Creating a designated graphics file

Chip Taylor work at XWB.COM
Wed Jan 4 16:15:06 EST 2006

Unfortunately I do need the capability from the web and I don't have access
to MapScript (yet).  We are newly ASP.NET 2.0 and from what I am told SWIG
does not play well with C# under 2.0, at least not well enough to work for
what we need to do.

Here is the scenario I am facing.  There may be a better way to do things.

	Windows Server 2003
	IIS 6.0
	ASP.NET 2.0
	VB.NET preferred, but C# OK
	SQL Server 2005

1. I create an image using GDI and stream it to a web page.  I need to be
able to generate a map as a background image for this GDI, passing latitude
and longitude to mapserver.exe (along with other params, of course.  The
resulting image would be imported into GDI using System.Drawing.Image and
other graphics drawn on top of that.

2. I need to be able to allow an admin to "design" a map using a web
interface, inputting lat and lon, layers, size, etc.  When the admin is
satisfied with the result, a static map image is generated and stored and
the path/name is stored in SQL Server.  The static image is then available
to a web application and may also be exported for use in a detached VB 6.0

Again, all of the above is web-based.

Any and all suggestions welcome (except for change in environment...)

Chip Taylor
Prepared Response, Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:03 PM
To: Chip Taylor
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Creating a designated graphics file

Do you need this functionality to be available from the web? Then as Tom 
said you'll probably need Mapscript.

If you don't need it from the web, you could use shp2img and use > to 
output it to a file. Ofcourse you can write your files to a 
web-accessible directory.

shp2img -m > c:\temp\out.png

Best regards,

Chip Taylor wrote:

>Is there a way to use MapServer CGI to output a graphics file (GIF or JPG)
>to a designated location with a designated name on a Windows/IIS server?
>For example, I'd like to be able to call  mapserver.exe and tell it to name
>the file "thismap.jpg" and create it in directory c:\wwwroot\projects\maps\
>Chip Taylor
>Prepared Response, Inc

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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