to the chameleon list - because I am also not sure how to generate 24bit output with chameleon! I appreciate the much needed direction! Thanks all! Jennifer On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam < warmerdam at > wrote: On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen < bpederse at > wrote: > have you tried using image/jpeg? In addition to fetching data from the remote WMSes as JPEG, it is also necessary for mapserver to generate 24bit output (JPEG or PNG24 for instance). I don't know how to do that with Chameleon myself, but I'm sure there is a setting somewhere. I think Ed is right that the problem is 24bit to 8bit color conversion with correspondingly poor color resolution. Given sufficient blotchiness from this conversion it can even appear that spatial resolution is degraded (though it isn't actually). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ -- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE Tue Jan 24 00:10:24 2006 From: arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE (Arnulf Christl) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:10:24 +0100 Subject: Preferred client In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > Hi all, > > just wanna know what's your preferred WMS (/Mapserver) client? > > cheers > Joern Hi Joern, my preferred WMS/WFS(-T) client is Mapbender - but i am not "all"... Maybe better reword your question and say what you need. Or try out the list below and report the results back to the corresponding lists. Mapbender (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, XML) The best OGC WMS, WFS/T, WCD, WTS client administration, visualization, analysis, tool ever. Includes authentication, authorisation, security proxy, and so on. Comes with a large set of Free or Open WMS service URLs. (forgive me for boasting, but this is my baby...) MapBuilder (D-HTML, JavaScript, XML) Cool, lightweight WMS and WFS/T capable client interface, high affinity to the GeoServer tribe & part of their download package. Very active and open development group (makes me green with envy). iGeoPortal (D-HTML, JSP, JavaScript, XML) Part of the large self contained architecture deegree, makes heavy use of every imaginable OGC standard. One of the other Java tribes besides GeoServer and GeoTools. ka-map (D-HTML, JavaScript, XML, AJAX) Rather cool project by DM Solutions Group, right from the core of the MapServer PHP API developer. Maybe this could become the synthesis of many years of client development. They are very modest in describing what they have done. Seems like they are somewhat reluctant to make people understand what they did. Tststs... Chameleon (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MapScript) Somewhat older project with correspondingly large user group. Dev'd by DM with focus on MapServer, less OGC. CartoWeb3 (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MapScript) Large self contained architecture making heavy use of MapScript, less OGC but cool stuff like routing with PostGIS (still beta?), load balancing, etc. There are many more clients out there, but probably not so many packages that implement clean OGC WMS and even less WFS. Once you find out which is the one and only, tell us. :-) Best, Arnulf. From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Tue Jan 24 00:23:11 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 00:23:11 -0800 Subject: Preferred client Message-ID: Hi Arnulf, I tend to disagree with you that Chameleon is less OGC. We have a complete OGC framework here based on Chameleon. A lot of the widgets in Chameleon are focussed on OGC. But it is also possible to make an application without using OGC at all, that's true. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Arnulf Christl Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 9:10 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Preferred client J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > Hi all, > > just wanna know what's your preferred WMS (/Mapserver) client? > > cheers > Joern Hi Joern, my preferred WMS/WFS(-T) client is Mapbender - but i am not "all"... Maybe better reword your question and say what you need. Or try out the list below and report the results back to the corresponding lists. Mapbender (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, XML) The best OGC WMS, WFS/T, WCD, WTS client administration, visualization, analysis, tool ever. Includes authentication, authorisation, security proxy, and so on. Comes with a large set of Free or Open WMS service URLs. (forgive me for boasting, but this is my baby...) MapBuilder (D-HTML, JavaScript, XML) Cool, lightweight WMS and WFS/T capable client interface, high affinity to the GeoServer tribe & part of their download package. Very active and open development group (makes me green with envy). iGeoPortal (D-HTML, JSP, JavaScript, XML) Part of the large self contained architecture deegree, makes heavy use of every imaginable OGC standard. One of the other Java tribes besides GeoServer and GeoTools. ka-map (D-HTML, JavaScript, XML, AJAX) Rather cool project by DM Solutions Group, right from the core of the MapServer PHP API developer. Maybe this could become the synthesis of many years of client development. They are very modest in describing what they have done. Seems like they are somewhat reluctant to make people understand what they did. Tststs... Chameleon (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MapScript) Somewhat older project with correspondingly large user group. Dev'd by DM with focus on MapServer, less OGC. CartoWeb3 (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MapScript) Large self contained architecture making heavy use of MapScript, less OGC but cool stuff like routing with PostGIS (still beta?), load balancing, etc. There are many more clients out there, but probably not so many packages that implement clean OGC WMS and even less WFS. Once you find out which is the one and only, tell us. :-) Best, Arnulf. Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE Tue Jan 24 00:40:28 2006 From: arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE (Arnulf Christl) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:40:28 +0100 Subject: New to the List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: > Dear Bob, dear Paul, > I apologize for not having decoded the DWH abbreviation I used in my posting. > > DWH means DataWareHouse. > > Yours, > Tomash Hi, i would suggest to also have a look into service oriented architecture design. Probably some will heavily object but in my understanding DWH is a sort of very mature concept that is extended or even replaced by SOA. Look into the OGC for all kinds of documents and links from the heavily technical spec to the cookbook. Cool to fill bibliographies. Regarding communities: Adam Luks added some polish text fragments to the Mapbender homepage Michel Garand in Frankfurt/Oder uses MapServer in the OdraGIS project. Check out, it is not a techno place but makes heavy use of MapServer in planning contexts and has many projects and contacts, maybe these are good starting points. Best regards, Arnulf. >>Tomasz, >> >>First off, what is "DHW" , I get a couple of hit in GOOGLE about it >>concerning Housing and Health & Welfare. But that's it. >> >>What type of data is it that you are trying to render? >> >>bobb >> >> >> >>Tomasz Adamczewski wrote: >> >> >>>Dear Friends, >>> >>>My name is Tomasz Adamczewski, I am an Assistant Lecturer and a Research >>>Faculty Member and Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Information >>>Technology of the Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics in Katowice, >>>Poland. >>> >>>My doctoral project, whose working title reads: "MapServer as a Tool >>>Supporting Data Analysis in Data Warehouses. Towards New Applications of >>>DM >>>Solutions Open Source Geospacial Rendering Software," focuses upon the >>>application of the software developed by your Community as an interface >>>supporting the analysis of DWH data for such purposes as index analysis, >>>asset management, marketing, etc. So far, the problems concerning GIS-DWH >>>integration have been addressed by a highly limited number of scientists >>>and >>>IT specialists (e.g.: INCO-COPERNICUS Project No. 977091 – a >>>cooperative >>>project between Technical University Vienna, Czech Technical University >>>Prague; Lumare GIS, Ltd.; Technical University of Kosice, University GH >>>Essen, and VEGA, Ltd., completed in 2001, and Japanese projects). It is >>>especially in the context of the application and implementation of Open >>>Source tools for such purposes that very little has been published. >>> >>>I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in becoming acquainted >>>with what has been done in the field by Community members; I will >>>appreciate >>>any published materials (pdf, electronic or other), backchannel e-mail >>>exchange or any information concerning possible partcipation in >>>conferences >>>organized by Community members as well as instructions on how to >>>contribute >>>projects to the future Foundation. >>> >>>New to the group, I would like to humbly ask for initial guidance >>>concerning >>>the netiquette and customs of the Community. >>> >>>With all my best regards, >>> >>>Tomash >>>(Tomasz Adamczewski) >>>Department of Information Technology >>>Karol Adamiecki Higher School of Economics >>>ul. 1 MAJA 50 >>>40-287 KATOWICE >>>POLAND >>>tadamcz at >>> >>> >>> >> From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 24 01:00:29 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:00:29 +0100 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: Hi list, I've a small problem with my mapfile.. I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the layer is not on top.... Anyone can help me with this? Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Tue Jan 24 01:00:29 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:00:29 -0800 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: When you put it at the end, make sure you put it before the last END (which marks the END of the root MAP object). I am guessing you placed it too deep (after the last END), so then the LAYER is not interpreted anymore by Mapserver since the MAP file has ended already. Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi list, I've a small problem with my mapfile.. I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the layer is not on top.... Anyone can help me with this? Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 24 01:13:12 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:13:12 +0100 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: Hi Bart, Thanks for your reply but this is not the problem, see current mapfile below... I suspect it has something to do with the STATUS parameter (ON, OFF or DEFAULT).. Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" DEBUG ON WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END END -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order When you put it at the end, make sure you put it before the last END (which marks the END of the root MAP object). I am guessing you placed it too deep (after the last END), so then the LAYER is not interpreted anymore by Mapserver since the MAP file has ended already. Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi list, I've a small problem with my mapfile.. I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the layer is not on top.... Anyone can help me with this? Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Tue Jan 24 01:13:29 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:13:29 -0800 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: Hi Erik, in the section I pasted below you have an END too much (this LAYER should end with two ENDs and not with 3, in other layers you use the STYLE object but in this one you did not so you need 1 END less): LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:13 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi Bart, Thanks for your reply but this is not the problem, see current mapfile below... I suspect it has something to do with the STATUS parameter (ON, OFF or DEFAULT).. Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" DEBUG ON WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END END -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order When you put it at the end, make sure you put it before the last END (which marks the END of the root MAP object). I am guessing you placed it too deep (after the last END), so then the LAYER is not interpreted anymore by Mapserver since the MAP file has ended already. Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi list, I've a small problem with my mapfile.. I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the layer is not on top.... Anyone can help me with this? Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Tue Jan 24 01:18:15 2006 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:18:15 +0800 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: Erik, You may have an "END" too many at the end of your mapfile. That explains why the layer gives you an error. Notice your indentation being off: CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END ############## WRONG, SHOULDN'T BE THERE END END ############ THIS ENDS YOUR MAPFILE END ############ REDUNDANT Hope this helps, Jacob > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ruiter E. > de (Erik) > Sent: 24 January 2006 17:13 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order > > Hi Bart, > > Thanks for your reply but this is not the problem, see current mapfile > below... > > I suspect it has something to do with the STATUS parameter (ON, OFF or > DEFAULT).. > > Greets, > Erik. > > #------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > ---------- > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > #------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > ---------- > > #============ MAIN MAP > =========================================================== > > MAP > NAME "Spinoffice" > SIZE 400 200 > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGETYPE png > SHAPEPATH "shapes" > SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" > DEBUG ON > WEB > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > > > #============ LAYERS > ======================================================= > > LAYER > NAME Gebouwen > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gebouw" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME GBKG > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA gbkg_l > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gbkg" > STYLE > COLOR 190 190 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Buurten > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA buurten > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "buurten" > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Wegvakken > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA wegvakken > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "wegvakken" > STYLE > COLOR 190 190 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > END > > > LAYER > NAME Ligplaatsen > TYPE POINT > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "ligplaats" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Panden > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > CLASS > NAME "pand" > SIZE 1 > > COLOR 255 100 100 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Verblijfsobjecten > TYPE POINT > STATUS ON > DEBUG ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > SYMBOLSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME "verblijfsobject" > STYLE > SYMBOL "circle" > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > # SIZE 7 > MAXSIZE 20 > MINSIZE 1 > END > END > END > > END > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) > Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order > > When you put it at the end, make sure you put it before the last END > (which marks the END of the root MAP object). I am guessing you placed > it too deep (after the last END), so then the LAYER is not interpreted > anymore by Mapserver since the MAP file has ended already. > > Bart > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) > Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 > Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order > > > Hi list, > > I've a small problem with my mapfile.. > > I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. > When I place > the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: > msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS > parameter. > > When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the > layer is not on top.... > > Anyone can help me with this? > > Greets, > > Erik. > > > #------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > ---------- > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > #------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > ---------- > > #============ MAIN MAP > =========================================================== > > MAP > NAME "Spinoffice" > SIZE 400 200 > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGETYPE png > SHAPEPATH "shapes" > SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" > WEB > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > > > #============ LAYERS > ======================================================= > > LAYER > NAME Gebouwen > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gebouw" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME GBKG > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA gbkg_l > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gbkg" > STYLE > COLOR 190 190 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Buurten > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA buurten > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "buurten" > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Wegvakken > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA wegvakken > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "wegvakken" > STYLE > COLOR 190 190 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Verblijfsobjecten > TYPE POINT > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > SYMBOLSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME "verblijfsobject" > STYLE > SYMBOL "circle" > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > # SIZE 7 > MAXSIZE 20 > MINSIZE 1 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Ligplaatsen > TYPE POINT > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "ligplaats" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Panden > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > CLASS > NAME "pand" > SIZE 1 > > COLOR 255 100 100 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > END > > > [DISCLAIMER] > > Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend > bestemd voor de > geadresseerde. > Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend > ons direct > te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te > verwijderen, > zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te > openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke > schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en > verzending van > documenten en gegevens. > > This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended > for use by the addressee only. > If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us > immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without > copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS > will not be liable for damage relating to the communication > by e-mail of > data or documents. > > > Disclaimer > ************************************************************** > ********** > Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is > uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis > hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te > informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de > volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. > > This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. > This message is intended solely for the addressee. > If you have received this message in error, please delete it > and notify > the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is > correct or > complete, please contact the sender. > ************************************************************** > ********** > From E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL Tue Jan 24 01:28:30 2006 From: E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL (Ruiter E. de (Erik)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:28:30 +0100 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: Thanks, An END to many, stupid me.... The error is gone now but I still don't get 'verblijfsobjecten' layer on top. What determines which layer is on top. (Note that I use Oracle data and shapes mixed!). Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:13 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi Erik, in the section I pasted below you have an END too much (this LAYER should end with two ENDs and not with 3, in other layers you use the STYLE object but in this one you did not so you need 1 END less): LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:13 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi Bart, Thanks for your reply but this is not the problem, see current mapfile below... I suspect it has something to do with the STATUS parameter (ON, OFF or DEFAULT).. Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" DEBUG ON WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END END -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order When you put it at the end, make sure you put it before the last END (which marks the END of the root MAP object). I am guessing you placed it too deep (after the last END), so then the LAYER is not interpreted anymore by Mapserver since the MAP file has ended already. Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi list, I've a small problem with my mapfile.. I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the layer is not on top.... Anyone can help me with this? Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Tue Jan 24 01:34:41 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 01:34:41 -0800 Subject: Layer order Message-ID: The lower the LAYER in the MAP file, the higher the layer in the MAP. How are you creating your map image? Which client application or which URL? Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:29 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Thanks, An END to many, stupid me.... The error is gone now but I still don't get 'verblijfsobjecten' layer on top. What determines which layer is on top. (Note that I use Oracle data and shapes mixed!). Greetings, Erik. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:13 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi Erik, in the section I pasted below you have an END too much (this LAYER should end with two ENDs and not with 3, in other layers you use the STYLE object but in this one you did not so you need 1 END less): LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:13 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi Bart, Thanks for your reply but this is not the problem, see current mapfile below... I suspect it has something to do with the STATUS parameter (ON, OFF or DEFAULT).. Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" DEBUG ON WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON DEBUG ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END END -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) Sent: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order When you put it at the end, make sure you put it before the last END (which marks the END of the root MAP object). I am guessing you placed it too deep (after the last END), so then the LAYER is not interpreted anymore by Mapserver since the MAP file has ended already. Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ruiter E. de (Erik) Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 10:00 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Layer order Hi list, I've a small problem with my mapfile.. I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the layer is not on top.... Anyone can help me with this? Greets, Erik. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- # MAPFILE Spinoffice #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #============ MAIN MAP =========================================================== MAP NAME "Spinoffice" SIZE 400 200 EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png SHAPEPATH "shapes" SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" WEB TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' END PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END #============ LAYERS ======================================================= LAYER NAME Gebouwen TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gebouw" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME GBKG TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA gbkg_l PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "gbkg" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 END END END LAYER NAME Buurten TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA buurten PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "buurten" STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Wegvakken TYPE LINE STATUS OFF DATA wegvakken PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "wegvakken" STYLE COLOR 190 190 190 OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 END END END LAYER NAME Verblijfsobjecten TYPE POINT STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END SYMBOLSCALE 10000 CLASS NAME "verblijfsobject" STYLE SYMBOL "circle" COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 # SIZE 7 MAXSIZE 20 MINSIZE 1 END END END LAYER NAME Ligplaatsen TYPE POINT STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" PROJECTION "init=epsg:28992" END CLASS NAME "ligplaats" SIZE 1 STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END LAYER NAME Panden TYPE POLYGON STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" CLASS NAME "pand" SIZE 1 COLOR 255 100 100 OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 END END END END [DISCLAIMER] Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. 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Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From sdc at SDC.COM.AU Tue Jan 24 02:13:04 2006 From: sdc at SDC.COM.AU (Stephen Davies) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:43:04 +1030 Subject: Raster layers from PNG + .wld file Message-ID: G'day all. I have been successful in using ECW files as raster layers but am now trying to use a PNG file plus a .wld file with blank results. My test map file looks like this: MAP NAME test EXTENT 735810 8454630 742810 8461630 PROJECTION "init=epsg:28352" END SIZE 600 600 FONTSET "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/benparts/fonts.list" SYMBOLSET "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/benparts/symbols" UNITS METERS IMAGETYPE png24 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 WEB template /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/benparts/templates/test1.html imagepath "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/tmp/" imageurl "/tmp/" END LAYER TYPE RASTER NAME "bkgrnd" STATUS DEFAULT PROJECTION "init=epsg:28352" END DATA "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/benparts/rasters/dd1.png" PROCESSING "DITHER=YES" END END My dd1.wld file looks like: 2.1 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -2.1 746046.00 8450252.00 The URL: gives no errors and an empty display. What am I doing wrong? Cheers and thanks, Stephen Davies -- ======================================================================= This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 From siki at AGT.BME.HU Tue Jan 24 07:50:49 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 14:50:49 -0100 Subject: Layer order {Scanned} In-Reply-To: <13A5C639FDEBE7479A719909147A52280121943B@exbe004.arcadis-nl.local> Message-ID: Hi, You have an extra end in the definition of your last layer. Check LAYER ... END and CLASS ... END pairs. Bye Zoltan On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote: > Hi list, > > I've a small problem with my mapfile.. > > I want to have the layer 'verblijfsobjecten' always on top. When I place > the layer at the end of my mapfile I get this error: > msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): Invalid layer(s) given in the LAYERS parameter. > > When I have the layer like in my mapfile below it does work but the > layer is not on top.... > > Anyone can help me with this? > > Greets, > > Erik. > > > #----------------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > # MAPFILE Spinoffice > #----------------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > > #============ MAIN MAP > =========================================================== > > MAP > NAME "Spinoffice" > SIZE 400 200 > EXTENT 123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000 > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGETYPE png > SHAPEPATH "shapes" > SYMBOLSET "symbols35.sym" > WEB > TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html" > IMAGEPATH '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/' > IMAGEURL '/ms_tmp/' > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > > > #============ LAYERS > ======================================================= > > LAYER > NAME Gebouwen > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "N0320 FROM GEBOUW USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gebouw" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > LAYER > NAME GBKG > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA gbkg_l > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "gbkg" > STYLE > COLOR 190 190 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 190 190 190 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Buurten > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA buurten > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "buurten" > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Wegvakken > TYPE LINE > STATUS OFF > DATA wegvakken > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "wegvakken" > STYLE > COLOR 190 190 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Verblijfsobjecten > TYPE POINT > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5620 FROM VERBLIJFSOBJECT USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > SYMBOLSCALE 10000 > CLASS > NAME "verblijfsobject" > STYLE > SYMBOL "circle" > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > # SIZE 7 > MAXSIZE 20 > MINSIZE 1 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Ligplaatsen > TYPE POINT > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5820 FROM LIGPLAATS" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:28992" > END > CLASS > NAME "ligplaats" > SIZE 1 > STYLE > COLOR 0 0 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > LAYER > NAME Panden > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial > CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk" > DATA "A5520 FROM PAND USING SRID 90112" > PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" > CLASS > NAME "pand" > SIZE 1 > > COLOR 255 100 100 > OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32 > END > END > END > > END > > > [DISCLAIMER] > > Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. > Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken we u dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door te zenden of op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken. ARCADIS is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van communicatie per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens. > > This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged. It is intended for use by the addressee only. > If you are not the intended addressee, we request that you notify us immediately and delete this e-mail, and any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding, disclosing or using it in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage relating to the communication by e-mail of data or documents. > From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Tue Jan 24 04:59:28 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:59:28 -0500 Subject: Raster layers from PNG + .wld file In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/24/06, Stephen Davies wrote: > G'day all. > > I have been successful in using ECW files as raster layers but am now > trying to use a PNG file plus a .wld file with blank results. ... > EXTENT 735810 8454630 742810 8461630 ... > My dd1.wld file looks like: > > 2.1 > 0.0000000000 > 0.0000000000 > -2.1 > 746046.00 > 8450252.00 Stephen, The world file above indicates that the left-most "X" value in your png file will be 746046E which is east of the right most side of your map extent (742810E). Your PNG file may be drawing just fine ... it just isn't on your map. Failing to analyse extents of data carefully is a common user error. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From dev at RUFFNESS.COM Tue Jan 24 05:28:14 2006 From: dev at RUFFNESS.COM (Dave K) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:28:14 -0600 Subject: Projection problems Message-ID: Hi there, I am having some problems reprojecting a map. The map comes from a WMS server and is in espg:4236 which as I understand it means that it uses the WGS84 datum and ellipsoid, but has no inherent projection. I then want to project the map using a Transverse Mercator projection (which I'm told has the least distortion). If I access the map without the PROJECTION clause (or with it set to epsg:4326) the map displays fine and for some reason looks like it is in the standard Mercator projection. However, as soon as I include the PROJECTION clause the map becomes completely blank. My extents are: MINX=-180 MINY=90 MAXX=180 MAXY=-90 ... which should be displaying the entire world. Am I missing something fundamental here? Cheers, Dave K ------- MAP OUTPUTFORMAT NAME swf MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash" DRIVER "SWF" IMAGEMODE PC256 FORMATOPTION "OUTPUTMODE=SINGLE" END # This bit is causing a problem PROJECTION "proj=tmerc" "ellps=WGS84" "datum=WGS84" "lat_0=0" "lon_0=0" "k=0.9996" "x_0=0" END LAYER NAME "demis" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "*&FORMAT=png&TRANSPARENT=true&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&WMS=WorldMap" METADATA "wms_title" "Demis" "wms_name" "*" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_srs" "epsg:4326" "wms_format" "image/png" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" # This is the same as: #"proj=latlong" (No projection) #"ellps=WGS84" #"datum=WGS84" END END From jukka.rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI Tue Jan 24 06:06:14 2006 From: jukka.rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI (Jukka Rahkonen) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:06:14 -0600 Subject: MapServer WFS (ms4w) and http POST Message-ID: Hello, I have been trying to connect to my MapServer WFS service (ms4w installation on Windows) with couple of WFS clients. I have succeeded in that with MapInfo and with Cadcorp SIS Map Browser while I use "HTTP Request Method: GET". However, with request method "POST" I can not connect. In comparison, I can connect to WFS service at DM Solutions at with Cadcorp browser both by using GET and POST methods. My problem now is that actually I would like to use my own MapServer WFS service with OpenJUMP/deeJUMP client, which seem to use only POST method. My best guess right now is that my connection problem is caused by something blocking the POST requests. Is there any simple and reliable way to test if POST requests are going through to MapServer in my environment? And if that is the problem what might be the trick to make my MapServer to accept POST requests? Regards, Jukka Rahkonen From work at XWB.COM Tue Jan 24 06:08:16 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 06:08:16 -0800 Subject: Questions about Mapserver CGI In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I have a couple of technical questions concerning Mapserver CGI (running under IIS): 1. Is Mapserver multi-threaded? 2. Has Mapserver been tested running in a 64-bit environment (under Server 2003 64-Bit edition)? If so, what was the result compared to 32-bit? Thanks for the help. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc From ing.elgawhary at TISCALI.IT Tue Jan 24 06:19:00 2006 From: ing.elgawhary at TISCALI.IT (O. El Gawhary) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:19:00 -0600 Subject: Problem to visualise ecw raster files on Linux Message-ID: Hi MapServer userlist, I have a problem in visualisation of ecw files (of every size) with my MapServer application and it seems I am far to solve it. I work with php_mapscript and MapServer-4.6.2. When I work on Linux I compile gdal with the libecw and all it's ok. I tested gdal_translate and it works. But when I add a Layer object, in my .map file, containing an ecw file, I can't view the image. I have done the same under Windows, and there is not problems. I do not understand....if MapServer knows the existence of ecw images via gdal and gdal works fine why it do not handle this kind of images? I hope that somebody has encountered this problem and can help me. Thanks. Omar From listuser at HERZSYS.DE Tue Jan 24 06:29:34 2006 From: listuser at HERZSYS.DE (listuser HH) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:29:34 +0100 Subject: GEOS integration questions In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Steve Lime wrote: >The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there specific >operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me know >if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. > >A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at > >As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators that >work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via the PROCESSING >block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way you >could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular layer as >they are read from the data source- for any data source. > >Steve > > > >>>>listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >>>> >>>> >Hello all, > >I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >also has buffer and convexhull. > >Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >functions are? > >Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the mapfile? > >Are there any docs that give some more information? > >Regards > >Norbert > > > > Hi Steve, sorry for the late reply I was not in office. At the moment I'm collecting arguments to convince costumers to use MapServer. I know there are many good reasons to use MapServer - mostly because of the good work you and the other developers did and do - but I want to give a full overview. I tested PostGIS a bit and I think that there is much potential but some of our costumers have Oracle and they will not use Postgres. So it will be nice to have some of the functions available in MapServer. In the following I have made a list with the things I was thinking of. I give a ranking for the importance (1 - most / 5 - fewest). - crosses -> 1 - (boolean) intersect -> 2 - (geom) intersect -> 2 - union -> 2 - difference -> 3 - getCentroid -> 3 - getLength -> 4 - getArea -> 4 - touches -> 4 - isValid -> 5 - disjoint -> 5 If others are interested perhaps we can open a poll for "Geometry functions in MapServer" with all the GEOS functions to see what would be important for a bigger group of people. Thanks and my best regards Norbert From sgillies at FRII.COM Tue Jan 24 06:33:44 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:33:44 -0700 Subject: Questions about Mapserver CGI In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Jan 24, 2006, at 7:08 AM, Chip Taylor wrote: > I have a couple of technical questions concerning Mapserver CGI > (running > under IIS): > > 1. Is Mapserver multi-threaded? > 2. Has Mapserver been tested running in a 64-bit environment (under > Server > 2003 64-Bit edition)? If so, what was the result compared to 32-bit? > > Thanks for the help. > Chip Taylor > Prepared Response, Inc Chip, MapServer itself never creates new threads, but if I am not mistaken, libcurl (which is used within the W*S client code) does make parallel requests in separate threads. I have no help for you on #2. cheers, Sean --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 06:51:44 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:51:44 -0600 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read Message-ID: Hello, I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something OGR can read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I need. There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different authors. It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix environment. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do this before but with little luck. Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Tue Jan 24 06:52:16 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:52:16 -0500 Subject: Projection problems Message-ID: Dave - "Am I missing something fundamental here?" Well, yes . First, the assumption that the Mercator projection has "the least distortion" is only true if you are a seventeenth-century mariner using magnetic compass for open-water navigation! The Mercator projection is "familiar" because it is commonly used on world maps, but it distorts both distance and area. If your output map is a world map, then it's a reasonable choice mainly because it is familiar-looking; people expect Greenland to look larger than Brazil, even if that's not true. But "Transverse Mercator" is not the same as "Mercator" - they are related but very different projections. Your EXTENT problem is due to the fact that your extents need to be specified in the units of your output coordinate system/projection. If your output projection is in degrees, then degrees are fine. But if you change that you need to change the extent, too. You cannot have a Mercator-projection map that runs from -90 to +90 latitude; it would be infinitely tall. You cannot have a Transverse Mercator-projection map that runs from -180 to +180 longitude; it would be infinitely wide. You should review your output projection decision; then use the PROJ tools or other projection tools to calculate the new extent of your map view, remembering that you can't show the whole planet in a Mercator or Transverse Mercator map. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Dave K Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:28 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection problems Hi there, I am having some problems reprojecting a map. The map comes from a WMS server and is in espg:4236 which as I understand it means that it uses the WGS84 datum and ellipsoid, but has no inherent projection. I then want to project the map using a Transverse Mercator projection (which I'm told has the least distortion). If I access the map without the PROJECTION clause (or with it set to epsg:4326) the map displays fine and for some reason looks like it is in the standard Mercator projection. However, as soon as I include the PROJECTION clause the map becomes completely blank. My extents are: MINX=-180 MINY=90 MAXX=180 MAXY=-90 ... which should be displaying the entire world. Am I missing something fundamental here? Cheers, Dave K ------- MAP OUTPUTFORMAT NAME swf MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash" DRIVER "SWF" IMAGEMODE PC256 FORMATOPTION "OUTPUTMODE=SINGLE" END # This bit is causing a problem PROJECTION "proj=tmerc" "ellps=WGS84" "datum=WGS84" "lat_0=0" "lon_0=0" "k=0.9996" "x_0=0" END LAYER NAME "demis" STATUS OFF TYPE RASTER CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "*&FORMAT=png&TRA NSPARENT=true&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&WMS=WorldMap" METADATA "wms_title" "Demis" "wms_name" "*" "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" "wms_srs" "epsg:4326" "wms_format" "image/png" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" # This is the same as: #"proj=latlong" (No projection) #"ellps=WGS84" #"datum=WGS84" END END From bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM Tue Jan 24 06:53:36 2006 From: bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM (Bob Basques) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:53:36 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: The standard Oracle install (workgroup or better, someone correct me if I'm wrong) comes with something called "Locator", while not all of the Spatial Cartridge capabilities are included in it, there are some Spatial components that work without a full bore Spatial implementation. You might want to cross reference your list with those capabilites. do a search on Oracle Spatial vs Oracle Locator for more info. a blurb I found here: Oracle Spatial vs. Oracle Locator Oracle Locator is a standard component of the database. Locator has the same geographical data structure and index mechanisms as Oracle Spatial, but lacks some functionalities. Functions and procedures for coordinate transformation, spatial aggregations and tuning options that are part of Oracle Spatial are missing in Oracle Locator. If Oracle database products are used, there are no additional costs for Oracle Locator. Oracle Spatial has to be purchased as an addition to Oracle's "enterprise edition" database. bobb listuser HH wrote: > Steve Lime wrote: > >> The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >> want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >> that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there >> specific >> operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me >> know >> if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. >> >> A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at >> >> >> As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators >> that work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via >> the PROCESSING >> block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way >> you >> could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular >> layer as >> they are read from the data source- for any data source. >> >> Steve >> >> >> >>>>> listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >>>>> >>>> >> Hello all, >> >> I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >> already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >> only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >> also has buffer and convexhull. >> >> Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >> functions are? >> >> Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the >> mapfile? >> >> Are there any docs that give some more information? >> >> Regards >> >> Norbert >> >> >> >> > Hi Steve, > > sorry for the late reply I was not in office. > > At the moment I'm collecting arguments to convince costumers to use > MapServer. I know there are many good reasons to use MapServer - > mostly because of the good work you and the other developers did and > do - but I want to give a full overview. I tested PostGIS a bit and I > think that there is much potential but some of our costumers have > Oracle and they will not use Postgres. So it will be nice to have some > of the functions available in MapServer. > > In the following I have made a list with the things I was thinking of. > I give a ranking for the importance (1 - most / 5 - fewest). > - crosses -> 1 > - (boolean) intersect -> 2 > - (geom) intersect -> 2 > - union -> 2 > - difference -> 3 > - getCentroid -> 3 > - getLength -> 4 > - getArea -> 4 > - touches -> 4 > - isValid -> 5 > - disjoint -> 5 > > If others are interested perhaps we can open a poll for "Geometry > functions in MapServer" with all the GEOS functions to see what would > be important for a bigger group of people. > > Thanks and my best regards > > Norbert > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 24 06:58:20 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:58:20 -0600 Subject: mixed geometry layers Message-ID: Sorry, I tend to think pure MapServer first. The solution would be to: - introduce a layer type of MIXED - and style TYPES (point/line/polygon) Then in code (msDrawShape) if the layer type is MIXED you'd assign a virtual layer type based on the shape type, and skip styles of the wrong type. Of course, OGC could embrace the concept of logical layer groups as well so that user interfaces could be built in much the same way as pure MapServer approaches do... Steve >>> "Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)" 01/24/06 12:23 AM >>> Hi Steve, but what about the OGC interfaces? I don't think you can mix there right now. Also, if you look at the OGC model, it does take into account mixed geometry layers. For instance with SLD, you have different symbolizers (PointSymbolizer, PolygonSymbolizer etc.) which can be applied to the same layer. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 6:12 Aan: Eijnden, B. van den (Bart); MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mixed geometry layers Hi Bart: No, there are no plans to do so. I'm not sure it's worth the effort since at some level you have to differentiate between feature types to symbolize them, and a layer seems a reasonable place to do that. Many of the newer client development environments (and even MapServer HTML legends) allow you to take advantage of MapServer groups and there's no limitation there on mixing layer types within a group. So it should be easy to have a checkbox or radio button to toggle multiple layers with different types. Steve >>> "Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)" 01/23/06 4:58 AM >>> Hi list, are there any plans for Mapserver to support mixed geometry layers (eg points, lines and polygons), assuming the attributes are the same so they belong to the same featuretype? We have a lot of datasets in which there are points, lines and polygons, and now they all have to be treated as separate layers which is very confusing for users. Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Tue Jan 24 07:11:54 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:11:54 -0500 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: > Hello, > > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something OGR can > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I need. > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different authors. > > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix environment. > > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do this > before but with little luck. Jerl, I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can read. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 07:14:53 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:14:53 -0600 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you, I'll have a look at that. On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something OGR > can > > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. > > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I > need. > > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different authors. > > > > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix environment. > > > > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do this > > before but with little luck. > > Jerl, > > I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the > E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can > read. > > > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 24 07:47:42 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:47:42 -0600 Subject: Set the background color Message-ID: Thanks for your reply dylan, it worked ... From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Tue Jan 24 07:54:00 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:54:00 -0500 Subject: Projection problems Message-ID: Dave - If you need to make maps that cover relatively small areas, then a Transverse Mercator is a good choice. The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) family of projections is standard and popular worldwide. A Transverse Mercator (TM) projection is centered on an arbitrary north-south meridian. If you customize your TM projection to the central meridian (longitude) of each city, you'll get very accurate maps with very little distortion at all at the city/regional scale. But you'll have coordinates unique to your projections. The UTM family are just 60 TM projections with predefined central meridians every 6 degrees around the world. Each zone is nominally 6 degrees wide, although you can stretch them wider to account for edges; London's just about the worst possible case for UTM, since 0 degrees longitude is an edge between two zones! Proj=latlong produces a projection known as equirectangular or "Plat Carr?e", sometimes misspelled "Plate Carr?e". It is, obviously, a very simple projection. And in exchange it produces a lot of distortion. You cannot, for example, put an accurate scale bar on such a map unless you're covering a small area at the equator (are Quito, Libreville, or Kampala on your list of cities ?) What it's doing is just what you think it's doing. It is using latitude and longitude as if they were rectangular Cartesian coordinates. Away from the equator this "stretches" the map east-west. At the latitude of London this actually distorts east-west distances to be about 60% larger than they really are. