Turning on and off labels

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Wed Jan 25 07:12:29 PST 2006

Set the labelitem property of the layer to null.

On Jan 25, 2006, at 7:42 AM, Stuart Eve wrote:

> Right, just incase this is useful for anyone - I have managed to do a
> bit of a hacky solution to turning the labels off:
> I set the 'labelrequires' option of the layers to evaluate true if I
> wanted the label to be drawn and false if I didn't.
> Thus:
>      $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName($name);
>      $layerObj->set("labelrequires", "1 == 1");
> turns the label on for layer $name.
> and....
>      $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName($name);
>      $layerObj->set("labelrequires", "1 == 2");
> Turns it off.
> It feels a bit of a hack, so if anyone has anything more elegant  
> I'd be
> happy to hear it.
> Stu
>> Thanks Norbert, thats certainly an option (which I hadn't thought  
>> of!)
>> and I may do that - I was just hoping that I would be able to find a
>> way to do with Mapscript (so I don't have to have such a huge  
>> mapfile!)
>> Stu
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure if this is what you want but you can make a layer for
>>> the data and a separate one for the labels then you can turn them on
>>> or off.
>>> Regards,
>>> Norbert
>> Stuart Eve wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am trying to use Mapscript to turn off labels 'on-demand'. I have
>>> my label information set up in my mapfile - but this means that they
>>> are always drawn. I want to retain that information in the mapfile
>>> (rather than recreating the whole thing with Mapscript), so was
>>> wondering if there was a way to tell Mapserver if they should be
>>> drawn or not (without turning the whole layer off!). I have tried
>>> using a 'STATUS OFF' within the label tags, but that doesn't work  
>>> (of
>>> course!).
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Stu

Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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