MapServer Installation issues {Scanned}

Siki Zoltan siki at AGT.BME.HU
Fri Jan 27 05:27:54 PST 2006

Hi Ben,

Please send your mail to the list too, community members can learn from 

You can use mapserver in browse and map mode.
In case of map mode no html template neccessary, but the map file must be 
specified in the query string. You can use the URL to define parameters to 
mapserver cgi, for example

of course you can define many other parameters for mapserver, see cgi 
mapserver controls (


On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Ben Crane wrote:

> Okay, but the mapserver example1.1 tutorial I'm using
> says that I can parse an PNG image directly to the
> browser without the need for an HTML page.
> Ben
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