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 ed at -----Original Message----- From: Dave Keen [mailto:dev at] Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:16 AM To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection problems Hiya Ed, Thanks for writing back so promptly. I think I'm a still a bit confused about all this, even after reading lots of information about projections :) At present we have developed a Flash map application that gets its tiles from a MapServer backend using the GB National Grid and I haven't paid any attention to projections since we were only mapping London and on such a small scale it didn't matter. However, we know have to extend our application to deal with Europe, America, Japan and potentially every major city in the world so we need to switch over to using lat/long instead of the GBGrid. Since I want to limit the number of times I need to reproject coordinates is there a decent looking projection that has its output format in degrees, or does the very nature of a projection mean that degrees are no longer applicable. Specifying proj=latlong does draw a Mercatorish looking map and it allows me to specify my coordinates in lat/long, but what is this actually doing? (I will need to implement exactly the same projection algorithm in the client application without using proj.4 so I need to know the mechanics of this). Many thanks, Dave Ed McNierney wrote: >Dave - > >"Am I missing something fundamental here?" > >Well, yes . First, the assumption that the Mercator projection has >"the least distortion" is only true if you are a seventeenth-century >mariner using magnetic compass for open-water navigation! The >Mercator projection is "familiar" because it is commonly used on world >maps, but it distorts both distance and area. If your output map is a >world map, then it's a reasonable choice mainly because it is >familiar-looking; people expect Greenland to look larger than Brazil, >even if that's not true. > >But "Transverse Mercator" is not the same as "Mercator" - they are >related but very different projections. > >Your EXTENT problem is due to the fact that your extents need to be >specified in the units of your output coordinate system/projection. If >your output projection is in degrees, then degrees are fine. But if >you change that you need to change the extent, too. > >You cannot have a Mercator-projection map that runs from -90 to +90 >latitude; it would be infinitely tall. You cannot have a Transverse >Mercator-projection map that runs from -180 to +180 longitude; it would >be infinitely wide. > >You should review your output projection decision; then use the PROJ >tools or other projection tools to calculate the new extent of your map >view, remembering that you can't show the whole planet in a Mercator or >Transverse Mercator map. > > - Ed > >Ed McNierney >President and Chief Mapmaker > / Maps a la carte, Inc. >73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 >North Chelmsford, MA 01863 >Phone: +1 (978) 251-4242 >Fax: +1 (978) 251-1396 >ed at > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] >On Behalf Of Dave K >Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:28 AM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Projection problems > >Hi there, > >I am having some problems reprojecting a map. The map comes from a WMS >server and is in espg:4236 which as I understand it means that it uses >the >WGS84 datum and ellipsoid, but has no inherent projection. I then want >to project the map using a Transverse Mercator projection (which I'm >told has the least distortion). > >If I access the map without the PROJECTION clause (or with it set to >epsg:4326) the map displays fine and for some reason looks like it is >in the standard Mercator projection. > >However, as soon as I include the PROJECTION clause the map becomes >completely blank. > >My extents are: > MINX=-180 > MINY=90 > MAXX=180 > MAXY=-90 > >... which should be displaying the entire world. > >Am I missing something fundamental here? > >Cheers, > >Dave K > >------- > >MAP > > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME swf > MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash" > DRIVER "SWF" > IMAGEMODE PC256 > FORMATOPTION "OUTPUTMODE=SINGLE" > END > > # This bit is causing a problem > PROJECTION > "proj=tmerc" > "ellps=WGS84" > "datum=WGS84" > "lat_0=0" > "lon_0=0" > "k=0.9996" > "x_0=0" > END > > LAYER > NAME "demis" > STATUS OFF > TYPE RASTER > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > CONNECTION >"*&FORMAT=png&TR >A NSPARENT=true&EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE&WMS=WorldMap" > > METADATA > "wms_title" "Demis" > "wms_name" "*" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.1" > "wms_srs" "epsg:4326" > "wms_format" "image/png" > END > > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > > # This is the same as: > #"proj=latlong" (No projection) > #"ellps=WGS84" > #"datum=WGS84" > END > >END > > > > > > From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 07:59:12 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:59:12 -0600 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I used the avcimport to convert the E00 files to the arc/info binary. But I lose data in the process. Same thing as with the e002shp. For instance, I have a file called PPPOINT.E00. This file contains Populated Places for Honduras in Point format. City points basically. This file contains the lat/lons of the points, and city names. when I use avcimport the city names are lost, and all I have are the points, no names. Is there a way to keep the city names? I might need to use the library to create my own program, but then I still don't know how they city names join to the lat/lon information. Thanks again, Jerl On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something OGR > can > > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. > > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I > need. > > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different authors. > > > > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix environment. > > > > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do this > > before but with little luck. > > Jerl, > > I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the > E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can > read. > > > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 08:03:34 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:03:34 -0600 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I forgot to mention something important. I receive this error: ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something OGR > can > > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. > > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I > need. > > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different authors. > > > > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix environment. > > > > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do this > > before but with little luck. > > Jerl, > > I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the > E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can > read. > > > > Best regards, > -- > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Tue Jan 24 08:15:37 2006 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell.Filak) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 11:15:37 -0500 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Jerl Simpson writes: > I forgot to mention something important. > I receive this error: > > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" > > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. > > > > On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: >> >> On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: >> > Hello, >> > >> > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something OGR >> can >> > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. >> > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I >> need. >> > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different authors. >> > >> > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix environment. >> > >> > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do this >> > before but with little luck. >> >> Jerl, >> >> I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the >> E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can >> read. >> >> Jerl, Is the e00 file you're trying to use named ".e00" or is it ".e01' or ".e02"? Also, could it be a DOS text file and you're tring to import on Unix without first doing dos2unix on it? Lowell From dev at RUFFNESS.COM Tue Jan 24 08:19:01 2006 From: dev at RUFFNESS.COM (Dave K) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:19:01 -0600 Subject: Open Source Map Software Message-ID: Does anyone know of any decent open source software for creating map files? From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 08:36:53 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:36:53 -0600 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: it's named .E00 I tried the dos2unix and no change. These files are already unix text files. On 1/24/06, Lowell.Filak wrote: > > Jerl Simpson writes: > > > I forgot to mention something important. > > I receive this error: > > > > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" > > > > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so > > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. > > > > > > > > On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > >> > >> On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: > >> > Hello, > >> > > >> > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something > OGR > >> can > >> > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. > >> > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I > >> need. > >> > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different > authors. > >> > > >> > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix > environment. > >> > > >> > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do > this > >> > before but with little luck. > >> > >> Jerl, > >> > >> I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the > >> E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can > >> read. > >> > >> > > Jerl, > > Is the e00 file you're trying to use named ".e00" or is it ".e01' or > ".e02"? > Also, could it be a DOS text file and you're tring to import on Unix > without > first doing dos2unix on it? > > Lowell > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Tue Jan 24 08:37:24 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:37:24 +0100 Subject: Mapbender & MapServer Message-ID: Does anyone tell me how to build MapBender with MapServer ? Software installation instructions are regarded only to how to build MapBender with PostgreSQL or MySQL ! How can I use MapBender to display WMS MapServer request ?? Thank u Fabio From Michael.Smith at ERDC.USACE.ARMY.MIL Tue Jan 24 08:49:03 2006 From: Michael.Smith at ERDC.USACE.ARMY.MIL (Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:49:03 -0600 Subject: GEOS integration questions Message-ID: Locator now includes coord transformation routines as of 10gr2 Sent with Wireless Sync from Verizon Wireless ---- Original Message ---- From: "Bob Basques" Date: 1/24/06 9:56 am To: "MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU" Subj: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] GEOS integration questions The standard Oracle install (workgroup or better, someone correct me if I'm wrong) comes with something called "Locator", while not all of the Spatial Cartridge capabilities are included in it, there are some Spatial components that work without a full bore Spatial implementation. You might want to cross reference your list with those capabilites. do a search on Oracle Spatial vs Oracle Locator for more info. a blurb I found here: Oracle Spatial vs. Oracle Locator Oracle Locator is a standard component of the database. Locator has the same geographical data structure and index mechanisms as Oracle Spatial, but lacks some functionalities. Functions and procedures for coordinate transformation, spatial aggregations and tuning options that are part of Oracle Spatial are missing in Oracle Locator. If Oracle database products are used, there are no additional costs for Oracle Locator. Oracle Spatial has to be purchased as an addition to Oracle's "enterprise edition" database. bobb listuser HH wrote: > Steve Lime wrote: > >> The only GEOS methods exposed are convex hull and a buffer. I didn't >> want to go nuts until I received some feedback about the usefulness of >> that type of functionality. They are not difficult to add. Are there >> specific >> operators you are interested in and would be willing to test? Let me >> know >> if so and we can work in the 4.9 branch. >> >> A full list of operators supported by GEOS is available at >> >> >> As for mapfile integration. My idea was to expose a few operators >> that work of a single shape (e.g. buffer, convex hull, etc...) via >> the PROCESSING >> block that is currently used for defining raster operations. That way >> you >> could basically apply a GEOS operator to all features of a particular >> layer as >> they are read from the data source- for any data source. >> >> Steve >> >> >> >>>>> listuser HH 01/19/06 5:49 AM >>> >>>>> >>>> >> Hello all, >> >> I would like to know how much of the GEOS functions (and which) are >> already available in the MapScript API and in PHP MapScript. I found >> only intersects and cointains for both. The shapeObj in PHP Mapscript >> also has buffer and convexhull. >> >> Can someone tell me what the plans for including more of the GEOS >> functions are? >> >> Are there plans to use some functions (i.e. buffer) directly in the >> mapfile? >> >> Are there any docs that give some more information? >> >> Regards >> >> Norbert >> >> >> >> > Hi Steve, > > sorry for the late reply I was not in office. > > At the moment I'm collecting arguments to convince costumers to use > MapServer. I know there are many good reasons to use MapServer - > mostly because of the good work you and the other developers did and > do - but I want to give a full overview. I tested PostGIS a bit and I > think that there is much potential but some of our costumers have > Oracle and they will not use Postgres. So it will be nice to have some > of the functions available in MapServer. > > In the following I have made a list with the things I was thinking of. > I give a ranking for the importance (1 - most / 5 - fewest). > - crosses -> 1 > - (boolean) intersect -> 2 > - (geom) intersect -> 2 > - union -> 2 > - difference -> 3 > - getCentroid -> 3 > - getLength -> 4 > - getArea -> 4 > - touches -> 4 > - isValid -> 5 > - disjoint -> 5 > > If others are interested perhaps we can open a poll for "Geometry > functions in MapServer" with all the GEOS functions to see what would > be important for a bigger group of people. > > Thanks and my best regards > > Norbert > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 24 08:54:16 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 11:54:16 -0500 Subject: Open Source Map Software In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Although a little out of date, MapLab (u can find it on is exactly that - you can preview your mapfile in MapEdit, as well as create a quick php application with GMapFactory. QGIS ( has experimental 'export to mapfile' support...look for that in the future. It already allows for GRASS functionality to be build in...and with a functional mapfile export tool this thing would rock (any volunteers to help here?!?!?!) There are several Arc utilities for exporting to mapfile, but that doesn't help you here. This is definitely a void that needs to be filled. jeff Dave K wrote: > Does anyone know of any decent open source software for creating map files? > > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 08:55:46 2006 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:55:46 -0600 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Bart, That was exactly what I needed to do. The problem is fixed! Thanks for all the help! Jennifer On 1/24/06, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote: > > Jennifer, > > try to use PNG24 for the parameter named image_type in chameleon.xml. > > Best regards, > Bart > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > *Van:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]*Namens > *Jennifer Zeisloft > *Verzonden:* dinsdag 24 januari 2006 6:04 > *Aan:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Onderwerp:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery > > Hi Frank, > > Thanks for the response, Frank. It is sounding more and more like this is > a question I ought to forward to the chameleon list - because I am also not > sure how to generate 24bit output with chameleon! > > I appreciate the much needed direction! > > Thanks all! > > Jennifer > > On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > > > On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen wrote: > > > have you tried using image/jpeg? > > > > In addition to fetching data from the remote WMSes as > > JPEG, it is also necessary for mapserver to generate 24bit > > output (JPEG or PNG24 for instance). I don't know how to > > do that with Chameleon myself, but I'm sure there is a setting > > somewhere. > > > > I think Ed is right that the problem is 24bit to 8bit color > > conversion with correspondingly poor color resolution. > > Given sufficient blotchiness from this conversion it can > > even appear that spatial resolution is degraded (though it > > isn't actually). > > > > Best regards, > > -- > > > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > > warmerdam at > > light and sound - activate the windows | > > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent > > > > > Disclaimer > ************************************************************************ Aan > dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend > bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, > wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij > adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail > contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any > rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If > you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the > sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or > complete, please contact the sender. > ************************************************************************ > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alexia81 at EMAIL.IT Tue Jan 24 09:27:52 2006 From: alexia81 at EMAIL.IT (Alexia81) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:27:52 +0100 Subject: raster maps and mapserver Message-ID: Hi! i recompiled gdal with grass supports and its working, i recompiled mapserver with GDAL and now i have : "MapServer version 4.6.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG" Everything seems to be ok but mapserv did not produce any map. Here is the raster section of my map file : LAYER NAME etna TYPE RASTER STATUS ON CLASS NAME 'Digital Raster Graphic' END DATA "/var/www/html/grassdata/etna/PERMANENT/cellhd/boveint" END Thank you, Alessia NB : i installed a copy of mapserv in my cgi-bin directory and here mapserv -v did not produce any output. > Yes it is possible to set up direct grass raster support in mapserver. > > Grass support is obtained through GDAL so if gdal supports grass, then > mapserver will too. You might be able to find an rpm for the > gdal-grass plugin. > > If you type "gdalinfo --formats" and you see GRASS, you'll know its > working. You can access the rasters in mapserver by setting your DATA > parameter to "/location/mapset/cellhd/rastername" > > matt > On 1/20/06, Alexia81 wrote: > > Hi! > > > > How can i view raster map with mapserver directly from grass location > > without creating GEOTIF images? > > My rasters are contains float data. > > > > Configuration: > > - Fedora core 3 > > - grass60 and 61 installed from binary package > > - mapserver-4.6 installed from binary package > > > > N.B. mapserver examples are running, but ./mapserv -v did not produce any > > output --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: Sponsor: Problemi di Liquidit?? Con Logos Finanziaria 30.000 ? in 24 ore a dipendenti e lavoratori autonomi con rimborsi fino a 120 mesi clicca qui Clicca qui: From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 09:53:08 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:53:08 -0800 Subject: raster maps and mapserver In-Reply-To: <94a1f85e99f5ccb2c1d7ad54ad273bff@> Message-ID: Alexia, Can you show us the URL of the image request? Most likely you are requesting a map with different extents than your GRASS raster. In GRASS, try rastername and see if the extents line up with the extents in your mapfile and/or the requested image URL. matt On 1/24/06, Alexia81 wrote: > Hi! > > i recompiled gdal with grass supports and its working, i recompiled > mapserver with GDAL and now i have : > "MapServer version 4.6.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP > OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER > SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR > INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG" > Everything seems to be ok but mapserv did not produce any map. > > Here is the raster section of my map file : > > LAYER > NAME etna > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > CLASS > NAME 'Digital Raster Graphic' > END > DATA "/var/www/html/grassdata/etna/PERMANENT/cellhd/boveint" > END > > Thank you, > Alessia > > NB : i installed a copy of mapserv in my cgi-bin directory and here mapserv > -v did not produce any output. > > > > Yes it is possible to set up direct grass raster support in mapserver. > > > > Grass support is obtained through GDAL so if gdal supports grass, then > > mapserver will too. You might be able to find an rpm for the > > gdal-grass plugin. > > > > If you type "gdalinfo --formats" and you see GRASS, you'll know its > > working. You can access the rasters in mapserver by setting your DATA > > parameter to "/location/mapset/cellhd/rastername" > > > > matt > > > > > > On 1/20/06, Alexia81 wrote: > > > Hi! > > > > > > How can i view raster map with mapserver directly from grass location > > > without creating GEOTIF images? > > > My rasters are contains float data. > > > > > > Configuration: > > > - Fedora core 3 > > > - grass60 and 61 installed from binary package > > > - mapserver-4.6 installed from binary package > > > > > > N.B. mapserver examples are running, but ./mapserv -v did not produce > any > > > output > > -- >, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: > > Sponsor: > Problemi di Liquidit?? Con Logos Finanziaria 30.000 ? in 24 ore a > dipendenti e lavoratori autonomi con rimborsi fino a 120 mesi clicca qui > > Clicca qui: > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE Tue Jan 24 10:02:25 2006 From: arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE (Arnulf Christl) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 19:02:25 +0100 Subject: Mapbender & MapServer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Fabio D' Ovidio wrote: > Does anyone tell me how to build MapBender with MapServer ? > Software installation instructions are regarded only to how to build MapBender with > PostgreSQL or MySQL ! > How can I use MapBender to display WMS MapServer request ?? > Thank u > Fabio Hi Fabio, better post questions of this kind to the Mapbender list. The only "connection" between MapServer and Mapbender is the OGC WMS capabilities document. You should have a rough idea about what an OGC WMS is prior to getting started. Read up on it in the Wiki/homepage: Best, Arnulf. From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Tue Jan 24 10:28:24 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:28:24 -0500 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Message-ID: Jennifer - If your output is photographic, you may find JPEG to be a better output format choice. The image files will be much smaller. Now that you know how to control the output format, you should experiment to see which format works best for you. - Ed Ed McNierney ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jennifer Zeisloft Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:56 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Hi Bart, That was exactly what I needed to do. The problem is fixed! Thanks for all the help! Jennifer On 1/24/06, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote: Jennifer, try to use PNG24 for the parameter named image_type in chameleon.xml. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Jennifer Zeisloft Verzonden: dinsdag 24 januari 2006 6:04 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery Hi Frank, Thanks for the response, Frank. It is sounding more and more like this is a question I ought to forward to the chameleon list - because I am also not sure how to generate 24bit output with chameleon! I appreciate the much needed direction! Thanks all! Jennifer On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen wrote: > have you tried using image/jpeg? In addition to fetching data from the remote WMSes as JPEG, it is also necessary for mapserver to generate 24bit output (JPEG or PNG24 for instance). I don't know how to do that with Chameleon myself, but I'm sure there is a setting somewhere. I think Ed is right that the problem is 24bit to 8bit color conversion with correspondingly poor color resolution. Given sufficient blotchiness from this conversion it can even appear that spatial resolution is degraded (though it isn't actually). Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------- ------ I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Tue Jan 24 10:35:05 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 19:35:05 +0100 Subject: Preferred client In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: My comments inline: On Tuesday 24 January 2006 09:10, Arnulf Christl wrote: > J?rn Vegard R?snes wrote: > > Hi all, > > > > just wanna know what's your preferred WMS (/Mapserver) client? > > > > cheers > > Joern > > Hi Joern, > my preferred WMS/WFS(-T) client is Mapbender - but i am not "all"... > Maybe better reword your question and say what you need. Or try out the > list below and report the results back to the corresponding lists. > > Mapbender (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, XML) > > The best OGC WMS, WFS/T, WCD, WTS client administration, visualization, > analysis, tool ever. Includes authentication, authorisation, security > proxy, and so on. Comes with a large set of Free or Open WMS service > URLs. (forgive me for boasting, but this is my baby...) > Seems very promising, but I ran into integrations problems with databases (mySQL: no connection, PostgreSQL: connected but "Edit GUI-elements" is not working). Not solved so far, put on hold for now. A lot of German in mailinglist, so it's hard to find info. Little traffic on mailinglist. > MapBuilder (D-HTML, JavaScript, XML) > > Cool, lightweight WMS and WFS/T capable client interface, high affinity > to the GeoServer tribe & part of their download package. Very active and > open development group (makes me green with envy). > Hard to setup and complicated configuration. > iGeoPortal (D-HTML, JSP, JavaScript, XML) > > Part of the large self contained architecture deegree, makes heavy use > of every imaginable OGC standard. One of the other Java tribes besides > GeoServer and GeoTools. > Not investigated so far. > ka-map (D-HTML, JavaScript, XML, AJAX) > > Rather cool project by DM Solutions Group, right from the core of the > MapServer PHP API developer. Maybe this could become the synthesis of > many years of client development. They are very modest in describing > what they have done. Seems like they are somewhat reluctant to make > people understand what they did. Tststs... > No documentation! > Chameleon (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MapScript) > > Somewhat older project with correspondingly large user group. Dev'd by > DM with focus on MapServer, less OGC. > Seems to be very MapServer oriented. > CartoWeb3 (D-HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MapScript) > > Large self contained architecture making heavy use of MapScript, less > OGC but cool stuff like routing with PostGIS (still beta?), load > balancing, etc. > Seems to be very MapServer oriented. cheers Joern From jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 10:40:38 2006 From: jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM (Jennifer Zeisloft) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 12:40:38 -0600 Subject: Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: JPEG looks great as well - thanks much for the tips! Jennifer On 1/24/06, Ed McNierney wrote: > > Jennifer - > > If your output is photographic, you may find JPEG to be a better output > format choice. The image files will be much smaller. Now that you know how > to control the output format, you should experiment to see which format > works best for you. > > - Ed > > Ed McNierney > > > ------------------------------ > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] *On > Behalf Of *Jennifer Zeisloft > *Sent:* Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:56 AM > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Subject:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster Imagery > > Hi Bart, > > That was exactly what I needed to do. The problem is fixed! > > Thanks for all the help! > > Jennifer > > On 1/24/06, Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) > wrote: > > > > Jennifer, > > > > try to use PNG24 for the parameter named image_type in chameleon.xml. > > > > Best regards, > > Bart > > > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > > *Van:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]*Namens > > *Jennifer Zeisloft > > *Verzonden:* dinsdag 24 januari 2006 6:04 > > *Aan:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > *Onderwerp:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Horrible Looking WMS Raster > > Imagery > > > > Hi Frank, > > > > Thanks for the response, Frank. It is sounding more and more like this > > is a question I ought to forward to the chameleon list - because I am also > > not sure how to generate 24bit output with chameleon! > > > > I appreciate the much needed direction! > > > > Thanks all! > > > > Jennifer > > > > On 1/23/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > > > > > On 1/23/06, Brent Pedersen wrote: > > > > have you tried using image/jpeg? > > > > > > In addition to fetching data from the remote WMSes as > > > JPEG, it is also necessary for mapserver to generate 24bit > > > output (JPEG or PNG24 for instance). I don't know how to > > > do that with Chameleon myself, but I'm sure there is a setting > > > somewhere. > > > > > > I think Ed is right that the problem is 24bit to 8bit color > > > conversion with correspondingly poor color resolution. > > > Given sufficient blotchiness from this conversion it can > > > even appear that spatial resolution is degraded (though it > > > isn't actually). > > > > > > Best regards, > > > -- > > > > > > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > > > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > > > warmerdam at > > > light and sound - activate the windows | > > > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for > > > Rent > > > > > > > > > Disclaimer > > ************************************************************************ Aan > > dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend > > bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, > > wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij > > adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail > > contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any > > rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If > > you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the > > sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or > > complete, please contact the sender. > > ************************************************************************ > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ruthschoenbuchner at YAHOO.DE Tue Jan 24 11:34:40 2006 From: ruthschoenbuchner at YAHOO.DE (=?iso-8859-1?q?ruth=20sch=FFfffff6nbuchner?=) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:34:40 +0100 Subject: dynamic referencemap Message-ID: Hello "Mapscripters" and PHP experts, I would like to make navigable the small general map in my WebGIS application. If one clicks into the reference map , the large map should change. ( zoomin or just to go to the selected part of the map?). I picked out from "GMap", that with click into the reference map (similarly as with click into the large map),the two variables (keymap_x/keymap_y) are handed over, which define then the new map center of the main map. Can someone did program coincidentally already times this procedure and give oneself tips? F.e.does the reference map need an extra map file(Gmap says so) and, how that, embedded apart from the main map file into the MapScript? Thank you for suggestions,? Ruth --------------------------------- Telefonieren Sie ohne weitere Kosten mit Ihren Freunden von PC zu PC! Jetzt Yahoo! Messenger installieren! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Tue Jan 24 11:39:56 2006 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell.Filak) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 14:39:56 -0500 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Jerl Simpson writes: > it's named .E00 > I tried the dos2unix and no change. > These files are already unix text files. > > On 1/24/06, Lowell.Filak wrote: >> >> Jerl Simpson writes: >> >> > I forgot to mention something important. >> > I receive this error: >> > >> > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" >> > >> > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so >> > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. >> > >> > >> > >> > On 1/24/06, Frank Warmerdam wrote: >> >> >> >> On 1/24/06, Jerl Simpson wrote: >> >> > Hello, >> >> > >> >> > I'm looking for a program that will convert e00 files to something >> OGR >> >> can >> >> > read. Preferrably ESRI Shape files, but I really don't care. >> >> > I found e002shp but it doesn't seem to retain all the information I >> >> need. >> >> > There might be multiple versions of e002shp or even different >> authors. >> >> > >> >> > It would be best if I could do this command line in a *nix >> environment. >> >> > >> >> > If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to know. I've tried to do >> this >> >> > before but with little luck. >> >> >> >> Jerl, >> >> >> >> I would suggest you use the "avcimport" program to convert the >> >> E00 file to an arc/info binary vector coverage which OGR can >> >> read. >> >> >> >> >> >> Jerl, >> >> Is the e00 file you're trying to use named ".e00" or is it ".e01' or >> ".e02"? >> Also, could it be a DOS text file and you're tring to import on Unix >> without >> first doing dos2unix on it? Jerl, I guess the question is - were did the e00 file come from? I believe the error refers to an annotation subclass from the original coverage which currently has a name of "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" in the e00 file. That name looks more like a coordinate of one of the annotation alignment points. If you open the e00 file in vi and search for either 'TX7' or 'TX6'. The very next line should be the "name" of the subclass. Maybe your subclass name is blank or maybe the e00 is corrupt.? Lowell From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 24 12:47:41 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 14:47:41 -0600 Subject: unable to change the layer font Message-ID: Hello all, i am using php mapscript to label the layer on a map, i am able to set it from the mapfile but when i do it from the php mapscript file it doesnt change the font and the font size, heres how the php mapscript looks like $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.""); $layername = $map->getLayerByName("states"); $layername->set("labelitem","cty_county"); $class = $layername->getClass(0); $style = ms_newStyleObj($class); $style->backgroundcolor->setRGB(255,255,255); $style->color->setRGB(100,220,220); $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(100,0,0); $class1 = ms_newClassObj($layername); $class1->label->set("font","verdana"); $class1->label->set("size","tiny"); Even though i comment the font and size attributes in the mapfile, it shows me the default output but not the changes that i want with the font and the font size. Any suggestions please ... --kris From at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 12:50:59 2006 From: at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Keon) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 12:50:59 -0800 Subject: Set the background color In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Please reply to the list if possible, that way everyone can learn from the information :-) Comments below... On 1/24/06, kris rock wrote: > Hi dylan sorry to bother you but i have a couple more questions too, i was > trying to set the font and the fontsize of the label on the layer but its > giving me some errors, it might be because i am not using the correct > syntax. I am using the following lines to set the font and font size ... > > $label=ms_newLabelObj($class); > $label->font('arial'); The labelObj is embedded in classes, so you can just do this: $class->label->set(type, MS_TRUETYPE); $class->label->set(font, 'arial'); $class->label->set(size, 10); $class->label->color->setRGB(64,64,64); > i dont know how to create a new label object, could you please help me out > in this. > I have one more question too, how to set the filltransperancy and > boundarytransperancy for a layer. There isn't a separate outline transparency (as far as I know). TRANSPARENCY affects the entire layer, including the outlinecolor. Try this: $layer->set(transparency, 50); > Can i know where can i find good mapscript examples .... That is a good question. Probably the best source is the mapserver-users archives, which you can access via the new MapServer website: There are also some examples under the "howto" section of the Documentation area. --Dylan > Thanks for your time and sorry to bother you ... > > Kris > > > Dylan Keon wrote: > > On 01/23/2006 02:53 PM, krishna S wrote: > > Hello all, i want to set the background color, boundary color using a php > > mapscript function/method, but i couldnt find anyhelp full method which > > sets the background color and the boundary color. Could anyone please help > > me out in this .... > > Do you mean for a layer? This is the general procedure: > > $layer = $map->getLayerByName('layer_name'); //$map is map > object > $class = $layer->getClass(0); //0 is first class in layer > $style = ms_newStyleObj($class); > $style->color->setRGB(220,220,220); //background color > $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(255,255,0); //boundary color From at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 12:53:35 2006 From: at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Keon) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 12:53:35 -0800 Subject: unable to change the layer font In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/24/06, krishna S wrote: > Hello all, i am using php mapscript to label the layer on a map, i am able > to set it from the mapfile but when i do it from the php mapscript file it > doesnt change the font and the font size, heres how the php mapscript looks > like > > $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.""); > > $layername = $map->getLayerByName("states"); > $layername->set("labelitem","cty_county"); > $class = $layername->getClass(0); > $style = ms_newStyleObj($class); > $style->backgroundcolor->setRGB(255,255,255); > $style->color->setRGB(100,220,220); > $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(100,0,0); > > $class1 = ms_newClassObj($layername); > $class1->label->set("font","verdana"); > $class1->label->set("size","tiny"); > > Even though i comment the font and size attributes in the mapfile, it shows > me the default output but not the changes that i want with the font and the > font size. > > Any suggestions please ... > > --kris LOL - I just replied to your other email. If you want to use a truetype font you need to do the following: $class1->label->set(type, MS_TRUETYPE); $class1->label->set(size, 8); You must define the font type as truetype, and give it an integer size. --Dylan From brianp at OCCINC.COM Tue Jan 24 13:02:08 2006 From: brianp at OCCINC.COM (Brian Peschel) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:02:08 -0600 Subject: Projection with Mapserver & PRJ Message-ID: Does MapServer use PRJ files? I need to do some projections with shape files. All of my shape files sets have prj files (ie town.shp, town.shx, town.dbf, town.prj). If I setup a map level projection like: PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END do I need to setup a layer level projection also? Or will MapServer read the PRJ files and do the conversion on the fly for me? I am struggling to understand how to convert a PRJ file into the PROJ.4 parameters like: PROJECTION "proj=laea" "ellps=clrk66" "lat_0=45" "lon_0=-100" END (which is from the tutorial, and is not the settings I need). Any help in this would be appreciated... Brian From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Tue Jan 24 13:07:13 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 16:07:13 -0500 Subject: Projection with Mapserver & PRJ In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/24/06, Brian Peschel wrote: > Does MapServer use PRJ files? I need to do some projections with shape > files. All of my shape files sets have prj files (ie town.shp, town.shx, > town.dbf, town.prj). If I setup a map level projection like: > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > > do I need to setup a layer level projection also? Or will MapServer read > the PRJ files and do the conversion on the fly for me? I am struggling to > understand how to convert a PRJ file into the PROJ.4 parameters like: > PROJECTION > "proj=laea" > "ellps=clrk66" > "lat_0=45" > "lon_0=-100" > END > (which is from the tutorial, and is not the settings I need). Brian, Generally speaking MapServer ignores coordinate system definitions that come with the data, and requires you to redeclare the coordinate system in the .map file if reprojection might be required. There is some residual support for "AUTO" projections which is intended to read it from the file, but that hasn't been tested or used much and is likely broken currently. If you get desperate you can post your .prj file contents and folks might be able to let you know the corresponding PROJ.4 string. It is also possible to do this automatically with GDAL/OGR, but the mechanism is a bit involved, so I won't go into it here. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 24 13:07:58 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:07:58 -0600 Subject: unable to change the layer font Message-ID: Thanks for your reply, i didnt see your other email ... I tried with what ever you told but it doesnt change the output ... ANy suggestions ... From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 13:10:21 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:10:21 -0800 Subject: Projection with Mapserver & PRJ In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Brian, Mapserver, as far as I know, doesn't recognize .prj files. You have to define a PROJECTION for every layer which is not in the same projeciton as the map. To translate your .prj file into the appropriate proj string, I've found to be a good resource. If the projection is fairly common, it also likely that it is the EPSG database which can be searched online at .. in this case use the "init=epsg:xxxx" syntax instead of the full proj definition. hope this helps a bit, Matt Perry On 1/24/06, Brian Peschel wrote: > Does MapServer use PRJ files? I need to do some projections with shape > files. All of my shape files sets have prj file (ie town.shp, town.shx, > town.dbf, town.prj). If I setup a map level projection like: > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > > do I need to setup a layer level projection also? Or will MapServer read > the PRJ files and do the conversion on the fly for me? I am struggling to > understand how to convert a PRJ file into the PROJ.4 parameters like: > PROJECTION > "proj=laea" > "ellps=clrk66" > "lat_0=45" > "lon_0=-100" > END > (which is from the tutorial, and is not the settings I need). > > Any help in this would be appreciated... > > Brian > -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Tue Jan 24 13:39:35 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 14:39:35 -0700 Subject: Latest dbox.js? Message-ID: Rich, Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? Thanks! Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta From jim at JIMDONAGHY.COM Tue Jan 24 13:48:09 2006 From: jim at JIMDONAGHY.COM (Jim Donaghy) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 13:48:09 -0800 Subject: ogr personal geodatabase issue Message-ID: I am connecting to an esri .mdb file using ogr, but unable to display the shapes in it. Running the ogrinfo utility displays the data in the mdb tables correctly, but when I use the connection in a map file it displays a blank image. No error is displayed. Below is the relevant layer from my map file. LAYER NAME "area" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "d:/geodata/test.mdb" DATA "Areas" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT CLASS STYLE COLOR 199 215 158 END END END I'm using the latest distribution of MS4W. Is defining a class for this kind of layer different from using a shape file as the data source? Thanks, Jim From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 24 13:49:05 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:49:05 -0600 Subject: Latest dbox.js? Message-ID: Brent: It's at I'm going to be adding support for a general drawing canvas shortly. Let me know if you're interested... Steve >>> Brent Fraser 01/24/06 3:39 PM >>> Rich, Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? Thanks! Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Tue Jan 24 14:18:19 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:18:19 -0700 Subject: Latest dbox.js? Message-ID: Steve, Many thanks. Is there a packaged/zipped download of the Landview app (map file, templates, gifs, but geo-data not necessary) available? I'd like to try it with my own data, but I can't seem to get past a javascript error in dBox_initialize: this.anchor = window.xGetElementById(name); causes an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I suspect I haven't included/initialized the cross-browser stuff properly... Thanks! Brent ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Lime" To: ; Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:49 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? Brent: It's at I'm going to be adding support for a general drawing canvas shortly. Let me know if you're interested... Steve >>> Brent Fraser 01/24/06 3:39 PM >>> Rich, Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? Thanks! Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta From sdc at SDC.COM.AU Tue Jan 24 14:34:00 2006 From: sdc at SDC.COM.AU (Stephen Davies) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 09:04:00 +1030 Subject: Raster layers from PNG + .wld file In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank you Frank. I don't know what I was thinking of when I created the world file. (I used bottom left instead of top right). It now works properly. Cheers, Stephen On Tuesday 24 January 2006 23:29, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 1/24/06, Stephen Davies wrote: > > G'day all. > > > > I have been successful in using ECW files as raster layers but am > > now trying to use a PNG file plus a .wld file with blank results. > > ... > > > EXTENT 735810 8454630 742810 8461630 > > ... > > > My dd1.wld file looks like: > > > > 2.1 > > 0.0000000000 > > 0.0000000000 > > -2.1 > > 746046.00 > > 8450252.00 > > Stephen, > > The world file above indicates that the left-most "X" value > in your png file will be 746046E which is east of the right > most side of your map extent (742810E). Your PNG file > may be drawing just fine ... it just isn't on your map. > > Failing to analyse extents of data carefully is a common > user error. > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+----------------------------- >--------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | > Geospatial Programmer for Rent -- ======================================================================= This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 From akrherz at IASTATE.EDU Tue Jan 24 14:40:33 2006 From: akrherz at IASTATE.EDU (Daryl Herzmann) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 16:40:33 -0600 Subject: unable to change the layer font In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, krishna S wrote: > Hello all, i am using php mapscript to label the layer on a map, i am > able to set it from the mapfile but when i do it from the php mapscript > file it doesnt change the font and the font size, heres how the php > mapscript looks like > > $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.""); > > $layername = $map->getLayerByName("states"); > $layername->set("labelitem","cty_county"); > $class = $layername->getClass(0); > $style = ms_newStyleObj($class); > $style->backgroundcolor->setRGB(255,255,255); > $style->color->setRGB(100,220,220); > $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(100,0,0); > > $class1 = ms_newClassObj($layername); > $class1->label->set("font","verdana"); > $class1->label->set("size","tiny"); I am not sure what else may be wrong, but you need to use MS_TINY $class1->label->set("size", MS_TINY); the string 'tiny' is not sufficient, IIRC. daryl -- /** * Daryl Herzmann (akrherz at * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet * */ From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Tue Jan 24 14:46:40 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:46:40 -0500 Subject: ogr personal geodatabase issue In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/24/06, Jim Donaghy wrote: > I am connecting to an esri .mdb file using ogr, but unable to display > the shapes in it. Running the ogrinfo utility displays the data in the > mdb tables correctly, but when I use the connection in a map file it > displays a blank image. No error is displayed. Below is the relevant > layer from my map file. > LAYER > NAME "area" > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION "d:/geodata/test.mdb" > DATA "Areas" > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS DEFAULT > > CLASS > STYLE > COLOR 199 215 158 > END > END > END > > I'm using the latest distribution of MS4W. Is defining a class for this > kind of layer different from using a shape file as the data source? Jim, The above looks fine assuming your .mdb file contains a geospatial layer called "Areas" with polygons in it. Also, keep in mind that different permissions issues could apply in a web context. I don't know much about this aspect. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 24 15:21:19 2006 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:21:19 -0500 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Jerl Simpson wrote: > I forgot to mention something important. > I receive this error: > > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" > > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. > I've seen this before and thought that the issue was fixed, or at least documented in a bug, but I guess not. I just created a avce00 bug about this, and included a way to work around the issue until a fix is available: Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 15:34:41 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:34:41 +1100 Subject: Getting multiple GetLegendGraphic layers Message-ID: Hi list, I was wondering how to request more than a single layer when requesting a Legend graphic? For example, http://my_server/cgi-bin/mapserv? would return the key/legend for the water_line layer. How do I request and return more than one layer's key/legend on the same generated image? For example, http://my_server/cgi-bin/mapserv?, water_point, water_polygon&FORMAT=image/png Can it be done? Also, the layers "water_line", "water_point" and "water_polygon" all belong to the same group named "water". I would do this: http://my_server/cgi-bin/mapserv? but it seems to fail. Can it be done at all? Thanks in advance! _________________________________________________________________ Get FOXTEL this Summer ? New low install price of only $29.95 From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 24 15:48:17 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:48:17 -0600 Subject: unable to change the layer font Message-ID: Thanks for your reply daryl, i have one more question too, i want to set the font size in integer values and not really in tiny or medium terms, so i guess we need to use the MS_TRUETYPE right, for that i set the fontset but when i give any font it gives an error, here is the code snippet $map_path="C:\Apache2\htdocs\mapserverdata\map_files\\"; $fontset = "C:\projects\mapserver-4.6.2\fonts\fonts.list"; $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.""); $map->setFontSet($fontset); $class->label->set(type, MS_TRUETYPE); $class->label->set(font, 'arial'); $class->label->set(size, 6); it gives me the following error Warning: [MapServer Error]: msGetLabelSize(): Could not find/open font, i am not sure where i am wrong ... Thanks for your time .... --kris From at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 15:55:23 2006 From: at GMAIL.COM (Dylan Keon) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:55:23 -0800 Subject: unable to change the layer font In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 01/24/2006 03:48 PM, krishna S wrote: > Thanks for your reply daryl, i have one more question too, i want to set > the font size in integer values and not really in tiny or medium terms, so > i guess we need to use the MS_TRUETYPE right, for that i set the fontset > but when i give any font it gives an error, here is the code snippet > > $map_path="C:\Apache2\htdocs\mapserverdata\map_files\\"; > $fontset = "C:\projects\mapserver-4.6.2\fonts\fonts.list"; > $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.""); > $map->setFontSet($fontset); > > $class->label->set(type, MS_TRUETYPE); > $class->label->set(font, 'arial'); > $class->label->set(size, 6); > it gives me the following error > > Warning: [MapServer Error]: msGetLabelSize(): Could not find/open font, > i am not sure where i am wrong ... > > Thanks for your time .... > --kris Kris, Do you have a font named "arial" defined in C:\projects\mapserver-4.6.2\fonts\fonts.list? What does that line look like? --Dylan From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 24 16:09:12 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:09:12 -0600 Subject: unable to change the layer font Message-ID: yeah i have a font named arial in the fonts.list file, arial arial.ttf i have even changed it to arial "C:\WINNT\Fonts\arial.ttf" but no luck, i have searched about this error in the mapserver forums and everyone says its because of the not giving the full path which i specified in my mapscript file .... Thanks for your time ..... From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Tue Jan 24 17:28:24 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:28:24 -0500 Subject: unable to change the layer font In-Reply-To: Message-ID: krishna S wrote: > yeah i have a font named arial in the fonts.list file, > > arial arial.ttf > > i have even changed it to > > arial "C:\WINNT\Fonts\arial.ttf" try: arial c:/WINNT/Fonts/arial.ttf > > but no luck, i have searched about this error in the mapserver forums and > everyone says its because of the not giving the full path which i specified > in my mapscript file .... > > Thanks for your time ..... > From sparkymeister at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 17:40:38 2006 From: sparkymeister at GMAIL.COM (Mark Wright) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:40:38 -0800 Subject: Latest dbox.js? In-Reply-To: <02e701c62134$14692950$160002c0@shark> Message-ID: Try GetElementById() Mark On 1/24/06, Brent Fraser wrote: > Steve, > > Many thanks. Is there a packaged/zipped download of the Landview app > (map file, templates, gifs, but geo-data not necessary) available? I'd like > to try it with my own data, but I can't seem to get past a javascript error > in dBox_initialize: > this.anchor = window.xGetElementById(name); > causes an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I > suspect I haven't included/initialized the cross-browser stuff properly... > > Thanks! > Brent > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Steve Lime" > To: ; > Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:49 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? > > > Brent: It's at I'm going to > be adding support for a general drawing canvas shortly. Let me know if > you're interested... > > Steve > > >>> Brent Fraser 01/24/06 3:39 PM >>> > Rich, > > Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? > > Thanks! > Brent Fraser > GeoAnalytic Inc. > Calgary, Alberta > -- Have fun or die trying - but try not to actually die. Got Mac OS X? Get the AboveCalifornia Sherlock Channel: sherlock:// From julian at MAPSOLUTIONS.COM.AU Tue Jan 24 18:54:29 2006 From: julian at MAPSOLUTIONS.COM.AU (Julian Parker) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:54:29 +0800 Subject: MapScript not working? Message-ID: Greetings listers! I am a relative newbie to all ting MapServer and have a problem with MapScript setup. The specific problem I am getting is that the php_mapscript_44.dll (or _46 or _48) is not 'found' in my PHP extensions directory. The path and everything is actually correct - it just wont load/run. The exact error message is: PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\ms4w\Apache\php\extensions\php_mapscript_44.dll' - The specified module could not be found. