Question about hiding map= parameter

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Jan 24 20:34:17 PST 2006

The easiest way to do this is to hide individual mapfiles behind environment variables. You still need the map parameter but you point to a env variable rather than a "file". So, if in Apache's config file you do:

  setenv TESTY /ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/

then you can do:


If you want to obscure things even further you might want to use a small wrapper script that itself invokes MapServer with a particular mapfile.


>>>     <lltous at MSN.COM> 01/24/06 9:49 PM >>>

I'm trying to hide the map= parameter, but the server always says "The 
requested URL /cgi-bin/Liang was not found on this server". I have copied 
mapserv.exe to Liang.exe and added the sentence---- SetEnvIf Request_URI 
"/cgi-bin/Liang" MS_MAPFILE="/ms4w/apps/Liang/hotdocs/"---- to 

Any one can give me some advice? Thank you in advance.

               MSN Messenger:  

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