Domain from GetCapabilities

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Mon Jan 9 17:38:14 PST 2006

> Why does my domain equal "test" whenever I do a 
> GetCapabilities request, 
> like so:
> <OnlineResource 
> xlink:href="http://test/cgi-bin/mapserv?"/>
> Is this a map server config option? and should I look at my 
> web server for 
> the answer?

If you check out the mapfile associated with your service (i.e.  You'll find a WEB/METADATA setting entitled
"wms_onlineresource", or "wfs_onlineresource", or "ows_onlineresource"
(you should be using the latter one as it reduces redundant metadata
info if you plan to host multiple OGC web services from the same URL.
This is where you'll find the string you want to replace.

Hope this helps.


Tom Kralidis
Senior Systems Scientist
Environment Canada
Tel: +01-905-336-4409


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