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\phpinfo_mapscript_44.php on line 2 I am running Win XP with IIS 5 and PHP 4.4.2 (and also tried 5.1.2) Does anyone have any pointers as to what I can do to get MapScript alive and kicking? Thanks in Advance Jules -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 19:05:16 2006 From: richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM (Richard Greenwood) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:05:16 -0700 Subject: Latest dbox.js? In-Reply-To: <02c001c6212e$abb5fa00$160002c0@shark> Message-ID: On 1/24/06, Brent Fraser wrote: > Rich, > > Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? > > Thanks! > Brent Fraser > GeoAnalytic Inc. > Calgary, Alberta > dBox is Steve's baby, I'm the jBox guy. Have you looked at mapbuilder: It is a very good looking DHTML client. Are you going to Switzerland in September? Rich -- Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Tue Jan 24 19:19:40 2006 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:19:40 +0800 Subject: MapScript not working? Message-ID: Hi Julian, The error you get is not necessarily because it can't find php_mapscript, but because of a dependency. Some dependencies of php_mapscript, such as gdal13.dll, must sit in the executable path (or system path, but that's not recommended, because of conflicting versions). I recommend you move all mapserver-related DLL's to your php directory, and then you can slowly try moving them one-by-one back to a more proper path, and see when it fails. I only like keeping the absolutely necessary dll's in the PHP path, and keep the rest in a dedicated folder, which I added as a system path. You may also want to run the dependency walker ( to check for missing dependencies (although this does not necessarily report the problems you are running into). Hope this helps... Jacob ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Julian Parker Sent: 25 January 2006 10:54 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapScript not working? Greetings listers! I am a relative newbie to all ting MapServer and have a problem with MapScript setup. The specific problem I am getting is that the php_mapscript_44.dll (or _46 or _48) is not 'found' in my PHP extensions directory. The path and everything is actually correct - it just wont load/run. The exact error message is: PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\ms4w\Apache\php\extensions\php_mapscript_44.dll' - The specified module could not be found. in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\phpinfo_mapscript_44.php on line 2 I am running Win XP with IIS 5 and PHP 4.4.2 (and also tried 5.1.2) Does anyone have any pointers as to what I can do to get MapScript alive and kicking? Thanks in Advance Jules From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Tue Jan 24 19:41:24 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:41:24 -0700 Subject: Latest dbox.js? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > > dBox is Steve's baby, I'm the jBox guy. Have you looked at mapbuilder: > > It is a very good looking DHTML client. > > Are you going to Switzerland in September? > > Rich I took a brief tour of the mapbuilder docs. It looks interesting, lots of design stuff, but no real feature list (or a demo site). I'm looking for a Javascript toolkit with: - rubber-band zoom - legend tree-control with checkboxes - cursor coordinate display (Geographic and UTM) - measure tool And Switzerland is looking very likely... Brent From lltous at MSN.COM Tue Jan 24 19:49:31 2006 From: lltous at MSN.COM (=?gb2312?B?194gwcE=?=) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:49:31 +0800 Subject: Question about hiding map= parameter Message-ID: Hi, I'm trying to hide the map= parameter, but the server always says "The requested URL /cgi-bin/Liang was not found on this server". I have copied mapserv.exe to Liang.exe and added the sentence---- SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/Liang" MS_MAPFILE="/ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/"---- to httpd.conf. Any one can give me some advice? Thank you in advance. _________________________________________________________________ ?????????????? MSN Messenger: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 24 20:24:24 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:24:24 -0600 Subject: Latest dbox.js? Message-ID: I haven't taken the time to divorce myself as much as possible from the X js library. Mark is correct. I'll fix that in a demo application I'll work up based on the Itasca demo. Steve >>> Mark Wright 01/24/06 7:40 PM >>> Try GetElementById() Mark On 1/24/06, Brent Fraser wrote: > Steve, > > Many thanks. Is there a packaged/zipped download of the Landview app > (map file, templates, gifs, but geo-data not necessary) available? I'd like > to try it with my own data, but I can't seem to get past a javascript error > in dBox_initialize: > this.anchor = window.xGetElementById(name); > causes an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I > suspect I haven't included/initialized the cross-browser stuff properly... > > Thanks! > Brent > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Steve Lime" > To: ; > Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:49 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? > > > Brent: It's at I'm going to > be adding support for a general drawing canvas shortly. Let me know if > you're interested... > > Steve > > >>> Brent Fraser 01/24/06 3:39 PM >>> > Rich, > > Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? > > Thanks! > Brent Fraser > GeoAnalytic Inc. > Calgary, Alberta > -- Have fun or die trying - but try not to actually die. Got Mac OS X? Get the AboveCalifornia Sherlock Channel: sherlock:// From as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN Tue Jan 24 20:34:18 2006 From: as.khadkikar at NCL.RES.IN (Aniruddha S. Khadkikar) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:04:18 +0530 Subject: Mapserver documentation project Message-ID: Hi all. I think perhaps this issue has been discussed earlier but needs to be seriously taken up asap. It is necessary to start a parallel Mapserver documentation project - perhaps following the wikipedia model which will be easier to build. There is already a large database of problems encountered and solutions offered in the mailing list archives. These archives provide a rich source of information that needs to be incorporated into such a user manual (that should also be downloadable as a single pdf file). I suggest the following architecture of the Mapserver documentation project: THE MAPSERVER DOCUMENTATION PROJECT 1. Introduction, architecture and overview 2. Compiling Mapserver under windows and linux (rather sketchy for newbies) 3. Installation and configuration (needs elaboration) 4. The all important mapfile (needs lot of work at this front with example files) 5. PHP Mapscript - dynamic mapfile generation (I remember the ppt from one of the mapserver conferences - something on that line) 6. Database connectivity (even now lot of problems from newcomers are seen on mailing lists) 7. Projections and reprojections 8. Layer querying and building classes 9. Mapserver clients - front end possibilities I believe the existing documentation allows user contributions already. I may be mistaken. If this effort has already commenced we need to buckup if we want more followers of Mapserver. The ms4w is a great way to start with but invariably everyone likes to know the guts of the system. These are random thoughts voiced loudly. Thanks for your time and patience Aniruddha From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 24 20:34:17 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:34:17 -0600 Subject: Question about hiding map= parameter Message-ID: The easiest way to do this is to hide individual mapfiles behind environment variables. You still need the map parameter but you point to a env variable rather than a "file". So, if in Apache's config file you do: setenv TESTY /ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/ then you can do: http://.../cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=TESTY&... If you want to obscure things even further you might want to use a small wrapper script that itself invokes MapServer with a particular mapfile. Steve >>> 01/24/06 9:49 PM >>> Hi, I'm trying to hide the map= parameter, but the server always says "The requested URL /cgi-bin/Liang was not found on this server". I have copied mapserv.exe to Liang.exe and added the sentence---- SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/Liang" MS_MAPFILE="/ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/"---- to httpd.conf. Any one can give me some advice? Thank you in advance. _________________________________________________________________ MSN Messenger: From jim at JIMDONAGHY.COM Tue Jan 24 20:35:26 2006 From: jim at JIMDONAGHY.COM (Jim Donaghy) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 20:35:26 -0800 Subject: ogr personal geodatabase issue In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Actually the only problem was that I had the extent set for the wrong projection. Sorry to waste bandwidth, and thanks for the excellent code! On Jan 24, 2006, at 2:46 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > On 1/24/06, Jim Donaghy wrote: >> I am connecting to an esri .mdb file using ogr, but unable to display >> the shapes in it. Running the ogrinfo utility displays the data in >> the >> mdb tables correctly, but when I use the connection in a map file it >> displays a blank image. No error is displayed. Below is the relevant >> layer from my map file. >> LAYER >> NAME "area" >> CONNECTIONTYPE OGR >> CONNECTION "d:/geodata/test.mdb" >> DATA "Areas" >> TYPE POLYGON >> STATUS DEFAULT >> >> CLASS >> STYLE >> COLOR 199 215 158 >> END >> END >> END >> >> I'm using the latest distribution of MS4W. Is defining a class for >> this >> kind of layer different from using a shape file as the data source? > > Jim, > > The above looks fine assuming your .mdb file contains a > geospatial layer called "Areas" with polygons in it. Also, > keep in mind that different permissions issues could apply > in a web context. I don't know much about this aspect. > > Best regards, > -- > --------------------------------------- > +-------------------------------------- > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for > Rent > > From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Tue Jan 24 20:36:36 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 23:36:36 -0500 Subject: Question about hiding map= parameter Message-ID: Note: some people find the wrapper script approach a bit more flexible, as you don't have to reboot the web server using this approach. ..Tom -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Steve Lime Sent: Tue 24-Jan-06 23:34 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Cc: Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Question about hiding map= parameter The easiest way to do this is to hide individual mapfiles behind environment variables. You still need the map parameter but you point to a env variable rather than a "file". So, if in Apache's config file you do: setenv TESTY /ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/ then you can do: http://.../cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=TESTY&... If you want to obscure things even further you might want to use a small wrapper script that itself invokes MapServer with a particular mapfile. Steve >>> 01/24/06 9:49 PM >>> Hi, I'm trying to hide the map= parameter, but the server always says "The requested URL /cgi-bin/Liang was not found on this server". I have copied mapserv.exe to Liang.exe and added the sentence---- SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/Liang" MS_MAPFILE="/ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/"---- to httpd.conf. Any one can give me some advice? Thank you in advance. _________________________________________________________________ MSN Messenger: From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 20:58:47 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:58:47 -0600 Subject: Question about hiding map= parameter In-Reply-To: Message-ID: If you are windows, you likely need to make your rule SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/Liang.exe" MS_MAPFILE="/ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/" On 1/24/06, ? ? wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to hide the map= parameter, but the server always says "The > requested URL /cgi-bin/Liang was not found on this server". I have copied > mapserv.exe to Liang.exe and added the sentence---- SetEnvIf Request_URI > "/cgi-bin/Liang" MS_MAPFILE="/ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/"---- to > httpd.conf. > > Any one can give me some advice? Thank you in advance. > > _________________________________________________________________ > ?????????????? MSN Messenger: > From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Tue Jan 24 22:18:04 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:18:04 -0800 Subject: Getting multiple GetLegendGraphic layer s Message-ID: This is not possible unfortunately, the OGC SLD WMS spec defines only the LAYER parameter which can contain 1 layer at the most. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens James Net Verzonden: woensdag 25 januari 2006 0:35 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Getting multiple GetLegendGraphic layers Hi list, I was wondering how to request more than a single layer when requesting a Legend graphic? For example, http://my_server/cgi-bin/mapserv? QUEST=GetLegendGraphic&LAYER=water_line&FORMAT=image/png would return the key/legend for the water_line layer. How do I request and return more than one layer's key/legend on the same generated image? For example, http://my_server/cgi-bin/mapserv? QUEST=GetLegendGraphic&LAYER=water_line, water_point, water_polygon&FORMAT=image/png Can it be done? Also, the layers "water_line", "water_point" and "water_polygon" all belong to the same group named "water". I would do this: http://my_server/cgi-bin/mapserv? QUEST=GetLegendGraphic&LAYER=water&FORMAT=image/png but it seems to fail. Can it be done at all? Thanks in advance! _________________________________________________________________ Get FOXTEL this Summer - New low install price of only $29.95 cc%3DFXT018%2E19119%2E0%26clk%3D1%26creativeID%3D28172&_t=752582449&_m=EXT Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From siki at AGT.BME.HU Wed Jan 25 03:09:37 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:09:37 -0100 Subject: unable to change the layer font {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Krishna, Try to change \ to / e.g. C:/WINNT/Fonts/arial.ttf Zoltan On Tue, 24 Jan 2006, krishna S wrote: > yeah i have a font named arial in the fonts.list file, > > arial arial.ttf > > i have even changed it to > > arial "C:\WINNT\Fonts\arial.ttf" > > but no luck, i have searched about this error in the mapserver forums and > everyone says its because of the not giving the full path which i specified > in my mapscript file .... > > Thanks for your time ..... > From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Wed Jan 25 01:02:41 2006 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:02:41 +0100 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to Message-ID: Hi All, I have some questions on compiling/using Mapserver on ArcSDE. 1) to compile Mapserver enabling ArcSDE do I need an ArcSDE licence or is it enough to have it installed (and of course not running)? 2) is it possible to download from somewhere ArcSDE files required for compiling for free? 3) to make Mapserver connect to a remote ArcSDE server, do I need install some sort of client on the Mapserver machine? 4) is it possibnle to get this sort of client for free or do I neeed to buy a licence? Thanks for help and best regards Francesco Sozzi -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM Wed Jan 25 02:09:00 2006 From: stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM (Stuart Eve) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:09:00 +0000 Subject: Turning on and off labels Message-ID: Hi all, I am trying to use Mapscript to turn off labels 'on-demand'. I have my label information set up in my mapfile - but this means that they are always drawn. I want to retain that information in the mapfile (rather than recreating the whole thing with Mapscript), so was wondering if there was a way to tell Mapserver if they should be drawn or not (without turning the whole layer off!). I have tried using a 'STATUS OFF' within the label tags, but that doesn't work (of course!). Any ideas? Stu -- Stuart Eve L - P : Archaeology From listuser at HERZSYS.DE Wed Jan 25 03:19:33 2006 From: listuser at HERZSYS.DE (listuser HH) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:19:33 +0100 Subject: Turning on and off labels In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Stuart Eve wrote: > Hi all, > > I am trying to use Mapscript to turn off labels 'on-demand'. I have my > label information set up in my mapfile - but this means that they are > always drawn. I want to retain that information in the mapfile (rather > than recreating the whole thing with Mapscript), so was wondering if > there was a way to tell Mapserver if they should be drawn or not > (without turning the whole layer off!). I have tried using a 'STATUS > OFF' within the label tags, but that doesn't work (of course!). > > Any ideas? > > Stu > Hi, I'm not sure if this is what you want but you can make a layer for the data and a separate one for the labels then you can turn them on or off. Regards, Norbert From stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM Wed Jan 25 04:16:49 2006 From: stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM (Stuart Eve) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:16:49 +0000 Subject: Turning on and off labels Message-ID: Thanks Norbert, thats certainly an option (which I hadn't thought of!) and I may do that - I was just hoping that I would be able to find a way to do with Mapscript (so I don't have to have such a huge mapfile!) Stu > Hi, > > I'm not sure if this is what you want but you can make a layer for the > data and a separate one for the labels then you can turn them on or off. > > Regards, > > Norbert Stuart Eve wrote: > Hi all, > > I am trying to use Mapscript to turn off labels 'on-demand'. I have my > label information set up in my mapfile - but this means that they are > always drawn. I want to retain that information in the mapfile (rather > than recreating the whole thing with Mapscript), so was wondering if > there was a way to tell Mapserver if they should be drawn or not > (without turning the whole layer off!). I have tried using a 'STATUS > OFF' within the label tags, but that doesn't work (of course!). > > Any ideas? > > Stu > -- Stuart Eve L - P : Archaeology stuarteve at From svidal at SAREA.ES Wed Jan 25 04:39:28 2006 From: svidal at SAREA.ES (Salvador Vidal) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 13:39:28 +0100 Subject: Order to paint in one level Message-ID: In a Polygon Layer of PostGis with diferent Class, What class paint above what. Paint in order Class? Paint in order query?, if this, if i put a order, it's posible paint on order. Explain, i have a table with diferent zones, example, green, water, street, etc. all in the same table. I can make diferent level's. OK but y a want to make 1 level (is one table) it's possible? Thanks From vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT Wed Jan 25 05:51:46 2006 From: vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT (Vito Meuli) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:51:46 +0100 Subject: HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1 FIXED In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Jeff! Hi Ken! Hi list! Good news! Today a collegue of mine finished setting up a new server, and he compiled all things for mapserver, and the latest version of mapserver as well, the 4.6.2. Well, it doesn't create any HTML legend problem anymore! I've tested a lot of mapfiles which had this problem with 4.6.1, and everything was fine. I think the bug has been fixed, even if the HISTORY.TXT doesn't say anything about this. Maybe it was a side effect of something else. Thanks a lot to Jeff, Ken, and everybody who tried to solve my problem. Cheers, Vito From eric at GOMOOS.ORG Wed Jan 25 06:08:00 2006 From: eric at GOMOOS.ORG (Eric Bridger) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 09:08:00 -0500 Subject: queryByPoint() on a dynamic layer In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Mark, You will need to set a value for the 'index' property of your shape object before calling addFeature($shape). Not sure how to do this is PHP mapscript but in Perl: $shape->{index} = $point_id; Then the point_id should be returned by your query. Eric On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 20:18, Mark Brooks wrote: > I'm trying to queryByPoint on a dynamic point layer. The points in the > layer are added from a mysql database. When I queryByPoint on this > dynamic layer, the resulting shapeindex and tileindex are both -1, which > is not what is expected. > > Here is how I ADD the points to the layer: > $query = mysql_query(" mysql query... "); > while ($site = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ > // this draws the dynamic point > $mypoint = ms_newPointObj() > $mypoint -> setXY($site['lon'],$site['lat']); > $mypoint->draw($map,$layer,$image,0,'name'); > > // this adds the feature to the layer so that it > // can be queried. No results are found from a query > // by only drawing it above. > // Probably not the most efficient and perhaps > // where I'm going wrong? > $mypoint_shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); > $mypoint_line = ms_newLineObj(); > $mypoint_line->add($mypoint); > $mypoint_shape->add($mypoint_line); > $stations_layer->addFeature($mypoint_shape); > } > > > Then later in my php script, this is how I query: > // get coordinates to query > $myclick = ms_newPointObj(); > $myclick -> setXY($geo_lon,$geo_lat); // set the click point > > // do the query > $layer -> queryByPoint($myclick,MS_MULTIPLE,100); > for ($i=0; $i<$layer->getNumResults(); $i++){ > $result = $layer->getResult($i); > // output below shows 'shapeindex' and 'tileindex' are both -1 > print_r($result); > } > > > What am I doing wrong? If I queryByPoint on any static layer, tileindex > and shapeindex are good values. But on this dynamic layer, they are > always -1. Any ideas? > > > -- > > Mark Brooks > Environmental Meteorologist > State Climate Office of North Carolina > Box 7236, NC State University > Raleigh, NC 27695-7236 > > E-mail: mark_brooks at > Phone: 919.515.1446 > Fax: 919.515.1441 From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 25 06:34:34 2006 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:34:34 -0600 Subject: Latest dbox.js? Message-ID: Brent, I ran in to this same error several months ago when I re-acquired the latest version of Steve's code. If I remember correctly, this error was related to the js includes. The main page/script wasn't able to access all of the includes. Try to hit all of the URLs for the includes in the main document. If you are on a Windows machine, the likely issue is that one of the directories that he set up, the one with the X code in it has a name that contains a '.', Windows coughed on that one. Otherwise, check the permissions for the dirs where the includes are located. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Brent Fraser Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:18 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? Steve, Many thanks. Is there a packaged/zipped download of the Landview app (map file, templates, gifs, but geo-data not necessary) available? I'd like to try it with my own data, but I can't seem to get past a javascript error in dBox_initialize: this.anchor = window.xGetElementById(name); causes an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I suspect I haven't included/initialized the cross-browser stuff properly... Thanks! Brent ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Lime" To: ; Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:49 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? Brent: It's at I'm going to be adding support for a general drawing canvas shortly. Let me know if you're interested... Steve >>> Brent Fraser 01/24/06 3:39 PM >>> Rich, Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? Thanks! Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta From stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM Wed Jan 25 06:42:14 2006 From: stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM (Stuart Eve) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:42:14 +0000 Subject: Turning on and off labels Message-ID: Right, just incase this is useful for anyone - I have managed to do a bit of a hacky solution to turning the labels off: I set the 'labelrequires' option of the layers to evaluate true if I wanted the label to be drawn and false if I didn't. Thus: $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName($name); $layerObj->set("labelrequires", "1 == 1"); turns the label on for layer $name. and.... $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName($name); $layerObj->set("labelrequires", "1 == 2"); Turns it off. It feels a bit of a hack, so if anyone has anything more elegant I'd be happy to hear it. Stu > Thanks Norbert, thats certainly an option (which I hadn't thought of!) > and I may do that - I was just hoping that I would be able to find a > way to do with Mapscript (so I don't have to have such a huge mapfile!) > > Stu > > >> Hi, >> >> I'm not sure if this is what you want but you can make a layer for >> the data and a separate one for the labels then you can turn them on >> or off. >> >> Regards, >> >> Norbert > > > > > > Stuart Eve wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> I am trying to use Mapscript to turn off labels 'on-demand'. I have >> my label information set up in my mapfile - but this means that they >> are always drawn. I want to retain that information in the mapfile >> (rather than recreating the whole thing with Mapscript), so was >> wondering if there was a way to tell Mapserver if they should be >> drawn or not (without turning the whole layer off!). I have tried >> using a 'STATUS OFF' within the label tags, but that doesn't work (of >> course!). >> >> Any ideas? >> >> Stu >> > > -- > Stuart Eve > L - P : Archaeology > stuarteve at > -- Stuart Eve L - P : Archaeology stuarteve at From andreas.albarello at TERRITORIUMONLINE.COM Wed Jan 25 06:02:22 2006 From: andreas.albarello at TERRITORIUMONLINE.COM (Andreas Albarello) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:02:22 +0100 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to In-Reply-To: <006b01c6218e$1947b400$2d01a8c0@newsviluppo> Message-ID: Francesco, > 1) to compile Mapserver enabling ArcSDE do I need an ArcSDE licence or > is it enough to have it installed (and of course not running)? to just *compile* MapServer with ArcSDE support all you need are three or four import library files (.a or .lib, depending on your operating system). Those files tell MapServer that all the specific functions required to connect to an ArcSDE database are located in some dynamic link library/shared object (.dll or .so) files. These dynamic link/shared object files are then required when you execute MapServer. So, in order to compile as well as to execute a copy of MapServer with ArcSDE support you don't even need to have ArcSDE installed on that particular machine. > 2) is it possible to download from somewhere ArcSDE files required for > compiling for free? As far as I know, those files are *not* available for free. They ship with each copy of ArcSDE and are included one of those seven or eight disks which is labeled "Client" or "C API". AFAIK, they don't get installed with the common ArcSDE setup procedure. > 3) to make Mapserver connect to a remote ArcSDE server, do I need > install some sort of client on the Mapserver machine? You don't need a particular client to connect to an ArcSDE server (independently on whether it is local or remote), you just need to ensure that on every machine running your copy of MapServer a copy of those dll/so files is available as well. They themselves act as client. > 4) is it possibnle to get this sort of client for free or do I neeed to > buy a licence? > Same as above: import libraries as well as dynamic link libraries ship with each copy of ArcSDE. Therefore you just need a regular ArcSDE package. > Thanks for help and best regards > > Francesco Sozzi Best regards, -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Andreas Albarello Analysis & SW Development Territorium Online srl/GmbH Via Buozzi Str. 12 - I 39100 Bolzano/Bozen email: andreas.albarello at web: -------------------------------------------------------------------- From sgillies at FRII.COM Wed Jan 25 07:12:29 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:12:29 -0700 Subject: Turning on and off labels In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Set the labelitem property of the layer to null. On Jan 25, 2006, at 7:42 AM, Stuart Eve wrote: > Right, just incase this is useful for anyone - I have managed to do a > bit of a hacky solution to turning the labels off: > > I set the 'labelrequires' option of the layers to evaluate true if I > wanted the label to be drawn and false if I didn't. > > Thus: > > $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName($name); > $layerObj->set("labelrequires", "1 == 1"); > > turns the label on for layer $name. > > and.... > > $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName($name); > $layerObj->set("labelrequires", "1 == 2"); > > Turns it off. > > It feels a bit of a hack, so if anyone has anything more elegant > I'd be > happy to hear it. > > Stu > > >> Thanks Norbert, thats certainly an option (which I hadn't thought >> of!) >> and I may do that - I was just hoping that I would be able to find a >> way to do with Mapscript (so I don't have to have such a huge >> mapfile!) >> >> Stu >> >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I'm not sure if this is what you want but you can make a layer for >>> the data and a separate one for the labels then you can turn them on >>> or off. >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Norbert >> >> >> >> >> >> Stuart Eve wrote: >> >>> Hi all, >>> >>> I am trying to use Mapscript to turn off labels 'on-demand'. I have >>> my label information set up in my mapfile - but this means that they >>> are always drawn. I want to retain that information in the mapfile >>> (rather than recreating the whole thing with Mapscript), so was >>> wondering if there was a way to tell Mapserver if they should be >>> drawn or not (without turning the whole layer off!). I have tried >>> using a 'STATUS OFF' within the label tags, but that doesn't work >>> (of >>> course!). >>> >>> Any ideas? >>> >>> Stu >>> >> --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Wed Jan 25 07:18:57 2006 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:18:57 +0100 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to Message-ID: Hi Andreas, Many thanks for your detailed suggestions. I will try them as soon as my ArcSde customers will be ready for test. Best regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andreas Albarello" To: Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:02 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to > Francesco, > >> 1) to compile Mapserver enabling ArcSDE do I need an ArcSDE licence or is >> it enough to have it installed (and of course not running)? > > to just *compile* MapServer with ArcSDE support all you need are three or > four import library files (.a or .lib, depending on your operating > system). Those files tell MapServer that all the specific functions > required to connect to an ArcSDE database are located in some dynamic link > library/shared object (.dll or .so) files. These dynamic link/shared > object files are then required when you execute MapServer. > So, in order to compile as well as to execute a copy of MapServer with > ArcSDE support you don't even need to have ArcSDE installed on that > particular machine. > >> 2) is it possible to download from somewhere ArcSDE files required for >> compiling for free? > > As far as I know, those files are *not* available for free. They ship with > each copy of ArcSDE and are included one of those seven or eight disks > which is labeled "Client" or "C API". AFAIK, they don't get installed with > the common ArcSDE setup procedure. > >> 3) to make Mapserver connect to a remote ArcSDE server, do I need install >> some sort of client on the Mapserver machine? > > You don't need a particular client to connect to an ArcSDE server > (independently on whether it is local or remote), you just need to ensure > that on every machine running your copy of MapServer a copy of those > dll/so files is available as well. They themselves act as client. > >> 4) is it possibnle to get this sort of client for free or do I neeed to >> buy a licence? >> > > Same as above: import libraries as well as dynamic link libraries ship > with each copy of ArcSDE. Therefore you just need a regular ArcSDE > package. > >> Thanks for help and best regards >> Francesco Sozzi > > Best regards, > -- > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > Andreas Albarello > Analysis & SW Development > > Territorium Online srl/GmbH > Via Buozzi Str. 12 - I 39100 Bolzano/Bozen > email: andreas.albarello at > web: > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 25 07:40:20 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 09:40:20 -0600 Subject: unable to change the layer font Message-ID: Thanks for your reply guys, i removed the quotes and it worked ...... Thanks again --kris From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Wed Jan 25 07:51:14 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:51:14 -0700 Subject: Latest dbox.js? Message-ID: David, Thank you! You were right; it was the path naming that was causing the problem. I changed "javascript\\" to "javascript\cross_browser_com\" and the error disappeared. It looks like Window's ISS has a problem with "." in the web paths. Thanks to Rich G, Steve L, Mark W, and Frank B for helping me out. Simply astounding support. Thanks, Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fawcett, David" To: Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:34 AM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? Brent, I ran in to this same error several months ago when I re-acquired the latest version of Steve's code. If I remember correctly, this error was related to the js includes. The main page/script wasn't able to access all of the includes. Try to hit all of the URLs for the includes in the main document. If you are on a Windows machine, the likely issue is that one of the directories that he set up, the one with the X code in it has a name that contains a '.', Windows coughed on that one. Otherwise, check the permissions for the dirs where the includes are located. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Brent Fraser Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:18 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? Steve, Many thanks. Is there a packaged/zipped download of the Landview app (map file, templates, gifs, but geo-data not necessary) available? I'd like to try it with my own data, but I can't seem to get past a javascript error in dBox_initialize: this.anchor = window.xGetElementById(name); causes an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". I suspect I haven't included/initialized the cross-browser stuff properly... Thanks! Brent ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Lime" To: ; Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:49 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Latest dbox.js? Brent: It's at I'm going to be adding support for a general drawing canvas shortly. Let me know if you're interested... Steve >>> Brent Fraser 01/24/06 3:39 PM >>> Rich, Where can I get the latest and greatest dbox.js? Thanks! Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta From xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR Wed Jan 25 08:27:07 2006 From: xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR (Xavier mauclaire) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:27:07 +0100 Subject: Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panning tool Message-ID: Hi I'm using mapserver with the mapserv.js javascript library. I would like to implement the panning tool but i don't konw how to do that. Currently, only the recenter tool can be used. Any help would be appreciated regards Xavier -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR Wed Jan 25 08:46:31 2006 From: fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois-Xavier?= PRUNAYRE) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:46:31 +0100 Subject: SLD / stretch images when using FE ! Message-ID: Hello list, one question about SLD & Mapserver A simple GetMap request on a LAYER return a correct image. A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter return a correct image. (SLD used : A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter return an image which contains the object corresponding to the intersect query but the image is stretched (on the y axis) ... (SLD used : Any ideas ? Layers are in Oracle Spatial. Thanks for your help. Francois -- Ce message a ete verifie par MailScanner pour des virus ou des polluriels et rien de suspect n'a ete trouve. Les donnees et renseignements contenus dans ce message sont personnels, confidentiels et prives. Toute publication, utilisation ou diffusion, meme partielle, doit etre autorisee. Any data and information contained in this electronic mail is personal, confidential and secret. Any total or partial publication, use or distribution must be authorized. From bartvde at XS4ALL.NL Wed Jan 25 08:44:26 2006 From: bartvde at XS4ALL.NL (Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:44:26 +0100 Subject: SLD / stretch images when using FE ! In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Your GetMap requests are not valid WMS requests, you need to specify (among others): -width and height in pixels -bbox Try to specify those and see how it goes. Best regards, Bart Fran?ois-Xavier PRUNAYRE wrote: >Hello list, one question about SLD & Mapserver > >A simple GetMap request on a LAYER > >return a correct image. > >A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter > >return a correct image. (SLD used : > > >A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter > >return an image which contains the object corresponding to the intersect query >but the image is stretched (on the y axis) ... >(SLD used : > >Any ideas ? Layers are in Oracle Spatial. > >Thanks for your help. >Francois > > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 25 08:46:49 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:46:49 -0600 Subject: Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panning tool Message-ID: There is a pan method available in mapserv.js. You'd just attach code like (assuming the mapserv object is called ms): ms.pan('nw') to an image or a link. In my landview example it's something like: You could also use an image event handler as well I imagine to trigger the pan. The application below does this: Steve >>> Xavier mauclaire 01/25/06 10:27 AM >>> Hi I'm using mapserver with the mapserv.js javascript library. I would like to implement the panning tool but i don't konw how to do that. Currently, only the recenter tool can be used. Any help would be appreciated regards Xavier From watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU Wed Jan 25 08:52:37 2006 From: watry at COAPS.FSU.EDU (Gary Watry) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:52:37 -0500 Subject: FW: [MSF-Discuss] Open Source: why and more importantly what's next? Part 2 Message-ID: -----Original Message----- From: Gary Watry [mailto:watry at] Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:05 AM To: 'Tyler Mitchell' Subject: RE: [MSF-Discuss] Open Source: why and more importantly what's next? Part 2 Anyone can be added to the e-mail distribution list for the first go-round. After each software is completed, the course material will be added to a website here at COAPS-FSU. Anybody can copy or apply it. Attached is a .pdf of the initial course e-mail. If you want to added to the distribution list, let me know ______________________________________________________________ Gary L. Watry GIS Coordinator Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies FSU / COAPS Johnson Building, RM 215 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840 E-Mail: watry at -----Original Message----- From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell at] Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:47 AM To: Gary Watry Subject: Re: [MSF-Discuss] Open Source: why and more importantly what's next? Part 2 On January 25, 2006 04:54, Gary Watry wrote: > Right now, we are teaching a FOSS course that is free and via e-mail > covering programs like AccuGlode, Quantam GIS, Udig, Diva-GIS, etc. Right > now we have 38 students, state employees and private sector people taking > the course. In the fall, we are thinking about teaching them about creating > a mapserver site. We hope to develop the course to the point that it may be > a credited elective via distant learning. We hope to give a presentation on > "Open Source GIS and the Grad Student" at an upcoming ASPRS/MAPPS > conference. Hi Gary, I'm very interested in education for FOSS in GIS. Where can I learn more about your course and are there areas where the course could be mirrored and applied elsewhere? Tyler -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: FOSS_course.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 24137 bytes Desc: not available URL: From jcleary at EMAIL.UNC.EDU Wed Jan 25 08:45:26 2006 From: jcleary at EMAIL.UNC.EDU (Jesse Cleary) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:45:26 -0500 Subject: MS + PostGIS no rows detection? Message-ID: Hi folks I'm trying to determine a programmatic method to determine when a PostGIS layer query in MapServer returns no rows/empty, beyond not seeing the data on the map. I am setting my FILTER string interactively using MapScript - sometimes the user's choice does not return any rows from the DB. In that case, I would like to substitute a small "No Data Available" label on the map instead of the data. I thought about implementing this through a separate label layer in my mapfile, but "no rows" will not return any geometry to use for my "No Data" labeling. I have tried using inline FEATUREs to handle the label geometry, querying the DB using the same filter, and setting my class expression to detect empty values for any field ( '[field]' = '' ). However, this does not work - I think inline features override the DATA, CONNECTION, or FILTER parameters and hence no DB querying takes place at all. I am open to using PHP/MapScript if that could work better - I could then rewrite the label layer DATA string to point to a static "No Data" shapefile. Or perhaps this requires a separate DB table with label-only text and geometry, populated with only the empty time slices missing from my main geom table? Hoping there are some clever ideas that I have overlooked. I'm just not able to wrap my head around which option to investigate further. Thanks for any suggestions y'all might have! Jesse Cleary MapServer 4.2.5, PostgreSQL 8.0.5, PostGIS 1.0.4-2 -- Jesse Cleary Department of Marine Sciences UNC Chapel Hill 17-6 Venable Hall jcleary at (919) 962-4323 From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Wed Jan 25 08:46:08 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (P Kishor) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:46:08 -0600 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to Message-ID: Andreas Albarello wrote: > Francesco, > >> 1) to compile Mapserver enabling ArcSDE do I need an ArcSDE licence or to make an already clear answer clearer -- you need only the specific libraries. However, to get those libraries, you need a license. >> is it enough to have it installed (and of course not running)? > > to just *compile* MapServer with ArcSDE support all you need are three > or four import library files (.a or .lib, depending on your operating > system). Those files tell MapServer that all the specific functions > required to connect to an ArcSDE database are located in some dynamic > link library/shared object (.dll or .so) files. These dynamic > link/shared object files are then required when you execute MapServer. > So, in order to compile as well as to execute a copy of MapServer with > ArcSDE support you don't even need to have ArcSDE installed on that > particular machine. > >> 2) is it possible to download from somewhere ArcSDE files required for >> compiling for free? > > As far as I know, those files are *not* available for free. They ship > with each copy of ArcSDE and are included one of those seven or eight > disks which is labeled "Client" or "C API". AFAIK, they don't get > installed with the common ArcSDE setup procedure. > >> 3) to make Mapserver connect to a remote ArcSDE server, do I need >> install some sort of client on the Mapserver machine? > > You don't need a particular client to connect to an ArcSDE server > (independently on whether it is local or remote), you just need to > ensure that on every machine running your copy of MapServer a copy of > those dll/so files is available as well. They themselves act as client. > >> 4) is it possibnle to get this sort of client for free or do I neeed >> to buy a licence? >> > > Same as above: import libraries as well as dynamic link libraries ship > with each copy of ArcSDE. Therefore you just need a regular ArcSDE package. > >> Thanks for help and best regards >> >> Francesco Sozzi > > Best regards, -- Puneet Kishor From fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR Wed Jan 25 09:06:08 2006 From: fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois-Xavier?= PRUNAYRE) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 18:06:08 +0100 Subject: SLD / stretch images when using FE ! Message-ID: Same problem with a complete WMS GetMap request :,40,12,52&SRS=EPSG:4326,40,12,52&SRS=EPSG:4326&SLD=,40,12,52&SRS=EPSG:4326&SLD= Thanks for your help. Francois -----Message d'origine----- De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la part de Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) Envoy? : mercredi 25 janvier 2006 17:44 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] SLD / stretch images when using FE ! Your GetMap requests are not valid WMS requests, you need to specify (among others): -width and height in pixels -bbox Try to specify those and see how it goes. Best regards, Bart Fran?ois-Xavier PRUNAYRE wrote: >Hello list, one question about SLD & Mapserver > >A simple GetMap request on a LAYER > >.1&Request=GetMap&LAYERS=CIBA& >return a correct image. > >A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter > >.1&Request=GetMap&LAYERS=CIBA&SLD= >baExp.sld >return a correct image. (SLD used : > > >A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter > >.1&Request=GetMap&LAYERS=CIBA&SLD= >baInBourgogne.sld return an image which contains the object >corresponding to the intersect query but the image is stretched (on the >y axis) ... >(SLD used : > >Any ideas ? Layers are in Oracle Spatial. > >Thanks for your help. >Francois > > > > > -- Bart van den Eijnden OSGIS, Open Source GIS -- Ce message a ete verifie par MailScanner pour des virus ou des polluriels et rien de suspect n'a ete trouve. Les donnees et renseignements contenus dans ce message sont personnels, confidentiels et prives. Toute publication, utilisation ou diffusion, meme partielle, doit etre autorisee. Any data and information contained in this electronic mail is personal, confidential and secret. Any total or partial publication, use or distribution must be authorized. -- Ce message a ete verifie par MailScanner pour des virus ou des polluriels et rien de suspect n'a ete trouve. Les donnees et renseignements contenus dans ce message sont personnels, confidentiels et prives. Toute publication, utilisation ou diffusion, meme partielle, doit etre autorisee. Any data and information contained in this electronic mail is personal, confidential and secret. Any total or partial publication, use or distribution must be authorized. From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 25 09:10:43 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:10:43 -0600 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to Message-ID: just to let you know that if you are using a windows environment and want to use ms4w which is a preconfigured mapserver, ms4w doesnt support arcsde, so you need to compile mapserver with arcsde support .... --kris From xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 25 09:01:55 2006 From: xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM (Xiaonan Zhang) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:01:55 +0000 Subject: How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Message-ID: Dear all, I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer however I got a few problems here: 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is always only one point in that layer. 2. I can not regain the added point. 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one attribue called "Comment". thanks. My code is: //Create a new comment point $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); //Add it to the comments layer $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $line = ms_newLineObj(); $line->add($oClickGeo); $shape ->add($line); $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer "comments" $poLayer->open(); //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point //Save the changes $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT ); $objShapefile->addshape($shape); $objShapefile->free; $poLayer->close(); //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point and then change it's comment attribut //Task2.1:get the new added comment point $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2); $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); printf("Find point: %f
