PERL interface trouble

Bruce Cheney BLC at JUB.COM
Wed Jul 5 15:04:13 PDT 2006

I don't know if it is the same problem but we solved our problem by

The SaveImage command and entered the entire path to the root in the
mapscript command


SaveWebImage and entered the entire path to the root in the mapfile (web
- imagepath)

We are not perfectly happy using the entire path but it seems mapscript
is not reading the alias paths from Apache for this command.  Unless
there is something else we are missing????? this is working. 

Bruce Cheney

-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Joe Bussell
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PERL interface trouble

Nope, same logical volume.  Identical results from `df` verify this.

Joe Bussell
On Time Systems

Simpson wrote:

>Is /usr an automount?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
>Behalf Of Joe Bussell
>Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 12:19 PM
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PERL interface trouble
>Thank you!  I have mode some progress.  The fact that my fonts/ 
>directory was not readable escaped my notice.  The msGetErrorString 
>function provided that data right away.
>I have still have some undesired behavior however.  I added $img->save(

>$outfile ); carp mapscript::msGetErrorString("\n");
>And it indicates that my image file is not openable for write.  I have 
>verified that the entire directory chain indicated in the message is 
>world writable.  Is there something else that I need to do?
>[Mon Jul  3 15:52:17 2006] -e: Failure: msSaveImageGD(): Unable to 
>access file.
>Unable to open file
>/usr/routing/routes/Route1151967137028128.223.40.5.png for writing at 
>/usr/routing/perl/dwarp/ line 515
>I changed my write directory to be a child of /tmp, and everything 
>worked out just fine.  I verified that the directory permissions 
>matched and could not find any reference in my httpd.conf that would 
>preclude writing to a directory off of /usr.  Any ideas as to why this
>Joe Bussell
>On Time Systems
>Steve Lime wrote:
>>You can get at the MapServer error stack with a call like:
>>  my $map = new mapscript::mapObj( $mapfile ) or
>>That may help, or be something to try. I use perl MapScript with 4.8 
>the CVS version all the time with good results.
>>>>>Joseph Bussell <joe at OTSYS.COM> 6/30/2006 2:09:06 PM >>>
>>Does anyone use the latest code with PERL Mapscript?  If shp2img works

>>with my mapfile, is there anything else I can do to understand why my 
>>new call for the mapObj fails?
>>Joe Bussell
>>On Time Systems
>>Joseph Bussell wrote:
>>>I have verified that shp2img constructs an image that derives form my

>>>mapfile.  This part looks good.  My mapscript code was written for 
>>>4.4.2, but the one function that is failing does not appear to have 
>>>significantly changed.  I am not getting past construction of the 
>>>basic mapObj from the mapfile.  Specifically, the call to :
>>>my $map = new mapscript::mapObj( $mapfile ) or  carp "Could not 
>>>create mapscript object from mapfile: $mapfile";
>>>produces the error message.  I also went into and added 
>>>debug code there to be sure I was using the correct module.  The low 
>>>level call is producing an unusable result.
>>>Joe Bussell
>>>On Time Systems
>>>Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>>>Hi Joe,
>>>>A couple of things.
>>>>1) what version does you existing code work on?
>>>>2) There are probably two areas that you will need to change
>>>>  a) the mapfile
>>>>  b) the perl
>>>>I would start with using shp2img to make sure you mapfile can load.
>>>>It will at least print errors that you can read.
>>>>shp2img -m /path/to/ -o junk.png ...
>>>>Once you can get an image then you will probably have more luck 
>>>>tracking down the various mapscript changes. These will depend on 
>>>>what version of mapscript your code was written for.
>>>>-Steve W.
>>>>Joseph Bussell wrote:
>>>>>Greetings Listers,
>>>>> It has been a while since I deployed a new Mapserver application.
>>>>>I have been leaning on old source on an old box to get the work 
>>>>>done.  I have been given a new server to set up for our Air Force 
>>>>>project and have had some issues with getting my code to work.
>>>>>First of all I am using Mapscript ala PERL.  I recognize that the 
>>>>>PERL interface has not been updated due to a lack of user interest,

>>>>>but I am still partial to using it if it can still be done (mostly 
>>>>>since I will not have to rewrite my routing path functionality).
>>>>> My problem is getting the actual mapObj to construct from my 
>>>>>mapfile.  I have not been able to get any debug information our by 
>>>>>checking /tmp/mserrors, which used to work nicely in such cases.
>>>>>All I get is an undefined reference.  My code for construction is
>>>>>my $map = new mapscript::mapObj( $mapfile ) or  carp "Could not 
>>>>>create mapscript object from mapfile: $mapfile";
>>>>>in my httpd.conf I define
>>>>>MS_ERRORFILE              /tmp/mserrors.txt
>>>>>My mapfile exists and is very simple.
>>>>>I am running:
>>>>>CentOS release 4.3
>>>>>AMD64, dual core machine
>>>>>perl, v5.8.5 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
>>>>>Thank you for your time.
>>>>>Joe Bussell
>>>>>On Time Systems

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