"DECORATION" layer definition (was: positioning an arbitrary feature . . .)

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Fri Jan 27 11:58:18 PST 2006


I added a comment to #1547 (which applies directly to my problem)

I suggested something along the lines of a "decoration" layer 
definition.  Could even be implemented as a whole seperate file like 
SYMBOLS, FONT, TEMPLATES etc.  The idea would be to have a set of 
parameter for decorating a map along the edges, at the corners, 
arbitrary location (Fixed and Percentage based placements) of (Any 
MapFile) elements, etc.  This might even be a way of implementing a XML 
version of a MAPFILE (which I've seen suggested a few time), This 
decoration idea might be a way of luring folks over to the dark-side, I 
mean to the new world of capabilities.

The more I think about it, the more possibilities I start coming up 
with.  If implemented with XML for example, it would be easy enough to 
use for passing Markup back to the server in a similar format for 
example, just pondering things . . .

I would like to suggest going the route of something XMLish in nature.  
I'm available to talk some more of this through with anyone interested 
as I think there would be a big audience for something like this.

I can live with what I have for right now though.  :c)


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

>I don't think you can. I tried to do this a while ago and eventually 
>gave up. There are two bugs that you might want to look at and cc 
>yourself to. You might also want to add this requirement to one of them.
>-Steve W.
>Bob Basques wrote:
>>how can I position a feature like I can with a ScaleBar (POSITION LL).
>>I have an interface that doesn't use a static mapsize. The Scalebar 
>>works great, but how can I postion abstract annotation in the same way, 
>>by pushing things to the corners or edges (with the POSITION parameter)
>>This works for the Upper left:
>><cid:part1.08070209.07020003 at ci.stpaul.mn.us>
>>      LAYER
>>               NAME 'city_logo'
>>               STATUS DEFAULT
>>               TYPE POINT
>>               TRANSFORM OFF
>>               FEATURE
>>                 POINTS 33 65 END
>>               END
>>               CLASS
>>                 STYLE
>>                          SYMBOL 'city_logo'
>>                          SIZE 1
>>                 END
>>                 LABEL
>>                          TYPE bitmap                                  END
>>            END          END
>>       LAYER
>>               NAME 'title'
>>               STATUS DEFAULT
>>               TYPE POINT
>>               TRANSFORM OFF
>>               FEATURE
>>                 POINTS 70 17 END
>>                 TEXT "GISmo"
>>               END
>>               CLASS
>>                 LABEL
>>                          TYPE truetype
>>                          FONT bluehigh
>>                          SIZE 20
>>                          POSITION CR
>>                          COLOR 0 0 0
>>                          OUTLINECOLOR 240 240 240
>>                 END
>>            END
>>       END

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