adjacent poly's overlap

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Jan 20 10:38:44 PST 2006

There is a modification submitted by MapMedia that may be what you need. It allows for inside vs. outside symbolization. I have not committed this to CVS as yet (it was part of a larger package of additions) so it is not in 4.8. I will be included in 4.10. I can try to add that to CVS over the weekend but no promises.


>>> Brent Pedersen <bpederse at NATURE.BERKELEY.EDU> 01/20/06 11:34 AM >>>
hi, i'm trying to display the outline's of a polygon layer where each  
polygon is color code by a CLASS type.
the problem is that most of these polygons share a border.  the  
problem is visible here:

>> (ignore the circle)

i tried (after some postgis help) to use buffer, but that is slow and  
not exactly what i want. is there a way to get the inner boundary of  
a polygon to display in mapserver to avoid this overlap?


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