Boston Free Map

Zhonghai Wang zhonghaiw at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 6 06:49:38 PDT 2006

Hi Christopher,

thanks for your detailed information.

the new element ANGLE FOLLOW does not available in the MS4W1.5.3 version, so
it doesn't work for me.

kind regards


On 7/6/06, Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 09:29:30AM +0200, Zhonghai Wang wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > nice application!! in addition, I have some questions here:
> >
> > 1. are you using PNG24 for the output format? the map image is not so
> > "clear" if the map is zoomed to biggest map extent. I noticed that you
> > defined several output formats in the mapfile, are these just simply
> > duplicated defenitions or for some other purpose? normally I define only
> one
> > outputformat, for example PNG24 or GIF.
> This map is designed to be used in a variety of applications, and I
> have, in the past, used every single one of those output formats ;) The
> current format is actually JPEG -- the reason for this is that:
> * PNG8 (dithered png) has problems with not having enough space in the
>    color table with antialiasing
> * PNG24 takes too long to load -- the images are about twice as large
> * GIF suffers under the same problems as PNG8, plus the AA doesn't
>    look as good
> > 2. do you label the street names with some special softwares? the street
> > names are labeled very nice along the street curves. If you don't mind,
> can
> > you give some more hints about this? (I attached a desktop capture for
> > this.)
> ANGLE FOLLOW does this for me -- this is a relatively new development of
> Mapserver, and I'm not sure when it came into place: the Freemap server
> runs Mapserver out of CVS, so some aspects of it may be not be released
> yet. (Someone else can probalby comment better on that.)
> > the application is really very fast, good job.
> Thank ka-Map for that :) Paul Spencer's tile.php work is the only reason
> that this application is as usable as it is: rendering this much stuff
> simply didn't work, and without the metaTile generation, the buffers
> would simply have killed the number of labels you're seeing.
> I'm really happy with how it's come out, and I'm glad to see that others
> like it too!
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> Web Developer
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