SLD using 2 NamedLayers (one with default NamedStyle and one with UserStyle)

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Jan 5 13:27:01 PST 2006


 Right now the sld parser would apply the style on your layer using the 
first NamedLayer found in the SLD and ignore the 2nd one (and 
susequent). The reason being only that It was not being thought when 
originally implemented.  You should add an enhacement bug on it. 




Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote:

>Hi list,
>is the following SLD supposed to work with Mapserver? I can't get it to
>work. What I am trying to do is to display a layer with its default style
>with on top some custom labels for that same layer. I can get it to work
>using 2 separate WMS client layers, but ofcourse this would be far more
>efficient in one pass.
><StyledLayerDescriptor version='1.0.0'>
>  <NamedLayer>
>    <Name>NL-prov</Name>
>    <NamedStyle>
>      <Name></Name>
>    </NamedStyle>
>  </NamedLayer>
>  <NamedLayer>
>    <Name>NL-prov</Name>
>      <UserStyle>
>        <FeatureTypeStyle>
>          <Rule>
>            <TextSymbolizer>
>              <Label>OMSCHR</Label>
>              <Font>
>                <CssParameter name='font-color'>#000000</CssParameter>
>                <CssParameter name='font-family'>arial</CssParameter>
>                <CssParameter name='font-size'>10</CssParameter>
>              </Font>
>            </TextSymbolizer>
>          </Rule>
>        </FeatureTypeStyle>
>      </UserStyle>
>    </NamedLayer>
>Thanks in advance.
>Best regards,
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Assefa Yewondwossen           
Software Analyst   

Email: assefa at

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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