Scale in querymaps

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Sun Jan 22 19:26:58 PST 2006

I'm sure this is fixable, but it's hard to make a suggestion without seeing the application. Typically, instead of using the query map directly you would request a new map within the query template (in an image tag) with the extent or scale you wanted based on the selected cell. There are ways to do this without even using query maps, especially if you where not hilighting the selected feature.

Any chance your application is publically available.


>>> Carola Jesch <cjesch at CCT.LSU.EDU> 01/21/06 7:10 PM >>>
I have an application showing about 150,000 grid cells. Every cell
represents an elevation value. When you click on a cell a new window comes
up showing the elevation for this cell. I implemented a querymap in this new
window and everything works fine, but the selected cell in the querymap is
to small to be visible. I was wondering if there is any way to make the
querymap scalable? What I mean is that I can see my selected cell in a
zoomed extent. I can't find any parameters in the mapfile reference. Can
anybody tell me whether there is a solution?
Thanks, Carola
Carola Jesch
Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science
Louisiana State University
3191 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg.
Baton Rouge, LA,70803
e-mail: cjesch at

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