FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G

Ruiter E. de (Erik) E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL
Tue Jan 10 05:42:17 PST 2006

Hi Bart,

Thanks for your help. I solved the problem by dropping the 'USING SRID
etc...' altogether. I'm not sure whether or not this will lead to
problems in the future but for the 'time-being' it works.

Thanks again!


-----Original Message-----
From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at xs4all.nl] 
Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 14:09
To: Ruiter E. de (Erik)
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G

Does your Oracle table have SRID 90112? Or does it have a NULL SRID?

Otherwise try USING SRID NULL in your DATA statement.

Best regards,

Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote:

>Hi list,
>Now that I've tried several things, I got this error in my browser 
>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 
>msOracleSpatialLayerWhichShapes(): OracleSpatial error. Error:
>ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine ORA-13208:
>internal error while evaluating [window SRID does not match layer SRID]

>operator ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 391
>at line 1 . Query statement: SELECT rownum, N0320 FROM GEBOUW WHERE 
>.305,425974.862,131384.151,430555.785) ),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE' .
>Check your data statement. 
>Does someone know how to solve this?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] 
>On Behalf Of Ruiter E. de (Erik)
>Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:12
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G
>Hi Fernando,
>I just see a blank image, no more error messages, the error produced by

>the debug mode in the error.log file is:
>[Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap():
>Drawing Label Cache, 0.000s\r
>[Tue Jan 10 12:48:48 2006] [error] [client] msDrawMap() total
>time: 0.000s\r
>I've made an export from a oracle 9.2 database and imported it into our

>oracle 10g database.
>Also I've already tried several variations of the mapfile, with and 
>without projection definitions.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] 
>On Behalf Of Fernando Simon
>Sent: dinsdag 10 januari 2006 13:02
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G
>Hi folks,
>    Sorry for the delay to reply your message, about the Oracle Spatial

>support in Mapserver you can use since 8i, 9i and 10G versions without 
>    About the debug, you need to add "DEBUG ON" in your layer and in 
>your Map. The Mapserver how to for Oracle Spatial connection you can 
>see in this link:
>    About your problem, what's happen, any error message or just a 
>blank image? How you imported your data in the database? Using shp2sdo?

