[OT] Problems converting DGN to SHP file

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Mon Jan 16 05:39:09 PST 2006

On 1/16/06, Luca Manganelli <luca76 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to convert DGN to SHP.
> DGN is composed by ANNOTATION (text with coordinates AND viewing angle).
> I can do this:
>   ogr2ogr -nlt POINT -skipfailures -f "ESRI Shapefile"  dir S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn
> but the new shp does not have any information about angles:
> #> ogrinfo -summary S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn elements
> INFO: Open of `S:\Luca\TXTV7.dgn'
> using driver `DGN' successful.
> Layer name: elements
> Geometry: Unknown (any)
> Feature Count: 59817
> Extent: (1656335.478654, 5093641.729797) - (1669699.215614, 5113109.826557)
> Layer SRS WKT:
> (unknown)
> Type: Integer (2.0)
> Level: Integer (2.0)
> GraphicGroup: Integer (4.0)
> ColorIndex: Integer (3.0)
> Weight: Integer (2.0)
> Style: Integer (1.0)
> EntityNum: Integer (0.0)
> MSLink: Integer (0.0)
> Text: String (0.0)


This is really an OGR question and would be better addressed
to the gdal-dev list.

The short answer is that there is no easy way to do what you want.
The rotation information is kept in the "style string" which is not
a normal attribute, and so isn't translated to shapefile format.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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