Labels with variable angle

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL
Tue Jan 3 08:28:36 PST 2006

Use LABELANGLEITEM. See MAP file reference for details.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Syncera IT Solutions
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT 015-7512436
email: BEN at

>>> luca marletta <lucamarle at GMAIL.COM> 3-1-2006 17:25:25 >>>
Hi all,
here a common topic I guess, but I cannot find easily a solution and
maybe a lot of you have already it.

I have streets name and angles, as features in dbf of a layer of points.

I want to display the labels in the streets follow the angles given for each.
How could I reach this?

I need to put a variable in the class item ANGLE that extract from dbf
the angle of the label

is it easy to do just in map file?

Thanks a lot

luca marletta

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