>Are already tried to draw without projection definitions?
>    Last year I did a page that contains some examples of Oracle 
>Spatial connection using Mapserver in CGI mode. This page contains the 
>MAP and QUERY modes. Link:
>    Best regards.
>Fernando Simon
>Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
>UNIVALI - CTTMar - Brazil
>Citando "Ruiter E. de (Erik)" <E.Ruiter at ARCADIS.NL>:
>>Hi Bart and other users,
>>I switched on debugging by placing :  DEBUG ON at map level and at 
>>layer level in my mapfile.
>>These are the error.log and access.log files. I can't make any sense 
>>of it.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at xs4all.nl]
>>Sent: maandag 9 januari 2006 15:30
>>To: Ruiter E. de (Erik)
>>Subject: RE: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G
>>Hoi Erik,
>>Probeer eens debuggen aan te zetten.
>>Zet DEBUG ON op je LAYER object en evt op je MAP object.
>>Als je IIS gebruikt, zet environment variabele MS_ERRORFILE op stderr 
>>en herstart server.
>>Als je Apache gebruikt, zet MS_ERRORFILE dan via SetEnv in de 
>>httpd.conf en herstart Apache.
>>In de error log van je webserver komt dan debug info.
>>>Hi Bart,
>>>many thanks for the files and the quick response.
>>>However my problem still exists, I've overwritten the mapserv.exe
>>>the others with your files, but I still don't see anything.
>>>I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong.
>>>My mapfile looks like:
>>># MAPFILE Spinoffice
>>>#============ MAIN MAP
>>> NAME  "Spinoffice"
>>> SIZE  400 200
>>> EXTENT  123161.184000 425974.862000 130445.273000 430555.785000
>>>IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0  IMAGETYPE png  SHAPEPATH "shapes"
>>> SYMBOLSET    "../symbols/symbols35.sym"
>>> TEMPLATE "../html/mapserver.html"
>>> IMAGEPATH  '/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/'
>>> IMAGEURL   '/ms_tmp/'
>>> "init=epsg:28992"
>>>#============ LAYERS
>>> NAME  Gebouwen
>>> CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
>>> CONNECTION "bag/bag at maatwerk"
>>>  "init=epsg:28992"
>>> END
>>>  NAME  "gebouw"
>>>  SIZE  1
>>>  STYLE
>>>   COLOR   0 255 255
>>>   OUTLINECOLOR  32 32 32
>>>  END
>>> END
>>>The url :
>>>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at xs4all.nl]
>>>Sent: zaterdag 7 januari 2006 12:22
>>>To: Ruiter E. de (Erik)
>>>Cc: hobu at iastate.edu; pnaciona at gis.umn.edu
>>>Subject: Re: FW: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G
>>>Hi Erik,
>>>I just built a mapserv.exe for you against the Oracle
>>>You can download from (as you probably know I can't provide you
>>>the oci.dll because of Oracle's license, but I am sure you have
>>>already on your system):
>>>The build info is:
>>>MapServer version 4.8.0-rc1 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG 
>>>Best regards,
>>>Ruiter E. de (Erik) wrote:
>>>	Dear Howard and Bart,
>>>	Please see the mail below from me to Perry?
>>>	I'm looking for mapserver binaries which support oracle 10g.
>>>	Thank in advance.
>>>	Greetings,
>>>	Erik.
>>>	-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>>	Van: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at gis.umn.edu]
>>>	Verzonden: vrijdag 6 januari 2006 20:06
>>>	Aan: Ruiter E. de (Erik)
>>>	Onderwerp: Re: Mapserver for Oracle spatial 10G
>>>	Hi Erik,
>>>	You might want to send Howard Butler <hobu at iastate.edu> 
>>><mailto:hobu at iastate.edu>  or Bart van den
>>>	Eijnden <bartvde at xs4all.nl> <mailto:bartvde at xs4all.nl>  as they
>>>the two I know who use Oracle
>>>	and Windows.  Howard's Windows binaries are available at
>>>	http://hobu.stat.iastate.edu/mapserver/
>>>	Is there a known incompatibility between Oracle 9i client and
>>>	10g server?  Give it a test and see if it does what you want.
>>>If it
>>>	doesn't send Howard or Bart an e-mail.
>>>	Good luck with the demo!
>>>	-Perry
>>>	On Friday 06 January 2006 06:34, you wrote:
>>>		Hi Perry,
>>>		A very happy new year to you!
>>>		Please excuse me that I post this directly to you but
>>the UMN site
>>>		seems to be down and I can't find a way to access the
>>user-list as
>>>		someone with posting-rights. Also, we have a demo coming
>>up so we're
>>>		in a bit of a hurry.
>>>		As you can see (and maybe remember) in the mail below,
>>we use ms4w
>>>		our web-application. We have oracle spatial data that we
>>would like
>>>		visualise, however we don't have experience compiling
>>mapserver (and
>>>		we don't want to, to be honest). I've managed to find a
>>version of
>>>		mapserv.exe which supports Oracle spatial natively. Now
>>we want to
>>>		upgrade to Oracle 10g but my version of mapserv.exe
>>seems to only
>>>		support oracle 9i.
>>>		Do you have or happen to know someone who has a
>>mapserver binary for
>>>		windows with Oracle 10G support?
>>>		Greetings and thanks in advance,
>>>		Erik de Ruiter.
>>>		Arcadis Spatial Information.
>>>		The Netherlands.
>>>		-----Original Message-----
>>>		From: Pericles S. Nacionales
>>>[mailto:pnaciona at gis.umn.edu]
>>>		Sent: dinsdag 27 september 2005 18:24
>>>		To: Ruiter E. de (Erik)
>>>		Subject: Re: mapserver tutorial
>>>		Erik,
>>>		Thanks for your interest in MapServer, the tutorial is
>>still in
>>>		form but should be working.  You can download it at
>>>		http://hypnos.cbs.umn.edu/tutorial/tutorial.zip.  You
>>will also need
>>>		to download and install MS4W which is downloadable at
>>>		http://www.maptools.org/dl/.
>>>		Good luck!
>>>		-Perry N.
>>>		On Tuesday 27 September 2005 05:06, you wrote:
>>>			Dear Perry,
>>>			currently we are busy investigating different
>>>			technologies and choose one to use within our
>>web-application. To
>>>			get acquainted with mapserver for this purpose I
>>would like to
>>>			obtain a copy of the mapserver fro windows
>>>			Of course I'm willing to to give you or the
>>forum feedback on my
>>>			findings such to contribute to the further
>>>			thanks in advance.
>>>			greetings,
>>>			Erik de Ruiter.
>>>			Arcadis Spatial Information (KLM Aerocarto).
>>>			The Netherlands.
>>>		--
>>>		Pericles S. Nacionales
>>>		Conservation Biology Program
>>>		University of Minnesota
>>>		1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH
>>>		St. Paul, MN 55108
>>>		Dit e-mail bericht is vertrouwelijk. Het is uitsluitend
>>bestemd voor
>>>		de geadresseerde. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent,
>>verzoeken we
>>>		dringend ons direct te informeren en om dit bericht en
>>>		bijlage(n) te verwijderen, zonder het te kopieren, door
>>te zenden of
>>>		op enige andere wijze te openbaren of te gebruiken.
>>>ARCADIS is niet
>>>		aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook als gevolg van
>>>		per e-mail en verzending van documenten en gegevens.
>>>		This e-mail is confidential and may also be privileged.
>>>It is intended
>>>		for use by the addressee only. If you are not the
>>>		we request that you notify us immediately and delete
>>this e-mail,
>>>		any attachment(s), without copying, forwarding,
>>disclosing or using
>>>		in any other way. ARCADIS will not be liable for damage
>>relating to
>>>		the communication by e-mail of data or documents.
>>>	--
>>>	Pericles S. Nacionales
>>>	Conservation Biology Program
>>>	University of Minnesota
>>>	1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH
>>>	St. Paul, MN 55108
>>>Bart van den Eijnden
>>>OSGIS, Open Source GIS
>  Univali - Webmail - http://webmail.univali.br

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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