PHP Mapscript, mapserver 4.8.3 compilation issue

rock well rockwell_001 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jul 5 14:06:20 PDT 2006

Hello all, i have installed mapserver-4.8.3 succesfully and got the mapserv.exe and other library files. i then cinfigured the php mapscript for php_mapscript.dll, i did this by setting the corresponding paths for the variables in mapscript/php3/nmake.opt file. I got the php_mapscript.dll file, i then copied it into the php5/ext folder(i am using php5). When i try to load a mapfile and draw the map, i get a CGI error 
  "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers".
  I am not sure whats wrong, is the combination i use good.
  Thanks for your time,

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