Searching for closest object in mapserver

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Jul 3 08:32:21 PDT 2006

It is possible with the CGI. A straight mode=query will give you the  closest
feature in qlayer or across mulitiple layers if qlayer is not specified. The search
will respect any tolerances set within a particular layer.


>>> Abe Gillespie <abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM> 7/3/2006 9:27:15 AM >>>
It most likely is possible with CGI ... I just can't help you here.
Maybe looking through the docs at will get you
what you need.


On 7/3/06, Jelmer Baas <baas at> wrote:
> Abe Gillespie wrote:
> > I'm not sure if you're using CGI (in which case I'm not sure) or not
> > ... but if you are from the docs for layerObj:
> >
> >   int queryByPoint(pointObj point, int mode, double buffer)
> <snip>
> > $layer->queryByPoint($myPoint, MS_SINGLE, $myBufferRadius);
> Thanks for your answer, but DANG!. After I read your first sentence I
> knew that I forgot to add this. I *AM* using the CGI mapserver, on
> Windows with IIS and ASP. I'm not using the PHP stuff at all.
> My next idea is to manually query mapserver and then parse the results
> with javascript. The problem is that I only get the beginning and end
> points of lines, so I have no clue how the line itself moves ;(
> I'm still hoping that what I want is possible with CGI mapserver.
> --
> With kind regards,
> Jelmer Baas

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