Open Source Map Software

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Jan 24 08:54:16 PST 2006

Although a little out of date, MapLab (u can find it on is 
exactly that - you can preview your mapfile in MapEdit, as well as 
create a quick php application with GMapFactory.

QGIS ( has experimental 'export to mapfile' 
support...look for that in the future.  It already allows for GRASS 
functionality to be build in...and with a functional mapfile export tool 
this thing would rock (any volunteers to help here?!?!?!)

There are several Arc utilities for exporting to mapfile, but that 
doesn't help you here.

This is definitely a void that needs to be filled.


Dave K wrote:
> Does anyone know of any decent open source software for creating map files?

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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