WMS getCapabilities and SRS

Sture Dingsøyr candalt at ONLINE.NO
Wed Jul 12 00:13:50 PDT 2006



I have a question regarding the SRS tag in getCapabilities.


In my mapfile I put all the EPSG codes that I want my layers to be available in with the METADATA tag ?wms_srs?, so that my layers look like this:







                        "wms_title"                                                                    "Fylke flate"

                        "wms_srs"                                                                                 "EPSG:4326 EPSG:25831 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:25834 EPSG:25835 EPSG:27391 EPSG:27392 EPSG:27393 EPSG:27394 EPSG:27395 EPSG:27396 EPSG:27397 EPSG:27398 EPSG:32631 EPSG:32632 EPSG:32633 EPSG:32634 EPSG:32635 EPSG:102132 EPSG:102133 EPSG:102134 EPSG:102135"

                        "wms_abstract"                                     "For å hente dette tema via WMS må ein nytte layer_74 som verdi i LAYER parameter"

                        "gml_include_items"                  "all"


            DATA "adaptive/74"

            STATUS off

            TRANSPARENCY 50

            TYPE polygon

            DUMP TRUE

            TEMPLATE "TRUE"

            NAME "layer_74"


                        COLOR 0 0 0

                        NAME "Fylke flate"

                        OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255

                        SYMBOL "horizontal"





In my getCapabilities file all the correct SRS tags are displayed like this:

- <Layer queryable="1" opaque="0" cascaded="0" noSubsets="0">


  <Title>Fylke flate</Title> 

  <Abstract>For å hente dette tema via WMS må ein nytte layer_74 som verdi i LAYER parameter</Abstract> 
























  <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-0.952145" miny="57.7524" maxx="31.9287" maxy="71.5653" /> 

  <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:32633" minx="-77249.9" miny="6.4483e+06" maxx="1.11456e+06" maxy="7.94045e+06" /> 

- <Style>



- <LegendURL width="20" height="15">


  <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://adaptiveutv.avinet.no/wms.aspx?version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&layer=layer_74&format=image/png" /> 






Now I am connection to some other external WMS service that use ARCIMS, and I can see there that the SRS (EPSG code) is not put on each layer, but on the ?service level??


My question is: What is the correct way of dooing this according to the WMS standard? Should each SRS be on each layer or on the ?service level?? 



Best regards


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