Merging Regions of a shapefile

Neil Saunders n.j.saunders at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 18 06:20:18 PST 2006

Lots of interesting ideas that I wasn't aware of - Thank you everybody
for your input; I'll let you know how it goes!

On 1/18/06, Schuyler Erle <schuyler at> wrote:
> * On 16-Jan-2006 at 12:40PM PST, Neil Saunders said:
> >
> > Thanks for your reply; However I've tried using PostGIS but could't
> > get the shapes to actually "merge" together. Ideally what I'd like to
> > do is have a tool such as OpenEV in to which I could load my
> > shapefile, select a given number of *adjacent* regions, and merge
> > selected regions to a single region, if you catch my drift. I'm
> > beginning to think that it may not be possible... :(
> You can totally do this in GRASS, if you have the patience to learn
> GRASS. We describe how in hack #77 from Mapping Hacks
> (
> If you have a recent PostGIS built with a recent GEOS, you might try
> the BuildArea() function from GEOS:

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