E00 and Corverage Question

Mon Jan 30 00:50:16 EST 2006


I have a e00 file and I am parsing the ARC data from it.  The left and right
polygons that are listed for each arc correspond to the polygon cover-id
numbering in the .PAT section.  Then there is also a section that is
.(covername)PAT (covername is the name of the coverage file)that has all the
information about the polygon.  Does anyone know how the polygon ids used in the
arc section actually lines up with the data the corresponds with that polygon? 
It is not as simple as counting out n sections in the .(covername)PAT to get
corresponding data for that polygon.  When I do that and I project the data
back on the map the origanl data does not line up with the parsed data for any
given polygon.

Thanks for any help.
David Hunt
hunt at eecs.orst.edu

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