Labeling example help {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Sat Jan 14 06:47:31 EST 2006


On Sat, 14 Jan 2006, James Net wrote:

> What are the minimum layer attributes for supporting labels? Do I need the 
> CLASSITEM attribute, and if so where do I get its value from? I have my 
> *.shp and *.dbf files in the same directory and with the same names. And I 
> can open my *.dbf in open office calc to see the header “name”.

Try ogrinfo.
> Here was my failed attempt:
>    LAYER
>       NAME    "landmark"
>       DATA    "data/landmark_pt.shp"
>       TYPE    POINT
>       STATUS  ON
>       LABELITEM  "name"
>    #  MAXSCALE   100000.0
>    #  MINSCALE   0.000001
>    #  SYMBOLSCALE   1.0
>       CLASS
>          STYLE
>             COLOR    255 255 0
>             SYMBOL   'star'
>             SIZE     7
>          END
>       END
>       METADATA
>       wms_title      "landmark"
>       wms_srs        "EPSG:4283"
>       END
>    END
> I can see my point stars just fine, but they have no labels... help...

Add LABEL section to your class.


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