queryByAttributes and Oracle

Fernando Simon fsimon at UNIVALI.BR
Thu Jul 6 07:31:31 EDT 2006

Hi Antonio,
        As you report, your column id is 16 length, it's can be a big 
problem in Mapserver because the core of Mapserver just can handle a 
object (row in your case) that are less than this size of id column. 
It's a old issue that was not solve yet.
       I'm writing a database function to use the rowid in this cases. 
This way can be a solution when the unique column is bigger than 15, or 
when you don't have a unique column in your table.
       Best regards.

Fernando Simon
Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil
http://www.univali.br/g10 - UNIVALI/CTTMAR

Antonio Iandolo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to have a confirmation on the following "doubt":
> I had a problem querying a layer (Oracle10g based) with
> queryByAttributes in php_mapscript: the query resulted 1 row but the
> function getResult returned me a negative shapeindex, so I couldn't get
> any shape with the getShape function.
> Now, I suppose that the problem is due to the "large" number I use for
> the column_id on wich I call queryByAttributes: it's a NUMBER(16)
> It seems it has to be an integer, so I suppose that values like, for
> example, 138700001563 can't be handled.
> Do you think this could be the problem? Is there another way to
> "overcome" it? (Actually I've solved querying Oracle and reading the
> point's coordinates by myself, so that I can center and zoom in the map)
> Thanks in advance,
> Antonio

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