Dhtml mapserver (mapserv.js) panning tool

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Jan 25 11:46:49 EST 2006

There is a pan method available in mapserv.js. You'd just attach code like (assuming the mapserv object is called ms):


to an image or a link. In my landview example it's something like:

  <a href="javascript:ms.pan('nw')"><img src="nw.gif"></a>

You could also use an image event handler as well I imagine to trigger the pan. The application below does this:



>>> Xavier mauclaire <xavier.mauclaire at STRATEGIS.FR> 01/25/06 10:27 AM >>>
I'm using mapserver with the mapserv.js javascript library. I would like to
implement the panning tool but i don't konw how to do that. Currently, only
the recenter tool can be used.
Any help would be appreciated

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