LABELITEM Using Variable Substitution

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Jan 11 15:39:23 PST 2006

Labelitem is not one of the parameters that support runtime substitution. Those
that do are typically of the type where you would only want to replace a portion
of the variable such as a FILTER. For a labelitem you can use syntax like:



>>> Rafe Hargrove <rafeh at DREAMSCAPEIT.COM> 01/11/06 4:17 PM >>>
I am having problems dynamically setting the column used by the LABELITEM
property.  MapServer is not substituting the parameter passed in the WMS
call.  Instead, it is using the parameter name as the column name and
MapServer returns an error stating that the columnParameter column is not

The format of the LABELITEM definition is:
    LABELITEM '%columnParameter%'

I am using Windows, MapServer 4.6.1, and have been able to successfully
use variable substition with the MapServer FILTER command.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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