Unix Installer Instructions

William Kyngesburye woklist at KYNGCHAOS.COM
Thu Jan 5 13:45:21 PST 2006

I have installers and build instructions for Mac OS X (definitely a  
flavor of UNIX, especially from a webserver/DBMS, that is non-GUI,  
point of view ^_^) on my site.  Includes MapServer, GIS library  
dependencies, Postgres/PostGIS and PHP (and more coming soon).  Build  
instructions are a bit out of date, since I'm focusing on the  

On Jan 5, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Bryon Kenne wrote:

> There are installers for MS4W and Linux (i.e. FGS), but does any  
> body have any instructions, procedures or install packages for a  
> few of the UNIX flavors.  We are writing an application that, if  
> installed on a Unix box, will require a web server, mapserver, and  
> Postgre/PostGIS.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Sincerely,
> Bryon

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at kyngchaos.com>

"This is a question about the past, is it? ... How can I tell that  
the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy  
between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?"

- The Ruler of the Universe

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