New User - What to start with: Unix or Windows

Brent Wood pcreso at PCRESO.COM
Mon Jan 23 12:44:54 PST 2006

>   Dear all,
>   I am a new user of MapServer. I have been using ArcGIS desktop for a
> few years. Now I want to do some online mapping. I just start to look
> into MapServer. And I need your input on whether I should start with Unix 
> or Windows MapServer.
>   The concern is to do it right/the best from the very beginning. I am 
> not afraid of learning Linux/Unix. I know some basics. But since I have 
> always been working with ArcGIS under Windows, I want to make sure that 
> it worths it to switch. If it wont make much difference then I will just 
> stay with Windows.

I'm no mapserver expert, but have used a wide range of Open Source GIS for some
years now. 

Generally I believe Open Source GIS/mapping tools are better supported under
Linux, although more packages are providing native Windows ports, instead of
relying on Cygwin.

I don't think it makes much difference from a purely mapserver perspective, as
it seems to work well under both platforms. However, if your potential use of
OpenSource mapping software is likely to grow beyond mapserver, and you look to
replace ArcGIS with an Open Source GIS suite (it can pretty much be done), then
moving to Linux may have some advantages.


   Brent Wood

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