mapserver performance tests/comparison

Xin crazygecko at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 7 07:45:07 PDT 2006

I am also interested to know of any detailed comparisons.

I know from first hand that MapServer CGI is probably slightly faster than
MapXtreme during normal operation.  And it's a lot faster for the first
mapping call as MapXtreme takes ages to load.

On 06/07/06, Skalski Artur - askals <Artur.Skalski at> wrote:
>  sorrrry,
> just forgot a title... for this messge
> Hi all,
> could someone please, give me or direct me to infos about mapserer
> performance tests? are there any?
> I need to know some details for my client about mapserver performance
> aspecialy in comparison to ArcIMS or MAPEXTREME, unfortunately I don't have
> these to use so I can't do it on my own.
> If someone of You made that kind of comparison, and could provide me some
> infos like what bandwidth, how many queries at a time, platform, machine,
> data size ect. i'd be grateful.
> regards
> Artur
> Artur
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