WMS map download
Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI)
b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL
Sun Jul 9 22:43:02 PDT 2006
to download at the native resolution you can better use WCS instead of WMS.
Using WCS you can perform a DescribeCoverage operation which will give you the native resolution of your image. This can then be used in the GetCoverage request you request to Mapserver WCS.
An example snippet of a DescribeCoverage response:
<gml:offsetVector>25 0</gml:offsetVector>
<gml:offsetVector>0 -25</gml:offsetVector>
The first one is for the X-direction, the second for Y. So my dataset is at 25 x 25 meter per pixel resolution.
Example WCS GetCoverage request:
$mapurl .= "request=GetCoverage&coverage=[layer_name]&crs=epsg:28992&".
Output format used:
MIMETYPE "image/tiff"
Best regards,
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: UMN MapServer Users List
[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Ryan Ollerenshaw
Verzonden: maandag 10 juli 2006 1:39
Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS map download
Quoting "Curtis W. Ruck" <ruckc at yahoo.com>:
> Try using curl with quotes around the url, by having & signs in the command
> you are actually executing multiple commands or trying to.
Thank you for you help Curtis. When i try the command:
curl -O "http://neuron/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=../html/mapserver/htdocs/display.map"
a file is infact downloaded but it is not the image that i am looking for,
infact it is not an image at all, i would assume this is the case becuase i am
no longer specifying a layer name in the URL. Is there anyway i can download a
specific layer from MapServer?
> Quoting Ryan Ollerenshaw <ollerery at engr.orst.edu>:
> > I would like to make it possible for a user to download a full resolution
> map
> > from my Linux based WMS. Does anyone know where I can look to get started
> > implementing such a feature?
> It seems that i can use MapServers Web Coverage Services (WCS) to generate an
> image using the following in my mapfile:
> NAME GTiff
> MIMETYPE "image/tiff"
> But i am still not getting the full resolution of the images that i am
> requesting. Also i am still unsure how to download this image from the
> command
> line, cant i use something like curl or sftp? When i try to use curl i get
> the
> following:
> -- start output --
> [root at neuron ~]# curl -O
> [1] 32392
> [2] 32393
> [3] 32394
> [4] 32395
> [2]- Done SERVICE=WMS
> [3] Done VERSION=1.1.1
> [root at neuron ~]# % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time
> Time
> Time Current
> Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
> 100 544 0 544 0 0 7019 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
> 298k
> -- end output --
> Then nothing seems to happen. Any help with this would be great, thanks?
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