to color a raster image

Matthew Perry perrygeo at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 20 11:31:23 PST 2006


On 1/20/06, Mauricio Stange H. <mstangeh.foros at> wrote:
>  It is possible to color a gray scale raster image with mapserver??

As Frank said, you can use raster CLASSES to colorize a greyscale
raster. I would add, though, that if you have a significant number of
classes, it can be really slow. If you just want to do 5 or 10 color
ranges, you can use classes just fine. Any more than that and I would
suggest pre-processing by creating a colorized tiff. I have used GRASS
to colorize the raster with r.colors then export to tiff with good

Matt Perry
perrygeo at

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