\n", $numResults); $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", $oRes->shapeindex); $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values array $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment ); //display comment attribute -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Wed Jan 25 09:50:08 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:50:08 -0500 Subject: SLD / stretch images when using FE ! In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Francois, I looked into the code and possibly saw what would cause your problem . I have entered a bug 1627 on this . Is it possible for you to use the latest cvs source to do the tests ? I would appreciate if you could update the bug report on this. Thanks. Fran?ois-Xavier PRUNAYRE wrote: >Hello list, one question about SLD & Mapserver > >A simple GetMap request on a LAYER > >return a correct image. > >A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter > >return a correct image. (SLD used : > > >A GetMap on the same layer using SLD and filter > >return an image which contains the object corresponding to the intersect query >but the image is stretched (on the y axis) ... >(SLD used : > >Any ideas ? Layers are in Oracle Spatial. > >Thanks for your help. >Francois > > > > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From cplist at EARTHLINK.NET Wed Jan 25 10:03:42 2006 From: cplist at EARTHLINK.NET (Charlton Purvis) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 13:03:42 -0500 Subject: MS + PostGIS no rows detection? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hey, Jesse: Fun question. What if you left your original layer alone -- let it do its magic. And added another layer that was always on whose query string looked similar your original layer. Except w/ a twist. Say we have this table: table = test; columns = val, the_geom; it has 2 rows: where val = 1 and val = 2 & the_geoms = something Your original layer has a query string like (where the val = 1 is the dynamic part): * select the_geom from test where val = 1; * And that would give you a lovely picture. The additional "No data found" query would look like this: * select 'geom_here' where (select count(*) from test where val = 1) < 1; * That would give you NOTHING. Perfect -- because you actually got data. Well, if you substitute val = 3 on each of those queries, you'd get the inverse. The orig query gives you zilch while the 2nd gives you 'geom_here'. I think that is what you want. Certainly not your only option but one that I think would work. Charlton > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Jesse Cleary > Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:45 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MS + PostGIS no rows detection? > > Hi folks > > I'm trying to determine a programmatic method to determine when a > PostGIS layer query in MapServer returns no rows/empty, beyond not > seeing the data on the map. I am setting my FILTER string interactively > using MapScript - sometimes the user's choice does not return any rows > from the DB. In that case, I would like to substitute a small "No Data > Available" label on the map instead of the data. > > I thought about implementing this through a separate label layer in my > mapfile, but "no rows" will not return any geometry to use for my "No > Data" labeling. I have tried using inline FEATUREs to handle the label > geometry, querying the DB using the same filter, and setting my class > expression to detect empty values for any field ( '[field]' = '' ). > However, this does not work - I think inline features override the > DATA, CONNECTION, or FILTER parameters and hence no DB querying takes > place at all. > > I am open to using PHP/MapScript if that could work better - I could > then rewrite the label layer DATA string to point to a static "No Data" > shapefile. Or perhaps this requires a separate DB table with label-only > text and geometry, populated with only the empty time slices missing > from my main geom table? > > > Hoping there are some clever ideas that I have overlooked. I'm just not > able to wrap my head around which option to investigate further. Thanks > for any suggestions y'all might have! > > > Jesse Cleary > > > MapServer 4.2.5, PostgreSQL 8.0.5, PostGIS 1.0.4-2 > > > -- > Jesse Cleary > Department of Marine Sciences > UNC Chapel Hill > > 17-6 Venable Hall > jcleary at > (919) 962-4323 From alexia81 at EMAIL.IT Wed Jan 25 10:10:20 2006 From: alexia81 at EMAIL.IT (Alexia81) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 19:10:20 +0100 Subject: raster maps and mapserver Message-ID: Hi! I took the mapserver demo1 with spearfish from so i cannot have any extents problems. On my linux box, the application is ok except for raster data. When i select the grass raster layer a white gif is generated without any error. On my mac osx box the same demo works perfectly. On both configurations i have grass60 without any library from previous versions. Thanks, Alessia > Alexia, > > Can you show us the URL of the image request? Most likely you are > requesting a map with different extents than your GRASS raster. In > GRASS, try rastername and see if the extents line up with the > extents in your mapfile and/or the requested image URL. > > > matt > > On 1/24/06, Alexia81 wrote: > > Hi! > > > > i recompiled gdal with grass supports and its working, i recompiled > > mapserver with GDAL and now i have : > > "MapServer version 4.6.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP > > OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER > > SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR > > INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG" > > Everything seems to be ok but mapserv did not produce any map. > > > > Here is the raster section of my map file : > > > > LAYER > > NAME etna > > TYPE RASTER > > STATUS ON > > CLASS > > NAME 'Digital Raster Graphic' > > END > > DATA "/var/www/html/grassdata/etna/PERMANENT/cellhd/boveint" > > END > > > > Thank you, > > Alessia > > > > NB : i installed a copy of mapserv in my cgi-bin directory and here mapserv > > -v did not produce any output. > > > > > > > Yes it is possible to set up direct grass raster support in mapserver. > > > > > > Grass support is obtained through GDAL so if gdal supports grass, then > > > mapserver will too. You might be able to find an rpm for the > > > gdal-grass plugin. > > > > > > If you type "gdalinfo --formats" and you see GRASS, you'll know its > > > working. You can access the rasters in mapserver by setting your DATA > > > parameter to "/location/mapset/cellhd/rastername" > > > > > > matt > > > > > > > > > > > On 1/20/06, Alexia81 wrote: > > > > Hi! > > > > > > > > How can i view raster map with mapserver directly from grass location > > > > without creating GEOTIF images? > > > > My rasters are contains float data. > > > > > > > > Configuration: > > > > - Fedora core 3 > > > > - grass60 and 61 installed from binary package > > > > - mapserver-4.6 installed from binary package > > > > > > > > N.B. mapserver examples are running, but ./mapserv -v did not produce > > any > > > > output > > > > -- > >, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: > > > > Sponsor: > > Problemi di Liquidit?? Con Logos Finanziaria 30.000 € in 24 ore a > > dipendenti e lavoratori autonomi con rimborsi fino a 120 mesi clicca qui > > > > Clicca qui: > > > > > -- > Matt Perry > perrygeo at > > --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: Sponsor: Solo 10 Euro per chiamare in tutto il mondo!! Scopri il vantaggio di Email Phone Card, clicca subito Clicca qui: From lltous at MSN.COM Wed Jan 25 10:13:36 2006 From: lltous at MSN.COM (=?gb2312?B?194gwcE=?=) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:13:36 +0800 Subject: What is a wrapper script? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: hi everyone, I don't know how to create a simple wrapper script to hide the map= parameter. Would you please give me some clues about the wrapper script? How can I create one? Is there a tool to create it? Thank you very much. Liang _________________________________________________________________ ???? MSN Explorer: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 25 11:45:13 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 13:45:13 -0600 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile Message-ID: Hello all, I have to generate a 300 by 300 dpi wall map to print, I was wondering how can we generate the map using mapserver, i know that usually when the image is generated it gets saved in 72dpi. I am not displaying the map in thw browser but i just want to generate the map so that i can print it out. I searched the archives about this but couldnt find how to generate it actually. Any suggestions please ..... --kris From lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG Wed Jan 25 12:08:20 2006 From: lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG (Lowell.Filak) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:08:20 -0500 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: krishna S writes: > Hello all, > I have to generate a 300 by 300 dpi wall map to print, I was > wondering how can we generate the map using mapserver, i know that usually > when the image is generated it gets saved in 72dpi. I am not displaying the > map in thw browser but i just want to generate the map so that i can print > it out. > > I searched the archives about this but couldnt find how to generate > it actually. > > Any suggestions please .... kris, How big do you actually want the wall map? If you want a 300dpi map that is 80"x80" set the image output size to 24000x24000 and you can then specify the "resolution" on in the software that you use to submit the beast to the printer/plotter. Lowell From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 25 12:25:59 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:25:59 -0600 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile Message-ID: I want an exactly 300 dpi map, so do you mean to set the mapsize to 24000X24000 pixels .... Thanks for your reply .. From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 25 12:32:28 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:32:28 -0600 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Resolution has no real meaning to Mapserver, the resolution setting in the mapfile is used to determine when scale dependant layers are turned on and off. To create an image at 300dpi, you will want to make your symbols about 3-4 times larger than you would normally use for a web interface. All you need to do to spit out the image is to ask for how many pixels wide by how many pixels tall you want the image, so if you want a 36"x24" poster, you will want to use 300*36 x 300*24 as your width and height. From there it's just monkeying around to get the symbols to come out the size you want. On 1/25/06, krishna S wrote: > Hello all, > I have to generate a 300 by 300 dpi wall map to print, I was > wondering how can we generate the map using mapserver, i know that usually > when the image is generated it gets saved in 72dpi. I am not displaying the > map in thw browser but i just want to generate the map so that i can print > it out. > > I searched the archives about this but couldnt find how to generate > it actually. > > Any suggestions please ..... > > --kris > From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 25 12:58:23 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:58:23 -0600 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: What size in inches do you want the resulting map to be? If you want an absolutely enormous 80"x80" poster, then yes you should set the mapsize to 24000x24000, but I find it unlikely that you are trying to create something that huge. First, determine what size in inches you want your poster, then multiply that width and height by 300. On 1/25/06, krishna S wrote: > I want an exactly 300 dpi map, so do you mean to set the mapsize to > 24000X24000 pixels .... > > Thanks for your reply .. > From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Wed Jan 25 13:02:33 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:02:33 -0600 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: The 72, 96, or 300 dpi numbers have no real meaning in digital images--what matters is the dimensions of the image itself. The dpi stuff matters when sending the image to an output (display or hardcopy prints). Think of it this way, a 24000x24000-pixel image will come out to be 333.33x333.33 inches in 72dpi display (printout, whatever), 250x250 inches at 96dpi, and 80x80 inches at 300dpi. Follow the pattern? You can set your image size parameters (the target DPI, target output size, or the pixel dimensions) in PhotoShop, the Gimp (with gimp-print), any decent image manipulation software, or in the printer settings. Here's a little more info for you, from the world of digital photography: Cheers! -Perry krishna S wrote: >I want an exactly 300 dpi map, so do you mean to set the mapsize to >24000X24000 pixels .... > >Thanks for your reply .. > > From nhv at CAPE.COM Wed Jan 25 13:14:32 2006 From: nhv at CAPE.COM (Norman Vine) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:14:32 -0500 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: David Bitner writes: > All you need to do to spit out the image is to > ask for how many pixels wide by how many pixels tall you want the > image, so if you want a 36"x24" poster, you will want to use 300*36 x > 300*24 as your width and height. From there it's just monkeying > around to get the symbols to come out the size you want. Except that mapserver has a hardwired maximum image size IIRC this is 2048 x 2048 pixels. see map.h MS_MAXIMAGESIZE_DEFAULT So you will need to build the image up in tiles then stitch them together with something like imagemagick shp2img can be used to do this using something like this untested pseudo code pixels_y = DPI * POSTER_Y pixels_x = DPI * POSTER_X tiles_y = pixels_y / TILE_SIZE tiles_x = pixels_x / TILE_SIZE map_width = map_max_x - map_min_x map_height = map_max_y - map_min_y tile_width = map_width / tiles_x tile_height = map_height / tiles_y y = 0 tile_min_y = map_min_y for y < tiles_y: x = 0 tile_max_y = tile_min_y + tile_height tile_min_x = map_min_x for x < tiles_x: tile_name = poster_name_ + str(y) + "_" + str(x) + "." + $FORMAT_EXT tile_max_x = tile_min_x + tile_width system( "shp2img -m MAPFILE -e tile_min_x tile_min_y tile_max_x tile_max_y -o tile_name") tile_min_x = tile_max_x end tile_min_y = tile_max_y end HTH Norman > On 1/25/06, krishna S wrote: > > Hello all, > > I have to generate a 300 by 300 dpi wall map to print, I was > > wondering how can we generate the map using mapserver, i know that usually > > when the image is generated it gets saved in 72dpi. I am not displaying the > > map in thw browser but i just want to generate the map so that i can print > > it out. > > > > I searched the archives about this but couldnt find how to generate > > it actually. > > > > Any suggestions please ..... > > > > --kris > > > From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Wed Jan 25 13:22:23 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:22:23 -0500 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Well, we are getting requests for large format printed maps being able to generate images that will support these efforts is important. Right now is is extremely hard to do this. My mapfiles have 150 layers and you have to make a custom mapfile for each resolution you want to support and change the thickness of all line widths, font sizes, symbol sizes, etc, etc. Fonts are a particularly difficult problem because you need to render them fatter also with increased DPI. It would be nice if there were also output controls supported in mapserver that would allow you to specify the DPI and have it automatically make the correct adjustments to the drawing code. -Steve W. Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: > The 72, 96, or 300 dpi numbers have no real meaning in digital > images--what matters is the dimensions of the image itself. The dpi > stuff matters when sending the image to an output (display or hardcopy > prints). Think of it this way, a 24000x24000-pixel image will come out > to be 333.33x333.33 inches in 72dpi display (printout, whatever), > 250x250 inches at 96dpi, and 80x80 inches at 300dpi. Follow the pattern? > > You can set your image size parameters (the target DPI, target output > size, or the pixel dimensions) in PhotoShop, the Gimp (with gimp-print), > any decent image manipulation software, or in the printer settings. > > Here's a little more info for you, from the world of digital > photography: > > Cheers! > -Perry > > krishna S wrote: > >> I want an exactly 300 dpi map, so do you mean to set the mapsize to >> 24000X24000 pixels .... >> >> Thanks for your reply .. >> >> > From adam.hill at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 25 13:30:43 2006 From: adam.hill at GMAIL.COM (Adam Hill) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:30:43 -0600 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Howard Butler has some lifesaving precompiled binaries for SDE at From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 25 13:34:11 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:34:11 -0500 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile Message-ID: Norman - Well, you can increase that limit and recompile, too! But this is a valid concern because many output formats have a "resolution" value/tag embedded in them. If you create a "300DPI" image and the TIFF or JPEG is set to 72 DPI, your users will (a) think the image is too large and/or (b) think they get a "low resolution" image instead of a "good one" (been there, done that ). - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Norman Vine Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:15 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Change image resolution in mapfile David Bitner writes: > All you need to do to spit out the image is to ask for how many pixels > wide by how many pixels tall you want the image, so if you want a > 36"x24" poster, you will want to use 300*36 x > 300*24 as your width and height. From there it's just monkeying > around to get the symbols to come out the size you want. Except that mapserver has a hardwired maximum image size IIRC this is 2048 x 2048 pixels. see map.h MS_MAXIMAGESIZE_DEFAULT So you will need to build the image up in tiles then stitch them together with something like imagemagick shp2img can be used to do this using something like this untested pseudo code pixels_y = DPI * POSTER_Y pixels_x = DPI * POSTER_X tiles_y = pixels_y / TILE_SIZE tiles_x = pixels_x / TILE_SIZE map_width = map_max_x - map_min_x map_height = map_max_y - map_min_y tile_width = map_width / tiles_x tile_height = map_height / tiles_y y = 0 tile_min_y = map_min_y for y < tiles_y: x = 0 tile_max_y = tile_min_y + tile_height tile_min_x = map_min_x for x < tiles_x: tile_name = poster_name_ + str(y) + "_" + str(x) + "." + $FORMAT_EXT tile_max_x = tile_min_x + tile_width system( "shp2img -m MAPFILE -e tile_min_x tile_min_y tile_max_x tile_max_y -o tile_name") tile_min_x = tile_max_x end tile_min_y = tile_max_y end HTH Norman > On 1/25/06, krishna S wrote: > > Hello all, > > I have to generate a 300 by 300 dpi wall map to print, I was > > wondering how can we generate the map using mapserver, i know that > > usually when the image is generated it gets saved in 72dpi. I am not > > displaying the map in thw browser but i just want to generate the > > map so that i can print it out. > > > > I searched the archives about this but couldnt find how to > > generate it actually. > > > > Any suggestions please ..... > > > > --kris > > > From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Wed Jan 25 13:52:49 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:52:49 -0700 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile Message-ID: Steve (and others), Several months ago one of our engineers had a few spare cycles, so I posed a question: "Can mapserver be used to generate large-format ( > 8 inches wide) maps to a plotter?" We selected PDF as the output format (I can't recall why, but it may be because of the vector rendering symbology issues mentioned). Here's part of his results: ========================== The purpose of investigating mapserver was to determine if it could be used for creating automated maps at specific scales for plotting to paper. Given raster and vector data, mapserver can create an output map (jpeg, tiff, pdf). Given that pdf files can store both vector and raster data, it was determined that we would use pdf files as our format of choice. The current version of mapserver (4.6.0) does not support raster images of more than 256 colours. Some modifications were made to mapserver to create 24 bit colour images in PDF. (Note: These changes were not submitted back to the public version of mapserver) Creating a pdf for printing: In order to create a map at a specified scale and paper size, some calculations are needed. The following are steps to calculate values for input to mapserver: 1.. Decide paper size we want to print. Ex. 12"x12" 2.. decide scale. Ex. 1:50000 3.. find out resolution of imagery ex. Landsat - 12.5m/pixel 4.. calculate coverage in metres that paper size and scale will equate to. Ex. 50000x(12"x2.54/100) = 15240 m (so coverage is 15240m x 15240 m) 5.. calculate # of pixels of image that is equivalent to coverage area. Ex. 15240m / 12.5m/pixel = 1219.2 pixels 6.. since we can't make an image that is not an integer # of pixels, we round up to 1220 x 1220 pixels. However, this means the coverage area needs to be increased by 0.8 pixels. i.e. 12.5m/pixel * 0.8 pixels = 10 m. so the coverage is now 15250 x 15250 m 7.. in the mapserver ".map" file, we specify the size of the image as 1220 x 1220 and set the extent xmin ymin xmax ymax (to cover the area of interest that is 15250 x 15250 metres) 8.. run mapserver 9.. Mapserver should produce a map that when printed onto a sheet of paper that is 12"x12" with no scaling, will be 1:50000 scale. The steps that have been described above should produce a map, when printed with no scaling, of 1:50,000. However, this is not the case. For some reason, mapserver creates a pdf file that when opened in Adobe acrobat reader shows that the map is 1.4 times the size of what our calculations have come out to be. i.e. acrobat says the map is ~ 16.8" x 16.8". This has something to do with the pdf file being created at 72dpi. ========================== He had made a few other changes to our copy of mapserver to work-around the PDF scaling issue, but we were distracted by some paying work so we did not post the code back to the mapserver community. If someone (Steve L? Frank W?, anyone?) is interested in picking it up to review the changes (and make improvements to our hacks!), I'll gladly send them the modified 4.6.0 source.... Brent Fraser ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Woodbridge" To: Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:22 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Change image resolution in mapfile > Well, we are getting requests for large format printed maps being able > to generate images that will support these efforts is important. Right > now is is extremely hard to do this. My mapfiles have 150 layers and you > have to make a custom mapfile for each resolution you want to support > and change the thickness of all line widths, font sizes, symbol sizes, > etc, etc. Fonts are a particularly difficult problem because you need to > render them fatter also with increased DPI. > > It would be nice if there were also output controls supported in > mapserver that would allow you to specify the DPI and have it > automatically make the correct adjustments to the drawing code. > > -Steve W. > > Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: > > The 72, 96, or 300 dpi numbers have no real meaning in digital > > images--what matters is the dimensions of the image itself. The dpi > > stuff matters when sending the image to an output (display or hardcopy > > prints). Think of it this way, a 24000x24000-pixel image will come out > > to be 333.33x333.33 inches in 72dpi display (printout, whatever), > > 250x250 inches at 96dpi, and 80x80 inches at 300dpi. Follow the pattern? > > > > You can set your image size parameters (the target DPI, target output > > size, or the pixel dimensions) in PhotoShop, the Gimp (with gimp-print), > > any decent image manipulation software, or in the printer settings. > > > > Here's a little more info for you, from the world of digital > > photography: > > > > Cheers! > > -Perry > > > > krishna S wrote: > > > >> I want an exactly 300 dpi map, so do you mean to set the mapsize to > >> 24000X24000 pixels .... > >> > >> Thanks for your reply .. > >> > >> > > From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Wed Jan 25 13:58:42 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:58:42 -0600 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile Message-ID: Thanks for all your replies guys ........ I was trying to create a 24" X 24" map with a 300 dpi thats 7200X7200 pixels map. I set the size to this pixels, when i run the mapserver it gives me an error saying "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded " but it generated the map with the resolution that i gave and the map is pretty good looking except it has some aliasing effect which i am working on now, the image format i used is JPEG. I guess this what i have to do .... ultimately i need to convert this wall map into pdf form for the clients .... Thanks again for all your time guys ... From ed at TOPOZONE.COM Wed Jan 25 14:20:28 2006 From: ed at TOPOZONE.COM (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:20:28 -0500 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile Message-ID: Krishna - I suspect that fatal error is coming from your browser or Web server; I don't think the MapServer CGI cares how long it runs, and we certainly run it for more than 30 seconds all the time. JPEG is a good choice for photographic imagery; it is not a good choice for vector maps, and PNG or TIFF would be better. If you're using JPEG you can control the quality/compression of the output image with an OUTPUTFORMAT block in your map file, such as: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME jpeg80 DRIVER "GD/jpeg" FORMATOPTION "QUALITY=80" END Set QUALITY=n where n is from 1 to 100. 80 is a good estimate if you want high-quality output at a moderate image size. If your "aliasing effect" is happening on text on top of a photo, you may want to think of the output as "vector" instead. Choosing PNG or TIFF will always give you the best possible output image quality (provided you get the pixel depth correct) because they are uncompressed. For photos they will give you huge files, but this sounds like a one-shot deal where the final file size doesn't really matter. - Ed Ed McNierney President and Chief Mapmaker / Maps a la carte, Inc. 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305 North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of krishna S Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:59 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Change image resolution in mapfile Thanks for all your replies guys ........ I was trying to create a 24" X 24" map with a 300 dpi thats 7200X7200 pixels map. I set the size to this pixels, when i run the mapserver it gives me an error saying "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded " but it generated the map with the resolution that i gave and the map is pretty good looking except it has some aliasing effect which i am working on now, the image format i used is JPEG. I guess this what i have to do .... ultimately i need to convert this wall map into pdf form for the clients .... Thanks again for all your time guys ... From aaronkoning at GMAIL.COM Wed Jan 25 16:17:18 2006 From: aaronkoning at GMAIL.COM (Aaron Koning) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 16:17:18 -0800 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Are you using PHP MapScript? PHP has a max execution time limit variable (default is 30 seconds) in the php.ini file that causes this problem when using PHP MapScript. Aaron On 1/25/06, krishna S wrote: > > Thanks for all your replies guys ........ > > I was trying to create a 24" X 24" map with a 300 dpi thats 7200X7200 > pixels map. I set the size to this pixels, when i run the mapserver it > gives me an error saying "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 > seconds > exceeded " but it generated the map with the resolution that i gave and > the > map is pretty good looking except it has some aliasing effect which i am > working on now, the image format i used is JPEG. I guess this what i have > to do .... > > ultimately i need to convert this wall map into pdf form for the > clients .... > > Thanks again for all your time guys ... > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU Wed Jan 25 19:03:34 2006 From: mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU (Mark Brooks) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:03:34 -0500 Subject: LABELMAXSCALE on dynamic layer datapoints Message-ID: I've got a layer that I draw dynamically. I query a database, loop through the results, create a ms_newPointObj(), setxy() on that new point, then draw that point on the map. Works great. In my mapfile, I have LABELMAXSCALE set for the dynamic layer. However, it has no effect whatsoever on the labeling for the dynamic layer. The labels are always shown regardless of the scale. The same method works fine with static shape files, just not my dynamic layer. Any suggestions? -- Mark Brooks Environmental Meteorologist State Climate Office of North Carolina Box 7236, NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7236 E-mail: mark_brooks at Phone: 919.515.1446 Fax: 919.515.1441 From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Wed Jan 25 20:44:02 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:44:02 -0600 Subject: LABELMAXSCALE on dynamic layer datapoints Message-ID: I believe the decision to annotate is computed at a layer level so scales are not checked when you draw at the feature level. I'll have to check the code to be sure about this. There are a couple of options: 1 - compare the scale values in your code and not send a label string if your about the scale 2 - use the layer add feature capability to add all the points to the layer and then draw the whole layer Option 1 is probably the easiest. Steve >>> Mark Brooks 01/25/06 9:03 PM >>> I've got a layer that I draw dynamically. I query a database, loop through the results, create a ms_newPointObj(), setxy() on that new point, then draw that point on the map. Works great. In my mapfile, I have LABELMAXSCALE set for the dynamic layer. However, it has no effect whatsoever on the labeling for the dynamic layer. The labels are always shown regardless of the scale. The same method works fine with static shape files, just not my dynamic layer. Any suggestions? -- Mark Brooks Environmental Meteorologist State Climate Office of North Carolina Box 7236, NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7236 E-mail: mark_brooks at Phone: 919.515.1446 Fax: 919.515.1441 From mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU Wed Jan 25 20:49:19 2006 From: mark_brooks at NCSU.EDU (Mark Brooks) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 23:49:19 -0500 Subject: LABELMAXSCALE on dynamic layer datapoints In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Steve, Thanks for the reply. Good idea on option 1; I'll give that a try. Regarding your comment on using the add feature capability... is it better practice to addfeature for a dynamic point as opposed to just draw()? Thanks again, Mark Steve Lime wrote: > I believe the decision to annotate is computed at a layer level so scales are not checked when you draw at the feature level. I'll have to check the code to be sure about this. There are a couple of options: > > 1 - compare the scale values in your code and not send a label string if your about the scale > > 2 - use the layer add feature capability to add all the points to the layer and then draw the whole layer > > Option 1 is probably the easiest. > > Steve > > > > > >>>>Mark Brooks 01/25/06 9:03 PM >>> > > I've got a layer that I draw dynamically. I query a database, loop > through the results, create a ms_newPointObj(), setxy() on that new > point, then draw that point on the map. Works great. In my mapfile, I > have LABELMAXSCALE set for the dynamic layer. However, it has no effect > whatsoever on the labeling for the dynamic layer. The labels are always > shown regardless of the scale. The same method works fine with static > shape files, just not my dynamic layer. Any suggestions? From flavio at TYDAC.CH Wed Jan 25 22:55:30 2006 From: flavio at TYDAC.CH (Flavio Hendry) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 07:55:30 +0100 Subject: Change image resolution in mapfile In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Steve > have to make a custom mapfile for each resolution you want to support > and change the thickness of all line widths, font sizes, symbol > sizes, etc, etc. Fonts are a particularly difficult problem because > you need to render them fatter also with increased DPI. No, this is not necessary, you should use SIZEUNITS in real world units such as feet, meters etc. and not pixels (default). So you can control the size of text, line thickness etc. far better and the maps look fine in every scale/resolution. Be aware that SIZEUNITS only accepts integers, so you might have to use feet instead of meters to control digits. Example: LAYER NAME "Street Names" TYPE LINE MINSCALE 0 MAXSCALE 5000 STATUS ON DATA "Shape/StreetLabels" LABELITEM "STRASSE" SIZEUNITS feet CLASS NAME "StreetLabels" COLOR -1 -1 -1 LABEL ANTIALIAS TRUE TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial SIZE 15 COLOR 0 0 0 ANGLE AUTO POSITION cc END END PROJECTION "init=world:CH1903" END END Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards Flavio Hendry ---------------------------------------------------------------- TYDAC NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############ ? ? ?Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards ############? ? ? ? ? ? ?mailto:flavio at ############ ? ? ? ? TYDAC AG - #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ?Geographic Information Solutions #### ? ?#### ? ? ? ? Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern ############ ? Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR Wed Jan 25 23:49:05 2006 From: xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR (Xavier mauclaire) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:49:05 +0100 Subject: Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Thanks for your response. I know about the pan method. What i would like to do is allowing the user to drag & drop the image to simulate the pan deplacement. I think that you can do that with the java applet but a can't use it regards Xavier -----Message d'origine----- De : Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] Envoy? : mercredi 25 janvier 2006 17:47 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool There is a pan method available in mapserv.js. You'd just attach code like (assuming the mapserv object is called ms): ms.pan('nw') to an image or a link. In my landview example it's something like: You could also use an image event handler as well I imagine to trigger the pan. The application below does this: Steve >>> Xavier mauclaire 01/25/06 10:27 AM >>> >>> Hi I'm using mapserver with the mapserv.js javascript library. I would like to implement the panning tool but i don't konw how to do that. Currently, only the recenter tool can be used. Any help would be appreciated regards Xavier From fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH Thu Jan 26 00:11:44 2006 From: fsozzi at INTERCAD.CH (Francesco Sozzi) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:11:44 +0100 Subject: Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to Message-ID: Hi Adam, Thank you for suggestion. Unfortunately this version has not PHP Mapscript, so I think I will need to compile... Best regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Hill" To: Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:30 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserver and ArcSDE: issues on compiling and connecting to Howard Butler has some lifesaving precompiled binaries for SDE at From Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM Thu Jan 26 00:04:36 2006 From: Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM (Skalski Artur - askals) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:04:36 +0100 Subject: How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Message-ID: To change an attribute of added point You have to also update a dbase file (I don't see that in your code) wihich stores all atributes of shapes in shp.file, otherwise you get nothing. And if you try to open such a file in ArcViwe it will promt taht tha file was damaged which is because dbf. file record number doesn't mach shp. file record number. dbase.dll which is used to create and update dbf. file comes with standard distribution off all lates php binaries ragards Artur Skalski ACXIOM Polska Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa E-mail: artur.skalski at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Xiaonan Zhang Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Dear all, I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer however I got a few problems here: 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is always only one point in that layer. 2. I can not regain the added point. 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one attribue called "Comment". thanks. My code is: //Create a new comment point $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); //Add it to the comments layer $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $line = ms_newLineObj(); $line->add($oClickGeo); $shape ->add($line); $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer "comments" $poLayer->open(); //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point //Save the changes $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT ); $objShapefile->addshape($shape); $objShapefile->free; $poLayer->close(); //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point and then change it's comment attribut //Task2.1:get the new added comment point $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2); $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); printf("Find point: %f
\n", $numResults); $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", $oRes->shapeindex); $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values array $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment ); //display comment attribute *************************************************************************** The information contained in this communication is confidential, is intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please resend this communication to the sender and delete the original message or any copy of it from your computer system. Thank You. **************************************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 26 03:59:17 2006 From: xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM (Xiaonan Zhang) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:59:17 +0000 Subject: How to edit attribute of a selected shape? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: hi, Skalski, Thanks for the reply. However could you please give more information on this. Maybe an example. The code was working partly ok, the new point can be added, however as I said, it will overwrite the old one. It's attribute was inherited from the old one. I now want to change it's attribute and when I use $poLayer->getResult(0); there seems not point was picked up. regards, Jonathan On 26/01/06, Skalski Artur - askals wrote: > > To change an attribute of added point You have to also update a dbase file > (I don't see that in your code) wihich stores all atributes of shapes in > shp.file, otherwise you get nothing. And if you try to open such a file in > ArcViwe it will promt taht tha file was damaged which is because dbf. file > record number doesn't mach shp. file record number. > dbase.dll which is used to create and update dbf. file comes with standard > distribution off all lates php binaries > > ragards > > Artur Skalski > > *ACXIOM Polska* > Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn > Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 > Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa > E-mail: artur.skalski at > > -----Original Message----- > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]*On > Behalf Of *Xiaonan Zhang > *Sent:* Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 PM > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected > shape? > > Dear all, > > I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer > however I got a few problems here: > 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is > always only one point in that layer. > 2. I can not regain the added point. > 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one > attribue called "Comment". > > thanks. > > My code is: > > //Create a new comment point > $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); > $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); > > //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); > //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); > > //Add it to the comments layer > $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); > $line = ms_newLineObj(); > $line->add($oClickGeo); > $shape ->add($line); > > > $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer > "comments" > $poLayer->open(); > //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); > > > $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point > > > //Save the changes > $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; > $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT > ); > $objShapefile->addshape($shape); > $objShapefile->free; > $poLayer->close(); > > //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point > and then change it's comment attribut > > //Task2.1:get the new added comment point > $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2); > $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); > printf("Find point: %f
\n", > $numResults); > $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); > printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); > printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", > $oRes->shapeindex); > $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) > print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values > array > $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; > printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment > ); //display comment attribute > > > > *************************************************************************** > The information contained in this communication is confidential, is > intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally > privileged. > > If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are > hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this > communication is strictly prohibited. > > If you have received this communication in error, please resend this > communication to the sender and delete the original message or any copy > of it from your computer system. > > Thank You. > **************************************************************************** > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 06:19:49 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 06:19:49 -0800 Subject: mapserver installation Message-ID: Hi all, I'm having a few problems with mapserver installation and was hoping someone could clarify exactly what I need to do since I keep getting different bits and pieces. I have installed Mapserver 4.6 onto my machine (running win XP with apache/php/perl). Of course it doesn't work because I don't have the GD library or the regex lib. Problem is, there is no win installation file for GD lib and the only link to regex lib (ftp) doesn't work. Can someone please tell me how a completely non-nix user can install and get mapserver to function on their pc? I will be running shp files and then SVG (not images) through to the browser in all fairness and one I have postgis installed, that will hold all my spatial data. Thanx for your help. Ben __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 06:29:59 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:29:59 -0600 Subject: MapServer Installation issues Message-ID: Hi all, I'm having a few problems with mapserver installation and was hoping someone could clarify exactly what I need to do since I keep getting different bits and pieces. I have installed Mapserver 4.6 onto my machine (running win XP with apache/php/perl). Of course it doesn't work because I don't have the GD library or the regex lib. Problem is, there is no win installation file for GD lib and the only link to regex lib (ftp) doesn't work. Can someone please tell me how a completely non-nix user can install and get mapserver to function on their pc? I will be running shp files and then SVG (not images) through to the browser in all fairness and one I have postgis installed, that will hold all my spatial data. Thanx for your help. Ben From burnsy at VIVIDFISH.CO.UK Thu Jan 26 06:33:11 2006 From: burnsy at VIVIDFISH.CO.UK (Carl Burn) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:33:11 +0000 Subject: Zoom problem Message-ID: Hello All, got a problem with a pretty simple application I am building using ms4w on windows XP pro. I have used maplab to construct a map file which is basically a single layer of raster data, I used a tileindex to bring in the data, I created the tile index using gdaltindex on the target machine. I can call the data into the maplab using the mapedit utliity but when I preview my work I see the map, slightly off-centre and am unable to zoom in or out.The map file is included below, I have a feeling its really obvious but I have been staring at it and just can not see it. Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated. Burnsy MapFile begins: MAP NAME "Alltiled" STATUS ON EXTENT 49942.841590 4.230118 65991.532505 1230057.149261 SIZE 300 300 SHAPEPATH "./data/ArcView" SYMBOLSET "./etc/symbols.sym" FONTSET "./etc/fonts.txt" IMAGETYPE PNG IMAGECOLOR 189 231 255 UNITS METERS QUERYMAP STATUS ON SIZE 100 100 COLOR 255 0 0 STYLE HILITE END # # Start of OutputFormat object # OUTPUTFORMAT NAME "png" MIMETYPE "image/png" DRIVER "GD/PNG" EXTENSION "png" IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT FALSE END LAYER NAME "AARasters" STATUS ON TYPE RASTER TILEINDEX "./data/ArcView/overallmap.shp" END # Layer END MapFile ends -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: burnsy.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 283 bytes Desc: not available URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 26 06:48:52 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:48:52 -0600 Subject: LABELMAXSCALE on dynamic layer datapoints Message-ID: The addfeature method is a bit more robust since you're assured the dynamic points will be treated exactly like any other layer. With the shape/point draw method there are a few issues (like the one you found) to work around (and document). Steve >>> Mark Brooks 01/25/06 10:49 PM >>> Steve, Thanks for the reply. Good idea on option 1; I'll give that a try. Regarding your comment on using the add feature capability... is it better practice to addfeature for a dynamic point as opposed to just draw()? Thanks again, Mark Steve Lime wrote: > I believe the decision to annotate is computed at a layer level so scales are not checked when you draw at the feature level. I'll have to check the code to be sure about this. There are a couple of options: > > 1 - compare the scale values in your code and not send a label string if your about the scale > > 2 - use the layer add feature capability to add all the points to the layer and then draw the whole layer > > Option 1 is probably the easiest. > > Steve > > > > > >>>>Mark Brooks 01/25/06 9:03 PM >>> > > I've got a layer that I draw dynamically. I query a database, loop > through the results, create a ms_newPointObj(), setxy() on that new > point, then draw that point on the map. Works great. In my mapfile, I > have LABELMAXSCALE set for the dynamic layer. However, it has no effect > whatsoever on the labeling for the dynamic layer. The labels are always > shown regardless of the scale. The same method works fine with static > shape files, just not my dynamic layer. Any suggestions? From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 26 06:51:45 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:51:45 -0600 Subject: How to edit attribute of a selected shape? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Just a quick note. PostGIS can make this type of operation very easy. Rather than trying to use mapscript, if you are trying to change the attribute, you can just pass the feature id and an update SQL statement using PHP's (or Perl, Ruby, Python....) PostgreSQL functions. I do this all the time and it works very well. On 1/26/06, Xiaonan Zhang wrote: > hi, Skalski, > > Thanks for the reply. However could you please give more information on > this. Maybe an example. > > The code was working partly ok, the new point can be added, however as I > said, it will overwrite the old one. It's attribute was inherited from the > old one. I now want to change it's attribute and when I use > $poLayer->getResult(0); there seems not point was picked up. > > regards, > > Jonathan > > > > > On 26/01/06, Skalski Artur - askals wrote: > > > > To change an attribute of added point You have to also update a dbase file > (I don't see that in your code) wihich stores all atributes of shapes in > shp.file, otherwise you get nothing. And if you try to open such a file in > ArcViwe it will promt taht tha file was damaged which is because dbf. file > record number doesn't mach shp. file record number. > > dbase.dll which is used to create and update dbf. file comes with standard > distribution off all lates php binaries > > > > ragards > > > > Artur Skalski > > > > ACXIOM Polska > > Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn > > Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 > > Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa > > E-mail: artur.skalski at > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On > Behalf Of Xiaonan Zhang > > Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 PM > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? > > > > > > Dear all, > > > > I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer > however I got a few problems here: > > 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is > always only one point in that layer. > > 2. I can not regain the added point. > > 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one > attribue called "Comment". > > > > thanks. > > > > My code is: > > > > //Create a new comment point > > $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); > > $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); > > > > //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); > > //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); > > > > //Add it to the comments layer > > $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); > > $line = ms_newLineObj(); > > $line->add($oClickGeo); > > $shape ->add($line); > > > > > > $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); > //get the layer "comments" > > $poLayer->open(); > > //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); > > > > > > $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point > > > > > > //Save the changes > > $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; > > $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT > ); > > $objShapefile->addshape($shape); > > $objShapefile->free; > > $poLayer->close(); > > > > //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point > and then change it's comment attribut > > > > //Task2.1:get the new added comment point > > $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, > MS_SINGLE, 2); > > $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); > > printf("Find point: %f
\n", $numResults); > > > $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); > > printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); > > printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", $oRes->shapeindex); > > > $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) > > print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values > array > > $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; > > printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment > ); //display comment attribute > > > > > *************************************************************************** > > The information contained in this communication is confidential, is > > intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally > > privileged. > > > > If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are > > hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this > > communication is strictly prohibited. > > > > If you have received this communication in error, please resend this > > communication to the sender and delete the original message or any copy > > of it from your computer system. > > > > Thank You. > > > **************************************************************************** > > > > > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 26 06:58:58 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:58:58 -0600 Subject: Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool Message-ID: I've not implemented that functionality for dbox.js. Sorry. Steve >>> Xavier mauclaire 01/26/06 1:49 AM >>> Hi Thanks for your response. I know about the pan method. What i would like to do is allowing the user to drag & drop the image to simulate the pan deplacement. I think that you can do that with the java applet but a can't use it regards Xavier -----Message d'origine----- De : Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] Envoy? : mercredi 25 janvier 2006 17:47 ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool There is a pan method available in mapserv.js. You'd just attach code like (assuming the mapserv object is called ms): ms.pan('nw') to an image or a link. In my landview example it's something like: You could also use an image event handler as well I imagine to trigger the pan. The application below does this: Steve >>> Xavier mauclaire 01/25/06 10:27 AM >>> >>> Hi I'm using mapserver with the mapserv.js javascript library. I would like to implement the panning tool but i don't konw how to do that. Currently, only the recenter tool can be used. Any help would be appreciated regards Xavier From sgillies at FRII.COM Thu Jan 26 07:03:03 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:03:03 -0700 Subject: LABELMAXSCALE on dynamic layer datapoints In-Reply-To: Message-ID: It's also significantly faster to push features into the layer and draw all in one go. cheers, Sean On Jan 26, 2006, at 7:48 AM, Steve Lime wrote: > The addfeature method is a bit more robust since you're assured the = > dynamic points will be treated exactly like any other layer. With > the = > shape/point draw method there are a few issues (like the one you > found) to = > work around (and document). > > Steve > >>>> Mark Brooks 01/25/06 10:49 PM >>> > Steve, > > Thanks for the reply. Good idea on option 1; I'll give that a try.=20 > Regarding your comment on using the add feature capability... is it=20 > better practice to addfeature for a dynamic point as opposed to just = > draw()? > > Thanks again, > Mark > > > Steve Lime wrote: >> I believe the decision to annotate is computed at a layer level so = > scales are not checked when you draw at the feature level. I'll > have to = > check the code to be sure about this. There are a couple of options: >> =20 >> 1 - compare the scale values in your code and not send a label >> string = > if your about the scale >> =20 >> 2 - use the layer add feature capability to add all the points >> to the = > layer and then draw the whole layer >> =20 >> Option 1 is probably the easiest. >> =20 >> Steve >> =20 >> =20 >> =20 >> =20 >> =20 >>>>> Mark Brooks 01/25/06 9:03 PM >>> >> =20 >> I've got a layer that I draw dynamically. I query a database, >> loop=20 >> through the results, create a ms_newPointObj(), setxy() on that >> new=20 >> point, then draw that point on the map. Works great. In my >> mapfile, = > I=20 >> have LABELMAXSCALE set for the dynamic layer. However, it has no = > effect=20 >> whatsoever on the labeling for the dynamic layer. The labels are = > always=20 >> shown regardless of the scale. The same method works fine with = > static=20 >> shape files, just not my dynamic layer. Any suggestions? From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 26 07:16:40 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:16:40 -0600 Subject: LABELMAXSCALE on dynamic layer datapoints Message-ID: Excellent point. >>> Sean Gillies 01/26/06 9:03 AM >>> It's also significantly faster to push features into the layer and draw all in one go. cheers, Sean On Jan 26, 2006, at 7:48 AM, Steve Lime wrote: > The addfeature method is a bit more robust since you're assured the = > dynamic points will be treated exactly like any other layer. With > the = > shape/point draw method there are a few issues (like the one you > found) to = > work around (and document). > > Steve > >>>> Mark Brooks 01/25/06 10:49 PM >>> > Steve, > > Thanks for the reply. Good idea on option 1; I'll give that a try.=20 > Regarding your comment on using the add feature capability... is it=20 > better practice to addfeature for a dynamic point as opposed to just = > draw()? > > Thanks again, > Mark > > > Steve Lime wrote: >> I believe the decision to annotate is computed at a layer level so = > scales are not checked when you draw at the feature level. I'll > have to = > check the code to be sure about this. There are a couple of options: >> =20 >> 1 - compare the scale values in your code and not send a label >> string = > if your about the scale >> =20 >> 2 - use the layer add feature capability to add all the points >> to the = > layer and then draw the whole layer >> =20 >> Option 1 is probably the easiest. >> =20 >> Steve >> =20 >> =20 >> =20 >> =20 >> =20 >>>>> Mark Brooks 01/25/06 9:03 PM >>> >> =20 >> I've got a layer that I draw dynamically. I query a database, >> loop=20 >> through the results, create a ms_newPointObj(), setxy() on that >> new=20 >> point, then draw that point on the map. Works great. In my >> mapfile, = > I=20 >> have LABELMAXSCALE set for the dynamic layer. However, it has no = > effect=20 >> whatsoever on the labeling for the dynamic layer. The labels are = > always=20 >> shown regardless of the scale. The same method works fine with = > static=20 >> shape files, just not my dynamic layer. Any suggestions? From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Jan 26 07:28:06 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:28:06 -0500 Subject: MapServer Installation issues In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Check out the binary distributions on the MapServer site: (they contain the supporting dlls needed by MapServer). jeff Ben Crane wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm having a few problems with mapserver installation > and was hoping someone could clarify exactly what I > need to do since I keep getting different bits and > pieces. > > I have installed Mapserver 4.6 onto my machine > (running win XP with apache/php/perl). Of course it > doesn't work because I don't have the GD library or > the regex lib. Problem is, there is no win > installation file for GD lib and the only link to > regex lib (ftp) doesn't work. > > Can someone please tell me how a completely non-nix > user can install and get mapserver to function on > their pc? I will be running shp files and then SVG > (not images) through to the browser in all fairness > and one I have postgis installed, that will hold all > my spatial data. > > Thanx for your help. > > Ben > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From yecarrillo at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 07:51:20 2006 From: yecarrillo at YAHOO.COM (Eduin Carrillo) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:51:20 -0600 Subject: Extending use of Apache SetEnvIf for Online Resource URL Message-ID: Using instructions of I were trying to extend this trick to do something more functional. Using JUST ONE executable and passing the MS_MAPFILE environment based on a external parameter (SERVICENAME in this case) on URL request: mapserv?SERVICENAME=mymapfile And Apache do the magic to provide the MS_MAPFILE environment based on SERVICENAME parameter: MS_MAPFILE=/path/to/ this is the httpd.conf code: RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)servicename=([^&]+) [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [QSA,E=MS_MAPFILE:/path/to/] Benefits? Just one exe file and a short URL (not passing all path) It works for most cgi-bin requests, however OGC capabilities requests returns invalid "OnlineResource" links (for this reason uDIG shows empty maps). For a normal request (mapserv?map=/path/to/, OnlineResource link into capabilities is: Using my trick (mapserv?SERVICENAME=mymapfile), OnlineResource link into capabilities is: Somebody knows some kind of solution to get a valid OnlineResource links into capabilities file? Eduin Yezid Carrillo Vega GIS Specialist __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! Reg?strate ya - From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 08:01:40 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:01:40 -0600 Subject: MapServer Installation issues Message-ID: I've downloaded that one. Does it contain the GD and regex lib? What about individual image dlls for png, etc? I have tried running the tutorial through the installed MapServer but I get a mapLoad() error stating that the "map" mode isn't activated (wrong word I know)- I went back to the Mapserver website to find out how to sort it out. It can find the *.map file (I have ensured it is in the correct place) so it's not the standard error stating the map file couldn't be found. But if this windows installer has everything to make mapserver work and I don't require anything else then I'll head back to the drawing board and have another go, must be a mistake I've made somewhere along the line Ben From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 26 08:06:26 2006 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:06:26 -0600 Subject: MapServer Installation issues Message-ID: Ben, Post the text from your map file and the actual error message that you are receiving. This should give people more to go on. