Set the background color

Dylan Keon at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 24 12:50:59 PST 2006

Please reply to the list if possible, that way everyone can learn from
the information :-)  Comments below...

On 1/24/06, kris rock <kris_rock82 at> wrote:
> Hi dylan sorry to bother you but i have a couple more questions too, i was
> trying to set the font and the fontsize of the label on the layer but its
> giving me some errors, it might be because i am not using the correct
> syntax. I am using the following lines to set the font and font size ...
> $label=ms_newLabelObj($class);
> $label->font('arial');

The labelObj is embedded in classes, so you can just do this:

$class->label->set(type, MS_TRUETYPE);
$class->label->set(font, 'arial');
$class->label->set(size, 10);

> i dont know how to create a new label object, could you please help me out
> in this.
> I have one more question too, how to set the filltransperancy and
> boundarytransperancy for a layer.

There isn't a separate outline transparency (as far as I know). 
TRANSPARENCY affects the entire layer, including the outlinecolor. 
Try this:

$layer->set(transparency, 50);

> Can i know where can i find good mapscript examples ....

That is a good question.  Probably the best source is the
mapserver-users archives, which you can access via the new MapServer

There are also some examples under the "howto" section of the
Documentation area.


> Thanks for your time and sorry to bother you ...
> Kris
> Dylan Keon < at> wrote:
> On 01/23/2006 02:53 PM, krishna S wrote:
> > Hello all, i want to set the background color, boundary color using a php
> > mapscript function/method, but i couldnt find anyhelp full method which
> > sets the background color and the boundary color. Could anyone please help
> > me out in this ....
> Do you mean for a layer? This is the general procedure:
> $layer = $map->getLayerByName('layer_name'); //$map is map
> object
> $class = $layer->getClass(0); //0 is first class in layer
> $style = ms_newStyleObj($class);
> $style->color->setRGB(220,220,220); //background color
> $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(255,255,0); //boundary color

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