PostGIS problem

Krung Saengpole saengpole at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jan 14 00:42:45 EST 2006

Thank you for your help. Actually, I had a problem calculating area of forest inside any circle area and draw map with mapserver with this circle. But I didn't know how to start with postgis instead of postgis and postgresql documents.
  Thank you again.

David Bitner <osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
  If you are going to be doing much work with PostGIS, this question is
better suited to the PostGIS users list that can be found along with
documentation for PostGIS at

To create a circle with an x,y, and radius all you will need to do is
a buffer of an x,y coordinate. For example: buffer(makepoint(x,y),r)
On 1/13/06, Krung Saengpole wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a newbie with postgis and postgresql. I'd like to convert circle
> '((x,y),r)' in postgresql to geometry for using with postgis functions. How
> can I do it? Please give me an example or some function scripts to start
> with.
> Thank you.
> Krung
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