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Ben Crane Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:02 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer Installation issues I've downloaded that one. Does it contain the GD and regex lib? What about individual image dlls for png, etc? I have tried running the tutorial through the installed MapServer but I get a mapLoad() error stating that the "map" mode isn't activated (wrong word I know)- I went back to the Mapserver website to find out how to sort it out. It can find the *.map file (I have ensured it is in the correct place) so it's not the standard error stating the map file couldn't be found. But if this windows installer has everything to make mapserver work and I don't require anything else then I'll head back to the drawing board and have another go, must be a mistake I've made somewhere along the line Ben From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Jan 26 08:08:02 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:08:02 -0500 Subject: MapServer Installation issues In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Which one? If you are talking about MS4W then yes it is supposed to contain everything you need to get MapServer running. (there is also an MS4W mailing list for exactly this issue) jeff Ben Crane wrote: > I've downloaded that one. Does it contain the GD and regex lib? What about > individual image dlls for png, etc? I have tried running the tutorial > through the installed MapServer but I get a mapLoad() error stating that > the "map" mode isn't activated (wrong word I know)- I went back to the > Mapserver website to find out how to sort it out. It can find the *.map > file (I have ensured it is in the correct place) so it's not the standard > error stating the map file couldn't be found. > > But if this windows installer has everything to make mapserver work and I > don't require anything else then I'll head back to the drawing board and > have another go, must be a mistake I've made somewhere along the line > > Ben > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 08:08:00 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:08:00 -0600 Subject: mapserver installation Message-ID: Hi ben, Yeah compiling mapserver is difficult, i had a really hardtime compiling it, the regex from the ftp site cannot giveout an regex.obj file which is what we need to make mapserver compile and regarding the GD library i guess it has a set of instructions to get it installed. I made a mapserver installation doc for my self which i will attach to you in a personal mail, also i am sending a zip file of regex 0.12 where there is an object file already created. Dont remove the regex.obj file at any cost, to do so go to the of mapserver and remove the line del regex.obj and u can install the mapserver succesully ... regards, --kris From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 08:10:48 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:10:48 -0600 Subject: MapServer Installation issues Message-ID: Yes, MS4W (the one your link took me to). I signed up to this mailing list since I am bound to have more Mapserver questions. I will go and hunt down the MS4W mailing list as you suggested. From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 08:22:46 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:22:46 -0600 Subject: mapserver installation Message-ID: Kris, Cheers mate! I find it frustrating loading software and trying to get to grips with it when I'm not sure I have everything required. Apparently the MS4W win installation has everything I need to get it working but since the I can't get the basic PNG tutorial working I've come back to the site to try and figure out what went wrong. It could be win xp SP2 causing problems I guess, I've heard of SP2 giving users problems with their internet (although mine is local). I'll get the stuff from my email mate...thanx Ben From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Thu Jan 26 08:41:00 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:41:00 -0600 Subject: MapServer demo app Message-ID: I am trying to download the old Steve Lime's MapServer demo app (the old app, not old Steve Lime!). The link seems to be doa. Is it temporarily down, or gone 404? Anyone? (Perry?) Muchas gracias in advance. From w.blanken at GEON.NL Thu Jan 26 07:59:09 2006 From: w.blanken at GEON.NL (Wim Blanken) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 16:59:09 +0100 Subject: Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool Message-ID: Hello Xavier, A while ago I used this functionality in dbox. It is visible on this site: You have to use the button called 'schuiven' (sorry this site is in dutch) and then you can drag the map to a new position. It has been a while since I made this site and i do not have much documentation but maybe you are helped looking at the source and the javascript libraries i used to implement this. Feel free to do so. Regards, Wim Blanken The Netherlands ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Lime" To: Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:58 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool > I've not implemented that functionality for dbox.js. Sorry. > > Steve > >>>> Xavier mauclaire 01/26/06 1:49 AM >>> > Hi > > Thanks for your response. > I know about the pan method. > What i would like to do is allowing the user to drag & drop the image to > simulate the pan deplacement. > I think that you can do that with the java applet but a can't use it > > regards > > > > > Xavier > > -----Message d'origine----- > De : Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] > Envoy? : mercredi 25 janvier 2006 17:47 > ? : MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU; xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR > Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panningtool > > There is a pan method available in mapserv.js. You'd just attach code like > (assuming the mapserv object is called ms): > > ms.pan('nw') > > to an image or a link. In my landview example it's something like: > > > > You could also use an image event handler as well I imagine to trigger the > pan. The application below does this: > > > > Steve > >>>> Xavier mauclaire 01/25/06 10:27 AM >>>> >>> > > Hi > I'm using mapserver with the mapserv.js javascript library. I would like > to > implement the panning tool but i don't konw how to do that. Currently, > only > the recenter tool can be used. > > Any help would be appreciated > > regards > > Xavier > > From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Thu Jan 26 09:02:40 2006 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:02:40 -0600 Subject: What is a wrapper script? Message-ID: Liang: I haved used the following shell script on a Linux box (although it should be generic enough to run on any OS with /bin/sh): #!/bin/sh MAPSERV="/path/to/my/mapserv" MAPFILE="/path/to/my/" if [ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" = "GET" ]; then if [ -z "${QUERY_STRING}" ]; then QUERY_STRING="map=${MAPFILE}" else QUERY_STRING="map=${MAPFILE}&${QUERY_STRING}" fi exec ${MAPSERV} else echo "Sorry, I only understand GET requests." fi exit 1 # End of Script You should set the MAPSERV and MAPFILE variables as appropriate for your configuration. Then put the script in your web server's cgi-bin directory, and make it executable. I haven't ever needed POST capability, so I can't tell you offhand how to modify the script to handle POST requests. Maybe someone else can chime in with the solution. Hope this helps, -SM -- On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:13:36 +0800, =?gb2312?B?194gwcE=?= wrote: >hi everyone, > >I don't know how to create a simple wrapper script to hide the map= >parameter. Would you please give me some clues about the wrapper script? >How can I create one? Is there a tool to create it? > >Thank you very much. > >Liang > >_________________________________________________________________ >???????? MSN Explorer: From adam.hill at GMAIL.COM Thu Jan 26 09:07:02 2006 From: adam.hill at GMAIL.COM (Adam Hill) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:07:02 -0600 Subject: What is a wrapper script? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: A wrapper script is a simple bash shell script, something like this: --- /Apache/cgi-bin/mymap --- #! C:/Apps/cygwin/bin\sh #date >> C:/Apps/temp/testingCgi # Uncomment if you need to debug the .map file #export CPL_DEBUG=ON #export PROJ_DEBUG=ON export MS_ERRORFILE=C:/ms4w/Apache/logs/mymap_error.log export MS_MAPFILE=C:/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/mymaps/ C:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe --- Replace the windows style paths with linux ones. adam... From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Thu Jan 26 09:07:47 2006 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:07:47 -0600 Subject: What is a wrapper script? Message-ID: This would be a great HowTo for the MapServer site. If you can, please submit this to David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven Monai Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:03 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] What is a wrapper script? Liang: I haved used the following shell script on a Linux box (although it should be generic enough to run on any OS with /bin/sh): #!/bin/sh MAPSERV="/path/to/my/mapserv" MAPFILE="/path/to/my/" if [ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" = "GET" ]; then if [ -z "${QUERY_STRING}" ]; then QUERY_STRING="map=${MAPFILE}" else QUERY_STRING="map=${MAPFILE}&${QUERY_STRING}" fi exec ${MAPSERV} else echo "Sorry, I only understand GET requests." fi exit 1 # End of Script You should set the MAPSERV and MAPFILE variables as appropriate for your configuration. Then put the script in your web server's cgi-bin directory, and make it executable. I haven't ever needed POST capability, so I can't tell you offhand how to modify the script to handle POST requests. Maybe someone else can chime in with the solution. Hope this helps, -SM -- On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:13:36 +0800, =?gb2312?B?194gwcE=?= wrote: >hi everyone, > >I don't know how to create a simple wrapper script to hide the map= >parameter. Would you please give me some clues about the wrapper >script? How can I create one? Is there a tool to create it? > >Thank you very much. > >Liang > >_________________________________________________________________ >???????? MSN Explorer: From yecarrillo at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 11:19:00 2006 From: yecarrillo at YAHOO.COM (Eduin Carrillo) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:19:00 -0600 Subject: EPSG 21892 to 4326 Message-ID: Transformations from data in SRS 21892 (Bogota Datum-Bogota) to 4326 (WGS84) do not display images in WMS requests? Any hint? EPSG 21892 (ok) EPSG 21892 (empty image) This is the map file: MAP ... PROJECTION "init=epsg:21892" END #PROJECTION WEB METADATA ... wms_srs "EPSG:4326 EPSG:21892" ... END #METADATA END #WEB LAYER #Microcuenca #Microcuenca NAME 'Microcuenca' METADATA ... wms_srs "EPSG:4326 EPSG:21892" ... END #METADATA PROJECTION "init=epsg:21892" END #PROJECTION ... END #MAP Eduin Yezid Carrillo Vega GIS Specialist __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ?gratis! Reg?strate ya - From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 11:23:23 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:23:23 -0600 Subject: overlapping maps Message-ID: Hello all, I dont know how to explain the problem i have but i will try my best to make you people understand the problem. I have data from 2 mrsid files, they draw 2 counties. I set the extent such that i want one part from one county and the other from the second county in the same map. I am able to do this but the problem is while overlapping or while drawing the 2 county parts adjacent to each other there is black line (or its like a black solid thick line) and this black thick line might be from one of the county part and its not allowing the other county to display its image at that position. I guess if i make that black solid line completely transparent i will be able to display the part of the county under it. Do anyone know how to get rid of that black solid line ... Thanks for your time .. --Kris From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Thu Jan 26 12:05:58 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:05:58 -0600 Subject: MapServer demo app In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Works for me, Puneet. Could be network issues on your end. -Perry Puneet Kishor wrote: > I am trying to download the old Steve Lime's MapServer demo app (the > old app, not old Steve Lime!). The link > > > > seems to be doa. Is it temporarily down, or gone 404? Anyone? (Perry?) > > Muchas gracias in advance. > > . > From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Thu Jan 26 12:12:41 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:12:41 -0600 Subject: MapServer demo app In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: > Works for me, Puneet. Could be network issues on your end. I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying again, and I get download speeds of 1 or 2 Kb/sec and that quickly dies down to nothing. 15 mins later I have 1% done. Everything else downloads real fast. Anyway, good to know that it still lives on the web. Sooner or later I have will have it down. Thanks. > > -Perry > > Puneet Kishor wrote: > >> I am trying to download the old Steve Lime's MapServer demo app (the >> old app, not old Steve Lime!). The link >> >> >> >> seems to be doa. Is it temporarily down, or gone 404? Anyone? (Perry?) >> >> Muchas gracias in advance. >> >> . >> From naci0002 at UMN.EDU Thu Jan 26 12:19:04 2006 From: naci0002 at UMN.EDU (Pericles S. Nacionales) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:19:04 -0600 Subject: overlapping maps In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Krishna, Use the OFFSITE keyword within your layer. Use the value "0 0 0" (if it's really black) and watch that black line disappear. If it's not really black but some other shade, open the image generated by MapServer in an image editor and get the RGB value for that "solid black line". Use this value in your OFFSITE parameter. For more info on this sort of stuff: Cheers! -Perry krishna S wrote: >Hello all, > I dont know how to explain the problem i have but i will try my best >to make you people understand the problem. > >I have data from 2 mrsid files, they draw 2 counties. I set the extent such >that i want one part from one county and the other from the second county >in the same map. I am able to do this but the problem is while overlapping >or while drawing the 2 county parts adjacent to each other there is black >line (or its like a black solid thick line) and this black thick line might >be from one of the county part and its not allowing the other county to >display its image at that position. I guess if i make that black solid line >completely transparent i will be able to display the part of the county >under it. > >Do anyone know how to get rid of that black solid line ... > >Thanks for your time .. >--Kris > >. > > > From stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM Thu Jan 26 12:19:50 2006 From: stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM (Stuart Eve) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 20:19:50 +0000 Subject: reverse of click2map (convert geographic coordinates into pixel value) Message-ID: Hi all, I'm trying to convert a geographic coordinate into a pixel value (i.e. the reverse of the click2map demo script). I have searched around and found Ace Suares' script: function map2click ( $map, $bounds ) { $bounds_average_x = ( $bounds->maxx + $bounds->minx ) / 2; $bounds_average_y = ( $bounds->miny + $bounds->maxy ) / 2; $x_pct = ( ( $bounds_average_x - $map->extent->minx ) / ( $map->extent->maxx - $map->extent->minx ) ); $y_pct = ( ( $bounds_average_y - $map->extent->miny ) / ( $map->extent->maxy - $map->extent->miny ) ); $x_map = intval( $map->width * $x_pct ); $y_map = intval( $map->height * (1 - $y_pct) ); return array( $x_map, $y_map ); } But this doesn't seem to be working for me - it just returns a very big negative number. I am using a point theme - with the data stored in LatLongs. Has anyone seen a script to do this? Thanks in advance, Stuart -- Stuart Eve L - P : Archaeology stuarteve at From jeff at PROPERTYKEY.COM Thu Jan 26 12:38:36 2006 From: jeff at PROPERTYKEY.COM (Jeff Hoffmann) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:38:36 -0600 Subject: overlapping maps In-Reply-To: Message-ID: krishna S wrote: > I have data from 2 mrsid files, they draw 2 counties. I set the extent such > that i want one part from one county and the other from the second county > in the same map. I am able to do this but the problem is while overlapping > or while drawing the 2 county parts adjacent to each other there is black > line (or its like a black solid thick line) and this black thick line might > be from one of the county part and its not allowing the other county to > display its image at that position. I guess if i make that black solid line > completely transparent i will be able to display the part of the county > under it. I can sympathize with this problem. The OFFSITE directive is fine, but we have one county that we got as JPEG that this trick doesn't work so well on and I went through and manually cropped out those pseudo-black areas. The whole time I was thinking "wouldn't it be nice to have a "clip" layer type" -- something that would clip out everything that didn't lie within the polygon(s) drawn on that layer. -- Jeff Hoffmann jeff at From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Thu Jan 26 12:47:32 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (Puneet Kishor) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:47:32 -0600 Subject: MapServer demo app In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Lowell.Filak wrote: > Try this link: > ;-) Two minutes later, it is all downloaded. Wisconsin and Ohio make love. Meanwhile, in the other court, Wisconsin is still struggling to get answers from Minnesota. About 45 minutes later, with about 4% done, the outlook is cloudy with a chance of filibuster. > Lowell > Puneet Kishor writes: >> Pericles S. Nacionales wrote: >>> Works for me, Puneet. Could be network issues on your end. >> >> I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying again, and I get >> download speeds of 1 or 2 Kb/sec and that quickly dies down to >> nothing. 15 mins later I have 1% done. Everything else downloads real >> fast. >> Anyway, good to know that it still lives on the web. Sooner or later I >> have will have it down. >> Thanks. >>> >>> -Perry >>> Puneet Kishor wrote: >>>> I am trying to download the old Steve Lime's MapServer demo app (the >>>> old app, not old Steve Lime!). The link >>>> >>>> seems to be doa. Is it temporarily down, or gone 404? Anyone? (Perry?) >>>> Muchas gracias in advance. >>>> . > > From tylermitchell at SHAW.CA Thu Jan 26 12:48:39 2006 From: tylermitchell at SHAW.CA (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:48:39 -0800 Subject: New mapping framework: Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST) Message-ID: Passing along this announcement about an open source project from the University of BC. This is a MapServer/PHP framework with several advanced functions people are looking for. It can optionally use PostGIS in the backend so your users can edit and save shapes and attributes - that's the most exciting part for me. Note there is a mailing specifically for FIST discussions - see link at bottom. Tyler ------------------------------------- The Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST) is now available for download. FIST is an open source (GPL), PHP object based application that is used to rapidly deploy internet mapping web sites. It provides a code base with built-in functionality for common internet mapping tasks as well as the ability to extend the mapping site with custom functions. Currently it works exclusively with UMN MapServer, but the backend could be extended to work with any map server. Key features: - Built in tools including: - Standard zoom-pan - Multiple query and identify tools - Distance/area measurement - Map markup - PDF map making - PostGIS editing capability - Custom tools: connect buttons/tool icons to external scripts with ease. - Real-time coordinate display Website: Mailing List: (new) From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Thu Jan 26 12:54:06 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:54:06 -0600 Subject: overlapping maps Message-ID: Thanks for your reply perry, the offsite thing worked but i an still left out with a thin black line, i saw the color combinations in photoshop of the thin line and its 0 2 0, is there a way we can remove this thin line too so that the image looks like its not attached ... Thanks for your time ... --kris From condit at SDSC.EDU Thu Jan 26 13:36:19 2006 From: condit at SDSC.EDU (Christopher Condit) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:36:19 -0800 Subject: mapscript query question (oracle related) Message-ID: Ok - I finally got the C# MapScript query functionality to work (see below) - sort of... I can query raster layers wonderfully - everything works as advertised. However, when I attempt to query the Oracle layer that appears below, I always get the same one result back - no matter what lat/lon I use for my pointObj. The result I get back was the first query I tested, which makes me suspicious. Is there something special I need to do for an Oracle query? mapObj map = new mapObj(@""); layerObj myLayer = map.getLayerByName("mylayer"); myLayer.queryByPoint(map, new pointObj(-77.0, 18.0, 0, 0), mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 1.0 );; for (int i = 0; i < myLayer.getNumResults(); i++) { resultCacheMemberObj result = myLayer.getResult(i); shapeObj shape = myLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, result.tileindex); for (int j = 0; j < shape.numvalues; j++) System.Console.Write(shape.getValue(j) + " "); System.Console.WriteLine(""); } obisLayer.close(); ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] On Behalf Of Christopher Condit Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:15 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapscript query question I'm using C# MapScript to build my MapFile. This is working great. Now I want to query the MapFile programmatically - but can't seem to figure out how to do it. Is there a tutorial that I'm not seeing? Here's my code snippet: layerObj queryLayer = map.getLayerByName("myLayer"); if (null != queryLayer) { int count = queryLayer.queryByPoint(myMap, new pointObj(-82, 25, 0, 0), mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 5.0d); if (count > 0) {; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { resultCacheMemberObj result = queryLayer.getResult(i); shapeObj shape = obisLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, result.tileindex); } queryLayer.close(); } } The resultCacheMemberObj never gets a value, even when query by point returns > 0. Here's my layer definition: LAYER CONNECTION "user/pass" CONNECTIONTYPE ORACLESPATIAL DATA "SHAPE FROM (SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE NAME LIKE 'S%') USING UNIQUE ROWNUM" DUMP TRUE METADATA "wfs_title" "SimpleWFSTest" "gml_include_items" "all" END NAME "myLayer" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END SIZEUNITS PIXELS STATUS DEFAULT TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS TRANSPARENCY 100 TYPE POINT UNITS DD CLASS METADATA END STYLE ANGLE 360 COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 SIZE 8 SYMBOL "circle" END END END Thanks, Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From burnsy at VIVIDFISH.CO.UK Thu Jan 26 13:45:49 2006 From: burnsy at VIVIDFISH.CO.UK (Carl Burn) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 21:45:49 +0000 Subject: Zoom problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello All, took a break and looked at this again. Revised the extents after opening the file produced by gdaltindex in MapInfo and getting a totally different set of extents. This centres the map just fine. However still no zoom in or out, I tried altering the map scale value in the box below the map in the preview window in mapedit and this forces the map to zoom in but the mapscript controls for zooming in and out dont work at all. Still puzzled but I think I am missing something obvious. Any ideas ? Cheers Burnsy > Hello All, > > got a problem with a pretty simple application I am building using > ms4w on windows XP pro. > I have used maplab to construct a map file which is basically a single > layer of raster data, I used a tileindex to bring in the data, I > created the tile index using gdaltindex on the target machine. > I can call the data into the maplab using the mapedit utliity but when > I preview my work I see the map, slightly off-centre and am unable to > zoom in or out.The map file is included below, I have a feeling its > really obvious but I have been staring at it and just can not see it. > > Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated. > > Burnsy > > MapFile begins: > > > MAP > NAME "Alltiled" > STATUS ON > EXTENT 49942.841590 4.230118 65991.532505 1230057.149261 > SIZE 300 300 > SHAPEPATH "./data/ArcView" > SYMBOLSET "./etc/symbols.sym" > FONTSET "./etc/fonts.txt" > IMAGETYPE PNG > IMAGECOLOR 189 231 255 > UNITS METERS > QUERYMAP > STATUS ON > SIZE 100 100 > COLOR 255 0 0 > STYLE HILITE > END > # > # Start of OutputFormat object > # > OUTPUTFORMAT > NAME "png" > MIMETYPE "image/png" > DRIVER "GD/PNG" > EXTENSION "png" > IMAGEMODE PC256 > TRANSPARENT FALSE > END > LAYER > NAME "AARasters" > STATUS ON > TYPE RASTER > TILEINDEX "./data/ArcView/overallmap.shp" > END > # Layer > END > > > > MapFile ends -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Carl Burn Hosted, managed, supported business web solutions Tel: 01661 525001 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: burnsy.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 283 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Thu Jan 26 14:05:29 2006 From: dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:05:29 -0500 Subject: MapServer 4.8.0 RC3 released Message-ID: Hi Everyone, A few good issues were found and fixed since MapServer 4.8.0-rc2, so we have to issue a third release candidate: 4.8.0-rc3 This will hopefully be the last release candidate leading to 4.8.0, which we'd hope to be able to release sometimes next week. The source is available in the download area of the website at A summary of the fixes since rc2 is included below. Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.8.0-rc3 (2006-01-25) ------------------------------ - Add gml:lineStringMember in GML2 MultiLineString geometry (bug 1569). - Move gBYTE_ORDER inside the pg layerinfo structure to allow for differently byte ordered connections (bug 1587). - Close file handle when saving symbolset. - Fix the memory allocation bug in sdeShapeCopy (Bug 1606). - Fixed OGR WKT support (Bug 1614). - Finished implementation of OGR Shape2WKT function (Bug 1614). - Added shapeObj::toWkt() and ms_shapeObjFromWkt() to PHP MapScript (bug 1466) - Detect/add -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF in configure script and prevent systematic buffer overflow in imagemap code when vsnprintf() not available (bug 1613) From jcleary at EMAIL.UNC.EDU Thu Jan 26 14:23:55 2006 From: jcleary at EMAIL.UNC.EDU (Jesse Cleary) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:23:55 -0500 Subject: MS + PostGIS no rows detection? In-Reply-To: <042901c621d9$ad9b1700$0200a8c1@latitude> Message-ID: Howdy Charlton - I should have known my call for clever solutions would bring an answer from you. This is indeed very clever - I got it working after some hassles with the syntax in my Data and Filter strings. To serve this layer by WMS, this works the way I want: DATA "the_geom from (select GeomFromText('POINT(-75.085 35.893)') as the_geom, 12 as seq) as sample USING UNIQUE seq USING SRID=-1" FILTER "(select count(*) from table where (time = date_trunc('hour',timestamp without time zone '%timestamp%'))) < 1" I have some concern about using the same static number (12) as 'seq' but since this should only ever return one or 0 rows it seems to work? When I try to alter the FILTER parameter from my Chameleon application using MapScript things get a little weirder. It mainly works, but occasionally spits out an error image and no map. Not sure at this point if it is a Chameleon issue or Postgres/PostGIS balking at the constant setting and re-setting of the FILTER parameter. I'm outputting a whole new string with each user entry - I don't think I can get the existing FILTER string with MapScript 4.2. No big deal to leave it be for now, the WMS fix is the main one I was after. Thanks for your help! Jesse Charlton Purvis wrote: > Hey, Jesse: > > Fun question. > > What if you left your original layer alone -- let it do its magic. > > And added another layer that was always on whose query string looked similar > your original layer. Except w/ a twist. > > Say we have this table: > > table = test; > columns = val, the_geom; > it has 2 rows: where val = 1 and val = 2 & the_geoms = something > > Your original layer has a query string like (where the val = 1 is the > dynamic part): > > * select the_geom from test where val = 1; > > * And that would give you a lovely picture. > > The additional "No data found" query would look like this: > > * select 'geom_here' where (select count(*) from test where val = 1) < 1; > > * That would give you NOTHING. Perfect -- because you actually got data. > > Well, if you substitute val = 3 on each of those queries, you'd get the > inverse. The orig query gives you zilch while the 2nd gives you > 'geom_here'. > > I think that is what you want. Certainly not your only option but one that > I think would work. > > Charlton > > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On >> Behalf Of Jesse Cleary >> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:45 AM >> To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MS + PostGIS no rows detection? >> >> Hi folks >> >> I'm trying to determine a programmatic method to determine when a >> PostGIS layer query in MapServer returns no rows/empty, beyond not >> seeing the data on the map. I am setting my FILTER string interactively >> using MapScript - sometimes the user's choice does not return any rows >> from the DB. In that case, I would like to substitute a small "No Data >> Available" label on the map instead of the data. >> >> I thought about implementing this through a separate label layer in my >> mapfile, but "no rows" will not return any geometry to use for my "No >> Data" labeling. I have tried using inline FEATUREs to handle the label >> geometry, querying the DB using the same filter, and setting my class >> expression to detect empty values for any field ( '[field]' = '' ). >> However, this does not work - I think inline features override the >> DATA, CONNECTION, or FILTER parameters and hence no DB querying takes >> place at all. >> >> I am open to using PHP/MapScript if that could work better - I could >> then rewrite the label layer DATA string to point to a static "No Data" >> shapefile. Or perhaps this requires a separate DB table with label-only >> text and geometry, populated with only the empty time slices missing >> from my main geom table? >> >> >> Hoping there are some clever ideas that I have overlooked. I'm just not >> able to wrap my head around which option to investigate further. Thanks >> for any suggestions y'all might have! >> >> >> Jesse Cleary >> >> >> MapServer 4.2.5, PostgreSQL 8.0.5, PostGIS 1.0.4-2 >> >> >> -- >> Jesse Cleary >> Department of Marine Sciences >> UNC Chapel Hill >> >> 17-6 Venable Hall >> jcleary at >> (919) 962-4323 >> > > > -- Jesse Cleary Department of Marine Sciences UNC Chapel Hill 17-6 Venable Hall jcleary at (919) 962-4323 From stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM Thu Jan 26 14:33:09 2006 From: stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM (Stuart Eve) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 22:33:09 +0000 Subject: reverse of click2map (convert geographic coordinates into pixel value) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ok in case anyone's interested, here's how I solved the below problem: My point theme is stored (in the shapefile) in LatLongs and so when I loop through the features, I get bounding boxes ($bounds) in LatLongs. My map however then gets projected into a different coordinate system (ETRS-89 LCC) when its drawn. So in order to get the map2click function to work, I needed to project each bounding box (by using $bounds->project ) first and then run map2click. Thanks for the code, Ace. Hope this helps someone. Stu Stuart Eve wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm trying to convert a geographic coordinate into a pixel value (i.e. > the reverse of the click2map demo script). > > I have searched around and found Ace Suares' script: > > function map2click ( $map, $bounds ) { > $bounds_average_x = ( $bounds->maxx + $bounds->minx ) / 2; > $bounds_average_y = ( $bounds->miny + $bounds->maxy ) / 2; > $x_pct = ( ( $bounds_average_x - $map->extent->minx ) / ( > $map->extent->maxx - $map->extent->minx ) ); > $y_pct = ( ( $bounds_average_y - $map->extent->miny ) / ( > $map->extent->maxy - $map->extent->miny ) ); > $x_map = intval( $map->width * $x_pct ); > $y_map = intval( $map->height * (1 - $y_pct) ); > return array( $x_map, $y_map ); > } > > But this doesn't seem to be working for me - it just returns a very > big negative number. > > I am using a point theme - with the data stored in LatLongs. > > Has anyone seen a script to do this? > > Thanks in advance, > > Stuart > -- Stuart Eve L - P : Archaeology stuarteve at From tylermitchell at SHAW.CA Thu Jan 26 14:34:19 2006 From: tylermitchell at SHAW.CA (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:34:19 -0800 Subject: New mapping framework: Flexible Internet Spatial Template (FIST) Message-ID: > Passing along this announcement about an open source project from the > University of BC. Ooops, I meant to say University of NORTHERN British Columbia, there is a big difference. I really do know the difference :) Tyler From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Thu Jan 26 15:22:35 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 17:22:35 -0600 Subject: Example of placing a PNG symbol in a map. Message-ID: All, Can someone send me an example Mapfile entry for placing a PNG image at a particular location in a MapServer Layer? I need to add in a Logo to a map in the Lower Left Corner, is there something similar to a Scalebar positioning (LL) parameter for example? thanks bobb From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Thu Jan 26 16:27:25 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 18:27:25 -0600 Subject: Example of placing a PNG symbol in a map. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Got it to work. MAP NAME 'city_logo' UNITS FEET TRANSPARENT TRUE IMAGETYPE PNG SYMBOLSET annotation.symbols LAYER NAME 'city_logo' STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT TRANSFORM OFF FEATURE POINTS 40 73 END #TEXT "test" END CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL 'city_logo' SIZE 1 END LABEL TYPE bitmap END END END END Bob Basques wrote: >All, > >Can someone send me an example Mapfile entry for placing a PNG image at >a particular location in a MapServer Layer? > >I need to add in a Logo to a map in the Lower Left Corner, is there >something similar to a Scalebar positioning (LL) parameter for example? > >thanks > > > >bobb > > > From cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT Fri Jan 27 00:35:22 2006 From: cavallini at FAUNALIA.IT (Paolo Cavallini) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:35:22 +0100 Subject: wms meteo Message-ID: Hi all. Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms resource for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? Thanking you in advance. All the best. pc -- Paolo Cavallini email+jabber: cavallini at Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953 From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 27 00:50:38 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 02:50:38 -0600 Subject: MapServer Installation issues Message-ID: David, Sorry for the delay, here is the error message I get when trying to run my map file via mapserv.exe loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set. Regards Ben From siki at AGT.BME.HU Fri Jan 27 04:31:18 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:31:18 -0100 Subject: MapServer Installation issues {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Ben, You should set a hidden form variable MAP and assign the path to your map file to it. e.g. Zoltan On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Ben Crane wrote: > David, > > Sorry for the delay, here is the error message I get when trying to run my > map file via mapserv.exe > > loadMap(): Web application error. CGI variable "map" is not set. > > Regards > Ben > From Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM Fri Jan 27 01:41:20 2006 From: Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM (Skalski Artur - askals) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:41:20 +0100 Subject: How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Message-ID: OK this is a part of the php code I used to add point to shp, notice to use it you have to first give an attribute value (fill a html input) which you will save in a dbf. file, than click on a map to add this point (I was using previously created blank shp. file) ad here is the code: else if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["CMD"] == "INPUT_POINT") { $nClickGeoX = GMapPix2Geo($nClickPixX, 0, $dfWidthPix, $dfMinX, $dfMaxX, 0); $nClickGeoY = GMapPix2Geo($nClickPixY, 0, $dfHeightPix, $dfMinY, $dfMaxY, 1); $oPoint = ms_newPointObj(); $oPoint->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); $oshpfile = ms_newShapefileObj('C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\data\siedlce\ptk', -2); $dbname = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/data/siedlce/ptk.dbf"; $db = dbase_open ( $dbname,2); $nf = dbase_numfields($db); $rn = dbase_numrecords ($db); if (ereg("([0-9]+)", $HTTP_FORM_VARS["atrybuty"], $vatr)) { $def = array($vatr[1]); } else { $def = array($rn+1); } $oshpfile->addPoint($oPoint); dbase_add_record($db, $def); dbase_close ($db); $oshpfile->free(); $oPoint->free(); } usig this i never had any problem with overwriting allready added points, no such thing happened hope this helps regards Artur Skalski ACXIOM Polska Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa E-mail: artur.skalski at -----Original Message----- From: Xiaonan Zhang [mailto:xnzhang11 at] Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:59 PM To: Skalski Artur - askals Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? hi, Skalski, Thanks for the reply. However could you please give more information on this. Maybe an example. The code was working partly ok, the new point can be added, however as I said, it will overwrite the old one. It's attribute was inherited from the old one. I now want to change it's attribute and when I use $poLayer->getResult(0); there seems not point was picked up. regards, Jonathan On 26/01/06, Skalski Artur - askals < Artur.Skalski at> wrote: To change an attribute of added point You have to also update a dbase file (I don't see that in your code) wihich stores all atributes of shapes in shp.file, otherwise you get nothing. And if you try to open such a file in ArcViwe it will promt taht tha file was damaged which is because dbf. file record number doesn't mach shp. file record number. dbase.dll which is used to create and update dbf. file comes with standard distribution off all lates php binaries ragards Artur Skalski ACXIOM Polska Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa E-mail: artur.skalski at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Xiaonan Zhang Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Dear all, I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer however I got a few problems here: 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is always only one point in that layer. 2. I can not regain the added point. 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one attribue called "Comment". thanks. My code is: //Create a new comment point $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); //Add it to the comments layer $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $line = ms_newLineObj(); $line->add($oClickGeo); $shape ->add($line); $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer "comments" $poLayer->open(); //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point //Save the changes $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT ); $objShapefile->addshape($shape); $objShapefile->free; $poLayer->close(); //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point and then change it's comment attribut //Task2.1:get the new added comment point $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2); $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); printf("Find point: %f
\n", $numResults); $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", $oRes->shapeindex); $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values array $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment ); //display comment attribute *************************************************************************** The information contained in this communication is confidential, is intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please resend this communication to the sender and delete the original message or any copy of it from your computer system. Thank You. **************************************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM Fri Jan 27 01:46:00 2006 From: Artur.Skalski at ACXIOM.COM (Skalski Artur - askals) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:46:00 +0100 Subject: How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Message-ID: So maybe try this code and if it works, meaning the points are not overwited any more, try to modify just a dbf file when changing an attribute of an added point, this probalbly will need knowing an id of this point. regards Artur Skalski ACXIOM Polska Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa E-mail: artur.skalski at -----Original Message----- From: Xiaonan Zhang [mailto:xnzhang11 at] Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:59 PM To: Skalski Artur - askals Cc: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? hi, Skalski, Thanks for the reply. However could you please give more information on this. Maybe an example. The code was working partly ok, the new point can be added, however as I said, it will overwrite the old one. It's attribute was inherited from the old one. I now want to change it's attribute and when I use $poLayer->getResult(0); there seems not point was picked up. regards, Jonathan On 26/01/06, Skalski Artur - askals < Artur.Skalski at> wrote: To change an attribute of added point You have to also update a dbase file (I don't see that in your code) wihich stores all atributes of shapes in shp.file, otherwise you get nothing. And if you try to open such a file in ArcViwe it will promt taht tha file was damaged which is because dbf. file record number doesn't mach shp. file record number. dbase.dll which is used to create and update dbf. file comes with standard distribution off all lates php binaries ragards Artur Skalski ACXIOM Polska Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa E-mail: artur.skalski at -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Xiaonan Zhang Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 PM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? Dear all, I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer however I got a few problems here: 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is always only one point in that layer. 2. I can not regain the added point. 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one attribue called "Comment". thanks. My code is: //Create a new comment point $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); //Add it to the comments layer $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $line = ms_newLineObj(); $line->add($oClickGeo); $shape ->add($line); $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer "comments" $poLayer->open(); //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point //Save the changes $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, MS_SHP_POINT ); $objShapefile->addshape($shape); $objShapefile->free; $poLayer->close(); //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added point and then change it's comment attribut //Task2.1:get the new added comment point $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2); $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); printf("Find point: %f
\n", $numResults); $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", $oRes->shapeindex); $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values array $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment ); //display comment attribute *************************************************************************** The information contained in this communication is confidential, is intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please resend this communication to the sender and delete the original message or any copy of it from your computer system. Thank You. **************************************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From siki at AGT.BME.HU Fri Jan 27 05:27:54 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 12:27:54 -0100 Subject: MapServer Installation issues {Scanned} In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ben, Please send your mail to the list too, community members can learn from it. You can use mapserver in browse and map mode. In case of map mode no html template neccessary, but the map file must be specified in the query string. You can use the URL to define parameters to mapserver cgi, for example http://your_host/cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=map&map=/path/to/your/map/file of course you can define many other parameters for mapserver, see cgi mapserver controls ( Zoltan On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Ben Crane wrote: > Okay, but the mapserver example1.1 tutorial I'm using > says that I can parse an PNG image directly to the > browser without the need for an HTML page. > > Ben > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 27 02:20:37 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 02:20:37 -0800 Subject: MapServer Installation issues {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Siki, That is what I've done: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserve.exe?map=c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/ I have a PNG file called italy in the htdocs folder under ms4w; I have specified the path to the data in the map file, and ensured the layer name is called italy. It can find mapserve.exe since I get the empty query_string response when no query string is added. The file is in the right place. I have checked the file to ensure the layer and path are looking in the right place. Ben --- Siki Zoltan wrote: > Hi Ben, > > Please send your mail to the list too, community > members can learn from > it. > > You can use mapserver in browse and map mode. > In case of map mode no html template neccessary, but > the map file must be > specified in the query string. You can use the URL > to define parameters to > mapserver cgi, for example > http://your_host/cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=map&map=/path/to/your/map/file > > of course you can define many other parameters for > mapserver, see cgi > mapserver controls > ( > > Zoltan > > On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Ben Crane wrote: > > > Okay, but the mapserver example1.1 tutorial I'm > using > > says that I can parse an PNG image directly to the > > browser without the need for an HTML page. > > > > Ben > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > protection around > > > > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From fsimon at UNIVALI.BR Fri Jan 27 03:14:06 2006 From: fsimon at UNIVALI.BR (Fernando Simon) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:14:06 -0200 Subject: mapscript query question (oracle related) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Christopher, This issue is related with the rownum in your data definition. The UNIQUE parameter accepts only number, usually the primary key for the table. The problem with rownum is because it's returns a sequence for the number of the rows returned, but it's not a real identifier for the row because it's can change. The maporaclespatial driver uses the UNIQUE to get the unique identifier for the row, but not rownum, because inside of the source code the function that retrieve the identifier and query for the non-spatial data is different functions. So if you use the rownum the return will be only one. Best regards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fernando Simon Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christopher Condit wrote: > > Ok ? I finally got the C# MapScript query functionality to work (see > below) ? sort of? > > I can query raster layers wonderfully ? everything works as > advertised. However, when I attempt to query the Oracle layer that > appears below, I always get the same one result back ? no matter what > lat/lon I use for my pointObj. The result I get back was the first > query I tested, which makes me suspicious. Is there something special > I need to do for an Oracle query? > > mapObj map = new mapObj(@""); > > layerObj myLayer = map.getLayerByName("mylayer"); > > myLayer.queryByPoint(map, new pointObj(-77.0, 18.0, 0, 0), > mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 1.0 ); > >; > > for (int i = 0; i < myLayer.getNumResults(); i++) > > { > > resultCacheMemberObj result = myLayer.getResult(i); > > shapeObj shape = myLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, result.tileindex); > > for (int j = 0; j < shape.numvalues; j++) > > System.Console.Write(shape.getValue(j) + " "); > > System.Console.WriteLine(""); > > } > > obisLayer.close(); > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List > [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at] *On Behalf Of *Christopher Condit > *Sent:* Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:15 AM > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at > *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapscript query question > > I?m using C# MapScript to build my MapFile. This is working great. Now > I want to query the MapFile programmatically ? but can?t seem to > figure out how to do it. Is there a tutorial that I?m not seeing? > > Here?s my code snippet: > > layerObj queryLayer = map.getLayerByName("myLayer"); > > if (null != queryLayer) > > { > > int count = queryLayer.queryByPoint(myMap, new pointObj(-82, 25, 0, > 0), mapscript.MS_MULTIPLE, 5.0d); > > if (count > 0) > > { > >; > > for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) > > { > > resultCacheMemberObj result = queryLayer.getResult(i); > > shapeObj shape = obisLayer.getFeature(result.shapeindex, > result.tileindex); > > } > > queryLayer.close(); > > } > > } > > The resultCacheMemberObj never gets a value, even when query by point > returns > 0. Here?s my layer definition: > > LAYER > > CONNECTION "user/pass" > > CONNECTIONTYPE ORACLESPATIAL > > DATA "SHAPE FROM (SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE NAME LIKE 'S%') USING > UNIQUE ROWNUM" > > DUMP TRUE > > METADATA > > "wfs_title" "SimpleWFSTest" > > "gml_include_items" "all" > > END > > NAME "myLayer" > > PROJECTION > > "init=epsg:4326" > > END > > SIZEUNITS PIXELS > > STATUS DEFAULT > > TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS > > TRANSPARENCY 100 > > TYPE POINT > > UNITS DD > > CLASS > > METADATA > > END > > STYLE > > ANGLE 360 > > COLOR 255 0 0 > > OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 > > SIZE 8 > > SYMBOL "circle" > > END > > END > > END > > Thanks, > > Chris > From siki at AGT.BME.HU Fri Jan 27 07:01:41 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 14:01:41 -0100 Subject: MapServer Installation issues {Scanned} In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Ben, you wrote map=mode instead of mode=map Zoltan On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Ben Crane wrote: > Siki, > > That is what I've done: > > http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserve.exe?map=c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/ > > I have a PNG file called italy in the htdocs folder > under ms4w; I have specified the path to the data in > the map file, and ensured the layer name is called > italy. It can find mapserve.exe since I get the empty > query_string response when no query string is added. > The file is in the right place. I have checked the > file to ensure the layer and path are > looking in the right place. > > Ben > > --- Siki Zoltan wrote: > > > Hi Ben, > > > > Please send your mail to the list too, community > > members can learn from > > it. > > > > You can use mapserver in browse and map mode. > > In case of map mode no html template neccessary, but > > the map file must be > > specified in the query string. You can use the URL > > to define parameters to > > mapserver cgi, for example > > > http://your_host/cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=map&map=/path/to/your/map/file > > > > of course you can define many other parameters for > > mapserver, see cgi > > mapserver controls > > ( > > > > Zoltan > > > > On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Ben Crane wrote: > > > > > Okay, but the mapserver example1.1 tutorial I'm > > using > > > says that I can parse an PNG image directly to the > > > browser without the need for an HTML page. > > > > > > Ben > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > > Do You Yahoo!? > > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > > protection around > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > From crane_ba at YAHOO.COM Fri Jan 27 04:08:03 2006 From: crane_ba at YAHOO.COM (Ben Crane) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 04:08:03 -0800 Subject: MapServer Installation issues {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Sorry, basic typo...I'm doing it from memory ;) Ben __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE Fri Jan 27 04:38:02 2006 From: dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE (Leonhard Dietze) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 06:38:02 -0600 Subject: Improve performance in Mapserver on Postgis-Layer using FILTER (workaround for the TOAST-Problem) Message-ID: Hi, I have several layers with rather large (detailed) Polygon-geometries in PostGIS. While searching for possible solutions to improve the performance of my mapping-application I read about the TOAST- Problem. (I am using MapServer version 4.6.1 and Postgres 8.0.1) After further research I read about a possible Workaround for TOAST in PostGIS: I created a new column in my Postgres-Table where only the BoundingBox (bbox) is stored and use this as a filter-attribute while selecting the geometry (See: If I do this manually, then the query only takes 40% of the time needed before. Unfortunately I do not know if (or how) it is possible to tell the mapserver to use this "bbox" for the filter. If I use the parameter 'FILTER "bbox"' in the map-file then this is inserted at the wrong position in the SQL-Query String. The full SQL-String can be found below together with the explanation of the parameters. The normal FILTER within the SQL-String looks as follows: "SELECT ... WHERE staat_geom_test && setSRID('BOX3D(137493 4817476,616506 5222523)'::BOX3D, 4326 );" And with the FILTER-param from the map-file: SELECT ... WHERE (bbox) and (staat_geom_test && setSRID('BOX3D(137493 4817476,616506 5222523)'::BOX3D,4326) ); But it should look like this: SELECT ... WHERE bbox && setSRID('BOX3D(137493 4817476,616506 5222523)':: BOX3D, 4326 ); Can somebody tell me if this is possible or do I have to dig into the source code? Thanks in advance. Leo -------------------------------------------- FULL SQL-Query String: - "staat_geom_test" is the column with the full geometry - "bbox" is the column with the BoundingBox SELECT h::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(staat_geom_test)),'XDR'),gid:: text from u_g1_1820 as foo WHERE bbox && setSRID('BOX3D(137493.827160494 4817476.39796659,616506.172839506 5222523.60203341)'::BOX3D, 4326 ); -------------------------------------------- Excerpt from the map-file LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME laender_33n_1820 CONNECTION "user=xxxx password=xxxx dbname=hgis_germany host=xxx" DATA "staat_geom_test from u_g1_1820 as foo using unique gid using srid=4326" STATUS OFF TYPE POLYGON TRANSPARENCY 95 DUMP true CLASSITEM h CLASS EXPRESSION /2/ NAME "L?nder innen 1820" COLOR 255 235 190 OUTLINECOLOR 150 150 150 SIZE 8 TEMPLATE "templates/tpl_combined.html" END CLASS EXPRESSION /5/ NAME "L?nder 1820 besond." COLOR 204 204 204 OUTLINECOLOR 235 235 235 SIZE 8 TEMPLATE "templates/tpl_combined.html" END CLASS NAME "L?nder aussen 1820" COLOR 235 235 235 OUTLINECOLOR 235 235 235 SIZE 8 TEMPLATE "templates/tpl_combined.html" END METADATA "title" "L?nder 1820" "wms_name" "laender_33n_1820" "wms_title" "L?nder 1820" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" "wms_format" "image/png" END END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Institut i3mainz Fachhochschule Mainz Leonhard Dietze Holzstra?e 36 55116 Mainz Tel.: 06131-2859-686 dietze at * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA Fri Jan 27 05:40:56 2006 From: Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA (Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:40:56 -0500 Subject: wms meteo Message-ID: Check out: -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo Hi all. Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms resource for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? Thanking you in advance. All the best. pc -- Paolo Cavallini email+jabber: cavallini at Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (?)348-3801953 From quinby at EARTHIT.COM Fri Jan 27 06:39:18 2006 From: quinby at EARTHIT.COM (Ted Quinby) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:39:18 -0600 Subject: Win32 Compilation Message-ID: I?m trying to recompile my mapserver binaries to match the latest stable release (4.6.2). Last year, I successfully compiled Mapserver from source (4.2.2) with all of the options I wanted in a Win32 environment. So, I have a basic understanding of what I?m doing ? although I?m certainly not a pro at compiling C code in windows. I?ve followed the Win32 Compilation and Installation ?How-To? document very closely and am first trying to build a very basic version (only GD, Regex, and PROJ included). When I compile Mapserver, it seems to fail ? although there is no message to that effect. The last message in the window (besides writing to mapscriptvars) is the following: ?shptreevis.c link shptreevis.obj mapserver_i.lib c:/projects/gd/gdwin32/bgd.lib C:\projects\proj\proj-4.4.9/src/proj_i.lib? The output of mapscriptvars is as follows: C:\projects\mapserver\mapserver-4.6.2 -DHAVE_STRING_H -DREGEX_MALLOC -DNEED_STRCASECMP -DNEED_STRNCASECMP -DNEED_STRLCAT -DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_GIF -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONT -DUSE_WMS_SVR -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DENABLE_STDERR_DEBUG -DUSE_GD_ANTIALIAS -Ic:/projects/gd/gdwin32 -Ic:\projects\proj\proj-4.4.9/src -Ic:\projects\regex\regex-0.12 mapserver_i.lib c:/projects/gd/gdwin32/bgd.lib c:\projects\proj\proj-4.4.9/src/proj_i.lib mapserver.lib c:/projects/gd/gdwin32/bgd.lib c:\projects\proj\proj-4.4.9/src/proj_i.lib #define MS_VERSION "4.6.2" I checked all of my directory paths and have verified that bgd.lib and proj_i.lib exist where they should. I get a Mapserver.exe that is only 36K. When I execute Mapserver ?v at the command prompt, I get the following error: ?The ordinal 134 could not be located in the dynamic link library bgd.dll? Any thoughts on this? Thanks! From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Fri Jan 27 07:33:34 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:33:34 -0500 Subject: Win32 Compilation In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/27/06, Ted Quinby wrote: > When I execute Mapserver ?v at the command prompt, I get the following error: > > "The ordinal 134 could not be located in the dynamic link library bgd.dll" Ted, I would suggest you inspect your system to see if you have more than one bgd.dll on it. I suspect an older bgd.dll in \windows\system32 is getting used instead of the one in C:\projects\gd\gdwin32. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From quinby at EARTHIT.COM Fri Jan 27 07:52:25 2006 From: quinby at EARTHIT.COM (Ted Quinby) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:52:25 -0600 Subject: Win32 Compilation Message-ID: Sure enough -- the simple solution is usually the right one. Thanks for the speedy response. On to adding other libraries... From stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Fri Jan 27 08:23:41 2006 From: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM (Steven Monai) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:23:41 -0800 Subject: What is a wrapper script? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Since you're running MS4W, you could try a wrapper script that I wrote in PHP. It works well for me on Windows 2000 & MS4W. Unfortunately, I think it's too large (currently 740 lines) to quote here. If you are interested, I can email it to you off-list. Regards, -SM -- -----Original Message----- From: Liang Zou [mailto:lltous at] Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:26 PM To: stevem at SPATIALMAPPING.COM Subject: Re: What is a wrapper script? Thank you for your reply. I'm using Windows XP. Thus I can not use the shell script. Do you have an idea which scripting language I should use. Some people tell me that I need to use perl, but the MS4W does not have perl support. Is that right? Thanks again. Liang >From: Steven Monai >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU, Liang Zou >Subject: Re: What is a wrapper script? >Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:02:40 -0600 > >Liang: > >I haved used the following shell script on a Linux box (although it >should be generic enough to run on any OS with /bin/sh): > >#!/bin/sh >MAPSERV="/path/to/my/mapserv" >MAPFILE="/path/to/my/" >if [ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" = "GET" ]; then > if [ -z "${QUERY_STRING}" ]; then > QUERY_STRING="map=${MAPFILE}" > else > QUERY_STRING="map=${MAPFILE}&${QUERY_STRING}" > fi > exec ${MAPSERV} >else > echo "Sorry, I only understand GET requests." >fi >exit 1 ># End of Script > >You should set the MAPSERV and MAPFILE variables as appropriate for >your configuration. Then put the script in your web server's cgi-bin >directory, and make it executable. > >I haven't ever needed POST capability, so I can't tell you offhand how >to modify the script to handle POST requests. Maybe someone else can >chime in with the solution. > >Hope this helps, >-SM >-- > > > >On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:13:36 +0800, =?gb2312?B?194gwcE=?= > >wrote: > > >hi everyone, > > > >I don't know how to create a simple wrapper script to hide the map= > >parameter. Would you please give me some clues about the wrapper script? > >How can I create one? Is there a tool to create it? > > > >Thank you very much. > > > >Liang > > > >_________________________________________________________________ > >???????? MSN Explorer: _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 27 08:48:01 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:48:01 -0600 Subject: Can a super-script formatting be applied to a TT font? Message-ID: All, Is there a method for applying Superscript to a TT font character in a mapfile? thanks bobb From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 27 09:05:34 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:05:34 -0600 Subject: positioning an arbitrary feature . . . Message-ID: All, how can I position a feature like I can with a ScaleBar (POSITION LL). I have an interface that doesn't use a static mapsize. The Scalebar works great, but how can I postion abstract annotation in the same way, by pushing things to the corners or edges (with the POSITION parameter) This works for the Upper left: LAYER NAME 'city_logo' STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT TRANSFORM OFF FEATURE POINTS 33 65 END END CLASS STYLE SYMBOL 'city_logo' SIZE 1 END LABEL TYPE bitmap END END END LAYER NAME 'title' STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT TRANSFORM OFF FEATURE POINTS 70 17 END TEXT "GISmo" END CLASS LABEL TYPE truetype FONT bluehigh SIZE 20 POSITION CR COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 240 240 240 END END END Thanks bobb From pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET Fri Jan 27 09:07:46 2006 From: pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET (Paul Ramsey) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:07:46 -0800 Subject: Improve performance in Mapserver on Postgis-Layer using FILTER (workaround for the TOAST-Problem) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Leonhard, You might be able to make some headway with the evil "!BOX!" hack. In your data statement, if you compose it thusly: DATA "the_geom from (select gid,the_geom from thetable where the_geom && !BOX!) using unique gid" When the postgis driver encounters the evil !BOX! it will replace it with the current mapserver bounding box. I think it also eschews building an extra WHERE clause with it, although I am not certain of that. Anyways, you could use !BOX! to put in an extra && clause on your untoasted column. P On Jan 27, 2006, at 4:38 AM, Leonhard Dietze wrote: > Hi, > > I have several layers with rather large (detailed) > Polygon-geometries in PostGIS. While searching for > possible solutions to improve the performance of > my mapping-application I read about the TOAST- > Problem. (I am using MapServer version 4.6.1 and > Postgres 8.0.1) > > After further research I read about a possible > Workaround for TOAST in PostGIS: I created a new > column in my Postgres-Table where only the > BoundingBox (bbox) is stored and use this as a > filter-attribute while selecting the geometry > (See: > > If I do this manually, then the query only takes > 40% of the time needed before. > > Unfortunately I do not know if (or how) it is > possible to tell the mapserver to use this "bbox" > for the filter. If I use the parameter > 'FILTER "bbox"' > in the map-file then this is inserted at the wrong > position in the SQL-Query String. The full > SQL-String can be found below together with the > explanation of the parameters. > > The normal FILTER within the SQL-String looks as > follows: > "SELECT ... WHERE staat_geom_test && setSRID('BOX3D(137493 > 4817476,616506 > 5222523)'::BOX3D, 4326 );" > > And with the FILTER-param from the map-file: > SELECT ... WHERE (bbox) and (staat_geom_test && setSRID('BOX3D(137493 > 4817476,616506 5222523)'::BOX3D,4326) ); > > But it should look like this: > SELECT ... WHERE bbox && setSRID('BOX3D(137493 4817476,616506 > 5222523)':: > BOX3D, 4326 ); > > Can somebody tell me if this is possible or > do I have to dig into the source code? > > Thanks in advance. > Leo > > > -------------------------------------------- > FULL SQL-Query String: > > - "staat_geom_test" is the column with > the full geometry > - "bbox" is the column with the BoundingBox > > SELECT > h::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d > (staat_geom_test)),'XDR'),gid:: > text > > > from u_g1_1820 as foo WHERE bbox && > setSRID('BOX3D(137493.827160494 > 4817476.39796659,616506.172839506 > 5222523.60203341)'::BOX3D, 4326 ); > > -------------------------------------------- > Excerpt from the map-file > > LAYER > CONNECTIONTYPE postgis > NAME laender_33n_1820 > CONNECTION "user=xxxx > password=xxxx dbname=hgis_germany host=xxx" > DATA "staat_geom_test from > u_g1_1820 as foo using unique gid using srid=4326" > STATUS OFF > TYPE POLYGON > TRANSPARENCY 95 > DUMP true > CLASSITEM h > CLASS > EXPRESSION /2/ > NAME "L?nder innen 1820" > COLOR 255 235 190 > OUTLINECOLOR 150 150 150 > SIZE 8 > TEMPLATE "templates/tpl_combined.html" > END > CLASS > EXPRESSION /5/ > NAME "L?nder 1820 besond." > COLOR 204 204 204 > OUTLINECOLOR 235 235 235 > SIZE 8 > TEMPLATE "templates/tpl_combined.html" > END > CLASS > NAME "L?nder aussen 1820" > COLOR 235 235 235 > OUTLINECOLOR 235 235 235 > SIZE 8 > TEMPLATE "templates/tpl_combined.html" > END > METADATA > "title" "L?nder 1820" > "wms_name" "laender_33n_1820" > "wms_title" "L?nder 1820" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" > "wms_server_version" "1.1.0" > "wms_format" "image/png" > END > END > > > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > Institut i3mainz > Fachhochschule Mainz > Leonhard Dietze > Holzstra?e 36 > 55116 Mainz > Tel.: 06131-2859-686 > dietze at > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From cplist at EARTHLINK.NET Fri Jan 27 10:04:29 2006 From: cplist at EARTHLINK.NET (Charlton Purvis) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 13:04:29 -0500 Subject: location of filter engine in src Message-ID: Hi, folks: I'd like to modify the filter to execute modulus in addition to everything it already does ( I'm looking through the code right now, but if somebody knows off the top of their head where to point me, that would be great. Thanks, Charlton From woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM Fri Jan 27 10:47:14 2006 From: woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 13:47:14 -0500 Subject: positioning an arbitrary feature . . . In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Bob, I don't think you can. I tried to do this a while ago and eventually gave up. There are two bugs that you might want to look at and cc yourself to. You might also want to add this requirement to one of them. -Steve W. Bob Basques wrote: > All, > > how can I position a feature like I can with a ScaleBar (POSITION LL). > > I have an interface that doesn't use a static mapsize. The Scalebar > works great, but how can I postion abstract annotation in the same way, > by pushing things to the corners or edges (with the POSITION parameter) > > This works for the Upper left: > > LAYER > NAME 'city_logo' > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE POINT > TRANSFORM OFF > FEATURE > POINTS 33 65 END > END > CLASS > STYLE > SYMBOL 'city_logo' > SIZE 1 > END > LABEL > TYPE bitmap END > END END > LAYER > NAME 'title' > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE POINT > TRANSFORM OFF > FEATURE > POINTS 70 17 END > TEXT "GISmo" > END > CLASS > LABEL > TYPE truetype > FONT bluehigh > SIZE 20 > POSITION CR > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 240 240 240 > END > END > END > > > Thanks > > bobb > From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 27 11:58:18 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 13:58:18 -0600 Subject: "DECORATION" layer definition (was: positioning an arbitrary feature . . .) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Stephen, I added a comment to #1547 (which applies directly to my problem) I suggested something along the lines of a "decoration" layer definition. Could even be implemented as a whole seperate file like SYMBOLS, FONT, TEMPLATES etc. The idea would be to have a set of parameter for decorating a map along the edges, at the corners, arbitrary location (Fixed and Percentage based placements) of (Any MapFile) elements, etc. This might even be a way of implementing a XML version of a MAPFILE (which I've seen suggested a few time), This decoration idea might be a way of luring folks over to the dark-side, I mean to the new world of capabilities. The more I think about it, the more possibilities I start coming up with. If implemented with XML for example, it would be easy enough to use for passing Markup back to the server in a similar format for example, just pondering things . . . I would like to suggest going the route of something XMLish in nature. I'm available to talk some more of this through with anyone interested as I think there would be a big audience for something like this. I can live with what I have for right now though. :c) bobb Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Bob, > >I don't think you can. I tried to do this a while ago and eventually >gave up. There are two bugs that you might want to look at and cc >yourself to. You might also want to add this requirement to one of them. > > > > >-Steve W. > >Bob Basques wrote: > > >>All, >> >>how can I position a feature like I can with a ScaleBar (POSITION LL). >> >>I have an interface that doesn't use a static mapsize. The Scalebar >>works great, but how can I postion abstract annotation in the same way, >>by pushing things to the corners or edges (with the POSITION parameter) >> >>This works for the Upper left: >> >> LAYER >> NAME 'city_logo' >> STATUS DEFAULT >> TYPE POINT >> TRANSFORM OFF >> FEATURE >> POINTS 33 65 END >> END >> CLASS >> STYLE >> SYMBOL 'city_logo' >> SIZE 1 >> END >> LABEL >> TYPE bitmap END >> END END >> LAYER >> NAME 'title' >> STATUS DEFAULT >> TYPE POINT >> TRANSFORM OFF >> FEATURE >> POINTS 70 17 END >> TEXT "GISmo" >> END >> CLASS >> LABEL >> TYPE truetype >> FONT bluehigh >> SIZE 20 >> POSITION CR >> COLOR 0 0 0 >> OUTLINECOLOR 240 240 240 >> END >> END >> END >> >> >>Thanks >> >>bobb >> >> >> > > > From larry at SHAFFERINTERACTIVE.COM Fri Jan 27 12:23:17 2006 From: larry at SHAFFERINTERACTIVE.COM (Larry Shaffer) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 13:23:17 -0700 Subject: Mapserver 4.8 and PHP 5 ? Message-ID: Hi All, Maybe I missed this somewhere along the way... Is Mapserver 4.8 compatible with PHP 5? I've searched the mailing list, but did not find any recent references to this. Does anyone have experience with compiling the latest Mapserver builds on Linux with PHP 5? Also, do any of the shared libraries need to be upgraded - as in GD, GDAL, etc. - to newer versions? The changes document for 4.8 was not very clear on these things, and ./configure seems like it is not fully documented/upgraded to 4.8. -- Larry Shaffer Black Hills of South Dakota USA (Mountain Time Zone) From lists at NABBLE.COM Fri Jan 27 12:36:19 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (ruben rincon (sent by Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 12:36:19 -0800 Subject: Passing a variable in mapserver Message-ID: Hello... everybody I'm about to finish my final project but I've found myself with a problem I haven't been able to handle. I need to pass a variable to the map file in order to make a query using postgis but I've no idea how to do it. There's no information about it but I know it's possible. I just want to know how to declare the variable in the map file and the html file. So if you know how to do it or have a clue write me to this mail rdrincon at rubenrincon27 at Thank you -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From armin.burger at GMX.NET Fri Jan 27 12:40:52 2006 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 21:40:52 +0100 Subject: Mapserver 4.8 and PHP 5 ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I compiled and ran PHP mapscript from 4.8 RC2 without problems with PHP 5.0.5 (as Apache 1.3 module). The compilation worked also fine with PHP 5.1.2, but when trying to load the php_mapscript extension I get an error like /usr/sbin/apache: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ undefined symbol: php_sprintf I posted this a week or so ago but there was no reply. So for now I stayed with PHP 5.0.5. MS 4.8 compiled fine with libraries that had been used for MS 4.4 and 4.6. So just for Mapserver you probably will not need to recompile anything. Maybe it's worth using a newer version of GDAL if your's is a bit old. Armin Larry Shaffer wrote: > Hi All, > > Maybe I missed this somewhere along the way... > > Is Mapserver 4.8 compatible with PHP 5? I've searched the mailing list, > but did not find any recent references to this. Does anyone have > experience with compiling the latest Mapserver builds on Linux with PHP 5? > > Also, do any of the shared libraries need to be upgraded - as in GD, > GDAL, etc. - to newer versions? The changes document for 4.8 was not very > clear on these things, and ./configure seems like it is not fully > documented/upgraded to 4.8. > From perrygeo at GMAIL.COM Fri Jan 27 13:51:54 2006 From: perrygeo at GMAIL.COM (Matthew Perry) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 13:51:54 -0800 Subject: Passing a variable in mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ruben, You can attach arbitrary variables to the URL that requests the image: http://...mapserv?mode=map?myvar=123 Then in your mapfile you can set the FILTER item for your postgis layer and reference that variable: FILTER "mycolumn = %myvar%" This variable substition method only works on certain mapfile items such as FILTER and DATA but that should be sufficient to do a postgis query. and here's the official docs Matt On 1/27/06, ruben rincon (sent by wrote: > Hello... everybody > > I'm about to finish my final project but I've found myself with a problem I > haven't been able to handle. > > I need to pass a variable to the map file in order to make a query using > postgis but I've no idea how to do it. > > There's no information about it but I know it's possible. I just want to > know how to declare the variable in the map file and the html file. > > So if you know how to do it or have a clue write me to this mail > > > rdrincon at > rubenrincon27 at > > Thank you > ________________________________ > View this message in context: Passing a variable in mapserver > Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -- Matt Perry perrygeo at From bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US Fri Jan 27 14:44:45 2006 From: bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US (Bob Basques) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 16:44:45 -0600 Subject: base64 output from MapServer. Message-ID: Is this possible for a PNG output? bobb From szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU Fri Jan 27 14:50:48 2006 From: szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU (Tamas Szekeres) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 16:50:48 -0600 Subject: How to interpret label position for a line shape Message-ID: Hi list, Could anyone explain how to interpret label position for a line shape if autoangle is set? It seems it is not relative to the shape as for x offset and y offset. Which polyline segment will be labeled? Thanks, Tamas From cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU Fri Jan 27 15:48:28 2006 From: cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU (Carola Jesch) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 17:48:28 -0600 Subject: FOSS4G Open GIS conference, Lausanne 2006 Message-ID: Hi All, we are really interested in submitting a paper or a talk at the Free and Open Source software Geoinformatics conference that will be held in September 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Does anybody of you know when the call for papers will be or where we could get any information ? Many thanks, Carola ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carola Jesch Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science Louisiana State University 3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg. Baton Rouge, LA,70803 e-mail: cjesch at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Fri Jan 27 16:47:29 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 19:47:29 -0500 Subject: FOSS4G Open GIS conference, Lausanne 2006 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I know they are selecting the conference tracks and close to making an official announcement. I am sure there will be an announcement on this list shortly. ( jeff > Hi All, > we are really interested in submitting a paper or a talk at the Free and > Open Source software Geoinformatics conference that will be held in > September 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland. > Does anybody of you know when the call for papers will be or where we > could > get any information ? > > Many thanks, Carola From sdc at SDC.COM.AU Fri Jan 27 23:11:34 2006 From: sdc at SDC.COM.AU (Stephen Davies) Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 17:41:34 +1030 Subject: Special characters in annotations Message-ID: How does one include special characters such as the copyright symbol (\251) in annotation text? As in: LAYER NAME 'copyright' TYPE ANNOTATION STATUS DEFAULT TRANSFORM FALSE FEATURE POINTS 10 595 END END CLASS LABEL SIZE SMALL COLOR 255 255 255 POSITION CR END TEXT ' Base Photography (C) NT of Australia' END END Cheers and thanks, Stephen Davies -- ======================================================================= This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 From w.blanken at GEON.NL Sat Jan 28 00:47:54 2006 From: w.blanken at GEON.NL (Wim Blanken) Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 09:47:54 +0100 Subject: Special characters in annotations Message-ID: Hi Stephen, Googled it and this came forward: TEXT '© 2000 Minnesota DNR' Regards, Wim Blanken The Netherlands ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Davies" To: Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:11 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Special characters in annotations > How does one include special characters such as the copyright symbol > (\251) in annotation text? > > As in: > > LAYER > NAME 'copyright' > TYPE ANNOTATION > STATUS DEFAULT > TRANSFORM FALSE > FEATURE > POINTS 10 595 END > END > CLASS > LABEL > SIZE SMALL > COLOR 255 255 255 > POSITION CR > END > TEXT ' Base Photography (C) NT of Australia' > END > END > > Cheers and thanks, > Stephen Davies > -- > ======================================================================== > This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to > the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or > disseminate this email or its contents. > > Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 > Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 > Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 > From rosaa at FII.ORG Fri Jan 27 05:52:47 2006 From: rosaa at FII.ORG (Rosa Aguilar) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:52:47 -0400 Subject: Unsubscribe In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Ing. Rosa Aguilar FII-CPDI From lists at NABBLE.COM Sat Jan 28 14:04:47 2006 From: lists at NABBLE.COM (ruben rincon (sent by Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 14:04:47 -0800 Subject: Passing a variable in mapserver In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thank u matt It really helped me and it worked just as you said. I'm really thankful cause you replied very fast and I could solve my urgent problem. For all those who have the same problem just remember that: FILTER is an option that works as a WHERE sentence in SQL so don't forget to write the value of the variable in ' ' couse it was my mistake. As an example I had a PostGis table and had a column called type. I just wanted to retrieve all the data wich value were (street) so the correct statement was: FILTER " type='street' " and using the variable FILTER "type= '%myvar%'" and in the URL need to pass the variable as ....mode=browse&myvar=street Thank u mat -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From John.C.Cartwright at NOAA.GOV Sat Jan 28 23:23:47 2006 From: John.C.Cartwright at NOAA.GOV (John Cartwright) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 00:23:47 -0700 Subject: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 Message-ID: Hello All, I'm having a problem compiling 4.8 that seems to be related to the gdFontCacheSetup check: ... configure: checking where libiconv is installed... checking for iconv_open in -lc... no checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no checking for iconv_open in -lc... no checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes using libiconv from system libs. libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv... checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no configure: error: Could not find gd.h or in /usr/local/graphicslibs/lib. Make sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is compiled before calling configure. You may also get this error if you didn't specify the appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies (freetype, libpng, libjpeg or libiconv). ========================================================================= I'm using the same gd-2.0.33 and configuration line that compiled successfully for 4.6.0. I've been able to replicate the problem on both a RedHat ES3 amd Mac OS 10.4 system. Thanks for any help! -- john From sgillies at FRII.COM Sun Jan 29 05:25:39 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 06:25:39 -0700 Subject: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Jan 29, 2006, at 12:23 AM, John Cartwright wrote: > Hello All, > > I'm having a problem compiling 4.8 that seems to be related to the > gdFontCacheSetup check: > > ... > configure: checking where libiconv is installed... > checking for iconv_open in -lc... no > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no > checking for iconv_open in -lc... no > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes > using libiconv from system libs. > libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) > configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > configure: error: Could not find gd.h or in > /usr/local/graphicslibs/lib. Make sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is > compiled > before calling configure. You may also get this error if you didn't > specify the appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies > (freetype, > libpng, libjpeg or libiconv). > > ====================================================================== > ==== > I'm using the same gd-2.0.33 and configuration line that compiled > successfully for 4.6.0. > > I've been able to replicate the problem on both a RedHat ES3 amd > Mac OS > 10.4 system. > > > Thanks for any help! > > -- john > Hi John, Thanks for trying out the release candidate! It configures and builds for me with no problems. My Fedora system has GD 1.8.4 in /usr/lib, and I have GD 2.0.33 installed at /usr/local/lib. To keep the configuration straight I make sure to specify --with-gd=/usr/local. cheers, Sean --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From John.C.Cartwright at NOAA.GOV Sun Jan 29 09:14:55 2006 From: John.C.Cartwright at NOAA.GOV (John Cartwright) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 10:14:55 -0700 Subject: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 Message-ID: Thanks for your prompt reply, Sean! Strangely, the problem seems to be explicitly giving the location of some of the graphic libs (e.g. zlib, png, etc.) rather than letting them be found on their own). Fomerly the configuration looked like: ./configure --prefix=/extra/contrib/mapserver-4.8 \ --with-freetype=/usr/bin/freetype-config \ --with-zlib=/usr/lib \ --with-png=/usr/lib \ --with-jpeg=/usr/lib \ --with-xpm=/usr/X11R6/lib \ --with-gd=/extra/contrib/gd-2.0.33 \ --with-proj=/extra/contrib/proj-4.4.9 \ --with-geos=/extra/contrib/geos-2.1.1/bin/geos-config \ --with-ogr=/extra/data/gdal-1.3.1/apps/gdal-config \ --with-gdal=/extra/data/gdal-1.3.1/apps/gdal-config \ --with-tiff=/usr/lib \ --with-wfs \ --with-wcs \ --with-wmsclient \ --with-wfsclient \ --with-curl-config=/usr/bin If I pull the configure lines for tiff, png, jpeg, zlib; configure finds them in the system libs and seems to be OK. Does this make sense to you? Thanks again! -- john ----- Original Message ----- From: Sean Gillies Date: Sunday, January 29, 2006 6:25 am Subject: Re: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 > On Jan 29, 2006, at 12:23 AM, John Cartwright wrote: > > > Hello All, > > > > I'm having a problem compiling 4.8 that seems to be related to the > > gdFontCacheSetup check: > > > > ... > > configure: checking where libiconv is installed... > > checking for iconv_open in -lc... no > > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no > > checking for iconv_open in -lc... no > > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes > > using libiconv from system libs. > > libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) > > configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... > > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > > configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv... > > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > > configure: error: Could not find gd.h or in > > /usr/local/graphicslibs/lib. Make sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is > > compiled > > before calling configure. You may also get this error if you didn't > > specify the appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies > > (freetype, > > libpng, libjpeg or libiconv). > > > > > ====================================================================== > > ==== > > I'm using the same gd-2.0.33 and configuration line that compiled > > successfully for 4.6.0. > > > > I've been able to replicate the problem on both a RedHat ES3 amd > > Mac OS > > 10.4 system. > > > > > > Thanks for any help! > > > > -- john > > > > Hi John, > > Thanks for trying out the release candidate! It configures and > builds > for me with no problems. My Fedora system has GD 1.8.4 in /usr/lib, > > and I have GD 2.0.33 installed at /usr/local/lib. To keep the > configuration straight I make sure to specify --with-gd=/usr/local. > > cheers, > Sean > > --- > Sean Gillies > sgillies at frii dot com > > > > > From woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM Sun Jan 29 09:49:42 2006 From: woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM (William Kyngesburye) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 11:49:42 -0600 Subject: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: John, I see that /usr/local/graphicslibs/lib in there. I take it you are using my Mac OS X Graphics Libs package as a base? for Mac OS X, that is. In that case, MapServer configure checks for many libraries by looking for the static library (lib*.a), which I don't include in Graphics Libs. You must change all lib*.a to .dylib. Just to be safe, I do just the ones needed, here is the grep (find & replace) I use in BBEdit: grep find: (lib(png|jpeg|gd|proj|pdf|Xpm)).a replace with: \1.dylib If it's just coincidence, sorry to bother. It is odd that it also happens in RH, maybe that's the coincidence, similar builds? (ie no static libs) PS. I put a 4.8rc3 Tiger build on my site yesterday. On Jan 29, 2006, at 1:23 AM, John Cartwright wrote: > Hello All, > > I'm having a problem compiling 4.8 that seems to be related to the > gdFontCacheSetup check: > > ... > configure: checking where libiconv is installed... > checking for iconv_open in -lc... no > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no > checking for iconv_open in -lc... no > checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes > using libiconv from system libs. > libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) > configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv... > checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no > configure: error: Could not find gd.h or in > /usr/local/graphicslibs/lib. Make sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is > compiled > before calling configure. You may also get this error if you didn't > specify the appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies > (freetype, > libpng, libjpeg or libiconv). > > ====================================================================== > ==== > I'm using the same gd-2.0.33 and configuration line that compiled > successfully for 4.6.0. > > I've been able to replicate the problem on both a RedHat ES3 amd > Mac OS > 10.4 system. > > > Thanks for any help! > > -- john > ----- William Kyngesburye "Those people who most want to rule people are, ipso-facto, those least suited to do it." - A rule of the universe, from the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy From sgillies at FRII.COM Sun Jan 29 10:10:02 2006 From: sgillies at FRII.COM (Sean Gillies) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 11:10:02 -0700 Subject: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: John, From a quick peek at the configure script, looks to me that when you specify --with-png, --with-jpeg, or --with-zlib paths, these locations are searched for GD *before* the --with-gd location. I've been avoiding this problem by not explicitly configuring --with- png etc. I think that I see a potential fix for the configure script. Wanna try something for me? On (or near) line 5666 change LIBS="-lgd $GD_XTRA_LIBS -L$GD_LIBDIR $LIBS" to LIBS="-lgd -L$GD_LIBDIR $GD_XTRA_LIBS $LIBS" We want the extra locations searched *after* the location you specify with --with-gd. This seems to be tripping people up all of a sudden, maybe there has been a recent change. By the way, if you are using GDAL, you should configure --without-tiff. cheers, Sean On Jan 29, 2006, at 10:14 AM, John Cartwright wrote: > Thanks for your prompt reply, Sean! > > Strangely, the problem seems to be explicitly giving the location of > some of the graphic libs (e.g. zlib, png, etc.) rather than letting > them > be found on their own). Fomerly the configuration looked like: > > ./configure --prefix=/extra/contrib/mapserver-4.8 \ > --with-freetype=/usr/bin/freetype-config \ > --with-zlib=/usr/lib \ > --with-png=/usr/lib \ > --with-jpeg=/usr/lib \ > --with-xpm=/usr/X11R6/lib \ > --with-gd=/extra/contrib/gd-2.0.33 \ > --with-proj=/extra/contrib/proj-4.4.9 \ > --with-geos=/extra/contrib/geos-2.1.1/bin/geos-config \ > --with-ogr=/extra/data/gdal-1.3.1/apps/gdal-config \ > --with-gdal=/extra/data/gdal-1.3.1/apps/gdal-config \ > --with-tiff=/usr/lib \ > --with-wfs \ > --with-wcs \ > --with-wmsclient \ > --with-wfsclient \ > --with-curl-config=/usr/bin > > If I pull the configure lines for tiff, png, jpeg, zlib; configure > finds > them in the system libs and seems to be OK. Does this make sense > to you? > > Thanks again! > > -- john > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Sean Gillies > Date: Sunday, January 29, 2006 6:25 am > Subject: Re: problem in compiling 4.8-rc3 > >> On Jan 29, 2006, at 12:23 AM, John Cartwright wrote: >> >>> Hello All, >>> >>> I'm having a problem compiling 4.8 that seems to be related to the >>> gdFontCacheSetup check: >>> >>> ... >>> configure: checking where libiconv is installed... >>> checking for iconv_open in -lc... no >>> checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... no >>> checking for iconv_open in -lc... no >>> checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes >>> using libiconv from system libs. >>> libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV) >>> configure: checking for GD 2.0.16 or higher... >>> checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no >>> configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv... >>> checking for gdFontCacheSetup in -lgd... no >>> configure: error: Could not find gd.h or in >>> /usr/local/graphicslibs/lib. Make sure GD 2.0.16 or higher is >>> compiled >>> before calling configure. You may also get this error if you didn't >>> specify the appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies >>> (freetype, >>> libpng, libjpeg or libiconv). >>> >>> >> ===================================================================== >> = >>> ==== >>> I'm using the same gd-2.0.33 and configuration line that compiled >>> successfully for 4.6.0. >>> >>> I've been able to replicate the problem on both a RedHat ES3 amd >>> Mac OS >>> 10.4 system. >>> >>> >>> Thanks for any help! >>> >>> -- john >>> >> >> Hi John, >> >> Thanks for trying out the release candidate! It configures and >> builds >> for me with no problems. My Fedora system has GD 1.8.4 in /usr/lib, >> >> and I have GD 2.0.33 installed at /usr/local/lib. To keep the >> configuration straight I make sure to specify --with-gd=/usr/local. >> >> cheers, >> Sean >> >> --- >> Sean Gillies >> sgillies at frii dot com >> >> >> >> >> --- Sean Gillies sgillies at frii dot com From karpi.lists at EMAIL.CZ Sun Jan 29 10:39:56 2006 From: karpi.lists at EMAIL.CZ (karpi) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 19:39:56 +0100 Subject: announce: livecd gisbox 2006 Message-ID: This is cross post. Hello, I've released some version of gisbox - gentoo based gis livecd.. You can try it out. There is key applications like postgis(1.0.1) +mapserver(4.6.0) +mwc2-templates, grass(6.0.1), qgis(0.7.4) and some other. Everything ready to use...(i hope :) This can be used by begining users, which want to compare they favorite aplications on cygwin and native linux, or some open - source gis newbies to explore new capabilities. Definitelly nothing for advanced, expirienced users. Unfortunatelly cd is in most of its text content targeted to czech users, so index.html demonstration data, and some tutors are ununderstable for english people. For programs everyone can set LC_ALL however. (still boot option "no so much czech" would work) Download it from: enjoy... -- karpi from From bytex at O2.NO Sun Jan 29 14:48:39 2006 From: bytex at O2.NO (Tormod Spigseth) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 23:48:39 +0100 Subject: Splitting large rasters into tiles Message-ID: Anyone who know some good tools to split multigigabyte ECW and GeoTIFF rasters into tiles. -- Tormod Spigseth ByteX / Oxygen bytex at From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Sun Jan 29 15:12:39 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 16:12:39 -0700 Subject: Splitting large rasters into tiles Message-ID: I use gdal_translate (, or GlobalMapper ( Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tormod Spigseth" To: Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 3:48 PM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Splitting large rasters into tiles > Anyone who know some good tools to split multigigabyte ECW and GeoTIFF > rasters into tiles. > > -- > Tormod Spigseth > ByteX / Oxygen > bytex at From hunt at EECS.OREGONSTATE.EDU Sun Jan 29 21:50:16 2006 From: hunt at EECS.OREGONSTATE.EDU (David Hunt) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 21:50:16 -0800 Subject: E00 and Corverage Question Message-ID: Hello, I have a e00 file and I am parsing the ARC data from it. The left and right polygons that are listed for each arc correspond to the polygon cover-id numbering in the .PAT section. Then there is also a section that is .(covername)PAT (covername is the name of the coverage file)that has all the information about the polygon. Does anyone know how the polygon ids used in the arc section actually lines up with the data the corresponds with that polygon? It is not as simple as counting out n sections in the .(covername)PAT to get the corresponding data for that polygon. When I do that and I project the data back on the map the origanl data does not line up with the parsed data for any given polygon. Thanks for any help. David Hunt hunt at From sdc at SDC.COM.AU Mon Jan 30 00:39:45 2006 From: sdc at SDC.COM.AU (Stephen Davies) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 19:09:45 +1030 Subject: Special characters in annotations In-Reply-To: Message-ID: G'day Wim. Your suggested "©" works in symbols but does not seem to work in annotations. I just see © rather than a copyright symbol. Can you give me the URL that you found? Cheers, Stephen On Sunday 29 January 2006 16:31, MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest system wrote: > Date: ? ?Sat, 28 Jan 2006 09:47:54 +0100 > From: ? ?Wim Blanken > Subject: Re: Special characters in annotations > > Hi Stephen, > > Googled it and this came forward: > > TEXT '© 2000 Minnesota DNR' > > Regards, > > Wim Blanken > The Netherlands -- ======================================================================= This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 From e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM Mon Jan 30 02:34:59 2006 From: e.witteveen at HAWARIT.COM (Eduard Witteveen) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:34:59 +0100 Subject: Working with the OWSRequest from PHP In-Reply-To: <43CFB7CF.4000501@HAWARIT.COM> Message-ID: Eduard Witteveen wrote: > As you can notice, i want to change the color and the font also from > data stored in my database. How can i accomplish this? > > During my search for a sollution i also found some information about WMS > SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface of Mapserver, but i dont know if > this can help me to accomplish my task? Since i could not get the values dynamically, i'm currently working on my wms-server(well 1 php page), so i can add layers dynamically and add this way dynamic layer settings to my application. In the documentation on there is a sample in which a OWSRequest object is used. Since i'd rather prefer using this OWSRequest object instead of writing my own ows parser i'd tried using this functionality under php. Are there any examples in php of this functionality? Also the sample code indicates that there should be a loadWMSRequest method on the mapObj, but i cannot find it under the mapObj methods. > MapServer Version MapServer version 4.6.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SWF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT=JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG > PHP MapScript Version ($Revision: 1.235 $ $Date: 2005/06/14 16:03:35 $) -- Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen Software Engineer Hawar Information Technology bv lid Dijkoraad Groep De Wymerts 7 8701 WT Bolsward Tel: +31 (0)515 570333 Fax: +31 (0)515 570335 nl_NL fy_NL en_US From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 30 02:34:44 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 02:34:44 -0800 Subject: Working with the OWSRequest from PHP Message-ID: This looks like something which was done for SWIG Mapscript, but not incorporated into PHP/Mapscript. Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Eduard Witteveen Verzonden: maandag 30 januari 2006 11:35 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Working with the OWSRequest from PHP Eduard Witteveen wrote: > As you can notice, i want to change the color and the font also from > data stored in my database. How can i accomplish this? > > During my search for a sollution i also found some information about WMS > SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) interface of Mapserver, but i dont know if > this can help me to accomplish my task? Since i could not get the values dynamically, i'm currently working on my wms-server(well 1 php page), so i can add layers dynamically and add this way dynamic layer settings to my application. In the documentation on there is a sample in which a OWSRequest object is used. Since i'd rather prefer using this OWSRequest object instead of writing my own ows parser i'd tried using this functionality under php. Are there any examples in php of this functionality? Also the sample code indicates that there should be a loadWMSRequest method on the mapObj, but i cannot find it under the mapObj methods. > MapServer Version MapServer version 4.6.1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP OUTPUT=PDF OUTPUT=SWF OUTPUT=SVG SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=FREETYPE SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WFS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WFS_CLIENT SUPPORTS=WCS_SERVER INPUT=JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE DEBUG=MSDEBUG > PHP MapScript Version ($Revision: 1.235 $ $Date: 2005/06/14 16:03:35 $) -- Ing. Eduard Yeb Witteveen Software Engineer Hawar Information Technology bv lid Dijkoraad Groep De Wymerts 7 8701 WT Bolsward Tel: +31 (0)515 570333 Fax: +31 (0)515 570335 nl_NL fy_NL en_US Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From hydromap at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 04:00:06 2006 From: hydromap at GMAIL.COM (Shoaib Burq) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 23:00:06 +1100 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Daniel, Jerl Do you know how this file was created. Coz I ran into the same problem when I tried improting some E00 files (not sure about their source) and the reason for avcimport failing was an empty subclass name. Interestingly the conversion worked using ArcToolBox's "Import from Interchange File" which implies ArcInfo has no problems with empty subclass names. shoaib On 1/25/06, Daniel Morissette wrote: > Jerl Simpson wrote: > > I forgot to mention something important. > > I receive this error: > > > > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" > > > > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if so > > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. > > > > I've seen this before and thought that the issue was fixed, or at least > documented in a bug, but I guess not. > > I just created a avce00 bug about this, and included a way to work > around the issue until a fix is available: > > > Daniel > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette dmorissette at > DM Solutions Group > ------------------------------------------------------------ > From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 30 05:07:46 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 05:07:46 -0800 Subject: WMS ScaleHint precision Message-ID: Hi list, I am running into ScaleHint precision issues, at least it is my guess this has to do with precision. It seems to me the values outputted to the WMS Capabilities don't have enough precision. My MAP file has 3 layers: layer1: MINSCALE=250,000 MAXSCALE=5,000,000 layer2: MINSCALE=75,000 MAXSCALE=250,000 layer3: MINSCALE=0 MAXSCALE=75,000 The ScaleHint values are: layer1: layer2: layer3: If I do MAXSCALE for layer1 on my calculator I get: 2494,5142421481852288355319843683 My application translates this back to scale values using (taken from wmsparse.c which is part of Chameleon): #define INCHES_PER_METER 39.3701 #ifndef M_SQRT2 # define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */ #endif double scaleHintToScaleDenominator( double dScaleHint, double dResolution) { if (dScaleHint <= 0) return -1.0; if (dResolution <= 0) dResolution = 72.0; return (dScaleHint * INCHES_PER_METER * dResolution / M_SQRT2); } The result is: layer1: MINSCALE=250000,57705, MAXSCALE=4999991,49705 layer2: MINSCALE=74999,97268,MAXSCALE=250000,57705 layer3: MINSCALE=-1,MAXSCALE=74999,97268 As you can see, especially for layer 1 the results are (way) off. Where is the problem situated? Can it be fixed by having more precision in the WMS GetCapabilities for scalehint values? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Bart Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 07:14:58 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:14:58 -0600 Subject: e00 to something OGR can read In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: No idea how it was created. But the easy work around is to fill in the class name. It works fine then. Jerl On 1/30/06, Shoaib Burq wrote: > > Daniel, Jerl > > Do you know how this file was created. Coz I ran into the same problem > when I tried improting some E00 files (not sure about their source) > and the reason for avcimport failing was an empty subclass name. > > Interestingly the conversion worked using ArcToolBox's "Import from > Interchange File" which implies ArcInfo has no problems with empty > subclass names. > > shoaib > On 1/25/06, Daniel Morissette wrote: > > Jerl Simpson wrote: > > > I forgot to mention something important. > > > I receive this error: > > > > > > ERROR 5: Invalid TX6/TX7 subclass name "-8.6507622E+01 1.6335363E+01" > > > > > > I'm not sure if the program simply halts here and goes no further, if > so > > > that might be why I don't get the rest of the data. > > > > > > > I've seen this before and thought that the issue was fixed, or at least > > documented in a bug, but I guess not. > > > > I just created a avce00 bug about this, and included a way to work > > around the issue until a fix is available: > > > > > > Daniel > > -- > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > Daniel Morissette dmorissette at > > DM Solutions Group > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 07:26:51 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:26:51 -0600 Subject: setting variable value in mapfile Message-ID: Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 30 07:38:37 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:38:37 -0600 Subject: Overlapping labels Message-ID: Hello all, i have a question about overlapping labels in a map. I am trying to label 3 different layers of a map, the problem is they are overlapping on each other, then i set the position for all the three labels using the position attribute in the label feature but still i couldnt get all the three labels get displayed line after line. There is just this one point where i am unable to set the label position(because others dont overlap). I set the offset and checked if it works but when the map is zoomed in or zoomed out it all screws up. Is there a way that i can set the label position so that it doesnt get affected though i change the map extent. Thanks for your time .... --kris From Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 30 07:45:58 2006 From: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Sears, Jeremy) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:45:58 -0500 Subject: scale? Message-ID: Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Troppenhagen at BGR.DE Mon Jan 30 08:09:12 2006 From: Troppenhagen at BGR.DE (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Troppenhagen=2C_Horst-G=FCnter?=) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:09:12 +0100 Subject: Improvement for legend symbols ? Message-ID: Hi list, currently I am working on a PHP-Mapscript to display a legend for a geological map. In general it's nothing to speak of, but geological maps often have plenty of classes in a layer (the one I'm working on has 182) and a legend containing all of them would be really huge. It is my intention to have the legend only show the classes resp. legend items currently visible inside the actual map extend but I found no way to manage it without MapScript. Only at one place I found a hint to that feature: Bug # 750. I can imagine the needs for such MapServer feature is growing. Does anyone have an idea if this will be implemented in the near future ? Best regards Horst Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Stilleweg 2 30655 Hannover Germany Tel.: (+49) 511 / 643-3327 Fax: (+49) 511 / 643-3782 mailto:troppenhagen at From ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX Mon Jan 30 08:20:45 2006 From: ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Luis_Trevi=F1o_Huerta?=) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:20:45 -0600 Subject: scale? Message-ID: Jeremy: you can use [scale] in your template file. Use some javascript to format the value of scale (like: 1:50,000 or 1:50.000). I have a small code that does this formating using a getElementById. if you want it I can mail it to you. Regards Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From work at XWB.COM Mon Jan 30 08:27:03 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:27:03 -0800 Subject: scale? In-Reply-To: <00cc01c625b9$20a1a600$4101a8c0@PAVILION> Message-ID: Luis, could you post your Javascript to the list. It would be helpful to me. Chip Taylor _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Luis Trevi?o Huerta Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 8:21 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: you can use [scale] in your template file. Use some javascript to format the value of scale (like: 1:50,000 or 1:50.000). I have a small code that does this formating using a getElementById. if you want it I can mail it to you. Regards Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 30 08:38:38 2006 From: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Sears, Jeremy) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:38:38 -0500 Subject: scale? Message-ID: Thanks for the reply Luis, I would indeed like to see your code. >>you can use [scale] in your template file. Formating aside, Im assuming that the template file need to have some extra code inorder to subsitute [scale] with the value of the scale. Is this assumption correct? If so, where can I find that code? Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] Sent: January 30, 2006 11:21 AM To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: you can use [scale] in your template file. Use some javascript to format the value of scale (like: 1:50,000 or 1:50.000). I have a small code that does this formating using a getElementById. if you want it I can mail it to you. Regards Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX Mon Jan 30 08:50:31 2006 From: ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Luis_Trevi=F1o_Huerta?=) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:50:31 -0600 Subject: scale? Message-ID: Jeremy: The substitution of the [scale] value is done by mapserver CGI. this is the javascript function: function TomaEscala(scale){ var escala, escalaStr, decimal; escala = scale; escala *= 100; escala = Math.round(escala); escala /= 100; escalaStr = Math.abs(escala).toString(); entero = escalaStr.substr (0,escalaStr.length-3); if (entero.length > 3) { longitud = entero.length % 3; while (longitud < entero.length) { if (longitud == 0) { longitud = 3; } entero = entero.substr (0,longitud) + "," + entero.substr(longitud,entero.length); longitud += 4; } } escalaStr = entero; if (document.createTextNode){ var mytext=document.createTextNode(escalaStr) document.getElementById("MyElementID").appendChild(mytext) } } You can call this fuction on the of your template. (some words are in spanish but I'm sure is not a problem) Regards, Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: 'Luis Trevi?o Huerta' ; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 10:38 AM Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Thanks for the reply Luis, I would indeed like to see your code. >>you can use [scale] in your template file. Formating aside, Im assuming that the template file need to have some extra code inorder to subsitute [scale] with the value of the scale. Is this assumption correct? If so, where can I find that code? Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] Sent: January 30, 2006 11:21 AM To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: you can use [scale] in your template file. Use some javascript to format the value of scale (like: 1:50,000 or 1:50.000). I have a small code that does this formating using a getElementById. if you want it I can mail it to you. Regards Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From work at XWB.COM Mon Jan 30 08:57:20 2006 From: work at XWB.COM (Chip Taylor) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:57:20 -0800 Subject: scale? In-Reply-To: <00f601c625bd$4852a420$4101a8c0@PAVILION> Message-ID: Gracias Luis. This is very helpful. Chip Taylor Prepared Response, Inc _____ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Luis Trevi?o Huerta Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 8:51 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: The substitution of the [scale] value is done by mapserver CGI. this is the javascript function: function TomaEscala(scale){ var escala, escalaStr, decimal; escala = scale; escala *= 100; escala = Math.round(escala); escala /= 100; escalaStr = Math.abs(escala).toString(); entero = escalaStr.substr (0,escalaStr.length-3); if (entero.length > 3) { longitud = entero.length % 3; while (longitud < entero.length) { if (longitud == 0) { longitud = 3; } entero = entero.substr (0,longitud) + "," + entero.substr(longitud,entero.length); longitud += 4; } } escalaStr = entero; if (document.createTextNode){ var mytext=document.createTextNode(escalaStr) document.getElementById("MyElementID").appendChild(mytext) } } You can call this fuction on the of your template. (some words are in spanish but I'm sure is not a problem) Regards, Luis -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Mon Jan 30 09:03:51 2006 From: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Sears, Jeremy) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 12:03:51 -0500 Subject: scale? Message-ID: Muy Bien! Thanks for that Luis. You say that the subsitution is done by mapserver CGI? I've insterted the following code into my html template as per a previous suggestion: Map Scale:       1:[scale] However the output of this code doesnt is as follows: Map Scale: 1:[scale] It would seem that the scale value isnt being subsituted. Can you suggest what might (or might not) be causing this? Gracias Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] Sent: January 30, 2006 11:51 AM To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: The substitution of the [scale] value is done by mapserver CGI. this is the javascript function: function TomaEscala(scale){ var escala, escalaStr, decimal; escala = scale; escala *= 100; escala = Math.round(escala); escala /= 100; escalaStr = Math.abs(escala).toString(); entero = escalaStr.substr (0,escalaStr.length-3); if (entero.length > 3) { longitud = entero.length % 3; while (longitud < entero.length) { if (longitud == 0) { longitud = 3; } entero = entero.substr (0,longitud) + "," + entero.substr(longitud,entero.length); longitud += 4; } } escalaStr = entero; if (document.createTextNode){ var mytext=document.createTextNode(escalaStr) document.getElementById("MyElementID").appendChild(mytext) } } You can call this fuction on the of your template. (some words are in spanish but I'm sure is not a problem) Regards, Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: 'Luis Trevi?o Huerta' ; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 10:38 AM Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Thanks for the reply Luis, I would indeed like to see your code. >>you can use [scale] in your template file. Formating aside, Im assuming that the template file need to have some extra code inorder to subsitute [scale] with the value of the scale. Is this assumption correct? If so, where can I find that code? Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] Sent: January 30, 2006 11:21 AM To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: you can use [scale] in your template file. Use some javascript to format the value of scale (like: 1:50,000 or 1:50.000). I have a small code that does this formating using a getElementById. if you want it I can mail it to you. Regards Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX Mon Jan 30 09:14:15 2006 From: ltrevino at GPOBSI.COM.MX (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Luis_Trevi=F1o_Huerta?=) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:14:15 -0600 Subject: scale? Message-ID: It should be substituted. Try with some other simple values like [extent] or [mapx]   [mapy] on your template and their values should be displayed. You can also try using mode=browse into your url that calls mapserv. saludos Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 11:03 AM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Muy Bien! Thanks for that Luis. You say that the subsitution is done by mapserver CGI? I've insterted the following code into my html template as per a previous suggestion: Map Scale:       1:[scale] However the output of this code doesnt is as follows: Map Scale: 1:[scale] It would seem that the scale value isnt being subsituted. Can you suggest what might (or might not) be causing this? Gracias Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] Sent: January 30, 2006 11:51 AM To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: The substitution of the [scale] value is done by mapserver CGI. this is the javascript function: function TomaEscala(scale){ var escala, escalaStr, decimal; escala = scale; escala *= 100; escala = Math.round(escala); escala /= 100; escalaStr = Math.abs(escala).toString(); entero = escalaStr.substr (0,escalaStr.length-3); if (entero.length > 3) { longitud = entero.length % 3; while (longitud < entero.length) { if (longitud == 0) { longitud = 3; } entero = entero.substr (0,longitud) + "," + entero.substr(longitud,entero.length); longitud += 4; } } escalaStr = entero; if (document.createTextNode){ var mytext=document.createTextNode(escalaStr) document.getElementById("MyElementID").appendChild(mytext) } } You can call this fuction on the of your template. (some words are in spanish but I'm sure is not a problem) Regards, Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: 'Luis Trevi?o Huerta' ; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 10:38 AM Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Thanks for the reply Luis, I would indeed like to see your code. >>you can use [scale] in your template file. Formating aside, Im assuming that the template file need to have some extra code inorder to subsitute [scale] with the value of the scale. Is this assumption correct? If so, where can I find that code? Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] Sent: January 30, 2006 11:21 AM To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Jeremy: you can use [scale] in your template file. Use some javascript to format the value of scale (like: 1:50,000 or 1:50.000). I have a small code that does this formating using a getElementById. if you want it I can mail it to you. Regards Luis ----- Original Message ----- From: Sears, Jeremy To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:45 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? Hi All, This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile Hello, I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the mapfile itself? Something like: HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 or HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" then be able to use something like: COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% in a CLASS That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and have it take affect for everywhere else? Thanks, Jerl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mapas at ADDAX.CC Mon Jan 30 09:45:25 2006 From: mapas at ADDAX.CC (G. Madrigal) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:45:25 -0600 Subject: Regular expresion Message-ID: Hi everybody, I am trying to query a shape file using QueryByAttributes. The query I need to program is something equivalent to a case insensitive LIKE SQL statement. For example: $layer->set("filteritem", "FIELD"); $layer->QueryByAttributes('FIELD', "([FILED] ~= /.*text.*/)", MS_SINGLE) where text is a part of the string I am looking for, so the results will include the records with FIELD equal to aaatextaaaa , Textaaaa, bbbbText, bbbbtext textaaaaa So far I have read all documentation about regular expressions, I have found some examples at google and no luck at all. What am I missing? any help will be apreciated. I am using phpmapscript with mapserver 4.6.1 with shapefiles (.shp, .dbf) Thanks, -- Gustavo Madrigal ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using Addax Software Development's Mail Services. From reh2 at PRODIGY.NET Mon Jan 30 09:57:31 2006 From: reh2 at PRODIGY.NET (Robert Hollingsworth) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:57:31 -0600 Subject: SDE sites Message-ID: On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:29:40 -0500, Howard Butler wrote: >(...)I also maintain a set of windows binaries at > that you can use with the SDE 9.0 >DLLs to try MapServer SDE support. Howard (and anyone else out there), I've been immersed in Mapserver for a little over a week, and am trying to absorb a good number of things quickly, including PHP, javascript, Python, CGI,... anyway, am looking for a path of least resistence for demonstrating Mapserver with ArcSDE support. I've downloaded the "kitchen sink" binaries -- Standard Dist for SDE90 only so far, not the Python MS 2.x -- and was trying to graft them onto my ms4w installation's cgi-bin directory. (and I've added the sde91.dll from my EDN collection, altho the binary is supposed to be compatible with SDE90 only, so a recompile is probably due on my end soon..) For one thing, the kitchen sink mapserv.exe is tiny compared to the ms4w -- can I assume this is a static link vs. dynamic link issue? Anyway, the little mapserv.exe responds to "mapserv -v" showing SDE as an Input , but I was trying to demo one of the simple PHP pages (from the "workshop" I think) by adding a CONNECTIONTYPE=SDE to the map file, and when I run it, I get the "SDE support is not available" error from the MS open sde layer code -- which I believe only fires when compiled when USE_SDE is not defined in. (so I'm not even executing mapserv.exe?) To make a long question short (too late?), is there a basic incompatibility between PHP Mapscript and ArcSDE that I can or cannot cure by rebuilding assorted components? Should I simply move my proof-of-concept to Python (or possibly javascript)? Thanks, Robert H. From siki at AGT.BME.HU Mon Jan 30 13:35:43 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 20:35:43 -0100 Subject: setting variable value in mapfile {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, AFAIK you cannot create variable in the map file, but you can use the cpp (the c preprocessor) to create macro substitution. For example #define HIGHWAY_COLOR 123 43 112 #define HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE 1600 ... MAXSCALE HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE ... COLOR HIGHWAY_COLOR ... then cpp map_file_with_defines > generated_map_file Bye Zoltan On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Jerl Simpson wrote: > Hello, > > I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from > cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the > mapfile itself? > Something like: > > HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 > HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 > > or > > HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" > > then be able to use something like: > > COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% > > in a CLASS > > > That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and > have it take affect for everywhere else? > > Thanks, > > > Jerl > From larry at SHAFFERINTERACTIVE.COM Mon Jan 30 10:20:25 2006 From: larry at SHAFFERINTERACTIVE.COM (Larry Shaffer) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:20:25 -0700 Subject: scale? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Luis, thanks for the Javascript! I was going to need a similar piece of code for an upcoming project. Jeremy, when Luis's code mentions... > var mytext=document.createTextNode(escalaStr) > > document.getElementById("MyElementID").appendChild(mytext) it is appending a test node to an HTML element (essentially adding text content) with the id="MyElementID" and that element needs to already exist in your template somewhere (it can be a variety of elements, empty or not, that will work). When Luis's code reads... > it just calls the javascript to do the transformation of the [scale] value supplied by the Mapserver CGI. Javascript will not substitute the old [scale] with the new scale created unless the [scale] value is contained by the element of id="MyElementID". But, you don't need it to do that. The script will output the new scale, as text, directly to an empty HTML element of your choosing. The only thing I have noticed, and I haven't had time to actually test the script, is that there is no accounting for a browser that does not support the 'createTextNode' method (or the appendChild method). The 'innerHTML' method may work for some quirky browsers, but is not W3C DOM compliant, and not recommended. Setting the value of a form element, though, to the created scale value should work in almost all browsers. But, then, your scale would have to be in a form element, which is not so easy to work with for display purposes. In other words, Luis's script may not work on older, non-DOM compliant, browsers, without some additional coding to accommodate them. Accommodating quirky, older browsers is the bane of including javascript. -- Larry Shaffer Black Hills of South Dakota USA (Mountain Time Zone) # Sears, Jeremy emailed the following # on Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:03 PM (10:03 AM South Dakota, USA): >Map Scale:       1:[scale] > > > > > >However the output of this code doesnt is as follows: > >Map Scale: 1:[scale] > > > >It would seem that the scale value isnt being subsituted. Can you suggest >what might (or might not) be causing this? > >Gracias > >Jeremy > > > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Luis Trevi?o Huerta [mailto:ltrevino at] >Sent: January 30, 2006 11:51 AM >To: Sears, Jeremy; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] scale? > > >Jeremy: > >The substitution of the [scale] value is done by mapserver CGI. >this is the javascript function: >function TomaEscala(scale){ > >var escala, escalaStr, decimal; > > > >escala = scale; > >escala *= 100; > >escala = Math.round(escala); > >escala /= 100; > >escalaStr = Math.abs(escala).toString(); > > > >entero = escalaStr.substr (0,escalaStr.length-3); > >if (entero.length > 3) { > > longitud = entero.length % 3; > > while (longitud < entero.length) { > > if (longitud == 0) { > > longitud = 3; > > } > > entero = entero.substr (0,longitud) + "," + >entero.substr(longitud,entero.length); > > longitud += 4; > > } > > } > > escalaStr = entero; > > if (document.createTextNode){ > > var mytext=document.createTextNode(escalaStr) > > document.getElementById("MyElementID").appendChild(mytext) From siki at AGT.BME.HU Mon Jan 30 13:41:31 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 20:41:31 -0100 Subject: scale? {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, If you use CGI mapserver insert [SCALE] into your template. Sometimes it can be very ugly like 1499.999999. Instead you can use javascript to round the valuei to integerB. Bye Zoltan On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Sears, Jeremy wrote: > Hi All, > This should be an easy question, however I cant find information on it.... > > How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or > other means?) produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. > > Thanks > Jeremy > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On > Behalf Of Jerl Simpson > Sent: January 30, 2006 10:27 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] setting variable value in mapfile > > > Hello, > > I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes from > cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the > mapfile itself? > Something like: > > HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 > HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 > > or > > HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" > > then be able to use something like: > > COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% > > in a CLASS > > > That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and > have it take affect for everywhere else? > > Thanks, > > > Jerl > > > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 30 10:53:34 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 12:53:34 -0600 Subject: Improvement for legend symbols ? Message-ID: The fix really isn't that bad, we'd just need to track visibility as features are rendered. Visibility would initially be set to false for each class and set to true if a feature of a certain class is rendered. Then a flag would be added to the legend object to take advantage of the class visibility. This feature is not real high on my todo list at the moment although if enough folks are interested then it could be. Steve >>> Troppenhagen, Horst-G?nter 01/30/06 10:09 AM >>> Hi list, currently I am working on a PHP-Mapscript to display a legend for a geological map. In general it's nothing to speak of, but geological maps often have plenty of classes in a layer (the one I'm working on has 182) and a legend containing all of them would be really huge. It is my intention to have the legend only show the classes resp. legend items currently visible inside the actual map extend but I found no way to manage it without MapScript. Only at one place I found a hint to that feature: Bug # 750. I can imagine the needs for such MapServer feature is growing. Does anyone have an idea if this will be implemented in the near future ? Best regards Horst Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Stilleweg 2 30655 Hannover Germany Tel.: (+49) 511 / 643-3327 Fax: (+49) 511 / 643-3782 mailto:troppenhagen at From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 30 11:17:28 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:17:28 -0600 Subject: location of filter engine in src Message-ID: So you want to add a modulus operator correct? (I thought it existed but I was wrong) To do that is pretty straight forward you have to edit one file and recompile: - mapparser.y -> this is the Bison/YACC parser grammar, the '%' operator needs to be added to the section that defines operator precedence, and down in the math_exp syntax session I don't have my reference manual handy but looking through a perl manual I see the '%' operator at the same level as '*' and '/' so in the precedence section. So you can change the line: %left '*' '/' to %left '*' '/' '%' and change: | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } to | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | math_exp '%' math_exp { $$ = $1 % $3; } or something close to this. Lemme know if it works and I'll patch 4.8 and 4.9. Steve >>> Charlton Purvis 01/27/06 12:04 PM >>> Hi, folks: I'd like to modify the filter to execute modulus in addition to everything it already does ( I'm looking through the code right now, but if somebody knows off the top of their head where to point me, that would be great. Thanks, Charlton From rhow at I3.COM Mon Jan 30 11:26:23 2006 From: rhow at I3.COM (Randy How) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 12:26:23 -0700 Subject: Raster JPEG Input using OFFSITE Message-ID: My question is in regards to using the OFFSITE setting for a JPEG data source to remove the "black/NoData" areas. Does it work at all? I've attempted this but it made no difference (mapserver 4.7). It will work with Tiff's (that have internal JPEG compression) and poorly with ECW's due to the variability in "black". Randy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hobu at IASTATE.EDU Mon Jan 30 11:52:20 2006 From: hobu at IASTATE.EDU (Howard Butler) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:52:20 -0600 Subject: SDE sites In-Reply-To: Message-ID: >For one thing, the kitchen sink mapserv.exe is tiny compared to the ms4w -- >can I assume this is a static link vs. dynamic link issue? Kind of. The PHP MapScript bindings are linked against the full .lib instead of the stub one. This prevents a swapping in and out of a libmap.dll. I'll work with Assefa on building PHP MapScript against the stub library so we can swap libmap.dlls (of the same version of course) to mix and match functionality. This stuff is all hackery though. I'd much rather see a plugin setup for things like Oracle and SDE (so if you had the plugin dll, you are good to go), but finding the time, resources, money to do it has been difficult. >To make a long question short (too late?), is there a basic incompatibility >between PHP Mapscript and ArcSDE that I can or cannot cure by rebuilding >assorted components? Should I simply move my proof-of-concept to Python (or >possibly javascript)? If you build out everything from scratch yourself (MapServer, PHP Mapscript, etc), SDE and PHP will work fine together. I don't think you can mix and match dlls, etc with pre-built PHP MapScript binaries to get SDE support at this time. HTH Howard From armin.burger at GMX.NET Mon Jan 30 12:07:19 2006 From: armin.burger at GMX.NET (Armin Burger) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 21:07:19 +0100 Subject: Raster JPEG Input using OFFSITE In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Randy, with JPEG (and mainly also ECW) you will not completely get rid of the black borders because, as you mention, their 'black' is not fully black. But you can get get most parts of the black transparent by applying a PROCESSING "SCALE..." tag, eg. PROCESSING "SCALE_1=3,255" PROCESSING "SCALE_2=3,255" PROCESSING "SCALE_3=3,255" OFFSITE 0 0 0 All pixel values from 0 to 3 will be mapped to 0 and then set transparent by the OFFSITE tag. It has the slight drawback that some very dark parts inside the image will also be touched by this and become transparent. It works quite well though for multispectral images, a bit less nicely on panchromatic. Armin Randy How wrote: > My question is in regards to using the OFFSITE setting for a JPEG data > source to remove the "black/NoData" areas. Does it work at all? I've > attempted this but it made no difference (mapserver 4.7). > > It will work with Tiff's (that have internal JPEG compression) and > poorly with ECW's due to the variability in "black". > > Randy From godwin.liz at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 12:20:09 2006 From: godwin.liz at GMAIL.COM (Liz Godwin) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:20:09 -0500 Subject: FOSS4G Open GIS conference, Lausanne 2006 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I'm interested in knowing an estimate of the conference fees. I need a good estimate of how much the trip will cost to submit to my supervisors. I expect the process to take a while, so the sooner I can find out the better. I have been able to find general estimates of travel cost using expedia, but conference fees I'm lacking. If anyone knows a good estimate, that would be fab! Cheers, Liz On 1/27/06, Jeff McKenna wrote: > > I know they are selecting the conference tracks and close to making an > official announcement. I am sure there will be an announcement on this > list shortly. > > ( > > > jeff > > > > > Hi All, > > we are really interested in submitting a paper or a talk at the Free and > > Open Source software Geoinformatics conference that will be held in > > September 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland. > > Does anybody of you know when the call for papers will be or where we > > could > > get any information ? > > > > Many thanks, Carola > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From quinby at EARTHIT.COM Mon Jan 30 12:23:33 2006 From: quinby at EARTHIT.COM (Ted Quinby) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 14:23:33 -0600 Subject: Win32 Compilation with Flash support Message-ID: I am trying to compile Mapserver 4.6.2 with Flash support. I've successfully compiled Mapserver with all of the other libraries I need but am having difficulty when including the MING library. I compiled the MING library (0.2a -- because I don't have a makefile for 0.3a or 0.3beta1). When I build Mapserver with MING, I get the following errors: mapogr.cpp C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\ostream(680) : error C2491: 'std::endl' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\ostream(689) : error C2491: 'std::endl' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\ostream(697) : error C2491: 'std::ends' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\ostream(705) : error C2491: 'std::ends' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\ostream(712) : error C2491: 'std::flush' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\ostream(720) : error C2491: 'std::flush' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\istream(980) : error C2491: 'std::ws' : definition of dllimport function not allowed C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\istream(990) : warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include\istream(1010) : error C2491: 'std::ws' : definition of dllimport function not allowed Is there any workaround to this? Do I need to build with MING 0.3beta1? If building with 0.3beta1, do I need to include the following: MING ENABLED= "-DUSE_MING_FLASH -DMING_VERSION_03" Does anyone have a for ming-0.3beta1? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated! Ted From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 12:36:06 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 14:36:06 -0600 Subject: setting variable value in mapfile {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: That works great!! I did have to change the comments in my mapfile to be sure I had ## rather than just #. Otherwise errors and missed lines happened. Thanks for the info. Jerl On 1/30/06, Siki Zoltan wrote: > > Hi, > > AFAIK you cannot create variable in the map file, but you can use the > cpp (the c preprocessor) to create macro substitution. > For example > #define HIGHWAY_COLOR 123 43 112 > #define HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE 1600 > > ... > MAXSCALE HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE > ... > COLOR HIGHWAY_COLOR > ... > > then > cpp map_file_with_defines > generated_map_file > > Bye > Zoltan > > On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Jerl Simpson wrote: > > > Hello, > > > > I know I can easily use variables in a mapfile, when the value comes > from > > cookies or a GET request. But what about setting a variable inside the > > mapfile itself? > > Something like: > > > > HIGHWAY_MAX_SCALE=2000000 > > HIGHWAY_MIN_SCALE=90000 > > > > or > > > > HIGHWAY_COLOR="255 250 115" > > > > then be able to use something like: > > > > COLOR %HIGHWAY_COLOR% > > > > in a CLASS > > > > > > That way if I decide I want to change a color, I can change it once, and > > have it take affect for everywhere else? > > > > Thanks, > > > > > > Jerl > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ed at CITYSAFE.ORG Mon Jan 30 13:44:15 2006 From: ed at CITYSAFE.ORG (Ed Dowding) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:44:15 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) Message-ID: Does anyone know if there's a service to which you can send a lat/long and be returned weather for the nearest weather station? I was interested in this link ( from the previous thread but couldn't get anything useful from it. Any further info? Thanks, Ed -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo Hi all. Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms resource for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? Thanking you in advance. All the best. From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 14:07:11 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:07:11 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Can get you modeled weather forecasts for any lat/lon (not just at a station). For current observations, you may need to do something a little more hacky. On 1/30/06, Ed Dowding wrote: > Does anyone know if there's a service to which you can send a lat/long and > be returned weather for the nearest weather station? > > I was interested in this link ( from the > previous thread but couldn't get anything useful from it. Any further info? > > Thanks, > > Ed > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini > Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Cc: > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo > > > > Hi all. > Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms resource > for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? > Thanking you in advance. > All the best. > From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 30 14:10:13 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:10:13 -0600 Subject: FOSS4G Open GIS conference, Lausanne 2006 Message-ID: I would suspect conference fees would be in line with past events. A figure of $200 to $300 USD including a workshop would be a good guess. It's tiny compared to the cost of travel. Steve >>> Liz Godwin 01/30/06 2:20 PM >>> I'm interested in knowing an estimate of the conference fees. I need a good estimate of how much the trip will cost to submit to my supervisors. I expect the process to take a while, so the sooner I can find out the better. I have been able to find general estimates of travel cost using expedia, but conference fees I'm lacking. If anyone knows a good estimate, that would be fab! Cheers, Liz On 1/27/06, Jeff McKenna wrote: > > I know they are selecting the conference tracks and close to making an > official announcement. I am sure there will be an announcement on this > list shortly. > > ( > > > jeff > > > > > Hi All, > > we are really interested in submitting a paper or a talk at the Free and > > Open Source software Geoinformatics conference that will be held in > > September 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland. > > Does anybody of you know when the call for papers will be or where we > > could > > get any information ? > > > > Many thanks, Carola > From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 30 14:18:54 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:18:54 -0600 Subject: mapscript setfilter question Message-ID: Hello all, I want to display sections with some filteritem set, the outline of those sections need to be thickened, i got this part working but i even want to display the outline border of the other sections with just the normal thickness. Here is the snippet of my code $layername1->setFilter("section=159"); $image=$map->draw(); $image_url=$image->saveWebImage(); I set the width of the borderline in the mapfile as i couldnt find the style attribute for width in mapscript. I am not sure how to display the other sections other than 159 with no labels on them but just the boundary line. Thanks for your time .... --kris From bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM Mon Jan 30 14:31:18 2006 From: bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM (Fischer, Brian) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:31:18 -0600 Subject: PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library Message-ID: I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am running Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from I have installed this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified module could not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another module, like GD, but not mapscript. I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in tml. I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error. My guess is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I need. I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other. Anyone have any insight? Thanks, Brian Brian Fischer, GIS Specialist/Programmer Houston Engineering, Inc. | Leave Nothing to ChanceTM 10900 73rd AVE N, Suite 106 Maple Grove, MN 55369 Phone: 763.493.4522 / Fax: 763.493.5572 Email: bfischer at Website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM Mon Jan 30 14:49:34 2006 From: james_marsnett at HOTMAIL.COM (James Net) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:49:34 +1100 Subject: Setting up a Queriable layer? Message-ID: Hi all, How do I setup a queriable layer in my map file? Here's what I've got, please tell me what I have missed / overlooked: LAYER NAME "my_point" DATA "/home/data/my_point_GDA94.shp" TYPE POINT STATUS ON TRANSPARENCY ALPHA LABELITEM "NAME" MAXSCALE 1000000.0 MINSCALE 1.0 SYMBOLSCALE 10000.0 TOLERANCE 5 DUMP TRUE # Allow GML export. CLASS LABEL ANTIALIAS true FONT "sans" COLOR 255 255 255 POSITION lr END STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 1 END END METADATA wms_title "my_point" wms_srs "EPSG:4326" wms_abstract "my points" "gml_include_items" "all" END END I only need the GML response. I'm not using mapserver as the client! Cheers, James _________________________________________________________________ Buy now @ From gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU Mon Jan 30 14:56:03 2006 From: gerry.creager at TAMU.EDU (Gerry Creager) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:56:03 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I don't present European data (Texas hasn't joined the EU of yet) but I do handle a fair bit of met data. There are a couple of us on here... gerry Ed Dowding wrote: > Does anyone know if there's a service to which you can send a lat/long and > be returned weather for the nearest weather station? > > I was interested in this link ( from the > previous thread but couldn't get anything useful from it. Any further info? > > Thanks, > > Ed > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini > Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Cc: > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo > > > > Hi all. > Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms resource > for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? > Thanking you in advance. > All the best. -- Gerry Creager -- gerry.creager at Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX 979.862.3983 MAIL: AATLT, 3139 TAMU Physical: 1700 Research Parkway, Suite 160, College Station, TX 77843-3139 From ed at CITYSAFE.ORG Mon Jan 30 15:06:42 2006 From: ed at CITYSAFE.ORG (Ed Dowding) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:06:42 -0600 Subject: Server spec Message-ID: This is a potentially endless question, but I'm setting up mapserver for a web app with large numbers of users (about 2,000 concurrent during peak activity). 1. Any idea how many servers I'm going to need to meet this (at a guess, obviously - we'll do monitoring as the numbers rise)? 2. What's the ideal spec and OS for mapserver in a production environment? Main questions are processors, RAM, and OS? Thanks in advance, Ed From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 30 15:35:23 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:35:23 -0800 Subject: Setting up a Queriable layer? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi James, In order to make a layer queryable via WMS GetFeatureInfo requests, I think your LAYER needs: DUMP TRUE TEMPLATE 'anything' To control which attributes are exposed use the LAYER metadata items "gml_include_items" and "gml_exclude_items". You can read about the include/exclude stuff on the WFS howto, but I believe it's still relavent to WMS GetFeatureInfo. It looks like the only thing you're missing is the TEMPLATE. Brock James Net wrote: > Hi all, > > How do I setup a queriable layer in my map file? > > Here's what I've got, please tell me what I have missed / overlooked: > > LAYER > NAME "my_point" > DATA "/home/data/my_point_GDA94.shp" > TYPE POINT > STATUS ON > TRANSPARENCY ALPHA > LABELITEM "NAME" > MAXSCALE 1000000.0 > MINSCALE 1.0 > SYMBOLSCALE 10000.0 > TOLERANCE 5 > DUMP TRUE # Allow GML export. > CLASS > LABEL > ANTIALIAS true > FONT "sans" > COLOR 255 255 255 > POSITION lr > END > STYLE > COLOR 255 0 0 > SYMBOL 'circle' > SIZE 1 > END > END > METADATA > wms_title "my_point" > wms_srs "EPSG:4326" > wms_abstract "my points" > "gml_include_items" "all" > END > END > > I only need the GML response. I'm not using mapserver as the client! > > Cheers, > > James > > _________________________________________________________________ > Buy now @ > > From sdc at SDC.COM.AU Mon Jan 30 16:13:51 2006 From: sdc at SDC.COM.AU (Stephen Davies) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:43:51 +1030 Subject: Special characters in annotations In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: G'day Wim. The secret seems to be that the annotation MUST use a true-type font. If I add that to my definition, it works as you said. Cheers and thanks, Stephen On Monday 30 January 2006 21:07, you wrote: > Hi Stephen, > > That's strange, i got the remark from this link: > > > In my mapfile it is working allright: > > LAYER > NAME Copyright > TYPE annotation > STATUS DEFAULT > TRANSFORM OFF > LABELCACHE on > FORCE true > CLASS > TEXT '© 2000 Minnesota DNR' > LABEL > POSITION lr > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT verdana > COLOR 255 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 155 155 155 > SIZE 10 > END > END > FEATURE > POINTS 10 10 END > END > END #LAYER > > Regards, > > Wim Blanken > > -----Original Message----- > From: Stephen Davies [mailto:sdc at] > Sent: maandag 30 januari 2006 9:40 > To: UMN MapServer Users List > Cc: Wim Blanken > Subject: Re: Special characters in annotations > > G'day Wim. > > Your suggested "©" works in symbols but does not seem to work in > annotations. I just see © rather than a copyright symbol. > > Can you give me the URL that you found? > > Cheers, > Stephen > > On Sunday 29 January 2006 16:31, MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest > system > > wrote: > > Date: ? ?Sat, 28 Jan 2006 09:47:54 +0100 > > From: ? ?Wim Blanken > > Subject: Re: Special characters in annotations > > > > Hi Stephen, > > > > Googled it and this came forward: > > > > TEXT '© 2000 Minnesota DNR' > > > > Regards, > > > > Wim Blanken > > The Netherlands > > -- > ===================================================================== >=== This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is > confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is > authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. > > Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 > 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: > 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. > Mobile:0403 0405 83 -- ======================================================================= This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 From banders at REFRACTIONS.NET Mon Jan 30 16:15:12 2006 From: banders at REFRACTIONS.NET (Brock Anderson) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:15:12 -0800 Subject: Server spec In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Ed, This is a hard question to answer because there are so many variables. I would suggest that you set up single copy of mapserver on one computer, and use a performance testing program like JMeter ( to simulate several concurrent users. Keep adding to the concurrency until the average response time reaches the maximum you deem acceptable. That should tell you how many requests one server can handle. Do a little math to figure out how many computers you need for 2000 concurrent requests. Keep in mind that there are many ways to improve the speed of Mapserver. You'll probably want to do everything you can to squeeze performance out of your servers. It would be a good idea to optimize Mapserver and your .map file before you do these calculations. Two thousand concurrent requests is a lot, so how you define "concurrent" makes a difference. In my experience mapserver doesn't perform as well when it is hit with many requests at precisely the same instant, but if you distribute those requests over a short interval (even just 1-2 seconds), mapserver performs better. That second case also tends to be more typical of a real application environment. With JMeter you can "ramp up" your concurrent requests to help simulate this. Good luck. Brock Ed Dowding wrote: >This is a potentially endless question, but I'm setting up mapserver for a >web app with large numbers of users (about 2,000 concurrent during peak >activity). > >1. Any idea how many servers I'm going to need to meet this (at a guess, >obviously - we'll do monitoring as the numbers rise)? > >2. What's the ideal spec and OS for mapserver in a production environment? >Main questions are processors, RAM, and OS? > > >Thanks in advance, > >Ed > > From julian at MAPSOLUTIONS.COM.AU Mon Jan 30 16:40:54 2006 From: julian at MAPSOLUTIONS.COM.AU (Julian Parker) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:40:54 +0800 Subject: Width of polygon boundaries Message-ID: Greetings all, I have not been able to find any information on setting the border width of a polygon in MapServer. Is this possible at all? Thanks in advance! Regards Julian Parker Systems Analyst Digital Mapping Solutions Level 2, 2 Hardy Street SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Ph: 08 9474 6311 Fax: 08 9474 6411 Mobile: 0438 844 079 MapInfo Training | IntraMaps | InterMaps | MobileMap | News -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bryceb at TULGAGAMES.COM Mon Jan 30 16:42:41 2006 From: bryceb at TULGAGAMES.COM (Bryce Bangerter) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:42:41 -0700 Subject: Raster Images Message-ID: I'm new to mapsever, but have been able to get the demo code to run and have further been able to read data from a PostgreSQL database to display shapes, lines, etc. I want to be able to add a raster layer as the first layer to my map. I'm stuck though. My map file is as follows: # # Start of map file # MAP NAME TESTMAP STATUS ON SIZE 600 600 EXTENT 0 0 125 125 UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "data" IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 TEMPLATEPATTERN "test" IMAGETYPE PNG24 # # Start of web interface definition (including WMS enabling metadata) # LAYER NAME "Terrain" TYPE RASTER STATUS ON DATA "../graphics/testing_29_28.png" DEBUG ON END END # MAPFILE Debug doesn't output any errors. testing_29_28.png is a 24 bit image that is 125x125 pixels. All I get back though is a black image (e.g my background image color). OS is WinXP with IIS running. Installation of mapserver was from HOBU's Kitchen sink download. I would not at all be suprised if I am missing something from my installation. Bryce Bangerter -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dgr8_39991 at YAHOO.COM Mon Jan 30 18:12:13 2006 From: dgr8_39991 at YAHOO.COM (JR Santillan) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 18:12:13 -0800 Subject: Making a "Search" Message-ID: Hello everyone. I'm new to MapServer. How do I make a "search" functionality in MapServer that will search for the attribute of a layer (or layers) and when it is found, the object in the layer that has the attribute being searched will be highlighted in the map? By the way, I am using MS4W with Chameleon. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jojin --- Graduate Assistant Applie Geodesy and Space Technology Research Laboratory College of Engineering University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Telephone: (+63-2) 981-8500 local 3147 --------------------------------- Yahoo! Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM Mon Jan 30 18:44:00 2006 From: jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM (Delfos, Jacob) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:44:00 +0800 Subject: Making a "Search" Message-ID: Jojin, There is a widget in Chameleon called "LocateByAttribute", that has this functionality for shapefiles (not for other types yet). You may want to give that a try. See this demo-page: This widget is not in the MS4W package, but in the Chameleon CVS. I have CC'd your e-mail to the Chameleon list, to which your future Chameleon questions may be better addressed. Regards, Jacob ________________________________ From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of JR Santillan Sent: 31 January 2006 10:12 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Making a "Search" Hello everyone. I'm new to MapServer. How do I make a "search" functionality in MapServer that will search for the attribute of a layer (or layers) and when it is found, the object in the layer that has the attribute being searched will be highlighted in the map? By the way, I am using MS4W with Chameleon. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jojin --- Graduate Assistant Applie Geodesy and Space Technology Research Laboratory College of Engineering University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Telephone: (+63-2) 981-8500 local 3147 ________________________________ Yahoo! Autos . Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Mon Jan 30 19:15:26 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:15:26 -0500 Subject: Raster Images In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/30/06, Bryce Bangerter wrote: > LAYER > NAME "Terrain" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > DATA "../graphics/testing_29_28.png" > DEBUG ON > END > > END # MAPFILE > > Debug doesn't output any errors. > testing_29_28.png is a 24 bit image that is 125x125 pixels. > > All I get back though is a black image (e.g my background image color). Bryce, Some things to check: o Try an absolute path to the png file. Sometimes the relative paths work in surprising ways. o Verify the extents of your raster overlap your map. o Try with LAYER status set to DEFAULT. But in your case, I think the problem is that you have no world file for you png file. While the default coordinates will be in the range 0-125 and 0-125, it will be considered "upside down" by GDAL and for that reason mapserver might not plot it. Try creating a world file called testing_29_28.wld that contains six lines: 1 0 0 -1 0.5 124.5 Good luck, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Mon Jan 30 19:35:55 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 20:35:55 -0700 Subject: Raster Images In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: > I'm new to mapsever, but have been able to get the demo code to run and > have further been able to read data from a PostgreSQL database to > display shapes, lines, etc. > > I want to be able to add a raster layer as the first layer to my map. > I'm stuck though. > > My map file is as follows: > > # > # Start of map file > # > MAP > NAME TESTMAP > STATUS ON > SIZE 600 600 > EXTENT 0 0 125 125 > UNITS METERS > SHAPEPATH "data" > IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0 > TEMPLATEPATTERN "test" > > IMAGETYPE PNG24 > > # > # Start of web interface definition (including WMS enabling metadata) > # > > LAYER > NAME "Terrain" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON > DATA "../graphics/testing_29_28.png" > DEBUG ON > END > > END # MAPFILE > > Debug doesn't output any errors. > testing_29_28.png is a 24 bit image that is 125x125 pixels. > > All I get back though is a black image (e.g my background image color). > > OS is WinXP with IIS running. > > Installation of mapserver was from HOBU's Kitchen sink download. I > would not at all be suprised if I am missing something from my > installation. > > Bryce Bangerter Bryce, Most likely the problem is with coordinates. The units of the EXTENT are the map projection units (e.g. feet, meters, degrees, etc depending on your projection). Have a look at Pericles' tutorial at And don't forget to make sure that your input raster is "geo-referenced". And if your desired output projection is not the same as your input data projection, you will need to add a definition for each in the map file. Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 30 21:01:12 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 23:01:12 -0600 Subject: Special characters in annotations Message-ID: True. That's because the built-in raster GD fonts have very limited character sets... Steve >>> Stephen Davies 01/30/06 6:13 PM >>> G'day Wim. The secret seems to be that the annotation MUST use a true-type font. If I add that to my definition, it works as you said. Cheers and thanks, Stephen On Monday 30 January 2006 21:07, you wrote: > Hi Stephen, > > That's strange, i got the remark from this link: > > > In my mapfile it is working allright: > > LAYER > NAME Copyright > TYPE annotation > STATUS DEFAULT > TRANSFORM OFF > LABELCACHE on > FORCE true > CLASS > TEXT '? 2000 Minnesota DNR' > LABEL > POSITION lr > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT verdana > COLOR 255 255 255 > OUTLINECOLOR 155 155 155 > SIZE 10 > END > END > FEATURE > POINTS 10 10 END > END > END #LAYER > > Regards, > > Wim Blanken > > -----Original Message----- > From: Stephen Davies [mailto:sdc at] > Sent: maandag 30 januari 2006 9:40 > To: UMN MapServer Users List > Cc: Wim Blanken > Subject: Re: Special characters in annotations > > G'day Wim. > > Your suggested "?" works in symbols but does not seem to work in > annotations. I just see ? rather than a copyright symbol. > > Can you give me the URL that you found? > > Cheers, > Stephen > > On Sunday 29 January 2006 16:31, MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest > system > > wrote: > > Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 09:47:54 +0100 > > From: Wim Blanken > > Subject: Re: Special characters in annotations > > > > Hi Stephen, > > > > Googled it and this came forward: > > > > TEXT '? 2000 Minnesota DNR' > > > > Regards, > > > > Wim Blanken > > The Netherlands > > -- > ===================================================================== >=== This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is > confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is > authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. > > Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 > 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: > 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. > Mobile:0403 0405 83 -- ======================================================================== This email is for the person(s) identified above, and is confidential to the sender and the person(s). No one else is authorised to use or disseminate this email or its contents. Stephen Davies Consulting Voice: 08-8177 1595 Adelaide, South Australia. Fax: 08-8177 0133 Computing & Network solutions. Mobile:0403 0405 83 From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Mon Jan 30 21:04:48 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 23:04:48 -0600 Subject: Width of polygon boundaries Message-ID: Sure, it's possible. You'd use styles like: STYLE # red fill COLOR 255 0 0 END STYLE # fat, green line OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 WIDTH 3 END You can also use a circle symbol: SYMBOL TYPE ELLIPSE NAME 'circle' POINTS 1 1 END FILLED TRUE END STYLE SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 3 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 END Steve >>> Julian Parker 01/30/06 6:40 PM >>> Greetings all, I have not been able to find any information on setting the border width of a polygon in MapServer. Is this possible at all? Thanks in advance! Regards Julian Parker Systems Analyst Digital Mapping Solutions Level 2, 2 Hardy Street SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Ph: 08 9474 6311 Fax: 08 9474 6411 Mobile: 0438 844 079 MapInfo Training | IntraMaps | InterMaps | MobileMap | News From cplist at EARTHLINK.NET Mon Jan 30 21:50:59 2006 From: cplist at EARTHLINK.NET (Charlton Purvis) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 00:50:59 -0500 Subject: location of filter engine in src In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks, Steve. Talk about a needle in a haystack. > So you want to add a modulus operator correct? (I thought it existed but I > was wrong) To do that is pretty straight forward you have to edit one file > and recompile: > > - mapparser.y -> this is the Bison/YACC parser grammar, the '%' operator > %left '*' '/' '%' Right. > and change: > > | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } > > to > > | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } > | math_exp '%' math_exp { $$ = $1 % $3; } Almost. | math_exp '%' math_exp { $$ = (int)$1 % (int)$3; } Did the trick. Thanks! Charlton From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Mon Jan 30 22:07:34 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:07:34 -0800 Subject: Improvement for legend symbols ? Message-ID: I think this would be a very much wanted feature, we also have lots of legends with over a 100 classes which become hard to read this way, whereas the map most of the time only displays a few because of the scale. Ofcourse I am always looking at the OGC side of things :-), so then we would need something like Cubewerx's GetLegend request which also gets the bbox and width, height as parameters (much the same as a GetMap request). Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Steve Lime Verzonden: maandag 30 januari 2006 19:54 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Improvement for legend symbols ? The fix really isn't that bad, we'd just need to track visibility as features are rendered. Visibility would initially be set to false for each class and set to true if a feature of a certain class is rendered. Then a flag would be added to the legend object to take advantage of the class visibility. This feature is not real high on my todo list at the moment although if enough folks are interested then it could be. Steve >>> Troppenhagen, Horst-G?nter 01/30/06 10:09 AM >>> Hi list, currently I am working on a PHP-Mapscript to display a legend for a geological map. In general it's nothing to speak of, but geological maps often have plenty of classes in a layer (the one I'm working on has 182) and a legend containing all of them would be really huge. It is my intention to have the legend only show the classes resp. legend items currently visible inside the actual map extend but I found no way to manage it without MapScript. Only at one place I found a hint to that feature: Bug # 750. I can imagine the needs for such MapServer feature is growing. Does anyone have an idea if this will be implemented in the near future ? Best regards Horst Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Stilleweg 2 30655 Hannover Germany Tel.: (+49) 511 / 643-3327 Fax: (+49) 511 / 643-3782 mailto:troppenhagen at Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From robert-fritz at WEB.DE Tue Jan 31 00:08:22 2006 From: robert-fritz at WEB.DE (robert fritz) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:08:22 +0100 Subject: PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library Message-ID: Hi Brian, did you put all the additional mapserver dlls in a folder, which is part of the Windows PATH variable? robert >I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am running Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from >I have installed this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library '>C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified module could not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another module, like GD, but not mapscript. >I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in I have tried everything suggested, but still get the >error. My guess is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I need. I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other. Anyone have any insight? ______________________________________________________________________ XXL-Speicher, PC-Virenschutz, Spartarife & mehr: Nur im WEB.DE Club! Jetzt gratis testen! From luca76 at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 00:17:23 2006 From: luca76 at GMAIL.COM (Luca Manganelli) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:17:23 +0100 Subject: Better TIF image rendering? Message-ID: Hi, I wonder if there is the possibility to have a better TIF rendering. We have ECW ortophotos, converted in TIF for more speed. But if we see entire map in ECW, the quality is far better than TIF. I think that the ECW module applies an antialiasing system, while TIF doesn't. Is there a way to improve rendering quality for TIFs? -- "An algorithm must be seen to be believed." -- Donald Knuth, in "Fundamental Algorithms" From marc.monnerat at BLUEWIN.CH Tue Jan 31 00:44:57 2006 From: marc.monnerat at BLUEWIN.CH (Marc Monnerat) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:44:57 +0100 Subject: Improvement for legend symbols ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello, Ah geological maps! I've solved this problem using many layers and organising them into a hierarchical tree menu (one pro age, unit, etc.) turning them on/off. But having 500+ classes is still a big trouble. Regards Marc Monnerat Troppenhagen wrote: > Hi list, > > currently I am working on a PHP-Mapscript to display a legend for a geological map. In general it's nothing to speak of, but geological maps often have plenty of classes in a layer (the one I'm working on has 182) and a legend containing all of them would be really huge. It is my intention to have the legend only show the classes resp. legend items currently visible inside the actual map extend but I found no way to manage it without MapScript. Only at one place I found a hint to that feature: Bug # 750. I can imagine the needs for such MapServer feature is growing. Does anyone have an idea if this will be implemented in the near future ? > > Best regards > > Horst > > > Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources > Stilleweg 2 > 30655 Hannover > Germany > Tel.: (+49) 511 / 643-3327 > Fax: (+49) 511 / 643-3782 > mailto:troppenhagen at > > > From dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE Tue Jan 31 00:24:38 2006 From: dietze at GEOINFORM.FH-MAINZ.DE (Leonhard Dietze) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:24:38 +0100 Subject: Improve performance in Mapserver on Postgis-Layer using FILTER (workaround for the TOAST-Problem) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Paul, thanks for the fast reply from last week. I tried several options with "!BOX!" but it seems to me that unformtunately it does't bring much improvement. I got the impression that the use of the subselect and the !BOX!-Parameter improves the performance of the query but also needs more time to execute because it is more complex. I also had to add setSRID( !BOX! , 4326 ) in the DATA-String, because mapserver gave me an error: DATA "the_geom from (select the_geom from thetable where the_geom && setSRID(!BOX!, 4326) ) as foo using unique gid using srid=4326" The original Data-String was: DATA "the_geom from thetable as foo using unique gid using srid=4326" The second one takes about 18 ms for the query, and the one with !BOX! needs around 23 ms. So I think that it is better to keep the first simple query and try to optimize somewhere else. Thanks again. Leonhard Paul Ramsey schrieb: > Leonhard, > You might be able to make some headway with the evil "!BOX!" hack. > > In your data statement, if you compose it thusly: > > DATA "the_geom from (select gid,the_geom from thetable where the_geom && > !BOX!) using unique gid" > > When the postgis driver encounters the evil !BOX! it will replace it > with the current mapserver bounding box. I think it also eschews > building an extra WHERE clause with it, although I am not certain of > that. Anyways, you could use !BOX! to put in an extra && clause on your > untoasted column. > > P From gianluca.castangia at GRUPPOATLANTIS.COM Tue Jan 31 01:54:11 2006 From: gianluca.castangia at GRUPPOATLANTIS.COM (SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Gianluca C.) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 03:54:11 -0600 Subject: Problem with SWF driver and trasparency Message-ID: I have a problem with the SWF driver. If I set the output mode SWF and trasparency attribule in layer definition the result is not trasparent. This problem appears just with SWF, in jpeg format is perfect. Anyone know this problem? Thanks. Gianluca. From umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 02:21:22 2006 From: umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM (Umberto Nicoletti) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:21:22 +0100 Subject: mapscript setfilter question In-Reply-To: Message-ID: You need to define a class for each of the filters with its own style. Regards, Umberto On 1/30/06, krishna S wrote: > Hello all, > I want to display sections with some filteritem set, the outline of > those sections need to be thickened, i got this part working but i even > want to display the outline border of the other sections with just the > normal thickness. Here is the snippet of my code > > $layername1->setFilter("section=159"); > $image=$map->draw(); > $image_url=$image->saveWebImage(); > > I set the width of the borderline in the mapfile as i couldnt find the > style attribute for width in mapscript. I am not sure how to display the > other sections other than 159 with no labels on them but just the boundary > line. > > Thanks for your time .... > --kris > From jorn at SPACETEC.NO Tue Jan 31 02:43:49 2006 From: jorn at SPACETEC.NO (=?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rn_Vegard_R=F8snes?=) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:43:49 +0100 Subject: Google Earth transparency Message-ID: Hi, has anyone managed to get Google Earth to display Mapserver WMS images without white background? My WMS request includes TRANSPARENT=true. cheers Joern From thip at AIT.AC.TH Tue Jan 31 04:09:53 2006 From: thip at AIT.AC.TH (Thip) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 19:09:53 +0700 Subject: create point from lat/long using CGI mapserver Message-ID: Hello, Is there anyone experience to create point from lat/long coordinate using mapserver/mapfile? I mean I have GPS coordinate and I need to get the point to show on web GIS. Thanks in advance. Thip ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tyler Mitchell" To: Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:29 PM Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] New to the List > > Needless to say, I have been browsing for materials, but apart from > > technical documentation I've found very little scientific and/or > > theoretical texts on the subject. Should you know of any such text, > > whether in electronic or paper form, I would very much appreciate your > > letting me know. > > Hi Tomasz, > I don't know if you'd classify my book as too technical or not, but I do > theorise a little bit :) It introduces MapServer and other related open > source geospatial applications/tools/libraries. > > > > Hope that helps. > Tyler From siki at AGT.BME.HU Tue Jan 31 07:59:19 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 14:59:19 -0100 Subject: create point from lat/long using CGI mapserver {Scanned} {Scanned} In-Reply-To: <001701c6265f$3e0d1070$> Message-ID: Hi, Please check Virtual Spatial Data sources at Bye Zoltan On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Thip wrote: > Hello, > > Is there anyone experience to create point from lat/long coordinate using > mapserver/mapfile? > > I mean I have GPS coordinate and I need to get the point to show on web GIS. > > Thanks in advance. > Thip > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tyler Mitchell" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:29 PM > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] New to the List > > > > > Needless to say, I have been browsing for materials, but apart from > > > technical documentation I've found very little scientific and/or > > > theoretical texts on the subject. Should you know of any such text, > > > whether in electronic or paper form, I would very much appreciate your > > > letting me know. > > > > Hi Tomasz, > > I don't know if you'd classify my book as too technical or not, but I do > > theorise a little bit :) It introduces MapServer and other related open > > source geospatial applications/tools/libraries. > > > > > > > > Hope that helps. > > Tyler > From mapserver at METEOLOGICA.ES Tue Jan 31 04:33:56 2006 From: mapserver at METEOLOGICA.ES (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Paco_Regod=F3n?=) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 13:33:56 +0100 Subject: How to use Nasa Blue Marble raw images Message-ID: Hello, i downloaded a 10GB raw image from Nasa Earth Observatory - Blue Marble ( It is a world image at 500m/pixel resolution in raw rgb format, 86400x42600 pixels. I want to use it with mapserver, and have created a gdal VRT file: Red world.topo.bathy.200407.3x86400x43200.bin 0 3 259200 Green world.topo.bathy.200407.3x86400x43200.bin 1 3 259200 Blue world.topo.bathy.200407.3x86400x43200.bin 2 3 259200 I still need to georeference the image. How can i fill the SRS and GeoTransform labels? Also, is there some tool to convert this too big file into a tile of smaller files? thanks for your help, Paco Regod?n -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Tue Jan 31 04:58:48 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 07:58:48 -0500 Subject: Better TIF image rendering? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 1/31/06, Luca Manganelli wrote: > Hi, I wonder if there is the possibility to have a better TIF rendering. > We have ECW ortophotos, converted in TIF for more speed. > But if we see entire map in ECW, the quality is far better than TIF. > I think that the ECW module applies an antialiasing system, while TIF > doesn't. > Is there a way to improve rendering quality for TIFs? Luca, I would suggest pre-building overviews for the TIFF, and using the averaging option as opposed to the default which is just decimation. You would use a command like the following to build overviews with averaging. gdaladdo -r average abc.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 Generally speaking averaging will give "smoother" results at overview levels than the default decimation technique for building overviews. If you have no overviews, implicit decimation is done. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From dennisjan at IBUILDINGS.NL Tue Jan 31 05:30:51 2006 From: dennisjan at IBUILDINGS.NL (DJ Broerse) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 14:30:51 +0100 Subject: Problems with join Message-ID: Hi Maybe someone can help me to make a join, so far I am not successful. I have two dbf files which I want to join. One is a layer/shape and the other is a dbf file. The dbf of the shape has a column "willekeur" and the other has a column "aa_linkid". What I want is all the data from the dbf file (eigenaren.dbf) joined in the shape dbf. I have written this layer with the join but I get an error: [MapServer Error]: loadHashTable(): Parsing error near (JOIN):(line 361)\n in /var/www/html/pmapper-dev/incphp/globals.php on line 76 Can someone help me? Dennis-Jan This is the layer: LAYER NAME "gbkn-philippine" TYPE line STATUS ON DATA "join/gbkn-philippine" MAXSCALE 25100 METADATA "DESCRIPTION" "gbkn-philippine" JOIN NAME "join1" TABLE "/var/www/html/pmapper-dev/gisdata/join/eigenaren.dbf" FROM "AA_LINKID" TO "WILLEKEUR" # TYPE "ONE-TO-ONE" END END # Metadata CLASS Name "gbkn-philippine" COLOR 249 49 249 TEMPLATE queryzichtbaar SYMBOL "vet" SIZE 2 END # Class END # Layer -- DJ Broerse dennisjan at Direct: 0118 42 95 68 Mobiel: 06 48 01 03 08 Skype: callto://dennisjan-ibuildings BV - Information technology - 0118 42 95 50 From fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT Mon Jan 30 05:35:12 2006 From: fabio.dovidio at PLANETEK.IT (Fabio D' Ovidio) Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 14:35:12 +0100 Subject: MAPSERVER & STYLE OBJECTS Message-ID: Hi list, I'm using MapServer 4.6.1. I' d like to Know in wich way MapServer manage Style objects. Are there any standard styles for OGC WMS Specification ? I want to make the request without SLD statement. From b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL Tue Jan 31 06:13:35 2006 From: b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL (Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 06:13:35 -0800 Subject: MAPSERVER & STYLE OBJECTS Message-ID: Mapserver only supports the default style, which is the style you define in your MAP file using CLASSes. It has no support for named styles, so if you want multiple styles for a layer you need to duplicate your layers (if you do not wish to use SLD). Best regards, Bart -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Fabio D' Ovidio Verzonden: maandag 30 januari 2006 14:35 Aan: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MAPSERVER & STYLE OBJECTS Hi list, I'm using MapServer 4.6.1. I' d like to Know in wich way MapServer manage Style objects. Are there any standard styles for OGC WMS Specification ? I want to make the request without SLD statement. Disclaimer ************************************************************************ Aan dit bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Wij adviseren u om bij twijfel over de juistheid of de volledigheid van de mail contact met afzender op te nemen. This message shall not constitute any rights or obligations. This message is intended solely for the addressee. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. When in doubt whether this message is correct or complete, please contact the sender. ************************************************************************ From warmerdam at POBOX.COM Tue Jan 31 06:22:49 2006 From: warmerdam at POBOX.COM (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:22:49 -0500 Subject: How to use Nasa Blue Marble raw images In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 1/31/06, Paco Regod?n wrote: > I still need to georeference the image. How can i fill the SRS and > GeoTransform labels? WGS84 -180, 0.00416666666, 0, 90, 0, -0.00416666666 > Also, is there some tool to convert this too big file into a tile of > smaller files? You could use multiple gdal_translate invocations to pull out different subwindows using the -srcwin option. But it might be better to translate it to one big file in an internally tiled format, like Erdas Imagine format. You also might want to build overviews for it. I would add that the big blue marble image is well suited to handling as a jpeg2000 or ecw file. I believe one or more of the big blue marble images are available in ECW format from . Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 06:25:43 2006 From: xnzhang11 at GMAIL.COM (Xiaonan Zhang) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 14:25:43 +0000 Subject: Fwd: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected shape? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Skalaski, Thanks for the code. I tried it but it didn't work. There are errors when change the db file I think. Please see my code used. Also could you please give me the code of the html input. I have to done this very soon otherwise I will not ask this. /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* check if it's the comment button which is pressed */ /* */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["CMD"] == "COMMENT") { $oPixelPos = ms_newpointobj(); // to record the click position if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["INPUT_TYPE"]) { $szCoord = strval($HTTP_FORM_VARS["INPUT_COORD"]); $szCoordType = strval($HTTP_FORM_VARS["INPUT_TYPE"]); if (strcmp($szCoordType,"auto_point") == 0) { $szCoordArray =explode(",", $szCoord); $nClickPixX = $szCoordArray[0]; $nClickPixY = $szCoordArray[1]; } } //Get the point screen location //Covert to geo-location $nClickGeoX = GMapPix2Geo($nClickPixX, 0, $dfWidthPix, $dfMinX, $dfMaxX, 0); $nClickGeoY = GMapPix2Geo($nClickPixY, 0, $dfHeightPix, $dfMinY, $dfMaxY, 1); //Create a new comment point $oClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); $oClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); //Add it to the comments layer $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $line = ms_newLineObj(); $line->add($oClickGeo); $shape ->add($line); //print_r($shape->values); //$shape->set ($shape->values["Comment"], "neweddddd"); // change the comment attributes //$shape->values["Comment"]= "neweddddd"; $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer "comments" //$poLayer->open(); //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); //change the comment attribue here //$newArr= array(1,1,comment); //$shape->set(values, $newArr); //error, values is not a property $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point //Task1: input the new comment //Method1:Input form Printf( " "); //end of method1 //Metod 2:pop up a window for user to input comments //Printf("The new comment is %f
\n",$_GET['new_comment']); //Save the changes //$cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/e_Salford/data/comments"; $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( '../htdocs/e_Salford/data/comments', -2 ); $dbname= "C:/ms4w/Apache/htdocs/e_Salford/data/comments.dbf"; $db = dbase_open($dbname, 2); $nf = dbase_numfields($db); $rn = dbase_numrecords ($db); $vatr =array("new comment here", 1) ; if (ereg("([0-9]+)", $HTTP_FORM_VARS["new_comment"], $vatr)) { $def = array($vatr[0]); } else { $def = array($rn+1); } $objShapefile->addPoint($oClickGeo); dbase_add_record($db, $def); dbase_close ($db); $objShapefile->free(); $oClickGeo->free(); regards Jonathan On 27/01/06, Skalski Artur - askals wrote: > > OK this is a part of the php code I used to add point to shp, notice to > use it you have to first give an attribute value (fill a html input) which > you will save in a dbf. file, than click on a map to add this point (I was > using previously created blank shp. file) > ad here is the code: > > else if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["CMD"] == "INPUT_POINT") > { > $nClickGeoX = GMapPix2Geo($nClickPixX, 0, $dfWidthPix, > $dfMinX, $dfMaxX, 0); > $nClickGeoY = GMapPix2Geo($nClickPixY, 0, $dfHeightPix, > $dfMinY, $dfMaxY, 1); > > $oPoint = ms_newPointObj(); > $oPoint->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); > > $oshpfile = ms_newShapefileObj('C:\Program Files\Apache > Group\Apache2\htdocs\data\siedlce\ptk', -2); > > $dbname = "C:/Program Files/Apache > Group/Apache2/htdocs/data/siedlce/ptk.dbf"; > > > $db = dbase_open ( $dbname,2); > > $nf = dbase_numfields($db); > $rn = dbase_numrecords ($db); > > if (ereg("([0-9]+)", $HTTP_FORM_VARS["atrybuty"], $vatr)) > { > $def = array($vatr[1]); > } > else > { > $def = array($rn+1); > } > > $oshpfile->addPoint($oPoint); > dbase_add_record($db, $def); > > dbase_close ($db); > > $oshpfile->free(); > $oPoint->free(); > } > > usig this i never had any problem with overwriting allready added points, > no such thing happened > > hope this helps > > regards > > Artur Skalski > > *ACXIOM Polska* > Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn > Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 > Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa > E-mail: artur.skalski at > > -----Original Message----- > *From:* Xiaonan Zhang [mailto: xnzhang11 at] > *Sent:* Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:59 PM > *To:* Skalski Artur - askals > *Cc:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > *Subject:* Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected > shape? > > hi, Skalski, > > Thanks for the reply. However could you please give more information on > this. Maybe an example. > > The code was working partly ok, the new point can be added, however as I > said, it will overwrite the old one. It's attribute was inherited from the > old one. I now want to change it's attribute and when I > use $poLayer->getResult(0); there seems not point was picked up. > > regards, > > Jonathan > > > > On 26/01/06, Skalski Artur - askals wrote: > > > > To change an attribute of added point You have to also update a dbase > > file (I don't see that in your code) wihich stores all atributes of shapes > > in shp.file, otherwise you get nothing. And if you try to open such a > > file in ArcViwe it will promt taht tha file was damaged which is because > > dbf. file record number doesn't mach shp. file record number. > > dbase.dll which is used to create and update dbf. file comes with > > standard distribution off all lates php binaries > > > > ragards > > > > Artur Skalski > > > > *ACXIOM Polska* > > Telephone: (+48 22) 606 11 27 Budynek Saturn > > Facsimile: (+48 22) 606 11 28 Domaniewska 41 > > Mobile: (+48) 503 070 036 02-672 Warszawa > > E-mail: artur.skalski at > > > > -----Original Message----- > > *From:* UMN MapServer Users List [mailto: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] > > *On Behalf Of *Xiaonan Zhang > > *Sent:* Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:02 PM > > *To:* MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > > *Subject:* [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to edit attribute of a selected > > shape? > > > > Dear all, > > > > I am tring to create a function which can add comment point onto layer > > however I got a few problems here: > > 1. the newly added one always overwrite the existing point so there is > > always only one point in that layer. > > 2. I can not regain the added point. > > 3. how to change the attribute of the added point, say there is one > > attribue called "Comment". > > > > thanks. > > > > My code is: > > > > //Create a new comment point > > $ClickGeo = ms_newPointObj(); > > $ClickGeo->setXY($nClickGeoX, $nClickGeoY); > > > > //printf("ClickGeoX %f
\n",$nClickGeoX); > > //printf("ClickGeoY %f
\n",$nClickGeoY); > > > > //Add it to the comments layer > > $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); > > $line = ms_newLineObj(); > > $line->add($oClickGeo); > > $shape ->add($line); > > > > > > $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(comments); //get the layer > > "comments" > > $poLayer->open(); > > //printf("Layer Name: %f
\n", $poLayer->name); > > > > > > $poLayer-> addfeature($shape); //add the new comment point > > > > > > //Save the changes > > $cmmShapefile = "../htdocs/data/comments"; > > $objShapefile = ms_newShapeFileObj( $cmmShapefile, > > MS_SHP_POINT ); > > $objShapefile->addshape($shape); > > $objShapefile->free; > > $poLayer->close(); > > > > //Task2: Use layer->querybypoint to regain the newly added > > point and then change it's comment attribut > > > > //Task2.1:get the new added comment point > > $poLayer->querybypoint($oClickGeo, MS_SINGLE, 2); > > $numResults = $poLayer->getNumResults(); > > printf("Find point: %f
\n", > > $numResults); > > $oRes = $poLayer->getResult(0); > > printf("tileindex: %f
\n", $oRes->tileindex); > > printf("SHAPEINDEX: %f
\n", > > $oRes->shapeindex); > > $oShape = $poLayer->getShape(-1,0); //(-1,-1) > > print_r($oShape->values); //print the keys of the values > > array > > $comment = $oShape->Values["Comment"]; > > printf("The comment attribute is ---: %f
\n",$comment > > ); //display comment attribute > > > > > > > > *************************************************************************** > > The information contained in this communication is confidential, is > > intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally > > privileged. > > > > If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are > > hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this > > communication is strictly prohibited. > > > > If you have received this communication in error, please resend this > > communication to the sender and delete the original message or any copy > > of it from your computer system. > > > > Thank You. > > **************************************************************************** > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 31 06:53:12 2006 From: assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Yewondwossen Assefa) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:53:12 -0500 Subject: Problem with SWF driver and trasparency In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi There, It is not supported since the underlying ming library does not seem to support it. Later, SUBSCRIBE MAPSERVER-USERS Gianluca C. wrote: >I have a problem with the SWF driver. If I set the output mode SWF and >trasparency attribule in layer definition the result is not trasparent. >This problem appears just with SWF, in jpeg format is perfect. Anyone know >this problem? > >Thanks. > >Gianluca. > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: assefa at Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14) Fax: (613) 565-0925 ---------------------------------------------------------------- From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 07:04:57 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:04:57 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I wrote something to do this for my company. It's not too bad, but it is fairly involved and seems to only work in the US. You can get all the stations here: These have international stations as well. I know in the US, you can use to query current info for a particular station, not sure about the EU. Basically you have to find the station nearest the lat/lon you have, get the Station ID, then query. With NOAA you can get the info as XML, which is very handy to parse out. I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but might help a little. Jerl On 1/30/06, Ed Dowding wrote: > > Does anyone know if there's a service to which you can send a lat/long and > be returned weather for the nearest weather station? > > I was interested in this link ( from > the > previous thread but couldn't get anything useful from it. Any further > info? > > Thanks, > > Ed > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini > Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > Cc: > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo > > > > Hi all. > Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms > resource > for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? > Thanking you in advance. > All the best. > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM Tue Jan 31 07:19:31 2006 From: bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM (Brent Fraser) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:19:31 -0700 Subject: Google Earth transparency Message-ID: J?rn, I haven't tried it myself, but try using PNG (or GIF if you can tolerate 8-bit images) as the output format since these formats support a transparent value (as far a I know Tiff and jpeg don't). I'm not sure if Mapserver passes the OFFSITE value to GDAL for setting of the transparent color of the output image(likely?). Let me know if it works out. It's something I've meaning to try... Brent Fraser GeoAnalytic Inc. Calgary, Alberta ----- Original Message ----- From: "J?rn Vegard R?snes" To: Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 3:43 AM Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Google Earth transparency > Hi, > > has anyone managed to get Google Earth to display Mapserver WMS images > without white background? > My WMS request includes TRANSPARENT=true. > > cheers > Joern From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 31 07:20:11 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:20:11 -0600 Subject: mapscript setfilter question Message-ID: but how do we invoke the new class as the filter is already set, i just added a new class and was trying to figure out how to invoke it ... Thanks for your time ..... --kris From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 31 07:20:38 2006 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:20:38 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) Message-ID: If you wanted to make the nearest station calculation simple, you might want to pre-generate a shapefile for the areas that relate to each station, you could then just query the shapefile to get the nearest or most relevant station. David. -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jerl Simpson Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:05 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) I wrote something to do this for my company. It's not too bad, but it is fairly involved and seems to only work in the US. You can get all the stations here: These have international stations as well. I know in the US, you can use to query current info for a particular station, not sure about the EU. Basically you have to find the station nearest the lat/lon you have, get the Station ID, then query. With NOAA you can get the info as XML, which is very handy to parse out. I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but might help a little. Jerl On 1/30/06, Ed Dowding wrote: Does anyone know if there's a service to which you can send a lat/long and be returned weather for the nearest weather station? I was interested in this link ( ) from the previous thread but couldn't get anything useful from it. Any further info? Thanks, Ed -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 To: MAPSERVER-USERS at Cc: Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo Hi all. Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms resource for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? Thanking you in advance. All the best. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 07:30:36 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:30:36 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: That's a good idea. I loaded mine into a MySQL table to make lookup faster. On 1/31/06, Fawcett, David wrote: > > If you wanted to make the nearest station calculation simple, you might > want to pre-generate a shapefile for the areas that relate to each station, > you could then just query the shapefile to get the nearest or most relevant > station. > > David. > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From godwin.liz at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 07:30:40 2006 From: godwin.liz at GMAIL.COM (Liz Godwin) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:30:40 -0500 Subject: FOSS4G Open GIS conference, Lausanne 2006 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I started costing that out - yes - it's tiny. If I'm able to attend I am hoping to add some vacation to the end since I'll be overseas anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if many did the same thing. Thanks! Liz On 1/30/06, Steve Lime wrote: > > I would suspect conference fees would be in line with past events. A > figure > of $200 to $300 USD including a workshop would be a good guess. It's tiny > compared to the cost of travel. > > Steve > > >>> Liz Godwin 01/30/06 2:20 PM >>> > I'm interested in knowing an estimate of the conference fees. I need a > good > estimate of how much the trip will cost to submit to my supervisors. I > expect the process to take a while, so the sooner I can find out the > better. > > I have been able to find general estimates of travel cost using expedia, > but > conference fees I'm lacking. > > If anyone knows a good estimate, that would be fab! > > Cheers, > > Liz > > On 1/27/06, Jeff McKenna wrote: > > > > I know they are selecting the conference tracks and close to making an > > official announcement. I am sure there will be an announcement on this > > list shortly. > > > > ( > > > > > > jeff > > > > > > > > > Hi All, > > > we are really interested in submitting a paper or a talk at the Free > and > > > Open Source software Geoinformatics conference that will be held in > > > September 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland. > > > Does anybody of you know when the call for papers will be or where we > > > could > > > get any information ? > > > > > > Many thanks, Carola > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 31 07:32:34 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:32:34 -0600 Subject: PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library Message-ID: Check if there are anyother gdal*.dll in any other place and if they are there delete them and copy the new gdal*.dll to the system32 folder and even make sure all the copies of your php.ini are identical. HTH --kris From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 07:33:55 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:33:55 -0600 Subject: Rail Roads Message-ID: Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has a good way to do rail roads. I can't seem to work it out. I've found a few examples, but nothing really quite what I'm looking for. If someone has a good idea, please let me know. Mine currently look like: ......... CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL 'point' SIZE 4 END STYLE COLOR 220 220 220 SYMBOL 'rectangle-train' SIZE 2 END END ....... where SYMBOL NAME 'point' TYPE ELLIPSE POINTS 1 1 END FILLED TRUE END and SYMBOL NAME 'rectangle-train' TYPE VECTOR POINTS 0 0 0 0.6 1 0.6 1 0 0 0 END FILLED TRUE STYLE 8 4 8 4 END END thanks -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 08:02:46 2006 From: osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM (David Bitner) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:02:46 -0600 Subject: Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hey Gerry -- Do you have a database with all the NWS stations? Any chance it's in PostGIS? Any chance if I wrote a little script to find the nearest station to a lat/lon that you'd host it? Just a shot in the dark... David On 1/31/06, Fawcett, David wrote: > > If you wanted to make the nearest station calculation simple, you might want > to pre-generate a shapefile for the areas that relate to each station, you > could then just query the shapefile to get the nearest or most relevant > station. > > David. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On > Behalf Of Jerl Simpson > Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:05 AM > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU > Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Live weather data (was WMS Meteo) > > I wrote something to do this for my company. It's not too bad, but it is > fairly involved and seems to only work in the US. > > You can get all the stations here: > > > These have international stations as well. > I know in the US, you can use to query current info for a > particular station, not sure about the EU. > > Basically you have to find the station nearest the lat/lon you have, get the > Station ID, then query. With NOAA you can get the info as XML, which is > very handy to parse out. > > I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but might help a > little. > > Jerl > > > > On 1/30/06, Ed Dowding wrote: > > Does anyone know if there's a service to which you can send a lat/long and > > be returned weather for the nearest weather station? > > > > I was interested in this link > ( ) from the > > previous thread but couldn't get anything useful from it. Any further > info? > > > > Thanks, > > > > Ed > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: UMN MapServer Users List on behalf of Paolo Cavallini > > Sent: Fri 27-Jan-06 03:35 > > To: MAPSERVER-USERS at > > Cc: > > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] wms meteo > > > > > > > > Hi all. > > Sorry for the partly offtopic question: can anybody point to a wms > resource > > for live meteo data, in particular for southern Europe? > > Thanking you in advance. > > All the best. > > > > From jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA Tue Jan 31 08:03:29 2006 From: jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA (Jeff McKenna) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:03:29 -0500 Subject: PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library In-Reply-To: Message-ID: A trick i also use to find which associated dll is missing is to try to do a 'mapserv -v' at the command prompt, for your 4.8 exe. If a dll cannot be found a Windows error message should be displayed (such as "procedure entry point...cannot be found in gdal13.dll" or something like that). jeff Fischer, Brian wrote: > I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am running > Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll > MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from I have installed > this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install > it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load > dynamic library 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified > module could not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another > module, like GD, but not mapscript. > > > > I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in > > I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error. My guess > is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I need. > I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other. Anyone > have any insight? > > > > Thanks, > > Brian > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG Tue Jan 31 08:20:56 2006 From: tim at COMMENSPACE.ORG (Tim Schaub) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:20:56 -0800 Subject: scale? Message-ID: >How does one display the scale of a map? Im looking to have mapserver (or other means?) >produce a scale like "1:50 000", rather than the scale bar. >Thanks >Jeremy Keep in mind that the text scale (1:50 000) is only correct if the RESOLUTION of your mapfile matches the resolution of a user's monitor. Since the default mapfile resolution is 72 dpi, and most folks don't change this, your text scale is likely to be wrong in the majority of cases. A scale bar, on the other hand, will display the correct map distances regardless of resolution. Tim From David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 31 08:23:38 2006 From: David.Fawcett at STATE.MN.US (Fawcett, David) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:23:38 -0600 Subject: Tmp Directory Rights Message-ID: I know that there are several ways to do this, but I thought that I would fish for a best practice. So, the temporary image directory needs to be readable by everyone and rw by the cgi/apache. One can set the directory rights to 777, but that may be too open. Do most people create groups and tighten it down that way? David. From punkish at EIDESIS.ORG Tue Jan 31 08:15:32 2006 From: punkish at EIDESIS.ORG (P Kishor) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 10:15:32 -0600 Subject: PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library Message-ID: I don't know squat about how Windows and dlls work, so this could be user-error on my part, however, a tangential (nothing to do with PHP) but connected (everything to do with DLLs) observation -- I downloaded hobu's and installed it on a WinXP box with Apache. However, it was insisting on DLLs staying right next to it even though I moved them to a separate directory, and added the directory to the PATH. After much fiddling, I discovered only one DLL was the culprit -- libeay32.dll -- perhaps its path got hardcoded. Finally, I was able to move all the DLLs in their own directory, but libeay32.dll had to remain within cgi-bin right next to mapserv.exe. Jeff McKenna wrote: > A trick i also use to find which associated dll is missing is to try to > do a 'mapserv -v' at the command prompt, for your 4.8 exe. If a dll > cannot be found a Windows error message should be displayed (such as > "procedure entry point...cannot be found in gdal13.dll" or something > like that). > > jeff > > > Fischer, Brian wrote: >> I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am >> running Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript >> dll MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from I have >> installed this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try >> to install it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): >> Unable to load dynamic library >> 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified module could >> not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another module, like >> GD, but not mapscript. >> >> >> I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in >> >> I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error. My guess >> is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I >> need. I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the >> other. Anyone have any insight? >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Brian >> > > -- Puneet Kishor From Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA Tue Jan 31 08:29:40 2006 From: Jeremy.Sears at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA (Sears, Jeremy) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:29:40 -0500 Subject: disable png interlacing? Message-ID: Hi All, Im wondering if its possible, and if so how to disable interlacing on Mapserver's generation of png images? Also If it is possible to produce non-interlaced png imagery, can anyone say if it would affect mapserver's preformance? Many Thanks Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On Behalf Of Jeff McKenna Sent: January 31, 2006 11:03 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library A trick i also use to find which associated dll is missing is to try to do a 'mapserv -v' at the command prompt, for your 4.8 exe. If a dll cannot be found a Windows error message should be displayed (such as "procedure entry point...cannot be found in gdal13.dll" or something like that). jeff Fischer, Brian wrote: > I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am running > Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll > MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from I have installed > this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install > it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load > dynamic library 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified > module could not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another > module, like GD, but not mapscript. > > > > I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in > > I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error. My guess > is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I need. > I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other. Anyone > have any insight? > > > > Thanks, > > Brian > -- Jeff McKenna DM Solutions Group Inc. From hobu at IASTATE.EDU Tue Jan 31 09:00:17 2006 From: hobu at IASTATE.EDU (Howard Butler) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:00:17 -0600 Subject: disable png interlacing? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: At 10:29 AM 1/31/2006, Sears, Jeremy wrote: >Hi All, >Im wondering if its possible, and if so how to disable interlacing on >Mapserver's generation of png images? Also If it is possible to produce >non-interlaced png imagery, can anyone say if it would affect mapserver's >preformance? > >Many Thanks >Jeremy > > >-----Original Message----- >From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On >Behalf Of Jeff McKenna >Sent: January 31, 2006 11:03 AM >To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU >Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHP MapScript and unable to load >dynamic library > > >A trick i also use to find which associated dll is missing is to try to >do a 'mapserv -v' at the command prompt, for your 4.8 exe. If a dll >cannot be found a Windows error message should be displayed (such as >"procedure entry point...cannot be found in gdal13.dll" or something >like that). > >jeff > > >Fischer, Brian wrote: > > I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am running > > Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript dll > > MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from I have installed > > this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try to install > > it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): Unable to load > > dynamic library 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified > > module could not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another > > module, like GD, but not mapscript. > > > > > > > > I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in > > > > > > I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error. My guess > > is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I need. > > I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the other. Anyone > > have any insight? > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > Brian > > > > >-- >Jeff McKenna >DM Solutions Group Inc. > From jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 31 09:01:10 2006 From: jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM (Jerl Simpson) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:01:10 -0600 Subject: Tmp Directory Rights In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: You can use 755 and make sure it's owned by the user your webserver runs as. On 1/31/06, Fawcett, David wrote: > > I know that there are several ways to do this, but I thought that I > would fish for a best practice. > > So, the temporary image directory needs to be readable by everyone and > rw by the cgi/apache. > > One can set the directory rights to 777, but that may be too open. Do > most people create groups and tighten it down that way? > > David. > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 31 09:04:45 2006 From: kris_rock82 at YAHOO.COM (krishna S) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:04:45 -0600 Subject: draw similar layers Message-ID: Hi all, i was wondering if we can draw similar layers twice with different properties set using php mapscript. for example if i want to draw a layer with just one township section using the township name and display other township sections with out any names on it. Any lead ..... kris From briantimoney at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 31 09:42:45 2006 From: briantimoney at YAHOO.COM (Brian Timoney) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:42:45 -0800 Subject: Google Earth transparency In-Reply-To: <013b01c62679$bc253090$160002c0@shark> Message-ID: There's some good content on this subject on the Google Maps API discussion list. Also, you may get ideas from these posts-- Good luck. BT --- Brent Fraser wrote: > J?rn, > > I haven't tried it myself, but try using PNG (or > GIF if you can tolerate > 8-bit images) as the output format since these > formats support a transparent > value (as far a I know Tiff and jpeg don't). I'm > not sure if Mapserver > passes the OFFSITE value to GDAL for setting of the > transparent color of the > output image(likely?). > > Let me know if it works out. It's something I've > meaning to try... > > Brent Fraser > GeoAnalytic Inc. > Calgary, Alberta > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "J?rn Vegard R?snes" > To: > Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 3:43 AM > Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Google Earth > transparency > > > > Hi, > > > > has anyone managed to get Google Earth to display > Mapserver WMS images > > without white background? > > My WMS request includes TRANSPARENT=true. > > > > cheers > > Joern > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From mapserver at METEOLOGICA.ES Tue Jan 31 10:00:31 2006 From: mapserver at METEOLOGICA.ES (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Paco_Regod=F3n?=) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 19:00:31 +0100 Subject: disable png interlacing? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Add this to the end of your map file: OUTPUTFORMAT NAME PNG DRIVER "GD/PNG" MIMETYPE "image/png" IMAGEMODE PC256 EXTENSION "png" *FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=OFF"* END Paco Sears, Jeremy wrote: >Hi All, >Im wondering if its possible, and if so how to disable interlacing on >Mapserver's generation of png images? Also If it is possible to produce >non-interlaced png imagery, can anyone say if it would affect mapserver's >preformance? > >Many Thanks >Jeremy > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US Tue Jan 31 10:01:41 2006 From: steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 12:01:41 -0600 Subject: location of filter engine in src Message-ID: I added this to CVS HEAD... Steve >>> Charlton Purvis 01/30/06 11:50 PM >>> Thanks, Steve. Talk about a needle in a haystack. > So you want to add a modulus operator correct? (I thought it existed but I > was wrong) To do that is pretty straight forward you have to edit one file > and recompile: > > - mapparser.y -> this is the Bison/YACC parser grammar, the '%' operator > %left '*' '/' '%' Right. > and change: > > | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } > > to > > | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } > | math_exp '%' math_exp { $$ = $1 % $3; } Almost. | math_exp '%' math_exp { $$ = (int)$1 % (int)$3; } Did the trick. Thanks! Charlton From siki at AGT.BME.HU Tue Jan 31 13:55:30 2006 From: siki at AGT.BME.HU (Siki Zoltan) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 20:55:30 -0100 Subject: draw similar layers {Scanned} In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi, You can draw the same layer twice, but you have to have two layers in your map file having different names and the same data source. Bye Zoltan On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, krishna S wrote: > Hi all, > i was wondering if we can draw similar layers twice with different > properties set using php mapscript. > > for example if i want to draw a layer with just one township section using > the township name and display other township sections with out any names on > it. > > Any lead ..... > > kris > From bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM Tue Jan 31 11:06:47 2006 From: bfischer at HOUSTONENGINEERINGINC.COM (Fischer, Brian) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 13:06:47 -0600 Subject: PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library Message-ID: Thanks Puneet and Jeff! I finally got it working after removing all dlls rebooting and downloading fresh dlls again from I am still stumped why it didn't work the first time. Oh well, works now. Thanks again. Brian Fischer Houston Engineering, Inc. Maple Grove, MN (763) 493-4522 -----Original Message----- From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of P Kishor Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:16 AM To: MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHP MapScript and unable to load dynamic library I don't know squat about how Windows and dlls work, so this could be user-error on my part, however, a tangential (nothing to do with PHP) but connected (everything to do with DLLs) observation -- I downloaded hobu's and installed it on a WinXP box with Apache. However, it was insisting on DLLs staying right next to it even though I moved them to a separate directory, and added the directory to the PATH. After much fiddling, I discovered only one DLL was the culprit -- libeay32.dll -- perhaps its path got hardcoded. Finally, I was able to move all the DLLs in their own directory, but libeay32.dll had to remain within cgi-bin right next to mapserv.exe. Jeff McKenna wrote: > A trick i also use to find which associated dll is missing is to try to > do a 'mapserv -v' at the command prompt, for your 4.8 exe. If a dll > cannot be found a Windows error message should be displayed (such as > "procedure entry point...cannot be found in gdal13.dll" or something > like that). > > jeff > > > Fischer, Brian wrote: >> I was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I am >> running Windows 2000 server with IIS5.0 and using the PHP MapScript >> dll MapServer 4.8 beta 2 for PHP 4.4.1 from I have >> installed this version on one server and it works fine, but when I try >> to install it on another server I continue to get PHP Warning: dl(): >> Unable to load dynamic library >> 'C:\php\extensions\php_mapscript_48.dll' - The specified module could >> not be found. PHP is working fine and I can load another module, like >> GD, but not mapscript. >> >> >> I seem to be having the same problem as outlined in >> tml. >> I have tried everything suggested, but still get the error. My guess >> is I might be missing a .dll, but it appears I have everything I >> need. I am stumped why it is working on one server and not the >> other. Anyone have any insight? >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Brian >> > > -- Puneet Kishor From jporti68 at YAHOO.COM Tue Jan 31 11:08:25 2006 From: jporti68 at YAHOO.COM (Jose Luis Portillo) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:08:25 -0800 Subject: unsubscribe Message-ID: --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? With a free 1 GB, there's more in store with Yahoo! Mail. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET Tue Jan 31 11:23:28 2006 From: aquiney at REFRACTIONS.NET (Adam Quiney) Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:23:28 -0800 Subject: draw similar layers In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Krishna, While I'm not too familiar with PHP Mapscript, I know that the ability to do something similar to this exists within mapserver itself, so I would assume the same functionality can be carried out using PHP Mapscript. The analogous means of doing this in a mapfile would be to create two Layers, both using the same dataset, but with different classes for how to style each layer. The first layer would look like: LAYER ... CLASS EXPRESSION "'[attrribute name]' eq 'name of your township'" LABEL